Games on a military theme for the camp. Military-patriotic programs in children's camps

Diets 17.03.2021

Sending children to summer camp, parents expect that they will spend the shift with benefit - they will play sports, walk, eat right in accordance with the daily routine. And the main thing for children is that it is interesting and fun. This can be achieved using a variety of games in the camp for teenagers and children of primary school age. But not every game is able to capture the attention of modern children. Consider some games for the camp, which are nice to have in your pedagogical piggy bank for every counselor.

Dating games in the camp

The children who come to the camp, for the most part, do not know each other. In order for them to quickly remember the names and appearance of their comrades, to find friends with whom they have common hobbies, on the first day of the shift, teachers should hold special games for children in the camp, and this can be done at the so-called "Dating Evening".

Note that the proposed games for acquaintance can also be used as games for rallying in the camp. That is, one shot this case you can kill two birds with one stone, or even three, given that playing these useful games, among other things, you can have fun and have an interesting time.

  1. What did I bring with me

This exercise not only introduces children, but also helps them find friends with similar interests.

Children sit in a circle. Each participant in turn presents to his comrades 1-2 things that are important for him (a book, a photograph, a soft toy) from those that he took with him to the camp, and talks about his feelings associated with these items. After a short story by the participant, the children can ask him questions about this thing.

  1. Circle of names

All participants are placed in a circle (the circle gives a sense of community, belonging to the whole). The effect can be enhanced by holding hands.

The first participant says his name, the next says the name of him and the previous child. And so on in a circle, which ends with the first participant repeating the names of all the children.

Adults can also join this game. This will help children and counselors feel like they are on the same team. Also, this exercise will help children relieve stress and begin to adapt in a new team. If children have difficulty remembering the names of peers or older comrades, they should be helped. The main goal of the exercise is to unite the new team.

After some time, the exercise can be supplemented short stories about yourself on a specific topic. At the same time, the children must repeat the neighbor's text using the first person. For example: "You are Sasha. You are fond of drawing and football."

  1. Who called me

Children get close. One child moves away from the others and turns his back. The host points to the participant, who should call the departed by name. And the child must guess who exactly called him. For example: "You called me, Katya!". If the participant guessed the child by voice, but cannot remember his name, then he should clarify this with the one who called him. It is important not to allow children to point fingers. The more they talk and address each other by name, the faster friendships will develop.

  1. Boys and girls

Children are divided into teams of boys and girls and sit opposite each other. Boys team name any woman's name. The owners of this name (if any) from the opposite team rise and say a few words about themselves. Then, the girls' team calls male name. And then already the boys, whose name was called, designate themselves and talk about themselves. The game ends when all the names of the participants are pronounced.

  1. Shoulder to shoulder

Participants stand on the bench with their feet. At the command of the counselor, the children should sit on it in alphabetical order of the first letters of their names. It is allowed to move only in such a way that the feet do not touch the floor.

  1. Romp

At the command of the counselor, the children call out their names. The goal of the game is to assemble a team of your namesakes faster than others.

  1. Cheat-reminder

Each child is given a card with their name written on it. Participants are divided into several teams. Members of Team 1 take turns introducing themselves and briefly talking about themselves. Then they pass their cards to the opposing team. The task of the opposing team is to correctly return them to the children so that everyone gets a name card back.

Then, the teams switch places. For each correctly placed card, the team receives one point.

  1. Who is who

Each child is given paper and a pencil. The counselor marks five minutes. During this time, children should get to know each other and find out who wants to be who when they grow up. The collected information should be recorded. The player who interviewed more children than the rest wins.

  1. Relay race

Two teams participate, each of which is given a piece of paper. Players take turns calling their first and last name loudly, taking a step forward.

First round: the participants of each team take turns writing down their last name on a sheet, and returning to their place, shout their name.

In the second round, you need to change sheets. The winner is the team that wrote down the names opposite the last names, while making fewer inaccuracies.

  1. Trust Service

Children are seated in two rows (a row of boys and a row of girls). The participant opposite is a partner. The girls take turns whispering their name to their partner. The task of the first boy in a row is to convey this name to his neighbor next to him. The second boy must give the name of the first girl and the name of his partner. The third - the names of the first two girls and his partner. And so on until the end of the row of boys. The last boy calls all the girls' names in order. If he guessed the name, then the girl rises, if not, she continues to sit.

  1. Postman

Children are divided into two teams. Opposite each player is an envelope, which indicates to whom it should be delivered (from the opposite team). Seeing the name on the envelope - the player must say it out loud. The recipient needs to raise his hand and say that it is him. The postman must deliver the letter to the addressee as quickly as possible.

The fastest team is the winner.

Participants sit in a circle. The counselor gives the following instruction: "We keep score in a circle. The player who gets a number that is divisible by three must say his name instead of a number." Exercise perfectly develops attention and memory.

  1. name yourself

Participants sit in a circle with their arms outstretched. The first player tosses the ball to any child, saying their name. After that, he needs to lower his hands. The second player tosses the ball to someone else, who stands with their arms outstretched, says their name, and puts their hands down. When all participants have their hands down, the second stage begins. At this stage, the children should throw the ball to the same participant as the first time, remembering to introduce themselves.

At the third stage, the task becomes more complicated: the participant throwing the ball must give the name of the person from whom he received the ball, his own name and the name of the person to whom he passes the ball. The player who received the ball does the same.

This exercise perfectly develops children's memory and helps to get to know each other.

Look for more dating games in the camp for children

Games to identify the leader in the camp

On the very first evening, it is useful to play games to identify the leader in the camp, detachment.

Good organizers from among the children who can independently prepare a small event: a skit, a song, a competition are a help for counselors. These children are immediately visible. They are eagerly followed by their peers. It is important to identify these guys in the first days of the shift and involve them in cooperation.

  1. Poems by Barto

It is necessary to prepare cards in advance, on each of which one line from A. Barto's poems from the "Toys" cycle will be written. All children know these verses by heart. Each participant takes a card on which one line is written. At the signal of the counselor, the children begin to find out which of the comrades has the missing lines. The task of the guys is to find "their" poem as quickly as possible, unite in a group and read it in chorus.

  1. Photo for family album

Participants of the game must present themselves as big friendly family, which is to be photographed for the family album. To do this, the guys need to decide who will play what role: who will become a photographer, an assistant to a photographer, who will be one or another family member. The photographer, along with an assistant, help the guys line up for a photo.

