Medvedev biography personal life new husband. Personal life and biography of Dmitry Medvedev

Design and interior 06.08.2019
Design and interior
Sister of Svetlana Medvedeva

Recently it turned out that Dmitry Medvedev's wife Svetlana has a cousin, and the most interesting thing is who she turned out to be.

So, the figurant of the loud scandal Recently, Evgenia Vasilyeva ended up in Oboronservis cousin Svetlana Medvedeva, wife of the Prime Minister of Russia.

The media reported on family relations of Evgenia Vasilyeva, the beautiful mistress of the fined Serdyukov. In this case, the information is supported by evidence. The first to say this was Anatoly Kresik, chairman of the Union of Naval Sailors: “The 47-year-old wife of Anatoly Medvedev, Svetlana Medvedeva (at birth, Linnik) and 33-year-old Evgenia Vasilyeva are cousins.

Svetlana Medvedeva's sister - firstly, the outward resemblance of two women is obvious. Yes, and the presence of such relatives gives a powerful career growth and today's mild conditions of detention in a 13-room apartment and a personal stylist. They say that Svetlana Medvedeva is often seen by neighbors at home, her sister visits her cousin every week.

How do you think, how did a recent student immediately become the head of a large construction company in St. Petersburg "SU-155"? Along with this, she became an adviser to the 1st Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Vladimir Resin. Since 2009, he has been an adviser to the deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Alexander Beglov! Of course, through the bed, you say, but even through the bed - the path is very fast and swift.

And why, then, at that time, President Dmitry Medvedev in early 2012 awarded her the Order of Honor. And the sister of the wife can be rewarded simply for the fact that she is a sister, relatives should be pleased.

Let's move on, where does Evgenia Vasilyeva get such crazy wealth and a huge apartment on Ostozhenka? Who moved Vasilyeva and who now helps not to sit in a jail, but to be under house arrest in a huge apartment with 13 rooms. Sister Svetlana, the answer was simple.

By the way, they say that Zhenya Vasilyeva was the only employee in the Ministry of Defense who was not afraid of the almighty Serdyukov. And Tolyan is reputed to be a rather tough artistic director. So she had leverage over the minister? Of course, except for the charms of a beautiful woman.

Anatoly Kresik found a rationale for Serdyukov's love story:

“Citizen Serdyukov loves women from high society. He left his first wife, not from High Society, and married the daughter of a friend of Putin and colleague Zubkov. And then he dropped this one and went higher. The cousin of Medvedev himself, who is already aiming for another presidency, has become a bride or mistress. And who so famously reined in this dissolute stallion? Yes! Strong family ties."

Svetlana Medvedeva's sister - yes, the fact of the relationship between Evgenia Vasilyeva and Svetlana Medvedeva has not been officially confirmed. Although elder sister still hinted that she might have a sister that the media might not know about.

Further - worse, now sister Medvedeva declares that she wants to see Svetlana Medvedeva and former minister Anatoly Serdyukov, motivating her request with her pregnancy, RIA FogNews reported. It is necessary to have support in such interesting position.

Lawyer Vasilyeva Gofshtein said that he had no right to comment on information about the "interesting" position of his ward, about who is a sister and who is not.

They say that Svetlana Medvedeva to help out his sister puts pressure on the court. Recently, the Moscow City Court made for sisters Medvedeva another indulgence, allowing a housekeeper, a laundress and a cook to visit her home.

And now attention, we suck recently, however, the information was confirmed that Evgenia Vasilyeva is the cousin of the wife of the Prime Minister, Svetlana Medvedeva. This, in turn, explains why the Prime Minister constantly stands up for his former subordinate, stating to the media, "I believe that Serdyukov worked effectively as Minister of Defense. Under Serdyukov, the long-awaited and very difficult transformations in the army began."

Recall that investigators suspect former head property department of the Ministry of Defense involved in the theft of at least 360,000,000 rubles and in real estate fraud.

Svetlana Medvedeva's sister - so, those who believed that Svetlana Medvedeva is the sister of Serdyukov's mistress turned out to be right...

