How to get out of a hopeless situation. Any hopeless situation makes us stronger

Helpful Hints 13.04.2018

Good day! I never thought before that I would even visit sites with such a theme, and even more so to ask someone for something, but alas, everything turned out so sadly and that's why I'm here! Let me tell you a little backstory. Everything was fine, nothing foreshadowed trouble, and one day a certain amount of money was needed, but since the work was unofficial banks were refused, I had to seek help from certain people who, for a certain percentage of the amount, were ready to help make a loan at the bank, and since the money was needed very urgently, I agreed to their conditions, I will not paint how they beautifully pour into the ears so that a person subscribes, I think I'm not the only one. So, of course, they helped, but I received a very small part of what was taken in my name from the bank, so the bank had to pay the entire amount, and even with interest, the money that I received in the end was not enough for any what was planned. Further, again, I will not breed a long poem, I will say right away what all this led to! For the second year now, a pretty amount of debt in my name has been hanging in the bank, or rather, already in the bailiffs, in my name, respectively, constant calls and demands to return, but the income is categorically not enough even to pay rent and eat, the debt is not paid, the amount is already much more, it's just pit, bottom... And recently, it would seem that there was a chance to somehow get out of this pit, there was already a joyful feeling of freedom, but as it turned out again, scammers took advantage of my position and trust, it’s not for nothing that they say when a person is bad, it’s very easy for them manipulate, and today I found myself in an even deeper hole, at the very bottom of it, there is nowhere further! What I have today: a huge debt in the bank + another half of the amount of this debt, in total my debt has become one and a half times more! I pawned everything that was more or less valuable, but it did not help me much. The situation is such that there is no money even to travel by bus, there is no money for bread, in a few days to pay for renting an apartment, the debt will increase even more .... Maybe this is a kind of cry from the heart, but I really have no idea what to do and how to live on ... Therefore, I turn to people, in the hope that at least someone will enter into my situation and help, because there are millions of us and if each person could help at least a ruble, everyone would be happy. Today you help me, tomorrow I will help you! After all, no one knows how and what will happen to him tomorrow, life is so unpredictable! To everyone who is ready to help, a huge human thanks!
map corn 5254770226729283
Why corn? Because the banks blocked the cards and withdrew everything that was possible from there, but they didn’t seem to get to this one yet.

In the life of every person, events can occur that plunge him into a state of despair and hopelessness, and it will be very difficult for him to get out of this state. Yes, sometimes life drives a person into a dead end and hits him with all his might, knocking him down and forcing him to suffer. And only a few of us, finding ourselves in an extremely difficult situation for ourselves, in an impasse, can find the strength in ourselves to get out of it with dignity. Many, unfortunately, in difficult situations lose heart and fall into despair. But despair and hopelessness, fear and pain, discouragement and loss of faith in the best and in oneself - these are the tests that each of us must go through in our lives. And for you to know dear readers, how to get through these trials, how to find a way out, even from the most hopeless situation, I suggest that you carefully and thoughtfully read this article, in which I will not only give you the knowledge necessary to overcome any life difficulties, but also charge you with positive energy, which will allow you to apply this knowledge.

A person experiencing a sense of hopelessness and despair, and not seeing a way out of the situation that is not good for him, in which he, by coincidence, found himself, is under the power of extremely negative emotions. It seems to him that in principle there is no way out of his situation, although in fact he simply does not look for it, because he cannot look for it, because for this he needs to get rid of his gloomy emotions and start thinking, but emotions are very strong and they do not let go - they rule over him. Emotions, especially negative ones, in a difficult situation are the main enemy of a person. Being in a calm state, all of you, I am sure, just like me, believe that there is always a way out of any situation, no matter how difficult it is. And looking at a person who is in a difficult situation from the outside, you can give him a lot of correct advice on how to get out of this situation. But if you yourself find yourself in a similar situation and feel hopeless on your own emotions, and you will also not know what and how you need to do in order to cope with yourself and your problems. Falling into despair, we do not see what we usually see when we look at the same situation from the outside, without experiencing negative emotions. Of course, not all problems can be solved by us, even in the most calm state, since for this it is still necessary to have the necessary knowledge that allows us to solve this or that problem. But in order to at least find the right direction in which to move in order to solve our problems, it is important for a person to be in a calm state, because without calmness we are not able to control ourselves, we are not able to fully understand what is happening to us. Therefore, I will tell you about how to come to peace and start thinking constructively, because as you can see, the solution of the problem we are considering depends primarily on this.

What happened? Who is to blame? Where will all this lead? And what to do to solve your problem, problems? These are the questions we have to answer when we fall into despair and feel hopeless, when we are scared and we do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes these questions come into our heads, and sometimes we need to put them before ourselves in order to understand what is happening in our lives. I suggest you, Dear friends, answer these questions in reverse order to answer them correctly and generally answer, and not leave them in limbo. So, what to do in a situation in which you experience a feeling of despair and hopelessness, as well as a number of other negative feelings that poison your life? It is quite obvious that you must first calm down and get rid of all the emotions that overcome you, regardless of the situation in which you find yourself. Being under the influence of negative emotions, even with the help of a specialist, you will not be able to solve your problems, because you simply will not listen to him and understand what he is telling you. Therefore, by the way, experienced psychologists, before giving advice to their clients, try to calm them down, and only after the person calms down do they start a thoughtful discussion of their problems with them. So how do you get rid of negative emotions and start thinking constructively? To do this, you need to abstract from the reality that is unpleasant for you, you need to look at it and at yourself, from the outside. It is not easy to do this, but it is possible, and most importantly, it is necessary.

