Temperature in Bulgaria by months. Holiday features and resorts

Technique and Internet 14.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Bulgaria is famous for its beaches on the Black Sea coast and ski resorts. You can swim in the sea from June to September, and in winter months tourists are attracted by mountain slopes with ski slopes.

The popularity of Bulgarian resorts is explained by affordable prices for tours and a fairly high level of service.

And although the area of ​​​​Bulgaria is small, but its climate is very diverse.

  • The country is located in two climatic zones - continental and Mediterranean.
  • Contrast weather conditions is due to the Balkan Mountains, which serve as a barrier to the flows air masses.
  • To the north of the mountains, in the lowlands of the Danube Plain, the climate is continental, and in the southern regions on Black Sea coast- mediterranean.


It usually rains and sleet in Bulgaria in early December. The air temperature ranges from -5˚ to -13˚С. Although heavy snowfalls and frosts are possible, even down to -30 ˚С. Since mid-December ski resorts ready for the influx of tourists.


January is ideal for spending holidays and relaxing in ski resorts. On the first day of January, the feast of St. Basil the Blessed is also celebrated here. On this day, folk festivals and festivals are held all over Bulgaria. Average temperatures range from +1 - +6 ˚С. This month in the country is the coldest and snowiest and is high humidity and winds. In the mountains, the temperature drops to -15 ˚С. At many ski resorts the temperature is down to -7 ˚С. AT coastal locations also windy and persisting high humidity, but rarely below 0 ˚С. Sea water cold (+5 - +7 °С).


Unlike January, February is a little warmer, but there is a lot of snow, especially in mountainous areas. At this time, the ski season begins, which lasts until April. The thermometer does not fall below -7 ˚С, and in some places rises to +5-+10 ˚С. The sea is calm, the water temperature is kept at the level of up to +5 ˚С. The winds weaken, but if it blows from the northwest, then the strength of the wind increases. By the end of the month, warming up to +10 ˚С is observed.


With the advent of spring, nature awakens, grass appears, and primroses begin to bloom. Despite this, the ski season is still in full swing. Although the sun shines brighter, the weather is still changeable. A clear sky can immediately be covered with clouds, or it can rain or sleet. The average air temperature during the day ranges from -4 to +9 ˚С, and at night - up to +2 ˚С. The waters of the Black Sea warm up to +8 ˚С. There are many holidays in March.


The cold is gradually receding, and the April air is filled with the scent of flowers. The ski holiday season is coming to an end, but the beaches are still empty. April will appeal to fans of excursions and sightseeing trips. In the town of Melnik, at this time, a folk music festival is held, where guests can enjoy the taste of local wine. During the day it is warm and sunny up to +15 ˚С, and the water temperature in the sea warms up to +17 ˚С. Will start in a couple of months bathing season. It is still cold in the mountainous areas, the average temperature is 0 ˚С during the day, and up to -5 ˚С at night.


In May, the coast of Bulgaria is preparing to receive tourists. It's too early to swim, but you can already sunbathe. On some days, the air warms up to +25 ˚С during the day, but it gets colder in the evening. On average, the temperature is kept at +20˚С. In the south during the day up to +21 °C, and at night - up to +12 °C. A little cooler in the north of the Black Sea coast. In May Kazanlak celebrates the colorful Rose Festival, which is the symbol of Bulgaria. This city is famous for the production of rose oil.

Weather in Bulgaria in summer


June is the beach season. The best time for rest is the second half of the month. At the beginning of the month it can still be rainy and cool. Usually it is short-term precipitation. The air warms up to 25 ˚С heat, and the water temperature is kept at the level of up to +23 ˚С. Geographic location resort plays great importance when choosing a place to stay in Bulgaria. In open areas of the coast, the wind blows from the sea and it is very cold at night. Warm and sunny in the southern resorts, which are protected from strong winds ridge of the Balkan mountains.


July is peak beach holiday. The weather is hot in the south of the country, and the thermometer reaches up to +35 ˚С. The north coast is slightly cooler due to sea breezes. The water is warm and ideal for swimming (+22-+25˚С). Happy average temperature air stays at around +27 ˚С, and at night it does not fall below +20˚С. There is very little precipitation during this period. There are many entertainments on the beaches: water skiing, boat trips and yachts, sports, etc.