As a rule, children with leadership qualities. The photographer counts to three, the "family" cheerfully shouts "Cheese" - the photo is ready.

  1. Big game

The game consists of several stages, at each of which participants receive tasks. The complexity of tasks increases with each new stage.

The facilitator breaks the participants into 5-6 small teams. The children are told that this is a game with a secret, but they will only find out at the end of the game. The secret is that at the end of each stage, the host will give the game participants chips, the color of which will depend on the activity shown in the game. The guys should not be aware of the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the chips, and they are as follows:

  • white chip - for the leader-organizer;
  • yellow - for the leader-inspirer;
  • green - for the observer;
  • red - for the performer.

At first, the simplest and smallest task is given - so that the guys get used to their new team. For example, come up with for your team interesting name. It will take no more than 3-5 minutes to complete the task.

Then the players can be offered the following tasks (they can be changed or supplemented at the discretion of the facilitator):

  • Collect a puzzle or mosaic - a task without a time limit, the team that completes the task first wins.
  • Draw a picture on a topic common to all teams. Time 5 minutes.
  • Write a poem with the given rhymes. You have 4 minutes to complete this task.
  • In 5 minutes, make a crossword puzzle consisting of 5 words on a topic common to all teams. Example topics: countries and cities, animals and plants, history, etc.
  • Write in 3 minutes short story all words that start with the same letter.
  1. How many fingers?

Players sit in a circle with the leader. On command, the facilitator shows the participants a certain number of fingers. At the same time, as many people should get up from the chairs as the leader showed the fingers. In this game, players need to be fast and attentive. As a rule, children who are striving for leadership are the first to get up from their chairs, and later - indecisive and less sociable.

  1. desert island

In this game, the guys will play the role of explorers of a desert island. On a small but fast ship, they will set off on a long journey to distant and unfamiliar shores.

The facilitator helps the participants to break into 2-3 small teams. Each team gives a name to their ship.

The game consists of several mini-games.

  • Game one. Departure.

In this game, the teams receive the task together, with the whole team to say the word "Let's set sail!". To do this, the players will have to agree with each other in advance. As a rule, it is the leader who takes over the management of this process.

  • Game two. Crew formation.

To set off, the guys need to create a crew, namely, choose the captain of the ship, the navigator and the "hare". The rest of the crew will become passengers. In the distribution of roles on the ship, the most active part is taken by the guys striving for leadership; for themselves, they, as a rule, choose the role of "hare".

  • Game three. Overnight on the island.

After a three-day voyage, the ship finally ended up off the coast of an uninhabited island. Travelers are tired, they need to settle down for the night. Since the island is uninhabited, they prudently took tents with them. Crew members and passengers need to stay in tents for the night.

Each team has two 2-person tents, one 3-person tent and one 1-person tent.

If the number of players in the team is not equal to 8, the host must change the number and capacity of tents so that the total number of places is equal to the number of participants, and that each team has one 1-person tent, and there are 2 and 3 - local tents.

According to who will be accommodated in which tent, the leader can get an idea of ​​​​what groups are in the children's team. Hidden, unrecognized leaders or "outcasts" usually remain in a 1-person tent.

Games in the bus for children in the camp

For children in the camp, excursions to a museum or theater are often organized. In addition, the arrival of children at the camp and departure after the end of the shift is often carried out by buses. A long trip will not be burdensome, and the time will fly by if during the journey the guys sing funny songs, listen to the counselor's fascinating story about the area the bus passes by, or play an interesting game.

So, the children's team is located in the bus. Of course, for starters, adults, of course, give a lot of safety instructions. For example, how to behave correctly in transport: it is forbidden to open windows, run around the cabin and scatter garbage. After the briefing is over, it's time to play entertaining games on the bus that will not let little travelers get bored.

  1. Name + name = words

If the children sitting next to each other do not yet know each other, it is necessary to invite them to find out each other's names. Let them introduce themselves and ask the names of their neighbors. After that, you should tell the rules of the game.

For example, Kolya and Sasha are driving nearby. They will have to put together the letters that make up their names, and from these letters make up the maximum number of new words. The time allotted for the task is 5 minutes. This pair of children can come up with the words: porridge, juice, stake, shock. The pair of children who comes up with the most words wins. It is necessary to agree in advance whether to use full names or diminutives.

  1. guess who

Pieces of paper with names are folded into a bag or box. famous people. In turn, each of the children should pull out one of the pieces of paper and depict with the help of movements, gestures or speech, the one who fell out to him. The task of the rest is to guess.

  1. Divination

Many children, especially girls, love various fortune-telling, so offer them one of the options to do this. Let everyone think of a question that interests him or some funny question. And announce how the answer will be received. There can be a lot of options. For example, if exactly one minute later there is a tree to the left of the bus, the answer to the question is positive, or if a white car is driving towards you, the answer will be negative. Another option: if the bus makes its next turn to the right, the wish will come true, but not to the left.

  1. two rows

The host invites the children to divide into two teams according to the rows in which they sit on the bus. The task is given to the right team looking out the window to count 5 blue cars (houses, fences). The left team, for its part, must find 5 green cars (houses, fences).

  1. show and name

The leader recites to the children:

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's have fun playing.

You guys don't yawn

And repeat after me.

The facilitator shows a part of the body and calls it. Children do the same. After several shows, when the children get used to the instructions, the teacher names and shows different parts, thereby confusing the children. Participants must notice the discrepancy and not make mistakes.

  1. Broken phone

This popular game can also be played on the bus. Let the guys pass the words to each other from the first places to the last.

  1. Clap your hands

First you need to invite everyone to clap their hands together, loudly so that it can be heard by passing by. The host claps along with the children for a while, then stops and offers to clap:

  • girls only;
  • only for boys;
  • only to those who always tell the truth;
  • only for those who love summer;
  • only those who can swim;
  • only for those who love lemonade, chocolate, ice cream, semolina (etc.);
  • only for those who go to the camp for the first time;
  • only to those who have never been to our camp;
  • and now they all clap together - they greet our old and new friends.

Also, a song will help pass the time on the road. For choral singing, you can use the camp anthem or a well-known song. But in any case, it is better to print out the lyrics of the songs that are supposed to be sung in advance, and distribute them to the children on the bus.

