Extracurricular activity around the world for elementary school students with a presentation. Ecological game "Living Planet"

Health 05.07.2019

Outline plan extracurricular activities

around the world in primary school, teachers primary school Solovyova E.V. MOU Nikolskaya primary comprehensive school Forest district, Tver region.

extracurricular activity

"Nature around us"


    Expanding and deepening children's knowledge about the animal and flora nature.

    The development of cognitive activity, curiosity, memory.

    Upbringing careful attitude to nature.

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment. Psychological attitude

Teacher's word: good morning sun and birds

Good morning smiling faces

And everyone becomes kind, trusting

Good morning let last until the evening.

Question for children: What did you experience while listening to my words of greeting?

I see you have good mood. Spring will come to us soon. Let's go to nature today.

Look my dear friend

What is around?

The sky is light blue, the sun shines golden

The wind plays with leaves, a cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass, mountains, air and foliage, birds. Animals and forests, thunder, fogs and dew.

Man and season is everything around (Nature)

The teacher and the children conclude: Nature is everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands.

Question for students: how do you understand the words "Everything beautiful in the world is from nature, but good from man?"

The children's answers boil down to the fact that people should take care of nature, the animal and plant world, and protect it.

Competition 1: students are divided into groups and each group develops rules for communicating with nature.


1. Do not touch, do not offend, do not kill birds, animals, insects.

    Do not break branches of trees, bushes, do not tear flowers.

    Do not ruin mycelium, anthills.

    Don't leave trash in the forest.

    Do not take animals, young animals and chicks out of the forest, they will die.

    Take care of animals in winter.

Teacher and students take general rules communication with nature and conclude:

Love for nature, caring for it makes a person kinder.

2 competition: Here you will understand for sure

And where does the river flow

Where do animals live

Open doors soon!

the task is given on the board to find - “The third extra”, the task is prepared for the number of groups of students in the lesson. (Example)

1 group

2 group

3 group

4 group

5 group




























Competition 3: Riddles

In the swamp, in the meadow

vitamin buried in the snow.

With a tail, not a beast, with feathers, not a bird.

Who does not spin, does not weave, clothes people

I swim under the bridge and wag my tail

blue airplane

sat on white dandelion… etc.

4 competition: Physical education minute

ball game

Students stand in a circle and pass the ball one by one to each other while naming the habitat:

Sparrow- air

pike- water

elephant- Earth

polar bear- snow, ice

crocodile- water and land

tit- air

hare- Earth

frog- water, earth

dolphin- water


Competition 5: "Words crumbled."

The task is aimed at developing attention and observation.

A task has been prepared on the board, where students must decipher

animal names

ice - horse

salt - elk

zoka - goat

baobchak- butterfly

shaugkyal - frog

we wire - ant

bakosa- dog

tomegeb - hippo

isal- Fox

Competition 6: "Supplement the proposal in writing."

The students are given cards with sentences to be completed and words to be inserted (for example).

Predatory, domestic, insects, mammals, fish, herbivores.

1. Animals that get their own food, defend themselves from enemies, arrange their own housing, breed offspring, are called _____________

    Animals that people breed, feed and protect them, build dwellings for them, take care of their offspring are called ______________

    Animals with six legs are called ________________

    The habitat of these animals is water bodies, their body is covered with scales __________

    Animals that feed their young with milk are called _____________

    Animals that eat plant foods are called __________

    He appeared in a yellow fur coat: goodbye, two shells.

Students receive cards with a picture or the name of an animal, they must depict the animal and its voice, and recognize others.

Cat-meow, dog-woof, rooster-cook-river, chicken-ko-ko-ko, frog qua-qua, pig-oink, oink, donkey-ia, ea.


Music sounds, the teacher praises the children for the work done.

Students share their experiences.

You can finish with a competition and an exhibition of drawings on the theme "Nature is around us!"

This quiz on extracurricular activities around the world, will help students develop their intellectual abilities in the field of the world around them. This will help the teacher to check the level of knowledge of students in a non-standard form. Tasks are selected in accordance with the age characteristics of students.

Purpose: for students in grades 2-3.

The purpose of the lesson: To generalize, deepen, consolidate knowledge on this topic.

