Three tips on how to find a mistress or lover. How to find a mistress for a married man How to find a mistress for a married man 30

Recipes 27.06.2020

Finding a mistress in our time is not a problem, since modern stereotypes have not only stopped preventing men from having mistresses, but have begun to support them in every possible way in this endeavor.

What is the praise of friends or inspired stories of acquaintances about how they found a mistress, and also how great they spent time with her.

"I wish I did so!" you thought.

And for good reason! If a man has another woman, then his business goes up: at work, he begins to occupy higher positions, earn a lot of money and succeed. And all because love victories inspire him to great deeds.

However, a small proportion of men know how to find a mistress, and how to communicate with her in order to save their own family.

How and where to look for a mistress

First of all, you need to make a list of the places where your wife goes. Where does she work, where does she go? Maybe she's into something? Or doing fitness?

(Difficult? In fact, finding a mistress is easy. But then it’s more difficult. :))

All this information will come in handy.

Thereafter, make a list of her friends(friends) who can randomly tell her about you. Make a list of places where her friends go. To do this, it is enough to remember how the wife talked about them.

If a full list it is difficult to make places, then remember at least the place of work of her friends. If the desire to have another woman appeared for the first time, and you do not know how to find a mistress, then any available information will be important.

This will reduce the likelihood that you can be seen somewhere with a new woman, and then tell your wife.

You can, of course, rely on male solidarity (if a man sees you, he is unlikely to report to her). But still, the risk is useless to us - here every detail matters. Because any “miss” can someday become fatal.

For example, it was found out that at certain times your wife's acquaintances are in different parts of the city. This means that in these places one should neither look for a mistress, nor spend dates with her.

The best place to find a mistress

Perhaps the safest option is to search for a woman through the Internet.

How to find a mistress on the Internet without "sleeping" in front of your wife? It is advisable to make sure that the wife does not have access to your computer.

Although this is almost impossible, since in all families everything is initially divided equally. In addition, by setting a password, you can make her feel the presence of some kind of secret.

Therefore, it is desirable "clean" the history of visited sites. Otherwise, instead of finding a new partner, you will find trouble in a soft spot. Especially if the spouse knows how to watch this story.

Someone might think that good place where you can find a mistress, is considered a job. Everyone is used to starting novels at work.

On the one hand, this is true: the wife will not see that her husband is disappearing somewhere or trying to get acquainted. Everything is done at the same time, combining business with pleasure.

But always remember that caution must be observed at work. The envy of your colleagues (especially females) will make them hurt your new romance. All envious people will consider it their duty to warn your wife of impending or imminent danger.

Before you learn all the tricks on how to find a mistress, focus on a simple thought: it is important to be careful. Only go to places that can't make it clear to others that you have a date. For example, drinking tea in a cafe cannot clearly answer this question, since a cafe is a place where you can also sit with a work colleague. But dinner in a restaurant is a clear indicator of a real date.

Extra Caution

As much as I would like to give you a bunch of useful information on this topic right now, I cannot do it at the highest level. Although I had a similar experience, I can’t compare with Yegor Sheremetyev, who released the course “Right to Left. How can a man find a mistress. By the way, you can get it at a discount. Details of the discount will be known by clicking on the banner below.

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This happened to everyone: they met, met, spit-spilled, hali-gali ... a wedding. A ring on her finger, bars on the windows, a wife around her neck, children under the bench. At one fine moment, the pink veil falls from the eyes, and you understand that the figure of the wife has changed significantly after the third (second or first) birth, there are too many children, and the mortgage, which so recently seemed like a ticket to happy life- legalized slavery. You come home from work (if it’s completely bad) or you arrive (if it’s still about business) tired, tortured and you find yourself in ... a cage. An isolated cell made of reinforced concrete with painfully familiar people inside is ready to accept a prisoner who has returned from compulsory work for physical and moral torture.

Wives, it is worth noting, are different. Including in terms of sex. Some remain insatiable until old age, able to ride on the husband's body, not even noticing that he has already ... died, and from old age. Others are no longer interested in sex even after thirty, give them more and more social networks, yes GTA-5. Still others have already taken a lover on the side, but they don’t care about their husband.
But what about a husband whose wife no longer excites as before?
Divorce? Great way out! Give children and an apartment to your wife, pay her up to half of your income in alimony, and huddle yourself in the basement at work, because - do not forget - the mortgage is hanging by the tail. To the same apartment that was left with his wife.

By the way, after a divorce, a woman remains in chocolate. Her husband regularly has to transfer half of her salary. Stash will not work here. He will not list - he will sit on a real zone. So the divorcee has money. Children can be in Kindergarten send or to school, and find a boyfriend with a long ... nose and catch orgasm after orgasm, just like a novice radio amateur picks up FM radio stations on a new radio.

Divorce with children and a mortgage is a long-term slavery for a man.
Therefore, you need to cling to marriage at any cost. Even if everything is fed up. And in order not to break loose and not to kill everyone, you need to blow off steam somewhere periodically. You need to find a person on the side who will listen, understand, help you emotionally unload. At first, friends over a glass of beer are quite suitable. These will come and listen, especially if you treat. And you can get emotional relief when, after beer, you switch to vodka and it suddenly turns out that this friend is the husband of your wife’s friend, whom everything will be disheveled, which means that he is not a friend, but the most natural enemy and deserves a broken schnobel.

Another thing is to relieve stress in bed with a beautiful girl. It's healthier than drowning your grief in alcohol, and safer than a scuffle with your best friends. Blood circulation improves, mood rises, self-esteem grows, a long-forgotten feeling of happiness appears. I want to stand up to my full height and shout: “I am a man!”

I will not rant about the well-known medical and scientific facts that the intimate place of young girls releases more hormones than this place in women after the Balzac age. At the same time, these same hormones stimulate and prolong the erection. Everyone knows this. Maybe…

The most difficult task for a married man who benefits from marriage is where and how to get a mistress? After all, this must be done in such a cunning way so that the mistress does not try to break up your family and lure you to her, and so that the wife does not know that you have a mistress.

I myself have been married for over ten years. I am thirty five years old. And I am writing this article based primarily on my own experience.

I do not live in a metropolis, but in the second city of my region. The regional center is thirty kilometers away. There, the population is twice as large as ours, which means that there are twice as many beautiful girls there.

To begin with, as a man, I need a regular change of sexual partners. I can't live without it. If I don't have enough women in my life, I can't have sex with my wife. She just doesn't turn me on. On the other hand, if the number of sexual contacts with other women increases, then my wife starts turning me on again and all that.

When I was a teenager, I dreamed about sex in general and sex with an African or an Asian, or even better, both at the same time. Since I live in the western part of Russia, I got to Africans faster than to Asians. Several business trips to St. Petersburg completely turned my view of the universe ... And in my opinion, the best Africans are still from Gaana, then Cameroon and after Nigeria. Although, maybe here as lucky.

Then there was the experience of sex with two bisexual girls. And in my hometown. They were ten years younger than me, and I was thirty-two. The girls are full of strength and agility. You should have seen how they work with tongues. Phew! One had breasts of the second size, and the other - the third. I remember locking myself in a huge sauna with them. They did crazy things. Absolutely wild poses. Exceptionally congenial sex... When I got out of there, I got to the nearest restaurant, ordered myself half a liter of dark beer and a piece of pork. It was a moment when I wanted absolutely nothing. The quintessence of happiness.

Subsequently, I met with these girls several times - individually with each and three of us. And I can say that on the third time of group relationships, I caught myself thinking that it was physically difficult for me to satisfy two people at once. “He did not know the measures in women and beer and did not want to,” V.S. Vysotsky. So at a certain point I decided to limit myself. If there are many women, then at least one, not two at a time. It's probably old age.

The easiest side sex that any married man in Russia can find is sex for money. In prostitutes, ironically, most of them are terrible and unfortunate women. Many work in this field until the age of fifty. Brrr. But sometimes you come across “priestesses of love” with beautiful features and a gorgeous body. To meet such people is an unrealistic luck. And truly a sin - to miss the opportunity to have sex with them.

However, prostitutes are expensive, lead promiscuous sex lives, and therefore there is always a chance to “catch” something from them that is bad or skin diseases. But now such a harsh life has gone that you can “catch” something out of the blue, and therefore every self-respecting adult has a bottle of “holy water” in his bedside table, that is, miramistin, which is used as cognac “for all diseases” .

Naturally, every married man is simply obliged to do two things during infidelity: put on a condom and take off his wedding ring. Without a ring - this is not treason, but in a condom - it is no longer sex, because there is no full-fledged exchange of fluids.

And now we come to the main question: Where and how can a married man find a mistress?

Answer: on the Internet on any dating site!

At the same time, it is best to search in a neighboring city. You need to search among certain categories of women. That is, you should immediately forget about the eighteen-year-old young, because these will immediately try to get pregnant in order to take you away from the family or start pumping out alimony. You should not meet free ladies who also dream of a wedding. Some of them deliberately ignore the married, as well as convicted and Caucasians with blacks. But these are, as they say, their leaps.

The most optimal women for the role of mistress are married or recent divorcees.

At the same time, a married woman will not seek to break her and your marriage, she will hide everything from others. A married woman can not give flowers and jewelry. What for? After all, the husband will see. For meetings with a married woman, you will need to pay for the premises - an apartment or a hotel room. Well, a trifle - for wine and rolls or sushi.

Every divorcee has a period of "marriage disgust". In these months, she does not think about jumping out to get married again. The child has a father and the offspring does not need a new father. But mom wants sex. And the more time she is not married, the more she wants sex. And for any man who appreciates the skill of a partner in sex, a night with such a divorce will be unforgettable.

To find married or recent divorcees on a dating site, I advise you to purchase a VIP status. It is inexpensive, but it helps a lot in finding a mistress. Even during the correspondence, I recommend to admit that you are married. But damn tired, I want something new. In the end, it will be true, and women feel the truth a mile away and are very respected. So lie as close to the truth as possible.

There are a lot of women on dating sites who judge candidates for hahali only by photographs. The most interesting thing is that, in principle, there are no men that all women would like. Someone loves jocks, someone is dystrophic, for someone the ideal is fat men, because they grew up with a teddy bear. Someone likes Brad Pitt and hates Tom Cruise, and someone just the opposite. Even an experienced pickup driver, which I don’t consider myself to be - just read their books, according to statistics, brings one or two girls out of ten to sex on the first date. At the same time, the rest send him ... And they - pick-up or pick-up artists - are proud of such indicators.

Thus, there will be quite a lot of refusals, silences, and ignorances on a dating site until you run into a girl or woman who likes men of your type. By the way, such women exist anyway if you are married. If your wife married you, it means that you interested her in something. Therefore, there are good chances of finding other women. It's about the theory of large numbers - than more women receive your messages, the more likely you are to make a date. Therefore, if you want more mistresses, write to as many women as possible from the categories that suit you.

