Boyarskaya and Matveev together. Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev broke up

Tourism and rest 06.08.2019
Tourism and rest

Lisa was born in the family of the famous musketeer and legendary Petersburger Mikhail Boyarsky and theater actress Larisa Luppian. She was the second child in the family - the youngest desired daughter.

In childhood, Lisa had an incident that left an imprint on her face - in literally. Many notice a scar on Boyarskaya's left cheek. She was very small when, lying in her mother's arms, she touched the lamp with her hand, which shattered into fragments, one of which injured the girl's cheek. The wound was mended, but the trace of it remained for life. By the way, Lisa is not shy about her features and considers her a highlight.

At school, the future star did not shine with knowledge. Parents had to hire tutors so that Lisa could keep up with the subjects. It's all the fault of her extracurricular hobbies: a tall and slender girl early on became interested in fashion and dreamed of becoming a model.

Lisa also showed organizational skills, coping better than others with creating the most fun parties. That the daughter could go on acting dynasty The parents didn't even think about it. They rather saw artistic inclinations in their eldest son Sergei.

In high school, the girl gave the family the first surprise: when she was going to enter the journalism department of one of the most prestigious universities in the country, in just a year she pulled herself up in her studies, becoming one of the best students of the school.

Another surprise

Cobra. Antiterror (2003)

In parallel with this, the girl had the opportunity to play a movie. On that day, dad was actually called to the phone, and Lisa picked up the phone. Then an offer was made to her: to try herself as an actress. The girl was to play the young drug addict Alice in the movie "Keys to Death". The experience of working on the set did not inspire her, but gave her an idea of ​​what it is.

Everyone was already sure that Liza would definitely enter the faculty she dreams of and, if she did not connect her life with the media, then she would definitely be able to be a successful PR manager. But she again surprised her parents.

At the preparatory courses at the chosen university, she was frankly bored, but the Day open doors in the theater on Mokhovaya. Literally two months before the entrance exams, Boyarskaya changed her decision about her admission and confronted her parents with a fact: she would enter the theater.

After school, Boyarskaya applied to the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. But neither the parents were in a hurry to help the eccentric daughter to enter, nor the magic of the famous surname affected the selection committee.

Instead of the prescribed ten minutes, Liza showed her skills to the strict professors for an hour and proved that she could bear the title of actress. Inherited talent and perseverance eventually did the trick. Boyarskaya entered.

Active student

I won't tell (2010)

To prove her professional viability again she happened to be at the university. The young artist was invited to MDT for the role of Gonerel in King Lear. The student delighted critics and received the prestigious Golden Soffit Award. And was again invited to leading role but in a different show.

Together with the first roles, love also came to Liza Boyarskaya. While still studying at the academy, she fell in love with a student of the same university, an unknown Petersburger Danila Kozlovsky. They began a real romance.

The girl even introduced young man family, but Lisa's dad spoke out sharply against an ordinary boy from an unknown family. Be friends - please, but according to rumors, Mikhail Sergeevich Lisa forbade meeting and even more so connecting his life with him.

Parting followed, tears and sadness. But the attentive and intelligent Danila did not leave his girlfriend in a state of sadness. The actor was sympathetic to the decision of the Boyarsky couple. Before today Danila Kozlovsky remains a close friend of the now Liza family.

Two more novels by Boyarskaya - with Sergei Chonishvili and Pavel Polyakov were strictly controlled by the pope and had the same outcome as the first novel, although the men then did not show so much sensitivity. Liza was able to get rid of the influence of an authoritative father only after graduating from high school.


She did not leave the family nest for a long time and lived with her parents even when she was already quite an adult woman. However, no one could prevent her romance with a married actor of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.

Liza Boyarskaya met Maxim Matveev on the set in Kyiv. A month later, on the set, they started talking about the feelings that had flared up. They hid their relationship for a long time until information about this novel was leaked to the media.

Either in order to refute the rumors, or because of a discord with her beloved, Boyarskaya soon went to one of the film festivals with another young man - actor Grigory Dobrygin. The media immediately published information about the gap beautiful couple Boyarskaya-Matveev, and after a few months they began to appear together without hesitation.

It turned out that Matveev divorced his wife, an actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov Yana Sextu, and made an offer to Lisa. They signed modestly, celebrated in the family circle, and as a gift from Boyarskikh Lisa got an apartment in St. Petersburg.

However, the newlyweds lived in two cities: Boyarskaya never left the MDT and did not follow her husband to the capital, who, in turn, could not say goodbye to his theater. After some time, they had their first child, Andrey. Talking about the secrets of a strong marriage, both admitted that they manage to miss each other while away.


