Scorpio is the full horoscope of the sign. Sexual horoscope Scorpio

diets 03.07.2020

, aquamarine , beryl , moonstone , rock crystal , carbuncle , malachite , topaz , amethyst , aventurine , alexandrite , turquoise , cat's eye , bloodstone , labrador , lapis lazuli , opal , pearl , rauchtopaz , sapphire , selenite , tourmaline , chalcedony .

Flowers: peony, carnation, chrysanthemum.

Mascot: Scarab beetle, Scorpio, sign of death.

Anatomical emphasis: genitals, spine, cardiovascular system.

Happy day: Tuesday.

Bad days: Monday Friday.


The Scorpio personality is a fluid combination of antagonistic forces. The soul and flesh are constantly fighting among themselves, and therefore Scorpio sometimes seems to be the devil himself. And sometimes unexpectedly holy. Yes, even similar to God, because. Scorpio is richly endowed with heavenly rulers. These are people with a strong will, so strong that aggressiveness creates many enemies on their way to success. Scorpios strive for success in life with perhaps more energy than all the other signs combined. And with what art!

However, although many Scorpios want to succeed in life, only a few succeed, because. before having the laurels of a winner, inner world, harmony and love, material goods, they must first win in the struggle with themselves, then and only then will they achieve what they want.

Scorpios are very emotional, they need love, they crave it, they ask for it, in short - love is life's fuel. Astrologers are unanimous that Scorpio is the sexiest of all the signs of the zodiac.

Being kings in all sexual matters, Scorpios approach sex with ease and usually begin to engage in it in early age because they are sexually attractive. Even if they are not very pretty. Everyone sees the lust emanating from them, and if they don't see it, they feel it. People want to caress them, they want to be always with them, because they create inner forces that are hidden in the passionate nature of Scorpio.

There are two types of Scorpio: a low, underdeveloped type, symbolized by Scorpio, and a developed, spiritually complete type, symbolized by a soaring eagle. It is rare to find a middle ground between these two extremes. They have an uncanny ability to analyze almost everything in the world, to get to the bottom of every case.

Because Scorpio is the first of the 4 permanent signs, he persists in any business until it is finally understood and realized by him. In fact, this is one of characteristic features Scorpio - fight to the end, regardless of the consequences. They must continue to follow this path: to finish what they started.

Scorpios do not know how to properly express themselves, in addition, they tend to keep quiet and keep everything a secret. They want to achieve their goals without initiating anyone in their affairs, so that few people can correctly understand their actions.


Scorpio is sex personified. Their sign governs the sexual organs. Is there anything else that needs to be said? Their brain cells, under the aggressive influence of Mars, endow both men and women of this sign with a huge sexual appetite. There are no moral restrictions here, because. Scorpio looks at sex as an independent area of ​​​​human relationships, and, in addition, sex restores their strength.

Among lovers throughout the Zodiac, Scorpios are highly valued. They have a certain experience, which is suitable not only to satisfy their desire, but also to please their partner.


Scorpio is considered to be one of the most opportunistic signs of the zodiac. However, my calculations show that sometimes Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius outperform it.

So, when we talk about non-sexual maneuvers that Scorpio uses to achieve their goals, we mean that he wants to achieve some goal through "sexual activity." They marry for money and even have "sex dates" for business purposes. They usually marry by overpowering themselves, by calculation, but they are smart enough to choose a person with whom they are mentally compatible, because understand that the power of the mind is as valuable as gold.

Already married, Scorpios often enter into extramarital affairs, but they rarely allow these relationships to threaten the security of married life. They are able to cope well on "two fronts" - marital and extramarital, do it with ease and without any tension.

Scorpio can involve a partner in sexual intercourse so skillfully and imperceptibly that he himself does not understand how this happened until he himself is seized with passion.


People of this sign are always faithful spiritually, even if they allow extramarital affairs. This allegiance extends to their chosen friends, of whom they do not have very many, but from whom they demand the same allegiance.

In their home, Scorpios create a "protective atmosphere", as if the generals of Mars guard the fortress from the whole world.

Scorpios are excellent providers in the family, they are very smart in business. Women of this sign often occupy leadership positions. Scorpios are great parents, although they can be a little harsh and demanding.

They will work tirelessly with their colleagues in any job and they are usually punctual.


They spare no effort in their race for success, which exhausts them physically and mentally. Then they often vent evil on their spouses. Although some smart Scorpios choose a spouse who would help them avoid these extremes.

Extreme jealousy and possessiveness are also hallmarks of Scorpio, especially Scorpio women. These are usually wives who look like detectives who should know the whereabouts of their spouse at any moment.

Scorpios retain a sense of resentment for many years after a quarrel - a trait unworthy of them. It has already been said that they are not always best friends unless they want it themselves. But, of course, they easily become bitter enemies. They are very vindictive and vindictive when offended.


