Gas weapon license. How to get a permit for a traumatic weapon? Who will not be issued a permit for a traumatic weapon

Auto 21.08.2019

According to the legislation, citizens have the right to own and carry traumatic and equivalent weapons. Ensuring their safety with the help of traumatic, gas and similar weapons should be carried out according to established rules. In other words, the owner acquires not only rights, but serious responsibilities. You will need to issue permits for the wearing and use of devices for self-defense.

In case of violation of the rules for the storage and use of traumatic weapons, the owner expects significant administrative penalties. You can purchase traumatic devices in the distribution network after obtaining a license. If users of the site have questions related to obtaining permission and related problems, you can always get online consultation from our lawyers.

It is enough to leave a question on traumatic weapons in a specially designated form or call the hotline for a lawyer to contact you and give legal and reasonable advice. The scope of permits and the use of weapons is subject to strict police control, so do not rush and neglect the advice of professionals.

The lawyer will explain the responsibility, obligations and civil rights in the acquisition of traumatic weapons. For example, it is forbidden by law to use edged weapons and firearms for self-defense. The very concept of self-defense quite often requires clarification by specialists, which is never superfluous when dealing with law enforcement agencies.

There are rules for obtaining permission for this type of weapon, which can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. First of all, the applicant must confirm his legal capacity with a certificate from a psychiatrist. Then you will need to attend a special course on the possession of traumatic weapons and pass a thematic exam. After passing the exam for a positive assessment and having a medical certificate, you can apply for a license. You should apply at the place of registration of the applicant, to the department of internal affairs.

After filling out the standard application form, a package of documents is attached to it:

  • identity card (civil passport);
  • photo of the established size;
  • medical certificate on the possibility of obtaining permission;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

10 days are allotted for consideration of the application, after which the applicant is given a written answer. If a license is denied, the response must contain an explanation of the reasons. Permission is not granted to minors, citizens who provided false information or did not pass the exam in the courses taken. The presence of medical restrictions will also not allow you to obtain an official license. License for traumatic weapon issued for a period of up to five years, after which you will need to go through the renewal procedure.

If the applicant does not agree with the arguments of the commission, then he has the right to appeal the refusal to higher authorities or the court. The claim or complaint must be supported by strong arguments and references to violation of the law.

The owner must pay attention to the safety of possession of weapons. You will need to have a special gun safe at home that is inaccessible to children. You need to be prepared for regular visits to the district commissioner, the identified violations will be recorded in the protocol and an administrative penalty may be imposed. If the owner has two or more offenses in the reporting year, then he will be prohibited from possession and possession of traumatic weapons.

On our website you can download a sample application for a permit. The proposed form is relevant today and can be submitted after completion to the police department at the place of residence.

Traumatic weapons should be stored in a specially equipped safe in the house. Outdoors, weapons must be carried in a holster or a special case. The device must be protected from unauthorized firing by a fuse. Transfer traumatic models should be uncharged. There is a list of professional employment in which citizens must enter the service with this type of weapon. This includes forestry workers, game managers, military personnel and employees of paramilitary structures.

Ordinary citizens also have the right to undergo the procedure and, as a result, acquire weapons. Prior to the expiration of the license, 90 days in advance, an application for an extension of the permit is submitted. If there are outstanding administrative penalties, the extension may be refused. The extension procedure is 10 days, for which the district police officer must first write his official opinion on compliance with the rules and conditions of storage. The district police officer's report is attached to the extension application.

Refusal law enforcement possible, but it must be conditioned by strong arguments: registration with a narcological or psychiatric dispensary, non-compliance with storage rules or changes in the design of the traumatic device. In addition to an administrative penalty for non-compliance with storage rules, the owner may receive penalties of various sizes, up to criminal liability.

Penalties are assigned depending on the type of violation, these can be:

  • penalties;
  • deprivation of a license, weapons and ammunition;
  • forced labor;
  • arrest and imprisonment.

Criminal penalties are imposed if a crime is committed using a traumatic device. If a weapon was stolen from the owner or it is lost, then this must be immediately reported to the police department. Neglecting this requirement, you can get into difficult situation when you have to prove your innocence.

Owning a weapon is a serious decision that must be approached very carefully.

How to get a license permit for traumatic weapons

In 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation received the opportunity to carry traumatic weapons, but this requires obtaining permission.