  • educational: to expand knowledge about nature;
  • developing: to form in children a positive attitude towards nature, norms of behavior in nature.
  • educational: fostering love for nature, developing a sense of participation and protection of its resources and the environment.

Equipment: handout (puzzle cards, plant a tree cards, scraps of paper).

move scenarios for extracurricular activities around the world in primary school

Teacher. Each of us lives in a house with walls, a roof, a floor. But as soon as we go beyond the threshold of an ordinary house, we find ourselves in another house - nature. Once upon a time, only nature was the only home for man. Then he did not know how to build a dwelling and lived in a cave. He hunted animals, collected plants for food. Time passed, and man learned a lot. Now we live in modern high-rise buildings, we buy food in the store, but still nature remains our true home. Why?

The kids are in charge

Is there "nature" in our home? Look around: houseplants, water, air, Sun rays- it's all nature. Can we live without it in our house? Not! Although man has built houses, cities, he still depends on nature and cannot live without it, because he himself is part of nature. And if so, it means that a person should treat nature very carefully, be friends with it, respect its laws.

Can nature live without man?

Children. Yes maybe. A very, very long time ago there were no people on our Earth, but nature was there even then. For example, at a time when dinosaurs lived on Earth.

Why is there light in our house?

Children. The light comes from the lamp.

Teacher. And what can be compared with a lamp in nature?

Children. sun.

Teacher. But the sun not only shines, but also warms. This means that it can also be compared with a home heater, stove, radiator.

Teacher. In nature it's raining. Where can it be found in our house?

Children. Our house has a shower.

Teacher. In nature - the wind, but in the house?

Children. Fan.

Teacher. The room has a floor. Where is the floor in a natural home?

Children. In the house-nature under the feet of the earth, the soil.

Teacher. In an ordinary house, there are stone and wooden walls.

Children. In the house-nature - mountains and trees.

Teacher. We have a flame burning on a gas stove.

Children. And in nature, fire breaks out of a volcano.

Teacher. In nature, snow falls, ice accumulates on high mountains.

Children. And in his ordinary house, a person has learned to “make” snow in the refrigerator.

Teacher. Wild animals in nature.

Children. In an ordinary house - home.

Teacher. We can conclude: in every house there should be heat, air, light, and plants. What happens if there is no air? water? sun?

The children answer.

Teacher. Guys, who built our houses?

Children. Builders.

Teacher. Who built nature?

Children. Nobody built.

Teacher. Where is cleaner: at home or in nature?

Children. Houses are cleaner.

Teacher. Why?

Children. We clean houses, but nature itself cannot clean up after us.

Teacher. Everything in the house-nature is interconnected. Nature is plants, animals, mountains and rivers, air and earth (soil). And all this is on our planet, around us. So our home is the whole Earth. We must take care of all this, put things in order.

Station: Plant Kingdom.

1st competition. Quiz "Know the plant."

Each team listens carefully to the question.

1. Russian beauty,

We all really like it.

She is white, slim

Clothes are green. (Birch).

2. They rush straight into the sky, up;

Take a close look:

Not birches, not aspens,

There are no leaves, there are needles. (Firs).

3. Here is a barrel with a hat,

Fell from the tree.

A year has passed - and a tree

He became small. (Acorn).

4. Bent the branches over the river,

The river looks sad. (Willow).

5. Quiet autumn will come,

It will become a marvelous tree:

Leaves are bright stars

Golden, hot. (Maple).

6. In the sultry summer it will bloom -

Calls the bees right away.

round leaves,

Light flowers.

Delicious, sweet is their nectar...

Does anyone recognize the tree? (Linden).

3rd competition. "Puzzle"

Teams receive cards with the same puzzles. The task is to decipher the puzzle. Which team can do it faster and more correctly?




Answer: "Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth pities him." (Key: read every other letter.)

Physical education - the game "yes, no"

Rules of the game: if you agree, then jump up and clap your hands over your head.

If not, commit.

I litter in the street

I don't turn off the light when I'm not in the room.

I save water and turn off the faucet

I release the butterfly

Wasting paper

The ravines are good

Nature conservation benefits

I love to smell exhaust gases

Planet Earth is our common home

4th Competition. "Plant a Tree"

Teacher. Every person should plant at least one tree in their lifetime. How to plant, I hope you know? However, now we will check this in the “Plant a tree” contest. The teacher gives the teams the same sets of cards. Task: arrange the cards in the correct order.