Ekaterina Putina with her miracle

Let me remind you that in 2013, the wedding of Katerina Putina and Yoon Joon Won took place.

By the way, about other offspring of the power vertical:

Family of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Medvedev is married to Svetlana Linnik, who is the cousin of E. Vasilyeva, who is involved in the Oboronservis case.

Vasilyeva herself is the daughter of one of the criminal authorities of St. Petersburg - Vasilyev. President Dmitry Medvedev in January 2012 awarded her the Order of Honor.
Medvedev has a son - Ilya Medvedev. On the this moment he studies in Russia, but in a public interview he said that he would continue his studies at the University of Massachusetts USA.

Family of Minister of Foreign Affairs S. Lavrov

The only daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, lives and studies in the United States.

She is currently graduating from Columbia University in New York and plans to stay in the US permanently.

Family of Deputy Speaker of the State Duma S. Zheleznyak

Three daughters of Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak study abroad.

Ekaterina - in an elite Swiss school (tuition costs 2.4 million rubles a year from the 6th to 12th grade), Anastasia - in London, at the university (tuition fee per year is about 630 thousand rubles).

The youngest, Lisa, currently also lives in London.

It is interesting that the “patriot-sailor” Zheleznyak declared an income of 3.5 million rubles and at the same time pays 11 million a year for the education of his children in Western universities ...

Family of the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma A. Zhukov

Son - Peter Zhukov studied in London and even went to prison there, Zhukov Jr. participated in a drunken fight and received 14 months in prison.

Family of Vice Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Andenko

My daughter studies and lives in Germany.

Family of Deputy Prime Minister D. Kozak

The eldest son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Alexei, has been living abroad for at least six years and is engaged in the construction business.

He is a co-owner of several foreign companies: Red, McBright and Yuna. At the same time, he also works in the state-owned VTB Group.

Aleksey Kozak's younger brother, Alexander, works for Credit Suisse.

This year, German and US authorities accused the Swiss bank of helping high-profile clients evade taxes. There is an investigation.

The family of the State Duma deputy A. Remezkov from the faction " United Russia»

Remezkov's eldest son, Stepan, recently graduated from Valley Forge Militar College in Pennsylvania (a year of study costs 1,295,761 rubles).

The son of the deputy was trained under the program for officers of the US Army (!!!).

Then Styopa entered the private Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.

The average son of the deputy, Nikolai, has been studying in the UK since 2008. private school Malvern College.

BUT youngest daughter lives in Vienna, where she does gymnastics. Masha Remezkova represented the Austrian national team (!!!) at the children's competitions in Ljubljana.

Family of Deputy V. Fetisov

Daughter Anastasia, grew up and studied in the USA. Nastya never learned to write and read in Russian.

The family of the head of Russian Railways V. Yakunin

The children and grandchildren of the "chief patriot of Russia" head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin live outside the country - in England and Switzerland.

The son of the head of Russian Railways, A. Yakunin, studied and lived in London for many years, currently working in Russia as an investor in a British company.

Since 2009, Yakunin Jr. has been the head and co-owner of the UK-registered investment company Venture Investments & Yield Management (VIYM), which is engaged in development projects in St. Petersburg.

Andrey Yakunin is the owner of the Moscow Marriott Courtyard hotel, built on the territory adjacent to the Paveletsky railway station.

At the moment, he lives permanently in his house in London, bought in 2007 for 4.5 million pounds (225 million rubles) and registered on a Panamanian offshore.

Yakunin's other son Viktor lives in Switzerland, where he also owns luxury real estate.

The grandchildren of the head of Russian Railways also study at prestigious educational institutions in these countries.

Family of Svetlana Nesterova, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction

The daughter lives in the UK.

Family of P. Astakhov

The eldest son of the Ombudsman for Children, Pavel Astakhov, Anton studied at Oxford and at the New York School of Economics.

The youngest child was born in Cannes, in a rented villa.

The family of the State Duma deputy from the "SR" faction E. Mizulina

The main fighter for traditional Orthodox values ​​has a son, Nikolai.