Completeness complex (2011)

However, a year ago, gossip began to say that Boyarskaya and Matveev were breaking up. Allegedly, the spouses no longer spend holidays together and rarely see each other. The baby is brought up mainly by Lisa's parents, the family is preparing for the divorce process.

Gossip immediately began to acquire rumors. Allegedly, Mikhail Boyarsky is against the official termination of relations: at least for PR, it is necessary to maintain the image of a happy couple. And the hope that Lisa and Maxim would be together again did not allow the older generation of the Boyarskys to remain indifferent.

Soon Lisa denied the gossip, and behind the refutation appeared new wave divorce rumors.

In the theater where Lisa serves, they confidently declare that the marriage has already been annulled, and the girl does not even wear wedding ring. But no official statements have been received from either of the spouses. On social media, they still share idyllic family photos.

Lisa Boyarskaya is an actress and model, daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian. Continuing the acting dynasty of the Boyarskys, she had to make a lot of efforts to get out of the shadow of her famous parents, but she definitely succeeded! The score of films with her participation went to dozens, and in MDT she is deservedly called a prima.

The childhood of Lisa Boyarskaya

Elizaveta Boyarskaya was born in Leningrad on December 20, 1985. The acting couple, Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian, had a son already growing up, Sergey Boyarsky. Lisa is almost six years younger than her brother.

Attentive viewers must have noticed Lisa's scar on her left cheek. She received it in infancy. The baby twitched unsuccessfully in her mother's arms and touched the lamp, which fell and shattered into pieces. One of them hurt Lisa's face. Larisa did not lose her composure and quickly took her daughter to the hospital, where the scar was mended. By the way, the actress is not at all complex because of the mark and even considers it her highlight, therefore she does not cover her cheek with foundation if it is not required on the set.

Despite the star status of her parents, at first the girl was not going to follow in their footsteps. She was attracted by a journalist and a relatively new profession of a PR manager at that time, especially since Lisa had the necessary inclinations - at school she easily managed to organize any parties.

She got her first film role by chance. One day the phone rang in the Boyarskys' apartment. The phone was picked up by 15-year-old Liza. At the other end of the wire, they asked if Mikhail could be heard, but the famous musketeer was on the set. Then the voice on the phone invited Lisa to play a movie. So her debut took place - in the thriller "Keys to Death" she played a little drug addict Alice, the daughter of wealthy parents.

However, the first shooting did not impress young Lisa, and she did not change her mind about future profession. However, the parents, as the elder Boyarsky later admitted, did not see the actress in their daughter. In their opinion, whoever should have become the successor of the dynasty was the eldest son. But in the senior class, the daughter gave them a surprise.

At school, Liza Boyarskaya studied mediocrely, she had to pull up all the subjects with tutors. But outside of the classroom, she led an active life - attended modeling school, was engaged in jazz and classical dances. And in high school, the girl took up her mind and became one of the most outstanding students. Boyarskaya showed such zeal to enter the faculty of journalism, but a couple of months before the entrance exams, she suddenly realized that this was absolutely not her profession. The introductory courses at the Faculty of Dreams brought the girl only disappointment, but visiting the opening of the educational theater on Mokhovaya, on the contrary, convinced Lisa to become the ninth certified actor in the family.

There was very little time for preparation. Lisa submitted documents to the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts (SPbGATI). At the entrance exams, the proud bearer of the legendary surname was not given concessions, but, on the contrary, instead of the prescribed ten minutes that were allotted for each applicant, Boyarskaya proved for an hour that she was worthy to join the ranks of students. As a result, Lisa was enrolled in the course of the People's Artist of Russia, professor and simply outstanding theater director Lev Abramovich Dodin.

Actor career

Liza Boyarskaya plunged headlong into learning the basics of acting. Already as a student, Boyarskaya received her first serious role. The girl brilliantly performed on the stage of the Maly Drama Theater in the play "King Lear", playing the role of Gonerel, for which she received the prestigious "Golden Soffit" award.

In 2003, she got the main female role in the drama "Demon of Noon", then - an episode in the TV series "Cobra. Antiterror" (series "Prince of Darkness"), where her heroine Nastya was lured into a satanic sect.

Elizabeth Boyarskaya. Temporarily available

In 2004, offers from directors began to arrive more often. During this period, Lisa was busy filming in the German-Italian military drama "Bunker" by Oliver Hirschbiegel, where she appeared in the image of nurse Erna. A year later, the girl received her first big role in Russian cinema - the actress tried on the image of touching and hopelessly in love with the submarine captain Tanka from the military drama "The First After God."