Games with the hall in the camp

In the camps, there are often general meetings in great hall. Together, the children are brought together by the upcoming movie, concert, KVN. If the start is delayed and the guys get bored, they can be noisy - scream and play pranks. An entertaining game with the audience will help to avoid this. We offer several such games. They will help you make sure that entertaining games for children in the camp, organized by counselors in the hall, where the children are forced to sit in one place, can be no less varied and interesting than those held on the playgrounds.

  1. Three movements

A leader is selected who must show the children three simple movements. For example, the following:

  • Arms raised and bent at the elbows, fingers at shoulder level.
  • Hands are extended forward.
  • Hands are raised up.

Each movement is assigned a number, the children are invited to remember these numbers. Then the facilitator calls the number of one of some exercises, and at the same time he can do something else. Children need to repeat after the leader only those movements, the assigned number of which was named correctly to them. The most attentive player is revealed.

  1. Travel bag

The facilitator invites the children to name items that may be useful on a long journey. It is necessary to offer things that will be needed in the first place. One, two, three, let's fight! (The winner is the child who named really the right thing last.)

  1. Flying - not flying

The facilitator calls a group of children different words. If these objects can fly, the children should say "Flies!". At the same time, with a wave of the hands, they depict flight. If the host calls an object that cannot fly, you need to be silent.
The leader should pronounce the words quickly enough. The names of "flying" objects, animals and birds alternate randomly with "non-flying".

  1. Traffic light

And this game will help to check how friendly and attentive the guys are. They are invited to sing some famous song. The leader holds in his hands three large circles of yellow, red and green. When the host shows the green circle to the audience, everyone sings a song loudly. If the yellow circle is raised, the song is sung quietly. Red circle - silence reigns in the hall, you need to sing to yourself.

  1. Football match

The host invites the players to imagine that they are at the football championship. One half of the guys support Spartak, the other half support Dynamo.
When the leader raised right hand, teams shout the word "GOAL!" if raised left hand- you need to shout the word "PASS!". If the leader raised both hands at once - the word "Puck!". Arms crossed on the chest - the players shout the word "BAR!".

  1. tick-tock

The host of the game tells the children that a watch is a very important thing that every person needs. Then he asks everyone to listen together and find out how the clock runs, and what can happen if it is handled carelessly.
The rules of this game are as follows: if the host claps his hands once, the left half of the hall shouts "Tick"; if two claps sound, the right half of the players loudly say "So" in unison.

Several times at the beginning of the game, the leader alternates clapping correctly, then begins to "confuse" by clapping "out of order".

  1. Turtle

The host gets up on stage and names different animals. Children answer him with the sound that this animal makes:

Cat - "Meow!"

Dog - Woof!

When the leader says: "Turtle!", the children fall silent, lower their heads down, touching their bodies with their chins and wrap their arms around themselves.

Note: the host can name any animals, including wild, rare and fabulous.

  1. Forbidden number

Rows of children take turns calling numbers, and instead of the forbidden, for example, ending in "three" (3, 13, 23, 33, etc.), they clap their hands.

  1. Song of the Beasts

It is required to sing a familiar melody with the sounds of some animal. For example, meow "Chunga-changa".

Video about games with the audience

Outdoor games in the camp

In the camp the child is on vacation. And what children's rest can be complete without physical activity. Organized sports and outdoor games for children in the camp with running, jumping, dancing - The best way recovery.

  1. dodgeball

Two leaders are chosen. These are bouncers. They stand on opposite sides of a large platform. The rest of the players move between them, trying to dodge the blow. Bouncers try to knock out all the participants in the game from the field with the ball. Clumsy is out of the game. The two fastest become bouncers.

  1. Potatoes

The game is played in a circle. Participants play the ball according to the rules of beach volleyball. "Potato" is the participant who dropped the ball. He must squat in the center and wait for the ball to hit him (on purpose or by accident) - "harvest".

"Potato" can catch the ball at any time without getting up from his haunches. In this case, the one from whose filing the ball was intercepted sits in his place. All "potatoes" are returned to the game.

Players gather next to the driver. He throws the ball high, and by the time he catches it, those gathered around scatter in different sides. Having mastered the ball, the leader stops the fleeing by shouting: "Stop!". Then it estimates the distance to any player and says how many steps it will take to reach him.

The driver fulfills what was announced and, if he really stopped at the "victim", touches her. This is the new driver.

Another option: the victim stretches his arms forward, slightly bending them at the elbows and clasping his fingers - the leader, after completing the agreed steps, must hit the ball into the "ring". If hit - "victim" - the next driver.

Condition: the steps must be different. Options for steps (other than the usual ones):

  • "Giants" - big steps-jumps;
  • "Lilliputians" - small, frequent;
  • "Bunny" - jumping on toes together;
  • "Umbrella" - in the jump you need to make a full turn around yourself;
  • "Thread" - the feet are placed close heel to toe;
  • "Ducklings" - sit down and walk, without straightening your legs, in a squat;
  • "Frog" - high jumps forward from a squat.

Steps need to be combined, grouped.

  1. Fanta

The leader chooses an assistant. Players give the host one of their things (fantas). The host's assistant turns away - you can blindfold him - and thinks out what action the owner of the phantom pulled out by the host should do in order to return his thing. All the whims of the assistant, the players must fulfill. It is more interesting when it is not a trivial "sing, read poetry", but a task invented with good humor.

  1. 12 sticks

A small board is laid with its middle on a round support. 12 small sticks are placed from one edge, the other end rises up under the weight of the shelves. They hit him with force. The sticks fly apart. While the driver returns them back, the players hide.

The game is complicated by the fact that the leader is forced to guard the board with sticks, because any of the unfound participants can sneak up and, shouting the name of the driver, hit its edge. The sticks fly apart. The driver interrupts the search and adds them up again. But the children found by the driver should not approach the board.

As a result, the role of the leader passes to the player who could not be found the longest.

  1. disaster city

Players stand in threes. The two are building a "house", clasping their hands high. Between them stands the "resident". One of them is left without a home - "homeless". Disasters constantly occur in this city: flood, fire or earthquake. The bum announces what misfortune has happened this time.

Player actions:

  • During the flood, residents change their house.
  • In the event of a fire, residents remain in place, while "houses" move.
  • During an earthquake, both houses and residents move.

The bum is trying to take the place of the one who hesitated. The role of the bum goes to the slow one.