In August everything is as warm as in July. Sea breezes bring freshness and coolness, and northern and northwestern winds bring light rains. During the day, the weather is sunny up to +27 ˚С, which will keep warm until dawn. The gentle sea warms up to +25 ˚С. In August, in honor of the celebration of the Day navy Bulgaria, a solemn parade is held sea ​​ships. In other cities, festivals of folk and jazz music, and an international film festival opens in Varna.

Weather in Bulgaria in autumn


In September, the velvet season begins and gradually approaches autumn time, but the air is still warmed up to +25 ˚С. At night, the temperature can drop to +15 ˚С. But the water in the sea is also ideal for swimming. The sun is no longer so hot and the beaches are gradually starting to empty.

In the south, daytime temperatures can reach up to +30 ˚С, and in the north, by the end of the month, the temperature gradually drops. The beach season is coming to an end.


The average daytime air temperature in October drops to +12-+15 ˚С. In the south, it can stay at +20 ˚С. Water at this time also becomes cool (up to + 15- + 17 ˚С). The weather can be cloudy and rainy at times. This period is more suitable for sightseeing trips around the country.


November is the month of transition from autumn to winter, which brings its own surprises. Clear weather is replaced by cold winds or precipitation in the form of sleet. The air temperature is kept at the level of +5 ˚С to +11 ˚С. Bulgaria is preparing for the ski season.


Bulgaria is a country with a pronounced seasonality: dry and hot summers, cold winter, rainy autumn and spring. The country can be roughly divided into three climatic zones: northern (temperate continental climate), central steppe zone and the Black Sea coast with a climate close to the Mediterranean.

Description of the weather in Thailand for each month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

beach season

May-September. Air +31°C, water +24°C, rain 6 days.

fully you can sunbathe from the end of April, swim - from mid-June. Peak temperature indicators of water and air reach in July-August. Between the beach resorts of the north (Albena, Balchik, Golden Sands, St. Constantine) and the south (Nessebar, St. Vlas, Sunny Beach, Pomorie, Sozopol), the temperature difference reaches 1-2 degrees.

The Velvet season

"Golden autumn" is short-lived - 2-3 weeks in September. Air +24°C, water +22°C, rain 8 days.

At this time, families with school-age children, students leave the resorts, and tourists from Western Europe come to replace them - lovers of a calm environment, warm sea and cool weather.

ski season

End of November - beginning of April. Air -5°C, humidity 85%, snow/rain 12 days.


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 2 5 9 15 20 23 26 26 23 17 10 5
Average minimum, °C -6 -4 -1 3 8 11 12 12 9 5 1 -4
Monthly Bansko weather


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 9 10 13 18 23 27 29 29 25 19 15 10
Average minimum, °C 1 1 5 9 13 18 20 20 17 12 8 4
Burgas weather monthly


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 6 7 10 15 20 25 28 28 24 19 13 8
Average minimum, °C -2 -1 2 6 11 15 17 17 14 9 5 1
Varna weather monthly

Veliko Tarnovo

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 5 7 13 20 24 28 31 31 27 20 13 6
Average minimum, °C -4 -4 1 7 11 14 16 16 12 7 3 -3
Veliko Tarnovo weather monthly


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 7 9 15 21 27 31 34 35 28 22 15 8
Average minimum, °C -2 -1 3 7 13 16 18 18 14 9 4 0
Melnik weather monthly


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 5 8 13 18 24 28 31 30 26 19 12 7
Average minimum, °C -3 -1 2 6 11 15 17 17 13 8 3 -1
Plovdiv weather monthly


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 9 10 13 16 22 26 29 29 25 21 15 12
Average minimum, °C 2 3 6 9 14 18 20 20 17 13 8 4

Climate in Bulgaria

Bulgaria, despite its proximity to Russia, is quite a colorful country with many features of culture and traditions. It has always attracted thousands of tourists every year. The pricing policy of hotel complexes is very democratic, locals tolerant and friendly, and the weather at any time of the year allows you to have a great rest. In winter, ski centers open in Bulgaria, and in summer vacationers are expected magnificent beaches on the long Black Sea coast. The country can be proud of its kilometers of wide beaches with soft sand. The total length of the sandy coast exceeds 100 kilometers!