First, Nikolai studied at Oxford, received a diploma and moved to live on a permanent basis in tolerant Belgium, where same-sex marriages are allowed.

Today he works in Belgium in a large international law firm Mayer Brown.

It is not clear how Elena Mizulina, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, left her own son in such a gay danger?!...

The daughter of the communist Vorontsov Anna lives in Italy. She moved there from Germany, where she also studied.

Currently studying at the University of Milan.

Vorontsov himself, foaming at the mouth, stigmatizes the West, and in the meantime pays hundreds of thousands of euros for his daughter's education in Milan.

Family of Elena Rakhova, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction

United Russia member Elena Rakhova, who became famous for calling Leningraders who lived less than 120 days in the blockade "non-blockade", has a daughter who lives in the United States.

Polina Rakhova graduated from the faculty international relations St. Petersburg State University, then moved to New York.

The family of B. Gryzlov, a member of the Security Council.

The daughter of the former speaker of the State Duma, one of the founders of the United Russia party, and now a member of the Security Council, Boris Gryzlov, Evgenia, lives in Tallinn. And even recently received Estonian citizenship.

Family of A. Fursenko.

Former Minister of Education Andrey Fursenko, who pushed through the country's USE system, for a long time hid from the public that his children also studied abroad.
Today, his son Alexander lives permanently in the United States.

Family of V. Nikonov (grandson of Molotov), ​​President of the Politika Foundation

Son Alex is a US citizen.

And where did this gentleman show up? That's right, in the Anti-Magnit Act, in defense of the law prohibiting the adoption of children by American citizens.

In general, everyone is happy about Russia, sick...

The personal life of Dmitry Medvedev is of slightly less interest than the question of where Putin's daughters live and what they do, but still there is a demand.

Personal life and family of Dmitry Medvedev

Family and personal property

Dmitry Medvedev

He married in December 1993 to Svetlana Linnik, with whom he studied at the same school. My wife graduated from LFEI, works in Moscow and organizes public events in St. Petersburg.
Son Ilya was born on August 3, 1995. He was filmed, "having passed an honest casting", in 2007 (issue No. 206) and 2008 (issue No. 219) in the Yeralash film magazine under his own name.

The pet of the Medvedev family, jokingly called the “first cat of the country”, is a fluffy light gray cat of the Neva Masquerade breed named Dorofey. The Medvedevs have four more dogs - a pair of English setters (brother and sister - Daniel and Jolie), a golden retriever Aldu and a Central Asian shepherd dog. Medvedev's setters took first and second places at shows.
According to his December 2007 declaration of income to the Central Election Commission, Medvedev has an apartment of 367.8 square meters. m; revenues for 2006 amounted to 2 million 235 thousand rubles.

According to Novaya Gazeta dated January 10, 2008, since August 22, 2000, registered in his own apartment with an area of ​​364.5 sq. m. in an apartment building in the residential complex "Golden Keys-1" at the address: Minskaya street, house 1 A, apt. 38. Also, according to Novaya Gazeta, according to data from the Unified Register of Homeowners for 2005, in Moscow, Dmitry Medvedev had another apartment at the address: Tikhvinskaya Street, house No. 4, apt. 35; total area - 174 sq. meters.

According to the site dated September 18, 2008, the Medvedevs actually lived in the presidential residence Gorki-9, which was previously occupied by Boris Yeltsin and his family.
For 2010 Dmitry Medvedev's income amounted to 3,378,673.63 rubles. There are 4,961,528.98 rubles in bank accounts. Owns on lease terms a land plot in Russia with an area of ​​4700 sq.m. In addition, Dmitry Medvedev owns a 1948 GAZ 20 Pobeda car.
Wife and son of Dmitry Medvedev for 2010 they have not declared any income and have no money in their bank accounts.

Dmitry Medvedev's attitude to religion and the national question

By his own admission, Dmitry Medvedev is Russian, at the age of 23, by his own decision, he accepted Orthodox baptism "in one of the central cathedrals of St. Petersburg", after which, as he believes, "a different life began for him ...".
Spouse, Svetlana Medvedeva, - the head of the Board of Trustees of the target complex program "Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Younger Generation of Russia", which is led by Hegumen Kiprian (Yashchenko).