You need to have a good imagination in order to be able to look at yourself, at your despair, at your fear, anger, resentment, at the imaginary hopelessness of your situation, from the outside. It is easy for someone to do this, difficult for someone, but everyone, I assure you, everyone can abstract from their problems and the emotions associated with them. Therefore, you need to try to do this in order to calm down. After all, what does hopelessness mean - it means hopelessness, when a person is convinced that there is no way out of the situation in which he finds himself! But is it possible in this world? Does it even have hopeless situations? Of course not. There is always a way out of any situation. But in order to find it, you need to look at your situation from the outside, in order to see what we do not see, looking at it from the first person. So, in order to abstract from your problems and the emotions associated with them, you need to talk and think about yourself as a third person whose problem you want to solve. Do not consider the problem that has arisen as your own, consider it a stranger - the person in whom you used to see yourself. It was not you who found yourself in a difficult situation, but he, the person with whom you associate yourself, found himself in a difficult situation, and your task, and you, is a pure mind, first of all, is to get this person out of that emotional state in which he dwells and which blinds him. And then, and from the difficult situation in which he found himself, you and he will be able to get him out. Think about such an opportunity to solve the problems that arise in your life, take into your life, into your consciousness, this scenario of your actions in order to use it in stressful situations. After all, the problem with abstraction occurs much more often among those people who have no idea at all about such a state of their own consciousness, in which a person speaks and thinks about himself in the third person and in this state solves, and very effectively, all his problems. Some people even criticize those who practice this way of solving their problems, and argue that a person who refers to himself in the third person is some kind of abnormal person. Do not attach any importance to this point of view. She is unfaithful! Abnormal is the person who cannot solve his problems, due to his lack of control over his own emotional state, and the one who, God forbid, comes to the thought of the meaninglessness of his life and begins to think about interrupting it. That's what's not normal, that's what's scary! People who fall into depression and stay in it for many years, depriving themselves of the opportunity to fully communicate with outside world- that's who really is not all right, that's who is abnormal, and who clearly needs help. And the one who tries to calm himself in order to solve his problems by talking and thinking about himself in the third person is a very normal and mentally healthy man. So, be sure to resort to the method of working with your own consciousness that I have proposed in order to get rid of negative emotions and help yourself in the same way as you could help another person, looking at him from the side, who found himself in a difficult situation and fell into a state of despair and hopelessness. Forget about what is happening to you, what is happening, and think about how you would help a person who finds himself in a similar situation, what advice would you give him, what would you suggest that he do to solve his problems? So, just listen to your own advice and solve your problems.

In addition to the above, friends, you need to include in your circle of concepts the idea that the Universe is multivariate, and each situation can have an infinite number of solutions. These decisions can be anything, good for you or bad. It may be difficult for you to believe this or you do not want to believe it, preferring to see yourself in a hopeless position, in a dead end from which there is no way out, but so far, human experience indicates that this is exactly the case. Consequently, the situation in which you experience a feeling of despair and hopelessness has a scenario in which you will feel happy man and everything will be fine. And in general, any situation has a lot of positive scenarios for the development of events, even if in current state this situation seems catastrophic and there is no way out of it. You don't have to argue with that yet or think too much about this multi-probability future theory, for now I'm just asking you to include it in your terms. Accept the possibility that this can be, and that even that situation in which there is no way out, which is simply terrible for you or for someone else, can end for you and for this person in the most favorable way. It will work on this theory - or your brain, trying to help you overcome a difficult emotional condition- an emotional crisis so that you find a solution to your problems, or this theory will be used by a psychologist who you will turn to for help in working with you. The main thing is that you understand that hopeless situations do not exist in our world. In our brain, yes, they can exist, but in the world, in the Universe known to us, no. So no matter how hard it is for you now, or for someone else whom you want to help - know that all this is a temporary feeling of despair, hopelessness, doom, fear, anger and other negative emotions and feelings that poison the mind and soul of a person . With certain actions on the part of the person experiencing these emotions and feelings, they can immediately leave him. Under what actions can this happen? More on that below.

