Composition on the theme of autumn. golden autumn golden autumn

Health 19.06.2019

The summer season flies by unnoticed. Before you know it, the night is gradually getting longer, the wind is getting colder, and the leaves and grass don't seem to be as bright green and fresh as they were at the beginning of the season. And now the foliage is golden outside the window, and the birds, gathering in flocks, fly south. And this makes me sad. Maybe not much, but still sad. It rains more often, the sun shines less often and does not warm as much, but autumn is not only famous for this. No wonder it is called golden, and not only in the photo it is so beautiful that we are happy to admire the golden crowns of trees and the paths and squares strewn with their leaves.

Beautiful fluffy cat in golden autumn.
Black cat in golden autumn.
Golden forest in autumn.
Sunset in the forest during golden autumn.

To enjoy the beauty of nature at this time of the year, just go outside. Just take your time, calmly and deeply breathe in the freshness and coolness of the autumn air, take a look at the trees and shrubs painted in yellow and crimson, look after the farewell to the birds flying to distant lands. Isn't it wonderful?

gold autumn in the mountains.
Golden autumn in the mountains, against the backdrop of clouds.
Canyon in the mountains during golden autumn.
Evening at the time of golden autumn in a hilly area.
Mountains, forest and rainbow during golden autumn.
Hut in the forest during golden autumn.

The mornings are colder now, but by noon the air warms up, warm breaths gently touch the face, gently ruffle the hair, stroke the eyelids. And the puddles, slightly dried up after yesterday's rain, gleam in the sun, reflecting its bright midday light. And how beautiful is the autumn forest, sparkling with gold and crimson! How life boils in it, when its little inhabitants scurry around every now and then, and birds chirp in the branches of trees, and their beautiful mysterious melodies can still be heard. Do not forget about fishing, mushroom hunting, cycling, hiking for berries and herbs. All these wonderful opportunities give us not only summer. September is also a piece of summer, and this makes it especially beautiful.

Golden autumn: yellow planted forest.
Bench in the park during golden autumn.
Golden autumn in the park, beautiful photo.
Golden autumn in the city park.

Autumn is a real gift for a photographer, and not necessarily a professional one. If you are a fan of capturing something interesting, beautiful, unusual on camera, then this time of year is just perfect for you. Take a camera, and if you don't have one, why not take a photo with your phone? It also turns out very well.

Arbor over the lake during golden autumn.
Golden autumn abandoned park.
Lonely tree in a golden autumn field.

Walking through parks and city sidewalks, walking along the forest edge, sitting by the lake, capturing colorful autumn landscapes - this is what it means to truly enjoy autumn sometimes. Asphalt path strewn maple leaf, mushroom rain in the morning, a chaffinch chirping among the branches of bushes, a flock of rooks flying like a wedge furrowing the clouds. All this is worthy of being in the lens of your camera, and then to please you and warm you on cold winter evenings to light music with a cup of hot tea. It is not for nothing that the artists so loved the autumn season. Golden landscapes are one of the most favorite subjects for painting. Only autumn can combine the sadness of the approaching winter and the joy of the summer that has not yet completely left us. Such a range of emotions, coupled with bright saturated landscapes, gives the artist creative inspiration and room for imagination.

Golden autumn and fog in the city park.
Golden autumn: yellow foliage and blue sky.
Aspen forest in Colorado during golden autumn.

These are the charms of golden autumn. And all the more it is a pity to realize that these days are even more fleeting compared to summer ones. While the autumn season lasts three months, its golden period falls only at its beginning (September-early October). The change of these landscapes, so beloved by us, takes place in just a few days. Literally yesterday the weather was fine, the sun shone and warmed, it rained only occasionally drizzling. But today the weather suddenly deteriorates sharply, and the leaves begin to fall off quickly. At this moment, a sad understanding comes that all this beauty was short-lived, but at the same time bright and swift, like a blooming poppy on hot June days.

See also: gifs: autumn.

See also:


Painting I.I. Levitan. Established in 1895, located in Tretyakov Gallery . Dimensions 82 × 126 cm.

