118 rifle. Little Tragedies of the Great War

Technique and Internet 03.07.2019
Technique and Internet

Abstract on the topic:

118th rifle division(1st formation)


  • 1. History
  • 2 Full name
  • 3 Composition
  • 4 Submission
  • 5 Commanders
  • 6 Memory
  • Literature


In total, the 118th Rifle Division was formed 3 times. See list of other formations

118th Rifle Division- military unit of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War

1. History

It was formed in Kostroma on July 6, 1940 on the basis of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1193-464ss of 07/06/1940. Since June 15, 1941, 6,000 people have been replenished.

From June 24, 1941 to June 28, 1941, it is loaded in Kostroma and by rail through Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Bologoe, Staraya Russa, Porkhov is transferred to Pskov, bombed along the way, unloaded in Karamushevo From June 30, 1941, it was supposed to be deployed in the Pskov fortified area, however, it was late with the arrival, so by the evening of July 2, 1941, only 13 echelons arrived, by the morning of July 4, 1941, 20 echelons arrived, 2 more were on the way. She took positions near Pskov, along the Velikaya River and the Cherekha River, adjoining Lake Pskov on the right flank, and on the left flank to the mouth of the Keb River. On July 5, 1941, it was deployed in the Korly, Vasilyevo, Palkino sector, Cherskaya station, Ogurtsovo, the concentration had not yet been completed. She took her first battle on July 5, 1941 with the 6th Panzer Division.

On the morning of July 8, 1941, it remains at its former lines, without an active enemy in front of it, but by the end of the day, under some pressure from the enemy, it left the fortified area, and this abandonment was the main reason for the removal and execution of the division commander. At the same time, it is difficult to say now whose initiative was to withdraw the division across the Velikaya River - the corps command or the divisional one. Moreover, the crossing of the division was disorganized, the bridge across the river was blown up early, as a result of which a large part of the division was forced to cross on improvised means under enemy fire, naturally suffers losses and retreats to Pskov.

In Pskov, control of the division was finally lost, and from July 10, 1941, the division retreated in disarray for the most part to Gdov, and with some units to Luga and Dno. Closer to Gdov, control was restored; from July 11, 1941 to July 18, 1941, the division was engaged in heavy fighting on the east coast Lake Peipus, defends Gdov. So, on July 16, 1941, he counterattacked the enemy (36th motorized division) that had broken through, leaving Gdov. However, at that moment the 58th Infantry Division approached and broke into Gdov, thus the 118th Division was surrounded, left it in the Narva region by July 20, 1941, having lost 1200 people as prisoners. The evacuation of parts of the division was also carried out along Lake Peipus by the forces of the Peipsi military flotilla.

It occupied positions southwest of Rakvere, included in the strike force, which struck from the east against the enemy that had broken through to the coast of the Gulf of Finland in Estonia in the Tapa region. Since August 6, 1941 - on the offensive. However, the enemy preempted the strike and went on the offensive himself, and the division was forced to roll back to the east under the enemy’s attack; by August 8, 1941, it was on the coast of the Gulf of Finland northwest of Narva. By August 17, 1941, the division was defending near Kingisepp, retreated to Koporye, then launched a counterattack, rolled back to locality Iliki, from there again went on a counterattack, to Kipen, where she was surrounded. On August 22, 1941, the division consisted of only 3025 people. personnel, 17 guns and 54 machine guns. She left the encirclement in the Koporye - Oranienbaum region by August 25, 1941.

On September 8, 1941, he was fighting near Ropsha. Since September 10, 1941, it has been advancing on Gostilitsy, managed to advance 3-5 kilometers, but was cut off by the Germans south of Mikhailovsky.

On September 29, 1941, the division was disbanded without the knowledge of the People's Commissar of Defense, the remnants of the personnel were transferred to the 48th Infantry Division.

2. Full name

118th Rifle Division

3. Composition

  • 398th Infantry Regiment
  • 463rd Rifle Regiment
  • 527th Rifle Regiment
  • 604th Artillery Regiment
  • 621st howitzer artillery regiment
  • 191st separate anti-tank battalion
  • 472nd separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion
  • 132nd separate reconnaissance battalion)
  • 282nd engineer battalion
  • 283rd separate communications battalion (745th separate company connections)
  • 259th Medical Battalion
  • 260th separate company of chemical protection
  • 663rd motor transport battalion
  • 422nd field bakery
  • 521st field post station
  • 439th field cash desk of the State Bank

4. Submission

5. Commanders

  • Glovatsky Nikolai Mikhailovich (07/16/1940 - 08/03/1941), Major General, (was convicted by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court and shot "for cowardice, inaction of the authorities, the collapse of command and control, surrendering weapons to the enemy without a fight and unauthorized abandonment of military positions" . Shot 08/3/1941 Rehabilitated).
  • Safronov Afanasy Ivanovich (08/20/1941 - 09/27/1941), colonel

6. Memory

  • Museum of Military Glory of Petropavlovskaya high school Kostroma region
This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/11/11 22:13:08
Related abstracts: 52nd Rifle Division (formation of 1935), 176th Rifle Division (formation of 1944),