On a date, I strongly recommend inviting only those girls who agree to have sex right away. Such people can be felt intuitively or calculated logically even by correspondence on the Internet. "Experienced pickup artists" write in their books about sex on the third date as some kind of achievement. It's good for teenagers. That's how I met my wife. A long time ago. And now I just don't have time for three dates. Only on the first. The edge is on the second. And even then, if there is no sex on the first date - a blow to my ego. Didn't I get sick?

The recommended date program is as follows: going to the movies, sitting in a cafe and an offer to go to a super-suite room in a hotel. Considering that you live in the province, super-lux, despite its inherent - it's still super-lux - cleanliness and beauty, will not cost sky-high money - this is still a province - and in principle you can spend money on it if you plan to frolic there with someone who is sex hungry and cute.

Even at the dating stage, when communicating with a girl, on the site you can go in two ways - avoid discussing sex (the standard way) or, conversely, write about sex like an expert (“lure”). Each method affects its category of readers. For some, the first is more suitable, and for someone the second. It's up to you to decide.

Many "experts" advise, in order not to cause affection from the mistress, to have sex with each girl no more than once. There is common sense here. However, you can meet her several times, but at the same time you need to make sure that the relationship from “just sex” does not rapidly develop into something more. At this stage, the relationship should be cut without pity. And the best way is to reduce activity in bed, to show selfishness in sex. A woman will get tired of the role of "service personnel" very quickly. She herself will be glad to get rid of such a lover, who suddenly becomes "worse than her husband" (former or current). Well, here the woman herself will become the initiator of the breakup, this is how everything will look from her point of view. And even then she will not look for you again - after all, it was she who left you.

Another question: how to make meetings with your mistress invisible to your wife?

Come up with a true story.

For example, if your mistress lives in your city (which is extremely dangerous), invite your wife to go to the gym every day. Soon your wife will get tired of this, and she will give up on fitness, and you will have time for meetings on the side, after which you can come home cheerful, slightly tired and immediately slip into the shower to wash off smells and accidentally stuck female hair.

If the lover is in another city, then for the wife the best legend will be the version of the business trip, the need to visit another city for work.
In any case, each specific case of "turning to the left" requires careful study and detailed preparation. But often, without new sensations with new women, a real man simply does not.

Why is this article useful to you? It is not necessary to have a legal relationship. The information provided is great for you if you have a permanent relationship, and regardless of whether you live together in the same apartment or meet periodically, for example, two to three times a week.

It will also come in handy if you have a full-fledged family, children for many years. All of the above tools work great.

Why is this a separate topic in seduction? Not everyone needs it, only experienced people, because when you are already in a permanent relationship, seduction becomes much more difficult than it seems at first. There are many additional problems that were not there before, questions arise: how to keep everything a secret? Where to have sex? What is the peculiarity of relationships with mistresses? They are completely different, built according to different rules than in the current relationship. How to make sure that the mistress does not appear at the wrong time, so that there are no SMS, calls, unexpected visits? How to explain to the second woman that you need her precisely as a mistress? Perhaps you have already tried to explain this point to a woman in practice. This is difficult, within the framework of the book I will explain how to do it correctly. When you meet two women in parallel, they are in equal positions, and here you need to have a clear understanding that you have a permanent woman, number one, with whom something is already connecting you in life. The very role of a mistress obliges to comply with strict restrictions, rules, this is a completely different story.

Then new questions arise: how to control these new relationships, according to what rules? And how to complete them correctly so that there are no unpleasant consequences later? But most importantly, before you start a mistress, you need to understand why you need it. The most common answer in my practice is for a change in sex. Have you tried to directly tell your mistress: “You know, I need you only so that the sex is varied, my wife and I get bored”? Have you seen the woman's eyes after such a statement? I'm sure that most men have the idea in their heads that a second woman is needed for sex, but at the same time, telling her about it is tantamount to a punch in the face. It's like walking up to a girl and saying "I came up to you because I liked your breasts, I want to kiss you and have sex tonight." For some reason, girls also react negatively to this.

Also, if you think about it, when you create relationships with mistresses, you get much more than just sex - you get sex and communication, these two directions cannot be separated from each other, they develop simultaneously. It is they who give birth to a certain emotional state inside you. Accordingly, the main question can be formulated differently: what emotions, what state does your permanent wife give you?

The difference between the roles of wife and mistress

It is necessary to dance from your personal ideal of a woman. In the training "Method of seduction" I explained in detail how to analyze it. You can directly write down the ideals for each of the roles: for a permanent woman and for a mistress, if necessary. It is clear that the ideal women who are suitable for these roles cannot be found. The main thing that you need to understand is what you want from the role of a wife. Paint yourself an ideal wife that suits you completely. You will really see some part of this ideal in your current, permanent woman - some kind of correspondence that, in principle, suits you. But it is that other part that is missing that you will look for in a mistress, that's the whole point. It turns out that the ideal is assembled from several components. At the same time, it must be clearly understood that these women as a whole are fundamentally different. They cannot be compared, they give you different components for your harmonious inner state, which you want to receive from women. One gives one piece, the other gives another piece, and this together makes you happy, you can say that you are all right with women.

In order for you to clearly answer the question of what you are looking for in a mistress, you need to write down the ideal of a woman and see what is on this moment in your permanent. Then the piece that is missing will be very easy to find in other women. In addition, you will be able to very logically, unambiguously answer another woman why she is interested in you, what you are looking for in her. It is very important that you feel that this is your meaningful answer, because it will be confirmed, broadcast through your emotions, your inner state.

In the general case, a wife, a permanent woman, is the person you trust, who creates comfort, takes care of the family, with whom you share both good moments in life, and bad ones, you solve all the problems, all the problems. With a mistress, everything is different, this is a completely different role. She can give, for example, passion, or you can agree to discuss only the good, organize a kind of communication between two optimists, exchange experiences: you can find something new in a new woman - and bring something into her life, into her experience, into her views. that's new. In addition, you can find new moments in her that you like in women, which you never thought about before. You can take these useful elements and carefully, gradually transfer them to your wife, thereby developing and improving her.

You know a permanent woman for a long time, you know everything about her: all her features, capabilities, psychological character, etc. And, as a rule, if your role is active, then you will lead her through life, train her, fully control her. Accordingly, you will no longer receive a fundamentally new experience from your permanent woman, development with women in this case completely stops. In order for the experience to develop, you need to communicate with other women. You can then bring some elements of this communication into your life with a permanent woman to make it even more interesting.

The role of a mistress implies certain norms, frameworks, but also has significant advantages. Firstly, the plus is that the mistress lives by her own rules. You control your relationship, but the question of what to do tonight, where to go and with whom, she decides for herself. If for some reason a woman goes without a man for a long time, she gets used to living alone and does not want to be commanded. And a permanent relationship implies that someone is the main one, and the second one obeys him, and quite harshly. The mistress, on the other hand, has a certain degree of freedom, and this can be explained to her.

The second plus of such a relationship is that you give each other only good things. You do not broadcast your problems, negative moments in life to her, and she does not discuss hers with you. In relations with each other, you bring only the best, ready - it turns out a joyful, beautiful life, you constantly make each other happy.

The third plus is that a lover can expect help from you: your experience, your connections, perhaps some material aspects, etc. At a minimum, I recommend establishing an exchange of experience. In my opinion, this is very important. The next plus that she gets is regular sex without problems and mutual claims. We met, had a good time and see you no more until the next meeting.

Criteria for selecting the best mistress

This is a rather specific model of relationships, it has its pros and cons, and not all women are suitable for this role. You need to be able to filter them according to certain criteria. There are those who have never been anyone's lovers before, and even, on the contrary, are against it, but they fit the criteria, they can be brought to this role, equipped and transferred to the category of their mistresses.

The first important criterion that I always check is that a woman should not have a serious, permanent relationship at the moment. This is a good indicator, it will be very easy for you to translate it into the desired state.

The second criterion is that she must have a negative experience in a permanent relationship. It is not necessary that she was once married, but there is a negative about past relationships, for example, she did not like that a man controls her - this is only to your advantage: a woman will not immediately rush to create a permanent relationship with you, pull the blanket over your wife for himself. Sooner or later, she will still try to become the first, but not quickly.

Third - decide for yourself, but I personally see if there is a child, an adult or a small one, it does not matter, the main thing is that she is without a permanent man. Such women easily make contact, it’s easy to arrange everything with them: they miss male attention, sex, first of all they need to satisfy these needs. Maybe you already have experience of seducing women with children - then you yourself understand what I'm talking about. Then, later, any woman will want you to solve her problems. Inevitably. I will touch on this point a little further.

So, three important criteria that can be tracked when looking for a mistress: the absence of a current serious relationship, the presence of negative experience in past relationships, and the more serious the better, and not a mandatory parameter - a child.

The first group: women with whom you work side by side - on the same floor, in the same campaign, in the same unit - and you see each other all the time.

Second: your wife's friends, women from the inner circle, even if you rarely see them.

The third group: neighbors - the nearest house, the nearest entrance - when there is a chance of accidentally colliding at the wrong moment. With women from the inner circle, relationships will very quickly collapse or be exposed.

What not to allow a mistress

The term of relationships with mistresses is usually quite short, on average one and a half to three months. This is if she is in the same city as you. In other cities it will be a little longer, but I don’t have such experience, I can’t say for sure. But the relationship will still collapse for one simple reason: in her hometown, a woman will find another man with whom she will start dating, and gradually their relationship will develop into permanent ones, and your value will disappear. Relationships of this type are always finite, even if they are built on material aspects, when a woman is fully supplied, financed, equipped, paid for an apartment, given money, etc., as long as she entertains. One day, inevitably, there comes a moment when she gets bored, and the man finds a new toy. The girls, who are fully supported, constantly roam.

Why do such relationships break down? At first, when a woman sees an interesting, promising relationship, she does not care that you have another, permanent one. Your value is not yet so great, and the interest and emotional background in relation to you is also not so great in order to awaken possessive principles, jealousy, etc. A woman sees that you can have interesting sex, sees certain benefits in different aspects. But then, if she likes everything, the man is really interesting, she will gradually want to get you into a permanent relationship, she will want to become the first, and gradually the only one. Sooner or later, she will put you in front of a choice: either you are with her, or with your wife. At this point, your relationship ends.

There are a few things that should never be done. The first is to give hints that there will be a development of relations. A woman should immediately understand that the role of a mistress is a very limited role with rigid boundaries. If you go beyond these limits, give her some kind of perspective, hints that it is possible to develop a relationship with you, you will only destroy them faster.

Second - you can not give your mistress a reason to think that she can become the only one for you. These thoughts need to be nipped in the bud.

Third - you can not get acquainted with her parents. With friends you can, but with relatives - no.