  1. Traps

The game is played on the principle of "Brook". Several people stand in pairs, forming traps: they raise their clasped hands. The number of traps depends on the number of players: firstly, this is a smaller part of the players, and secondly, it takes into account the fact that after the first stop it should fall into traps even number players. That is, there can be 2, 4, 8 traps and so on. Traps should not be far apart. The rest in a row, holding the previous one by the waist, pass under the traps, open to the leader's command. At the agreed signal, the "traps" lower their hands and catch the gaping ones. Those form a new trap.

The last one in the chain is declared the winner.

  1. bees and snakes

Some of the participants are bees, the rest are snakes. They have kings who must "feed" their subjects. The king of bees is looking for honey for his team, the king of snakes is looking for a lizard. They agree on what items I will depict honey and a lizard.

When the kings come out, things are hidden in front of the rest of the players. The returning rulers are helped in their search by their subjects: some hiss, others buzz. The noise gets louder when the kings are on target.

As a result, the team that tells the king better wins.

  1. Fishing

Before the game, you need to designate a large circle. This is the Sea. Players are fish. Two guys - fishermen who make a "net": join hands.

The leader sends the fishermen for the fish. The net catches the fish, and the one caught joins the fishermen, thereby increasing the net.

The game ends when only one fish remains in the sea. This is the winner.

Video about mobile games

Squad Camp Games

For three weeks, during which one shift lasts, the group for the guys is their family. The educator and counselor, becoming close people for the children during the shift, must organize the life of the detachment so that the pupils feel comfortable. Properly selected and organized detachment activities and affairs in the camp help adults maintain a favorable atmosphere in the team of children.

Amusement games for two players

These fun camp games for kids are more suitable for boys. Girls should take the role of cheerleaders, which, as a rule, they do with great pleasure.

  1. Turkey fights

In this game, players need to stand on one leg while holding the other behind their backs with both hands. Throw your head up and push each other with your chest. The first person to let go or fall down loses. This game is quite dangerous! At the beginning of the game, it is necessary to take away items from the players that can fall off or injure the opponent, ask them to remove chewing gum, take off their glasses, and turn the visors of their caps back. Players should push only with their chests, in no case with their heads. The players stand in pairs shoulder to shoulder, and start the game on the command "Start!".

  1. fighting frogs

The players touch sides in a squatting position. In this case, hands must be clasped behind the back in the castle. The loser is the one who opens his arms first or falls.

  1. Badgers in holes

The players pull the rope, standing in two hoops. The one who gets out of the hoop first loses.

  1. Weightlifters

For this game, it is necessary to select players of approximately the same height. Players must stand with their backs to each other and pull forward a stick, which they both hold above their heads. The winner is the one who can hold the stick in his hands and at the same time does not tear his feet off the ground.

  1. Lilliputian biathlon

In this game, the competitors throw matches and balloons. The winner is the one who throws each of these items as far as possible or hits the designated target more accurately.

  1. quadrathlon

For this game, a square of a sufficiently large area is designated, and the ropes are also tied in such a way that four free ends remain. equal length, which are attached to the belts of the players. Prizes are placed at the corners of the square. The winner is the one who first, overcoming the resistance of opponents, reaches his corner with a prize.

  1. spinal newspaper

In this game, two players are attached to the back of a number written on a piece of paper (or some word) and, having stood in a circle, they jump on one leg, trying to see the opponent's number, while not allowing them to read their own.

What to do when it rains? (indoor games at the camp)

Sometimes due to bad weather counselors cannot hold games in the open air and the detachment is forced to stay in the building. In such a situation, the question is brewing: "What to do with children indoors?" The best way is to play! Here are some Interesting games for children's indoor camp.

  1. Quieter louder

Almost everyone played at one time in the game "Cold-hot"? The above game is similar to it: the players sit in a circle, and the driver leaves the circle and turns his back. Someone from the circle hides any thing (for example, in his pocket), and the driver must point to the person who hid it. To do this, the players sing any song, and they do it louder when the driver approaches this object and quieter when he moves away from it. If the driver finds the right player, then he takes his place, and the found one goes out to drive.

  1. Fishing

In this game, you need to get into a deep bowl, standing on a chair, with buttons, pebbles or other small objects. You need to throw from a distance of at least 2 meters, and try to keep the thrown object in the bowl. This game can also be played as a team. In this case, the victory goes to the team that collects the most items in their bowl.

  1. blinkers

In this game, the players sit on chairs arranged in a circle. Behind those sitting, one more player stands up. One chair must remain empty. The player behind the empty chair winks discreetly at one of the players sitting on the chairs. This player needs to take the empty chair as quickly as possible. At the same time, the player who stands behind him should try to prevent this by holding him by the shoulders. At the beginning of the game, the hands of all the players standing behind are lowered, it is important for them to react in time to a wink and not to miss their partner. If the seated player did not manage to run across to an empty chair in time, then he changes place with the one standing behind him.

  1. knees

In this game, the players also sit in a circle, and as closely as possible, and each of the players must put the palm of their left hand to the neighbor on the left on the right knee. And the palm of the right hand - to the neighbor on the right on the left knee. After that, the players take turns in a clockwise direction, starting with the leader, lightly hit their neighbor's knee with their palm. First, the leader with the right hand, then his neighbor on the right with the left, after that his neighbor on the left with the right, then the leader with the left hand, etc.

On the first lap, this is done slowly so that everyone understands the rules of the game. Then they proceed to the game itself, according to the rules of which the player who lingered with the clap or made it earlier removes his hand. A player forced to remove both hands is out of the game. With each round the game is getting faster and faster. To make the game more difficult, the counselor can keep score faster and faster, under which the players must clap. The last three players remaining in the game are the winners.

  1. Fish, birds, animals

The players stand in a circle, and the driver becomes in the center of this circle. The driver stretches his right hand forward and begins to spin around his axis with his eyes closed, saying once the phrase: "Fish, birds, animals." After that, he, stopping and pointing at one of the players, pronounces any of these words. The player pointed to by the driver must quickly say the name of the bird, fish or beast - depending on what the driver demanded. If the player does not give an answer, and the driver manages to count to three, then the player is out of the game. The names of birds, fish and animals cannot be repeated. The winner is the one who remains in the circle last, that is, the one who knows the most names of animals.