The weather in most of Bulgaria has a lot in common with the climatic conditions of the countries of Central Europe. Four seasons have their own distinct characteristics: warm summers, cold winters. Although certain adjustments are made to this certainty by the features of the country's relief and its proximity to the sea.

From the north, the country is under the influence of the Alps. These mountains stand in the way of moist air masses coming from the west and turn into an effective condenser. The Stara Planina mountain range in the south of the Balkan Peninsula separates the south of Bulgaria from the cold northern air masses. This mountain range is located in the central part of the country and serves as a natural barrier, influencing the climate in Bulgaria as a whole. In its northern and central parts, the Alps and the Balkan massifs concentrate a lot of moisture here, average annual quantity rainfall is much higher than in the south, winters are colder. The climate has all the signs of a continental one. The Danube Plain also has a significant influence on the movement of cold air masses in this region, along which severe cooling often descends from the north. Another one to the south mountain system. The Rhodope mountain range has its own function. Together with the Black Sea, it creates in southern Bulgaria a subtropical zone with signs mediterranean climate. Summers are very hot here, and snow is rare in winter.

Features of the annual seasons in Bulgaria

Spring in Bulgaria is rather short. In March, almost the entire territory is still cold, in the north there is snow, and the temperature does not exceed +6 degrees. Warming comes quickly, the air warms up to +19. In April, the country is a green riot and flowering. Many flowers bloom in a matter of days, trees join them, filling with aromas warm wind spring. This season is very beautiful in Bulgaria!

Summer comes in mid-May in southern Bulgaria and a little later in the north. Already in May, the temperature rises to +22 degrees during the day, and by the beginning of June, the sea warms up. The average water temperature near the main Bulgarian resorts is +20-21 degrees. At the beginning of summer, it often rains on the coast of Bulgaria. The most suitable period for a beach holiday is from July to August. The absence of sweltering summer heat and relatively cool nights are very characteristic of the Bulgarian summer. The water warms up well, everyone will like comfortable +25 degrees. Do not forget that the summer time in Bulgaria is a very favorable moment for traveling to its mountainous regions: meadows and pastures surrounded by high mountain ranges are incredibly beautiful. Trips are not tiring, as the temperature in the mountains rarely reaches +30.

Autumn is characterized by long breaks between rains. In September, the swimming season does not end, the sea cools by a maximum of 1-2 degrees. The flow of tourists is significantly reduced. At this time, tourists come to the country, preferring the warm sea with a relatively low temperature. environment. In October-November, rain clouds, winds and dampness again come to the country. Average daily temperatures do not exceed +12. In such weather, there are still sunny days in the south of Bulgaria, but the imminent arrival of winter is already noticeable.

With the advent of December, Bulgaria opens its doors to ski lovers. The country boasts several state-of-the-art winter resorts, starting with the first snow in early December. AT winter period air temperature in mountainous areas drops to -3. It snows very often. In the southern regions, you can enjoy your holiday in the snow-capped mountains until February. In the north, snow stays on the mountain slopes until the beginning of April. In the coastal strip, the winter season has a number of features: the fallen snow melts very quickly, the temperature is usually 3-4 degrees higher than in the rest of the country, and there is a large amount of precipitation in December.

Bulgaria- a resort country with an impressive list of opportunities for a memorable vacation. Hiking trails to natural beauties, historical and cultural attractions are popular in its open spaces.

Not far from such places you can find the coast, which is decorated with beaches of golden soft sand. In Bulgaria, the monthly weather and water temperature delight tourists, especially in the summer season.

The climate of Bulgaria by region

Bulgaria is not just considered a resort country. Her climate perfect for outdoor activities at any time of the year. Winters are quite warm here, and summers are characterized by high temperatures.

But keep in mind that depending on the region, climatic conditions this direction will change.

