International Day for Tolerance. world day for tolerance

Pregnancy and children 20.07.2019
Pregnancy and children

On April 12, in the education center of the village of Amguema, an action "100 points for Victory" was organized and held for 11-graders. The school administration supported the All-Russian initiative and initiated a number of events for the graduates of the current academic year.


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"Number lesson"

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Official site for posting information about state (municipal) institutions

Dear site visitors! You are given the opportunity to provide feedback on the work of any organization in the field of culture, health, education, social services and federal agencies medical and social expertise, the results of an independent quality assessment and plans to eliminate deficiencies posted on the official website for posting information about state (municipal) institutions. To do this, you need to follow the link Please note that leaving a review...


On February 15, 2019, at the education center, parents of eleventh graders took part in All-Russian action"A single day for passing the exam for parents." It is known that the Unified State Examination often becomes a more severe test for parents than for graduates. The lack of information makes dads and moms think of all sorts of horrors that their children may face in exams. On the other hand, the point of view is still not uncommon that the USE is a "guessing game", an exam in which, with a lucky stack ...


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Date in 2019: November 16, Saturday.

“Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim underwater like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn to live on earth like people.” (B. Shaw) The Day of Tolerance, which is celebrated all over the world in November, is dedicated to this art - to live with people and among people.

"Tolerance is the art of living in a world of people and ideas."(AG Asmolov) Not every person on the planet can boast of tolerance and loyalty to phenomena that do not correspond to his life principles. And with the development of civilization, the issues of hatred, rejection, disgust for the excellent, for the other, unfortunately, came to the fore. new level, threatening not only well-being and tranquility, but also peace on the planet. Global community forced to raise issues of tolerance and tolerance every day. And in mid-November, there is even a special holiday dedicated to these qualities.

Who celebrates the holiday?

The beauty of our world lies in its diversity. It is thanks to the diversity of views, religions, thoughts of people that the development of civilization is multifaceted. Therefore, it is so important to respect someone else's point of view, originality. Discrimination leads to extremism, violence and even wars on this basis.

Everyone who understands the importance of tolerance, the meaning of tolerance, will celebrate Tolerance Day in 2019 in Russia. And these will not be just empty words about the importance of understanding and respect, but actions that will bring people together and avoid violence.

history of the holiday

"Tolerance means respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and manifestation of human individuality." Article 1 of the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. It is with this document that the history of the International Day for Tolerance begins, which has become a symbol of tolerance throughout the world. The proclamation of the principles and the holiday itself took place in 1995. Both events are associated with the 50th anniversary of the organization.

In 1997, the UN Assembly calls on the participating countries to join the celebration and announces the Year of Tolerance. Intolerance is seen as a threat to humanity. Therefore, within the framework of the holiday and the declaration, programs are being developed to combat intolerance, discrimination, and extremism.

Tolerance in modern realities

As part of the aggravation of conflicts on the planet that have arisen on the basis of different views on faith, on political decisions, on national assessments, the International Day for Tolerance 2019 is becoming especially relevant. After all, millions of adults and children suffer from the consequences of military conflicts and terrorist attacks due to the lack of mutual understanding between people.

And only at first glance, the course of history does not depend on the actions and actions of an ordinary person. If everyone contributes to the creation of the world, says aloud how important a loyal attitude towards their dissident brothers is, takes a step towards an imaginary enemy, the holiday will not be in vain.

Congratulations on the Day of Tolerance

Tolerance Day is the most understanding holiday. On this day, I would like to wish that life would be happy and calm, and the people who surround us always understand, respect and appreciate each other. I wish the world to be shrouded in an atmosphere of kindness and generosity. Therefore, I want to say to everyone - be kinder, more humane and calmer. And then you will see how brightly the sun shines around you!

The main thing that I want to wish on the Day of Tolerance is respect. After all, without it, it is impossible to build any relationship. May support, care and sympathy reign in the world not only on this holiday, but always. Let each of us respect and accept the nation, skin color and eye shape. We are all humans. Happy Tolerance Day!

Tolerance Day is not a joke,

He is wildly beautiful, like forget-me-nots.

He gives the world from century to century

For this, great respect to him.

Happy Tolerance Day, friends!

We are all a big happy family!

What is good about such an important holiday?

Respect, honor, kindness.

There is nothing more pleasant

Like the kindest people.

Tolerance is important

This is peace on earth

So let's go people

Do not succumb to the power of darkness!

I congratulate you on the holiday

Peace, I wish you all the best.

Be happier people

And then your path will not be difficult!

Larisa, October 16, 2016.

Classroom teacher : Kuzmenko A.V.

The date of the:11/15/2016

A single lesson on the topic:

"International Day of Tolerance"»

People are born different: different, unique.

In order to understand others, you need to cultivate patience in yourself.

Our land is a place where we can love each other, observe

traditions and continue the history of the Planet of Tolerance.



    introduce the concept of "tolerance";

    identify the main features of tolerance;

    form the correct idea of ​​tolerant behavior.


    to cultivate a sense of respect for each other, for the customs, traditions and culture of different peoples;

    to cultivate internationalism, a communicative culture of communication and mutual understanding.


    to continue the formation of a tolerant attitude of classmates among themselves;

    to promote the development of self-awareness in pupils, which helps children see themselves and others as they really are;

    develop tolerance for differences between people.