In the same year, Lisa got another historical role, Francoise Faberge, in the drama "Own Alien Life", which told about the post-revolutionary period. After that, the girl admitted that historical costume paintings are close to her, since she considers herself completely out of date.

In 2006, Liza Boyarskaya tried her hand at the melodrama You Won't Leave Me. In the tape, the girl played the young actress Verochka - a rather eccentric person. Since her heroine was a bunch of energy: she was constantly saying something, then crying, then laughing, Lisa had to constantly "wind" herself. By the way, it was in this picture that Lisa Boyarskaya first starred with her dad. As the actress herself admitted, the experience was unusual. For the sake of this role, Lisa made a small sacrifice - from a brunette she had to repaint several times into a redhead. However, this did not bother the girl at all: the actress has repeatedly stated that for the sake of a worthwhile film, she is ready not only to dye her hair color, but also to shave her head.

In 2007, Elizaveta Boyarskaya graduated from the theater academy and was officially invited to work at the MDT Young Studio - Theater of Europe.

Soon the girl was offered the role of d'Artagnan's daughter in the sequel to The Three Musketeers. Although Elizabeth loves "costume" films, she refused to participate, citing the fact that the script did not quite suit her.

One of the most striking roles, according to Elizabeth, was waiting for her in the remake of "The Irony of Fate" from Timur Bekmambetov. The girl who grew up on the film “Enjoy Your Bath!” Admitted that at first she was afraid of responsibility and the inevitable comparisons with the heroine of Barbara Brylskaya, However, she nevertheless agreed to participate in the filming. Elizabeth's partners in the film were Konstantin Khabensky and Sergei Bezrukov. According to the script, Sergei plays the fiance of Nadia, and Konstantin - the new lover.

Now Lisa is sure that her heroine in The Irony of Fate is the ideal of the St. Petersburg girl of our time. She is a little cold and infernal, at the same time self-confident, proud and sober, not a "glamorous" girl, but not an ordinary one either, but with a rich internal content. This combination of qualities is to Elizabeth's liking.

Liza Boyarskaya in "Evening Urgant" (2016)

Released in 2008 New film with the participation of Liza Boyarskaya and Konstantin Khabensky - the blockbuster "Admiral" directed by Andrei Kravchuk. The film told about the life of an outstanding military officer navy, polar explorer, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, and his beloved Anna Timireva.

After such success, films with her participation are constantly released on the big screen: “I won’t tell” (2010) with Maxim Matveev, “Five brides” (2011) with Danil Kozlovsky, “Match” (2011) with Sergey Bezrukov , "Klushi" (2012), "Cinderella" (2012), "The habit of parting" (2013), "Courier from Paradise" (2013), "Headhunters" (2014) with Philip Jankowski.

In 2012, Lisa starred in Valery Meladze's video for the song "Heaven", playing his lover and appearing in rather frank images.

Lisa Boyarskaya and Valery Meladze in the video "Heaven"

Personal life of Liza Boyarskaya

Lisa Boyarskaya lived for a very long time under the same roof with her father and mother, not daring to free herself from parental care.

As a student, Boyarskaya fell in love with fellow student Danila Kozlovsky. At the academy, they were immediately dubbed "Romeo and Juliet", and the tabloids were already looking forward to the future details of the star romance, but then Lisa's strict father intervened, saying that he would not allow his daughter to meet with a little-known youth. The same fate, according to rumors, awaited Sergei Chonishvili, and a native of Novosibirsk, actor Pavel Polyakov.

After two films in tandem with Khabensky in a row (“Admiral” and “Irony of Fate”), Liza Boyarskaya began to attribute an affair with the actor, but the rumors turned out to be groundless.

In August 2009, on the set of the film “I won’t tell”, which took place in Kyiv, Boyarskaya met the actor of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, the star of the film "Dandies" Maxim Matveev. As Lisa herself said, she had seen Maxim before and dreamed of working with him.

A month later, the entire film crew was discussing the actors' new office romance with might and main. The couple hid their relationship from the public for a long time, since Boyarskaya's lover was married to another actress, Yana Sexte from Snuffbox. But for a long time they were not enough, soon information about their romance was leaked to the press, and Maxim moved out from his wife to a rented apartment.

Lisa Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev for Glamor

In 2010, rumors spread that Boyarskaya and Matveev broke up, because at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival the actress appeared together with 24-year-old Grigory Dobrygin (“How I Spent This Summer”, “Black Lightning-2”). The couple held hands, smiled sweetly and took pictures together right and left.

But already in the summer of the same year, Lisa Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev arrived at the Kinotavr film festival in Sochi together. It turned out that Maxim divorced Yana Sexte, and the lovers filed an application with one of the St. Petersburg registry offices. By the standards of show business, the wedding turned out to be modest. The newlyweds signed, and then celebrated this event in a quiet family circle.