And fourthly, you can’t encourage fighting for you, arrange some kind of competition, competition from the category: “My wife did something good for me, and what will you do in order to attract?” In no case should you create competition, because gradually she will want to fight for you, and your wife will become enemy number one. Because of this, a lot of problems arise. Let me give you an example: one of my students foolishly, without consulting me, decided to fly with his mistress to her parents (they lived in another city). He told his wife that he went on a business trip for a couple of days. We had a great trip, had a good time, and two days after returning, he calls me and says that he is breaking up with her. And all because she introduced him to her parents and delivered an ultimatum upon her arrival: “My parents saw you, I can’t tell them that I’m dating a married man, so now you’re either with me or with your wife.” Naturally, he stayed with his wife. So as soon as you see that there is going beyond the established boundaries, you need to return your mistress to their original positions again: “There are rules that we agreed on, a framework of behavior that you never go beyond.”

The beginning of a relationship with a mistress

Consider how to start a relationship with mistresses. There is a well-established scheme. Step one: you give the woman the same attentions as in the usual seduction, treat her fully as a woman. However, there are differences from the standard scheme of seduction. If in a normal situation your task is to get to sex faster, and then think about what to do next, then everything is the other way around. You don't have to rush into sex. You can spend three, four, even five dates before the first sex. Organize entertainment, communication. Moreover, if a woman knows that you have a permanent woman or wife, children, and so on, then the first invitation should look like an invitation to ordinary gatherings of distant acquaintances. But when you meet, you need to immediately behave like on a date, react to her like a woman, but do not push hard. What are these actions for? The woman will have a little shock from the role reversal: she expected to just chat with a friend, and you suddenly begin to behave completely differently. She will not understand how to behave now in you, what is happening, although she will understand what you are getting at.

Naturally, it will take her time to realize on a logical level why the way you behave does not correspond to her idea. Here, in no case should you put pressure on her, kiss or offer sex - this will not work. You need to specifically create a small shock. At the same time, it is very important to be extremely honest in words in order to extinguish suspicions at your own expense. And initially, you will definitely arouse suspicion: how is it, you have a wife, children, you have been together for many years, and then for some reason you decided to find another one. Therefore, you must have a very clear, logical, understandable explanation that you can give her. This can be done only after the analysis that I spoke about earlier: you are missing something very important inside, some detail that it will bring into your life. A woman will definitely start looking for what is wrong with you - this is normal. She will digest information slowly. Doubts are removed gradually. Your main task is to make the woman understand why you need her. In no case do not tell her that all this is done for the sake of sex. No, she brings something important, something valuable into your life. In addition, you must also show what you can give her in return within such a specific relationship. She must understand her benefits and advantages.

Many women do not understand the benefits of being a mistress. From the point of view of analysis, it is clear that such a relationship is ideal for her, but she herself does not see that it will be beneficial for her, and you must convey this to her. Explain what advantages there are for her in such a relationship, what she should bring for you, and what you will bring into her life. Now she is in a position where there is no man around, and there will be regular meetings with you, there will be sex, entertainment, something pleasant and useful will be added to her life. But for all this to appear, certain limits must be observed. Initially, there is a misunderstanding, fiction about each other, both for you about her, and for her about you. Therefore, it is necessary to pronounce as much as possible, to discuss all incomprehensible points, then this distrust is removed very quickly.

How to control a relationship with a mistress

How to control such relationships? Any woman will unconsciously arrange the so-called "closer-further" game. Closer - she is glad to see you, runs to you with burning eyes, ready for any offers, entertainment. Further, she begins to say: “You are going back to yours, you were with her”, “I want to be with you more”, “Can we meet more often?” - that is, try to get yourself as many opportunities as possible. In such a situation, the following mechanism works perfectly: you calmly agree with what she offers, but only in words, and without focusing attention, without getting involved in this discussion, and move on to another topic. For example, she says: “You know, I thought, you have a wife, you have been together for so many years, most likely, we will not be together for a long time, it’s better not to meet again.” At the same time, it is clear that she, in principle, wants to meet, but logic tells her that sooner or later it will end. You say: "Okay, I understand you, let's eat at a restaurant or go to the cinema." Offer her some new continuation scenarios and move away from an uncomfortable moment.

Women often have a conflict of logic with emotions. Emotionally, she feels good with you, comfortable, and logic will say: “This role is bad, limited. You will never be number one for him, and there will be no children, and you will not live together. Of course, there are many limitations in such a relationship, but there are also pluses. However, people are so arranged that they always think about the bad. And here it will be the same: she will not see her benefits, she will forget about them, even if the role of a mistress suits her perfectly, because, for example, it will be difficult for her to get along in a permanent relationship.

To manage such relationships, you must always remember the rules. The first is 100% sincerity, a woman should not think for you, you yourself should explain more what is happening and how, by what rules, etc. You must be absolutely honest, it is for this reason that you need to think very well why you need everything it is necessary. Second - extinguish the swing according to the mechanism described above.

The third is feedback testing. It shows how good and strong the relationship is already, whether a woman obeys you or does not obey. You express some wish to her. For example: "You have beautiful legs, slim figure. I want you to wear jeans next time on a date." And see what happens.

This mechanism perfectly shows the feedback, you will immediately see the control of how it fulfills your wishes. For her, this will also be a kind of entertainment, a game of how she should dress. This is fine. For example, I say: “Next time, come in jeans, I want to admire you.” She comes, but in leggings - these are also certain pants, for you and me it's all the same, but for women a little different things. It turns out that, on the one hand, she agrees with my proposal, and on the other hand, she discovers an attempt to change the rules of behavior. True, the situation with me is much more complicated, because I immediately say that I am very well versed in the subject of seduction, I have taught people, etc. This gives rise to even more distrust, women often try to bring something of their own, small elements, but I I'm used to it and I'm okay with it.

In order to maintain a relationship, you will have to meet with your mistress at least once or twice a week. You can’t meet for one week, and then not meet for several weeks: this sharply spoils control over the situation. In principle, once a week also works, but it is necessary that the meetings take place regularly.

Caution in ongoing relationships

Next, you need to decide how to deal with the current permanent relationship. First, you need to start leaving early on business or staying late at work. Because the question will inevitably arise: “Where have you been? Why did you suddenly disappear somewhere? It is necessary that your wife get used to the fact that you can regularly stay late at work, leave for some business, meet with acquaintances, etc. It is extremely important that she get used to the fact that you periodically disappear.

Another important point: if you immediately return home from another woman, then your internal state will not be the same as if you had returned from work. This will be visible to you. And when she asks where you've been, you'll start to get nervous, and women have a great sense of development, they feel any of your condition, especially over the years. Those who have constant relationships with their wives know that even by their appearance, by the tone of your answer, they can understand that something is wrong. Even verbal load is not important, they feel small details, changes in your state. This is very important to understand, because you will work with this intuitive sense. Due to inexperience, you may experience an emotional failure.

So the question is, "Where have you been?" This is a normal question, especially if you came late in the evening or even at night. You should have a very logical answer ready. It should not be very dry and short, but at the same time it is extremely important that it is not a big detailed story: you were somewhere on standard business, nothing special happened. The usual thing - I stayed late, worked longer with papers or with a computer, nothing interesting, nothing to discuss. Worked. Catch this fine line: the answer should not be short and dry, but at the same time, in no case should you tell a whole epic about something extraordinary happening to you and add a story about how you got home. This is not good, it is immediately clear that you are telling a lie. When it is necessary to lie competently, a neat, thoughtful, short, unemotional answer should be prepared. You must react as if in reality you were late at work, nothing interesting happened, so that you can really tell. Moreover, women know that men are not verbose and do not like, like women, to tell and discuss something out of the blue. Answer according to the principle: “Where have you been?” - "At work". Nothing extra.

The next important aspect is to have a mirror with you. Small, pocket. It is imperative to check if any lipstick or third-party hair is left on the clothes. Next - forbid your mistress to use perfume, this is a must. As soon as you hug a woman who wears perfume, you yourself begin to smell the same.

Should I tell my wife about my mistress

Whether to tell your constant that you have other women, you need to choose for yourself. Think about what suits you best. Smart women understand that an interesting, valuable man is interesting not only to one woman, he will periodically have others. There may be several different reactions to this. The first is that a woman completely does not accept others, believes that this is treason, and will break into hysterics if she finds out that you hugged or kissed another. In this case, an instant break in relations will follow, and, unfortunately, mistresses cannot be made.

Option two. There are women who act like nothing happened. They get jealous, but they pretend that everything is in order, well, another woman happened on the side, but the man is with me, we are together, nothing much has changed. Moreover, if this happened only once, there are no regular meetings.

Option three - a woman understands everything, and you can openly discuss everything. It all depends on how much control you have over your ongoing relationship. This is a great rarity - women of the third type, with whom you can discuss the conditions of your meetings with your mistresses. But all the same, they will be jealous, so not all the details will want to know, often they ask to speak to them only when they themselves ask - this is also a normal agreement. Without names and surnames. Sometimes they ask for a photo, but it's better not to show it.

It is very important in communicating with women of the second and third categories to show that you love her. You tell her that you just have sex with others, or you explain the whole model why you periodically need other women so that she understands very well: one woman simply cannot give you everything you want from women. If you manage to convey this idea to her, everything becomes even easier. Or you just control her and say: "I love only you, with others I just have sex."

Features of seducing mistresses

The seduction of lovers is fundamentally different from the usual seduction. First of all, by the fact that at first you work for a very long time, work hard on building confidence in yourself, spending three or four dates on this is completely normal: you must show yourself as a whole, tell what kind of person you are. Naturally, one, even two dates will not be enough for this, distrust, doubts will remain, moments will be revealed that a woman will slowly realize.

Simultaneously with the creation of an idea about yourself, you need to check it yourself for reliability before sex, for how it will work within the framework of your rules. You need to understand whether she will call you, bother you over trifles, whether she understands the stated restrictions, etc. You need to check before sex, and if she starts calling, you say: “This is a friend, nothing happened to her, she just running after me." Everything is fair, your state will broadcast it. You stop talking to her and that's it. Therefore, you need to spend so many dates to check it and tell in detail about yourself, what you want and what you can offer.

Parting with a mistress

Any relationship ends sooner or later. With mistresses, the relationship model is so specific that it simply cannot last a lifetime. At least, I personally can’t imagine how this is possible, because a woman must very hard drown out in herself all the urges to become the first. For a woman, this is a very difficult task. So prepare internally in advance that you will part with her. For this reason, you'd better not show where you live so she doesn't have your address. It is clear that with a great desire, you can get the address of any person, if you know the name and surname, find registration, registration, etc. It is better, if possible, to have a second phone, a second SIM card: you can have one for work and communication with loved ones, and the other - to communicate with other women. So you can easily unilaterally, at any time, end the relationship.

