Questions to be solved in the study of clothing. Issues to be resolved during the technical and forensic examination of documents

Pregnancy and children 28.07.2019

Issues to be resolved when establishing the method of manufacturing documents, writing instruments and devices for printing.

  • 1. Were the bank notes of the Bank of Russia submitted for examination manufactured by FSUE Goznak, if not, how were they made?
  • 2. Have the European Central Bank banknotes submitted for examination been manufactured by the enterprise issuing European Central Bank banknotes, if not, how were they produced?
  • 3. Are the US Federal Reserve Notes submitted for examination made by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing of the US Department of the Treasury, if not, how were they made?
  • 4. Are the banknotes of a certain state (indicate the name of the currency) submitted for examination manufactured by the enterprise that issues banknotes of this state (indicate the name of the country), if not, in what way were they made?
  • 5. Were the equipment and devices submitted for examination used (devices for simulating individual elements protection) in the production of the presented currency notes?
  • 6. With the help of one or different equipment, were the banknotes submitted for examination (their separate details) produced?
  • 7. Are the banknotes submitted for examination made in one or different ways?
  • 8. How was the text made, as well as other details of the document?
  • 9. What kind (type) of writing device was used to write the handwritten text (ballpoint or fountain pen, felt-tip pen, pencil, etc.)?
  • 10. How is the blank of the document (currency note, security) made?
  • 11. How were the printing plates submitted for research made?
  • 12. Is the metal plate presented for examination with the image of the details of the document (monetary note) a printed form or its blank?
  • 13. If a metal plate with the details of a document (cash note) is a printed form, was it used to print documents (cash notes)?
  • 14. Was this photoform with the image of the details of the document (money ticket) used to make printed forms submitted for examination?
  • 15. What are design features printing equipment used for the production of documents submitted for examination?
  • 16. What class, brand (model) does the typewriter, on which the text of the document is printed on, belong to?
  • 17. In what way was the certification printed form made, the imprint of which is on the document?
  • 18. How is the imprint of the seal (stamp) applied?
  • 19. What type of materials (cover binding material, foil, etc.) are used to make the document?
  • 20. Have any special techniques and means been used to make a signature in the document, if so, which ones?
  • 21. Is the document executed by the mounting method?

Issues to be resolved when establishing a method for changing documents .

  • 1. Has the original content of the document submitted for examination been changed, if so, what is the original content of the changed details?
  • 2. Was the text of the document executed simultaneously in several copies through carbon paper?
  • 3. Has the original content of the document been changed by pasting separate fragments, if such a change was made, then in what areas, and also what is the original content of the document?
  • 4. What is the content of filled (crossed out, smeared) records?
  • 5. What is the content of the faded texts?
  • 6. What type (kind) of documents do the burnt documents belong to?
  • 7. What is the content of the burnt documents?
  • 8. Burnt (charred) remnants of sheets of paper result from the combustion of how many and which documents exactly?
  • 9. What is the content of the records formed by depressed (convex) uncolored strokes in the document?

Issues to be resolved when determining the chronological sequence of the execution of the details of the document .

  • 1. What was done first - the text of the document or the signature intersecting with the strokes of the text?
  • 2. What was done earlier - a signature or an imprint of a seal (stamp) intersecting with it?
  • 3. What was done earlier - the text of the document or the print imprint intersecting with its strokes?
  • 4. What is the sequence of execution of text fragments? Was this fragment executed after the main text was composed?

Issues to be resolved in the course of identification research.