Chronicle of tragedy

In July, our city received guests from Kostroma. The visit was connected with a mournful date - the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the past of the Gdovsky district, on the territory of which, in July of the forty-first year, the 118th rifle division took bloody battles and fell into the enemy's encirclement. It was formed before the war in Kostroma, and there were many natives of this region in it. Thousands of soldiers of the 118th Infantry Division laid down their lives on Gdov land. This is not the first time that Kostroma searchers have come to us in memory of fellow countrymen. Today they brought a memorial plaque to the obelisk, installed near the Grove of Memory and the village of Verkholyane. At the rally dedicated to this event, the commanders of two search detachments met - Sergey Shiyanov from Kostroma and Marat Falyakhiev from Gdov. They know a lot about the tragic events of 70 years ago, and they prepared an article for the readers of Gdovskaya Zarya about how it happened. Based on historical documents and memoirs of witnesses and participants. The directive of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated July 8, 1940, numbered 0/1/104591, stated: by August 15, 1940, the 118th rifle division of 3,000 people (Yaroslavl, Kostroma) should be formed. Thus was born the 118th Rifle Division. It included: three rifle regiments - 398th (military unit 40327), 463rd (military unit 34453), 527th (military unit 44158); two artillery (604th light artillery and 621st howitzer artillery regiment), 191st separate anti-tank destroyer division; 132nd separate reconnaissance battalion; 283rd separate communications battalion (military unit 11880); 282nd separate engineer battalion (military unit 19665); 472nd separate anti-aircraft artillery division; 259th separate medical and sanitary battalion; 260th separate company of chemical protection; 663rd motor transport battalion; 442nd field bakery; 581st field post station; 439th field cash desk of the State Bank. Until the spring of 1941, the division was kept in peacetime states. By the time it was sent to the front, it had more than 14 thousand people. The division had three T-38 tanks and 13 armored vehicles. The division stood in Kostroma and was understaffed in wartime. The 527th regiment received teams of conscripts mainly from the Arkhangelsk district and Ukraine, the 463rd - from Kostroma, the 398th - from Ivanovo, Tula, Kaluga and Vladimir regions. And the 621st and 604th regiments - from Kostroma and the Kostroma region. The composition of the division was repeatedly replenished in the future, already in the course of hostilities, with natives of the Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Pskov, Vologda regions, and the Chuvash ASSR. Parts of the division began to go to the front on June 26, 1941. One by one, the battalions were sent for loading. The echelons were unloaded 25 km from Pskov at the Karamyshevo station. The division, consisting of 14 thousand people, took up positions in the Pskov fortified region, on the border of the region with Estonia. At the end of June 1941, the German army crossed the Western Dvina with the forces of the 4th Panzer Group, the 16th and 18th field armies and from July 1 began to develop a rapid offensive in the direction of Rezekne, Ostrov. On July 6, the 118th division with two regiments (463, 527) took up defense in the Staro-Pskov fortified area in a strip 26 km wide. The defense fronts were unnecessarily stretched, the division occupied a larger line of defense than expected. The norm was a strip along the front no more than 4-5 km. Between the 118th and 111th divisions, a battalion of the 62nd rifle regiment took up the defense. Against the forces of the Red Army were three divisions of the 41st German motorized corps - the 1st and 6th tank and the 36th motorized. Parts of the first tank division of the enemy broke through the defense Soviet troops and by the evening of July 4 they took possession of the Island. Commander of the Northwestern Front, General P.P. Sobennikov set the division commanders the task of destroying the enemy who had broken through into Ostrov and capturing the city. At 16.00 on July 5, the detached units went on the offensive and, after a fierce battle, captured the Island, pushing the enemy back across the Velikaya River. However, the Germans, having pulled up the sixth tank, by the morning of July 6 pushed our units to the northern outskirts of the city. In the afternoon of July 6, the enemy resumed the offensive after a heavy artillery attack and bomber attack. The first German tank division began to move quickly to Pskov, and the sixth to Porkhov. The war diary of Army Group North notes: “The enemy tried to delay the offensive of the 4th Panzer Group with strong rearguards. The fighting was fierce. During July 5 and 6, the 1st Panzer Division destroyed over 140 tanks in the Ostrov bridgehead. On July 8, the commander of the Northwestern Front ordered the troops to move to a stubborn defense at the turn of the Pskov fortified area - the Velikaya River - the Cheryokha River and further along the eastern bank of the Velikaya to Opochka and to the south. But this order could not be carried out. The Pskov fortified area was abandoned by units of the 118th Infantry Division by the end of July 8th. The premature explosion of the Pskov bridge across the Velikaya River led to a disorderly retreat on improvised means of the units of the 118th, 111th rifle divisions that remained on the western bank of the river, as well as to heavy losses in people and military equipment and appeared main reason the abandonment of Pskov and the subsequent withdrawal of troops in directions to Gdov. As a result of premature undermining of bridges, part of the forces of the 118th and 111th rifle divisions did not have time to cross the Velikaya River. After the retreat across the river, the commander of the 118th division, General Glovatsky, took some measures to organize the defense, however big losses in personnel, his demoralization and the final loss of communication with the headquarters of the 41st rifle corps made the defense unsustainable. The withdrawal of the remnants of the 23rd Panzer Division and the 3rd motorized rifle regiment from the southern outskirts of Pskov on the evening of July 8, put the left flank of the division at risk of envelopment and pressing it to Lake Pskov. All this forced the command of the division to withdraw units to Gdov. The fighting on the line of fortified areas along the Velikaya River did not produce the expected results. The first defensive operation of the North-Western Front ended in failure, and there was a real threat of a breakthrough of the formations of the Army Group "North" to Leningrad. After the loss of Pskov, units of the division rolled back in the eastern and northeast directions. True, these were really units, or rather, fragments of that formidable force that the division was a few days ago. Regiments, battalions, companies and just individual fighters dispersed, not controlled by anyone. As soon as the command learned of the loss of Pskov, the scattered remnants of the units were given the task of immediately launching a decisive offensive and liberating the city. But parts moved away from the city. By July 12, parts of the division took up defensive positions from the south and east. From the memoirs of N.M. Lazarev (fighter of the combined battalion marines, formed from cadets of the Leningrad Engineering School): July 12, 1941. ... Twice we crossed the artillery positions of the 118th Infantry Division, located near the road. The Red Army soldiers were preparing to meet the enemy. The company's vehicles drove through the settlements of Lipyagi, Vyazka, Mazikha, Afonosovo. Units of the 118th Infantry Division were no longer encountered on our way (Lazarev N.M. “1941 from June 22 to September 17”, M., 2000, p. 63). To understand how everything happened, it is necessary to consider the dynamics of the battles by the location of the parts of the division. We must start from Chernev, because it was along this road, precisely from the east, that the 36th motorized German division. Near the village of Zalyubovye, our positions were located on the dominant height, which is crossed by the road to Gdov, approaching the city from the east. It was the road that was closed by parts of the division. They did not prepare for serious battles. As a result of a short-lived battle, they left their positions and retreated to Chernev, although here we can talk about a battle with a German landing force. According to information published in the Book of Memory of the Pskov Region, a German landing force was thrown out in the Chernev area, which was soon destroyed (“The Book of Memory of the Pskov Region”, vol. 1, p. 250). To destroy the landing force, not only fighter battalions, but also division units could be attracted. Throughout all the positions from the villages of Mazikha and Vyazka, crossing the road to Gdov, there are no signs of a battle. Perhaps Chernev had a combat guard of the division or individual divisions , and Mazikha and Vyazka have the main artillery forces, this assumption is also confirmed by the memoirs of N.M. Lazarev. On July 14, the first and second special-purpose fighter regiments (militiamen from Leningrad) arrived at the Zamogilye station. They established contact with the command of the 118th Infantry Division, which fought defensive battles in this direction (Militiamen, Lenizdat, 1975. People's militia in the battle for Leningrad). The 527th regiment of the division operated in a southerly direction from Gdov, along the eastern shore of Lake Peipus. Here, together with two regiments of militia, he opposed the 58th German Infantry Division. On July 15, the fight moved directly to the vicinity of Gdov. Here, units of the 118th division entered the business. German troops, with the help of their forces as part of a motorized division from the east and an infantry division from the south, took Gdov in pincers, cut the Gdov-Narva and Gdov-Pskov roads. By the evening of July 17, units of the 118th division made several attempts to get out of the ring, but all roads were blocked. The division's horse transport was blocked in the port. He several times swept at high speed either in the northern or in the southern directions along the shore of the lake in the hope of breaking out of the port and the city, but each time he returned to his original lines. At the very last moment, in despair, the riding soldiers and the commanders of the convoy, seeing the hopeless situation, began to shoot the horses. The division is dying, there is panic all around, incomprehensible movements turning into throwing. And the commander of the 118th division, Major General Glovatsky Nikolai Mikhailovich, at that time evacuates himself on an armored boat to the northern, safe coast, where there are still no Germans. In Vasknarva, on the evening of July 17, the division headquarters, led by division commander Glovatsky, went ashore and headed towards Kingisepp. But ordinary soldiers performed a feat, showed courage and courage. Here is one of the examples that the search engine Igor Fedorovich Ivanov from the village of Trutnevo found out: “The retreating units, in order to break away from the Germans, left a barrier. The retreat was covered by a Red Army machine gunner, who was wounded in both legs. He took a very good defensive position on the hill, and it was very difficult to outflank him. The Germans went on the attack many times, but were pinned to the ground by the well-aimed shooting of our soldier. Many enemy fighters ended the war under this hill. When the machine gunner died and the height was captured, a German general arrived there and ordered to bury our soldier with full military honors. Describing the battle for Gdov, the German author Haupt is not too flattering about the division. Citing as an example the self-sacrifice and courage of the fighters of the second division militia and cadets of the Leningrad Infantry School, he calls the resistance of the units of the 118th division only energetic and nothing more. However, describing the battles, it is stipulated that the forces of the 58th German infantry division were not enough to take the city. “... A reinforced advance detachment broke into the city on July 17. The 118th Rifle Division vigorously defended the city blocks and left only after the units of the 36th Motorized Division, which had captured the airfield the day before, got involved in street battles ”(W. Haupt“ Army Group North. Battles for Leningrad. 1941 -1944").