  1. Activity

This is a fun game that is suitable for kids of all ages. In it, children compete in teams. One participant thinks of a certain object, animal, bird, etc. and shows, explains or draws what was hidden for their group, and the rest of the children guess this word, object or phrase.

Play is a natural activity of a child from an infant to a teenager. Children positively perceive game techniques to involve them in the learning and organizing environment. A variety of interesting games for the camp is a great way of leisure, combining the benefits and favorite activities of children.

Playing war games is a favorite pastime for most children. Of course, this theme is more suitable for a boy, but a military party will certainly seem interesting to girls. After all, there is something romantic in the "soldier" setting, and funny contests won't let you get bored.

AT warm time year it is better to arrange a holiday in nature. If circumstances do not allow, thematic decor, backed up by children's imagination, will easily turn the room into a secret headquarters or military camp. We offer ideas for decorating a holiday in military style:

  • remove the excess. What cannot be removed, cover with a camouflage net - the more it is, the better (ask summer residents). The grid can be hung on the walls, laid on the table;
  • cut out silhouettes of bushes from green wallpaper, draw twigs. Stick with double-sided tape on the cardboard (the cardboard will get wet and shrink from the glue). Place the bushes so that you can hide behind them (supports or hang on a fishing line). Get funny photo, and for children this is an additional entertainment;

  • a military theme party is unthinkable without weapons - machine guns, grenades, pistols. Collect toys and fake weapons from your friends. Machine guns can be cut out of cardboard;
  • lay out / arrange folding chairs, khaki backpacks, binoculars and walkie-talkies (play under supervision or toys), bowlers around the hall. Summer residents, hunters, fishermen, tourists have many "field" attributes;
  • for entourage, put several boxes against the wall with the inscriptions "cartridges", "grenades", "explosive";

  • there is a small camouflage tent? Be sure to put in the corner - a photo zone and entertainment;

If a navy party is planned, the main color should not be khaki, but blue and white. The traditional stripe is welcomed everywhere - garlands, tablecloths, ribbons on curtains. Ships, canvas, ropes and other naval rigging.

  • draw on whatman paper and glue large jeeps, tanks, etc. to the cardboard. military equipment . As a themed decor along the walls and photo accessories;
  • they will add the atmosphere of the map on the walls (with a marked attack plan or places of secret headquarters), flags, stars, stripes in garlands, compositions, like a decoration on a camouflage net. You can ask the children to bring a drawing on a military theme and arrange a mini-exhibition;

  • for a military birthday party, buy foil (there are tanks, boats) and regular balloons in black, yellow and green (or blue and white if it's a naval party). Hang khaki themed garlands.


Discuss important information with parents, and for children, prepare original invitations without unnecessary details about the party. Boys love secrets - send dispatches labeled "Top Secret" and text about upcoming military training.

Or paint the small bottles green/grey to make a grenade. Glue the label "Explosive", put confetti inside and a note - a message from the war zone (need your help, the enemy is close!).

Even more interesting is to wrap the letter around the candle and wrap it with twine. Write the text with milk or lemon juice, which will become visible after heating over a candle (under the supervision of adults, of course).

The main thing is that the military-style children's party is fun. You don't need costumes for that.. Although the clothes are quite comfortable, you can rent a military-style suit - a popular topic, there is a large selection.

Be sure to wear a T-shirt under the tunic - the children will surely become hot after active competitions. Shoes are also as comfortable as possible, not hot.

Instead of a vein suit, any khaki or camouflage clothing will do. The military style is popular; shirts, trousers, and dresses are sewn for children. Surely many parents have something suitable.

A very simple option is dark trousers / skirt and a vest: in blue or black stripes (naval party), blue (landing), green (border guards). You can choose one color, give a choice to parents, or split into two teams - border guards and the Navy, for example.

At the entrance, solemnly hand over tokens, berets, caps or bandanas. You can arrange a fun fuss with face painting - paint faces with stripes and spots.

Menu, serving

If the day birth will pass outdoors, prepare something more serious for the children than cupcakes and lemonade. For example, a real field kitchen. "Soldiers" line up for a portion of porridge, which is laid out on plates by a cook in a funny hat and with a huge ladle. The portions are small, just so that sweets do not burst on an empty stomach.

Will not porridge? How else will they be if they say that the porridge is a real soldier's! Buckwheat with meat or rice with a cutlet to choose from.

For decoration holiday table a camouflage net, garlands, soldiers, toothpicks with themed pictures, green and brown skirts will come in handy. Fruit can be put in the back of military trucks (cover the wheels with plasticine so that they do not roll away) or in inverted helmets.

You can peep ideas for decorating in a military style on request "dishes on February 23, Airborne Forces Day, etc." Cookies in the shape of tanks and planes, mastic figurines, green and chocolate icing for khaki. In a steep dough, you can make an imprint with a soldier, lightly grease with oil and pour chocolate. In the halves of a hollow toy grenade, cool the jelly.

Grenades are the most suitable shape for military-style cake pops:

Order a themed birthday cake - kids love sweet surprises! And you can also look for it as a valuable cargo from the command, lost during transportation.


The game scenario of a military party for children should have some purpose. Without it, young "soldiers" will not have so much fun. And the joy of achieving a result, supported by prizes, gifts, will remain in memory longer.

According to our scenario, the children will take part in a military operation codenamed "Slanting Pilot". The most important generalissimo sent a parcel with a surprise and gifts for the birthday of the “name of the birthday man”. But the pilot turned out to be ... yes, yes, oblique, like a sleepy hare! And dropped the load in an unknown place.

Fortunately, ensign Zhadneiko (assistant presenter) became a witness to his disgrace. What he did with a bag of state-owned buckwheat outside the territory of our base / camp is not clear. But it's for the best, because now Zhadneiko knows the coordinates.

This little story is the beginning of the script, which the host "reports" in military style, clearly and quickly (otherwise they get bored). Next are two options. The first is simpler: just competitions, the purpose of which is to prove to Zhadneiko that the guys are real soldiers and worthy of a gift from the Generalissimo.

The second option is game scenario, an impromptu journey to the goal. Zhadneiko indicated the direction, but after all, the location is behind enemy lines, you still have to get there!

Leading(further B) after the story: Such is the story. Of course, today we are celebrating a birthday, we did not plan military operations. But what's a party without gifts? And a real soldier is always ready. Are you ready to help the “name of the birthday boy” find the cargo?

- Ready, ready!