Up to 29.5 years, the best partners are among the signs of Cancer and Pisces. All three are water signs, which at this age are extremely emotional and act in a psychic-sexual way. Sometimes Scorpio is well compatible with the signs of Capricorn and Virgo. After 29.5 years, he usually begins to mature and become aware of his permanent "I", which gradually becomes extremely aggressive and domineering. Then they are often compatible with the signs of Taurus and Libra, whose ruling planet is Venus. These signs have great patience with the ability to endure the domineering nature of Scorpio. After 41.5 years, Scorpio should already be fully developed as a person and gain control over his intellectual "I". At this time, it is often compatible with the sign of Sagittarius and Aquarius.


B early years- medium, if you are not looking for something more physical in them. Marriage is great. They protect and strengthen their home and marriage, provided that they are allowed extramarital affairs. They know how to hide them and never flaunt them in front of their beloved. The best period for gaining Scorpio fidelity is after he is 29.5 years old and when there is great agreement between the partners from the very beginning. But under these conditions, who will not be faithful?


For a normal sex life, you just need to know erogenous zones partner, and the love game, first of all, is to stimulate these zones.

These zones are basically the same in men and women, most often they are the mouth, chest, genitals, but they can also be in other places: on the ear, neck, along the spine, on the inner thighs, etc. For most women, the most excitable area is the clitoris, for men, the head of the penis.

Hearing, sight, smell can increase sexual arousal or hold it back. They say that a man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears, but here everything should be within reason. If a man is naked female body excites, then the type of male genitalia does not always excite a woman. It is easier for men to do something than to explain. We must not forget about the purity of the body. The smell of cleanly washed genitals can excite partners, but the smell of an unwashed body will not save even a bottle of cologne.

Erogenous zones of Scorpio:

The most sensitive places of Scorpios are their genitals. Even a light touch with your fingers can turn a man into a volcano. Why not? A woman of this sign is able to get excited just by crossing her legs, and in this position rub her "lips" against each other.

Nothing brings a Scorpio man to such pleasure as light touches of her tongue on the tip of a penis. Do I need to add that women are especially delighted with cunnilingus?

When you play with the sexual organs of a Scorpio, you can literally say that your partner is in your hands!


American astrologer Deborah Kempton-Smith once joked that the best gift for a Scorpio is a permanent pass to a strip club. By the way, don't take this joke literally. Although... Choosing a gift for Scorpio is not an easy task. Of course, if you know about his hobbies, then it's somewhat easier. The right gift will raise you in his eyes, the wrong one will make you look like a hopeless dumbass. As for Scorpio, he uses his birthday to once again play his favorite game: I will sit and see what you are capable of. If you feel insecure, then try to get off with a solid gift. Special attention pay attention to quality.

If the possibilities of any sign are limited, then the possibilities of Scorpio are endless. Therefore, the fate of Scorpio is most dependent on him. A person born under the sign of Scorpio, more than anyone else, can be called the master of his own destiny.

You can't confuse a Scorpio with anyone. His eyes are hypnotic. Under his gaze, people feel uncomfortable and try to look away. Scorpio's gaze is tense, tenacious, magnetic, piercing, it seems that he penetrates your soul, seeks to influence, but this property is unconscious. Isn't that why Scorpios prefer to wear tinted glasses?

Scorpio has good intuition, he can read minds, so almost all Scorpios have the gift of prediction. Nature endowed them with the ability to clairvoyance, telepathy, hypnosis. Therefore, hypocrisy with Scorpio is pointless, he will feel it instantly.

The speech of Scorpio, regardless of the timbre and strength of the voice, is unusually self-confident. Scorpio is indifferent to the opinions of others. He has nothing to do with him. He knows his own worth very well and does not need other people's assessments. That is why he is usually immune to either flattery or criticism. If Virgo sees her flaws, but does not see strangers, Scorpio starts with strangers.

Scorpios express themselves precisely and sharply. They are sharp on the tongue, for a word - mostly evil - they will not climb into their pockets. Rarely neutral, as a rule, they take a certain position, taking mainly a strange, exceptional, special point vision. Often people of this sign have a manner of talking with a "podkovyrka". Diplomacy is not his element, as he expresses his views and feelings openly, without embellishing the truth.

Scorpios are very truthful, despise lies and falsehood and will never stoop to flattery. If you really want to know what you're worth, ask a Scorpio about it. Clearly and definitely, not at all trying to sweeten the pill, Scorpio will speak out about your shortcomings. If you have enough self-control, listen carefully and take note of what he said. That is why Scorpio has an equal number of friends and enemies: you will hardly meet people who are indifferent to him. Those around him are usually either passionate admirers or fierce opponents, but both of them treat him with respect.

The fact that Scorpios often and successfully challenge the opinions of others gives them superiority, which they are well aware of. People hardly understand them, therefore they are often underestimated. In addition, Scorpions make a very controversial impression, because. often overstep the bounds of what is possible or permitted.

