Which palm is used to look at the future. Palmistry and its meaning

Design and interior 30.09.2019
Design and interior

People with the right line of life have not only good health, but also a stable psyche. It is difficult to unbalance them and upset them with something, maybe that's why life goes well. These are hardy people who never give up and take maximum benefits from fate.

A thin, barely noticeable line speaks of an insecure and suspicious person. He has little vital energy, so he does not have good health and does not have charisma. As a rule, these are losers in life who simply exist. They acutely perceive any negative situations, they worry for a long time and often get colds.

If this line is located too close to the thumb, it will tell about the tendency to dramatize events. A person can fall into a depressed state for any reason and not get out of it for a long time.

double line

Sometimes you can find a double line of life. What does it say? Palmists claim that the second line shows a strong genetic fund of a person. These people are the owners of powerful self-healing energy, they are knee-deep in the sea and can do everything. In addition, they have a very strong will, which few people manage to bend.

These are minions of fate, optimists and lucky ones. They go through life with a song and are not afraid of anything. A light line can predict brilliant career military, and dark red will show a heartthrob or a loving person. Such people are very attractive to others, as they have charisma. However, the envy of those around them is not a hindrance - powerful energy is able to suppress any energy message in their direction.

What do the thin lines that cross the line of life mean? They indicate the emotional mobility of a person. A very good sign near this line is - it speaks of unexpected wealth. But the triangle, located directly on the line itself, symbolizes a possible death in a fire.

If the dashes rise up to the fingers, this indicates a constant replenishment. vitality. It’s bad if the dashes are directed towards the wrist - the vitality from you is constantly decreasing.

forked line

What does it mean if the line splits? This can be seen in the presence of a short life line. This indicates a lack of vitality. These people often get sick, are constantly tired and look lethargic. But if the life strip bifurcates at the very top, this predicts the patronage of an authoritative person.

Short line

Many people believe that short line life predicts an early death. Is it so? Palmists claim that this speaks of the coldness of a person’s nature, and not of his short century. But if the line, as it were, suddenly breaks right at the thumb, this may be a sign of premature death.

Can you extend your life? Globa proposed his own version of life extension: you need to draw exactly the strip on your right hand every day that you need. This is a kind of programming to extend your life. Draw a stripe with a red ink pen or a red felt-tip pen until your living space expands. How can you feel it? At first intuitively, and then you will notice that your life line has lengthened in the palm of your hand.

danger signs

Many people get scared when they see a break in the main line of the palm. How to determine how long to live? Does the gap show sudden death? Palmistry reassures on this score, saying that the gap symbolizes changes in life. For example, a person will change his worldview or move from one faith to another.

However, if the gaps are visible on both palms in the same place, it is worth considering. Sometimes it symbolizes an accident or some kind of tragedy in life. If crosses or dashes appear on the lines, this can warn of risky situations or diseases.

A bad sign is the combination of three lines into one - the lines of life, heart and head. What is the meaning of this combination? This speaks of an adventurous warehouse of a person’s character, a love of adrenaline and risky adventures. As a rule, such individuals do not live long, as they die in another adventure.

Sometimes on the line of life you can see islands that look like eyes. This indicates vision problems. If large islands are seen instead of islets, the sign warns of a serious illness. However, if you notice squares, then higher power you will be protected from premature death.

A lattice is considered a very unfavorable sign. This is a symbol of restrictions of any kind, including a prison cell. However, there is no need to get upset in advance, because the bars show both military service and study at a closed college.

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The lines of the hand carry important information about a person - his essence, past and future. It is believed that at birth, a picture of fate is displayed on the palm of the owner of the hand - its destiny. But in the process of life, the lines on the hand undergo changes.

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It is important to know which palm you can use to predict the future, to see special signs and marks that indicate significant situations and upcoming events in a person’s fate.

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      About the right and left palms

      The palmist examines the lines on both hands of both women and men. This is the only way to fully recreate the picture of a person's personality.

      A true professional will never study only one hand.

      Experts call passive left palm. This is due to the fact that it displays all the natural inclinations and character traits at birth. The left hand recreates general scheme fate - a matrix destined for man from above.

      • The right hand is active. The name speaks for itself. In the process of life, a person undergoes transformations, performs actions that can change the initial task of fate. That is, a person can independently "rewrite" his future.

