Why dream of earrings with stones as a gift. I dreamed of earrings - the nuances of decoding according to different dream books

Interesting 19.10.2019

Dream Interpretation Silver

Dreams are an encrypted signal of our subconscious. After spending correct interpretation night vision, we can find out the upcoming future, but for this it is necessary to remember the dream. After all, even a small and insignificant detail can radically change the interpretation of the entire dream.

Silver is the oldest precious metal. It occupies an honorable second place in terms of its use in jewelry. The first place is properly occupied by gold, but as the people say: "Silver is not gold, but not all that glitters is gold." Silver jewelry is always a pleasure to give as a gift, regardless of the occasion.

Have you seen silver in a dream? Remember, you may have had such dream options:

If you dreamed of silver

  • saw the metal from the side;
  • silverware;
  • valuable jewellery;
  • dreaming of coins;

Silver seen in a dream

Why dream of silver? Dreaming of such a metal is for the dreamer a sign that moral and ethical values ​​​​in life are always more important than any finances and jewelry. Also seen silver portends happiness in real life dreamer.

Find items from it - to move up the career ladder.

To see antiques in a dream - to favorable changes in life.

Find a treasure or deposits of silver - to a great and happy love.

It is important to remember in what form the metal dreamed.


Did you happen to see silver appliances in a dream? This means that the dreamer is waiting for experiences due to unfulfilled desires. A silver spoon in the night story prophesies a prosperous and prosperous future.

Silverware is a symbol of your power. You may be offered a new leadership position.

If you dreamed of silverware

Silver was seen on a served table - to the long-awaited guests.


Counting silver coins in a night dream - you will experience a shortage of money in real life. Find coins, expect unexpected financial assistance. Changed in a dream, gold for silver? The interpretation reads: pay attention to professional activity demotion is not ruled out.


To find beautiful jewelry in a dream, the interpretation promises you to receive a gift that you have long dreamed of.

Remove jewelry that shines like gold, and looking closely, you realize that this is cheap jewelry - be careful, your promiscuity in people will turn against you as a deception.

If in a night dream you were presented with gray metal jewelry in the form of a headset: a chain, earrings and a bracelet, then such a dream portends you a quick wedding and replenishment in the family.


To see how you try on silver earrings, such a dream symbolizes an early visit to entertainment establishments.

To receive earrings as a gift - a dream prophesies a happy family life to the caretaker. Give earrings to a stranger- a warning that you need to be more careful, your kindness is used for selfish purposes.

If you dreamed of silver earrings

Did you happen to lose silver earrings in night vision? The dream interpretation says: do not be afraid of changes in life, they will bring only pleasant moments.

To find ear decorations on the street, such a find in a dream promises a rich admirer.

Seeing broken earrings in a dream is a harbinger of quarrels and troubles with your soulmate.

If in the night story you bought silver earrings for yourself, then in real life you will have no one to rely on.

Seeing beautiful earrings on someone - in real life, beware of gossip and envy that can harm you.

Chains and bracelets

The silver chain seen in a dream is an auspicious sign indicating true friends in the dreamer's life.

The bracelet dreams of a quarrel.

Finding a bracelet with a broken clasp in night vision is a sign that the business you have begun will not be successful.

Buy silver items

In the plot, to see how you choose jewelry in a jewelry store means that soon new prospects for self-realization will open before you.

See them in a casket

Dreamed of a jewelry box? Why dream of silver and gold in a box lying together? If the jewelry was neatly folded, then this is a sign that you need to streamline your own life.

Find in a dream an empty box for decoration, a symbol of lost time and unrequited love.

Interpretation of famous dream books

How do popular publications of dream interpreters interpret night vision?

Interpreter of dreams G. Miller

If you dreamed about devices

Why dream of silver in night visions? The American psychologist G. Miller interpreted the plots in which this type of precious metal appeared in a peculiar way. Miller believed that the silver cutlery he saw prophesies empty hopes and unrealistic dreams to the dreamer.

Did you find gold and silver in a dream, namely coins? Your financial situation will improve soon.

Seeing gray metal jewelry on the counter in a dream is a harbinger of possible stress about dissatisfaction in life.