Scorpio easily penetrates the most hidden corners of the souls of those around him, pulling out their secrets into the light of day, but goes to extreme measures in preserving his own. Scorpio tends to hide their problems. It takes a lot of effort to trust him, even those who love him. Extremely emotional, receptive, passionate, Scorpios hide their feelings from others under the guise of cold indifference, although they suffer from general misunderstanding and loneliness. Scorpios have learned to control their emotions so well that you can’t read anything on their faces: they are impassive, like the faces of marble statues.

Despite outward equanimity, Scorpio is actually very emotional. Inside him there are constant changes, which are accompanied by deep and strong emotions. Anger, hatred, contempt often rage in the soul of Scorpio, and when he expresses them, he does it directly and strongly (the cunning of Cancer is not characteristic of him). Scorpio is characterized by an emotional outburst, like a bucket of ice water splashed on you, in which, moreover, various poisons are dissolved. If a surge of emotions is impossible for any reason, Scorpio begins to "eat himself."

Self-destruction is generally characteristic of Scorpio: destroying himself, he is recreated again, but in a new capacity. In other words, the worse for him, the better. When Scorpio feels bad, he has the energy and strength to fight against circumstances. If Scorpio's "throw" is clearly visible, then the second part of the transformation process (destruction-creation) is much less noticeable. Scorpio is not inclined to advertise for himself, he is interested in real power over the world, therefore, having personally convinced himself of his abilities and successes, he is often completely satisfied with this.

All Scorpios are closed, psychologically closed, few people understand their deep sense of self-worth (not inferior to the lion's), arising from the sense of responsibility of their mission. They remember everything, and especially evil, but not because they are personally vindictive, but because evil is an indicator of their field of activity for them. Scorpio is characterized by deep penetration into someone else's psyche, but at some point he gets tired of this. Then he needs to withdraw into himself - and his regenerative abilities will quickly return the spent energy to him.

The Scorpio personality is a combination of antagonistic forces. The soul and flesh in them are constantly fighting among themselves, so Scorpio sometimes seems to be the devil himself, sometimes a saint. Scorpios strive for success in life with much more energy than other signs. But only some of them achieve it, because. before becoming the "ruler of the world" and the arbiter of destinies, people of this sign must first defeat themselves. Only then will they achieve what they want.

Scorpio has great willpower and a desire for a goal. Taking on a business or project, he begins to tirelessly drive himself and others until he reaches the goal. Scorpio is never in a hurry, because. knows that if he aims for something, it will certainly be his. And if so, is it worth the hassle?

Scorpios are endowed with a sharp critical mind, the ability to quickly navigate in any situation and make the best decisions on the go. By mobilizing their psychic power, they are able to achieve everything they have in mind. They are well aware of this, hence their boundless confidence in themselves and their own abilities.

Scorpio loves power, money for him is only a means of strengthening his own power. He knows how to bide his time. His success begins where others have gotten stuck or given up. He plays for sure, with precisely calculated risk. The harder and more secret the work, the more profit he is able to get.

On the one hand, Scorpio is a materialist, but, on the other hand, a mystic. An unpredictable person who is ruled by either the mind or the heart. Wrestling is his passion, his element. Verbal skirmish is his forte, his remarks are sharp and caustic, often sting like a razor. Scorpios are loyal friends, but dangerous and cruel enemies. They are capable of being ruthless and deliberately cruel. At such moments, they not only seek revenge, but also see their enemies suffer and die.

Scorpio is proud to the point of arrogance. Not a single Scorpio will tolerate anyone being on the same level with him, he will deny it either out loud or to himself, but by his behavior he will show that he does not consider a single person in the world to be equal to himself. He always goes his own unique way, does not recognize coercion in any form.

Failure drives him crazy. He tends to dramatize them, but returns to the beginning of the path and starts again. He instinctively "pulls the blanket over himself", and it is better not to get in his way: he is a dangerous competitor, he does not forget insults and does not forgive.

Scorpio has a need to be busy all the time. He likes to redo something, renovate, arrange. Inactivity kills him. Scorpio is extremely hardy. He is not stopped by any difficulties and complications: he seeks and finds the cause, and eliminates it. Scorpio never passes the work on to others. Silently, no matter what it costs him, he does it himself. If Scorpio finds a worthy task, he can exhaust himself with work like no other, giving himself entirely to the cause, rejoicing at the opportunity to stop being busy with himself.

Scorpio constantly lives under the burden: it is necessary, it is necessary, it is necessary ... His inner task is to be the tamer of his life, his desires. It's a character aware of brevity human life. Therefore, he is so eager to achieve where others retreat. Scorpios want to perform feats. They respond if they are called; really, you have to make a good call. They are proud, but they can sacrifice themselves like no other.

Scorpio's desire to do everything perfectly prevents him from relying on others. Scorpio despises weakness in himself and in people, but can be generous, compassionate, will do everything to help. But it helps until the moment a person gets on his feet, then he will have to take care of himself on his own.

