Message about the forest around the world. Forests are one of the main wealth of Russia and the property of all the people

Career and finance 16.06.2019
Career and finance

What benefits does the forest bring to people?

First of all, forests give people and animals the oxygen they need to breathe.

Let's take a closer look at the green leaf.

The underside of the leaf, covered with a transparent skin, is dotted with very small holes - stomata, which can be seen with a magnifying glass. Trees breathe through them. The stomata open and close, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. No wonder trees are called the “green lungs” of the planet!

Oxygen is released by the leaves of plants in the light, so our green friends: both the white birch tree, and the slender mountain ash, and the giant oak - stretch upwards towards the sun. On a hot summer day, water evaporates from the surface of the leaves, and clouds form over the forests, and in the forest it is always shady, cool and humid.

Light clouds gradually gather into dark heavy clouds, which pour down on the earth with fertile rains, irrigating it. A good forest gives the earth fresh moisture, and therefore everything on earth grows and blooms wildly. Springs murmur in the forest thickets, small streams make their way through the green thickets. Merging, they form rivers. This means that the forest not only gives us oxygen for breathing, but also retains moisture. The forest is the guardian of the waters. After all, where forests disappear, rivers dry up.

Forests also protect the soil - the top layer of the earth - from destruction. The roots of some trees go deep underground (for example, in an oak), in others they are widely spread under the very surface of the earth (in a spruce). But both of them hold the soil together with roots. Don't let her break down.

In the old dense forest you will not meet any ravines with steep slopes, washed out by stormy spring waters, or deep pits, or ditches.

. What else do forests give us?

Right! They generously treat us with berries, nuts and mushrooms, in the forest people gather medicinal plants. forest dwellers the forest treats with acorns, cones, sweet roots and juicy herbs.

In the old days in Russia, both peasant huts and princely towers were built of wood. During the time of Dmitry Donskoy, oak forests approached close to Moscow. Logs were taken from these oak forests for the construction of the walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Made of durable oak wood and now they make beautiful and necessary things: furniture, parquet, barrels, boats. Healing infusions are prepared from oak bark for gargling the throat and mouth.

They build houses from fir trees. It is not for nothing that the people put together such a saying: "The hut of the spruce - the heart is healthy." After all, in fact, the resinous spruce aroma is very useful for humans. Spruce is often called the "singing tree". Musical instruments are made from its wood - soundboards of violins, harps, pianos, cellos, guitars.

You can tell something good and interesting about every tree growing in the forest.

Let's remember linden. The people said about the linden: "The linden shoes and feeds a person." Indeed, bast shoes were woven from lime bast - the upper fibrous layer of the bark of young lindens. And linden honey is a tasty and healing dish.

Craftsmen carved bowls, spoons and other household utensils from soft white linden wood. Linden blossom people collect, dry, brew and get a fragrant honey decoction, which they drink for colds and flu. Healing decoctions and infusions are also prepared from dried and crushed lime seeds. On a hot summer afternoon, linden gives us shade and coolness, decorates forests, gardens and parks, cleans the air in cities from dust and soot. Linden is beautiful at any time of the year - in spring, decorated with small pink scales of buds, in summer - in lush honey color, in autumn - in a sundress of golden leaves, in winter - covered with snow and hoarfrost.

Aspen gives a lot of useful things to a person. The buds and leaves of this tree are harvested for the preparation of medicinal infusions and ointments. Wooden toys are cut out of soft and beautiful wood - funny nesting dolls, funny horses, paper, parquet and matches are made.

Aspen boards do not blacken, almost do not rot, so shingles are made from them for especially durable roofs. The domes of wooden churches in Kizhi, covered with aspen shingles, still surprise and delight us with their beauty.

And from durable maple wood, master carpenters make furniture, and wood carvers skillfully carve caskets, chests, combs. Made from maple wood and musical instruments.

. And how is a beautiful pine useful to people?

Pine has long been considered a healing tree. The juice of pine needles and infusion of pine buds can cure coughs and colds. Coniferous baths soothe a person and strengthen his body. Pine trees give people an excellent building material, firewood, and a lot of necessary and useful substances are obtained from resin.