  • 1. Is the text printed on this typewriter?
  • 2. Are the texts in the documents printed on the same or on different typewriters?
  • 3. Are different parts of the text of the document printed on the same or different typewriters?
  • 4. Is part of the text printed on the same typewriter as the main text of the document, or on a different one?
  • 5. Has this seal (stamp) been imprinted?
  • 6. Are the documents imprinted with the same or different seals (stamps)?
  • 7. Isn't this printed form used to print the form of the document (printed products)?
  • 8. Are the documents printed from the same or different printing forms?
  • 9. Have the documents submitted for examination been produced using the same or different equipment (printing device)?
  • 10. Is the document made on a duplicating machine (indicate the model, distinctive features machine, as well as the name of the specific institution that owns the machine)?
  • 11. Was this set of writing instruments used to make the document?
  • 12. Didn't the parts of the documents form a whole before?
  • The resolution of this issue requires the use of knowledge of the methods of research of document materials.
In the study of footprints, diagnostic and identification tasks are solved. Diagnostic tasks include: − establishing the circumstances of the crime event and the mechanism of trace formation (approximate number of participants in the event; direction, nature, pace of movement; method of entering the premises, overcoming the obstacle; time, sequence and order of formation traces, etc.); − determination of individual signs of a person (sex, approximate age, weight, gait characteristics, the presence of physical defects of the musculoskeletal system, etc.); − determination of the type, size, style of footwear, features of its plantar parts. Identification tasks: - identification of the shoes that left a mark; - solving the question of whether the footprints of the shoes seized from different places of incidents were left by the same shoes.

Forensic value traces of hacking tools.

Traces of hacking tools should be carefully studied already at the scene, which allows obtaining valuable investigative and evidentiary information. They make it possible to establish from which side the burglary was carried out, to identify signs that characterize the personality of the offender, etc.

In particular, the location of glass fragments (there will always be more of them on the side opposite to the applied force) indicates the side from which it was knocked out. To determine the side, they study the edges of the fragments, notches on their edges, cracks and recreate the whole (glass in the frame) in parts. From impact and pressure, radial and concentric* cracks form on the glass, which converge towards the side where compression has taken place and diverge at the point of tension. Radial cracks on the side opposite to the action of the force reach the surface of the glass, and on the other hand they break off in its thickness.

Following the traces of drilling and sawing you can determine from which side the burglary was made. When drilling, there are more chips on the side from which they started drilling. Chips of wood at the beginning of drilling, as a rule, are directed clockwise, and at the end - against. When sawing, the chips are larger on the opposite side and the burrs are larger in size.

According to the general picture of hacking, method or type of hacking tool used you can get an idea of ​​the professional skills of the criminal (for example, the qualifications of a welder who opened a safe using electric welding). The study of hacking tools left at the scene (structure, method of manufacture, inscriptions) allows us to judge their owner.

The physical strength of the criminal is evidenced by the degree of strength of the barrier and the method of breaking it and the tool used for this purpose. The magnitude (size) of the breach speaks of the complexion of the offender.

Thus, the purpose of traceological examinations and studies of these objects is to solve the following diagnostic tasks:

Establishment in the wake of the hacking mechanism and individual circumstances of the event (hacking mechanism, from which side the barrier was destroyed, in which direction the tool acted, the time of the hacking, whether the offender is familiar with the situation, location and nature or device of the barrier, locking device, the possibility of staging a burglary or penetration, accidental destruction, number of hackers);

Identification by traces of some signs of the person who committed the burglary (height, gender, age, physical strength, professional skills, functional features).

Identification tasks include:

establishing the traces of the group affiliation of tools and tools;

identification by traces of tools and tools that left them;

setting tools and tools by their parts.

When appointing a trace examination, the expert is sent: objects with traces, casts from traces, inspection protocols with photo tables. In some cases (breaks in the walls, traces of guns on massive safe doors), it is possible to conduct an expert study directly at the scene.

When appointed identification expertise on the tracks of hacking tools and tools, in cases of identifying suspected persons and seizing a possible trace-forming object from them, photographs, casts, trace prints and the tool or tool itself being checked are presented to the expert. At the same time, the investigator finds out how often and for what work the tool was used, whether it was sharpened or other changes were made in the period from the moment of the incident to its withdrawal and inclusion in the materials of the criminal case.

To establish the facts of the use of the same hacking tool in the commission of one or more crimes, forensic subdivisions of the internal affairs bodies create reference footprint collections(objects with traces) or copies of traces of hacking tools seized from the scene, as well as reference collections and file cabinets of tools and other common items used as hacking tools.