Scorpios are resourceful and, using their psychological capabilities, can easily manipulate people. They are difficult to deal with. They are always ready to attack because they are always waiting for an attack. They are always looking for quarrels, do not shy away from conflicts. Everything is at stake. Their energy is colossal. These are people who can pull themselves by the hair out of any swamp. Regardless of anything, they are involved in the risk, and may, in the end, lose everything, but the victory will be theirs.

This victory is not cheap for Scorpio himself. As compensation - internal self-devouring and torment, which, however, is not visible externally.

They are passionate and unconditional. This makes life with them attractive, exciting, but very stressful and difficult. They are warlike, though more inwardly than outwardly. They want to capture the other as a whole, to remake him to the very depths.

The jealousy inherent in this sign is manifested in the fact that he zealously seeks recognition of his significance, his primacy. Whether it be personal contacts, sexual, professional, comradely, he will always try to assert his dominant role in the struggle.

Scorpio is not at all characterized by remorse: if you get in his way, you must be radically changed or destroyed, and it is he, Scorpio, who must do this. And if you do not want this, you must feel the danger yourself and hide. If you do this right away, Scorpio will not pursue you: being a female sign, he waits for attention to be paid to him, without showing any activity or impatience at the same time, and it seems that he can wait forever.

However, Scorpios have a magnetic force that both attracts and repels. It is surrounded by something mysterious, difficult to comprehend. People either reject them or become attached to them. They are successful, although it is difficult to make acquaintances. They are mostly lonely, and this leaves its mark on them.

Scorpio is called the alchemist of the Zodiac because, interacting with environment, he is able to turn a simple metal into gold, and a noble metal into a cheap alloy.

Distinctive feature almost all Scorpions - unparalleled courage and even contempt for death. Scorpio can stoically endure any test: physical pain, poverty, ridicule of enemies and mortal danger. Scorpio meets all the blows of fate with proud contempt and a deep conviction that he will still win any battle.

He does not know the fear of death, because. lives next to her. The birth of Scorpio is often accompanied by the death of one of the relatives: plus or minus a year from his birth; similarly, the death of a Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it. This feature is difficult to explain. The vital energy of Scorpions is so great that at his birth some additional forces are required to ensure his birth. And vice versa, when he goes to another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new being.

Scorpio seeks to postpone the coming of death, he often experiments with it, risks his life for the sake of the lives of other people. Interest in the problems of life and death and the desire to comprehend the secrets of human existence contributes to the fact that among the Scorpios there are many excellent diagnosticians and criminologists.

Numerous natural talents help Scorpio achieve success in a wide range of professions. Coolness makes it possible to be a surgeon. The natural ability to seek out hidden facts and unravel the secrets of people allows you to penetrate the psychology of the criminal and use this ability in the profession of a detective, a writer and others. Among the Scorpios there are excellent psychologists, up to the gift of sinister magical influence. They are talented hypnologists who know how to influence the people around them, subordinating them to themselves.

People born under the sign of Scorpio can choose one of three paths in life.

The first type, Scorpio itself, can be dangerous and poisonous not only for others, but also for oneself (in cases where there is no one nearby to try their deadly sting on, they sting themselves). These creatures are ruthless, vindictive and in their hatred are capable not only of huge destruction, but also of self-destruction.

The second type of Scorpio is strong, independent, wise and fair. It is also called the Eagle.

The third type of Scorpio is called the Gray Lizard. They are the weakest of the Scorpions. Where in Scorpions the excess of forces is directed to destruction or, like the Eagle, is directed to creative creation, in Gray lizards it closes on itself, finding no way out. These people suffer from dissatisfaction with themselves and others, but do not seek to somehow influence the course of events, but simply hate everyone and everything and wish everyone evil.

Each of the three types of Scorpions in pure form is quite rare, but to one degree or another, every Scorpio has all these qualities.

A powerful driving force in the life of a Scorpio is mainly psychosexual energy, but it can manifest itself at the highest level of intelligence and spirituality.

Being kings in sexual matters, Scorpios approach sex with ease and often begin to engage in it at an early age. They are sexually attractive, even if not very beautiful. As lovers, Scorpios are highly valued.

Scorpios crave love, fight for it, ask for it. Love is their lifeblood. Scorpio is the sexiest of all zodiac signs. This explains why they are so desperately looking for love.

In their younger years, they are romantic, adore music and soft light. Later they become less restrained. Scorpio spouses must be extremely careful. In short illegal relationships, Scorpio can tolerate a not very neat partner; a forbidden erotic act brings him special pleasure.

Scorpio is not shy about using sex to achieve their goals. He is able to marry for convenience, but they are smart enough to choose a person with whom they are mentally compatible.

Family Scorpios do not refuse extramarital affairs, but try not to allow these relationships to threaten the security of their married life. They are able to cope well on "two fronts" - marital and extramarital, do it with ease and without any tension.