You have certainly seen beautiful amber jewelry. But amber is the fossilized resin of trees that grew on earth millions of years ago!

What tree have we forgotten?

Well, of course, our favorite - birch. Birch is a generous and kind tree! From ancient times, from birch bark - the upper layer of birch bark - peasants wove baskets and tues for berries and mushrooms, made birch bark horns, which shepherds played, taking cows from the pasture to the village. And in those distant times, when there was no paper yet, people wrote letters on birch bark. Such ancient writings were found by archaeologists during excavations in Novgorod. The birch bark documents are well preserved, because birch bark does not rot in the ground and even in water for a long time.

Medicines are prepared from birch buds, and spring birch sap is sweet and very healthy drink. He is loved by people, and animals, and birds.

Listen to the poem.

Birch juice

On the birch in the morning

The woodpecker has hollowed out the bark.

Pours on the sand

golden juice,

And the forest people

Drink fragrant juice.

woodpecker with long tongue

Drops of juice lick

Butterfly sat below -

Drinks with a transparent proboscis.

Ants and midges

On smooth birch

Crawling like a path

For a bit of sweetness.

The birch got everyone drunk,

Dressed with sweet juice!

very beautiful and useful tree- poplar! Poplars perfectly clean the air of dust and soot and emit more oxygen into the atmosphere than other trees. One poplar produces it as much as three lindens, four pines, seven firs!

Paper is made from soft and light poplar wood, and their buds are used to make creams, perfumes, and colognes.

Dear Guys! Let's repeat once again what benefits the forest brings to all life on earth.

The forest is the "green lungs" of our planet:

- guardian of waters, protector of reservoirs;

— soil protector;

- source of wood;

- a source of nuts, berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants;

- a house for plants, animals, mushrooms;

- a place where a person can relax.


1. Why is the forest called the "green lungs" of the Earth?

2. How do forests help conserve water?

3. Why are forests good for the soil?

4. What do forests give to animals?

5. What benefits do forests bring to people?

6. Why do they say: “Spruce hut - the heart is healthy”?

7. Why do people say that the linden shoes and feeds a person?

8. List what fruits ripen in the forest in autumn.

9. How do you explain the proverb: “The forest will feed not only the wolf, but also the peasant”?

Forests grow in almost every of the presented types of climate, but, all of them different kind. There is no forest only at the extreme points of the Arctic belt. Introducing Interesting Facts about the forest.

Forests are a habitat for many animals, an area with unique vegetation, a "cradle" of medicinal herbs. The total area of ​​forests on the planet is 38 million square kilometers. You can learn a lot of interesting facts about forests if you dig deeper. For example, Finland is considered the most “forested” European country. Only 30% of its territory is not covered by them. In turn, the UK was less fortunate, as much as 94% of the country's territory is freed from forest cover.

USA does not give way European countries in the "most-most" rating. Grows in California evergreen sequoia 112 m long. This tree is the longest in the world.

In addition, the miracle of the hands of human activity is growing in California - the "Tree Circus", created by the Swede Erlandson in 1947. In this circus, the trees grow into each other.

The oldest tree grows in Lithuania. The old-timer is about 2000 years old. Almost the same “brother trees” grow in the Polish forest, but they are younger: they are only 900 years old. The old-timer from Lithuania was given the name "Old Man", and the brothers in Poland - Lech, Rus, Czech.

Russia can boast of the beautiful Schmidt birch. It is the hardest of all the trees of Russian forests, you can’t pierce it with a bullet, you can’t cut it down with an ax. In the Kaliningrad region, bizarre dancing trees grow, and the forest itself is called "dancing or" drunk. The phenomenon of this phenomenon has not yet been elucidated.

In Oceania, a coconut palm grows, rich in its coconut juice inside a coconut, but besides it, another tree grows, the fruit of which is bread. In the pulp of fruits that reach up to 12 kg, starch ripens, as it ripens, it turns into dough.