        They usually predict events related to the future, children, financial well-being by hand. The palmist reveals the relevant details in the palm of your hand and gives his assessment of the problem.

        Fortune telling left-handed

        An interesting point is that the active right palm for divination is applicable only to right-handers. For left-handers, everything will happen exactly the opposite. The matrix of fate in such cases is written on the right (passive) palm, and they look at the future and the present only on the active one.

        For the rest, palmists guess by the hand the same way for both women and men.

        Nuances and questions

        Professionals judge the essence of a person not only by the hand, but also by the shape of the palms and fingers. All proportions and distances are taken into account. These nuances help to tell about the character of a person. Even in the shape of the hands, a lot of information is hidden for the keen eye of a professional.

        The palmist will certainly begin to look first at the left palm, and then at the right. He will "read" from the lines of the hand all the changes that have occurred in the process of life. For example, if fate was destined for a long way, then this will manifest itself in the form of a deep and clear line on the left palm. And on the right hand, for example, the same contour will be intermittent or shortened. The palmist will definitely pay attention to this nuance and indicate to the person about choosing the wrong path.

        Lines and mounds in the palm of your hand

        The first thing that usually catches your eye is lines on the surface of the skin and bumps located in various places. All of them have their own names and are studied both separately and in combination with each other. The main lines are:

        • life - talk about the duration of the human journey on Earth, the quality and volume of energy, the ability to endure difficulties;
        • hearts - reflect the emotional component of the personality, the ability to interact with people;
        • heads (or mind) - talk about the ability to think rationally, about the level of intelligence and self-awareness;
        • fates - show the presence of specific goals and directions of development in a person, often indicate a destiny from above;
        • marriage - such a line tells about the ups and downs in his personal life: about marriage and divorce.

        The bends themselves, their depth, clarity and color are examined. Discontinuity or the presence of islands sometimes indicates serious problems or sharp turns in the fate of a particular person.

        Special characters

        In addition to the individual arrangement of lines, their thickness, length, clarity, there are many other important details, such as patterns, geometric shapes, bumps or hillocks located at the base of the fingers on the hand.

        Palmists carefully study specific patterns in the palm of your hand, because they are signs that have a deep meaning.

The Life Line is the first and main of the 8 main lines. She appears the earliest at the age of 8 weeks. The accuracy of predicting positive and negative events in the fate of a person depends on how and on which hand the line of life is located.

What is the line of life

The semicircle enveloping Venus Hill is called the line of Life. It starts on the edge of the palm between the thumb and forefinger, runs diagonally down, and ends at the base of the thumb or wrist.

In palmistry, the hill and the thread are interpreted together. The hillock contains an energy potential, and the thread indicates the degree of disclosure of internal forces.

The strip does not show exactly how many years a person will live, does not name the date of his death. It predetermines how he will spend his life, given the opportunities available. The line is divided into age periods using dating systems.

  • 35 years. From the middle of the base of the finger of Saturn (middle) draw a vertical line down the palm. The point of intersection with the thread is 35 years.
  • 70 years old. The place where the line reaches the base of the thumb but does not yet turn to the right. Proportionately, the thread is cut into segments of 10 years.
  • 7 year cycle. The entire line from 0 to 70 is divided into 10 segments of 7 years.
  • 3 cuts. The thread is continued until it intersects with 1 groove of the wrist. This is a 100 year milestone. The whole line from the beginning is divided into 3 equal parts of 33 years.

In this matter, the opinions of palmists-specialists differ greatly. Each method has disadvantages. None guarantee an accurate result. The methods are theoretical and do not take into account diseases, accidents, and other events. They show how many people will live without troubles and hardships.

Which hand to read

Before divination along the line, they look at both hands. So the prediction will be accurate and truthful. There is a theory that right hand describes the future and the realization of opportunities in it, and the left one describes the present, the past and the inherent potential.

If a person has approximately the same both hands, then he and his fate have not changed much since the day of birth. In fact, he goes with the flow, does not make efforts to develop.

There is an opinion that women need to look left hand, in men - right. If a person is right-handed, then his active hand is right. The left one is passive. For lefties, the opposite is true.

The difference between both hands when fortune telling is fundamental. But if a prediction is made for a specific disease, then only the active one is looked at.