Search squad leaders

Kostroma Sergey Shiyanov,

Gdovsky district

Marat Falyakhiev


On the way to achieving victory in the Great Patriotic War, Kostroma formed a number of units and divisions. One of them was the 118th Rifle Division. It was formed in 1940 in Kostroma and before the start of the Great Patriotic War it was stationed at the place of formation. A lot of time has passed since the fights and battles died down. But the memory of those distant times has remained in our memory to this day.

Due to the fact that information about the first days and the initial period of the war is still classified, due to political circumstances, and also due to the lack of special information about the division itself, about the fate of the soldiers, the places of their death and / or captivity, we imagined it is important to make up for the lack of information on the basis of an analysis of unpublished and published archival sources 1 and the results of the search work of the Kostroma search association "Kharon" 2 .

“The division included 398, 463, 527 rifle regiments, 604 artillery regiment, 621 howitzer artillery regiment, 191 separate anti-tank battalion, 427 separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion, 282 separate engineer battalion, 260 separate chemical defense company, 663 automobile battalion, 422 field bakeries, 521 field post stations. He formed a division and subsequently it was commanded by Major General Nikolai Mikhailovich Glovatsky 3. In May 1941, the division was mobilized and engaged in combat training in the Pesochnoe camp. four

From June 24, 1941 to June 28, 1941, the 118th Rifle Division was mobilized and sent to the front from Kostroma along railway through Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Bologoe, Staraya Russa, Porkhov is transferred to Pskov, bombed along the way, unloaded in Karamushevo. From June 30, 1941, it was supposed to deploy in the Pskov fortified area, but it was late with its arrival, so by the evening of July 2, 1941, only 13 echelons arrived, by the morning of July 4, 1941, 20 echelons arrived, 2 more were on the way. She took positions near Pskov, along the Velikaya River and the Cherekha River, adjoining Lake Pskov on the right flank, and on the left flank to the mouth of the Keb River. On July 5, 1941, the division deployed in the Korly, Vasilyevo, Palkino sector, Cherskaya station, Ogurtsovo, the concentration had not yet been completed. She took her first battle on July 5, 1941 with the 6th Panzer Division. 5

During July - September 1941, she fought heavy bloody battles, fettered the advance of enemy troops near Pskov, Gdov, Kingisep, Narva, Peterhof. 118 S.D. suffered heavy losses, defending every inch of Soviet land. In these battles, a significant part of the personnel was lost, there were many killed, wounded, missing. On September 28, 1941, the division was disbanded.