"Golden Autumn" - autumn ( cm.) landscape middle lane Russia. The artist depicted a young birch ( cm.) a grove on the banks of the river on a bright sunny day, when the yellow and red leaves of the trees seem to be golden. The picture conveys a joyful, calm mood. "Golden Autumn" is well known in Russia as a typical "Levitan landscape". Reproduction of a painting in the 60–70s. 20th century placed on the cover of the school ( cm.) of the reading textbook "Native Speech" and became a textbook.
"Gold autumn". Artist I.I. Levitan. 1895:

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M .: State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

See what "GOLDEN AUTUMN" is in other dictionaries:

    GOLD AUTUMN- "GOLDEN AUTUMN", USSR, KIRGIZFILM, 1980, color, 83 min. Film story. The forty-year-old commentator, summing up the results of his life, finally realized that his well-being is purely external and that he has not yet done anything essential in life. The hero leaves for his native ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    GOLD AUTUMN- Blockade cigarettes made from dry woody leaves. Compare: BERKLEN; BTSC; PULL OUT THE EYE; MY GRANDMA'S MATTRESS; MEMORY OF THE SUMMER GARDEN; SASHKIN GARDEN ... Dictionary of the Petersburger

    Golden autumn (painting by Levitan)- Isaac Levitan ... Wikipedia

    The season between summer* and winter*. Calendar autumn three months: September, October, November. In fact, winter often sets in in Russia already in November. September is considered early autumn. late autumn late October November. These phrases... ... Linguistic Dictionary

    Autumn- This term has other meanings, see Autumn (meanings). Autumn landscape Autumn (related to other Prussian. ass ... Wikipedia

    autumn- n., f., use. often Morphology: (no) what? autumn, why? autumn, (see) what? autumn what? autumn, what? about autumn; pl. what? autumn, (no) what? autumn, why? autumn, (see) what? autumn what? autumn, what? about autumns 1. Autumn is the season between ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    Autumn. road in the village- ... Wikipedia

    autumn- crimson (Chulkov); wet (Chulkov); deaf (Grigorovich); sad (Balmont); rainy (Bashkin); yellow (Gorodetsky, V. Kamensky); thoughtful (P. Solovieva); golden (Pushkin); gold (Teleshev); golden (Andreev, Blok); strong (Muyzhel); ... ... Dictionary of epithets

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  • Golden Autumn of Russia, Yulian Levchuk, The poems of the outstanding Russian poet Yulian Levchuk are full of love for a woman, for native land, to Russia, excite the hearts and souls of readers and lead them to philosophical reflections. Poems of his 25th… Publisher:

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

October-Gryaznik. The month begins with a period of golden autumn. If in the first half of October the forest appears in all its glory of golden autumn, then from the second half of the month the leaves quickly fall off, it rains, and the earth becomes damp and dirty. Here is the name of the month - Gryaznik.

Golden October: paints on canvas

Description of the golden autumn of October (I - II week)
The most bright time autumn - golden autumn. Trees, before falling into a long sleep, put on golden clothes from rapidly turning yellow leaves. Autumn forest covered with paintings. Birch glitters in the sun, shimmering with gold. Maple leaves drop with a light wind. Leaf fall, circling in a round dance, covers the ground moist from frequent rains with leaves. Forest paths form a yellow corridor, the water near the shore of the pond is strewn with colorful fallen leaves. The trees in the forest are full of the beauty of golden autumn, but the oak was the first to crumble completely and, exposing its dry branches, was the first to prepare for the winter.

The wind is noisily circling the falling leaves, the last cumulus clouds are floating in the sky. There are no more thunderstorms, and the temperature begins to drop rapidly simultaneously with the appearance of heavy and prolonged precipitation. In the rays of the cool October sun, flocks of birds rise higher and higher in the blue sky. Gathering in larger flocks, they tend to the south to the heat. Many songbirds are already on their way to warmer climes, and starlings with rooks will still be here for some time, and they are already drawn to flocks. Very soon the first serious frosts.

Animals stock up on food for the winter. Who does not know squirrel nuts? The frogs burrow into the water to sleep under the ice all winter. Perennial grasses have accumulated all the necessary substances in their roots and bulbs in order to wait for the next spring for new growth. Here is the warmth of the last passing days of the protracted Indian summer is replaced by rain. good weather golden autumn, cumulus clouds and the sun are replaced by cloudiness and a gray veil of heaven. In the meantime, the starlings are already ready for the flight, waiting for the first cold weather and on the road. Behind them, feeling the early frosts, rooks with blackbirds will rush to the south.

Golden October in the folk calendar

"Father Pokrov, cover the land with a snowball, and me with a groom"

October countdown starts folk calendar from the crane summer - from the first days of October. The sooner the cranes fly, the sooner and stronger the first frosts will strike. Following Zosima in early October, the Astafiev winds will blow, bringing cold air. Again, by the strength of the wind, you can tell about winter. Cold wind from the north - to a cold, western or eastern winds - to rain, and the south - to prolonged heat. October 7 - Thekla-Zarevnitsa, at night faster days replaces. On Sergius - on October 8, the first early snow is possible, and if so, then winter will be from the end of November.