Consider how to part with your mistresses. The easiest option is to leave at the peak of her emotions, when she puts forward new, additional demands, that is, she wants more for herself. For example, more time, more attention, more of your help. This is inherent in any woman, she will try to throw her life problems onto you. Moreover, the female pool of life problems is much larger than the male one. Everyone has tasks for every day that need to be solved. For example, earn money, organize life, take care of your health, etc. There are some tasks that you solve all the time, but for some reason women have much more of these permanent tasks. And she will try to throw them at you at one fine moment. You can keep the limits, but only a little bit you will give slack, it shifts all the tasks to you and a problem arises: you just physically do not have time to pull so much.

Once such a peak occurs, the easiest option is to skip the regular meeting. Do you have some standard schedule of meetings, for example, on Thursdays - accordingly, you miss one Thursday, the second, the third. Most of them themselves understand that the relationship is completely over. I can draw an analogy from the standard seduction, when there is no permanent relationship yet. It's the same as not calling a girl the day after the first date. Most immediately understand: something did not work out, and they themselves come up with reasons for themselves. If you call her in a week and a half and say: “We had a great date, let's meet again?” - then with a high probability you will not pull it out. There are many such levers, details that must be taken into account when building relationships. A woman can be led, controlled, managed, but one must very carefully choose who to take on this role.

Raising a mistress

What are the consequences of missing a regular meeting? Depends on why you're skipping it. If the mistress goes beyond the established framework, skip meeting after meeting, do not call, do not offer to meet, she quickly understands this as a break in relations. If you want to punish her a little for educational purposes, to miss one meeting, then you need to carefully monitor the reaction, because every woman has a certain threshold for perceiving negative emotions. On the one hand, you can arrange an emotional shake-up, on the other hand, you cannot cross a certain line, every woman has her own, you need to feel it - this only comes with experience. Competently putting a woman in her place so that after that she stays with you and loves even more is a whole art.

Benefits for the wife

What benefits does your wife get from your meetings with your mistress? Firstly, she does not lose anything, she remains the only one you love. Secondly, when a man misses something very much, he may begin to treat his permanent woman in a different way: the emotional background changes when something is not right. And if you have a second woman, you will be more satisfied in life, more attentive to the constant - this is only a plus for the main relationship, the woman will feel and accept it. Yes, she does not like it, yes, she is jealous, but she sees that in general you manage relationships, control them, and this only benefits them.

And now I will tell you what to do if you have recently divorced or ended a long relationship, but you want to have sex with new women and a pleasant relationship.

Question specifics

Seduction for divorced men is a very narrow specificity. There are a number of problems that arise in men who, for some reason, ended a long-term relationship. The duration could be different - from several months to ten or more years. What happens to the man during this time? First of all, the ability to communicate with a large number of women disappears, the ability to interest them in oneself - the male grip disappears. Secondly, it suddenly turns out that the methods of seduction that the man used successfully before no longer work. Thirdly, the question arises: where to look for new women?

There is another point that most of us do not think about. In the behavior of every person, both men and women, there are certain patterns of behavior in relationships, and often they gradually lead to the breakdown of these relationships. You may have noticed similar situations. Suppose a man met a girl, a relationship began. After some time, for some reason, people broke up, the relationship ended. Then this man again finds a girl similar to the previous one, everything repeats and again leads to a break in relations. The same pattern is observed in women when they like certain types of men. This problem exists in almost all of us. Each of us works according to certain algorithms, patterns that were once developed in us, and we continue to step on the same rake from time to time.

I will give a few examples from practice, without naming names. Male, in his thirties. He has his own business, a plant in the Moscow region and a chain of stores in Moscow. He was married for quite a long time, he has a small child, a son. He really tried to do the maximum for the family, he made good money. The family did not need anything, everything was in order in this regard. But the wife took a lover, and the relationship collapsed, then she completely went to her lover and took her son. In the form of compensation, the man bought her an apartment in another district of Moscow. Thus, everything ended. Most of all, he was not even hurt by financial expenses, not by the fact that they had parted, but by the question of relations with the child: the little son was turned against his father, although he constantly, both before and after the divorce, takes care of his son.

When I met him in Evropeisky (this is a shopping center in Moscow), it immediately caught my eye that he looked like some kind of botanist graduate student: a hurried gait, long steps, dressed in a sweater and plain jeans, shod in worn-out shoes. Over his shoulder, on his side, hung a bag, such as young people often carry. Appearance, in general, left much to be desired. In the process of communication, I found out that he went to the club a couple of times, tried to meet girls there, but he didn’t succeed, and he realized that he needed outside help. They began to understand - they came to the conclusion that he had become very soft towards women, not demanding, ready to please, bend over, accept all the rules of a woman.

Another young man: twenty-seven years old, broke up with a girl after three years of relationship without marriage and children. They lived together, the relationship was quite long, but then both got bored, and they decided to disperse. He also had a soft character, not assertive, there was nothing that catches women. And he also forgot how to attract women, did not know what to say to them. This skill has been completely lost due to long-term relationships.

Why is character so corrupted? A long-term relationship is always a compromise, and a two-way one at that. Without this, imposing only your own rules on a woman, it will not work to build normal, long-term relationships. There are certain boundaries that it is better for a partner not to cross, but in all other issues mutual agreement is sought, somewhere you meet halfway, somewhere you are inferior. Because of this male features characters begin to blur, the man becomes more pliable, he is already ready to immediately consider how any issue can be agreed upon. Imagine seduction. If you use this skill when approaching, it turns out that you are ready to please women, give them gifts, walk as long as they say, do whatever they want, etc. At the stage of acquaintance, stiffness, self-confidence, clarity, moderate selfishness, from my point of view.

Determining the purpose of the new relationship

Men who have ended long-term relationships, first of all, need to work on their appearance. Everyone I worked with had a neglected physical body. In terms of hair and face - unkempt, unshaven. In terms of clothing, it's the same. Outwardly, the level of a man decreases with a long-term relationship, because he has other priorities and values, and his appearance becomes somewhat unpresentable, since there is no task to sell himself. So the first thing you need to do is to bring yourself into the "commodity" appearance of a self-sufficient man, so that in appearance you can say: everything is in order with him.

A man during an initial relationship and at the end of a long-term relationship are completely different types. Remember, the same thing happens with women: as a rule, when they get married and have children, they stop monitoring their appearance. She has a different priority. Although often the consequences for men are not so devastating, it is still something that needs to be worked on first of all. Change into a normal suit, take a different bag, do a different hairstyle - you get a different person. If we return to the first example, the only thing that betrayed a man of action in him was words, questions, the manner of presenting information. It was clear that he was in business. And the external characteristic did not correspond to the image of a business man, there was a dissonance between the internal and external components. Each of you should have this alignment. Who you are on the inside must show on the outside. If there is no match, then at the stage of dating and dating, girls begin to have doubts, they cannot clearly define who you are. According to external characteristics, you get one thing, according to words - another, misunderstanding, indecision begin.

The second major task is to understand why you need a woman. Any break in a relationship, especially a long one, is always unpleasant, it is a stressful situation that can even end badly, in the sense that negativity remains in relation to each other, some resentment, understatement. For such men, there is then a conflict in their goals. On the one hand, they want new serious relationships, on the other hand, only sex and either regular meetings, or at a time, nothing more. If the previous relationship ended badly, then the logic says that you only want sex, there is no need to start a new relationship now, you’ve barely sorted out the previous ones, etc. But internally, on an emotional level, a person wants and is looking for a permanent relationship. This was observed in almost all of my students, the desire to find a woman for a permanent relationship is already a habit. You need to be careful with it and see, analyze how much you need the current relationship now. I would not even recommend immediately looking for a new permanent relationship. The habit will be for the relationship, and the logic for one-time sex. Because of the internal conflict, problems will arise in seduction. It is best to feel through sensations what you really want now. If there is simply a physiological need to have sex and unwind a little, have fun, then don’t even think about relationships for now. If you really understand that you want to start a family, find an adequate, normal woman right now, then these are already different types, different work.

Verification is carried out through the analysis of the internal state. You mentally imagine that you are getting either the first (new permanent relationship) or the second (only occasional meetings and sex). Then you watch how your internal state changes, and from this you get an answer. An option that gives rise to internal discomfort does not suit you now. The one that lays down smoothly is optimal for you at the moment. The choice of the type of women also depends on this choice. As I explained earlier, you need to know in advance who you are “hunting”, who you are looking for, be able to recognize “your” type by external data: physique, clothes, demeanor. You do not yet communicate, you do not know what kind of person this is, but already by external criteria you must recognize whether this is your goal or not. The second level of verification is a verification of character, behavioral characteristics, reactions, habits, etc. These are the most general selection criteria.

Secrets of finding a new woman

Search places that always work well are shopping centers, subways, restaurants. Moreover, restaurants are also different: there are points where many girls come, and there they very easily make contact, get to know each other, communicate - there are no problems. Not every restaurant or cafe is suitable for this, but there are certain gathering points for girls. I think that in every city you can find such places. Or in the old fashioned way - clubs. There, naturally, the focus is more on sex, and the situation develops faster. Most men who have already had a fairly long relationship drive cars. Refuse for a while from your own transport: during such periods it is better to use public transport. Let there be a crowd there, it smells unpleasant, etc., but there is a good flow of women, there are always a lot of young beautiful girls with whom you can talk, who you can look at, evaluate. We need to make sure that new types appear.

What should be discussed, in general, decide for yourself, the general strategy is social communication: immediately invite a woman somewhere, chat, look at her reaction and, depending on the results, decide further. As for your past, you should tell the truth, but do not scold anyone. The position should be simple: both are to blame, they could not find a compromise, it was not possible to keep the relationship - this is bad, but it happened in life. And that's all. The attitude to the past should be calm: this is also a certain experience. Do not be afraid that this will scare the woman away, push her away from you. The truth will still come out, you will see it. Even if you are abandoned, and you honestly talk about it, this is a very understandable situation for a woman: women are often abandoned, they perfectly understand your feelings at this moment. There is nothing shameful in this. You will not begin to say that you tried to build relationships with a hundred girls, and each one left you in the second or third month of the relationship. You simply tell the woman about a single case in your life when the last relationship did not work out.

There is a danger of starting to look for the same type of woman that you had before. I have already mentioned this problem: if you have had a long-term relationship with a woman, you will try to find a similar one with similar character traits and reactions to you. In some small things, differences are inevitable, but it will be the same pattern, and the relationship pattern will begin to repeat itself. I recommend changing the type of woman. Even if it is unusual for you, it is a good, positive shake-up. It's even worth trying a few different new types. The purpose of such behavior is to bring down the habitual patterns of behavior that led to the collapse of previous relationships, relax emotionally and get a new interesting experience. In no case do not touch the old type for at least a month and a half. If you recognize in a new acquaintance some elements that are characteristic of your ex, just stop talking and move on. At the same time, changing the type does not mean seducing women that you do not like. You are looking for those who you really want, who are interesting to you externally and emotionally, but you can’t get stuck on the old type.