Their feelings are much more intense than people of any other zodiac sign. Love is stronger and hate is deeper. However, they are not guided by emotions, but by reason and are excellent at controlling their feelings. Their critical mind constantly analyzes. And, oddly enough, Scorpios are constant and stable in love, in passion and affection, as well as in hatred. They are faithful spiritually, even if they allow extramarital affairs.

But Scorpio is a very big owner. Hence the jealousy, which can blow up the existing happy relationship and lead to irreparable mistakes. Scorpio's love quickly turns into hatred, and passion into contempt.

As a father, Scorpio is fair, although it can be harsh. The kids love him no matter what. They show their love for family and close friends somewhat defiantly.

Scorpio never forgets the kindness and services rendered to him and generously thanks for them. But in the same way, he does not forget the insult or insult inflicted on him. Truth, different types Scorpios react differently to this. The eagle will challenge the enemy to battle and will not rest until the opponent is defeated or asks for mercy. Only then will the Eagle let him go on all four sides. Actually, Scorpio will carefully plan how to take revenge on his offender and, be sure, will strike him with such force that, if he recovers, he will forever refuse to contact Scorpio. As for the Gray Lizard, she prefers to rely on revenge from above and is able to wait for many years until this happens. This practice is detrimental, first of all, to Scorpio himself, because. poison accumulates inside and gradually poisons the body.

Scorpios do great in moderation, but humid climate. They like to live in cities located near the ocean, sea, lakes and rivers.

You can love or hate a Scorpio, but you can't ignore him. This is a strong personality, energetically very rich, with an innate gift for research, a sharp look and a penetrating mind. Scorpio sees only black or white, does not recognize halftones, gives all of himself in love and friendship, but in return demands you entirely!

He remembers the insult for a long time, although he does not show it. Do not hurt Scorpio in front of strangers, do not insult or humiliate him, otherwise, instead of a friend, you will deal with a reckless enemy. Scorpio needs your trust. He is ready to do the impossible, just to prove to you that you are not mistaken in him. In order not to discharge the energy of Scorpio on yourself, set a goal that is difficult to achieve for him - all the energy will go there. Treat him tactfully, gently, and he will reward you a hundredfold with the ardor of his passion.

Scorpio is subject to both the spiritual sphere and the physical. Physical and spiritual aspirations can come into conflict and cause painful conflict in the soul of Scorpio. He can soar above the earth like an eagle, or sink to the very bottom of life. Scorpio never complains, but can become hardened. There is no such goal that he could not achieve.

Most best periods lives often end in dramatic blows of fate. Anticipating this, Scorpio is afraid even of his peaceful inner state. He believes, and quite reasonably, that he can jinx himself. And therefore it can be caustic and full of sarcasm in assessing even their successes and victories. These people are barometers, criminologists who are able to unconsciously predict extreme situations, flair to recognize criminals.

Scorpio is by no means superficial. Regardless of whether lower or higher power he is influenced, he always makes decisions based on the deep hidden sides of existence.

It is difficult for a Scorpio to overcome his inner essence. Hence the instability of character, and the gigantic amplitude of jumps in behavior ... One might say - from the devil to the angel.

The angelic begins to prevail only after serious "breakdowns", it comes to a person after great experiences and testing all the hardships of fate in one's own "skin".

Scorpio, which is at the lowest level, can be possessed by such passions as lust, perversion, secret vices. He can be vicious, vengeful and poisonous. Those Scorpios who rise to the heights of the spirit become Eagles. Soaring to the heights of spirituality and human achievement, they receive a special mission: the power to transform the world.

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Scorpion - strong sign. This is a workaholic who puts his soul and skill into the work he does. He likes to do what he loves. He likes to work alone, but strives to ensure that the fruits of his labors are noticed and appreciated by the people around him. This sign strives to be realized as a person, to achieve the location of others, therefore, various difficulties encountered on the path to achieving financial prosperity are perceived as a challenge and test of his talents. Emotional satisfaction plays an important role in the lives of people of this sign.

The scorpion, living in nature, is described as an arachnid-type animal that is predominantly nocturnal and skillfully uses its tail, at the end of which contains a paralyzing deadly poison, when meeting enemies.

If we consider Scorpio people, then we can conclude that these are the most unpredictable individuals who rush to various extremes. They like to dominate others, show cruelty and willfulness, are distinguished by strong passion and rebellion, and are also not very picky in achieving goals.

Contradictions of nature are intertwined in the character. In people of this sign, kindness and malice, archaism and progressiveness, idealism and romanticism, a combination of high impulses and animal instincts can be calmly combined. All this puts others in a complete stupor. Scorpios do not like to fully reveal themselves to others, preferring to create a mysterious image. They perfectly know how to control their behavior and desires. But the eyes betray the representatives of this sign: there are no more such eyes with depth, penetrating power and magnetism. People literally feel the heavy hypnotic power of the gaze and want to quickly break away from it.

Scorpios are brave and fearless to the point of infinity, they can endure any danger, pain, trials, ridicule, financial shortage. It seems that nature itself has invested in them the qualities of a tireless fighter, able to fight for their existence.