While in Kazan in November 2007, Dmitry Medvedev said: “Increasing religious education is the task of both the state and religious associations, and domestic system education". In the same place, he expressed support for "the proposal to grant religious educational institutions the right to accredit their educational program according to state standards." Expects that new composition State Duma to adopt the law on state accreditation as a matter of priority educational programs for non-state, including religious, educational institutions. Also in Kazan, he supported the proposal of representatives of Muslim organizations to grant the leaders of Russia's traditional faiths the right to speak on federal television channels.
Deems it appropriate to be present religious figures in a military environment.
He advocates the development of simplified mechanisms for granting Russian citizenship to religious figures.
On August 24, 2009, in the Ivolginsky datsan, he was proclaimed the incarnation of White Tara, a highly revered incarnation of a bodhisattva in Buddhism. After the initiation ritual, which took place without much ceremony, D. Medvedev said:
"I respect your traditions"

Hobbies of Dmitry Medvedev

According to information in the media in December 2007, Dmitry Medvedev was fond of hard rock since childhood, went in for swimming and yoga.
Dmitry Medvedev known as an active user of Apple products. So, it was reported that Dmitry Medvedev used the Apple iPhone already when this phone was not officially delivered to Russia and was not certified, and in 2010 Russian President became the owner of the iPad, although these devices were not yet sold in Russia at that time. Also, while watching videos on the website of the President of Russia, video recordings of the President's addresses were found, in which there are Apple MacBook Pro laptops and more. a budget option MacBook Black. In addition, Steve Jobs (the head of Apple) presented Dmitry Medvedev with an iPhone 4 in June 2010, the day before it hit US stores.

Known as a fan of the professional football club "Zenith" St. Petersburg, which he has been rooting for all his life. Favorite rock band is Deep Purple.
Also, sometimes Dmitry Medvedev listens to the music of the Linkin Park group: her fan is the son of Dmitry Anatolyevich, Ilya Medvedev.
Dmitry Medvedev is fond of photography. I started taking pictures as a child with the Smena-8M camera. Already as president, he participated in the open-air photography exhibition "The World Through the Eyes of Russians", held in March 2010 on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow. Today, Medvedev's arsenal includes cameras from Leica, Nikon and Canon.

Myself Dmitry Medvedev He spoke about his passion for photography:
“Of course I like taking pictures of people. But photographing people is not easy for me. After all, because of my work, it will look rather strange if at some point I run out with a camera and start photographing someone. I'm afraid people just won't understand me. »

Almost all national projects curated by Medvedev have been criticized.
Medvedev initiated amendments to the Federal Law "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", prohibiting minors from staying in in public places at night. According to some analysts, this provision is in conflict with Art. 27 of the Constitution of Russia, which affirms the right of a Russian citizen to free movement, choice of place of stay and residence; on the other hand, according to, in particular, P. Astakhov, such restrictions are permissible if there is a threat to health and morality.
September 6, 2008 by Decree No. 1316 “On Certain Issues of the Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation» liquidated the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism, as well as the entire regional system of Organized Crime Control Departments. According to some experts, a blow was dealt to the fight against organized crime.
In the appeal of the Russian opposition "Putin must go" published on March 10, 2010, Dmitry Medvedev is called "an obedient locum tenens" and a "modern Simeon Bekbulatovich."
Allegations of Medvedev's lack of independence and significant dependence on his predecessor were repeated many times in many media throughout his reign, but according to Alexei Kudrin, who worked in the Putin government under President Medvedev, these ideas are largely exaggerated:

It is believed that Medvedev's freedom of action was very limited. But I witnessed the development and adoption of many key decisions. And I can assure you: Putin was not the limiter he is thought to be. Yes, there are areas where he and Putin made decisions only together. However, Medvedev had many opportunities and freedom.