Here and in the air, just look, the drops of air will be replaced by white snow dots, however, still heavy with water. October 14, the noble day of the Intercession, changes course from autumn to winter. The first snow may fall on Pokrov. Before winter, of course, it will be even farther, the earth has not cooled down, the snow does not lie down until winter, and it will quickly wash away with rain. Now dry autumn is replaced by cool and wet October. The recent rustle of leaves is replaced by wet sticky dirt. In the villages, all preparations for winter are ready, the time has come to decide your fate and young people to play holidays. October is the month of weddings of stormy, bright celebrations and idle feasts.

Autumn in Russian poetry

Nature in autumn is fraught with many unexpected discoveries. Russian poets, making a description of autumn, tried to convey the mood of this season as accurately as possible.

So Nekrasov's attitude to this season can be clearly seen in the poem "Glorious Autumn". This phrase occurs more than once, and in the poem there are a lot of different comparisons that highlight autumn for the better.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
Air tired forces invigorates;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;
Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.
Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps -
All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Russia ...
I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
I think my mind...

The poet says that the leaves in the forest are like a carpet on which you can sleep well, and he compares the ice on the river with melting sugar. The quintessence of his love for autumn can be considered the phrase "I recognize my dear Russia everywhere ...".

October: turn to the cold

Description of the second half of October (III - IV week)
Calm, sun-drenched days are replaced by unexpectedly windy bad weather and damp, dank rains, and then the sun peeps through again. The people said - "by autumn, seven weather in the yard." If the sun shines, then the day is clear and clean. Beautiful shimmery yellow deciduous forest against the backdrop of cleanliness cool blue sky. And if the day is charged with rain, then a cloudy day gives off the dullness of autumn sadness.

The air in the sun is no longer as warm as in September, sun rays from the second half of the month it becomes much less. The daytime temperature is approaching the cold nighttime, the soil dries out less often from frequent rains, and average temperature air in October is about +4 ° C. It gets dark much earlier, and the duration daylight hours noticeably decreases. By the end of October, night temperatures can drop to 0 ° C, or even lower, so the first snow falls by the end of the month, but because of the still warm ground, the snow melts quickly and more often still in the air.

The second half of October in the folk calendar

"From Tryphon-Pelageya it's getting colder in the yard"

The Veil passed, threw snow on the trees. In some places, the snow could not resist - it melted. The leaves are wet, not yet fallen, already under the first wet snow fall off the trees faster. Wet snow breaks branches with a crunch, plucks the last surviving leaves. The crackling of trees fell on Yerofey - October 17, with him winter dresses up in a fur coat. On this day, they did not go to the forest, they were afraid to meet the goblin. There were rumors that the goblin on this day parted with the forest for the winter, breaks trees with a bang, scares away animals and leaves through the ground, leaving the forest empty. The next day, October 18, Kharitins, followed by Denis-Pozimsky. We can assume that from this day we will not see more cumulus clouds and twilight comes earlier. Everything quickly turns the day into night.

Another sign of the upcoming winter on October 20 is Sergius. If the snow on Sergius completely covers the ground, then in a month winter will set in on Matryona. By the way, the people showed interesting ingenuity in storing pickles at a time when there were no refrigerators. To preserve pickled cucumbers, the peasants hid them in barrels and lowered them into the river before it was covered in ice. In winter, under the ice, the water does not freeze, and the temperature does not drop below +4 degrees, and in the spring those barrels were taken out. You can't imagine a better storage. By October 21, it's time to prepare felt boots and a fur coat, the first colds begin from Tryphon. So Paraskeva-Gryaznikha is right there, a little more and snow will cover the whole mother earth.

Golden autumn in Russian painting

Looking at various works of Russian artists, which depict autumn nature, we seem to be leafing through a wonderful album. It reflects the most different nuances. Here are two small white-sided magpies galloping among thin lemon and pinkish leaves of yellowed maples in Ilya Ostroukhov's painting "Golden Autumn". Only the grass is still green below, but it is already losing its brightness of greenery.

(Painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn")

The painting by Isaac Levitan with the same name - "Golden Autumn" is also solved in the same tones. A narrow strip of a dark river crossing the landscape only emphasizes the brightness of the autumn ocher. Water, but green marsh - in the center of Fyodor Vasiliev's painting "Swamp in the Forest. Autumn". There is still a lot of greenery here and the sky shines with an amazing blue, but the orange trees in the center of the composition bring an autumn motif, a little sad because autumn will not last long, and then the cold will come.