The financial condition is mainly determined by the strip of the right hand. The left will reflect the ability to make money.

Relations with people in the future look on the right hand, and in the past and present - on the left.

Main characteristics of the line

The beginning of the thread shows self-sufficiency and connection with the family. If the line departs from the hillock of Jupiter (under the index finger), such individuals become independent early, quickly achieve success.

The source near the thumb is found in closed, distant, lonely people. Connection at a point with the line of the head - attachment to relatives. The owner will always come to their aid. The line of Life and heads go together for a long period, and then diverge - relatives strongly influence a person. He acquires independence in adulthood.

The length of the line symbolizes energy. A long line predicts liveliness and energy in a person's character. A short thread, especially on the right hand, shows a lack of strength, weakness of health. Such a person is passive, may be prone to depression. In children, the furrow is small. But as you get older, it increases.

The width determines the activity of the owner. A fat furrow adds to the character of passivity, slowness. A person makes decisions for a long time, controls the events that take place, which are few. He doesn't do rash things.

A thin strip runs along the arm of the active, emotional person. The narrow thread shows the swiftness of the changes taking place. It happens that the wide line narrows. This suggests that a person acquires new character traits, his behavior changes. He becomes more emotional, active.

If there is a thin thread on the left hand, then the person has inherited emotionality. On the right - he acquired quality during his life.

The depth of the thread speaks of strength. If the thread is well felt, then the person is thoughtful, correctly prioritizes, brings things to the end. A superficial weak thread betrays a frivolous personality. A person is changeable, quickly moves from one thing to another. He cannot concentrate.

The bend of the thread is responsible for the attitude to life and events. The closer the thread passes to the thumb, the more likely the appearance of depression in its owner. The farther from the hill of Venus and the more curved the line, the more optimistic the person is. A smooth, straight line speaks of indifference, composure, calculation.

The ideal thread is continuous, clear, deep on both hands. She predetermines a long happy life. The absence of marks, spots only enhances the prediction. And if this thread doubles, that is, a sister line appears, then a person is able to quickly recover from negative events.

The end of the line can end with a branch, which means:

  • poor, lonely old age;
  • stinginess, indifference;
  • loss of property due to loved ones.

Signs on the line

Symbols may appear clear geometric shapes(triangle, circle), markings (dots, branches) and spots.

The point at the source of the main line means the removal of the tonsils in childhood. deep point blue color in the same place - the child suffered pneumonia. The rest show diseases.

A star in palmistry looks like branches intersecting at one point. She is an unfavorable symbol and predicts a sudden unpleasant incident.

A star, especially a 5-pointed one, at the end of the furrow predetermines the inevitability, fatality of a particular event. It can completely break the owner.

A square, a rhombus, a rectangle with a gap inside serves to mitigate sudden changes and circumstances. It seals the negative consequences inside (after moving, divorce, material deprivation). A person recovers quickly and loses less energy. In other cases, the square predicts the limitation of the individual: imprisonment, military service, etc.

Spots, moles matter if they are on the life line and near it. A mole on the thread of the right hand means a serious test at a particular age. The disappearance of the stain indicates a solution to the problem.

If the spot is at the intersection of the lines of Life, Mind and Heart, then it predicts danger. It cannot be avoided, but you can prepare for it. Death marks birthmark at the intersection of the lines of Life and Health.

A mole on a man's right hand predicts him luck in business, luck. A woman has a calm, measured life. In right-handers (left-handers), a mark on the left (right) hand shows a hereditary disease.

Ascending branches from the strip indicate an ambitious person who strives for a better life. Descending strokes - loss of strength, weakness.

Bands crossing the main line predict intervention. It can be both external obstacles and internal discord.


The interpretation of these symbols on the thread of life is significantly different from the predictions in other places of the palm. If the sign is correct, well defined, then it is positive, and vice versa.

Depending on the location of the cross on the furrow, it is interpreted as follows:

  • at the end - natural death;
  • in the beginning - obstacles in childhood, youth;
  • in the middle - problems with the cardiovascular system.

Several marks indicate the eccentricity of a person, his craving for self-improvement. He is sincere and devoted. His intellect helps to soberly assess the actions of people.