36. Common Questions, solved in the study of locks.

1. Is the lock mechanism working? If not, what is the reason for its malfunction? How does this malfunction affect the security properties of the lock

2. Are there traces left by a foreign object on the parts of the lock mechanism, are they suitable for establishing group affiliation and identifying the tool that left them

3. Are these marks the result of exposure to a fake key or master key?

4. Whether the lock was unlocked and whether it is possible to unlock the lock with this key with a master key, an object

5. At what position of the locking mechanism, locked, unlocked, damage is formed on the lock

6. As a result of what actions the lock was damaged

7. How the lock is unlocked

8. What type of tool left marks on the lock or the lock was broken

9. Whether several locks were unlocked by one method, by one tool

10. Isn't this tool a tool, an object that left traces on the lock?

Issues to be resolved in the study of seals.

1. Was the seal opened and in what way

2. Was the seal re-attached

3. Is it possible to remove the wire from the body of the seal without leaving traces

5. Was the seal crimped with the provided sealing vise

6. Has the seal been re-crimped?

7. Were the presented tools used to open the seal

8. Has the twist been untwisted and re-twisted?

9. Is the furling wire made with the same tool?

Means and methods for fixing and removing traces of hacking tools.

The rules for fixing and seizing traces of this category are general, and consist in detailed description, photographing, or sketching traces and removing them.

When describing traces of burglary in the inspection report, you must specify:

1) the type of barrier on which the trace was formed (wall, floor, window, door);

2) barrier material (wood, brick);

3) type of trace (volumetric, surface, static, dynamic, trace-print, slip trace, cutting trace);

4) location of the track (distance from the center of the track to permanent landmarks);

5) the shape of the trace (square, round, rectangular, oval, trapezoidal, oblong, irregular);

6) track dimensions (length, width, maximum depth);

7) characteristics trace (in the form of a bulge, recess, their shape, size, location);

8) the presence of particles of foreign substances in the trace (paint, rust, dust).

After describing and photographing the traces according to the rules of large-scale photography, they are seized. Best with the item they are on, or part of that item. If the object or its part cannot be removed, the surface trace should be removed using a special film or photographic paper, and the volumetric trace should be removed using plasticine or K-18 paste.

1) What brand of vehicle left these marks?

2) Quantity Vehicle who left traces?

4) Do the traces belong to this vehicle (Fig. 4)?

Rice. 4. Analysis of vehicle traces

5) Do the found parts, fragments belong to this vehicle?

Questions to be solved in the study of castles:

1) Determination of the cause of the malfunction?

2) The mechanism of trace formation?

3) Has there been and is it likely that the lock has been affected by this key, master key, object?

4) In what position was the lock (locked, open) when the damage was done?

Questions to be solved in the study of seals:

1) Was the seal opened, if so, in what way was it carried out?

2) Was there a concealment of the fact of the sealing by re-attaching the seal?

3) Has the seal been crimped with the provided sealing vise?

4) Were the presented tools used to open the seal?

Questions to be solved in the study of traces of mechanisms:

1) Is the item under investigation manufactured by a specific production mechanism?

2) Do the test items belong to the same production lot?

Issues to be resolved by the examination of the establishment of the whole in parts:

1) Are the glass fragments found at the scene of the accident, parts of the glass of the headlight lens of a car (Fig. 1)?

Fig.2. Shards of glass

2) Is the wood chip found at the scene of the incident chipped off from the side of the body of a certain truck?

Question 3. Issues resolved by fingerprint examination:

1) Are there any traces on the presented object papillary patterns?

2) Are traces of papillary patterns on the object suitable for face identification?

3) Are traces of papillary patterns left on one or more persons?

4) Are traces of papillary patterns left by a specific person (Fig. 6)?

Rice. 6. Studying fingerprints

Question 4. Issues resolved by otorological examination:

1) Are there odor traces of the person being checked on the object, clothing, in the person's odor sample collected from it (Fig. 7)?

Rice. 7. Carrying out an odorological examination with a biodetector

Security questions for topic 4

1) What does Anthroposcopy study?

2) Name the ways of fixing traces.

3) List the properties of papillary patterns.

4) Define "traces" in a broad sense.

5) Name the types of traces of a crime in the narrow sense.

6) List the types of traces-display depending on the object.

7) What are the principles of the forensic doctrine of traces.

8) What are the main types of papillary patterns.

9) What are the types of footprints?