Just a little more and a long winter will come. Well, while we have gold autumn- one of the most beautiful times of the year. This is the season of harvests, animal migrations, preparation for winter, and the most beautiful autumn leaf fall.

Today's issue contains beautiful autumn photos from all over the world.

Autumn is the harvest season. Let's start with autumn apples from the US state of Virginia, September 17, 2011. (Photo by J. Scott Applewhite | AP):

An exhibition at a pumpkin farm near Berlin in Germany, October 9, 2011. Tens of thousands of pumpkins of 40 different varieties grow here from August to October. (Photo by Sean Gallup | Getty Images):

Sculpture of a swimmer from the Park. Gorky in Moscow in autumn attire, October 8, 2011. (Photo by Sergei Karpukhin | Reuters):

Dragonfly and wheat field before harvest, Canadian Prairies, Alberta, September 7, 2011. (Photo by Todd Korol | Reuters):

Golden autumn is the most colorful time of the year. Autumn colors in Minnesota, USA, September 26, 2011. (Photo by Ann Heisenfelt | AP):

Autumn sketches from Kirov Park on Elagin Island in St. Petersburg, October 9, 2011. (Photo by Alexander Demianchuk | Reuters):

A slightly mystical photo. Wooded area of ​​Hampstead Heath in north London, September 30, 2011. (Photo by Dan Kitwood | Getty Images):

Smart cow look. In early autumn, local farmers drive their cattle home from mountain pastures. Austrian province of Tyrol, September 23, 2011. (Photo by Lisi Niesner | Reuters):

Doe or European brown deer in Richmond Park in London, October 10, 2011. (Photo by Dan Istitene | Getty Images):

Autumn-winter landscape: a tree with golden leaves and the snowy mountain Susitna, known as the "Sleeping Lady", Alaska, October 4, 2011. (Photo by Dan Joling | AP):

Autumn is also the time for various festivals and competitions. One of the unusual competition - marsh diving championship, which is held in the small town of Llanwrtyd Wells in Britain on August 28, 2011. Participants must swim a full 60 meters in a ditch dug in the middle of a swamp using a mask, snorkel and fins. (Photo by Harry Engels | Getty Images):

Of course, the most famous autumn holiday is in Germany. This year's 178th beer festival ended on October 3, 2011. (Photo by Joerg Koch | AP):

In the US state of Maine, an equally unusual event takes place in the fall - pumpkin regatta. As the name implies, the boats here are made from huge pumpkins. Competitions are held in two classes: "oar pumpkins" and pumpkins with a small motor, October 9, 2011. (Photo by Joel Page | Reuters):

"You are my fallen maple ...". Maine, USA, September 30, 2011. (Photo by Robert F. Bukaty | Reuters):

Autumn has arrived at Moseley Swamp in Birmingham, England on September 7, 2011. (Photo by Christopher Furlong | Getty Images):

Autumn landscape from the US state of Minnesota, September 26, 2011. (Photo by Ann Heisenfelt | AP):

This year, a large crop of cranberries ripened in the swamps of Massachusetts, October 4, 2011. (Photo by Charles Krupa | AP):

Swan in the autumn pond of Stavropol, Russia, September 27, 2011. (Photo by Eduard Korniyenko | Reuters):

London, October 5, 2011. Parts of the pavement turned out to be stickier and autumn leaves formed beautiful autumn carpets. (Photo by Peter Macdiarmid | Getty Images):

Dozhinki Harvest Festival-Fair was held 50 km from Minsk on September 30, 2011. (Photo by Vasily Fedosenko | Reuters):

Autumn is the time of migrations. Swans fly south, Alaska, September 27, 2011. (Photo by Bill Roth | AP):

The first snow has already fallen in the Bavarian Alps in southern Germany, October 9, 2011. (Photo by Christof Stache | AFP | Getty Images):

Half Moon Bay International Giant Pumpkin Festival was held in California on October 10, 2011. The winner grew a pumpkin weighing 773 kilograms and 4 m 95 cm in diameter. (Photo by Paul Sakuma | AP):

Basically, a pumpkin is ancient culture originating from the regions Central America, Persia and Asia Minor. And these are pumpkins from Ohio, September 26, 2011. (Photo by Lisa DeJong | AP):

Golden autumn in the park of Casper, Wyoming, September 29, 2011. (Photo by Dan Cepeda | AP):

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