Crosses located next to the life line also have an influence. The presence of an element near the line at its beginning means the owner moved in early childhood and the financial difficulties of his family. The cross between the lines of Life and Fate at the end is read by rescuers and medical workers.

The symbol near the line on the hill of Venus is associated with family and relationships with people. The sign portends problems with friends, relatives, betrayal, divorce. It can also be interpreted as difficulties in communicating with the team at work. Three such marks side by side indicate a break in relations with all relatives and friends.


By this symbol they study financial opportunities human and potential wealth. Significant symbols are formed by the intersection of the Life strip with other lines. They appear on both hands, but on one of them they are clearer. These are money signs.

If on the right hand the angle looks towards the hill of Venus, the thumb, then such people are lucky in any financial business. The larger the symbol, the luckier and more successful person. A similar situation on the left hand means that money and values ​​\u200b\u200bfor a person are in the first place.

Turning the top of the figure in the other direction is interpreted as a bad relationship with money. These are hereditary punishments for the sins of the ancestors. A person has periods of poor existence. But if he passes these tests, he will be rewarded by fate and deserve wealth.

If a large money figure is read on the left hand, but it is not on the right hand, then the owner has chosen the wrong path. He will not lead him to wealth and success. The symbol may appear in the palm of your hand if the correct path is found.

The symbol adjacent to the line has an unfavorable meaning. The size determines the length of the black bar. This is the time of loss of material values. The presence of another such sign nearby is interpreted as bad luck, failure in business.

The number of triangles is directly proportional to success and opportunities. Better 2 small signs than one big one.

For correct interpretation triangle, it is important what lines it consists of. If the stripes are straight, deep, clear, then the owner will not have problems with money.

It happens that the triangle is difficult to see with the naked eye, its sides are curved and intermittent. A person's money will not be delayed. He won't be able to accumulate.


Breakup doesn't necessarily mean doom. This is also a sign of change in fate.

The intermittent butt-end bar speaks of a temporary black bar, but with a favorable outcome of events:

  • getting rid of diseases;
  • solving financial problems;
  • Moving to another city.

The cut of the line, which is in the middle, is interpreted as serious contradictions in the character of a person. He needs to think about self-improvement and personal growth.

If the strip is interrupted by a dotted line, this predicts a long illness. If the solid line is continued further, the person will be successfully cured.

An internal break with a continuation along the line of Destiny means cardinal changes: dismissal followed by a job with a well-paid job, divorce with the creation of a new happy family.

With an external break, the strip continues elsewhere. This predicts: a change of faith, worldview, moving to another country for permanent residence.

The discontinuity of the line on 2 hands is a sign of a short life, predicts the threat of death. It also happens like this: on the left, the furrow is torn, but not on the right. The owner will have serious illness, but he will be able to recover if he reveals it in time.


Islands - small ovals of different lengths, interrupting the strip. Basically, they are elongated and rise above the lines. They weaken the characteristics of the segment on which they are located. This sign is unfavorable, it symbolizes a disease that will chain a person to bed for a long time. The longer the islands, the more of them, the weaker the health of the owner.

The quality of the strip after the sign will tell about the consequences of the disease. A thin, intermittent line indicates a chronic disease that prevents the owner from living and working normally.

One small island on the line is interpreted as a difficult birth, a dangerous operation.

If the trait begins with an island, then its owner does not know how to concentrate in childhood and adolescence. He doesn't like to study, he misses school, he may not even finish it. Such a sign is often read on the hands of foster children, orphans.

The location of the sign in the first third of the strip means congenital diseases of the spine:

  • scoliosis;
  • back injury in youth;
  • vertebral displacement.

The presence of a character in the middle of the dash - problems with genitourinary system, intestines. The island in the final part - diseases of the veins and joints of the legs.

Eight or a chain of islands at the beginning of the journey means prolonged illness in childhood. A string of symbols throughout the strip indicates an emotionally unbalanced person.


More often, the line of Life is present on both hands and is complemented by marks. They signal problems and events.

An exceptional case - the absence of a line - predicts a restless, nervous fate, mental illness of the owner. But timely interpretation will help to avoid troubles or mitigate them.