On October 15, 2011, at a meeting held at the Digital October Center for New Technologies in Moscow, Nikolai Svanidze outlined the main shortcomings of Medvedev's policy as follows:

“Exclusively the truth and only the truth. Like in court. [...] This is absolutely terrible, and growing, corruption, this is bureaucratic lawlessness, which is also not decreasing, this is the absence of real independent justice, this is a very low level of functioning, sometimes, perhaps, in many ways, an imitation level of the functioning of democratic institutions and civil society institutions.
This is a one-sided, archaic, opaque economy, which relies on raw material exports, this is the absence of competition - economic and real political. And all this in many ways leads to a trend that, unfortunately, is very well known to us from later Soviet times, and a very negative trend called “alienation of people from the state”.
All these problems are not only serious, but systemic and, accordingly, probably require a systemic response. »

Titles, awards, ranks

Russian awards
Dmitry Medvedev became a holder of the highest award of the Serbian Orthodox Church - the Order of St. Sava, 1st degree.

Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (July 8, 2003) - for active participation in the preparation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly for 2003
Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education for 2001 (August 30, 2002) - for the creation of the textbook "Civil Law" for educational institutions of higher professional education
Commemorative medal of A. M. Gorchakov (Russian Foreign Ministry, 2008)

Foreign awards

Knight Grand Cross with Diamonds of the Order of the Sun of Peru (2008)
Grand Chain of the Order of the Liberator (Venezuela, 2008)
Anniversary medal "10 years of Astana" (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Order of Jerusalem (Palestinian National Authority, 2011)
Order of Glory (Armenia, 2011) - for a significant contribution to strengthening friendship between the Armenian and Russian peoples, strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries, as well as personal contribution to ensuring stability and security in the region
Confessional awards

Star of the Order of St. Mark the Apostle (Alexandrian Orthodox Church, year 2009)
Order of St. Sava, First Class (Serbian Orthodox Church, 2009)

Honorary academic titles

Honorary Doctor of Law, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University.
Honorary Doctor of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan (2009) - for great services and contribution to the development and strengthening of relations, friendship and cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan
Honorary Doctor of the Baku State University (Azerbaijan, September 3, 2010) - for merits in the development of education and strengthening of Russian-Azerbaijani relations.
Honorary Doctor of Laws from Korea University (Republic of Korea, 2010)

Laureate of the "Themis" award for 2007 in the nomination "Public Service" "for his great personal contribution to the development of the fourth part of the Civil Code and for the personal presentation of the bill in the State Duma."
Award Winner International Fund Unity of Orthodox Peoples “For outstanding work in strengthening the unity of Orthodox peoples. For the approval and promotion of Christian values ​​in the life of society" named after His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II for 2009 (January 21, 2010)

Other awards

Gold medals of the Senate and Congress of the Cortes Generales (Spain, March 3, 2009)
Golden Key of Madrid (Spain, March 2, 2009)
Medal "Symbol of Science" (2007).

class rank

Since January 17, 2000 - Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class

Military rank

Reserve Colonel

Interesting Facts

In honor of Dmitry Medvedev in January 2012, one of the streets of the Palestinian

Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva (née Linnik). She was born on March 15, 1965 in Kronstadt (Leningrad, now St. Petersburg). Wife of Dmitry Medvedev, third President of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Svetlana Linnik was born on March 15, 1965 in Kronstadt (an inner-city municipality of St. Petersburg).

Father - Vladimir Alekseevich Linnik, a military sailor.

Mother - Larisa Ivanovna Linnik, economist.

Childhood years were spent in the village of Kovashi, the city of Lomonosov and Kronstadt.

Later, the family moved to Leningrad, where Svetlana went to high school No. 305 in Kupchino (Leningrad).

AT school years was an active participant in amateur performances, played in performances, performed in KVN.

After graduating from school, she entered the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics (now St. State University Economics and Finance) at the Faculty of Statistics, Accounting and Economic Analysis. After completing the first course, she transferred to the evening department. At the same time I started working.

Since 1995, having married the future Russian politician and statesman Dmitry Medvedev, took her husband's surname.