AT: then, before the sortie for the territory, we will conduct exercises! Our task is dangerous, you can’t take anyone with you!
Company, line up

To cheerful music, repeat the host's commands, which sound faster and faster in random order. Just show how and what first. Teams:

  • quietly
  • around
  • general (to salute)
  • grenade (crouch, cover head with palm)
  • the enemy is on the horizon (put your palm to your forehead with a “visor”).

Theme music for a children's military party should be light and fun. Refrain from soul-warming Soviet songs. Although you can find something suitable for the surroundings: “I will be a military man”, “White peakless cap”, “If you want to be a military man”.

AT: Well done, you know the teams perfectly! Now let's check if there are weak bodies among you?

tug of war

Rope itself, ribbon in the center, mark on the floor. Three times or until they play enough.

AT: And the weak in spirit did not make their way to the party?


Stool or highchair for the little ones. In front of him is a circle of ribbon. You need to jump down, hitting the circle. Take off your shoes if the floors are slippery.

AT: I see you are real soldiers! But before the trip, you need to refresh yourself (feast break).

AT: Rota, listen to my command! We are heading towards the drop site right now! Ahead is a ditch surrounding the base - you need to get over it.

Crossing the moat

A piece of dense material with holes of such a size that you can put your foot on it. Parents hold on 4 sides at some distance from the floor. The fabric needs to be slightly lifted and swayed. Play until you get bored. As a rule, the transition to the other side is delayed - children like this entertainment.

AT: There are a lot of enemy spies around the camp, so we go through the field as scouts! Stop talking and follow me!

quiet glanders

The leader moves to the other end of the room. The goal is to reach it quietly, without making a sound. At the slightest rustle, the “stop” command, you need to stop and wait a bit until the alerted enemies lose their vigilance.

AT: So, did you forget anyone along the way? Well done! We will make our way through the forest in a plastunsky way, the trees will hide us from enemy eyes. Do you know how it is - in a plastunsky way? I go ahead, and you repeat after me!

in a plastunsky way

Glue two or three tourist foams with adhesive tape and put on the floor (adhesive tape down). The goal is to crawl to the “commander”, trying not to stick out your ass and not raise your head.

AT: Rota, listen to my command! There is an enemy tank ahead (camp or whatever). You can’t pass by unnoticed, it is right on the course of our route. Let's attack!

Competition for accuracy, options

  • draw a tank on cardboard, make holes in the turret and hull. The goal is to throw a ball grenade into the hole;
  • put a basket, in front of it is a drawing of an enemy camp, on a drawing paper. And throw the balls into the basket;
  • throw darts at the drawing of enemy vehicles(thin paper over foam);

  • shoot down targets with ping-pong balls - soldiers, tanks, rockets, airplanes. Print, fold in half and cut out so that you can put a "house".

AT: It seems the "name of the birthday boy" got hurt! And in battle, die yourself, but what about a comrade? That's right, guys - help out! But as? Yes, bandage it, but first we need to get him out of the war zone.

The birthday boy needs to be persuaded in advance so that at the end of the competition for accuracy he lies down, portraying the wounded. If he is still quite small, persuade one of the older guests.

We help out

Adults shift the "wounded" on a blanket and take it to the other end of the hall. "Fellow soldiers" help them to drag the "stretcher". Then the cunning presenter asks: “Are there any more wounded? Who should be taken to the infirmary? Parents will have to sweat, as there will be a lot of applicants.

Then together they cheerfully wrap the “wounded” with a bandage - half the right arm and leg, the second half, respectively, the left side.

AT: Well done, saved a friend! And how well bandaged - not a single microbe will get into battle wounds! Zhadneiko, what are you forgetting here?!

Riddles from the ensign

Zhadneiko decided to take the valuable cargo for himself. But looking at such brave guys, his craving for halya ... i.e. to accidentally forgotten nobody's things, gave a crack. I will give, I will give everything. But first, the last test. They say that the mind of the military is completely useless. ... Do you think the mind is more important or strength? (who answers what). It's important either way! A fool will not last long in battle, but a weakling cannot become a hero either. You have proven your strength. And they forgot about the mind!

Who decides everything in a moment,
Does he boldly perform a feat?
Who stands up for honor?
He is a military man, he (a hero)

The plane is flying, not the bird!
Here is the air border
On duty day and night
That soldier is a military (pilot)

Under fire and bullets
He runs straight
Not afraid to fight
Strong (armored car)

At the request of "military riddles for children" there is a large selection - equipment, ammunition, ranks, military branches, etc.

Instead of riddles, Zhadneiko can give the children a code with the "coordinates" indicated. Options: puzzle (cut the text into pieces), Morse code (give the key), secret cipher (come up with a squiggle for each letter of the alphabet, give out the key card).

Write in such a way that you need to guess where the package is. For example, behind the largest bush (decoration in the hall) or on the glacier (refrigerator).

If the war party is outdoors, set up an obstacle course, have a water pistol shootout, or organize a paintball game. Gift search - orienteering with walkie-talkies and compasses. You can quickly pack into sleeping bags, change clothes, collect things in a backpack.

Present- military-style toys, a set of sweets, military-themed coloring books, commemorative medals.

Scenario of a war game in a pioneer camp

This scenario of a war game in a pioneer camp was published in the children's magazine "Bonfire" in 1968.
From the editor:
And now we will reveal to you our military secret.
Do you think we printed this game just like that - read it and forget it? No, we decided to help the guys who want to arrange a military game in their pioneer camp or in the village, but they don’t know where to start.
Our game is a hint for those who like to fantasize themselves, to whom you just give a hint, and then he comes up with this, just hold on!
And for those who like to be chewed and put in their mouths - our game is not support ...


- Kostya, get up, alarm!
The guide opens his eyes.
What else is there to worry about this early?
- Wow early, - six forty! Listen, Kostya, I know for sure that only Mishka is capable of such a dirty trick ...
- Yes, what's the matter?
- You see, Seryoga was on duty at the fire from four. Well, I fell asleep. I woke up with a scarecrow next to me. By the way, he's wearing your jacket and hat! And then the poster, here, admire ...
The counselor takes a sheet and reads aloud:
- It has begun, - says the leader, - wake up the bugler, Tolya.
The bugler jumps out of the tent, grabs the bugle, honks, then grimaces in a strange way, throws the bugle on the ground and starts sneezing and spitting.
- What? What happened to you?
- Mustard! Crap! Someone smeared the mouthpiece! ..
Tolya and the counselor look at each other.
- Well, commander, - says the counselor, - act ...