Lisa's father gave the young people an apartment in St. Petersburg, but they continued to live and work for two cities: Boyarskaya serves in the St. Petersburg MDT, and Maxim - in the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. This fact gave rise to many rumors about the "black cat" in the family.

On April 7, 2012, the couple had their first child, a boy Andrei. Lisa Boyarskaya continued to perform on stage until the sixth month of pregnancy, and only 3 months after giving birth she returned to the stage.

As a child, Lisa tries not to “shine” in front of the cameras, because by her own example she knows what it is like to be the daughter of a celebrity. “Let my son have a normal childhood, without all this tinsel,” the actress believes.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya now

In the winter of 2016, viewers saw Elizaveta Boyarskaya in the mini-series "Drunk Firm" - a tragicomedy about the brilliant "hangover" played by Mikhail Efremov. Lisa played the role of his pregnant daughter, who is in a deplorable financial situation.

When a boy was born into a family of ordinary workers from a small town on the Baltic coast, none of his relatives even suspected that he was destined to become an actor. Maxim Matveev never saw his father, his mother, a philologist by education, worked as a librarian. The boy was brought up by his grandfather, in whose hands any instrument “played”.

Start of the Star Trek

As soon as the grandson drew some kind of animal, plane or ship on paper, a few hours later the grandfather made the same toy from improvised means. The boy's grandmother worked as a usher in the city cinema and let her grandson through any screening for free.

Maxim from childhood fell in love with cinema, A " star Wars became his favorite film.

When the boy was ten years old, his mother got married, Max had a stepfather, and the whole family moved to Saratov. In a new place, the future actor did not immediately get used to it. He did not communicate with classmates and did not make friends, did not take part in games during breaks, but repeated homework before the lesson.

Maxim dreamed of becoming a surgeon, later he caught fire with a passion for fencing, but the choice of further life path determined the love of art. IN school years the guy went to art school after school, and in high school he attended acting classes.

Parents insisted that Maxim submit documents to the Faculty of Law, but the young man took them to the Saratov Conservatory, where he was accepted immediately to the second year of the theater department. Matveev studied well, added to his skills by leaps and bounds. Realizing that the foundation of professionalism was being laid at the faculty, he refused offers to participate in the filming of advertising.

Having received a diploma with the highest scores from the examination committee, Maxim Matveev went to Moscow. His dream - to study at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, came true on the first try.

In parallel with his studies, the young actor performed on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, where his partners were Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina. Under the supervision of such luminaries, he progressed rapidly, and no one was surprised when in 2006, Maxim Matveev was hired by the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.

On the stage of this theater, the actor who believed in himself played in many wonderful productions. But he does not stop there, continuing to delight his fans.

From "Vice" to "Player"

First offers to act in films to Maxim Matveev began to arrive immediately after moving to Moscow, but the teachers convinced the young actor not to rush. When he turned down the role in the series "Poor Nastya", many classmates looked with surprise at the "Samara nugget" - for the promised fee in those years it was possible to buy a spacious four-room apartment in the capital.

Maxim Matveev was in no hurry to go to the cinema, and significant roles did not pass him by. On the set, the actor made his debut in the film "Vise". This was followed by an invitation to the musical "Dandies", after the release of which Maxim Matveev instantly became famous.

And the roles followed, as if from a cornucopia, no matter the film, new success: “I won’t tell”, “New Year’s Tariff”, “Exchange Wedding”, “On the Hook”. After 2005, Maxim Matveev also paid attention to television series, confidently playing his roles in films:

  • "Tula Tokarev";
  • "Yalta-45";
  • "Diamond Hunters";
  • "Military hospital";
  • "Captains".

Returning to the big cinema, he pleased with his game in the projects "Weekend", "Fort Ross", "Loves does not love."

In 2017, fans of Maxim Matveev saw their idol in the series "Mata Hari", where he played the role of officer Vladimir Maslov, and in "", where he was identified with the image of Vronsky. In addition, the shooting of the biographical series "Trotsky" and the criminal saga "The Gambler" were not without the participation of the actor.

Favorite women of the actor Matveev

Despite the myriad of fans, Maxim Matveev is an exemplary family man. True, the current marriage is already the second for him. At first, the actor tried to build a family with an actress with whom he played on the same stage.

A professional relationship developed into a passionate romance, which was marked by a legal marriage in 2008. But one year was enough for the actors to understand that they were not destined to live together. After divorce former spouses maintained friendly relations and continue to communicate at work.