10) What are the particular signs of traces of bare feet.

11) List the common features of the sole.

12) What circumstances are established as a result of the study of the track of traces?

13) What are the rules for photographing traces at the scene?

14) Name the forms of traces of blood.

15) What is the name of the trasology section devoted to the study of traces of hacking tools, tools, production mechanisms, locks, seals?

16) Name the groups of tools according to the method of impact.

17) Name the traces left by the tools of the mechanical group.

18) By what method are traces of burglary photographed?

19) What are the tasks to be solved in the study of production products.

20) What issues are resolved by the examination when breaking the lock?

21) What types of traces are studied by transport trasology?

22) List the tasks of trace studies.

23) Define the concept of homeoscopic traces.

Let us list the main issues to be solved in the study of weapons.

1. What type and model (model) does this firearm belong to?

2. Is the weapon in good working order and is it suitable for shooting?

3. What is the caliber of this firearm?

4. What type and type (model) of firearms is this part (magazine, bolt, revolver drum axis, pistol grip cheek, trigger, etc.)?

5. Is the part presented for research a part of this weapon?

When resolving this issue, it is necessary to take into account the number on the part, traces of it on other parts of the weapon, and vice versa. If only a part of the detail is being examined, and another part of it has been preserved in the alleged weapon, then the question is reduced to establishing the whole in part.

6. Could a shot have been fired from this weapon without pressing trigger under certain circumstances (for example, as a result of a weapon being dropped on the floor)?

7. Is it possible to shoot from this weapon with cartridges of a certain caliber?

8. Has the bore been lubricated since the last shot, and if so, with what kind?

9. Are markings on certain parts of the weapon destroyed, and if so, which ones?

10. Has this weapon been fired since the last cleaning?

11. What kind of gunpowder (type, brand) was the cartridge used for the last shot from this weapon equipped with?

12. Was the last shot fired from this shotgun by a bullet?

This can be established, for example, in cases where bullets are fired from choke-drilled barrels. Signs can be lead strips that draw the leading edges of the bullet on the walls of the bore. They can be observed from the side of the muzzle.

13. How long has it been since the last shot?

14. Is this item a weapon?

15. What is the cause of a shotgun barrel rupture?

To do this, the expert must present the gun, samples of the cartridges used for shooting, and objects that, according to the assumption, were in the barrel before the shot.

16. Was this case (holster) used to store the weapons submitted for research?

This issue can be resolved in some cases, when the signs of a certain weapon are sufficiently fully displayed on the internal surfaces of the case in the form of scuffs, dents, dirt, traces of metallization, oil, etc.

The main issues to be resolved in the study of fired bullets, shot, buckshot, wads

1. What type of weapon (system, model, model) was used to fire the bullet found at the scene?

2. Is the bullet fired from the presented weapon?

3. Were the bullets fired from the same weapon?

4. What type and sample is the cartridge, part of which is a bullet found at the scene?

5. Is the bullet fired from a weapon of the wrong (larger or smaller) caliber?

6. Is it possible to use the cartridge, of which the bullet submitted for examination is a part, for firing from this weapon?

7. Is a piece of metal part of a bullet, and if so, what type and pattern does it belong to?

8. Did the bullet submitted for examination not ricochet?

9. What are the reasons for the deformation (or rupture) of the bullet?

10. Is the bullet deformed for some reason (for example, as a result of passing through this or that obstacle)?

11. Are the bullet and case submitted for examination part of the same cartridge?

12. Which of the presented bullets was fired first?

This issue can be resolved by the features of the marks on the bullet that was fired first, as well as traces of grease around the bullet damage on the object.

13. Is the bullet (shot, buckshot) made by the factory or home-made?

14. Is a home-made projectile (shot, buckshot) made using this tool?

15. Were the previously transferred projectiles (shot, buckshot, bullets) a single mass and were they not manufactured under the same production conditions?

16. Is the chemical composition of a home-made projectile submitted for examination (home-made bullet, shot, buckshot) and a piece of metal seized from a suspect during a search?

17. Are they homogeneous in number, method of manufacture and chemical composition the given fraction (buckshot) and the presented sample?