1. Dig a hole large enough for the roots of a tree or shrub to fit freely in it.

2. The tree is tied to the stake with twine. A soft cloth is placed under the twine on the tree trunk.

3. A stake 1.5-2 meters long is hammered into the bottom of the pit.

4. A mound of earth is poured at the bottom of the pit. It spreads the roots of a tree or shrub. The part of the plant where the roots pass into the stem is covered with earth, then it is compacted.

5. A planted tree or shrub is immediately well watered.

6. Choose a landing site.

Answer: 6, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5.

5th competition. "Garbage"

Teacher. - We are moving on to the last competition of our program - sports. It's no secret that walking, for example, in the park, we often leave behind a variety of garbage: bottles, wrappers, bags and much more. We litter even when the bins are nearby. Sometimes we can't even get into them. Now let's do this experiment. You need to throw a piece of paper into the urn. Whoever does this more accurately will be the winner of this competition. So,

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, MKOU "Mikhailovskaya OOSh", Kikvidzensky district, Volgograd region
Short description:
I bring to your attention a competitive program around the world, designed to work with elementary school children. This material can be used when conducting lessons or extracurricular activities with students. AT competitive program 2 teams are taking part.

Target: consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about animals
- to form children's ideas about the life of animals;
- develop thinking, memory, imagination, cognitive and creative activity, intelligence, curiosity, outlook;
- cultivate a sense of love for native nature to all living things. 1 contest "Recognize the image" (using presentation slides)
There are 12 squares on the screen, with numbers indicated on them. Teams take turns calling any number. Under each number is a part of the picture - the image of the animal. You need to guess as quickly as possible what kind of animal is in the picture.
Answers:rabbit, dove, dolphin.
Points are awarded to the team that gives the first correct answer. For each correctly guessed animal - 3 points.
2 competition "Who lives where" (using presentation slide)
In this competition, you need to solve the puzzle in which you need to find the dwellings of animals.
Answers: lair, nest, hollow, kennel, lair, reservoir.
Name the animals that live in these dwellings.
Sample responses from children: lair (bear), nest (squirrel; birds: swallow, dove, chaffinch, oriole, titmouse), hollow (squirrel, raccoon; birds: owl, woodpecker), kennel (dog), den (wolf), pond (fish).
For each correctly guessed word - 2 points. An additional point is awarded for the correct answer about who lives in which dwelling.
3 competition - crossword "Inhabitants of reservoirs"

1. An animal with beautiful fur, prefers to settle along the banks of slowly flowing rivers, near lakes, ponds. Lives in huts or burrows, the entrance to which is located under water.

2. This bird is found in wild nature but can also be a pet. They have webbed feet, which allows them to swim perfectly on the water. In one of the tales, this bird had a chick that was unlike other chicks. All the inhabitants of the poultry yard considered him ugly and ugly.

3. A small fish that lives in freshwater reservoirs. It has a blackish back color with a green or bluish tint.

4. A small fish that lives in rivers and lakes. Anglers very often use it as bait for catching large predatory fish.

5. A fish that has a tall body, with a small head and mouth.

6. Predatory freshwater fish with an elongated body. The coloration of her body can change depending on the color of her surrounding habitat.

7. The name of this fish coincides with the name of the city - a resort in the Crimea.

8. A small predatory commercial fish, the body of which is covered with small dense scales. It has black transverse stripes on the sides.

9. Valuable commercial fish, appearance and whose way of life testifies to us that given fish preserved from the time ice age.

1. A bug that lives on the surface of the water. To overcome an obstacle, they jump on the water.

2. Large freshwater scaleless predatory fish. Rests during the day, prefers to hunt at night.

3. Water beetle-predator, feeding on fry, aquatic insects, tadpoles.

4. The larvae of these animals are tadpoles.

5. Big strong waterfowl with a long neck, the wingspan of which reaches two meters.

6. This fish has several species. The most famous are gold and silver.

7. Insects flying over water, with big eyes, movable head and elongated slender abdomen.

The team that solved the crossword puzzle faster and correctly gets 5 points. The team that solved the crossword puzzle correctly, but in more time, earns 3 points.
Crossword Answers:
1. beaver
2. duck
3. roach
4. bleak
5. bream
6. pike
7. zander
8. Perch
9. burbot

1. water strider
2. catfish
3. swimmer
4. frog
5. swan
6. crucian
7. dragonfly

4 contest "Collect a picture"
Each team is given an envelope with a picture cut into pieces. We need to collect it as soon as possible.