In August 1942, the remnants of the division arrived on the Western Front near Rzhev. The division takes part in fierce battles for Zubtsovo, Rzhev, Vyazma, Dorogobuzh, Yelnya, Krasny, Slochka. Then it was merged with the 48th Infantry Division. Kalinina and got her number. In 1942, the division was formed again and entered the history of the Great Patriotic War under the name of the 118th Rifle Division of the 2nd Formation. one

The division was commanded by: Vedenin Andrey Yakovlevich(01/18/1942 - 09/13/1942), (11/02/1942 - 04/10/1943) lieutenant colonel, from 02/04/1942 colonel, and Sukharev Nikolai Fyodorovich(09/14/1942 - 11/01/1942), lieutenant colonel. 2

From the memoirs of A.M. Gavrilova, a resident of the Old Thomas farm, Gdovsky district: “After a strong battle, everyone was severely cut off, there were no weapons. Only the smallest soldier had a rifle, and that without a cartridge, they fought back with what they could. German submachine gunners surrounded our soldiers. After a while, gunshots rang out. The Germans drove the soldiers out of the village and shot them. For a long time they were not allowed to bury them. Only a few days later they were buried in the same field. local residents» 3 .

Subsequently search party the remains of 27 dead Soviet soldiers were found and buried.

From the memoirs of V.V. Boikova, residents of the village of Ermakovo, Gdovsky district: “There was a major battle between the villages of Vyazka and Mga. The Germans began to push our troops, they had tanks. Soldiers often retreated without weapons. We walked mainly through the forest, asking for directions to Leningrad. Some soldiers shouted: “We have been betrayed, the commanders have fled!” The whole area, especially near the railway track, the station was strewn with dead soldiers and officers. July 17 Gdov was occupied. A camp for prisoners of war was set up in the city” 1 .

Later, thanks to the work of the search party, the remains of the soldiers were found, which confirms the memoirs of V.V. Boikov.

After many years, the information from the memories was confirmed by the search party, which conducted field excavations in this area. They discovered the remains of the dead: personal medallions of soldiers, fragments of documents, things and objects that could help identify the remains. With some certainty, it can be argued that the remains belong to the dead soldiers of the 118th Infantry Division. 2

Filozafovich V. D.


In our city - Velikiy Novgorod- many street names in honor of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, whose lives and exploits we should know.

Gerasimenko, Cheremnov, Krasilov immediately received recognition after their feat, in particular, on February 6, 1942, a publication about the exploits of the heroes was published in the newspaper of the Volkhov Front, Frontovaya Gazeta.

February 21, 1944, all three were awarded the title of Heroes Soviet Union, Order of Lenin posthumously. Streets in Veliky Novgorod, Novokuznetsk, in the Novomoskovsky district Dnipropetrovsk region named after heroes. At the Novokuznetsk memorial "Wreath of Glory", among others, there is a sculptural relief depicting the feat of three Red Army soldiers. In Veliky Novgorod, at Yaroslav's Court, a monument was erected in honor of Cheremny, Krasilov and Gerasimenko. In Barnaul, on the memorial of Glory, the name of A. Krasilov is indicated in the lists. All three are forever listed as soldiers of the second company of the 299th regiment. The 225th division itself was named Novgorod. At the place of death there is a memorial in the vicinity of Veliky Novgorod. Names, dates and dedication to three warriors are carved on the memorial plaque. At the opening of the memorial, three birch trees were planted nearby, which is symbolic: these trees will remind the beauty, will, character, courage, sincerity of the act they committed. The feat of three heroes was sung by the poet Nikolai Tikhonov in the poem "The Ballad of Three Communists".

On the night of January 29, 1942, the search group of the 1st rifle battalion from the location of the 299th rifle regiment went to the southwestern outskirts of the city of Novgorod. At that moment, when the ensuing battle was already almost crowned with success for Soviet soldiers, three machine guns from bunkers, which had not been previously detected, suddenly opened fire. Without wasting a minute, the squad leader, Sergeant Ivan Savvich Gerasimenko, rushed to the machine gun and covered it with his body, repeating the feat of A.K. Pankratov, who was the first in the history of the Great Patriotic War to cover an enemy machine gun with his body not far from that place, near the Kirillov Monastery. His fighters, privates Alexander Semenovich Krasilov and Leonty Aseevich Cheremnov, rushed after the commander to the remaining two machine guns. Thanks to their feat, the platoon completed combat mission, destroying 6 bunkers and more than fifty Nazis 1 .

All three heroes were from Novokuznetsk. Alexander Semenovich Krasilov (1902 - 1942) and Leonty Aseevich Cheremnov (1913 - 1942) were born in the Altai Territory, and Ivan Savvich Gerasimenko was born in the Dnepropetrovsk Region. Gerasimenko and Krasilov had been at the front since 1941, while Cheremnov did not have time to fight even a year.

These people fought for their comrades to stay alive and continue to fight, for us and our relatives, children to prosper, for our country to defend its independence, and they achieved this. It should not be noted that now we would hardly have overcome the enemy. Where has the feeling of solidarity gone, the feeling of patriotism, the brotherhood of the people, when, finally, the nation will unite and be united? Is it not for this that our heroes Krasilov, Cheremnov and Gerasimenko threw themselves under the bullets of enemy bunkers, so that a feeling of self-interest, cowardice, vileness prevailed in us, was it not for this that they did not spare themselves, so that we would use freedom not for the benefit of kindness and generosity, after all, not for the same?

They fought for freedom, for the life of another person, valuing it more than their own, they fought for us, so let's be honest with these people and thank them for their feats not in words, but with deeds that they would like to see from us.

This feat should forever remain in the memory of not only Novgorodians, the people should know and remember their heroes.

Chistyakova Marina Lvovna


The relevance of the article is related to changes in economic and tax legislation that are relevant to budgetary organizations. Budgetary organizations are important subjects of production and financial and economic relations in any economic system and in any model of government. They are designed to ensure the satisfaction of socially significant needs.

The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the financial and economic activities of the State Institution "State Archive of the Kostroma Region" (hereinafter - GAKO).

GAKO is a budgetary non-profit organization funded entirely from the regional budget. The founder of the archive is the Committee for Archives of the Kostroma Region. GAKO stores accounting documents, archival directories, information databases, printed, illustrated materials that supplement and reveal the composition of its funds. The number of employees of the archive in 2008 was 77 people: 7 managers, 44 specialists and 26 workers.