18. Did the object under study serve as a homemade wad?

19. What material is the wad made of?

20. Are the materials of the wad and the sample submitted for comparison not homogeneous?

21. Is the material of the wad a part of this object (sheet of paper, piece of cloth)?

22. Are these wads (pads) made from the same items (the same sheet of paper, cardboard, piece of felt)?

23. Is the wad made by the presented tool (for example, punching)?

24. How is the wad made (by cutting, cutting, pressing cork chips, etc.)?

25. Are these wads (pads) made with the same tools?

26. Are the wads submitted for examination homogeneous (by type of material, color, size, shape, manufacturing method, etc.)?

27. Were the parts of the wad from the scene of the incident and the wads in the cartridge previously one whole?

28. What kind of gunpowder (type, brand) was the cartridge equipped with, judging by the soot and unburned powders on the damaged barrier?

29. Were raw materials of this special purpose used for the manufacture of projectiles, wads, gaskets (alloy grade, paper type, felt grade)?

The main issues to be solved in the study of sleeves

1. What type of weapon, sample (model) was this cartridge case fired from?

2. Is the cartridge case part of the cartridge used to fire this weapon?

3. Were the cartridge cases shown fired from the same weapon?

4. Are these shells homogeneous, and if so, on what grounds?

5. What type and sample is the cartridge, part of which is the cartridge case found at the scene?

6. Are the bullet and case shown part of the same cartridge?

7. Was the cartridge case fired from a weapon of the wrong (larger or smaller) caliber?

8. Is this sleeve reused?

9. Whether the cartridge case was loaded with a device seized from a certain person.

10. What kind of gunpowder (type, brand) was the cartridge equipped with, of which this cartridge case is a part?

11. Approximately how much time has passed since the shot, judging by the sleeve?

The correct solution of these issues helps to identify the shells found at the crime scene and the shells obtained by shooting from a particular weapon, which ultimately allows you to identify the desired copy.

The main questions to be solved in the study of ammunition

1. Are these cartridges in good condition and suitable for shooting?

2. What type and sample does the cartridge submitted for examination belong to?

3. Do the presented cartridges belong to the same release batch?

In some cases, this can be established by the following signs:

a) the type and sample of the bullet, cartridge case;

b) marking on the sleeve (if the lot number is indicated in the marking), etc.

4. Are the shot cartridges found at the scene of the incident and the cartridges found during a search of a certain person homogeneous in terms of the device and composition of the ammunition (cartridges, wads, shot)?

5. Were the presented cartridges equipped with primers with one or different devices?

6. Is the cartridge loaded with a primer using this device?

7. Was the loading of the presented ammunition manufactured under the same production conditions?

Inspections and expert studies of weapons, ammunition and traces of their use help to establish the circumstances that have importance for business. Their results are used to build and test versions, to search for and expose criminals.

Topic 4. The concept and classification of firearms of limited destruction

Firearms of limited destruction - short-barreled weapons and barrelless weapons intended for mechanical destruction of a living target at a distance by a traumatic cartridge projectile, receiving directed movement due to the energy of a powder or other charge, and not intended to cause death to a person.

The main difference between a combat pistol and a short-barreled weapon that fires traumatic bullets is that the bullet combat pistol is capable of killing or injuring a person at a distance of several hundred meters, and above this range inflicting a non-lethal defeat, and a rubber bullet is capable of killing or inflicting a penetrating wound at a distance of 2-3 meters, and above this distance - inflicting a traumatic effect, which reduces to zero in the next 10 -15 meters.

Since the distance of fire contact is a dynamic value, which is very difficult to control, the effectiveness of the use of traumatic weapons is difficult to predict.