To date, more than 65% of the forests of the Eurasian continent have been destroyed by man for his own needs. High-quality and expensive furniture is made from the trunk of a rare mahogany, and for the production of one A4 sheet, 20 grams of high-quality wood is needed.

This is all despite the fact that one tree per year produces from 100 to 700 kilograms of oxygen and binds 33 kilograms of carbon.

The forests on Earth feed us and fulfill our most important needs. Humanity must treat them with respect and thrift.


Other interesting facts about the forest can be found on the Internet.

In ancient times, the forest occupied almost the entire land part our planet. invaluable. From time immemorial, the forest sheltered a person from bad weather, saved from natural disasters, warmed and fed. The gifts of the forests were the main source of existence of our distant ancestors. And today, with a high level of development of civilization, there is no such branch of the economy that would not consume vegetable raw materials. man? Forests are the climate regulator, they purify air and water from pollution and toxins, protect rivers and fields from wind and water erosion, they are many times larger than the water surface, humidify the air, helping to increase crop yields. forest plantations, squares planted around cities and in the cities themselves are the main supplier of oxygen for people. It is known that one hectare of forest in one hour produces as much oxygen as is required for the breathing of two hundred people. The truth that forests are the "lungs" of our planet is well known.

Forest is a self-regulating bio-ecological system

But not many think about the fact that forest is a complex self-regulating bioecological system which a person can easily break.
Trees and other plants convert inorganic substances into organic substances through the process. Herbivorous animals, along with food, receive the energy necessary for their existence. Predators, eating herbivores, regulate their numbers. The number of predators themselves is determined by the number of herbivores. A large harvest of seeds and fruits allows rodents to multiply strongly, which, being the main food of foxes, ferrets, weasels and martens, contribute to an increase in the offspring of these predators. Predators, having destroyed the bulk of rodents, begin to die out, their birth rate decreases. Animals that depend on the forest for their existence actively participate in its life. Rodents and moles bring to the surface the lower low-nutrient layers of the soil, thereby contributing to an increase in the depth of the fertile layer and air exchange processes in the soil. Wild boars, digging in the ground, bury some of the seeds of wild fruits in it and create conditions for their germination. The seeds of many berries and fruits eaten by animals do not die from gastric juice, but on the contrary, their germination capacity increases. Thus, animals contribute to the restoration of the forest and increase its area.. Forest birds play an important role in protecting the forest from all kinds of harmful insects - the destroyers of trees and shrubs. Any gross violation of the existing equilibrium in ecological system forests, at , can cause very undesirable consequences. Therefore, using forest storerooms, it is necessary to carefully treat their true owners - plants and animals.

Man in the bosom of nature

Human, being in the bosom of nature should take care of everything that surrounds him. Only a person deprived of common sense will set fire to the forest, destroy bird nests or anthills, break trees or bushes. For such "amateurs" there is environmental legislation, which includes various penalties, including criminal liability. Many admirers of the forest can unwittingly harm it. Tourists kindled a fire in a clearing, and nothing will grow in this place for five to seven years. The owner of the car drove into a green meadow, compacted the soil with wheels, and the grass would die on the track, the roots of the trees would begin to be oppressed.
The sharp and piercing cries of the human voice frighten the forest dwellers. They leave their secluded places, and their cubs, not adapted to stressful situations, either die themselves or become easy prey for predators. It has been observed that foxes and ferrets often observe human behavior in the hope of profiting from something. And people sometimes justify their hopes. A tourist saw a chick in the bushes that fell out of the nest, wanted to help him and ... showed it to a predator; admired the carefully camouflaged nest - and doomed its inhabitants to death. Curiosity can turn out to be deplorable both for the inhabitants of the forest and for the most curious. If you ask who can live in a small round hole, sticking a stick into it, you can wake up a hive of bees or wasps. You can not pick up the cubs of wild animals, as their parents, who are most likely somewhere nearby, may misunderstand your good intentions and rush to protect their children. And you can hardly explain wild boar that they just wanted to play with his striped offspring, or convince the fox that you have never held a fox cub in your hands and, as a kind and humane person, do not harm him. It must also be borne in mind that wild animals and humans have about 150 common diseases.