The meaning of dreams according to Freud

Interprets the dream book: did silver appear in night vision in the form of a finished product? In real life, you will receive a long-awaited gift.

Coins - portend cooling in intimate life.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Silver seen in a dream indicates money spending in real life.

Products made of this metal portend the purchase of expensive goods.

Buying silver products - in real life, you can profitably invest your savings.

Dreaming of mining in a silver mine means making a good deal.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing silver in a dream is a symbol of earthly blessings.

I dreamed of a bridge forged from precious metal - you will achieve success, for which you will pay a certain amount of money.

As you can see, the “silver” dream has a favorable interpretation and prophesies to its dreamer: happiness, luck and love. Believe the interpretation of dreams, and all good things will come true!

Your mark:

In a dream, you can see the most diverse, even extraordinary events. Why dream of gold earrings? How to interpret such a dream?

Why dream about earrings - the main meaning

It is pleasant to receive jewelry as a gift, it is pleasant to buy. But what if you dreamed of earrings? How to interpret such a dream? What can he mean? In order to fully interpret - you need to take into account all the little things and details of sleep:

Are your earrings in a dream;

· Do you wear them;

Do they contain stone?

Are they new?

What metal are they.

It is also important to remember your emotional condition during sleep and after waking up. If you experienced joy and happiness during sleep, most likely you will encounter very pleasant and joyful events in reality. If during sleep you experienced confusion and distrust - in reality you will also be disappointed in everything that will happen around you.

If in a dream you find gold earrings on your doorstep, and they seem old to you, worn by someone for a long time, such a dream suggests that happiness will not last long. Perhaps you were planning something grandiose, acquiring something new, planning some kind of family, joyful event. After such a dream, you will have to postpone your plans indefinitely, otherwise you will face insurmountable difficulties.

Events from the past will not give you the opportunity to realize your plans in the future. A dream in which you find new earrings on your doorstep, beautifully packaged, speaks of a gift of fate and the opening of new opportunities for you. Perhaps you can re-look at what excites you so much, perhaps you will receive a profitable offer. The dream book advises in the near future to fully use the opportunities of life and not deny yourself anything.

The dream in which you buy earrings in a store indicates that you are going to open your own business, start something new. If you buy earrings in a store not for yourself, but for loved one- such a dream means that you will take care of someone much more than yourself. You will become for some person a real friend and a real helper.

The dream in which you buy gold earrings with diamonds advises you not to rush into making an important financial decision. It is better to weigh the pros and cons again and make an informed decision. Take your time and try to anticipate all the nuances of the case. The dream in which you buy silver earrings speaks of success among colleagues, which will not be long. It will most likely be short-term and will not bring you joy.

A dream in which you see how someone chooses earrings for a gift and you really like them - indicates that you will envy other people's successes and other people's luck. You will observe someone else's life and forget about the responsibility for your own. The dream book advises you to be more attentive to everything that happens in your life.

The dream in which you buy base metal earrings can indicate a deterioration in your life and the presence of disappointment in it. What until recently seemed so important to you, will now become practically inaccessible and not so valuable for you. The dream book advises to wait out this anxious time and not worry too much about the events that will take place in your life in the future.

A dream in which you cannot find earrings at home for a long time indicates that you for a long time you will not be able to agree with your loved ones on mutual assistance and mutual support. You will suffer defeat after defeat, failure after failure, and you will never be able to understand their causes.

If you have been looking for earrings for a long time and find only one of the earrings, it means that you will have very few opportunities to realize what you have planned. You may not even be able to help yourself or your loved ones in any way and will try to say goodbye to debts for a long time. Ultimately, life will give you the opportunity to partially resolve the situation.

The dream in which you put on earrings and they seem small to you indicates that all important opportunities and important options have already passed. Either you didn't notice them, or you didn't appreciate their significance in your life. The dream in which you put on earrings, and they do not fasten on you, indicates that it is time to free yourself from the burden of past problems and actively move forward. Also, such a dream may indicate your genuine desire for change.

You want to get out of a life that seems like real hard labor to you, you want to relax and stop being discouraged. You can do this when you allow yourself the very life that you have wanted for so long.