The team that completed the task faster and correctly gets 3 points.
5 contest "We are artists"
Each team is given two animal cards. The players of the teams take turns showing the animals, and the opposing team must guess them. Condition: show all the players of the team.
Pictures with animals:
1 team - cat, frog

Team 2 - dog, fish

For the correct display of the animal by all players, the team receives 2 points. For a correctly guessed word - 1 point.

Presentation on the world around on the topic "Animals"

Lesson objectives: Development of ecological culture of children; creation of conditions that encourage children to treat nature and all living things with attention and care; engagement in conservation work.

Equipment: posters, drawings, music soundtrack, presentation ( Attachment 1), the tale “About Balda and environment” (application 2).

Event progress

The music sounds “How beautiful this world is”:
<Слайд 1,2>

Once, having gathered with the last forces,
The Lord created a beautiful planet.
Gave her the shape of a big ball
And planted trees and flowers there,
Herbs of unparalleled beauty.
Many animals began to live there.
Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds.
Here's a gift for you, people, own it,
Plow the land, sow bread.
I bequeath to you all from now on -
You protect this shrine.

You, Man, loving nature,
At least sometimes feel sorry for her;
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields.
Don't burn it down
And do not trample to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth -
There are many of us, but she

She is your old good doctor.
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn it down
And do not exhaust to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth:
We are many, but she is one.

<Слайд 3>

- Look around: what a beautiful, wonderful world surrounds us - forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature. Our life is inseparable from it. Nature feeds, waters, clothes us. She is generous and selfless. The writer Paustovsky K.G. there are such words: “And if I sometimes want to live up to a hundred and twenty years, it is only because one life is not enough to experience to the end all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature. Love for one's native nature is one of the surest signs of love for one's country.

Man has long admired the creations that mother nature created: amazing plants and animals. You and I know that the life of all people is inextricably linked with nature: people get oxygen, food, raw materials for industry, medicine and much more from the environment. But, unfortunately, people do not always think about respect for nature.

It's time for humanity to understand
Taking wealth away from nature,
That the Earth must also be protected:
She, like us, is the same - alive!

April 22 - International Earth Day - holiday clean water, Earth and Air. A day of reminder of terrible environmental disasters, a day when each person can think about what he can do in solving environmental issues, overcoming indifference in yourself.

Who knows what environmental problems exist? (Deforestation, reduction of the ozone layer of the earth, pollution of water, air, soil).

– It is on the “Earth Day” that it is customary to fight with such problems with all our might.

– The history of this holiday is associated with the name of a resident of the American continent, John Morton. At the end of the 19th century, J. Sterling Morton moved to desert area, on which lone trees were intensively cut down for the construction of houses and for firewood. Morton suggested a greening day and prizes for those who planted the most trees. This day was called Tree Day.

In 1990, the holiday became international, with 200 million people from 141 countries participating in the action. Earth Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1992.

<Слайд 4>

– Russia is a country of forests, fields and rivers. Therefore, it is important not to ignore our nature. After all, a person, being a part of it, is responsible for it.

Like an apple on a saucer
We have only one Earth.
Take your time people
To exhaust everything to the bottom.
It's not hard to get
to hidden secrets.
Loot all riches
For future ages.
We common life grains,
One fate relatives.
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand it people
Like your own command.
Otherwise the Earth will not be
And each of us.

<Слайд 5,6>

Let's be
Be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow
Like the wind with the sea
Grass - with rain,
How the sun is friendly
With all of us!
Let's be
To strive for
To be loved
Both animal and bird.
And they trusted us everywhere
as the most faithful
To my friends!

Song "Don't tease the dogs"

<Слайд 7>

Host: We live on Earth. This is our house. In addition to us and our loved ones, many more people live on it. Who else lives near us? Beautiful butterflies and toads that few people like, delicate flowers and mighty trees, outlandish fish and bizarre birds, dexterous animals and nasty insects, and even harmful microbes and mold. Neither we nor they chose the place where to appear. The earth is our common home. Therefore, we - all the inhabitants of the Earth - are very dependent on each other. Earth is our home. We are to protect him. But does man save his planet?

Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.

There is one planet - a garden
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds calling migratory.
You will only see one
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other in the world!

Let's be
Protect the planet!
All over the universe
There is no similar one.
All over the universe
All alone,
What will do
Is she without us?

Leading. Probably, most of us try to make cozy and beautiful, if not our house, then at least our room. But for some reason, having crossed the threshold of our apartment, we forget that beyond this threshold is also our home. Astronauts say the Earth is blue from space. And it depends on each of us that from the portholes spaceships they kept seeing blue lakes instead of muddy puddles, earthly forests and beautiful meadows instead of mountains of rubbish and bare cracked earth. So that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we can say to each other: “Good afternoon!” It is very important to take care of our common home - the Earth and everyone who lives on it, to all natural wealth. And what do we attribute to our natural wealth? Solve riddles.<Слайд 8-15>

1. I run along the paths, I carry a powerful force
And machines, and machine tools, I turn on the light in the houses for you. (Energy)

2. We fly over the flowers, we crawl along the leaves.
But the kids forget that we are useful. (Insects)

3. Lives in the seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky.
And when she gets bored with flying, it doesn't fall to the ground again. (Water)

4. The house is open on all sides, it is covered with a carved roof.
Come into the green house - you will see miracles in it. (Forest)

5. I am transparent, very light, I am invisible around.
If I am clean and fresh, I am yours true friend. (Air)

6. It is very durable and resilient, builders are a reliable friend,
Houses, steps, pedestals will become beautiful and noticeable. ( Granite)

7. Beak and tail, two wings,
Mosquitoes are afraid of us (Birds)

8. No beginning, no end, no back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows both a hundred and a small one that she is a huge ball. (Earth)

<Слайд 16>

Leading. Today we are talking about our planet Earth.

(5 students come out and talk about the history of the planet in numbers)

Student. Earth is the third planet from the Sun solar system, revolving around it at an average speed of 107,200 km / h for a period equal to three hundred and sixty-five days.

Student. The Earth has one satellite, the Moon. The rotation of the Earth around its axis causes a change of day and night. The revolution around the Sun is the change of the seasons.

Student. The Earth was born in Space about five billion years ago.

Student. Man appeared on Earth relatively recently. Only about three million years ago.

Student. About six billion people currently live on Earth. Not a single person can live without our natural resources.

What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing
Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For ships to sail
To cook kissels
So that there is no trouble -
We cannot live without ... (water).
Listening to the “babbling of the brook”

Host .. Let's talk about water. What is water for? Is there a lot of water on the planet? It would seem that there is plenty of water on Earth - oceans and seas cover most of the surface of our planet. But the water in the oceans and seas is salty, while humans, animals, and plants need fresh water. BUT fresh water there is not enough water suitable for drinking on Earth, it is becoming less and less. And the people are to blame for this, we are with you.

<Слайд 17>

Student: 200 thousand tons of lead, about 7 thousand tons of mercury, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals fall annually on the surface of the oceans. Harmful substances entering the water can enter both the human body and animals. People pollute the oceans. A huge amount of garbage is dumped from the ships into the water. Canned food, cans, bottles, plastic bags. This leads to the death of marine animals.

Moderator: What should we know about water?

Do not wash, do not drink without water,
The leaf will not bloom without water.
A bird, an animal and a man cannot live without water.
And that is why everyone everywhere needs water!

Together. “Everyone needs water!”

Water runs, flows - and straight into your house.
It must be treated as a great value.
If water flows in vain, close the tap, otherwise it’s a disaster!

“Save water!”

Student: Remember! If the water faucet is faulty, leaking, more than a liter of water will drip in 1 hour. Calculate how much water flows out per day? Almost 3 buckets. . Water is a precious gift of nature. And we must protect it. There is no life without water. All living things will die without water.

"Water is life!"

Student: I'll give you a riddle.

Let him not be seen at all,
But I'll tell you - everyone needs it.
Let's not hear it at all
But we all breathe it. (Air)

So big,
that occupies the whole world.
So Littel,
That will fit through any gap. (Air)

Leading: Once, at a lesson in the surrounding world, Dunno was asked to tell what he knows about the air. Listen to what he said and correct his mistakes.