Developing your male grip

Another one typical error during this period - fixation on the first woman with whom regular meetings and regular sex will go. In no case should you do this, you need to look wider. On the one hand, you need to expand the experience, on the other hand, get a little distracted and get an additional emotional interesting shake-up. Otherwise, you will go back to the old circle. I had a similar experience with a student. I began to teach him, acquaintances began, everything is fine. One day he calls me and says: “That’s it, Zhenya, we won’t go to the fields with you anymore: I got what I wanted.” I ask: “What happened? You still need to train and train, you have not yet learned many things. And he replies: "I found a girl and decided to give her a chance, build a relationship." I tried to explain to him that now he will not succeed, but he did not listen to me. They separated after two months. It was obvious to me from the very beginning.

It is necessary to develop and work out the grasp in oneself. Men become too passive in relationships, they no longer have such a desire to get a woman, to seduce her - there is not enough active pressure. To do this, you need a strong enough desire for sex. In addition, you need to understand at the level of logic that you need to please yourself first, and not a woman. In a long-term relationship, remember, you first arrange the life of your woman, your relatives - the life of your family. And already how much time and resources are left for yourself, you allocate so much. And you give everything else, invest in relationships, in their support. Over time, it becomes a habit, and you no longer pay attention to it.

If you use this approach at the beginning of a relationship, before sex and immediately after sex, it will only give negative results. If you try to please, you get a classic scheme of seduction: we walk for a long time, give flowers, gifts, then try to hug, kiss. All of this doesn't really work. Here the picture is fully expanded on ourselves. First you need to please yourself, and then a woman. You need to show such a good, healthy egoism: you are looking for yourself good life, right? If you try to please all the girls you intend to seduce, you will not have enough time or resources, you will be twisted, bred for entertainment, but there will be no real sex, they will not appreciate you either. This behavior needs to change immediately.

Closing past relationships

Closing past relationships should also be considered. If something is not said, not completed, this, at least, creates a negative background, and it will be felt when communicating with you. First of all, if something is not said, it must be said. A variety of reminders, such as photos, things, gifts, etc., are best thrown away or otherwise disposed of. At the same time, you give yourself an attitude: this is the past, you have gained experience in order to move on and not step on this rake anymore. You can no longer fix the past, it will remain as it is, and the only thing you can do is not repeat it. Life goes on, there are a lot of beautiful women.

Next, you need to increase your own self-esteem. When does a man's self-esteem rise? When he sees his demand. In women, by the way, the same thing happens. First of all, you should not get hung up on one woman, arrange sex with at least three to five new women. Even in a leisurely mode, this can really be done in one or two months, it can be done more slowly, meeting a new woman at least every month. There are no problems with this. The task is to get new sensations, to see that women like you, that there is a lot of sex, etc. And most importantly, to understand that you can easily get this desired resource, regardless of the woman with whom the relationship went wrong. Dependence on it, as such, you do not have. This can be felt through real situations. This is not to mock new girls, by no means. And in order to understand that you easily get sex, women want to see you, want to have sex with you, someone wants to build relationships - this is a certain resource.

I recommend promising yourself a gift for a certain result. Suppose, if for a certain period of time you seduce three or five (you name any specific number) women for sex, then you buy yourself something desired, a nice gift - for example, take the best of these women and go on vacation with her, have sex further. Think of something that will motivate you. The gift should be good, pleasant, which gives new emotions, new sensations. You can, in order to further spur yourself on, agree on some kind of fine with a friend. Each of you has acquaintances with whom you can agree on a good amount that you will seduce the agreed number of women within a set period of time. I am sure that almost any friend will agree to this, he does not lose anything, for him it will be, on the contrary, interesting, reckless.

Remember the TV shows from the category “Dom-2”, “Behind the Glass”, “Vacations in Mexico seem to be complete nonsense, but people watch, they like it. A friend will also be watching all your adventures - like a new series. This will encourage you to get up in the evening, go to chat with women, and not sit at home. What is our fundamental feature in comparison with women? If we are upset that one of the women does not want to have sex with us, we are upset for a short time, just a couple of days. In women, this period lasts for weeks, they fall into a long thought. This is our advantage, it allows us to quickly go into new entertainment, into new acquaintances. So don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out very well at first, don't sit at home all day.

It is also important to be honest with yourself. Not in front of the woman with whom the relationship went wrong, or in front of your acquaintances, friends who may have watched these relationships from the outside, or in front of relatives, etc. It is important that you evaluate the end of these relationships. It is clear that this is pure subjectivism, but if you take it easy, think that you really did everything you could, and choose to leave because this is the best option for your life, then everything is in order, you are absolutely right. It is necessary to follow precisely these moments: the first is not to lose heart, the second is to be honest with yourself.

Restoring Lost Skills

Often, men, after leaving long-term relationships and starting to communicate with new girls, forget what to talk about with them, what to focus on, etc. First of all, when communicating with new girl The scoring model works great. Seduction according to this model requires a little experience, maybe in a few visits you will not succeed, but with proper training, the model starts to work great for you. It is worth working out, it definitely beats itself off. The bottom line is that you unfold the situation so that the girl sees: you constantly evaluate her and check if she is right for you. This allows you to be at the helm of the situation, and she has thoughts about how to please you, how to adapt to you, to show her good side. This can be used very actively.

Next, show two, three, five achievements from your life. Moreover, they need to be shown through stories: tell how it happened, but do not show off, use a natural manner in the vein “there was one case”. It is very important that the facts are verifiable. If you plan to continue dating so that you have at least two or three sexes, some elements of checking your words will take place. And if they can be checked and confirmed, then this is a significant plus.

Third moment. You don't have to be the perfect man. A person with experience in relationships is already well aware that there are no ideal people: he himself is not ideal, and you can never find an ideal among women. Each person has some pluses, some minuses, and any relationship develops on the condition that you accept these pluses and minuses of a partner, and he accepts yours in the same way. We can say that the third task is to tell literally about one or two of your weaknesses that you are working on - this is a very important addition. You show that you know that you have weak points in your character or habits, but you are working on them and you want the girl with whom you will develop a relationship to help you with this work. Do you understand what the trick is? In fact, you do not show yourself weak, but simply say that you are not ideal and do not lie in stories about yourself, at the same time you give this girl something to do. Show that you are interested in being worked on. Let her help you, try, invest in you, take care of you, etc. That's what this is for. This is done on purpose - like catching a fish on a hook: we throw a worm and catch it.

When a woman knows the features of your character, you are no longer a stranger from the outside. Firstly, it is much easier to meet such a woman, it is easy to call her. Secondly, it works great in the long run if you want to keep her close to you. At the same time, you yourself will decide how long to keep, because you show that you are interested in having a woman, you are looking for her and are ready to show her the moments where she can improve you. However, you do not allow it to improve you in any way, you simply state that you need some help.

And the fourth point - you need to know your goals in life, high enough, but real. There is no need to lie here either. A young, stupid student can still hang noodles on her ears, she will believe in everything. But the more experienced the woman, the more dangerous it is. Be honest and open - this is what they value above all else.

Summarize. First of all, you need to rebuild your external data, see where it has worsened during a long relationship, and correct it. Then you need to understand what you want from women at the moment, so that there is no internal conflict. After that, you start looking for new types to break the old pattern of behavior so that there are no repetitions, fixation on one type of woman. You show activity, pressure and, accordingly, further work is already underway according to standard schemes of seduction.

Don't try to please

When meeting, on first dates, before the first sex and even a little after, you should not try to please all the needs of a woman. You need to show some kind of self-sufficiency, independence, confidence, keep calm and even, so that, on the contrary, they run after you. It is clear that in long-term relationships, a different picture begins to take shape: there is more done for the family, for loved ones, first of all, and only then for oneself, according to the residual principle. If you try too hard at the very beginning, when you meet, nothing really will work out. Remember your experience if you ever tried at the very beginning of a relationship, before sex, to give some gifts, sweets, bouquets of flowers, etc. Then, for sure, there were a lot of problems with such girls. They fell into thoughtfulness, began to call badly on dates, there was no longer any talk of sex there. So many problems that it's easier to find a new one. Do not give any gifts, boldly pull out on a date, have sex, and then think about whether to give something or not to give.

In a long-term relationship, trying all the time only for a woman is also not entirely normal. You should always leave time and energy for yourself. There are certain rules on how to build relationships so that they are stable, strong, controlled, etc. We must try in response, but there is a certain subtlety on how to maintain relationships, what actions must be performed.

Dating in restaurants

Regarding restaurants, sending cocktails or bottles of alcohol is almost pointless, this mechanism does not work very well. Yes, the girls will thank you, but they won’t go for an acquaintance, the statistics are very low. You need to start personal communication under any pretext: find out what time it is, if a girl smokes - smoke, any questions are good. If it didn’t work out with one, don’t be upset, chat with the other at the next table. One does not make contact, she is in a bad mood today - it's okay, try talking to the other. And let everyone see it, it should not bother you.

Go to a restaurant and immediately get hooked - also does not work. You need to sit somewhere nearby so that it can be seen that you are also one of the visitors, you are waiting for the order - and after that you can come up. This option works great. Girls easily open up to communication and already calmly answer questions. Very often there are shared toilets - it’s also normal to come up there, joke, start a conversation, there’s nothing special about it.

And now I will share with you material that will turn your perception of the topic of seduction and building relationships with women. These techniques, like a nuclear explosion in her head, will demolish all excuses and female barriers. Method of "Cruel Seduction"

Seduction without seduction

Cruel seduction, or, in other words, seduction without seduction as such, is a very specific, interesting material, it can really be called a kind of magic pill. On the other hand, not everything is so simple, you need to build these elements into yourself, only then you will have a solution to many problems in your hands. First, you will understand how to make women fall in love with you very hard - so that they really become attached to you. Secondly, how to seduce women without investing heavily in them, without spending a lot of money, time, effort and emotions. By and large, the process of seduction is very resource-intensive. When a person is studying, it is possible and even necessary to invest intensively, but gradually it gets boring in such quantities. With the techniques in this book, you won't be doing much. People will fall in love with you, they will want you, and it becomes much easier to manage women.

Recall the statistics under the classical, statistical model of seduction. For example, if I now go to the mall to get acquainted, then on average seven out of ten women I will either take them to a mini-date, which is more effective, especially in the mall, or I will take a phone number. Those from whom I take the phones, I will call, take out on a date. After a mini-date, sex will not work right away either, you also need a full-fledged date. Let's say, half of these seven women, that is, three, I will finish bye, the rest will disappear for various reasons. So three out of ten. Until the next meeting, before sex, one or two will happen: something may not please them, something to me, some loss will definitely be. To bring one or two out of ten approaches to sex is, in principle, normal.

But this is subject to a fairly good experience and a serious dropout when really interesting women are selected.