The dream in which you see earrings, and they are rusty, indicates the need to deal with one of your old acquaintances. Perhaps this person owes you something, or you owe him. These debts will weigh you down and keep you from living a fulfilling life.

A dream in which you wear different earrings in your ears means that in reality you will be very actively striving for change. Your life will not be ordinary and ordinary. You will strive for new opportunities and new perspectives. Try to implement as many plans as possible in the near future.

A dream in which you see earrings with huge beautiful stones, but they turn out to be fake, suggests that you should not trust people sincerely and with an open mind. You can be betrayed, you can be deceived. In the near future, trust only yourself and your intuition.

The dream in which you are trying to pick up a ring for earrings and you succeed means that you will be able to complete not just an important business for you, you will be able to achieve a lot and complete a lot of important things.

If in a dream you don’t find rings for earrings and you don’t get a set, it means that you won’t be able to realize yourself and won’t be able to move further towards the intended goal. Such a dream means that soon you will be trapped.

Why dream of earrings according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that earrings dream of a gift of fate and great luck in his personal life. Such a dream may mean that soon you will be able to solve most of your questions and problems in your personal life. You may even become a little more pragmatic when choosing a partner if you dream of white gold earrings.

Old, worn earrings dream of problems with their other half, which are chronic. You may not even notice, but problems in your personal life will unsettle you.

The dream book in which the girl loses her earring speaks of the need to think about her words and actions, otherwise she will look very disadvantageous in the eyes of her lover. If a pregnant girl dreams that she was presented with gold earrings, she will be happy.

Why dream of earrings according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that gold earrings dream of something from the past. To something that will make you suffer and worry. Silver earrings promise lightness and happiness. They will be almost constant companions of a person who had a similar dream.

Why dream of earrings that you measure in front of a mirror? Such a dream means that you will take a rather close look at yourself and your surroundings. This means that you will more actively look for flaws in them, not noticing your own shortcomings.

Why dream of earrings in other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that earrings dream as a symbol of well-being and happiness. Perhaps you try on a lot of jewelry sets in a dream and just can’t find suitable earrings for your outfit? Such a dream suggests that you will not be constant in your choice and will hesitate for a long time.

The dream in which you receive earrings with a precious stone as a gift indicates that you will soon be able to receive a good gift from a loved one. It can be not only a thing, but also a pleasant word, support.

Why dream of earrings according to Aesop's dream book? They dream when you have an important event and an important meeting. Such a dream may indicate that your life will soon take on new colors. Such dreams occur when you are on the verge of important achievements. It remains only to wait a bit, and you will get the result of the work and efforts that you have invested in an important business for yourself. Justice decisions will be on your side if you dreamed of smooth round earrings. Everything in your life will be smooth and measured. Try to restrain your emotions and avoid tears after such a dream.

Earrings are considered a typical symbol of women's dreams. Therefore, the question of why this decoration is dreaming is of interest mainly to representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Almost every woman has earrings, so they can dream quite often. It is very important to pay attention to what kind of jewelry you dreamed about and what material they were made of.

In general, dreams in which earrings appear are considered positive. Therefore, in order to understand what jewelry is dreaming of, you must first of all analyze the positive direction of your own life. With this approach, intuition will certainly tell the dreamer in which area of ​​life one can expect certain changes.

Why dream of gold earrings?

More often than others, the question is asked why gold earrings are removed. In dream books, the most promising and interesting interpretations are associated with this symbol. Such dreams are always warning in nature. If you just saw gold earrings in a dream and did not touch them, then perhaps in real life you will miss an important chance for yourself. But if you try on an expensive piece of jewelry, then this indicates that your most cherished desire will soon come true. But it will necessarily be connected with the material sphere. That is, most likely, you will acquire or be presented with a thing that you have long dreamed of.

If you see yourself in a dream with gold earrings in your ears, then this is a symbol of a calm, harmonious and happy future.

Be sure to pay attention to the type of gold earrings seen in a dream:

    Earrings with rubies or other red stones portend a man's ardent passion. Diamond earrings confirm the financial solvency of a loved one. Also, such jewelry can become a harbinger of the appearance of a rich lover in life. Earrings that are too long or heavy predict that getting to know a person can turn into a burden, and communication with him will become a burden in the near future.