    Now I will ask everyone to stand in an even circle facing inward very closely to each other. Then put your hands on each other's shoulders, raise your right leg and stretch it to the center of the circle, and at my command everyone takes a step inside, and in unison we cheerfully say:

    If everyone is tolerant of each other,

    Together we will make our world tolerant.

    (distribution of commemorative bookmarks "Conditions for the implementation of the principle of tolerance" for books to all participants in the class hour. (Appendix 4.)


    I thank everyone for their active participation. I see that I liked the class hour, and I hope that it left a deep mark on the soul of everyone, helped us all to understand that only respect for each other, mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect for equality will actually save the world. We will not be able to suddenly make either our own behavior or the behavior of other people tolerant, and we should not reproach ourselves for this. However, even the smallest step in this direction is important.

    May each of you, may our class, our school, our village and our Russia always be islands of tolerance for all the inhabitants of the big planet Earth.

    slide 22.

    Thank you for your attention!

    (The song “Children of the Sun” (“Deti_solntsa”, the group “Fidgets”, the album “10 years is the Best”, 2001)

November 16 - International Day of Tolerance (Tolerance). We offer a simple and effective interpretation of tolerance, which you can convey to your audience through the conversation "Tolerance: from definition to reality".

1996 General Assembly invited Member States to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance on 16 November each year with relevant events aimed at both educational establishments and the general public (resolution 51/95 of 12 December). This decision was taken in connection with the observance in 1995 of the Year of the United Nations, dedicated to tolerance which was proclaimed by the Assembly in 1993 (resolution 48/126). For more official documents, see the UN website.

  1. Definition of tolerance (diversity, non-concession, rejection of dogmatism, justice)
  2. Development recommendations (state, society, education)
  3. Types of tolerance (natural, moral and ethical)
  4. The real basis of tolerance (universal values ​​and empathy)

You can view the detailed text of the meeting and video recording on the website. The possible duration of the meeting can be about one hour.

“My definition: tolerance is the ability to restrain oneself in conflict situation in the name of something greater (human values ​​or significant people).

We often talk about Human Rights, but tolerance is the duty of the individual in society. Developing tolerance, we must first understand, accept and voluntarily fulfill our Duties of a person, which will become the basis for Rights.”

Evgeny Skvortsov

Other activities available in the section peacekeeping » on the website of educational materials

You can use the idea of ​​signing by the participants of your event Manifesto for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence*. It can be hung in the lobby of your office or educational institution. . Don't forget to tell us about yourself if you like our content. We will tell you about you on our websites and in a report for the UN

* The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year 2000 the "International Year for a Culture of Peace". MANIFESTO 2000 was developed by a group of laureates Nobel Prize of the world gathered in Paris on the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Tolerance playlist:

Representatives of 16 Russian cities held a rally in honor of November 16 - International Day of Tolerance. The participants united under the motto “We are for the friendship of nations!”, made posters and booklets, took photos and recorded a video.

On November 13, a discussion took place in Yekaterinburg, dedicated to the Day tolerance, the results of which were conclusions about the limitations of tolerance, if it is not preceded by an understanding of common goals and values ​​for people.

On November 15-16, 2016, an action dedicated to international day tolerance.

On November 16, 1995, the Member States of UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. In 1996, the UN General Assembly invited Member States to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance on November 16 every year, coinciding with it appropriate events aimed at both educational institutions and the general public. The Declaration of Principles on Tolerance proclaims that all human beings are inherently different, but equal in dignity and rights. According to the document, tolerance means respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of the world's cultures, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality. Most effective tool prevention of intolerance is, according to the declaration, education, which begins with teaching people what their common rights and freedoms are, in order to ensure the exercise of these rights, and with encouraging the desire to protect the rights of others.

The purpose of the action is to foster a sense of respect among students for each other, customs, traditions and culture of different peoples.

Organizers of the action: Volunteer movement of OrSMU students, department of social work, student councils of hostels of Orgmu.

On November 15, 2016, a mass information and educational campaign dedicated to the International Day of Tolerance was held in the student dormitories and academic buildings of the university, during which activists of the Volunteer Movement of Orgmu students offered everyone to write on multi-colored palms - the symbols of the day, how they understand the word tolerance and stick a bright sticker on the poster. At the end of the action, bright posters were created, combined into one with the motto of the day "We are together, we are one."

On November 16, 2016, the quest "We are together, we are united" was held in student hostel No. 2. Five teams took part in the game - representatives of three student dormitories, the Association of Student Curators and the Volunteer Movement of Orgmu Students. As guests of honor were invited acting. Vice-Rector for educational, social work and public relations T.K. Samodelkina, head of the social work department O.N. Kargina and the commandant of hostel No. 2 U.G. Bekenova.

Each team was given the task to go through 8 thematic stations dedicated to the culture and traditions of the peoples inhabiting Russia. Despite the fact that during the quest the participants were divided into teams, at the end of the game everyone united at one large table with sweet national dishes and tea.

Tolerance Day has become a real holiday for university students, whose life is based on the principles of non-violence and tolerance, respect and understanding of the individuality of each person! Happy holiday!

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