But the problem is this: in order to find ten women who are interesting to me, I have to be in a public place where there are enough girls for five hours. To have three more dates, averaging two hours each, is an extra six hours. In total, it turns out that in order to bring out girls who are really pretty for one or two sex, I need to spend eleven hours of my time. You can get acquainted along the way, optimize the process somewhat, but it's still quite a big expense.

Next, let's say regular meetings went on - most men try to maintain interest in themselves: entertain, walk, give gifts, etc. There should be at least two meetings a week. If less, one meeting a week, then, as a rule, the girls break down. Practice has shown this: it is useless to try to build and maintain relationships at one meeting a week, nothing will work. At the same time, if you try to invest in all this, you really try to be honest for two, anyway, in the end you get constant reproaches: they demand more and more attention from you, literally twenty-four hours a day to be next to her and at to keep up with other things, to earn more and more, to equip life, to solve the problems that arise in her life.

What is interesting: a woman has problems in life, oddly enough, always much more than a man himself. When he is alone, he solves a much smaller volume of tasks, and when a woman is nearby, the volume of tasks more than doubles. Women are very interesting psychologically arranged. Reminds me of the movie Twilight. I wrote a short review of it on the site. I had a free evening, and, frankly, there wasn’t much else going to the cinema, I had already looked through everything. I decided to go out of curiosity, because women just love this film - I was wondering what is shown there.

The girl in the film is nondescript, from a very simple family, rather poor, from some American outback. She finds a man who loves her madly. From him, she receives superpowers - just like that, without any effort on her part. Gets virtually immortal life, like a vampire, endless youth, lack of need for sleep, lack of fatigue and disease. The material part of life does not concern her either: they give her a house, they immediately equip it. A child is born, but her friends are watching him, she appears to him once every two days, for some reason the child grows very quickly, everything is wonderful. An idyll is created in the minds of most women: she has to do nothing, and her whole life should work out perfectly as if by magic. This leaves a very strong imprint on the consciousness and behavior of women in relation to men. It turns out that a man should work hard, try, help, and a woman should just accept it, sit on her neck and hang her legs so that everything is brought to her, but she does nothing. It sells wonderfully to women from the screens.

Basically, why do you need a woman? For some pleasure, primarily sexual. Plus a certain level of support. What's in practice? Instead of the desired pleasures for which it all began, you get a huge pile of problems on your head, and a lot more than your personal pile was. And there is almost no reverse activity from a woman in relation to you. Who can honestly say that women are significantly invested in the initial building of relationships, in maintaining them? I personally, with whomever I meet, everyone tries to make the date go well, so that I have positive emotions, a good impression. And I don’t remember once that they called me a day or two later, they said something in the spirit: “Thank you, the date went great, let’s meet again, I treat you, I invite you,” so that I come, and I some gift is waiting. Where is all this? There is no such activity in women.

Think back to how a first date usually goes. Even if everything is fine, but you did not call the girl the very next day, ideally, but at least in the first three or four days - there is no connection from her, no contact. This is a very important point. Girls sit in passive mode and wait for your actions. If you did not call, it means that you tried to use them, we are waiting for the next prince. And if you called, again, it is you who are making efforts to further arrange a meeting, to bring the matter to sex. Sex is a mutual process, everyone enjoys it, both man and woman - if they try, at least.

Another interesting observation: among very beautiful girls who naturally got beauty, the passivity of behavior is an order of magnitude higher than among ordinary girls who need to make additional efforts to maintain an attractive appearance: beauticians, gyms, well-chosen wardrobe, etc. Most beautiful girls and very inept in sex, and in general in life. If the rest have any idea about the costs, investments and returns, then these do not know how to support anything at all. This is a very common, albeit strange at first glance, picture.

The first principle of cruel seduction: do nothing yourself

But back to the general case. If you ask a woman about this directly, she will never admit that she is not invested in a relationship. This contradiction in psychology is found in most women. The whole scheme may not be present in one particular woman, but individual elements you can use and see how it works. In general, the technique works great. It is for this reason that I have called it "cruel seduction." There are certain principles that you must invest in yourself so that they literally work on autopilot for you, then the attitude of women towards you will begin to change dramatically. This cunning system works great, even if they know about it. This is the same as seducing girls, informing them in advance: "I am a seduction coach, here is my website - please, if you are interested, you can read all my techniques." And yet they are tempted, and the techniques work.

Principle one. You don't have to do anything for them. The most you can do with them is to have sex. The meaning is as follows: usually you try to please them, to please them, because it is you who seduce them, and formally it is you who are interested in starting communication, so that it turns into a date, and then grows into at least the level of sex. The stereotype works: you invited, so you pay. There are many patterns in each of us that we constantly owe something to someone. For example, that you can’t just turn around and leave if you don’t like a girl. We need to come up with some plausible reason so as not to offend her. You know, you still have some obligations to another person. These patterns force you to act according to certain rules. As soon as you begin to work according to these rules in seduction, you immediately show your great interest in communication, thereby transferring a kind of control to the other side. And the more you do, especially in a relationship, the more they sit on your neck.

Remember, for example, what happens when, at the stage of dating, laying the foundation of a relationship, transferring at least on a first date, you take and give a girl a gift - any, small, even just a box of chocolates through her girlfriend or a cocktail on a nearby table in a restaurant. Note that this approach always fails. Yes, the girls gratefully accept the gift. But then they go into some kind of meditation. It would not be right to say that they are not interested in you - no, they begin to think. You will end up getting rejected, they weren't going to date you, they were just deliberately taking their time to see what else they could get from you.

We abstract now from seduction. Surely you have repeatedly tried to do a good deed to some third-party person - distant relative, a friend, etc. They really sincerely did something useful for a person, seriously helped, helped out at a difficult moment in life. Remember the response to you after these cases. Most people not only don't appreciate it, they sincerely don't understand what's wrong here, why they should be grateful to you for it. As soon as you start investing in someone, and not necessarily a woman, in return you get a dismissive attitude. You need to do less of anything, try less, think less for others, equip them less - then you are more respected and appreciated. This works great in relation to all people, and with women - in the first place.

I had a living example before my eyes in the first year of university. When we drove into the hostel, there was one cheerful, pretty girl. From her relatives, as far as I know, there was only a mother, and at the same time, relations with her mother did not go well. Therefore, she was responsible for herself, but at the same time she was not very practical. External data were in order, so she was looking for someone who would take care of her, including financially, equip her life - right from the first year of university, in a hostel.

She had one guy from another dormitory, from another faculty, nearby, literally thirty meters away. He appeared periodically, dined, spent the night with her, had sex with her - that's all. She immediately ran to the kitchen to cook for him to eat. And there was another guy who lived in the next room - she often came to him to entertain her. He fed her, solved her problems, he helped her with her studies - in general, he took care of all her worries. But she had sex with another, who did not help her in life. A very interesting example of how men can share different “areas of responsibility” with a girl. One man constantly entertains her, protects her, improves her mood when something is wrong. She treated him like a little child. And the other man did nothing for her, but had dinner, and an overnight stay, and sex. And I have seen many such examples.

So, the first rule is that you should not actively try to do something for women. You can do something in passing, but, as I have seen from my own and other people's experience, investing the maximum of my time, anticipating their problems, solving them in advance - this does not lead to anything good.

Second Principle of Violent Seduction: Be Prepared to Break Up

Second principle. Be ready to end the relationship any day and act accordingly. There are many examples: let's take not too beautiful girls. These girls are trying to get married very quickly. Such people are literally in their first years, by the end of the university for sure, everyone is already married. They try to give birth to a child as quickly as possible, to find a man who will financially support them, to arrange a family: a child in most cases is a deterrent for a man, often it is because of the child that he stays in the family.

I think many of you have heard of this or witnessed it yourself. Interestingly, when such girls are already sure that a man is tied up with a child and an official marriage, they stop monitoring their appearance and simply don’t even give men what they had at the beginning. There was such a story. We had about two hundred people in the institute. Among them are girls with whom many would like to have sex, about ten, no more. And there was one who very carefully followed her external data: she dressed competently, was considered quite beautiful. But as soon as she arranged a marriage for herself and gave birth to a child, she completely stopped taking care of herself, got fat, began to look like a hippopotamus. And this despite the fact that there is a man who takes care of her, supplies her, etc.

One more example. Perhaps even you yourself at first foolishly tried to confess your love to a girl or offer to meet - you tried to express your emotions at the very beginning, when there was no sex yet. Do you remember what the result was? I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that in most cases the girls closed up, stopped communicating even at a friendly level. I myself had such cases: when trying to express her feelings, her confession, a woman abruptly turns away, does not accept this.

A situation from the same category is a discussion of relationships. This happens in your youth when you just started dating a girl, had sex a couple of times, and then you tried to figure out what kind of relationship you have: either just sex, or a serious relationship, and she is now your girlfriend; tried to verbally discuss relationships, responsibilities, etc. The result is usually also deplorable. If before that you normally met, walked, had sex, everything is great, then after this attempt to sort things out, a complete mess begins: you think one thing, she is another, these opinions do not fit together, an incomprehensible sense of responsibility appears, etc. - everything starts to crumble sharply. It is for this reason that you must be ready to end the relationship on any day, at any time - and act that way. There is no need to build illusions that you will live happily until the end of your life. In fact, you will live happily with a woman for the rest of your life if you follow these rules.

The third principle of cruel seduction: throw at the peak of emotions

You need to throw at the peak of emotions and affection. At the dating stage, the peak occurs after sex. Surely you have noticed that many women after sex love to just lie down, hug, chat. They enjoyed it, they feel good. And this is the moment of maximum affection, at its peak it is necessary to cut off communication. Naturally, most of the girls, if you don’t call them back after sex, they won’t call you either - you need to take this into account, you won’t see them again. But the small percentage of women who will remain - they will call you, offer a meeting, invite you to a cafe, restaurant, cinema, etc. Here, good reverse activity is already coming from them. It is for this reason that it is necessary to bring a large number of girls to sex and not call them back. I recommend not calling at all, not making contact first. This is a great test: if you are really interested in a girl, she will call you back, offer to meet, at least send an SMS to continue communication. Those next to whom you just have to work hard and try will be eliminated, those who will really seek your attention, meetings, sex with you, etc. will remain. Every woman next to you should feel that you are saying goodbye to her at any moment if something is wrong.

Judging by my experience, you can find the category of girls who are guaranteed to appear during the first week with offers, invitations. If on the first date you tried, then on the second date they try, it's nice and interesting. No call for a week - erase your phone and chat with new ones. This is a tricky check: if a girl used you just for fun, according to the principle: “Here is a more or less normal guy - I’m going on a date, I have nothing to do today, and there they will entertain me, feed me, they will try, maybe there will be sex if I'll like it," she won't call back. And those whom you really hooked as a man, who are ready to invest, behave differently, they will look for meetings themselves.