The most popular holiday destination in Bulgaria is the Black Sea coast. This part of the country occupies a very impressive territory, and its feature is a pronounced mediterranean climate.

Best time to relax on the beaches summer months- the period when the air temperature reaches +23-28°C, and water - +25°C. It is worth noting that the weather near the coast is just great for tourists with children, and the lack of rain allows you to spend as much time as possible outdoors.

In the plains, there is temperate continental climate, and each season in the central part is pronounced. In winter, the air temperature drops to -10°C, and in summer it stays at +23°C. This weather is ideal for leisurely walks to historical sights and travel outside the cities.

Stays in the mountains all year round cool weather. The climate of this region is characterized by low temperatures - in summer the thermometer reaches +18°C, and in winter -20°C. Such parameters create excellent conditions for recreational walks in the summer and ski tourism in the cold season.

What is the weather like for months?

Thanks to its excellent temperature indicators and mild climate, tourists tend to get to the resorts and its ancient cities.

This country is different great weather regardless of the season, which makes the trip even more interesting and attractive.

in winter

AT winter time tourists tend to get to the ski resorts in Bulgaria. In this part of the country, the weather is ideal for active tourism . The season opens in December and continues until April. While there is cold and rain on the coast, the most pleasant weather conditions are in the mountains.

It is worth noting that throughout the winter season on the coast of the country it is quite not resort weather. The air temperature in resorts such as Sunny Beach, Golden Sands, Varna or Burgas is + 5-7 ° C, and water - + 5 ° C. Such temperatures are not suitable for visiting beaches.


AT spring time Bulgaria is being transformed- already at the beginning of the season throughout the country it becomes noticeably warmer, and the amount of precipitation is rapidly decreasing. While snow is on the mountain slopes and the skiing season continues, the rest of Bulgaria begins to bloom profusely.


The weather during the summer season is ideal for trips to the coast of Bulgaria, but also no less beautiful for hiking in the mountains and ancient cities.

It is getting warm in the country, but so far not very hot - the air temperature on the coast is +25°C, in the cities - +23°C, and in the mountains - +19°C. It is worth noting that Sofia and Plovdiv have quite a lot of precipitation compared to other cities.

  • Tourists are pleased with the weather in Bulgarian resorts, especially in Nessebar, St. Vlas and Golden Sands. This month, many open bathing season, the temperature for a beach holiday is perfect. During the day, the air temperature on the coast reaches +27°C, and the sea +24°C. It is also warm at night - +17°C.
  • Starts in July peak season- the number of clear and windless days reaches its highest point. On the coast, the air temperature rises to + 29 ° C during the day, + 19 ° C at night, and the sea pleases with indicators of + 25 ° C. This month the sea is the warmest. In the rest of the country, the average air temperature during the day is +23°C, at night - +17°C.
  • August is celebrated as one of the most dry months of the year. No more than 32 mm of precipitation falls on the coast. At the same time, the temperature is the same as in July, and in the southern part of the country it becomes really hot.

The only disadvantage of a holiday in August is such an unpleasant feature as the abundance of blooming algae in the sea.

Though the sea blooms in different periods summer months, most often this phenomenon is observed precisely in. This phenomenon is directly related to water temperature, as soon as it exceeds + 26 ° C, this process begins, moreover, where there is less depth.


With the onset of autumn in Bulgaria begins the Velvet season.

When is the best time to go on vacation?

Each of the months in Bulgaria in its own way beautiful. In this country, you can ski from the slopes in winter, and the rest of the time you can get acquainted with culture, traditions and history, explore nature, attend events or taste the cuisine.

High season

Since Bulgaria is considered to be a country dominated by beach holiday, it is better to fly there in the summer and before. At this time, the weather is fine on the coast - warm enough, but not so hot, so acclimatization is easy. Thanks to these conditions, the resorts of the country are considered among the best for families with children.

In the summer season, the following resorts are suitable for a beach holiday:

  • sunny Beach;
  • Golden Sands(Kranevo);
  • Varna(Balchik);
  • Albena;
  • Sozopol.