First of all, you need to collect medical certificates, take weapons handling courses, purchase a safe and get a license. The permit can be obtained for a period of 5 years.

Documents receiving

How to get permission for traumatic weapons in 2016? Initially, you should obtain a license for the purchase, storage of traumatic weapons (Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 150, as amended on 12/29/2015).

According to the amendments to, traumatic weapons are LLCP (Firearms of Limited Destruction).

Important: Citizens who have reached the age of 21 can draw up documents.

You can get a license and permission only at the place of permanent residence, but not (registration).

Important: it is obligatory when changing the place of residence and registration, it is necessary to exchange documents for traumatic weapons within two weeks, regardless of their validity period.

How to get a license

Required documents:

  • Statement.
  • Medical certificate No. 046-1. To obtain a certificate, you must undergo an examination: an ophthalmologist (vision is at least 0.5 in one eye, in the absence of one eye - at least 0.7), a therapist (if there is no index and thumb on one hand or three fingers on one hand - unequivocal contraindication). It is necessary to take certificates from the narcological and psycho-neurological dispensaries. After collecting all the certificates, you need to contact the clinic at the place of residence or in the honey. an institution that has the authority to issue a certificate in the form No. 046-1.
  • Make copies of 2.3 pages of the passport (if lost, you will have to pay), as well as a sheet of registration at the place of residence. with an expired passport is not suitable for presentation.
  • Receipt of payment of the state fee (payment details in the CLR).
  • It is necessary to take courses on safe handling of firearms, pass exams and take the appropriate certificate or certificate. Courses must be educational institutions with the appropriate license. The received document must contain: certificate number, name of the organization, examination marks.
  • Matte photo 2 pcs. size 3x4 cm.
  • Check report from the local police officer who checked the presence of the safe (the safe must have 2 mortise locks and a certificate). A report to check the safe is submitted by the ATC officer who accepted the application. The police officer must visit the citizen, check the availability and reliability of the safe and confirm this in writing.
  • You may need a certificate of housing security with a connection to the CPO remote control. This requirement is not reflected in the legislation, but local authorities management, it may be mandatory.

Who cannot get a license

  • Persons under the age of 21.
  • Citizen with an outstanding criminal record:
  • Citizen, after committing administrative offense(violation of public order) can issue a document after 1 year.
  • For medical reasons.
  • The existence of other circumstances that are not reflected in the legislation. For example, a citizen is registered as a participant in the UPG, or there was a conviction for illegal manufacturing, alteration of the OOP, illegal trafficking narcotic substances etc.

Receipt of document

After collecting all the documents, you need to contact the local LRRR at the district police department. OLRR - Department of Licensing and Permit Work. After checking the information received, a month later a license is issued - LOA for the purchase, wearing and storage of the PLO.

Important:the license is issued for a period of 6 months, and gives the right only to purchase weapons in a specialized store. If the OOP is not purchased within this period, the document will be automatically cancelled.

According to the document received, it is necessary to purchase a traumatic weapon in a specialized store within 6 months (traumatic weapons are usually not sold in a specialized store). If you do not buy the OOP within the specified period, the license will be canceled.

Important:a mandatory requirement, you need to purchase "traumatics" along with a holster. Carrying an OOP without a holster is prohibited, and a fine may be imposed.

Getting permission

After the purchase, it is necessary to register the traumatic weapon with the ORRL within the prescribed period (14 calendar days). To do this, along with the PLO, be sure to holster it, contact the local ORRL. During registration, experimental shooting is carried out.

Documents required for registration:

  • statement;
  • check for the purchase of OOP;
  • shells that were used in the shooting;
  • PLO insurance;
  • check for payment of the state duties.

After registration of the LLC, after 30 days, instead of a license, a permit (ROKh) for carrying, storing the LLC is issued. The permit is valid for 5 years, during this period a citizen has the right to carry and store the PLO, as well as use it for self-defense purposes.

Important: until 2016, the carrying of traumatic weapons was prohibited.

To extend the permit, you need to contact the LRRR 3 months before the expiration date, with a package of documents, as well as to receive it.

  • renewal application;
  • copies of the passport 2.3 pages, and registration at the place of residence;
  • medical certificate form No. 046-1;
  • photo 3x4 cm;
  • the district police officer re-checks the availability and reliability of the safe, draws up a report;
  • it may be necessary to re-test knowledge on the handling and storage of OOP.