Such people are ready for a big risk, they connect their inexhaustible willpower and are always ready to go to the end, tuning in advance for a future victory. This is a type of universal soldier who knows how to attack and defend himself. And, indeed, they achieve amazing results.

When attacked, Scorpio acts deliberately, without undue fuss and emotions. Blind malice and revenge are not inherent in him. He chooses his tactics in advance and waits for the right moment to sting. The planned line of behavior is quite rarely amenable to adjustment. He will not share his plans and strategies with others, preferring to keep everything a strict secret in order to avoid leakage of information and the destruction of his plan. For the final victory can use surprise.

Clear confidence in one's abilities, future plans and real opportunity obtaining the desired result, as well as the immutability of the line of behavior, allow Scorpio not to worry and not to fuss. Calm, just calm.

It is difficult for Scorpio to obey, because he himself determines for himself the required line of behavior. He never thinks about what others will think or say about his words and actions. Also, he does not need someone's praises or criticism. He has enough of his own opinion.

This sign wants to be independent and shows the inflexibility of its spirit.

Representatives of this sign successfully combine a complex of strong qualities and a constructive mind. They can see life realistically, not through a prism, as Libra does, but on the contrary, with all possible problems and difficulties. The well-known saying is very suitable for them: “Our whole life is a struggle!” These are rather stubborn individuals, ready even to contradict themselves and their developed life postulates, if the situation or mood requires it. It is not clear how such people can even exist. However, in fact, successful people are obtained from Scorpions in various fields of activity.

Scorpios pathologically do not tolerate deceit, flattery and resourcefulness, and they also do not do this in relation to others. If you want to get any advice from Scorpio or find out his opinion - get ready for truthful categoricalness, full reality and do not complain later that you were not warned. But it’s better to hear the truth about yourself and be able to change something than to swim in someone’s flattery for years and assume that everything is going fine. Therefore, from time to time, ask Scorpio for an opinion about yourself - it will be unpleasant, but useful (like an operation: you don’t want to do it, but you can’t do without it).

Scorpios are wonderful practitioners who skillfully use their natural intuition. They are able to look at the situation from all sides and choose the right solution. It seems that they can predict the actions of their opponent or competitor in advance. They do not use outdated methods, but take for themselves a lot of useful things from progressive innovations.

The combination of the incomparable allows you to make them unique: for example, strong self-control does not allow them to make a mistake by committing a rash act. At the same time, a great desire to do something does not allow you to plan in advance the whole path to getting what you want. A very good quality for an employee is that Scorpio solves problems immediately, as they arise, and does not put it off indefinitely. He is confident that one victory will lead to the next. Therefore, such people can work in different places: to be a useful performer who does the job on time, and also to supervise others perfectly, showing by personal example how to work.

A sober mind, combined with a developed foreboding, allows this sign to easily fulfill its plans. Opponents will be beside themselves with rage, watching the behavior of the Scorpion.

However, in relationship with ordinary people he behaves honestly and decently.

It is very rare that someone can awaken a deep feeling in Scorpions, whether it be a friend or a loved one. People are divided into two camps: his enemies and admirers, but everyone, without exception, respects him.

Scorpios have a bright charisma and their speeches can "ignite" people and encourage them to take decisive action. This is done through hypnotic power, which is able to attract like a magnet. They have an excellent memory and the ability to own a lot of information. Representatives of this sign easily plunge into other people's secrets, but not out of a desire to learn something for later use, but simply for the sake of interest. They love life and understand its nuances.

Scorpios have an amazingly beneficial effect on others from a psychological standpoint. For example, they can transfer healing to a sick person, as if pouring positive energy into a person, cheer up a desperate person, help set priorities correctly so that life gets better. Such people are sure to become interested in the spiritual life and can develop amazing insight.

Scorpio has the most powerful destructive and creative forces. Sometimes, after life's hardships, he, practically crushed and destroyed, is again reborn to action and achieves even greater success than the day before. It seems to him that unknown ways of restoration and self-renewal are opening up. He is reborn like a phoenix bird. Scorpio himself can be seen as a living substance of strong energy, always ready for action.

Scorpios combine all the versatility of characters. They can be calm and violent, passionate and cold, hurried and waiting. Many combinations determine a large number of variants of individuals.

Regardless of whether Scorpio does the right thing or the wrong one, he is constant in his completion, i.e. always tries to bring everything to its logical end. He does not like and does not understand the mediocrity of actions. This type of people meets all the troubles and failures with a calm expression on their faces, remaining calm. He perfectly owns his facial expressions and emotions, so you won’t even be able to determine that something not entirely positive has happened in his life or plans. Scorpio does not want others to feel sorry for him, to cry with him over failures, because he represents a sign of strength. However, this sign resembles a boomerang: if he sees the kindness and love of others towards himself, then he will definitely try to repay the same, but if someone dares to harm him, then let him be careful - the response will overtake him in due time. Scorpio is ready to take revenge for humiliation, insult or ridicule. And it really is not just a threat, it will definitely happen.