So, the last and most important thing I want to tell you, dear readers, and what I would like you to focus all your attention on is your desire to help yourself. You may not believe me, but I, as an experienced person, say, because I know this, that many people simply do not want to help themselves, and they do not want others to help them, and therefore do not look for a way out of those difficult situations into which life takes them. They like to be in these situations, they like to be a victim and suffer. For example, and this has been proven by many scientists, which you yourself can find out on the Internet and in the relevant literature, many terminally ill people, in their thoughts, which they may not even be aware of, do not want to recover, and therefore die. And vice versa, those hopelessly ill people who not only believe, but sincerely want to get well, are cured of even the most incurable diseases. These are not miracles, this is one of the laws of the Universe, not yet fully studied by people, but existing and working. And this law tells us that, if not everything, then a lot depends on our desires. And first of all, it depends on our desires whether we will happy people or we will suffer. When you find yourself in a difficult life situation, you should think about how much you want to change it. After all, if you like to suffer, then no one can help you solve your problems, and even more so you cannot help yourself. There are people who really like to tell everyone about how terrible their life is, how bad everything is in it and how they suffer. They look for and find negativity in everything and then wind, wind, wind other negative thoughts on it, driving themselves into an even more gloomy state. They constantly whine, constantly complain about their unfortunate fate, constantly talk about their suffering, often exaggerating their significance and seriousness many times over. Such people, of their own free will, fall into a state of despair and hopelessness and do not want to get out of it. Why do they need it? They want to suffer, they want to enjoy pain and suffering, just as people enjoy harming themselves with alcohol and tobacco. I will not delve into this topic now, since it cannot be described in a nutshell, so we will leave it for other articles. But you should know that without a sincere desire to get rid of negative emotions and feelings, a person will not get rid of them.

I constantly come across in my work with people who do not want everything to be fine with them - they want to suffer, they like it. And when, after a long communication with them and trying to help them, I understand that they resist me and do not want to accept my help, I ask them a direct question - why do they not want everything to be fine with them? I don’t ask everyone this question, because not everyone is mentally ready for it, many people don’t even realize that they like to suffer, that they like to see the hopelessness of their situation and the meaninglessness of their lives. But those people who, from my point of view, are ready for this question, answer me - that they do not know why they do not need either my or their own help. They do not understand why they do not want to be happy, but want to suffer. And from this moment, we have a completely different work with them. That is, you must first understand why you cannot do what you need to do to solve your problems. After all, it's all about the desire of a person - he decides whether to be happy or suffer.

As for you, dear friends, you need to take a good look at yourself and your life in order to try to find in it the pattern of what happened to you. I do not say one hundred percent, but I admit the possibility that you yourself have driven yourself, perhaps without even realizing it, into the state in which you are now. Despair and hopelessness are not independent phenomena in this world, they are just one of the states of our mind and our soul. And this state, if you stay in it, even if it did not become the result of your unconscious desire, then in any case, it can, thanks to your already fully conscious desire, leave you. This requires that you wish for it and then show the will to bring yourself out of this state. And now, when I told you about this, you can return to my words that the Universe is multivariate, that your future has mass options, both good and bad, and it depends on you which scenario your future life will develop. Agree, now it is much easier to believe. Now that you know what power your desire can have, your faith is already beginning to acquire the healing power for which it is famous. You know that if a person believes in the best, then this best will come? But in order to believe in something, you need to want it, because without the desire of a person, faith is powerless. In addition, you will not be fed up with faith alone, it is always followed by specific actions that must be taken in order to get to where you want to be. Believing is easy, but not always effective. But to understand what your faith is based on and what is the meaning of it - this is already a more effective approach to solving your problems.

It depends on your, dear friends, desire - what kind of emotional and spiritual state you will have and how your future life will develop. There is no need to think about any particular scenario that would suit you completely, just decide for yourself what you want - for everything to be good for you, or for everything to be bad. And try to explain your choice to yourself. And only after your desire is consciously and accepted by you, start looking for that scenario in which your future will be the way you want it to be. I assure you, you will definitely find this option. This means that in place of a feeling of despair and hopelessness, a feeling of joy and happiness will come, relying on which you will perform all the actions required of you to fulfill your desire.

Maxim Vlasov

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In life, almost everyone has situations that make them feel so miserable and powerless. When there seems to be no way out. And the whole world turned away. When you want to grab at least some straw. And see the light at the end of the tunnel. And even though it seems the situation is hopeless, there is always a way out. Everything passes. And the black bars also end.

Why does this happen in real life?

Imagine your life as a wide, straight road. Since our understanding and knowledge of the world is limited. It is made up of our limited perception and other people's stories. It turns out that we are going down this road blindly. Let's go, let's go all right, like right. Then we run into the wall. And there seems to be no way out. And then the only thing that needs to be done is to correct the route. Take responsibility, realize what the mistake is, what needs to be corrected and push harder.

Dead ends like these are the strongest shocks. Thanks to them, there are some strong changes in life. They indicate what you are doing wrong and where you need to change your views, beliefs, attitudes, etc. Probably, no one can go this way without ever hitting a wall or the edge of the road. The path of any person is a zigzag. If a person realizes his mistakes and moves on, he moves forward. And those who go in cycles and are not ready to accept the situation, they go in circles or mark time.

Difficulties are given to us for development. And not because someone wants to torture us. Any one forces us to use our resource, which would never be revealed in a normal situation. And now this is our quality. This is the strength that distinguishes us from so many and gives us the chance to reach entirely new heights through him.
"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger» . Remember this. And having gone through difficulties, we get completely new qualities and properties, we become stronger. And even if it seems that there is no way out in the situation, it cannot be corrected and you have no strength, know: “ We are never given anything that we cannot bear.» .

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