The second wife of the famous actor was no less popular, whom he met in 2009. A year later, in 2010, the star actors got married, and in the spring of 2012, their first-born Andrei appeared in their family. Pair for a long time did not show her son to reporters in order to protect the child from stress and negative energy.

Interesting Notes:

In 2016, the tabloid press wrote that the union of Maxim Matveev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya is bursting at the seams that the spouses do not communicate and live separately, but Elizabeth issued a refutation of such rumors, assuring that everything is fine in their family. You can read more about the couple's personal life.

Apart from professional activity and caring for his loved ones, Maxim Matveev devotes a lot of his free time to charity. The actor heads the Doctor Clown Foundation, whose volunteer ambushes engage in art therapy with sick children.

Actor leads healthy lifestyle life, is fond of yoga, excluded meat dishes from his diet, preferring fish.

Films by Maxim Matveev

Year Movie Role
2007 Vise

Denis Orlov, DJ

2007 Thanks for the love! Ivan Averin
2008 dudes Fred
2008 New Year's tariff Andrey
2009 Pelagia and the White Bulldog

Arkady Sergeevich Poggio, artist and photographer from St. Petersburg

2009 I will not say Ivan
2010 Tula Tokarev Artyom Tokarev
2010 Military hospital

Vasily Bezhin, surgeon

2011 On hook! Khlobyshevsky
2011 Exchange wedding

Sasha, bank clerk

2011 Santa Claus always calls ... three times! Arthur
2011 diamond hunters

IN Lately Boyarskaya and Matveev gave more than one reason to doubt the ideality of their married life. The actress celebrated her 30th birthday in December last year in a restaurant in St. Petersburg without her husband, in the company of several friends - Ksenia Rappoport, Danila Kozlovsky - and parents. Now it is Mikhail Sergeevich and Larisa Luppian who help her raise her 4-year-old son Andrei in St. Petersburg. And it is they who insist that the couple does not formalize the divorce yet. “Lisa and Maxim broke up a few months ago,” an employee of the St. Petersburg MDT Sergey Turuntsev tells StarHit. - Everything is mutual, it just seems that love has passed over the years ... Perhaps life in two cities has done its job - after all, Lisa and Maxim had a non-standard marriage. Of course, Lisa could not hide the fact of a break with her husband from her colleagues; relations with Maxim were an important part of her life. When one of the artists drew attention to the fact that she came to the theater without a wedding ring, she did not deny that her union with Matveev had come to an end. I know that they even recently wanted to legally divorce - but Lisa's dad Mikhail Boyarsky sharply opposed this - they say, you need to observe the image of an ideal family, no matter what. Or maybe he still hopes that his daughter and Maxim will endure everything again, fall in love ... The father now helps her with her grandson - he often walks with him, takes him to developmental courses, and in the evening does homework with Andryusha.

The couple do not want to advertise their discord

Elizabeth herself is actively filming in Anna Karenina by Karen Shakhnazarov in St. Petersburg. And recently, the film "Contribution" was released, where she and her husband played one of the main roles. Even then, colleagues of the stars suspected something was wrong. “Lisa and Maxim are very professional people Therefore, personal relationships at work did not affect in any way. Yes, and they tried not to discuss their family problems on the site, although many were aware that it is difficult to hide such things, ”actor Daniil Lebedev, who worked with the couple on the set of the film Contribution last year, comments on StarHit.

The Moscow Art Theater is also aware of the discord in famous family. “Maxim has always been secretive, and after breaking up with Lisa, he completely retreated into himself,” Olga Salnikova, make-up artist at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, told StarHit. - At first, I couldn’t get together at the rehearsals - I missed some comments, but we are all people, so we treated all this with understanding. We try not to touch on the topic of his relationship with his wife, he himself asked to refrain from commenting on this matter in his presence. But he did not hide from his colleagues that he and Lisa were no longer together. Of course, they will figure it out themselves, no one climbs. We all hope this is temporary. Especially since they have a very small son, Maxim does not have a soul in him and is now very worried that Andryusha has moved back with his mother to St. Petersburg. And besides, so many months have passed since they broke up, and they still do not file for divorce - so maybe there is still a chance.