The forest inspires man

Man cannot exist without living nature either physically or spiritually, the forest inspires a person. Brilliant ancient architectural complexes were built "in collaboration" with nature. The domes of the cathedral in Kizhi are shaped like onions covered with scales, like pine cones; as if living plants develop from the center to the periphery of the dome of St. Basil's Cathedral and the church in Fili. The communication of a person with nature is absolutely necessary for his normal mental activity. The city dweller is oppressed by the monotony of everyday life, constantly "pressing" on him noise and dust - the indispensable costs of urbanization. Contact with wildlife relieves psychological stress, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Especially beneficial effect on a person mixed forest . Here you can hide from the heat, listen to amazing sounds: the creak of the old


A forest is a complex combination of many diverse plants that vary greatly in size, structure, reproduction, type of food, etc. It is, as it were, a kind of living mechanism, large and very complex, and individual plants are its parts, details. Trees and all other plants in the forest are closely interconnected in their life activity, they influence each other. That's why the forest is called vegetable community or phytocenosis. This is really something holistic, well-coordinated, with its own internal connections, and not a random collection of individual plants.

Modern natural forests have come a long way of formation and development. For many centuries, a certain composition of plants capable of coexistence was selected in the forest. From time to time, new plants penetrated under the forest canopy in one way or another, but not all of them survived and were preserved. Only the most persistent, most adapted to life in given conditions became full members of the plant community. A forest plant community is formed only by plants that are able to successfully resist the influence of their neighbors.

Forests were formed in our different parts countries, in different soil and climatic conditions - in the north and south, on the plains and in the mountains, on sands and loams, on watersheds and in floodplains. AT different conditions arose different types forests, since vegetation is closely related to the environment, is highly dependent on climate and soil. In each type of forest, we find a certain set of forest plants corresponding to the data natural conditions. Consequently, the composition of the forest includes such plants that are adapted not only to coexistence, so to speak, to the internal environment of the forest, but also to certain soil and climatic conditions, i.e. to the external environment.

The dependence of the plant population of the forest on soil conditions is especially clearly manifested in a small flat area, for example, in the territory of some forestry. AT middle lane European part of the country on nutrient-poor and dry sandy soil, we usually find Pine forest with a cover of lichens and a meager set of other plants. On loamy soil, sufficiently moist and well supplied with nutrients, a completely different type of forest will be found - most likely a spruce forest with a cover of oxalis. The composition of plants here will be different than in the pine forest, and the species diversity is much greater.

In each forest phytocenosis, many plants develop together. But this is not a peaceful existence. The influence of plants on each other often comes down to competition for the blessings of life: light, water, nutrients, etc. Stronger plants are able to oppress weaker ones. Very noticeable, intense competition for light among the trees in a dense spruce forest. Those spruces that grow faster survive. And those that lag behind their closest neighbors in growth find themselves in conditions of strong shading and after a while die from lack of light.

In the forest, there is also competition between plants for the nutrients contained in the soil. Tree roots absorb these substances more vigorously than grass roots, and as a result, trees can inhibit the development herbaceous plants.

But the relationship of plants in the forest does not converge only to competition, to the oppression of some by others. There are other forms of interaction as well. Especially importance in the life of the forest has a symbiosis between the roots higher plants(trees, shrubs, herbs) and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi). The symbiosis of roots and microscopic fungi, which is known as mycorrhiza, is best studied. The filamentous hyphae of the fungus completely braid the tips of the roots, forming a kind of loose case, and help the roots extract some hard-to-reach nutrients from the soil. In turn, the fungus receives top dressing from the root - organic products secreted by the outer cells of the root.

Mycorrhiza is very widespread among forest plants. Suffice it to say that about 80% tree species, which are part of the forests of our country, have mycorrhiza. In other words, the vast majority of our trees cannot do without the help of soil fungi in their nutrition. Many forest herbs also have mycorrhiza.

Thus, two opposite processes are continuously going on in the forest: the creation of organic matter and its destruction. One process is carried out by green, autotrophic plants, the other by saprophytes.