In addition to the main activities, GAKO has the right to carry out the following types of paid services that generate income in accordance with the Nomenclature of paid services approved by the Federal Archival Agency of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation:

Table 1

Nomenclature of paid works and services provided by GAKO

Name of service

unit of measurement

Information Services

Archival reference, lists of documents, copies of documents

Examination of the value and ordering of documents

Sheet, title, deed, act position

Drawing up normative and methodological documents on office work and archiving, providing methodological assistance

Instructions, articles, drafts, passports, consultations, regulations, inventories

Improving the physical condition and binding of documents

Sheet, piece, square meter

Acceptance of documents for storage

Storage unit

Total amount of extrabudgetary funds from 2006 to 2008 increased by 864,951 thousand rubles.

The analysis of financing involves the study of the security of the institution with budgetary funds, as well as the completeness of their use. To do this, the planned funding is compared with the actual one and the amount of budget funds received is compared with the cash costs of the institution. The main source of information in this case is the "Report on the execution of the cost estimate form No. 2".

The largest share in the financing system of the State Archives of the Kostroma Region is occupied by current expenses. In this group, the largest funding falls on payment for goods and services, including payment for communications, utilities, wages, travel.

The second group in terms of financing is other current expenses for the purchase of goods and services - this is payment for the current repair of buildings and structures and other expenses.

Capital expenditures have a non-significant weight in the total amount - 6.8%, of which the entire amount going for a major overhaul. The negative point is the low amount of expenditure allocated for capital needs. It is necessary to more carefully finance the overhaul, since this factor is very important both for the employees of the State Archives of the Kostroma Region and for visitors.

An important problem to be solved in the near future is the unsettled issues of the powers of budgetary institutions to dispose of extrabudgetary revenues received from the provision of paid services.

The analysis of the indicators of the State Archives of the Kostroma Region as a recipient of funds from the regional budget made it possible to formulate a number of recommendations to improve the efficiency of its activities and reduce the cost of its maintenance. These include:

Bringing into line with the new delimitation of spending powers between the levels of the budget system;

Elimination of the practice of distributing budgetary funds of one level by authorities of another level;

Transfer to a single subordination of archive institutions that perform identical functions;

Deprivation of the status of managers of budgetary funds of organizations in charge of less than 6 budgetary institutions, and transfer of the relevant institutions to direct subordination to the main manager;

Reducing the number of levels of the budget network;

Legislative delineation of powers of the main managers and managers of budgetary funds in relation to budgetary institutions;

Liquidation or consolidation of institutions-archives with a small contingent of consumers.

Shcherbakova K.A.

Zinaeva L.Kh.


A consumer loan is a type of loan that is issued to the borrower for the purchase various items household items (furniture, appliances). Often there is such a situation when you need to buy some thing, and the money to buy it in this moment no. However, by taking out a consumer loan, you have the opportunity to buy what you need right away, and pay for the purchase in full later. At the moment, loans for consumer purposes are issued for the acquisition of: real estate, property, covering current expenses.

If the first two categories usually require some kind of collateral, guarantee or insurance of the acquired property, then the issuance of loans of the last category, the so-called. "lungs", occurs most often directly at the place of purchase of the goods.

In Veliky Novgorod, as in any other region of the Russian Federation, the banking system is represented by the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of Russia for the Novgorod Region, two Novgorod credit organizations, a number of branches, divisions and credit and cash offices of other credit organizations, consumer cooperatives and one consumer society. The consumer lending market in Veliky Novgorod began to take shape in 2003-2004. It was at this time that most banks begin to issue consumer loans, consumer cooperatives are created, shops cooperate with banks to sell goods on credit.

In Veliky Novgorod, the most famous and active are the Novgorod branch of the Savings Bank of Russia, the credit and cash office of Russian Standard Bank, the Novgorod branches of VTB24, the Bank of Moscow, Uralsib Bank, Rosbank, Promsvyazbank. Table 1 shows that in the period from 2005 to 2009 in Veliky Novgorod there was an increase in credit institutions in other regions from 14 to 16 units, but branches of credit institutions in Veliky Novgorod decreased from two to one. Two credit organizations operate in Veliky Novgorod: OAO UKB Novobank and OAO UKB Slavyanbank. Also, there are currently about twenty credit institutions.

Consumer lending in Veliky Novgorod from 2005 to 2009 tripled from 149,964 to 455,027 thousand rubles, and overdue debt almost ten times from 696 to 6,363 thousand rubles. In 2005, there was a decline in lending to individuals by 37,346 thousand rubles, over the same period, overdue payments increased by 584 thousand rubles, and the share of overdue debt amounted to 0.46% as of 01.01.2005. In 2005, the share of overdue debt in the banks' loan portfolio increased to 1.36%. Further, until 2009, there was a decline in the share of overdue payments to 0.31%. This happened along with the growth of loans issued to the population. In 2006, the growth of loans issued amounted to 119,407 thousand rubles. Overdue payments increased by 152 thousand rubles. The consumer boom in Veliky Novgorod falls on 2007. Over the entire year, credit institutions increased consumer lending by 148,943 thousand rubles, while overdue payments decreased by 217 thousand rubles. This was influenced by the positive situation in the country, the stabilization of the economy and the ruble exchange rate, and increased public confidence in the banking system. In 2008, 455,027 thousand rubles were issued to the population for consumer purposes. Overdue payments increased by 5148 thousand rubles. This was affected by the crisis: the banking system was forced to tighten the conditions for providing consumer loans. Since October 2008, interest rates have increased, even on previously issued loans. Also, many people were laid off, because of which the main source of income was lost, and hence the source of loan repayment.

We calculated the cost of a consumer loan in 3 banks: 1) Bank of Moscow, 2) MoskomPrivatBank, 3) Sberbank. In the course of this study, we concluded that it is most profitable to take a consumer loan at MoskomPrivatBank, since there, of all the banks listed above, the smallest overpayment for a loan.

According to experts, the consumer lending market in Veliky Novgorod will continue to be in demand. Unlike "long" mortgage or car loans (which are shrinking today), a loan "for needs" is most often taken for a short period, while they also try to pay off ahead of schedule. But at present, banks are forced to select borrowers more carefully and take a more conservative approach to the proposed loan products.

Section 2. Economy of Russia: history, state of the art and development prospects.