"... The Military Council hopes that each fighter will show maximum courage and endurance in order to hit the arrogant northerners properly"

The scouts run out into the clearing.
VOVKA: "They probably found us... I said, let's go through the ravine!"
BORIS: "Commander, for now I ... Shake it off, you're covered in toothpowder."
ALENA: "Fun! Great idea they came up with - caught on the rope, and you - a bag of powder! Vovka, you're all gray-haired!"
BORIS: "Shhh... Do you really want us to be noticed? In my opinion, there is someone there... Crawled... Alena, don't giggle..."
Behind the bushes they see a hut.
BORIS: "Listen to the order. Alyona, you are surrendering. Don't discuss the order! Just lure the guards out of the clearing first. And Vovka and I will reconnoiter the object. I feel it's their headquarters..."
Minute. Two. Three. A voice was heard, laughter, a song, and then how it rustled through the bushes, how the deadwood crackled! Well done Alena! The sentries fuss, do not know what to do, consult ... Two run to the voice. The third is marking time, shouting: "Guys, where are you going?" - and runs after him.
Boris and Vovka in a hut. On the ground - a package. Boris carefully opens it with a knife, pulls out a sheet of paper, puts the package in the same place. The scouts hide in the bushes. At the same moment, the sentries lead Alena, who is resisting, into the clearing.
VOVKA: "Stop, let me have a look! Something is not clear..."
BORIS: "Ah, you need a mirror! It's written the other way around! Run to the headquarters! .."

The operational reconnaissance group of the "northern" hesitates: to go along a given route or in the direction of an incomprehensible noise. Nearby, something deafening cracks.
“Now I’m crawling,” Commander Sanka decides.
Soon he waves his hand:
- Here, it's a ratchet!
The scouts enter the clearing. Long pole. A ratchet is attached to the top. She spins with the wind.
- And why is it here? one of the scouts asks.
Up in the tree, something clicks. One more time, one more time... Sanka raises his head. A camera lens is aimed directly at him.
- Atas, guys! Sanka screams. - Ambush!

- Well, prisoner, shall we speak or remain silent?
- Come on, Valerka, let's talk.
- Prisoner, here you are not Valerka, but the chief of staff! What is your last name?
- Sergeeva Elena.
- Military specialty?
Is she in the military? Photojournalist...
Why did you end up on our territory?
- So, by chance ... I got lost ...
- Did you shoot it by chance?
- I photographed birds for the zoo circle ...
- And now we will light your birds!
- Well guys...
- Okay. Do you want tea?
- Thanks...
- Thank you, drink. Listen, we won’t touch your birds, just tell me, well, in general, at least approximately in which direction we should stomp, huh?
- Not on such attacked! Lead me to no man's land!
- Well, you drop it! So that you ring everyone there, where is our headquarters? Will not work!
- You have no right to keep me here! Not by the rules!
- The war is on, fool! What are the rules!
- Ah well? I won't say another word!

Kostya the counselor is studying at the university to become a geologist. Kostya is an intermediary with the "northern". The "Northern" were delighted at first, because Kostya is the leader of the second detachment, while the "Northern" almost all of the second. But Kostya seemed to have been changed. He is strict and incorruptible.
- As if we are strangers to him, - Mishka, the commander of the "northern" intelligence, is angry.
And on the second day of the game, in the morning, this is what happened to this Mishka. He sat down in a hollow near the neutral zone and slowly gave out fake armbands to all his "northerners" who were going into captivity. The news of Mishka's tricks reached Kostya.
- If in conscience, you acted meanly, - said Kostya.
- Why? - stood up "northerners". - It's war!
- So what? Who are the rules for?
- All the same, the enemy, - Mishka justified himself.
An hour later, the commander of the "northern" read out an order before the formation, drawn up not without Kostya's participation:

"Northern" have dinner.
- And the kissel is salty! ..
- It's not my fault, - the chief cook Galya Volikova justifies herself, - it's Koshelkin's fault. He went wild in the forest, we were going to save him, and at that time the "southerners" out of nowhere - they stole a loaf and poured salt into the jelly. And Koshelkin just screamed for no reason ...
- How incomprehensible it is, - Koshelkin is indignant, - they launched a bump at me, and I noticed the enemy and wrote down his number and shouted: "Come to me!" And you...
- I don't want to be a cook anymore, - says Galya Volikova, - I also want to fight. Let's throw on the sea ...

"Southern" chastised Alik Derevenny.
- Eight opponents recorded your license plate! Did you specifically show it?
- And he has a beautiful sign, how not to brag.

Alik is fat, clumsy and seems very confused.
- Can you explain what's the matter?
- I fought off my own, - Alik says in a barely audible voice.
- And then?
“And then I ate lingonberries,” Alik says even more quietly.
- What-oh?!
- And then one girl pushes me and says: take the FED, run to ours. Are you ours? I say ours. She says: well, so run quickly. I ask her: where are ours? ..
- Oluh! - shouts the commander of the "southern". - Where is FED?
Alik silently crawls under his shirt.
- Boris! - orders the commander. - Take the "FED" and on the bike - to the camp. Four hours later with control shots here. It's going to happen guys...


"Borka, be a friend, drive one more time to the camp, bring a glass medal with filling for Alena!
There in our ward, in my nightstand - cherry, my mother brought

And at this time on bicycles rushes along highway in the rear of the "northerners" a flying detachment of "southerners". Five cyclists, each with a partner on the trunk. The detachment is led by the commander himself, Tolya Shagin.
The pedals are spinning, the kilometer posts are flashing - one, the other, the third, sweat floods the faces. Don't worry guys, the enemy doesn't expect such a deep raid...

The pedals are spinning... A river, a path, a ditch... They jumped off their bicycles, the army commander waved his hand - they ran through the lingonberries, bending down to the ground. Here is a geodetic tower, and here is the tent visible ...
- Hooray! - shouts the commander, - On the assault!
The chief of staff of the "northern" jumped out of the tent, shouting something to his people. The "Northern" joined hands and stood around the tent in a double human chain. The main thing is not to let them into the tent, not to let them knock out the pegs and take it off ...
- Forward! Tolya screams. - Go ahead, guys! Break through the defense!
"Southerners" pile on the "northerners". The defense is about to fail... At this time, a red rocket suddenly soars into the sky from behind a fishing line. She is gaining altitude, everyone sees her and gradually understand what happened.
- Hurrah, brothers! - shouts the chief of staff of the "northerners". - Our took the headquarters of the Yuzhaks! Victory!