In the forest, it is usually not difficult to see peculiar floors of vegetation - tiers. The upper, dominant tier is always formed by trees. These large, powerful plants are the backbone of the forest plant community. Under their canopy, a specific forest environment is created, very different from what we find in an open, treeless space.

In the forest, the trees grow close enough and therefore have a strong influence on each other. As a result of this, their trunks are very elongated, the crowns are very narrow, and the living branches start high from the ground. It is in the forest that the trees stretch strongly upwards and none of them can freely grow in width. The interaction of trees, the fierce competition between them is the most characteristic feature of the forest.

Under the canopy of trees, there are usually lower tiers of vegetation: undergrowth (shrubs), grass and moss cover.

In the forest, not only individual plants are interconnected, but also entire structural units of forest vegetation - various tiers. The thicker the tree canopy, the less developed the underlying layers are usually, and the more oppressed are the individual plants that form them. The oppression of plants is manifested in the fact that they grow poorly, do not bloom, and show other signs of suppressed development.

Which of our trees are light-loving, and which are shade-tolerant? The first include larch, birch, pine. Their love of light can be judged by their appearance: the crowns of these trees are very loose, openwork, they let in a lot of light. Shade-tolerant trees, on the other hand, have dense, dense crowns that create strong shading. Spruce, fir, linden can be examples of such trees. Oak occupies an intermediate position; it cannot be attributed to either typically light-loving or typical shade-tolerant tree species.

Most of the plants that are found in the forest can be attributed to a certain tier. However, there are also such forest plants that are not included in any tier and represent a special, extra-tier vegetation. One such example is creepers. Weak, thin stems of these peculiar inhabitants of the forest use the trees as a support and rise from the ground to the very tops of the crowns, are thrown from one tree to another. Different creepers climb trees in different ways. Some of them wrap around the trunk like a spiral, others crawl along the bark, attaching themselves through special trailer roots. There are also those that cling to a tree with strong antennae or sharp spikes resembling hooks. Lianas are well adapted to life in the forest, here they find quite favorable living conditions for themselves. There are very few lianas in the forests of the middle zone of our country. There are a few more of them in the forests of the Caucasus and the Far East.

Old trees growing in the forest tend to produce seeds, which in turn give rise to new small trees. This young generation of the forest is called self-sowing and undergrowth. Self-sowing- very young trees no more than half a meter high. undergrowth- trees are larger, but not exceeding half the height of adult, mother trees.

Neither self-sowing nor undergrowth are considered separate tiers of forest vegetation. This is explained by the fact that young trees do not always remain the same in height and do not form a permanent layer in the forest. The distribution of self-seeding and undergrowth in the forest is usually uneven. Uneven, spotty usually occurs in the forest and the distribution of individual herbaceous plants over the area. They also often grow in spots and clumps.

The uneven, patchy distribution of plants is a characteristic feature of the forest. This is a manifestation of the horizontal heterogeneity of the forest phytocenosis, its mosaicity.

Derivative forest types - birch forests, aspen forests - usually appear on the site of cut down primary forests, they owe their existence to human activity. The replacement of primary forests by derivatives is a widespread phenomenon.

The ability of a tree to give growth from a stump after felling is a useful biological property, it is a kind of natural protection against human destruction. In forestry, coppice renewal of tree species is not always desirable. The fact is that a tree that grows from a stump has much worse technical properties of wood than a tree grown from a seed. Coppice trunks are always more or less curved like a saber, the wood has wide and loose annual layers, and the width of the layer of the circumference of the trunk is not the same.

In the forest, in addition to plants, various representatives of the animal world live: animals and birds, numerous insects, etc. They inhabit the forest from top to bottom - from the tops of tree crowns to the ends of their roots. Even forest soil does not remain uninhabited: mouse-like rodents, moles, larvae of various insects, and earthworms live here.

All living creatures that live in the forest are closely related to the forest phytocenosis: they find shelter, food, and breeding conditions here. Between them, as well as between plants, there are close ties, various kinds of interactions. In the animal world, too, there are strengths and weaknesses, competition and cooperation. But the forms of interaction between animals are, of course, quite different from those between plants. Here, for example, there are predators and their victims, some living beings serve as food for others, which does not happen in plants.