Works in Moscow, organizes public events in St. Petersburg.

Since April 2007, he has been the head of the board of trustees of the target complex program "Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia" created with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II. He is also involved in charity work: he patronizes the St. Petersburg boarding school No. 1, in which 316 pupils aged 4 to 25 live.

In 2008-2012 - the first lady of Russia when her husband served as President of the Russian Federation.

Since December 2008, he has been President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

At the end of January 2008, she made a pilgrimage to the Diveevsky Monastery.

On the initiative and with the personal participation of Svetlana Medvedeva, the Fund for Social and Cultural Initiatives has developed a number of social, cultural and educational projects. Among them, the All-Russian holiday celebrated since 2008 "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity". Every year on this day, Svetlana Medvedeva travels to Murom. The symbol of the holiday is a camomile. According to Medvedeva, she is very pleased to see how people give each other daisies, feel cared for, and hear how they say words of gratitude for attention and love in families. Svetlana explained that this holiday is closer in spirit to our citizens than St. Valentine's Day.

The “Give Me Life” campaign, which is inextricably linked with the “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”, is based on the right of the child to life and concern for the reproductive health of women. The Fund has developed and is successfully implementing the social program "White Rose", within the framework of which charitable diagnostic centers for women's health "White Rose" were opened in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Kemerovo, Arkhangelsk and Blagoveshchensk. The main task is prevention oncological diseases reproductive and mammary glands.

The growth of Svetlana Medvedeva: 162 centimeters.

Personal life of Svetlana Medvedeva:

Awards and titles of Svetlana Medvedeva:

November 12, 2007 - Patriarch Alexy II presented her with the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga II degree;
- January 23, 2008 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II presented her with a public award of the Regional Charitable Public Fund. Grand Duchess Evdokia of Moscow - Patriarchal badge of the Grand Duchess Evdokia of Moscow;
- September 29, 2008 - Mayor of Milan (Italy) Letizia Moratti handed her the highest award cities - "Ambrogino D'Oro" ("Golden Ambrose", Italian Ambrogino d "Oro);
- November 14, 2008 - Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad presented her with a Patriarchal letter for preparing and holding the first Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia;
- 2010 - International Prize of Cyril and Methodius (Slavic Fund of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchy);
- 2010 - Honorary citizen of the city of Cannes (France);
- April 19, 2012 - Order of Glory and Honor, I degree (ROC);
- October 15, 2012 - Order "Ruhubelent" (Turkmenistan) - for a great personal contribution to the development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation in the fields of science and education, cultural and humanitarian fields, for merits in strengthening friendly relations between the two countries, in educating young people of high spiritual and moral principles, and also taking into account the large-scale public work carried out by them;
- In the ranking of "100 most powerful women Russia” magazine Ogonyok, published in March 2014, took 16th place;
- In consideration of assistance in the construction of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Preobrazhenskaya Square in Moscow, on May 8, 2015, the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga of the 1st degree was awarded;
- March 3, 2016 - President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed the order: “For a great contribution to the implementation of measures to restore the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, award Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedev with a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation.”

Today, for a long time no one is surprised by the fact that the spouses of the first persons of the state are not quiet natures who prefer to lead a closed lifestyle, but stylish and sophisticated ladies who are absolutely not alien to active public activity. A striking example is the wife of Dmitry Medvedev. She is not only elegant and newfangled, but also knows how to present herself in such a way as not to “offend” the taste preferences of a multi-million female audience. Well, the position obliges, and Dmitry Medvedev's wife must correspond to the high rank that her husband occupies in the state apparatus. And she succeeds to the fullest. Surely almost everyone knows the name of Dmitry Medvedev's wife. The Russian press has repeatedly covered who Svetlana Vladimirovna is. However, not everyone is familiar with her biography, so we will consider this issue in more detail.

Childhood years

Dmitry Medvedev's wife is from Kronstadt. She was born on March 15, 1965 in the family of a military sailor. Maiden name Dmitry Medvedev's wife - Vinnik. Svetlana's childhood years passed in locality Kovashi, the cities of Lomonosov and Kronstadt.