T.V. Martynenko

E.V. Kotsubinskaya


The concept of government should correspond to the socio-genetic code of civilization. The socio-genetic code is the stereotypes of the social behavior of a society, which depend on the basic values ​​prevailing in a given society. There is a relationship between a person who has a certain set of values ​​and an economic system that is formed under the influence of the fundamental values ​​characteristic of a given society. 1 Based on the totality of personal worldviews, the state worldview is formed. Basic values ​​are formed under the influence of religion and state ideology.

In Russia, until the beginning of the 20th century, there was an Orthodox civilization, which in the economic sphere was based on religious values. At the base of the Russian state outlook for a long time was Orthodox anthropology, which proclaims the principle of theocentrism: "God is the measure of all things." The basis of modern Western and Russian civilization is the opposite principle: "Man is the measure of all things." This led to the fact that many of the elements that formed the basis of Russian civilization were destroyed. The secularization of society has led to serious distortions in all spheres of public life, including the management of economic processes. Russia's way out of the economic crisis is possible only with a return to the spiritual values ​​of its own civilization and the revival of the spiritual approach to the system of government and the economy.

The essence of the spiritual approach:

1. Everything in the world is ruled by the Providence of God, and the state of the economic system, state administration depends on God and the free will of man. The direction of the will for good or evil, in turn, depends on the degree of connection of a person with God and enlightenment by Divine Grace. 2. Personal, and not collective responsibility for any decisions made (first of all before God, and then before people). 3. Wealth, material success is not seen as the goal of human activity and the development of society, but as a means to achieve the kingdom of God. 4. Hierarchical construction of the entire economic and administrative system according to the principle of the heavenly hierarchy. 5. Recognition of property and social inequality in the social structure. 6. Consideration of the state as a spiritual community, reflecting the common interests of its members, but at the same time as a force that restrains the spread of evil. 7. Recognition of the need to observe the earthly law, if it does not contradict the Divine commandments, the desire for truth. 8. Understanding of human spirituality as holiness, in contrast to its philosophical understanding, as a system of cultural values. 9. Imperfection (sinfulness) of the person himself, as well as the imperfection of all external factors of his activity (economic, political system, all institutions), as a result of his falling away from Divine Grace.

Creative economic activity carried out with the help of God. This idea is confirmed in the Holy Scriptures: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain; if the Lord does not guard the city, the watchman watches in vain. In vain do you rise early, stay late, eat the bread of sorrow, while He gives His beloved sleep. (Ps. 127:1-2).”

Meaning human life on earth is the union of man with God. It is impossible to overcome sin on your own (and every person, even a baby, is born sinful) without the sacraments of the Church. In these sacraments, a person becomes involved in divine energies. By uniting with God, a person is enlightened, revived, becomes a moral and responsible person. Only a moral and responsible person can be a co-creator of the historical process and have a positive impact on management processes.

In accordance with the Orthodox worldview, the supreme power in the state is the guardian of truth on earth. Analyzing the essence of the state, St. Philaret (Drozdov) wrote that the state, being an element of an integral world order, the more it corresponds to its purpose and is patronized by God, the more divine laws, piety and virtues are observed in it. 1 The main goal of the state, based on the Orthodox worldview, is the arrangement of life in accordance with the spiritual values ​​of the New Testament.

Conclusions and offers

The principles of the spiritual approach we have considered allow us to formulate proposals for improving the management system in the Russian Federation.

Firstly, due to the fact that the structure of the economic system and forms of management depend on the worldview of the people, the socio-economic policy of the state should to strive for the revival in Russia of its traditional Orthodox worldview. The greater the number of the population will be the bearers of the Orthodox worldview, the more perfect the state power and the economy will be. This is mentioned in the Proverbs of Solomon (8:15): "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you."

It should be recognized that there are two forces that create history - God and man. It is also necessary to realize that all the disorders in this world stem from sinful human nature. Therefore, the revival of Russia depends, first of all, on the will of God and the free will of people. The public should be made aware that breaking the law spiritual world(sin) leads to the destruction of the family, nature, state, society. Our history tells us the way out of the spiritual, economic and social crisis. The first step is the realization of one's sins, the second step is repentance, and then the correction of one's life in accordance with spiritual and moral criteria.

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  • According to one of the previous publications of this project, the reader could already see how units of the German 58th Infantry Division proceeded through Pskov. Today I want to return to the photographs of this division. This time it is the album of the company commander of the 158th anti-tank battalion (PanzerJäger Abteilung 158) Lieutenant Detlef Lippold (Detlef Lippold, who was born on February 4, 1916 in Wilhelmshaven, was wounded near Leningrad in December 1942. He died on December 27, 1942 in 608- m military hospital in Riga).

    The 58th Infantry Division was part of the 18th Army (XXXVIII Army Corps) and by the beginning of July 1941 was on the right flank of the army. After the capture of Riga, the 18th Army with its right wing along the Riga-Pskov highway, with the forces of two corps, rushed to the city on Velikaya. Despite the efforts made, the infantry of the 18th Army did not have time for the battles that unfolded near Pskov. However, the 58th Infantry Division managed to take part in the battle for Gdov with the help of the reconnaissance battalion, reinforced by anti-tank artillery.

    The goal of the Germans in Gdov was the airfield, without which the Luftwaffe was forced to fly to the area of ​​the Luga bridgehead a couple of hundred kilometers away. Gdov was defended by the battered 118th Rifle Division, which was retreating from Pskov to replenish in the Luga region. It was Golovatsky's division that became an obstacle on the way to the Gdov airfield, so necessary for the Germans. The Germans attacked Gdov on July 14 from two sides, from the southeast with the forces of the 36th motorized division and from the south, along the Pskov-Gdov highway with the forces of the 58th infantry division.

    On the evening of July 16, the 36th motorized division managed to cut the roads northeast of Gdov, the 118th rifle division was surrounded.

    From the combat report of the commander of the 118th Infantry Division, Major General Glovatsky N.M. 07/18/1941: "Period 21.00-23.00 16.7.41, the pr-ku managed to bypass, and partially destroy the advanced barriers, using a mass of small-caliber artillery, mortars and artillery on a mechanized tractor. He occupied firing lines northeast of GDOVA 3-5 km. and took under heavy fire, sweeping away all along the way, all exits from GDOVA."