Golden earrings in hands

In any case, if, according to the plot of the dream, you had to take gold earrings in your hands, then this is a positive sign. You can find in this life period Good work, which will suit you according to all criteria. You can also expect that strong feelings for a certain person will awaken in the soul, which can become a harbinger Great love. You will have a life period in which success in all matters will be noted.

Broken earrings - interpretation of sleep

But if, according to the plot of the dream, you had to take broken gold earrings in your hands, then this portends that you will have to be in real life at the center of gossip and rumors. And at the same time, they can do much harm to you if you do not exercise caution and caution.

If you dream that you receive earrings as a gift from a loved one, then this means that you will be able to establish yourself as a good specialist. And if in your nightly dreams you happen to find gold earrings, then success will come to your loved one and you will need to be sincerely happy for him. But if you find one gold earring in a dream, then this indicates that in reality you will have the opportunity to make a good deal.

Lose earrings

After you dreamed that you lost your earrings, you need to show loyalty to your own children. Perhaps you are very demanding of them, and this may prevent them from fully developing. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you manage not only to find the missing earrings, but also to identify the thief, then in real life a new acquaintance will sympathize with you. Other storylines with gold jewelry can be interpreted as follows:
    Earrings in the ears of a little girl emphasizes the fact that you are always an interesting conversationalist. Earrings in a man’s ears portend that you will be able to make friends with a fellow traveler. Stepping on a gold earring means expecting a fascinating journey in reality. Dropping a gold earring means getting help from the nearest girlfriends. Earrings in the ears of a dog portend a pleasant pastime in a rich environment. Earrings in a beautiful package predict a romantic date.

Seeing earrings on others

When you dream that you see earrings in the ears of other people, then envy of another person may awaken in your soul. You need to try to avoid this, current like this otherwise you will only harm yourself.

Why dream of silver earrings?

The most asked question is why silver earrings dream. If you dreamed that you were presented with silver earrings in your night dreams, then this indicates that very pleasant events await you in your personal sphere. If you are in a quarrel with your loved one and you dream that he gave you silver jewelry, then this portends reconciliation in the near future. Silver earrings with precious stones are a harbinger of a passionate night with a loved one. Other dreams that are associated with silver earrings can be interpreted as follows:
    Earrings donated best friend, are interpreted as a harbinger of a long romantic journey. If silver jewelry was found on the street, then this indicates that the relationship with a partner will be long and stable. Blackened silver earrings portend love affairs in reality. Small silver carnations appear in dreams before a person enters on the new job.Earrings in the form of rings indicate that a woman lacks the attention of her husband.

Massive silver earrings

If you saw yourself in a dream with massive silver earrings decorated with stones, then this indicates that you finally dare to tell your partner about your sexual desires. If you accidentally break a silver jewelry, then in reality you will have to take risks for your own benefit.

hide earrings

When, according to the plot of a dream, you hide silver earrings under your pillow, this symbolizes that you miss your old friends. And if in a dream you carefully put the earrings in a jewelry box, then festive fun will take place in your house in the near future.

Surely any woman has dreamed of earrings more than once.

After such a dream, you must definitely look into the dream book. Earrings in it can be interpreted as the state of mind of the lady, as well as the events that await her soon.

Silver jewelry

If you dream that you received silverware as a gift, then pleasant events await you in your personal life. To receive them from a loved one means to make peace with him.

And a dream in which a friend gives you earrings is a harbinger of a long romantic journey. If you dream that your parents gave them, you know that in reality your feelings are mutual. And to receive them from a stranger - you have to prepare for a date.

  • Finding silverware on the street is a long-term relationship.
  • To see them in the ears of a sister is to make an important decision.
  • Silver jewelry with precious stones - for a passionate night with your loved one.
  • To find and lose them in the same dream is a significant event.
  • A dream in which the earrings turned black - to love affairs.

If you saw earrings with precious stones in your ears, then you dare to tell your partner about your sexual desires. And if they decorate the ears of your girlfriend, then she will get married soon.