Scorpio people are very pleasant in friendly communication. They love to dream, appreciate nature, take care of animals, favor beauty and grace.

They appreciate humor and satire and are not averse to playing a joke on someone. Fear is not typical of this sign, whose representatives are distinguished by courage, courage and loyalty.

They are attracted by the same extraordinary people who do not depend on circumstances, who know how to make their way. Scorpios directly gush with ideas that their non-standard mind reproduces, and are ready to act immediately.

If you plan to have a conversation with a Scorpio, keep in mind the fact that he is used to taking the initiative in his own hands and will not adapt to your topic or opinion. You will have to become an appreciative listener, having the opportunity to ask a few questions. The selfishness and intransigence of Scorpios can disappear when they achieve significant financial performance.

In fact, it is impossible to treat this sign always evenly and equally, but it will not tolerate complete neglect of its own person.

Scorpio is considered a fairly strong, energetically saturated sign. He loves to explore everything to the end, has a tenacious look and a developed mind. This is a bright personality who does not recognize halftones, reservations, doubts. He is completely devoted to work, family, friendship, but he will not tolerate half-heartedness from you either. Do not play with his feelings - you can get hurt. Successes and failures are replaced by a succession of his life path. He can act as a protector of the weak, gives priority to family values, loves his children very much.

Scorpions can be classified into three types:

1. “real scorpion” - in case of failure, it is ready to sting and destroy not only others, but also itself;
2. "eagle" - soars high, sees and knows a lot. This is strong, wise, successful person;
3. "gray lizard" - a constantly grumbling, dissatisfied with life person who does not specifically try to change it. He does not want to put up with his existing existence, but, nevertheless, is not able to undertake drastic changes. Discontent repels others, as a result of which Scorpio remains alone, but is ready to grumble and complain further.

In its pure form, Scorpios are almost never found - they usually represent a fusion of characters and entities.

Steel, like the metal of Scorpio, gains strength after hardening - and this sign is inflexible and indestructible, able to withstand any life's trials.

Scorpios can become successful businessmen, artists, financial and political figures. They are able to work with huge masses of people and can achieve unprecedented success in doing so. To do this, you need to direct all your talents towards achieving the goal, connect self-control and establish friendly relations with the right people.

Scorpio is a water sign. Just as water wears away a stone, so this sign can gradually approach its goal, destroying all troubles and thresholds. A large supply of energy will not allow him to stop halfway, but will give additional strength to advance. Even when everything seems to be going well, he continues to think through new options for action, new projects. It seems that he creates tasks for himself and solves them himself.

Positive qualities of Scorpio: insight, intuitiveness, desire to explore everything, the presence of self-criticism, concern for others and their protection, focus on the goal, dynamic impulse, charisma, sensuality and emotionality of nature, invincibility of the spirit, desire for victory, understanding the possibility of failures.

Negative qualities: imperiousness, intransigence to a different point of view, selfishness, suspicion, irascibility, envy, secrecy, the ability to unravel other people's secrets, a thirst for revenge, cunning.

Sometimes people with a more developed mind can successfully resist the attacks of a Scorpio, which infuriates him. Well, what can you do - nature is nature, someone turns out to be smarter, and the other can lose a little in this matter.

It is believed that each Scorpio gradually goes through three stages of its evolution, the timing of the formation of which differs for each representative.

The first stage (strength through the bite) - Scorpio, like a foolish animal, can sting itself.

The second stage (strength through the mind) - intellectual development allows you to take a different look at events and life itself. Here wisdom, planning, measuredness appear, combined with the swiftness of attacks, the ability to rise up and successfully gain a foothold at a new financial level (the symbol is a golden eagle).

Either you yourself do not want to see what the real state of affairs is, or someone is leading you by the nose. In any case, this day is not suitable for making important decisions, making any commitments and making serious plans. Wait a bit and you will find out that in fact everything is a little different than you thought.
The second half of the day will please. At this time, some lucky coincidences, gifts of fate are likely. For example, you can accidentally meet a person to whom you did not dare to remind yourself for a long time.

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Love horoscope - Scorpio

Tomorrow is not the time to seek new adventures. Take a break and take a break from flirting, you have enough other worries tomorrow.


Do not let an enemy masquerading as your friend into your home. Razluchnitsa, or razluchnik stand at your doorstep. Your star treks almost crossed. In this situation, only your extreme caution and urgent defensive position can help. Do everything possible to ensure that your chosen one spends this evening alone with you!


Family Horoscope - Scorpio

The influence of Uranus on your relationship with your family will be favorable, but not at all pacifying. You and your loved ones will understand each other in a new way - but change is never easy, so both you and them will have a hard time at first.

Business horoscope - Scorpio

Tomorrow you can do well many of the tasks that were previously planned. Try to do everything, the day is successful for this.