Many of the beach resorts are ideal for families with children, as they have a gentle slope into the water and rich infrastructure. For the convenience of tourists from coastal resorts to famous and interesting cities, buses.

rainy season

According to tourists' reviews, best time to visit the coast of Bulgaria - November and March. During these months the weather is very unstable, and the number of entertainment available to tourists is minimal.

But the period from November to April is great for ski holidays. And in the summer months in the mountains of Bulgaria are popular hiking trails which offer amazing views to tourists.

See video about when and where it is better to go to Bulgaria:

Bulgaria is one of the most popular European countries where you can relax in summer and winter. It has all the necessary conditions for a full and active holiday for all family members.

Holidays in the resorts of Bulgaria

Most famous resorts Bulgaria has long been very popular among tourists and travelers from different countries. And the capital of Bulgaria Sofia is the center of culture, art and architecture. You can get to Bulgaria from Moscow by plane.

To date, the most popular resorts in Bulgaria are Nessebar, Sunny Beach, Pomorie, Golden Sands, St. Constantine and Elena, Elenite, Sveti Vlas and Obzor.

Bulgaria in summer

June weather. At the beginning of the month, there may still be light rains and a cool wind, but by mid-June the air temperature reaches +25°C .. +30°C during the day and at night it drops to +18°C. AT northern regions The country's temperature during the day is about +7°C, and at night it drops to +2°C.

The water temperature in the Black Sea warms up to +23°C and above, depending on the weather forecast.

The time has come for a family beach and sightseeing vacation, and therefore the price of tours varies from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles with accommodation in comfortable four or five star hotels for the best resorts Bulgaria.

Weather in July. The weather in the resorts of Bulgaria is simply beautiful and the average monthly air temperature can vary from +25°C to +35°C. At night it drops to +22°C. In the north of the country during the day the air temperature may not rise above +10°C and at night it drops to +4°C. The water temperature in the sea reaches an average of +24°C.

July is the peak beach season and in Bulgaria there are a lot of children's health resorts with sandy beaches and comfortable entry into the water. The price of tours during this period can vary from 28,000 to 50,000 rubles or more, depending on the category of the hotel, the cost of the flight and insurance. Thanks to the well-developed infrastructure, even in a three-star hotel you will receive the highest quality service.

Weather in August. This is the hottest month in Bulgaria and the average monthly air temperature can reach +35°C, and at night it drops to +20°C. In the north of the country and in mountainous areas, the daytime temperature may not rise above +12°C, and at night it drops to +5°C. The Black Sea is very warm and the water temperature is around +24°C-+25°C.

The price of tours at this time is quite high, and if you buy a ticket for two from a tour operator, then you will have to pay about 35,000-50,000 rubles. But you can stay in private apartments and it will be much cheaper.

Bulgaria in autumn

Weather in September. In the first month velvet season the air temperature is around +23°C - +25°C and autumn is beginning to be felt. At night the temperature drops to around +15°C - +17°C. The Black Sea is still warm and the water temperature is around +21°C… +23°C. Since the school year begins, the price of tours is slightly reduced and a ticket for two can be purchased for 30,000-40,000 rubles, depending on the category of the hotel where you will be staying, the cost of the flight and insurance.

Weather in October. The average monthly air temperature in the northern regions of the country usually ranges from +12°C to +14°C, and at night it drops to +7°C. The water temperature is around +17°C. And in the south, it can still be warm all month, and the temperature will stay at around +20°C.

The water in the Black Sea is already cold and therefore tourists are beginning to purchase inexpensive sightseeing tours. The price of tours is quite reasonable and therefore a ticket for two can be purchased for about 28,000-38,000 rubles or more, depending on the class of the hotel, the cost of the flight and insurance.

November weather. This is a month with changeable weather and therefore clear and warm days can quickly come to Cold winter With wet snow. The average air temperature can be from +9°C - +11°C in the south of the country and not rise above +5°C.

The water temperature in the cold Black Sea does not rise above +10°C.

At this time, Bulgaria is resting from tourists and therefore the price of tours is quite low. So, for example, a tour ticket for two can be bought for 25,000-30,000 rubles.

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