To conduct a war game between the second and third detachments on a campaign. On the first day of the campaign, headquarters should have maps of the battlefield, identification marks, and a list of the army by unit.
The composition of the army: headquarters - 3 people, intelligence, sappers, journalists and so on, on your initiative.
Each tactical group has its own identification mark - a 20x15 cm patch sewn onto the chest of the jacket, a colored emblem and a soldier's number. As well as an elastic bandage. If the bandage is torn off, the fighter is taken prisoner.
The first day is reconnaissance. The capture of headquarters is prohibited, the destruction of the enemy is not recommended.
Task: see as much as possible, write down, remaining unnoticed.
At the end of the first day, hand over information about the enemy and a map with detected objects to the intermediaries.
The mediators decide which army has the advantage.
I wrote down the identification mark and number - 3-5 points.
Tore off the bandage - 1 point.
Found headquarters - 20 points.
Found a false object - 5 points.
Second day - assault!
The game ends after the capture of the enemy headquarters. The signal is a red flare.

Military advisors:
Nikolay Kryschuk, Alexander Prutt, Vladimir Tsivin
Drawings by G. Kovenchuk

Left-right, one-two!


State on the envelope that we are talking about birthday. For example: "Alexander's Birthday Invitation" or "Alexander's 10th Anniversary Invitation".

Before sending invitations, make sure that best friend the birthday boy will be able to come, and also try to invite people "with a margin" in case someone refuses.

Notice children's holiday does not have to take place during the daytime. In the evening the military exercises will be more impressive.

Be sure to pay attention to the weather forecast for the appointed day ... (in case of bad weather, it is better to reschedule the event).

You need to buy children's toys for entertainment. General entertainment games.


This is a very important stage, because the better you prepare, the easier the holiday will be. Do not be lazy to spend several days or even weeks on it in order to be able to find everything you need on the chosen topic.

A simple piece of paper will be enough to write down on it the entire list of required accessories:

Mark in the list with a tick what you have already bought or prepared so as not to forget anything.

Musical accompaniment can be realized thanks to playlists offered for free on this topic on many sites. Of course, there should include songs about the war, the army, as well as marches.

Day XReception

Obviously, all the guests will not appear on your doorstep at the same time ... Therefore, in order to make them suffer a little, but slowly begin to immerse them in the appropriate atmosphere, give each a “flask” of water and dry rations.

Step march!


We bring to your attention several games to choose from, depending on your tastes and capabilities. It is not necessary to copy them exactly, it is enough just to use some ideas.

Tug of war: all participants are divided into 2 teams.
Long jump: who is next. Steeplechase.
Duty at the post: stand motionless at attention, as long as possible.
Crossing: go over the log as quickly as possible.
Throwing Grenades: Throw an object as close as possible to the intended target.
Shooting range: a game of darts. Sappers: search for grenades buried in advance in the garden.
Rope climbing: who is higher and faster.

A pause is always needed (and for you too), refreshing drinks, fruits and sweets will be appreciated by children.

afternoon tea

How to instill patriotism in today's youth? Today, this question is puzzled not only by state structures, but also by all people who are not indifferent to the fate of our country, because patriotism is the basis of a strong state.

After the destruction of the Soviet system of ideological and moral education, a whole generation has grown up in Russia deprived of spiritual and moral ideas and a sense of patriotism. Among young people, manifestations of indifference, aggression and disrespectful attitude towards the state have become more and more noticeable. Falling prestige military service and the army as a whole.

Therefore, it is vital for the state to revive true patriotism in our society, which is expressed in love for one's Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, desire and readiness to defend it.

To this end, mass patriotic work is being carried out with young people today, which included not only state structures, but also social movements and organizations.

The leading role in the formation of the patriotic consciousness of adolescents is still given to the school and other educational institutions. And during the summer holidays to work on patriotic education children and teenagers are included in children's camps.

Today, many specialized camps of a sports, defense and military-patriotic orientation are being organized in our country. Of course, they are one of the most successful forms of preparing teenagers for the defense of the Fatherland, educating citizenship and patriotism, forming the foundations healthy lifestyle life. Life in such a camp is as close as possible to army conditions, great attention devoted to physical education, sports, as well as the study of the basics of military service in Russian army. The very atmosphere of the camp contributes to the development in adolescents of those qualities that are necessary for future soldiers. The purpose of the military-patriotic camps is to form in the younger generation the ideas of serving the Fatherland and its armed defense, to instill a sense of pride in Russian weapons, respect for him military history desire for military service.

Military-patriotic education is part of the educational system and many health camps, which include patriotic events in their programs (military games, excursion routes to battlefields, events for anniversaries military history).

For example, in the children's adventure camp "Isle of Heroes", a Memorial Day is held in each shift. This tradition is connected with the fact that the camp is located on the territory of the Demyansk region, where during the Great Patriotic War fierce battles took place. In order for children to remember the great past of their Motherland, they are introduced to the pages of military history in an exciting and accessible way.

In each shift, Memorial Day is held in a special way. Paramilitary games are organized, such as "Zarnitsa" or "Saboteurs", the guys visit museums, military graves, meet with representatives search party and even go to excavation sites in a military truck or tracked all-terrain vehicle. It is obligatory to hold a thematic concert on this day.

Days of Remembrance never pass formally, the events of this day affect the soul of every child. The guys note that they simultaneously experience a sense of grief for the dead and a sense of pride in the feat of their people. This is the most touching, sad and at the same time solemn day of the shift.

This year, the Island of Heroes project launched a new program - military-historical reconstructions. This program is for those who want to learn more about the tragic and interesting pages of the life of their country, who want to try for themselves what it is like to go against an enemy detachment in a tunic, helmet, tarpaulin boots and with PPSh in their hands. Military-historical reenactment is a visual history lesson that takes place in an environment close to the real one. Modern boys and girls are given the opportunity to live one day the way people lived during the war years and experience what the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War experienced.

It is such programs that help the younger generation to better know the heroic pages of the history of their country, be proud of the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, cultivate respect for the army and readiness to defend their homeland, which means to be true patriots of their country.

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