Then her family moved to the city on the Neva (Kupchino district). In the northern capital, young Svetlana went to school. It should be noted that in childhood, Dmitry Medvedev's wife was a real fidget: she took part in school performances, skits and even joined the youth KVN with pleasure. Her activity inspired many.

Svetlana's peers note that, sitting at her desk, she was unusually attractive, and many boys wanted to be friends with her, but she chose the modest Dmitry.

Student years

Having received a matriculation certificate, Svetlana Vladimirovna applied to a prestigious St. Petersburg university at the Faculty of Accounting, Economic Analysis and Statistics. And the girl successfully passed the exams. However, already being a student of FINEK, the future wife of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was no longer such an activist as at school. It is likely due to the fact that the educational process at the above university, as the teachers themselves claimed, took a lot of effort and energy.

One way or another, already from the first year, Svetlana Vinnik decided to transfer to the evening faculty and did it in order to go to work. Classmates practically do not remember the blonde girl who, having received a diploma, began to labor activity specialty, but not for long.

Dating history

Svetlana was friends with Dmitry from the age of seven: they were destined to study at the same school, but in parallel classes. She was an enterprising, cheerful and mischievous girl, and he was a quiet and modest boy. It wasn't love school bench. They were just friends and talked a lot with each other. The future wife of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev did not experience a shortage of male attention, and some lively and extraordinary boy, of whom there were many in the class, could become her chosen one. One way or another, but at school, the friendship between Dmitry and Svetlana never grew into a real bright feeling. Everything was later.

chance meeting

After leaving school they life paths broke up for quite some time. But then they got back together, and the meeting was random. Dmitry did not forget about the girl all this time and continued his courtship already when he taught legal disciplines at his native university.

Svetlana also liked the young man, and they started dating. In 1989, the couple got married.

Difficult family life

After the wedding, Svetlana Medvedeva, along with her husband, settled down to live in her father's house, namely in a three-room apartment. It was not easy for Dmitry to feed his family on the salary of a teacher. And his young wife understood this like no one else. It was Svetlana Medvedeva (wife of Dmitry Medvedev) who in many ways became the impetus due to which her husband became what he became. Thus, she set the tone not only in domestic matters of the family, but also in building her husband's career. The future first lady of the country was able to change priorities in her husband's affairs, focusing on teaching towards business.

Fateful acquaintances

In the early 90s, Dmitry's wife, who contains a lot of interesting things, understood that it was time for her husband to try his hand at commercial structures. She helped him head the Ilim Pulp Enterprise, a large timber processing company, and then become one of the managers of the Bratsk Timber Industry Complex enterprise.

Svetlana Vladimirovna herself was an excellent expert in financial and economic issues, therefore, she could easily reach great heights in the field of business, but it was decided that commercial affairs were the prerogative of her husband, and she should focus on social work.

While still a student, Dmitry Anatolyevich will meet the future mayor northern capital Anatoly Sobchak, who subsequently offered him the post of assistant in the mayor's office. Soon fate will bring him together with Vladimir Putin: he oversaw international activities at Leningrad State University, and later worked with the head of state in the committee of the St. Petersburg mayor's office on external relations. And the wife of Dmitry Anatolyevich did everything possible to support her husband's undertakings and help him realize himself in new qualities. She became his main partner in everything.

Mother's role

Of course, the Russians already know a lot about who Dmitry Medvedev is. The wife, children of the politician are also important accents for the public. It should be noted that Svetlana Medvedeva took place as a mother, having given birth to her son Ilya in 1996. After this event, she plunged headlong into caring for her own offspring, temporarily stopping her career, although she worked in a "prestigious" place. Her husband insisted on this, and she agreed with his decision.

However, Svetlana Vladimirovna was not used to staying at home for a long time and from time to time tried to discuss with her husband the question of an additional lesson for herself, but her husband still insisted that everything should remain as before. As a result, Dmitry Medvedev, whose career began to climb, fully provided for his family, and Svetlana took care of the child on her shoulders.