The animal population of the forest has a strong influence on the vegetation, on the phytocenosis. Some insects (caterpillars certain types butterflies, larvae of a number of beetles) cause great harm to the forest, destroying the foliage of trees, damaging their fruits and seeds. Oak is especially affected by such pests. Forest mice and voles destroy a large number of seeds of tree species that have fallen to the ground, especially oak acorns, and thus impede the seed renewal of trees.

However, in the forest there is also a kind of counterbalance to this harmful activity: insect pests are destroyed in the mass forest birds, and vole mice are exterminated in large numbers forest predators. Some living creatures inhabiting the forest have a beneficial effect on the forest phytocenosis. These are earthworms that improve the properties of forest soil, forest ants that destroy harmful insects. The activity of some birds is also useful, contributing to the spread of seeds of forest trees and shrubs. It is impossible to list here all the interactions and connections that exist between the animals and the plant population of the forest, they are very diverse and complex.

Forest vegetation is in close interaction with the environment. Each forest phytocenosis develops on one or another part of the earth's surface, in certain soil and climatic conditions. It largely depends on the environment, is strongly influenced by external factors. Composition of tree species and plants lower tiers the woods. Many other features of the forest phytocenosis are largely determined by the nature of the climate and soil properties.

However, forest vegetation also affects the habitat, modifies and transforms it. Forest phytocenosis and environment influence each other and interact.

Forest vegetation is closely related, in particular, to the soil on which it develops. One example of such a relationship is the cycle nutrients in the forest. These substances necessary for plant life (salts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) are contained in the forest soil and are extracted from there by the roots. From the roots, they enter the aerial part - the stems and leaves. However, their stay here is limited. Sooner or later, the stems and leaves die off, fall to the ground, decompose, and the nutrients return to the soil layer again. Between the forest phytocenosis and soil environment there is a continuous exchange of nutrients, their constant movement from soil to plants and vice versa takes place.

An important role in this process is played by forest floor- a layer of fallen leaves or needles on the soil surface. The litter contains many nutrients, but almost all of them are part of complex organic compounds and are not available for green plants. However, in the process of natural decomposition of the litter, simpler, more accessible forms of nutrients are formed, which gradually, in small portions, enter the soil.

Forest phytocenosis is in close interaction not only with the kidney, but also with the atmosphere. The manifestations of this interaction are very diverse. Many forest phytocenoses receive the water necessary for plant life from the atmosphere, with precipitation (water enters the soil and is absorbed by the roots from there). The atmospheric factor big influence to the forest. Moreover, it often determines the type of forest itself.

However, the forest in turn also affects the atmosphere. It not only absorbs water, but also returns part of it back in the form of water vapor, humidifying the atmosphere. Humidification of the air over the forest is very significant. It occurs as a result of transpiration - the release of water vapor from the internal tissues of the leaves and needles through the stomata, as well as due to the physical evaporation of water from the surface of the above-ground plant organs wetted by rain, especially leaves. Trees are the main air humidifiers over the forest: they have an immeasurably larger mass and leaf surface than other forest plants. On one hectare of deciduous forest, the total area of ​​all tree leaves is tens of hectares, it is many times larger than the area occupied by the forest itself.

"What is a Forest"

Sementsova Anastasia

7 "B" school №390

December 2002

from the total area of ​​​​all leaves of trees is tens of hectares, it is many times larger than

Russian forests occupy a huge area on the planet - more than ten thousand square meters. Scientists call the taiga "lungs of the planet", according to the scientists' conclusions, the Siberian taiga highlights more than 10% oxygen on everything the globe. Taiga forests are very diverse and original. This includes plains, plateaus, and mountain ranges. Each of these places is significant in that you can see different types of vegetation on them. Many different trees grow in Siberia, each of them is original in its own way.

Here is some of them:

Pines are chic conifers with huge roots that just stick out. They look amazingly beautiful and unusual. Going deep into a pine forest, you can involuntarily catch yourself thinking that you are in fairy forest and suddenly a goblin or Baba Yaga will jump out from behind a pine tree.