The Fourth Principle of Cruel Seduction: Polygamy is Mandatory

The fourth principle is the principle of compulsory polygamy. There must be sex with different women. Otherwise, your male attractiveness is lost. I have trained many people on an individual basis, I have seen cases where a man actively tries to provide for his family, works hard, does not meet with other women, is completely faithful to his wife, does his best for the sake of the family, and women do not appreciate this. They leave them, go to their lovers, in most cases even the financial side does not save. At first, young beautiful girls who know their own worth want to find a rich, wealthy man, because nowadays it’s worth watching the appearance big money. But if a man really only works, a certain definite male component is lost in him, to which a woman reacts. Gradually, a woman changes the consciousness of a man and turns him into his own kind, and the man loses precisely his masculine qualities, with which he hooked the woman. And I hooked, because these qualities are psychologically challenging: who is stronger.

I think you also noticed this: at the very beginning, the question of who will be in charge in the relationship is decided. Naturally, this is not decided in words, but in behavior, through action. Whoever is stronger psychologically, more stable as a person, holds his position more clearly, adheres to his rules and attitudes, beliefs, he ultimately becomes a leader in relationships. But the woman still periodically rechecks the man with words, actions, provocative behavior. To be honest, in most cases this behavior is negative, sets up a man or tries to put him in a bad light. You need to be able to respond harshly to this, to keep a woman within limits.

Every woman has an interesting contradiction. On the one hand, if you ask any of them what kind of man she wants for herself, almost everyone will say: “I want someone who would love only me, be only with me, so that I would be the only one for him.” But, on the other hand, they always want men in demand. This is a very important psychological point that needs to be understood. Demanded - it means attractive sexually. Not the one that will provide for her, solve all the problems and so on, but the one that is in demand from other women. This contradiction can be perfectly exploited.

Women are curious like cats: if they see that something is selling like hot cakes, they will be there. This is just a chic principle of work: when they see that a man is changing women, and quite pretty ones, they also become interested in what kind of man this is, regardless of whether they have a permanent relationship. Curiosity brings them down, it is on him that they come across. You can have a permanent relationship and openly meet other girls, and when they ask if you have another, say: “Yes, there are permanent, good relationships,” and see the reaction. If you correctly lay out this question, then it acts as a challenge for them. They say: "I don't care that you have another, no question, let's meet." However, each of them later wants to become the first with this man, wants to oust his competitor, become the only one for the man. Therefore, for example, long-term relationships with mistresses are impossible: there comes a moment when a man must move on to a new woman, make her the main one - and then either she really wins, draws his attention, or he ends the relationship with her. Alternatively, she herself understands that it is useless to try to take him away from a permanent woman, and retreats.

Just recently I learned about one striking example. A young girl fell in love with a man who had previously had a wife, then a mistress appeared, and he left his wife for this mistress, made her his wife. Now he has another mistress on the horizon, trying to become his third wife. For a woman, it is a certain challenge to be in such situations. In this case, it is necessary that the call was not direct and open. I tried to challenge girls directly - it doesn't work, they retreat, even strong and interesting girls. The challenge must be made carefully, without harsh provocations, so that it seems to be born in their head.

You must continue to communicate with other women, you must like them, if you want to have sex with them. Most men do it secretly. Whether to tell your regular woman that you have sex with others depends on what kind of relationship you have with her, on how clearly you control them. Not everyone can do it openly.

All of these principles work well when you embed them deep into yourself as a person. This is not a quick process, I will warn you right away, you will now understand purely at the level of logic that this is convenient, and you have separate examples of confirmation of what I am talking about. May be not the whole picture, but separate fragments. But it needs to be built in, which will take some time.

The Fifth Principle of Cruel Seduction: Allow yourself to be changed

The fifth principle must be followed, especially if you have an ongoing relationship: this is critical, vital for them, because due to this principle you will control their stability. Any relationship has to be corrected periodically. Whether you like it or not, sometimes you have to figure out what is happening, understand that you don’t like something and you need to correct everything, correct it, because the woman’s attitude towards you is not the same as before. Many are familiar with the history of periodic scandals.

You can often find the phrase that generosity is the key to any woman. However, the subtlety of this generosity - and this is also a certain secret of seduction - is that you treat women very friendly, with a smile, gently, like a small child, but at the same time press very hard on a sore spot. Good and tough at the same time. You need to be able to combine these skills in yourself. If you show only generosity, they will sit on your neck, and then they will say: “You are not what I wanted, you are not that man, I went to another.” If you only press hard, the relationship will not work either. Some balance is needed.

So, the fifth principle: you must let a woman change you, work on you. You are not perfect, you have to admit it. There are some moments that even you yourself cannot cope with in your personality. They tried and tried, but honestly it doesn’t work - help, they say, dear. But the following is important: we must let her change herself and at the same time not change. The result is an endless process of working on you. In a certain sense, she will invest in you, she will try to correct you, no matter in what way. The main thing is to give faith and hope that everything will work out for her. How it works?

Every woman has an ideal of a man: appearance, clothes, earnings, what apartment he lives in, drives such a car, wants so many children, etc. Naturally, she understands that this does not happen, but some moments every woman tries to fix in a man. When a relationship is just starting, at first they carefully hide, do not climb, but then, as soon as you start dating them, they will show themselves: they don’t like one thing, then another. On average, up to this point, it takes about a month from the date of acquaintance. Accordingly, they will try to fix it in you in various ways. But as soon as a woman does all her work on you, she will not be interested in you. The bottom line is that she thinks that once she fixes everything about you, you will be the perfect man. If she really fixes this in you, she will see that, in fact, it didn’t work out again. It seems that she corrected some moments in you, you succumbed, corrected yourself, everything is fine, but somehow it’s not interesting with you, again it turned out to be nonsense.

A woman can fix anything, it doesn't matter. Very often, for example, women are seen next to alcoholics - they try to pull them out, help, cure them, work, everyone accepts and pulls this strap from year to year. It happens that the forces end, and they leave. Then the alcoholic is found again, and history repeats itself. By the way, men also like to step on the same rake. Often a man finds one girl - he talked, broke up, found a similar one, broke up again - and again he is looking for the same one. So, women try to rebuild you for themselves, and as soon as they succeed, they see that you are controlled by them, and you become uninteresting to them. Your task is to make sure that they try for you, invest in you, work for you all the time. This is a very important rule that must be run in order for it to work without fail.

Sixth Principle of Violent Seduction: Don't Seduce First

I will first name it, and then I will explain how to perceive it correctly. Ideally, the first seduction is not necessary. Don't seduce girls first. I think you have a question, how then to get a girl. Sit and wait for her to show up? It would seem that so you can wait until old age. But there is a very interesting thing that I did not pay attention to before, until there were big statistics. I discovered one day that the past was just a sea of ​​missed opportunities. Example: when I studied and lived in a hostel, I had five or six girls with whom I regularly, consistently communicated. At a friendly level, for study, for some household chores. Without the context of seduction, absolutely. But when you communicate with a girl regularly, there comes a time when she wants to have sex with you. At the same time, you are not doing anything for this, you are simply in the circle of her communication.

It is clear that I intensively communicated with those girls for at least two years. And in these two years, I could calmly bring five out of six to sex. They themselves tried to arrange such a situation so that I would pay attention to them, albeit clumsily, without experience, but definitely. For example, one girl came and lay down on my bed, wearing a very revealing top. Another invited me to watch TV and closed the door, while she was in one robe, and I even saw her underwear. However, these periods do not last long, and the signs of attention they provide are episodic: short period attention, and if there is no reaction from you, the girls stop being active, and then again, as it were, remember you and organize something similar again.

An interesting pattern is observed. Suppose a girl regularly communicates, conditionally, with ten men. She will periodically switch her signs of attention to one, then to another, then to a third, etc. Naturally, she will try to choose the most interesting of them, but all the same, from time to time this switching of signs of attention from a man to man. A woman, one way or another, looks closely at those men who are around her, otherwise how to choose a man if you do not communicate with him? So pay attention to your social circle, you will notice that there are a lot of potential opportunities. In most cases, women do not act actively, they wait, provide indirect signs of attention: smile, turn around in a favorable perspective, ask something - in the hope that it will be noticed. If you do not like a woman, you can pretend that you did not notice, and if you like, then why not answer.

Communication on dating sites

When I talked with girls, I found out that most of them sit on dating sites to raise their self-esteem or just out of boredom when there is not a single interesting man around. For example, there was a break in relations, and you want to raise your level of self-esteem. The mood is bad and I don’t want to go anywhere - so they post their photos on the Internet, see how the men react: there will be at least some attention. Maybe you will exchange a couple of phrases with such a girl, but she is not going to really meet with anyone. The potential of any woman to communicate with men is enormous. You can reach thousands of men if you wish, using social networks, dating sites, etc. Especially if the woman is pretty. But they do it only to raise self-esteem, and not to find a man. It is for this reason that they carefully consider the men who are around them in real life.

Remember how couples are most often organized: at work, at school - from some kind of team. In most cases, relationships arise because people just happen to be nearby (live, study, work, etc.). Because men also choose women from their environment. These psychological moments work both ways. But for us now it is important that women who know you periodically have a desire to have sex with you. No one is talking about relationships yet, about something serious, but it is the desire for sex that is felt. Moreover, this is a fairly short period, it lasts from several days to several weeks, less often - months. If you have known a woman for a long time, this can be episodically repeated.

Is it possible to find a mistress quickly, easily and almost for free?

The best way find a woman or girl mistress, look for the one who herself is in search of a lover. So where are these girls? The answer is obvious - on dating sites!
Quick Guide"How to Find a Lover"

Whether you are wealthy or not, whether you are ready to become a sponsor of a girl or looking for a rich mistress, there is one great place where finding a mistress will be easy enough. It's important to know how to do it.

You will need:

* personal photos (they do not have to be published);
* mailbox;
* profile on a dating site.
* a small amount of money, within 300 rubles ($10) - not necessary, but the money will help you quickly find a mistress.

Are there really women on dating sites who want to become lovers?

The answer is simple, register on a dating site and see everything with your own eyes!
It is necessary to understand women a little in order to understand the purpose of dating, some write directly “I am looking for a lover”, indicate “I want to find a sponsor”, others consider this unacceptable and try to hint about it. But find a woman on sites like this, it's definitely not difficult.

Choosing a dating site

Simple logic suggests that it is best to look for a mistress on dating sites with the maximum number of users. The most suitable for this is the Mamba dating site. Another option is Loveplanet. Another good alternative that is suitable if you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another city with a million population is (this site is not suitable for small cities). If you are not satisfied with the proposed dating sites, you can choose the appropriate one in the dating sites section. For example, ruruto dating (ruruto dating) or dating tabor.

Filling out the questionnaire

When filling out, write exactly what you want to receive, the main goal is to find a mistress. But try to do it not directly on the forehead, i.e. Tell us about yourself with an emphasis on your strengths. Write in a simple and understandable language, with a share of humor, separate paragraphs (this makes it easier to read).