Other performers of the main roles in the film "Midshipmen 4" (Mikhail Boyarsky, Dima Bilan, Nikita Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite)

29-year-old girl ended up in a psychiatric hospital after a date with the man of her dreams

This story could begin like this: he is in New York, she is in Paris, their paths intersect to part again, and diverge to bring new meeting… But our heroes were born and raised in Russia, and although they are in a family and creative tandem, they are forced to be apart on a regular basis. Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev are a beautiful and atypical couple. Their married life cannot be called sedentary: the actors run between St. Petersburg and Moscow, together, separately, with and without their son Andrei. Maybe this explains the fact that since the beginning of the relationship, the paparazzi regularly breed lovers and publish compromising materials. So in mid-April, star publics unanimously reported: Boyarskaya finally moved to St. Petersburg and confirmed her colleagues' guesses about the break with her husband. Matveev is having a hard time parting, and even work at the Moscow Art Theater does not save the actor from mental anguish. Insiders confirmed: love at a distance gradually faded away, and a couple recent months skillfully imitates the appearance of a family. And after a couple of days, Boyarskaya gave official comments in the press: no, they did not part with her husband, moreover, now their main habitat is in a Moscow apartment, and only busy work schedules prevent them from appearing in public together. Where is the myth-making in this story, and where is the truth?!

Prosperous Lisa - no, not a journalist: an actress!

She was born at the end of 1985 in the prosperous Boyarsky-Luppian acting clan and became the second child of the spouses: her brother Seryozha was 5 years old. An intelligent St. Petersburg family zealously maintained the image of a respectable and exemplary one, although in the acting environment it was well known about the polygamy of the main Gascon of the country - Mikhail Sergeyevich. Little Liza surrounded by the closest

From childhood, the girl grew up as a creative child, however, at first her priority was plastic art. She devoted several years to classical and jazz dancing. At a young age, Lisa's mother arranged for her daughter to attend modeling courses to help her get rid of complexes and clamps.

At school, Lisa was in the middle class for a long time, but in her senior classes, the girl studied hard and also organized school events. Lisa was attracted by journalism and PR, she was preparing herself for admission to the journalism department.

At the age of 13, Lisa made her film debut: she played a young bohemian drug addict. But then she did not think seriously about the acting profession. The first experience was not enough to convince Lisa to become an actress.

The girl is open to creative experiments from an early age.

On the eve of the entrance exams, acting genes took their toll - Boyarskaya, contrary to her intentions, enters the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. Moreover, at the skill exam, the girl had to win the right to study: for an hour, instead of the prescribed 10 minutes, the applicant convinced the admissions committee of professional suitability.

Lisa was lucky - the outstanding theater director Lev Dodin recruited the course. The purposeful girl mastered the profession zealously and selflessly, and Lev Abramovich soon appreciated such a fanatical approach to learning the craft: during her studies, she was entrusted with the role of Goneril in the production of the Maly Drama Theater "King Lear". The first professional recognition soon followed - Lisa received the Golden Soffit Award.

Lisa became the ninth representative of the Boyarsky acting clan.

Dear, beloved, the only ...

It’s hard to get into the troupe of the famous theater of Lev Dodin, but Boyarskaya succeeded: immediately after graduating from the university, she was hired by the MDT. Shot from the play "King Lear"

However, this period is memorable for Lisa not only with professional success, but also with her first passionate love. The choice fell on classmate and theater colleague Danila Kozlovsky."Romeo and Juliet" - otherwise they were not called on the sidelines. Happiness was short-lived - Liza's parents intervened and literally forbade their daughter to "twist tricks" with a handsome man without a family or tribe. Then they had no idea that the handsome boy would make a swift and bright career. The young people quickly recovered from the break: she plunged into work, he married colleague Magdalena Ursula Malka.
Student, youth, love

Since 2005, Lisa began to act actively, she was invited to the films of Rogozhkin, Surikova, Guzman. In the same creative cinematic environment, Boyarskaya also met her next lover, and again the choice fell on the actor. True, now an adult and brutal. With Sergei Chonishvili, they were connected by mutual feeling, but separated by a social and age gap. Yes, and the authoritarian father of Lisa was categorically against such a son-in-law.

A very mysterious story connects Boyarskaya with another colleague in the shop - people's artist Konstantin Khabensky. Teamwork and tender friendship or something more? Lisa claims that fate brought them to the auditions for the film "Admiral", but there is another version. As if the hero of Lethal Force, at the invitation of Lisa's mother, ended up in the Boyarskys' house, and she fell in love with a man who was then happily married. They say love has no past tense. But what if Lizina's struggle for happiness is just an attempt to attract Kostya's attention to herself, to bring him closer to herself? But history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood: now Khabensky is happily married with a second marriage and is preparing to become a father again, and Liza observes the reputation of their family union with Matveev.
Frame from Andre Kravchuk's film "Admiral"

In 2011, already married, friends were seen walking hand in hand in one of the romantic places in the capital. Rumor has it that partners and friends also went on vacation that summer together.