The ancient science of palmistry has been very popular since ancient times. It was along the lines located on the palms that people learned not only to predict fate, but also to read the character traits of a particular person. special role in palmistry, the line of life has always played. If you look closely at it, you will notice that it is special for each person. Where is it located and what does the line of life on the hand mean?

How to find the line of life in the palm of your hand?

The line of life cannot be overlooked on the hand, since it covers the entire tubercle of the palm under the thumb. This line can have dotted lines, interrupting sections, ramifications, and the study of these features helps to decipher not only the fate of their owner, but also his character.

It is necessary to look for the line of life in the palm of the dominant hand. For example, if a person is right-handed, then it is better to guess at his fate in the right palm and vice versa.

The life line can reveal such secrets of fate:

  • approximate life expectancy;
  • his health at different stages of fate;
  • opportunities to realize their potential;
  • the presence or absence of relatives and friends;
  • preferred activity.

The life line may change slightly at different stages of life. In palmistry, it is believed that certain events in the fate of a person are displayed in the drawing of his palm. The life line is not an exact, but only an approximate interpretation of fate. The features of this line can be taken as tips to help you avoid trouble, become better or realize your potential.

Which hand to look at - transcript

Ideally, the line of life should be clear, moderately wide and continuous. The fewer defects on it, such as dots, dotted lines, intersections, the calmer and happier a person's life will be.

The length of this line also speaks volumes. If it is insignificant, then a short life awaits a person and vice versa. Interruptions in the line of life promise a variety of difficulties in the form of a variety of fatal cases that do not depend on the actions and health of the individual: fatal illnesses, disability, betrayal.

When analyzing the line in the palm that is responsible for life, it is important to consider exactly how it begins. The line begins in all people between the index and thumb, where it intersects with the line of the mind. Many people believe that this sign in palmistry is regarded as a display of exceptional wisdom, but this is not so.

The intersection of the life line of the mind and life indicates that the person is generous and sincere, but these qualities apply only to close people. With the rest, such individuals behave detachedly.

If the line of mind and life go together, forming a solid line, and then branch out, then this is a sign of a generous person who shows compassion towards everyone. If both lines do not touch, then the person is very selfish, and she is only interested in material wealth.

There are other features of the life line that should not be ignored. What does life line mean?

The life line of many people resembles a chain consisting of a large number of weaves. Such a palm indicates that a person has easy temper which makes it easy to build relationships with others. Such people are destined for interesting acquaintances and exciting adventures.

End of line - meaning

When fortune-telling according to the drawing of hands, it is important to pay attention to the end of the life line, since one can read the fate of a person by its features. If the end is directed towards the hill of the Moon, life will end as a result of an accident, a fight or a natural disaster.

The branch, going towards the hill of Venus, predicts the test of a life partner with a disease.

The branching towards Jupiter testifies to career advancement, successful studies and exciting travels. But luck in a person's life will have a short-term character.

A branch of the life line running towards the middle finger (Saturn) warns of problems at work, stressful family life and conflicts with children. If the branch of the life line goes to the ring finger associated with the Sun, then a person will have constant luck and excellent opportunities to realize potential.

The branch going to the line of Mercury portends successful marriage and true friendship. If the line of life branches to the line of Mars, then you can expect a large number of exciting journeys.

If there are serifs on the life line that cross the line, then this can be regarded as a test of stressful situations provoked by loss of health, broken relationships, betrayals, etc.

An interesting feature of the life line is the presence of a triangle looking at the hill of Venus, as it portends the winning of a large amount.

If the line of life suddenly changes trajectory, but does not break, the person is likely to move and live away from home. This event may be associated with marriage to a foreigner, work in another state.

If the line in its particular section moves to the side, then this can be regarded as a personality crisis, giving impetus to grandiose changes in the fate of a person. It can be a completely new worldview, significant acquaintances and other significant events.

Palmistry is the oldest divinatory system that can tell a lot about the characteristics of a single person: about his character traits, the events he has experienced, and also about what the future holds for him. And all this - according to the relief of the palm and appearance the hand itself. It is extremely difficult to become a master in the field of palmistry, and the person who wishes must first understand how to correctly guess by hand.

Fundamentals of Palmistry

Many people who are just starting to delve into this topic, as a rule, are interested in which hand is used to tell women and men, and also what is the difference between the right palm and the left. There is one rule for all palmists - both beginners and advanced. It consists in which hand palmists guess women or men. It is necessary that during the process of reading the fate of a certain person, the lines of both hands are taken into account.