Action military weapons is based on the fact that a certain amount of bullet energy necessary to disable the enemy (about 8 kgm or 78 J) is obviously exceeded - up to the amount that will ensure the defeat, taking into account the expected range and other conditions (including target security, etc.) .P.). Therefore, the muzzle energy of bullets of combat pistols and revolvers (more precisely, ammunition for them) is in the range of 300 - 500 J, with a practical firing range of 25 - 50 meters.
When designing non-lethal ammunition, they seem to move in the "reverse" direction: the specific energy of the bullet, the excess of which leads to a penetrating wound, is reduced to possibly guarantee the non-lethality of the ammunition. This is done in combination with the use of special materials for the manufacture of bullets (elastic rubber, plastic, etc.), which additionally contribute to reducing the penetrating ability of the bullet. A light projectile is characterized by a rapid loss of speed, and the energy of the projectile changes in proportion to the square of the speed (i.e. if the flight speed is halved, the energy of the bullet will decrease by a factor of four, etc.).
On average, according to the standards adopted in forensic ballistics, the specific kinetic energy, at which a deep penetrating wound of a person is possible, for a spherical projectile is about 0.5 J per square millimeter of its cross-sectional area (for pointed projectiles it can be less). It is this factor that explains the permission for free circulation pneumatic weapon 4.5 mm caliber with a muzzle energy not exceeding 7.5 J. Magnum-class pneumatics are prohibited for free sale.

In our work, we will study only civilian samples of traumatic weapons, since law enforcement and security structures use traumatic cartridges for firearms (for example, for the KS-23 carbine).

Today, domestic and foreign industry offers the consumer not very many samples of such weapons, about 15 items. The power of these samples is significantly limited by the excessive, from the point of view of common sense, concern of the state for the health of the offender, often to the detriment of the health of the defender. As we have already noted, the minimum energy of a shot, which is guaranteed to disable a person, is 300-500 Joules. The initial speed of the traumatic projectile for the most powerful cartridge for the Osa complex is 121 m / s, the kinetic energy of the traumatic projectile is 87.8 J. The rest of the products are even weaker. The Law on Weapons establishes the following restrictions: limited civilian firearms with a muzzle energy over 91 J and service firearms with a muzzle energy over 150 J are prohibited;

Traumatic weapons can be divided into two large subgroups:

1) barrelless self-defense weapon ("Wasp", "Guardian");

2) gas weapons with the ability to fire cartridges with rubber bullets (“makarych”, “naganych”, “leader”, etc., etc.).

As already noted, one of the types of "non-lethal weapons" is a barrelless self-defense weapon. It was conceived as a tool devoid of disadvantages. gas weapons and at the same time surpassing it in efficiency, that is, a non-lethal alternative to short-barreled firearms.

A barrelless weapon is called a barrelless weapon because it does not have a barrel and is intended for shooting at short distances, considered self-defense distances. Self-defense weapons do not require a special range, so the opportunities provided by a barrelless weapon in terms of the aiming range of a shot are quite enough for the defender. In fact, the barrel in a barrelless weapon is the cartridge itself.

Barrelless traumatic weapon, like conventional firearms, is designed to mechanically hit a target at a distance with a projectile that receives directional movement due to the energy of a powder charge. But the main difference between barrelless traumatic and combat (as well as service) firearms lies in the fact that a barrelless weapon of self-defense should not cause injuries to living organisms that are not compatible with life (i.e., do not inflict penetrating wounds, but only cause a bruising effect).

We must immediately make a reservation that the use of even a barrelless weapon can be fatal, but nevertheless, for this class of weapon, this probability is minimized. Traumatic cartridges are equipped with bullets made of a fairly soft material (rubber, plastic), so these bullets do not have a high penetrating effect. The caliber of the weapon is such that a bullet hitting even parts of the body that are absolutely not vital for the body should temporarily disable the attacker. When hit, the bullet causes a sufficiently powerful shock sensation, which, in theory, should not allow the attacker to continue aggressive actions. In reality, everything is not so simple with a barrelless weapon and it cannot be called the optimal self-defense weapon. Currently, tubeless weapons on the Russian market are represented by a number of domestic models: PB-4 "Osa" and MP-461 "Guardian" (in fact, there are more than two actual models, because "Osa" is produced in several modifications, in including laser pointer). The barrelless pistol PB-4 "Osa" appeared on the Russian market in 2000, and over the few years that have passed since its appearance, this weapon has become quite popular among Russian citizens. A fairly rich experience has been accumulated in the use of "Wasp", and on this moment You can objectively judge all the pros and cons of this weapon. The complex was developed at the beginning of 1997 under the leadership of Candidate of Technical Sciences G.A. Bideev at the Research Institute of Applied Chemistry (Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region), where it has been mass-produced since 1999. Gunless four-shot "Wasp" caliber 18x45T. Left model PB-4M, right - PB4-1.