(A boy in a Dunno costume comes out)

We see air when I look at the sky. It fills all the space between objects. There is no air only in water and soil. Air is needed by man, all animals and some plants. The air is transparent, colorless, smells fresh and has no taste. Warm air is not at all lighter than cold air, otherwise in summer it would all fly away from us towards the sun. Air is a good conductor of heat, which is why it's hot in the Sahara.

Moderator: And now the correct answer.

Air is invisible. It fills all the space between objects. There is air in water and in soil. Air is needed by man, all animals and plants. It is transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless. Warm air is lighter than cold air. Air does not conduct heat well.

Student: Disturbing facts.<Слайд 18>

- The combustion of 1 ton of coal requires an amount of oxygen that is enough for the life of 10 people during the year.

- For 1000 km of travel, a passenger car consumes such an amount of oxygen that would be enough for the driver for 1 year of life.

- One large enterprise emits up to 200 tons of soot per year into the atmosphere.

– One a big tree releases as much oxygen per day as it is necessary for one person. In cities, due to the release of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, the release of oxygen is reduced by 10 times.

Host: Let's talk about another natural wealth.

She does not eat herself, but feeds everyone. (The soil)

Student: About the soil.

<Слайд 19>

- For the year in the forests of our latitudes, a soil layer of only 2-3 millimeters grows. And it burns out in a few minutes. Nature heals its wounds for a long time. It takes many years for the burned area to be covered with a green carpet again.

- A layer of soil 18 cm thick can be washed away in a forest in 500 thousand years, in a meadow - in 226 thousand years. And where there are no plants - for 15 years.

strong winds capable of carrying a layer of soil 15 cm thick.

“Paper can lie in the soil until completely decomposed for more than two years, a tin can for more than 90 years, a plastic bag for more than 200 years, and glass for up to a thousand years.

The game "Helpful-harmful"

It is necessary to decompose the cards into two groups, what is harmful and what is good for the soil.

(Snow retention, gully formation, planting, weathering, fertilization, landfilling, use of pesticides, water erosion, dry leaf burning, waste disposal)

Host: And how many secrets does each inconspicuous blade of grass, each flower keep in itself? Are you passing by a flower? Bend over to look at a miracle that you could not see anywhere before. Do not pick flowers in vain. Let them bloom in those not long moments that are released to them by nature, and please us. Nature, which gives us everything for life, requires us to take care of ourselves. Now forests have been cut down, rivers are becoming shallow and polluted, hundreds of species of animals, birds, and plants are on the verge of extinction.

<Слайд 20>

“Our smaller brothers” live in the forest: birds, animals. Among them are many of our true friends. Birds are the protectors of forests, fields, gardens. They protect the harvest, destroy a huge number of harmful insects per day. Birds of prey catch rodents in the fields. Birds decorate our life. Listen to their unique voices.

Spare the animals and birds,
trees and flowers,
'Cause it's all words
What a king of nature you are!
Let the birds and small animals
It's good to live next to us.

<Слайд 21>

Host: (Shows the Red Book) What is this book? What is it for? Yes, rare and endangered plants and animals are included in it. Some of them remained in single copies. We wish there were no more books like this.

guarded Red Book
So many rare animals and birds
To survive the many-sided space
For the light of the coming lightning
So that the deserts do not dare to descend,
So that the souls do not become empty
Beasts are guarded, snakes are guarded,
Even the flowers are protected.

Leading. And now, guys, we offer to watch a fairy tale “About Baldu and the environment”

Fairy tale “About Baldu and the environment” ( application 2)

<Слайд 22-24>

Host: Finishing our conversation, I would like to remind you of the statements of Russian writers:

“Happiness is to be with nature, to see it, to talk to it.”

L.N. Tolstoy

“Man must decorate the earth”

M. Sholokhov

“I don’t know anything more beautiful than our land”

K.G. Paustovsky

<Слайд 25>

Take care of the Earth, take care!
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
Sunshine on the paths
On the stones of a playing crab.
Over the desert shade from the baobab.
A hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the river calm,
Swallow, flashing in life
Take care of the Earth, take care!

Song "Forest March"

We recommend reading