The appearance of a pine tree varies depending on its location. It is noteworthy that in the places of the Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk reservoirs, pines have a huge growth, and in the place where the famous Baikal is located, the pines are of low growth, squat.

Larches are trees that belong to conifers, but their difference is that they shed their needles for the winter, and gain their growth again in the spring. Larches can grow up to several hundred years. For example, in the sanatorium village of Arshan, which is located in Buryatia, larch grows, which is already 500 years old. All guests of the village, tourists and vacationers consider it their duty and duty to visit this famous tree and take pictures near it.

Cedar - a sign conifer tree which is known all over the world. The cedar is famous for its power; when viewed from below, it seems that their crowns rest directly on the sky. Pine nuts harvested by Siberians are in great demand not only in Siberia, but also far beyond its borders. Healing oil is made from pine nuts, which cures many diseases, cedar balm, no less useful and in great demand.

In addition to the above conifers trees, birch, aspen, alder, bright mountain ash and many other plants grow in the Siberian taiga. Each of them is unique and useful in its own way.

natural gifts

Taiga, starting from early spring and before late autumn, generously shares his natural gifts with Siberians. In the swampy area in the spring you can find wild garlic, no less famous than, for example, pine nuts. It is a short grass with wide leaves, the taste of which is very much like garlic.

In the autumn on the same swamp ripens cranberry- a very healthy and tasty berry with a sour taste.

In the forests of the taiga you can find berries such as:

  • Cowberry.
  • Blueberry.
  • Cloudberry.
  • Blueberry.

All of these berries are used in preparations for the winter in the form of jam, compotes, jelly. famous Siberian forests and lots of mushrooms. Milk mushrooms, butterflies, porcini, mushrooms - not the whole list of mushrooms that can be collected in the forest. By the way, people who know at least a little the taiga, its character and disposition, will never leave it empty-handed, will not remain hungry and will feed their families.


The fauna of the Siberian taiga is very diverse. An elk can easily walk through the forest, catching bushes with its huge horns.

Squirrels and chipmunks live everywhere in all Siberian forests. They live in hollows of trees, which, as if specially for them, were hollowed out by a woodpecker. The woodpecker is a forest bird, small in size, with a long beak, with which it hammers on a tree, taking out insects, caterpillars and beetles - bark beetles from the bark.

In doing this work, the woodpecker performs three functions:

  • Heals the tree from pests.
  • After their work, a hollow remains for squirrels and chipmunks, a place for them to live.

A meeting with which is undesirable, lives in the taiga, sleeps in a den in winter. The bear feeds exclusively on plant foods. But there are times when hunters plant food. But there are times when hunters bring a bear out of its winter hibernation and it becomes very dangerous, turning into a bear - a connecting rod, in this state it can cause a lot of trouble and misfortune. Hence the saying that "in Siberia, bears walk the streets on foot."

Today it is hard to imagine that somewhere on Earth there is a place in nature that has not been touched by a human foot. Civilization, tourism and the thirst for money literally traveled all over nature. But such places still exist and they are located precisely in Siberia. In the depths of thousands of hundreds of kilometers, wild animals calmly walk through the forest, birds fly. They are still not afraid of civilization, which has not had time to cause them great harm. They are still very trusting, because they have not encountered the deceit and meanness of modern civilization.

I would also like to recall an incident that occurred at the end of the last century. Many people remember the case when, quite by accident, they discovered a family of Old Believers in the Khakass protected area, who had lived there for decades. After leaving the war, the Lykov family went far into the taiga, where they lived for many years. They were treated exclusively with herbs growing in the taiga, heated with firewood taken right there. They lived in harmony with nature, far away in the forest and no one harmed them. The taiga treated them, fed, warmed and protected them. They found exactly that corner of the taiga, where no one had passed before them.

At present, it is simply necessary to preserve the nature of the Siberian taiga in the state in which it is now. You don't need a lot to do this, just don't invade the taiga further and further. And then the taiga will thank people very generously with its gifts, namely.

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