    It should be noted that in the battles for Gdov there were both heroes and anti-heroes. The anti-hero was the division commander, Major General Glovatsky, who, in fact, abandoned the encircled division and sailed away from Gdov on a boat with part of the headquarters (in Vasknarva on the evening of July 17, the division headquarters, led by divisional commander Glovatsky, went ashore and headed towards Kingisepp). On July 19, Major General Glovatsky was arrested, court-martialed and then convicted under Art. 193-20. Sentenced to capital punishment.

    Together with the headquarters, the Chud flotilla was able to take out about a thousand personnel from Gdov. The rest had to fight their way out of the encirclement along the highway and along the lake shore. The breakthrough was led by the chief of staff of the division, Colonel Mizitsky (on July 17 he was wounded, went out to his own in the Narva region).

    Here is how Trubetskoy A.V. describes him, in July 1941 - a Red Army soldier 527 SP 118 SD. (Trubetskoy A.V. Ways are inscrutable: (Memoirs of 1939-1955). - M .: Kontur, 1997. - 413 p.: portrait, ill.):

    “We quickly go to Gdov. On the road there are traces of a recent bombing: the corpses of horses dumped on the side of the road (they say that among them is the same Strelka, the horse of the battalion commander on which I learned to ride), broken wagons, fresh mounds - the graves of the dead. Evening is falling in the distance, clumps of trees and the houses of Gdov. At night we entered the city. There are many troops in it: our division, two regiments of the Leningrad militia and someone else. In the center of the city near the fence old church under the huge sprawling trees the divisional authorities. It encourages the approaching soldiers, but it is felt that the authorities are puzzled and even, perhaps, frightened and confused. And the soldiers go hungry, tired and some already indifferent. A rumor is circulating: we are surrounded, we must break through. Rare are heard from afar long queues machine guns - German (ours don’t hit like that) and quieter automatic bursts.

    We leave on the northern outskirts of the city. Our artillery is already there. Early morning. Short stop, we regroup and start moving forward. On the right along the road is the first battalion, led by commander captain Kravchenko. He has a revolver in his hand. It goes cheerfully, confidently, but, it is felt, with great tension. On the left side of the road - our second battalion. Truckloads of soldiers rode ahead, bayonets fixed just like in revolutionary photographs. On cabs light machine guns. The impression is strange - a good target for the Germans. Shoot ahead. I unsheathed the bayonet of a self-loading rifle and attached it. For some reason, this has never been done before. The seriousness of what is happening is felt in the air. More shooting ahead. Sometimes they are ordered to stop and shoot, but where, at whom, it is not clear. We passed an empty village, and I notice that there are no casualties, but there is no building either, and there are fewer and fewer people. There are twenty of us left.

    And then I felt that something terrible was about to happen to me. It was some strange, previously unknown to me, heavy feeling of something inevitable, fatal. The feeling that there is no way you can escape what is about to happen.

    The fire intensified all around, and we walked along the ditch along the road, crouching. There was no longer a unified leadership. There was only a general desire to break out of the encirclement. From somewhere out of the rye, an unfamiliar soldier ran up with a request to help the seriously wounded commander. Bending down, we followed him into the rye. The major is lying, wounded in both legs, bandaged. Silently looks at us. What to do? We stood, stood and, without looking at him, left ... Bending down, we go along the ditch forward again. Somehow I ended up going first. There is a terrible weight on my heart. Heavy fire all around. The Germans hit with tracer bullets: their white threads penetrate everything around, and it paralyzes. The ditch runs into some kind of hillock. You have to climb through it, but the white threads stop you. There is also a water pipe under the road. We decide to climb on it to the other side. There are very few of us, ten people. Nobody wants to go first, and everyone just says to each other: "come on, come on, come on," but no one moves. I got in. The pipe is narrow, barely stuck through, crawled through. Everyone else gets out. We are sitting in a ditch again. "Well, let's go ahead," and again no one moves. All around there is a terrible chatter and a web of white threads. Down the ditch, bending down, an unfamiliar lieutenant runs towards him with a German machine gun in his hands and shouts: "Come on, forward! Ours are breaking through!" - and runs on. Leaning low, I went first. In the ditch lies the dead, our fighter, with his face buried in the ground. You have to go through it. And for some reason, it was very unpleasant for me to do this. I thought: "Let me jump out onto the road, pass it with one jump and jump into the ditch again."

    And as soon as I jumped out onto the road, bent over in three deaths, and took one step, as in front, a little to the left, a bright spot instantly appeared on the roadbed, thunder, a blow. All this was perceived not by individual sense organs, but somehow by all of me, and, falling into the ditch, I said loudly to myself, and, perhaps, shouted: "ALL-E-E!" And then there was silence...

    According to the report of the 36th motorized division in the Gdov region, they captured 1700-2000 prisoners. They estimated the losses of the Soviet side at about 1200 people. In addition, captured: 2 aircraft at the airfield, 7 heavy and 13 light anti-aircraft guns, 5 quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns, 22 anti-tank guns, 7 armored vehicles (killed), 100 trucks, 800 horses.

    In the battles for Gdov, the 36th motorized division lost 77 people killed, 117 wounded. We do not yet have data on the losses of the 58th Infantry Division.

    Mikhail Tukh, especially for the Pskov Information Agency

    It was formed in Kostroma on July 6, 1940 on the basis of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1193-464ss of 07/06/1940

    On June 22, 1941 was in the city of Kostroma and was part of the 41st SC (111.118 and 235th divisions) of Major General I.S. Kosobutsky.

    From June 24, 1941 to June 28, 1941, it is loaded in Kostroma and by rail through Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Bologoye, Staraya Russa, Porkhov is transferred to Pskov, bombed along the way, unloaded in Karamyshevo From June 30, 1941, it was supposed to be deployed in the Pskov fortified area, however, it was late with the arrival, so by the evening of July 2, 1941, only 13 echelons arrived, by the morning of July 4, 1941, 20 echelons arrived, 2 more were on the way. She took positions near Pskov, along the Velikaya River and the Cherekha River, adjoining Lake Pskov on the right flank, and on the left flank to the mouth of the Keb River. On July 5, 1941, it was deployed in the Korly, Vasilyevo, Palkino sector, Cherskaya station, Ogurtsovo, the concentration had not yet been completed. She took her first battle on July 5, 1941 with the 6th Panzer Division.