In palmistry, it is important to divide hands into passive and active. For right-handers, the right hand is considered the active hand, for left-handers, respectively, divination by the left hand will be necessary.

Passive palm indicates what the person was already born with. With the help of this hand, one can determine his character, which was formed in childhood, as well as what contribution was made by his parents and what fate itself gave him. By the same hand, the causes of the circumstances that have developed in his life are determined.

Among other things, the passive palm is able to tell the palmist about a person’s past and the life span that was allotted to him at birth.

Active hand will indicate to the palmist what a person was able to achieve on his own, how he influenced his life and what changes he made to what was given to him from birth. In other words, the active hand demonstrates all the previous activities of a person during his life and how he dealt with what fate provided him.

From this palm, you can also determine the situation in the present and the possible future of a person, see what he needs, all his dreams and thoughts, as well as what he is currently doing.

Divination process

In order for you to be able to see the full picture of human destiny in all its colors, you should guess, as already mentioned , on both hands. This is what makes it possible for an adept in the art of palmistry to discern the events that are approaching a person from the future and, probably, warn him about them.

Here the simplest example: on the passive palm, the line of a person’s life is well expressed, it is long and deep, and on the active palm this line stands out weakly, then this is direct evidence that the person who is being guessed is somewhat mismanaging his life. In such a situation, the palmist should politely tell the person that he urgently needs to change something in his life, because if he does not do this, there will be trouble.

Highly important point is to always remember the meaning of the right and left palms and correctly interpret the information received in accordance with this knowledge.

Love in the palm of your hand

Understanding the meanings of the lines on your hands is the key to unlocking your future. These lines can even be regarded as a kind of life map. In order to know how to correctly guess by hand and correctly interpret fortune-telling, in the age of the Internet it is not at all necessary to be a professional and learn for a long time. Now there is an opportunity to learn how to learn how to guess by the hand for the future, to predict your own fate on your own, even if you have not come into contact with this topic before.

So , here's what you need to get started:

  1. Look at your active hand (if you are right-handed - this is the right hand, left-handed - the left).
  2. Focus fully on this hand, as you will now need to find four main lines in the palm. These are the lines of the heart, mind, destiny and life.

First, pay attention to your heart line. It must be read from the outer edge of the palm to the inner. Here are the various interpretations:

Mind line

She does not represent your mental capacity- rather describes a way of thinking. The line starts between the thumb and forefinger. Here are the various interpretations from which you can choose the most suitable for you:

life line

Of course, everyone has heard of her. You need to read it, starting from the top from the dot, located between the index and thumb, and up to the wrist. Interpretations:

Fate in the palm of your hand

The last one to be considered the so-called line of fate, which is read from the wrist (goes from bottom to top). And here are her interpretations:

Tips for Success and Wealth

There are a number of signs that a person is destined to become rich and successful. Here are ten of the most common ones:

All this in palmistry is a symbol of good luck and happiness. In the event that from the above you have found at least three such signs in yourself, then you can be sure that your fate will turn out well.

Ways of knowing personality

The openness of a certain person can be judged by the distance between the lines of the mind and heart in his palm. If they are located close to each other, then the person is rather closed. If they are far away, then, accordingly, the opposite is true.

Whether a person has sympathy or is absolutely cold to everyone and everything can be told by how the heart line is located relative to the fingers on the hand. If it is high enough - a person is indifferent, low - he knows how to empathize and helps others.

What role logic plays in the life of a certain person can be found out by looking at the size of the second phalanx of his thumb. In the event that it is longer than the first, then the person is more guided by logic than by his emotions.

You can also learn about self-esteem through palmistry. To do this, just look at the length of the fingers: ring and index. If they are the same, then self-esteem is at a healthy level, the index finger is shorter - the person is unsure of himself, longer - obvious self-confidence.

The hill of Venus is the base of the thumb, that is, that part of it that sticks out is able to tell the palmist about how strong-willed the owner of this finger is. If this hill is solid and well developed, and the life line goes around it in an arc - a strong-willed and hardy person. The hill is soft, the line of life is not very pronounced - the owner is physically and morally weak.

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