Upload photos, it's required! Profiles without photos on dating sites are much less popular. Attention, if it is unacceptable for you to post your own photos, upload someone else's! Just choose another city on the dating site and pick up a photo of a man. Don't worry, you will tell us in private correspondence that the photos are not yours and, if necessary, send your own by email.
Search for a mistress

It is best to look for a mistress on two fronts at once: 1) an independent active search; 2) help find yourself.
Independent active search

Here you are in control of the process. All dating sites have a standard search form where you can specify the city, age, availability of a photo and possibly the purpose of dating. However, almost all dating sites provide an advanced search for profiles. This is exactly what you need to save your own time. Usually, advanced search is available when you activate the VIP mode (read below about the benefits of VIP users). Using the advanced search, you can clearly limit the profiles that you will view by specifying the necessary parameters. For example, such: meetings for sex, married or not, wants to find a sponsor or is ready to become a sponsor herself, a wealthy woman or just a young student without a steady income, sexual preferences, and so on.

When searching for, you should rely only on profiles that clearly say "I'm looking for a lover." Many girls, and especially married women, do not write about this explicitly. However, there are many signs that will help you understand that this particular woman or girl is ready to be a mistress. First, the lack of signs of looking for a future husband and a serious relationship, and the absence of direct messages about this. Secondly, an indication in the questionnaire in the section marital status“Married” or the absence of this sign in general, together with the goals of acquaintance “intimate relations”, gives a clear reason to believe that a woman is looking for a lover. Also, if the questionnaire indicates sexual preferences, breast size and sexual orientation, it says a lot. It remains for you to conduct accurate reconnaissance through unobtrusive communication.

Please note that many married women who want to find a lover, especially in small towns, will try to disguise themselves as much as possible so as not to “light up” and will not fill out a questionnaire and upload photos. However, if you make contact with them, they will be ready to send you a photo.
Help me find myself

Pursuing active search Do not forget that you too can be found. And a chance to get to know each other faster love relationship precisely with those ladies who have shown interest in you.

Maintaining a high "visibility" profile greatly increases the chances of quickly finding your mistress. There are a number of ways to do this.

First, the high positions of the questionnaire. Simple lifts of the questionnaire in the search are effective, but quite expensive. However, for example, on the Acquaintance site, including the VIP mode, you kill 2 birds with one stone: make the profile as attractive as possible; Significantly save on profile rises due to priority positions in the search.

Secondly, the use of so-called superpositions, which are called differently on different dating sites. For example, on Acquaintance, these are the Leader of the Region and the Line of Faces. By placing your profile here, you can accompany it with an additional short ad. The text of such an ad is very important and wit is needed to draw attention to your person. Try to experiment with the text, from the banal and direct: “Kind, gentle, attentive. Looking for a young mistress. Everything is serious”, “One you! Constant secret meetings! secret love!" to more interesting and tempting phrases. Each time you come up with a text, try to understand how women will perceive it, whether there will be a reaction and whether it will arouse curiosity for you.

You can ensure a constant flow of visitors to your profile using a diary. Of course, not everyone can do it, but it's worth a try. Look at the most popular profiles of men using a diary as a way to attract girls. After writing a few notes, advertise them in the face line. The goal is to add you to your favorite authors. Over time, the flywheel will spin and your popularity will grow by itself. You will be able to reply to comments and then go into private communication.

The main thing on a dating site is communication. At the initial stage, communication occurs through correspondence. It depends on how you communicate whether there will be a continuation and a meeting for a closer acquaintance or not. We remember that our goal is to find a mistress. However, starting a conversation with direct questions about whether a girl is ready to become a mistress is more than stupid. In any case, you want to know some information about the interlocutor.

The start is very important! Many people think that it is very difficult to start a conversation with a girl. This is confirmed by the number of requests to search engines like “how to start talking with a girl?”, “what to write to a girl about?” etc. In fact, everything is very simple and you have a wonderful opportunity to practice in combat mode on live companions. Don't be embarrassed!.

Do not write anything that others ask, ie. don't be trite. By writing to a girl or woman the phrase “Hi! Let's get acquainted!" you will be the 1001st person to ask this question and cause a gag reflex in a failed interlocutor. Therefore, it is best to start communication after studying the questionnaire and finding some informational reason. It can be anything, a detail in a photograph (which most do not pay attention to), an interesting fact in a self-portrait, a diary entry, etc. Do not be rude, joke, but do not offend with jokes, do not be rude, do not strain with questions, but try to keep the conversation going. Try to put aside questions like “what do you do?”, “where do you work?” and similar for later. Most likely it will become clear by itself in the process of communication. It’s better to ask how dating is going, whether virtual perverted maniacs have overcome her (and this is most likely true, there are enough idiots on dating sites), are there normal men worthy of her (he will say there are, but there are few of them), have there been real meetings, How long have you been dating on this site?

One of the ways to attract attention is to make a virtual gift for a future mistress. Most likely you will receive gratitude for this action, it will be a good way to continue communication.

Having established a dialogue and turning your attention to yourself, you can inform that you have a goal on a dating site to meet a nice young girl (as an option, “a woman who is older than herself” if you are interested in this) for constant intimate meetings. And then ask how she looks at this and, in principle, without regard to her. This will let you know if this is acceptable for her. If everything is fine and everything suits you, you can gently offer to meet to “see each other live”. If you get rejected “early” or something like that, you can continue the conversation and periodically return to the question.

Perhaps this is all that can be said regarding the search for a mistress through the Internet. Then it's up to you! If you want to contact me and discuss the topic, write through the feedback form on Znakomus.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Yes, any man can find a mistress on the Internet. However, competition is serious business. And if you are not self-confident, strong and persistent (or stubborn), like a real man, no one can guarantee a successful result.

How to find a mistress

Dating & Pickup

How to find a mistress

Not always ours family life full of colors and bright moments that would help to cope with everyday life and keep yourself in good emotional state. Sometimes men wake up with hatred every day, realizing that this day will not bring anything good. This condition begins to cause prolonged depression, emotional breakdowns and devastation.

And then a man has several ways to solve his problem, starting with positive and bright ways, ending with destructive and destructive ones. So you can use alcohol, which will make every day brighter, but will finally kill family life. Or you can try to infuse passion into your relationship with your wife, however, often wives are more interested in TV shows and their appearance than in their husband's sexuality. Or you can find yourself a hobby that will help relieve stress, where the mistress becomes just such a way to relax.

Every man deserves to come home after a hard day's work and be relaxed by a woman. After all, it is so hard for a man to struggle with difficulties and obstacles for a long time, being alone with himself. You definitely can't do without a woman. And is it possible to accuse him of wanting to find a mistress when his own wife is engaged in all sorts of nonsense, but certainly not her direct obligations? We believe that in this case a man has the right to find a mistress and save his marriage for the sake of the future of the family.

What does a mistress look like?

If you do not take into account the cases of love between former friends, former couples and relationships that arose in some extreme situations, then most often girls who are starving for male attention become lovers. They agree to meet with a man even when they clearly understand that there is no prospect in this relationship. And this is an ideal option for any representative of the stronger sex.

If you briefly list all the "ideal lovers", then these are:

Girls from 20 to 22 years old who prefer wealthy and confident men with opportunities;

Girls from 25 to 28 years old who, due to their character or stubbornness, could not find a man who would tolerate their character. They prefer men who are ready to give in a little in a relationship.

Women aged 30 to 34 who, after long years of hard life, want a little peace and understanding. They will oppose in every possible way rude bumpkins, but they will gladly open their arms for an attentive and caring man. Though not for long, but to feel loved and needed.

Women over 35 who prefer men who are equal, both emotionally and financially. They do not build any hopes and plans, but simply surrender to passion in order to have a great time.

Fools of any age who will believe and wait for their missus to leave the family in order to start building pure love with her. It is extremely easy to give in to love and passion, but in no way do they want to lag behind a man. Up to calls and meetings with your wife. Are you ready to take that risk?

Where to find a mistress?

Since women seeking male attention often sit at home doing nothing, it is easiest to get to know them on the Internet on dating sites. Of course, not all women have yet learned how to use a computer and dating sites, but the number of such people tends to zero.

Now there are thousands of dating sites where various girls and women publish their profiles, but we recommend paying attention to sites such as:, and The last site, although not a dating site, but with the help of it you can easily find a woman for communication and meetings.

Important to remember: Although it is quite easy to communicate with other women on dating sites, if you inadvertently leave your mail or the entrance to the site open, then your wife will be able to see all your correspondence without any problems. And this means that foresight should be your main strong point!

In other places, you can also find a mistress, but most often this happens by chance, or with your old acquaintances.

How to convince a woman to become a mistress

Any sane woman does not want to share a man with someone else, she wants to be the only one for him. And she does not like the prospect of being a mistress very much until she begins to feel desire in relation to a man.

And most often such a desire arises after a calm, but quite intimate and warm communication. When everyone pressures her and demands something, you offer support and easy communication, which gradually becomes more intimate and passionate. And then the woman already succumbs to passion, and the first intimacy happens.

There will be some hesitation after this, which must pass if the man will keep the passion in the woman and approve of her courage. The game will continue.

Briefly, how to communicate with a woman. We communicate calmly, do not press, listen to her stories, compliment her appearance and figure, flirt a little and make her think about us all the time, until her day becomes unbearable without communication with you. Then it's time for intimacy.

What you need to know to find a lover

The mistress is not the wife. You need to be clearly aware that another woman is needed only in order to relieve tension and make your life a little brighter. Sooner or later your family life will return to normal, and then the need for a mistress will disappear. This means that you do not need to be strongly attached to another woman and expect some decisions and actions from her.

Down with extra eyes. You must understand that if your relationship on the side begins to progress strongly, then sooner or later, they will become public. So, your wife will have a choice: to live with a heavy load until the end of her days or become a divorced woman. You will agree that both of these options are undesirable, which means that relationships with another woman can and should be kept secret.

money to the house. After a gloomy and boring relationship with his wife, a bright relationship with his mistress can turn the head of any man, and he begins to thank her for such an attitude towards himself. And this involves expensive gifts, spending large sums of money and various expenses. If for a reputable businessman this is not critical, then for people with average incomes this is absolutely not necessary. You should send all your money to your family, to your home!

Down with jealousy. Surprisingly, when starting to meet with another woman who is only a lover for them, many men begin to be jealous of other men and show a sense of possessiveness. They think that a woman who agreed to sleep with a married man will only be theirs. Well, isn't that stupid?

No promises. It is safe to say that almost all girls before marriage and difficult years in marriage were quite bright and interesting personalities. But over time, they became calmer and a little more boring. And so it will be with every girl who goes through years of marriage, difficulties and raising children. So there is no need to rush headlong at other women and take them as wives. You can't really change anything in your life.

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