To break a silver earring is to take risks for your own benefit. And to lose jewelry at a noisy holiday - get ready, this is a dream before meeting a worthy partner.

Hide under the pillow - miss old friends. And putting them in a box means planning a holiday in your home.

Small silver carnations dream before entering a new job. And jewelry in the form of large rings appears in a dream when you lack the attention of your spouse.

Jewelry made of gold

And why dream of gold earrings? The dream book interprets the meaning of such dreams a little differently. For example, to receive them as a gift is to establish yourself as a good specialist. And to find - to rejoice in the success of a loved one.

If you dream that you stepped on a gold earring, get ready for an exciting adventure. And to drop the decoration - to hope for the help of a friend.

  • Gold items with precious stones - for a walk in another city.
  • A dream in which the earrings melted in the fire - to make an extraordinary decision.
  • Try them on in a jewelry store - wait for a vacation.
  • Finding one gold earring is a good deal.
  • To receive broken earrings as a gift - to implement a profitable plan.

If you dream that your jewelry was stolen, try to be more loyal with your children. And to find the thief and the missing jewelry means to be the object of sympathy for a handsome young man.

Gold earrings in the ears of a child are a sign that you are interesting to your interlocutors. And to see them on a man is to find a pleasant travel companion.

A pleasant evening in a rich environment is what the earrings in the dog's ears dream of. A romantic walk under the moon is promised by jewelry in a beautiful package.

Watching in a dream how someone throws out gold jewelry means preparing a gift for a loved one. And a lot of gold earrings in one ear speak of your exquisite taste.

When you see such plots in a dream, be sure to look at the meaning of the dream. This will help you plan your actions and make the right, consistent decisions. Author: Vera Fractional

Why do you dream of earrings in your ears? Dream Interpretation often calls this symbol a harbinger of good change. Dream vision promises success at work, love front and at home. However, sometimes the plot warns of the occurrence of gossip, rumors.

Great time ahead

Dreamed of earrings in your ears? The dream book tells you: success awaits you in the professional field. Family life will also be cloudless, and the relationship at home will be wonderful.

Seeing beautiful jewelry on your ears in a dream means: personal relationships will be successful, harmony will come between you and your lover.

Why dream of precious earrings in your ears? The dream interpretation promises the onset of a great time in reality. The dreamer will be able to receive new cash receipts, strengthen her financial position.

What were they like?

The interpretation of sleep is possible based on what kind of earrings they were:

  • gold - a symbol of a calm harmonious future;
  • silver - important events at work will make you worry;
  • with diamonds - personal life will delight with pleasant changes;
  • with pearls - there may be a misunderstanding with your lover, you will cry;
  • with a ruby ​​\u200b\u200b- your efforts will be appreciated by management: there is a career climb or a bonus ahead;
  • with an emerald in a dream - a bright streak, good luck;
  • decorated with several precious stones - you will have to solve minor issues;
  • decorated with one large expensive stone - meet a man, acquaintance will become fateful.

Miller's dream book: good news

Did you dream of seeing earrings in your ears in the mirror? The dreamer is about to find out the good news. She also has interesting work ahead of her.

Learn some secret, but be vigilant

Such a vision in a dream promises a favorable life period, success in many areas. However, you have to be careful and vigilant. Try not to take hasty actions that can lead to stupid mistakes, think over your every step, otherwise you will scare away your luck.

Why dream of seeing them on yourself? Reveal some secret, find out facts or circumstances that were previously hidden from you.

Did the girl dream about taking off her earrings? Dream Interpretation calls this a good sign. Someone really likes her and will soon hear a love confession.

Beware of gossip

Feeling discomfort from them in a dream means: troubles will begin associated with the professional sphere, business.

Have you seen earrings in the ears of a stranger or a guy? The dream book warns: gossip will appear about you, and this may negatively affect your success. You need to take a responsible approach to your affairs, concentrate on the right solution of problems in order to avoid mistakes.

Piercing ears in a dream means: the dreamer pays too much attention to her beauty. We must stop dwelling on this - it is better to take care of inner beauty and spiritual harmony.

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