Health Horoscope - Scorpio

The only thing that can disturb your body is that in the late afternoon it may appear headache. Especially if you will be a lot of nervous and eat anywhere. If possible, try to go home early, take a hot bath with oregano or eucalyptus extract, and ensure yourself a full eight hours of sleep.


Under the influence of Mercury, you may feel a breakdown. If there is a lack of tone, start drinking herbal teas with thyme, rosemary and linden. Aromatic essences of mint and juniper will also be useful. Take magnesium and calcium, and try healing mud treatments.

Mobile horoscope - Scorpio

Your unexpressed anger is today's main event. You have to process every reaction to any lingering negativity, or that feeling of anger or aggression inside can escalate into something more serious. But you will have to do everything yourself. You can never count on someone to be there and help you on this day. You need to be able to deal with negativity within yourself so that it does not disturb your life balance. You need to be able to deal with negativity around for the same reason. All this is not difficult to achieve, the main thing is to try and do it.

Beauty horoscope - Scorpio

During this period, you will need to maintain increased discipline and awareness. Do not waste your time on fleeting hobbies and frivolous undertakings. Better concentrate on those important things that you have accumulated.

Planetary patronage: Pluto, Mars

Scorpio symbols: scorpion, eagle, pyramid, skull or any sign of death, ophipod

Lucky Colors: dark red, scarlet, burgundy, black

Lucky Stones: ruby, carbuncle, hematite (bloodstone), red carnelian, sarder, heliotrope, diamond, moonstone

Flowers: peony, carnation, flowers with a sharp and pungent smell

Metal: iron and bronze

Part of the body: kidneys and genitals, spine, cardiovascular system

Talismans for Scorpio: scarab, scorpion, sign of death

Favorable numbers: 4, 9, 14, 21, 100, 666

Happy Days: Tuesday

Appearance of Scorpions. The figure is strong and dense, top part more massive. The palms of the hands are usually small and look beautiful and even elegant. The head is "tightly set", that is, the neck is strong and short. The face is even, proportional, beautiful, often with a claim to nobility. Scorpio can be recognized by its gaze - attentive and insightful, but you cannot call it open. Another one distinguishing feature- brows. In males, they are thick and sometimes fused. And women often pluck them "in a thread", regardless of fashion. Facial features are large, the profile is clearly defined. In their youth, Scorpions grow thick hair, and the hair sometimes curls slightly around the temples and in the forehead area. However, with age, men begin to go bald - from an excess of hormones in the blood. However, this only enhances their sexual attractiveness in the eyes of women.

Scorpio character fluctuates between choleric and phlegmatic. This means that, with normal restraint, they are sometimes capable of outbursts of temperament. Scorpios have great self-control and tend to overthink their actions. Decisiveness and activity, coupled with extraordinary vindictiveness, makes them dangerous enemies. On the one hand, they secretly crave recognition, and on the other hand, their pride and secrecy makes them choose detours. Scorpios know how to fight hidden wars: they are always looking for weakness the enemy to strike and do not like to go ahead. They are sometimes called insidious and mean - for them, this is just a profitable strategy, nothing personal. They hide the deep feelings of their soul behind sarcasm and cynicism. Scorpios are often endowed with various talents or mystical abilities. They have a highly developed intuition and have the courage to trust it.

If you decide to have a close relationship with a Scorpio man, go free test"How to Win a Scorpio Man". The result of the test will show you whether you are ready to become for him the only woman he will admire and be proud of.

Scorpio man all the time is on the alert, expecting a blow from any direction. He sees everything and notices everything, constantly plans and rarely trusts anyone completely. This creates a certain halo of mystery and romance around him, which makes women simply lose their heads. The sexuality of the Scorpio man is a fountain, and even with the most ordinary appearance, he will not end up with fans. However, Scorpio always chooses for himself and remains true to his choice. A Scorpio husband is a real gift. But he is ready to take responsibility and provide for the family, in return he will require endless loyalty, even selflessness. Scorpio love - like hate - burns with an unquenchable flame and does not weaken over the years. Financial success does not come to them immediately. After 30 years there is a slight improvement, and after 40 there is a clear change for the better.

Scorpio woman is a magnet that attracts the universal stronger sex. However, she knows her worth and is not going to fall into the arms of the first handsome handsome man she comes across. If a Scorpio woman does not meet her true love, she can become a homeowner, a fatal woman, destroying families and destinies. Having fallen in love, she makes a lot of efforts to achieve happiness, while she is able to wait for years in an unfavorable scenario. She is devoted to her husband and family, caring, able to endure great hardships for the sake of a brighter future. Often Scorpios do not have girlfriends and do not dedicate anyone to their thoughts and plans. In their youth, they are attracted to the occult sciences - almost every Scorpio at least once tried to learn how to conjure. Later they resort to more modern methods knowledge of human souls - to psychology and philosophy.

Compatibility Horoscope for Scorpio


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