    Pskov Ostrovsky and Sebezh UR

    As early as July 4, on the sector of the left-flank 111sd XXXXIMK, the enemy managed to break through the line of fortified areas on the old border and capture the city of Ostrov and two bridges across the Velikaya River. Having repulsed the counterattacks of the 111th Rifle Division and units of the 1MK, from July 7 the enemy began to develop an offensive from Ostrov to the north in the direction of Porkhov. As a result of the night battle from July 7th to 8th, the 1st division of the Germans managed to break through along the highway and reach the southern outskirts of Pskov in the Krestov area. It created real threat the environment of those parts that were beyond the Great. General N.M.Glovatsky appealed to the headquarters of the corps with a request to allow the withdrawal of troops from across the river to the city, but was refused.

    On the morning of July 8, 1941, the division remained at its former lines, without an active enemy in front of it. However, seeing stalemate, parts of the division, leaving the fortified area, began to retreat to the city, but did not have time to cross the bridges that had been blown up. Crossing on improvised means through the Great Division suffered significant losses in manpower and ammunition. Having passed the central part of the city, the division commanders decided to retreat along divergent lines: the 118th to Gdov, and the 111th to Luga. The capture of Pskov for one day was delayed only by the blowing up of bridges on the Velikaya River.

    In Pskov, control of the division was finally lost, and from July 10, 1941, the division retreated in disarray for the most part along the eastern shore of Lake Peipsi to Gdov, and with some units to Luga and Dno. Closer to Gdov, control was restored; from July 11, 1941 to July 18, 1941, the division was engaged in heavy fighting on the eastern shore of Lake Peipsi, defending Gdov. (On July 16, the division had two joint ventures that suffered losses of up to 35% of their strength. The artillery regiments had 7-76mm guns and 17-122mm guns). The enemy, meanwhile, also decided to take Gdov and the airfield in the city. Gdov attacked units of 36md from the east, and 58pd approached from the south. By the evening of July 16, 36md cut the roads leading to the s-v. 118sd, as well as two regiments from the Leningrad militia, were surrounded in Gdov. At that moment, the 58th Infantry Division approached and broke into Gdov. The division commander Golovatsky left his division, the evacuation of which from Gdov was carried out by the rivermen of the Chudskaya military flotilla. On the evening of July 17, Golovatsky crossed on a boat to Vasknarva. Together with the headquarters, the Chud flotilla was able to take out about a thousand personnel from Gdov. The rest had to fight their way out of the encirclement along the highway and along the lake shore. The breakthrough was led by the chief of staff of the division, Colonel Mizitsky (on July 17 he was wounded, went out to his own in the Narva region). The remnants of the division left its encirclement in the Narva area by July 20, 1941. The Germans announced the capture in Gdov of 1200 people as prisoners, 5 quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns, 22 anti-tank guns, 7 armored vehicles (padded), 100 trucks, 800 horses.

    On July 19, 1941, Major General Glovatsky, being at the front, was arrested on charges of withdrawing a division from the Pskov fortified area without the written permission of the corps commander. The visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR at a court hearing in Leningrad on July 26, 1941 found Glovatsky guilty and sentenced him to capital punishment with confiscation of property and deprivation military rank. The sentence was carried out on 3 August.

    In early August, the replenished division, along with the fresh 268sd, was transferred to the 11SK 8A, which fought in Estonia. Parts of the German XXVIAK advancing northward sought to separate the forces of 10 and 11SK. By the time the reserve Soviet divisions were unloaded, the enemy was already approaching Tapa and threatened to cut the Tallinn-Leningrad railway. On August 2, the first at st. Kadrina unloaded 398sp, which was ordered to immediately take up defense. Having concentrated the main forces of 294pd in the Tapa area, the Germans occupied Tapa on August 4. The recently replenished 118sd, brought into battle from wheels, did not differ in high combat effectiveness and, according to the statement of the 8A command, its units fled after the first shots of the enemy.

    The 8A command developed a counterattack on the grouping German troops in the Tapa area. The main striking force was to be played by the fresh 118th and 268th rifle divisions. The start of the offensive was planned for the morning of 7 August. The German command preempted our troops in the offensive. Having concentrated units 254, 291 and 93pd in the Tapa area, the enemy went on the offensive in the morning of August 6, trying to encircle our troops in the Rakvere area. The 118sd regiments were knocked out of their positions in the Kadrin area and retreated in disorder in the north direction. Seeing the departure of the regiments, the head of the political department of 8A brig. Commissar Mareev tried to stop the fighters, but was shot dead. The regiments of the division by this moment did not exceed 200 people in number. each, 604 legs, consisted of 11 guns. The total number of the division was about 1500 people. On August 7, the division retreated to the line of the river. Kunda, and then on the river. Pada. But even here it was not possible to stay. On August 9, the division was withdrawn to the 8A reserve. On August 12, the s-z art. was again introduced into battle. Kohla. By this time, the enemy had somewhat weakened his pressure on the 8A troops, sending his 254pd to storm Tallinn. However, all 8A formations, having suffered heavy losses, numbered several thousand and even hundreds of people. By August 17, the division was withdrawn beyond the river. Narva, and then beyond the river. Meadows. She retreated to Koporye, then launched a counterattack, rolled back to the settlement of Iliki, from there she was transferred to Kipen, where the enemy came closest to Leningrad on August 23.

    On August 22, 1941, the division consisted of only 3025 personnel, 17 guns and 54 machine guns. The division waged battles for Kipen very stubbornly. The village passed from hand to hand, but the enemy did not pass. September 10 was surrounded after the capture of Ropsha. On September 14, she left the encirclement and is fighting near Ropsha. Since September 16, 1941, it has been advancing on Gostilitsy, managed to move forward 3-5 kilometers, but was cut off by the Germans south of Mikhailovsky.

    On September 25, the division consisted of 2279 people. 7 76mm guns, 1 45mm, 1 122mm, 3 mortars, and 104 vehicles.

    On September 29, 1941, the division was disbanded without the knowledge of the People's Commissar of Defense, the remnants of the personnel were transferred to the 48th Infantry Division.

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