The permit is issued for a period of 5 years and only on the basis of an existing license. This document confirms the right to carry and store the PLO. The permit is subject to renewal at the end of the established period.

The period for renewal of the permit is 5 years.

When and where not to use a registered "traumatic"

The use of weapons of this type is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. citizens who are in a state of alcoholic intoxication;
  2. at public events;
  3. in places of educational institutions;
  4. in places where a large number of people gather;
  5. in institutions, places of public recreation, carrying out leisure and entertainment activities.
  6. , improper storage is also punishable, and is subject to various penalties.

    How to get a license for a traumatic weapon from A to Z documents

Hunters and other gun lovers need to be sure to “study” the current laws in order to understand how the renewal of a gun license takes place in 2019, what is needed for this procedure and how long to wait for its completion. Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons” underwent some changes in 2016 - it became much more difficult to obtain permission to store a “firearm” at home, as well as to renew a license.

What documents should be prepared for renewal?

Documents required to renew a gun license include:

    Extension application. The application form can be downloaded or on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    The applicant's civil passport along with a copy.

    Copy of a valid license.

    Two 3×4 photographs with a matte finish.

    Medical certificate in form 046-1. The certificate is filled in by a therapist, but in order to receive this document, you need to go through at least 3 doctors: an ophthalmologist, a narcologist and a psychiatrist. The last two confirm that the applicant for a license was not and is not registered in dispensaries, and the eye doctor checks the percentage of vision loss. With a loss of more than 50%, you can not count on a permit document.

Medical certificate 046-1 is valid for six months. If this time was not enough for the applicant to prolong the license, he will have to undergo the examination again.

    Receipt confirming the payment of the fee. The state duty for the renewal of a license for weapons is 500 rubles.

    The report of the district police officer, in which the servant of the law confirms that the citizen has the opportunity to properly store the "firearms".

If it is necessary to prolong the permit for a rifled gun, the list of documents for renewing a weapon license is supplemented by a paper certifying that the applicant is a professional hunter. In renewing a license for hunting weapons, for example, an order from the head of the hunting area can help.

How is the renewal?

The license is valid for 5 years. A citizen should start “fussing” 30 days before the expiration of the existing permit - as a rule, this is how much time it takes for government agencies to check the provided package of documents and the citizen’s “criminal history” (convictions, administrative penalties). Although such a check was already carried out when the permit was issued, it will be repeated; 5 years is a long time, during which you can manage to break a lot of firewood.

The license extension procedure consists of several stages. Here's how to proceed.

    Contact the police station and explain what you need. The staff will ask you to write an appropriate application.

    Expect the visit of the district police officer - he will check the availability and parameters of the safe. In 2019, the requirements for a safe have not changed compared to 2018. If, following the results of the check, the district police officer comes to the conclusion that you are able to store weapons responsibly, he will draw up a report, which should be attached to the list of documents for submission.

    Take the package of documents along with the report to the LRO - the licensing and permit department.

    Expect a written decision by mail from LRO employees - most often they give an answer within 10 days. The deadline set by law is 30 days. If the LRO employees did not meet this deadline, you can complain about them to a higher authority, which is the ULRR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, or to the court.

    If the decision turned out to be positive, go to the LRO again - there you will be given an extended permit.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to take weapons courses again. There is a decision of the Supreme Court of December 6, 2012, which cancels paragraph 9.3 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely this paragraph obliged to take exams again.

How to renew through the "Gosuslugi"?

Renewal of a weapon license through “Gosuslugi” in 2019 is also possible, but only if the user has an account confirmed through Russian Post. How to do an extension?

    Select the section "Catalog of services".

    Find the block "Licenses, certificates, accreditations" and click on the item "All services".

    In the "Licenses, certificates, accreditations" block, find the "Weapon design" submenu and open it.

    Find the subsection “Keeping and carrying weapons” and click on the link “Permit to keep and carry weapons”.

    A window will open that will contain comprehensive information about the rules for renewing a license for traumatic weapons and other types of weapons. After carefully reading, click "Get a service".

Then it remains to fill out the questionnaire, attach scans of the required documents and wait for the decision of the LRO. The term of consideration is the same as for a personal appeal - 1 month. When paying through the State Services, the state duty will be 350 rubles.

What happens if the applicant misses the deadline?

According to Article 20 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, a fine must be issued to a citizen for an untimely extension of a permit. This is completely logical, because in fact, during the period that a citizen walks with an expired license, he will have an unauthorized weapon.