Another bright hobby of Lisa from the category of "misalliance" was the Novosibirsk theater actor Pavel Polyakov. Liza persuaded her lover to move, promised to take care of him in St. Petersburg, but when he decided, she unexpectedly resigned. Maxim Matveev appeared on the horizon.

In August 2009, Liza flew to Kyiv to participate in the chamber psychological drama “I won’t tell”. And here already big question what interested her more - the material or the name of the partner.

Lisa is a corrosive actress, greedy for details and nuances. So, preparing for the role of Timireva, she literally studied the personal correspondence of the Supreme Ruler of Russia and his beloved. And 10 years later, trying on the most dramatic image of Russian literature - Anna Karenina, Lisa thoroughly studied the novel.

Filming of the December issue of Glamour-2010

Maxim Matveev: Saratov Conservatory and Moscow Art Theater School

The actor was formed in the alma mater of many talents - Saratov

Maxim was born in the Kaliningrad region, and spent his childhood and youth in the city on the Volga, Saratov. The guy was going to enter the Polytechnic, but the event at the graduation changed the vector of his movement. He was noticed by the assistant of the famous teacher of the Saratov Conservatory Vladimir Smirnov. There was just an empty place on the course for a guy who falls under the role of a “hero-lover”, and the typical and stately Maxim was the best suited for this role. As a result, Vladimir not only convinced the young man to enter acting, but also prepared the entire program with him. Yes, so fortunate that Matveev was enrolled immediately in the second year. The narcissistic Maxim was interested in girls indirectly: except to amuse his own ego; V serious relationship was not noticed. But with Vladimir Smirnov he had a warm, strong friendship, which gave rise to a lot of rumors and speculation. Arriving after Saratov in Moscow, he pulled happy ticket- they became the school-studio "MKhT". The first film experience for Maxim was Valery Todorovsky's crime drama "Vice". The "baptism of fire" was successful, especially since Todorovsky, Bondarchuk and Serebryakov were listed as godfathers. Real fame came to the guy after participating in the retro musical "Boogie on the Bones", which was renamed "Stilyagi" at the box office. Stylish and charming Fred captivated millions of girls from the screen, and in Maxim's life there was then one woman - Jana Sexte.
Together they played in the play "Moscow Art Theater" named after Chekhov "Forty-First"

Maxim met the Latvian actress at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater: together they played in the play "Forty-First". Yana, who at that time was already one of the leading actresses of the Snuffbox, became Maxim's reliable and faithful partner, first on stage, and then in life. The couple registered their relationship in 2008 without pomp and solemnity - there simply were no funds for this.

In Maxim's alma mater, the Saratov Conservatory, they were very surprised by the choice of the actor. Insiders are sure that when Maxim was a student, the last thing he would pay attention to was a girl like Yana.

The story of one adultery

Yana did not look for a soul in a handsome husband, and he, apparently, simply allowed himself to be loved. A year after the wedding, a homeowner invaded the relationship. Kyiv, film set of Igor Kopylov's painting "I won't tell". The partners enthusiastically discuss each scene, participate in the selection of costumes and props, and even go to flea markets together. Seventeen shooting days were enough for Lisa to feel an acute shortage of Maxim in her life after parting. A vivid romance unfolded in front of the entire film crew. The project ended, and the relationship migrated to Moscow. The piquancy of the situation was added by the fact that in the golden-domed unfaithful spouse, the legal wife of Jan Sexte was waiting, and Maxim rushed headlong into adultery like that. However, very soon he left Yana for a rented apartment, and at the Moscow premieres, without hesitation, he kissed Boyarskaya. Yana Sexte was having a hard time breaking up. The personal drama of the spouses was also reflected at work - they stopped going out as partners on the stage. However, in the same 2009, information appeared about the breakup of the couple. Larisa Luppian, in a telephone conversation with reporters, responded to a question about Matveev: “God be with you, what Matveev! Lizonka has a businessman friend!”

Rumor has it that Matveev, during the first disagreement with Lisa, tried to meet with his wife and beg for forgiveness - but she, dumbfounded by the betrayal, did not give him a chance.