Positive influence on the husband from another side

It should be noted that the former first lady of the state not only helped her husband create a career, but was also able to transform him outwardly.

The wife of Dmitry Medvedev, whose photo is regularly published by domestic media, made sure that her husband supported his physical form. He began to visit the pool regularly and gym, and also took up yoga, thanks to which he was able to lose those extra pounds. In general, listening to her advice, the husband was able to significantly change in a positive way.

Activities for the benefit of society

And what does Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev's wife do now? Her area of ​​interest is public affairs. She has been doing them for a long time.

Svetlana Vladimirovna, in particular, oversees the implementation of the target program "Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Younger Generation of Russia", which was approved by the patriarch himself. Medvedeva is trying with all her might to pay attention to the quality of modern education of young people, which, unfortunately, ignores spiritual and moral values ​​and is rather inert about the fact that modern boys and girls are prone to alcohol, tobacco and drug addiction.

For her beloved city on the Neva, Medvedev also tries to do a lot. So, Svetlana Vladimirovna brought to life a large-scale project "Partner Cities Milan - St. Petersburg", the funds from which were directed to orphanages.


Svetlana Vladimirovna today devotes a lot of time to patronage. Under her "guardianship" are boarding school No. 1 in the city on the Neva, which sheltered more than three hundred children of younger and middle age. Even when her husband worked as an adviser to the head of the Leningrad City Council, the future first lady of the country was organizing charity concerts, exhibitions and other events.

Having moved to the metropolitan metropolis, she was less and less interested in politics, devoting much time to patronage and social life.

Stylish lady

Medvedeva carefully monitors not only her appearance, but also her wardrobe, preferring to dress in strong and elegant outfits of eminent fashion designers. For example, she became friends with Valentin Yudashkin and became his regular client. Svetlana Vladimirovna, as far as possible, tried not to miss events related to the demonstration of branded and designer clothes, and sometimes she herself acted as the initiator of fashion shows.

Knows how to properly combine religious and secular life

Medvedeva is a believer who tries to adhere to church rules. At the same time, in her life there is time for social events and charitable deeds. Svetlana Vladimirovna is trying to ensure that relations between the authorities and the church are at the highest level.

Topped the rating of business ladies

Seven years ago, experts from the Institute of Politics and Business developed the top most business women in our country. Applicants for this "title" were evaluated according to the following criteria: the degree of fame, the degree of recognition in the profession, the ability to quickly find managerial decisions in an unusual situation, the degree of influence in political life. And the first line in the ranking was given to Svetlana Vladimirovna. She was even compared to the first lady of the United States, emphasizing that they are very similar in terms of intelligence and character.

And, of course, some cannot but be concerned about the question of what financial assets the ex-first lady has. According to her tax return, she owns a used Volkswagen Golf and a small cash deposit.

Regalia and awards

Back in 2007, II presented Medvedev with the Order of the Holy Princess Olga, II degree. Some time later, Svetlana Vladimirovna received a public award from the hands of Vladyka, addressed to her from charitable foundation them. Grand Duchess Evdokia of Moscow.

Then, already in 2008, the mayor of Italian Milan, Letizia Moratti, awarded Medvedev the highest city award called the Golden Ambrose.

In the same year, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad awarded Svetlana Vladimirovna with a Patriarchal diploma as a token of the first in our country Day of the Family of Love and Fidelity.

Six years ago, the former first lady of the country received International Prize Cyril and Methodius, addressed to her from the Slavic Fund of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate.

In 2012, Svetlana Vladimirovna was also awarded the Honor of the 1st degree from the Russian Orthodox Church.


Modern Russia does not support the format when the wives of presidents have a significant impact on political life countries. The public is accustomed to a more "calm" image of the first lady of the country, when she does not interfere in matters government controlled. However, Medvedev, contrary to generally accepted rules, albeit indirectly, but influenced the adoption of political decisions, since her husband was used to listening to her opinion. But Svetlana Vladimirovna own example demonstrated that the wife of the head of state can be useful in matters relating to the cultural, charitable and public spheres of activity.

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