The amount of the fine is not fixed and depends on how seriously "late" the owner of the "firearm".

    If the delay is several weeks or even days, a slow-moving citizen will have to "fork out" in the amount of 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

    If the delay is longer, the fine will be 3 thousand rubles.

That's not all: it is also possible to seize the "firearm" until the citizen completes the procedure for prolonging the permit.

Why are they denied?

There are a number of reasons why license holders are denied renewal.

    Medical contraindications. For 5 years, the health of a citizen can deteriorate significantly - especially for vision.

    Criminal record. The owner of the "firearm" has committed a serious or especially serious crime. In this case, it is not necessary to count on an extension, regardless of whether the conviction has been extinguished or not.

    Administrative responsibility. If for Last year the applicant was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order and, at the same time, the term of the sentence had not expired at the time of prolongation, the permit will not be extended.

    The applicant does not have a permanent place of residence.

    Weapon malfunction. If the "firearm" turned out to be inoperative, you first need to fix it, and only then think about extending the permit.

    Self-modernization. It is impossible to arbitrarily, without the permission of government agencies, make changes to the design of the "firearm" - otherwise there will definitely be problems with renewing the license.

    No safe can also be attributed to possible reasons to refuse to prolong, although it would hardly occur to anyone to go to the LRO without a report from the district police officer.

A citizen should not have any problems with renewing a weapon license in 2019: he knows what to apply and where to go, because he went through the permit procedure. If, in the 5 years that a person owned a weapon, he managed to get into a criminal history, there is nothing to even try to renew the license - the state is very strict about such citizens and the weapons permit is not exactly extended.




Traumatic weapons without a license - liability for illegal possession under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Many lovers of traumatic weapons are wondering if it is possible to possess them without special permission, is it possible to buy traumatic weapons without a license. Will there be special sanctions for this? This article provides answers and a complete explanation of this question. So, do I need to get a license to use traumatic gun? Will the sale of traumatic weapons without a license be made?

Modern types of traumatic weapons are acquired for the most part for personal protection. According to modern legislation, it is legal to buy, carry, store and use such weapons only with special permission. Each person who acquires such a weapon must understand that any pistol is a means of protection, it can only be used in certain situations, in particular, when there are certain grounds for believing that his health and life are in danger.

Permit Training

First of all, it is important to have a conscious desire of a person to receive this type of modern weapon, and it is also important to understand what kind of responsibility is assigned to him. In addition, you will need to do the following:

  • Training required;
  • It is important to obtain a special permit for the acquisition of weapons;
  • Purchasing a pistol;
  • Obtained permission to use weapons.

You can get training at special organizations where training courses are organized. They are specifically designed for this purpose and certified for this. After completing the training, a document is issued on the completion of qualified training and on passing the exam.

Key points in obtaining a license

After the courses have been fully completed and there is a document confirming this factor in hand, you will need to apply for a license to store and carry weapons. Neglect will lead to punishment, and the basis is the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the illegal possession of traumatic weapons. For this purpose, within 14 days after the purchase of weapons, you will need to submit a certain package of documents to the police department, which is issuing all permits:

  • A copy of the authorization to purchase the product with a special mark of the store regarding the sale made;
  • You will need to write an application for a license;
  • It is important to draw up an insurance contract, which is usually concluded for the purchase of weapons;
  • 2 photos standard size;
  • A receipt confirming the payment of the state duty.

If a pistol was purchased, you will need to attach a set of already fired cartridge cases packed in a special box to the documents. Based on all the documents submitted, it is issued, and then a permit is issued to carry, use and.

Responsibility for illegal wearing of injuries

The presence of a traumatic gun without a special permit is the basis for imposing a fine on the owner of the weapon or there will be liability and punishment for carrying a traumatic weapon without permission. According to modern legislation, possession, carrying and violation of the rules regarding the use of weapons entails a certain fine, the amount of which can be 500 - 2000 rubles. A similar punishment will be in the event that for some reason the license for traumatic weapons has expired.

In case of unjustified sale, storage or carrying of pneumatic weapons, if a citizen threatened other people with these weapons, if illegal carrying of traumatic weapons was recorded, certain sanctions can be legally imposed on a person. The basis for this will be the article for the storage of traumatic weapons without a license 119 and 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This is a real criminal liability, which can automatically lead to the fact of imprisonment or a fine will be imposed on a person - it all depends on the specifics of the case.


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