Bright romance, wedding and family life of Elizabeth and Maxim

And again the couple is seen together. And in May 2010, at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival, the fatal beauty Liza Boyarskaya, contrary to expectations, appears arm in arm with another companion - rising star Grigory Dobrygin. Young people pose for the paparazzi, smile at each other, and Grisha calls Lisa his girlfriend. What it was - a desire to confuse journalists, a fleeting romance - is unknown, but only a month later Boyarskaya arrived at Kinotavr, accompanied by Matveev, and at the end of July she married him. The wedding was played in St. Petersburg without excessive pathos, crinolines and veils.
The celebration, by the standards of the well-being of the Boyarsky family, was more than modest

The father of the bride made a truly royal gift to the young: he handed over the keys to the apartment. The newly-appeared spouses received congratulations from friends, relatives and colleagues and parted ... After the wedding, the actors live apart for a long time: he is in Moscow, she is in St. Petersburg. Boyarsky laments this state of affairs: “And what kind of family it is, they rarely call each other on the phone!” I must say that Maxim is growing in the profession. He winds up ratings on such mainstream projects as “Exchange Wedding”, and hones his skills in serious films like “August. Eighth." In 2012, the couple had an heir, who was named Andrei. Preparations for the happy event, like the birth itself, took place in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy. Pregnancy was preceded by a long period of treatment for Lisa - perhaps that is why the actress was so carefully protected from prying eyes, and her photographs in interesting position Hardly ever. Elizabeth quickly cut short her maternity leave. Either the fear of lack of demand, or other motives pushed Lisa to go to work three months later, shifting the lion's share of worries about the baby to her grandparents.

Larisa Luppian enthusiastically shares that her grandson is growing up as a real child prodigy: she already speaks several languages, knows the capitals of all states and has excellent computer skills.

From the cinema, the actress also did not disappear - however, the roles were mostly passing ones. Maxim, on the other hand, was reborn from a simply cinematic man into a versatile artist who can do any role. At the end of 2014, Matveev and Boyarskaya got a second chance to work together. It was on the set of the historical detective Sergei Snezhkin "Contribution" that colleagues allegedly suspected something was wrong in the relationship of the spouses, which was later cited by many sources.

Matveev admits that his wife is an ideal partner. And her sensitivity and responsibility delight him.

Spouses often end up on the pages of glossy publications, but the couple still keeps their son away from prying eyes

Boyarskaya and Matveev are getting divorced?

But the real excitement and exaggeration of the press was caused by the December pictures of Boyarskaya: in the photographs from her own birthday, her husband was absent. On December 20, the girl, in the company of her parents and closest friends, including Ksenia Rappoport and Konstantin Khabensky, celebrated her anniversary in one of the St. Petersburg restaurants, but her husband was not seen among the guests on such an important day. Just a few days later, Liza appeared on the red carpet of the Main Department Store in Moscow, where the private premiere of Pavel Ruminov's tape "Status: Free" was held. And again without the dearest spouse. The joy of presenting a new film work with Boyarskaya was shared by Danya Kozlovsky, the performer of the main male role.
Pre-premiere screening of the film "Status: Free" in the showroom of GUM

By the way, the film became the second joint work of the actors in the cinema. Boyarskaya in an interview repeatedly called Kozlovsky her main partner: they have been sharing the stage space since 2002, and the actors met on the film set in 2011. Yes, and the memory of their relationship has not completely faded ... True, Kozlovsky, having paid a little attention to Lisa, went to entertain his girlfriend Olga Zueva. Lisa began to save the marriage, drowning in the eyes of the public, in a couple of days: she posted joint pictures with her husband, backing them up with the tags “we are fine” and “another stupidity.”

Boyarskaya admits that she is not yet strong in matters of housekeeping and cannot always correspond to an impeccable husband. He, according to the actress, knows how to do absolutely everything around the house.

As for their friendship with Kozlovsky, Boyarskaya replies: “Maxim harmoniously combines beauty, intelligence and wisdom, so there is no place for jealousy in our relationship.” Before this far-fetched story had time to be forgotten, a new one arose. Publications trumpeted the news of the gap, cited quotes close to a couple of people. Like, everything is mutual, only the guardian of morality Mikhail Sergeevich asks the guys to wait a little with the divorce.

Lisa's aunt Ekaterina Boyarskaya said that, contrary to rumors, the relationship between the famous father-in-law and son-in-law is developing very well. As if Mikhail Sergeevich found in Maxim a resemblance to his untimely departed brother Alexander and rather quickly imbued his daughter's chosen one.

And again, Lisa is forced to make excuses - Boyarskaya categorically denies all rumors of a breakup. Calls them "completely false" and "absolutely groundless". “We were confused with someone,” Lisa sums up.
Filming of Karen Shakhnazarov's tape "Anna Karenina"

While journalists are systematically developing a “habit of parting” in a couple, Lisa and Maxim are struggling to prove their “status: not free”. Whether the newsmakers are to blame and whether smoke is possible without fire - there is no definite answer yet. The couple has another professional upsurge: they are engaged in the project of Karen Shakhnazarov "Anna Karenina" in the lead roles, in April Lisa played the premiere performance of "Hamlet", in which she shines as Ophelia ... The actress's aunt admitted that the couple dream of a second child. As they say, coming soon.

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