This is a rather unusual weapon in its design, designed to fire cartridges, the powder charge in which ignites under the action of an electric discharge. This electrical discharge is produced by pressing the trigger with a piezoelectric generator, which is an integral part of the design of the weapon itself.

The chamber block holds four 18x45 mm cartridges. Several types of cartridges are produced for the PB-4 "Osa": traumatic action with rubber bullets equipped with weighting steel cores; signal light cartridges; also sometimes you can find on sale and cartridges of light and sound action. muzzle energy traumatic cartridge is currently 65 J and 87 J (at first they produced significantly more powerful cartridges with an energy of 120 J, but then the production of these cartridges was stopped due to their rather high efficiency). The weapon is intended for self-defense at distances up to 10 meters, however, the real distances to be guided by are up to 5 meters: the already low initial energy of the bullet drops significantly with almost every meter of flight, and at a distance of 10 meters it decreases somewhere more than 1.5 times compared to the initial value; and it’s quite difficult to simply hit a person with a bullet from a barrelless weapon at such a distance.

The weapon is compact (its dimensions are 105x39x115 mm) and very light (only 320g.). Despite the small mass, the recoil when firing from this weapon is practically not felt. It should be noted that the main structural material from which the PB-4 is made is the AK-8M aluminum alloy, which, although considered one of the strongest aluminum-based alloys, still cannot provide the weapon with high strength. Therefore, "Wasp" is quite sensitive to mechanical damage, and its life resource is small and is limited to about five hundred shots.

You can buy a barrelless weapon in a gun store with an open license for the purchase of self-defense weapons. It is believed that a direct hit by the Wasp's rubber bullet in the attacker's torso should cause a tangible pain shock that prevents further illegal actions. But in reality, things are not so simple. There are quite a few cases of successful self-defense using a barrelless weapon, when a single well-aimed bullet fired at an attacker was enough to completely knock him out. But at the same time, many owners remained dissatisfied with the stopping effect of the Wasp, when even a few bullets that hit the attacker could not ensure his incapacitation. It must also be remembered that the effectiveness of traumatic cartridges is significantly reduced in winter, when people wear tight clothes. But although the ideology of tubeless weapons does not imply inflicting wounds on the attackers that are incompatible with life by nature, a shot in the head from such a weapon often ends fatal. In order to increase the stopping effect for rubber bullet cartridges, too large caliber(18x45), which makes it impossible to create a pistol according to the classical scheme for such cartridges. "Strazhnik" is a barrelless self-defense weapon produced by Izhevsk mechanical plant. It appeared on the Russian market in 2002. The weapon is similar in principle to the PB-4 Osa and is designed to use the same cartridges. However, unlike the Wasp, the electric discharge that ignites the gunpowder in the Guardian's cartridge is generated not by the built-in piezo generator, but by a battery (type CR2032). "Guardian" - a two-shot weapon; cartridges are placed in a quick-release plastic cassette. Frame MP-461 is made of high-strength polymer material. For obvious reasons, the "Guardian" is even lighter than the "Wasp": its mass without cartridges does not exceed 200 g; its overall dimensions are 115x30x120 mm. Despite the fact that the main components of the MP-461 are made of plastic, the weapon is quite reliable and durable. Since the cartridges used for shooting from the "Guard" are the same as for shooting from the "Wasp", then ballistic performance and the stopping action of these two models of muzzleless weapons is the same.

Figure 49 Gunless weapon "Guardian"

Under the traumatic cartridge of caliber 380ME GUM, the barrelless revolver "Viking" manufactured by OAO VPMZ "Molot" and the barrelless revolver MMRT "Shershen" manufactured by OAO "Kirov Plant Mayak" are produced and sold in the Russian Federation. Although starting speed flight of a traumatic projectile in these samples is higher than in the Osa and Strazhnik complexes - 230 and 255 m / s, the kinetic energy of the projectile is lower - 18.5 and 22.8 J. Accordingly, the traumatic effect of the projectile is lower, only about 0.30 J/mm.

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