Family constellations according to B. Hellinger. Example "Remembering Grandpa"

Fashion & Style 21.09.2019
Fashion & Style

In psychotherapy in the early nineties of the last century, a new method appeared, which was called "Hellinger constellation." Having received its name thanks to the founder, it is successfully used by specialists today. Moreover, every year it enjoys increasing popularity, since its use, oddly enough for many, is striking in its effectiveness. Followers appear, specialists are trained.

B. Hellinger at one time attended and mastered the course of psychoanalysis, family and gestalt therapy. Having summarized his knowledge and skills, he (together with like-minded people) created a constellation method based on the synthesis of all currents in psychology.

He was able to identify patterns that lead families to destructive conflicts. This method is used with equal success both in group and in individual work. Clients can be persons over 14 years old who really want to find solutions to their problem. You should not attend such classes out of idle curiosity, since the main thing here is positive motivation, not skepticism. Hellinger constellations help to deal with problems in family relationships, work well in the presence of various fears when working with, applicable for in a team. When dealing with these issues Special attention confidentiality, non-disclosure of information obtained during therapy. This is a professional psychotherapeutic method, in their work it is used by those who have undergone appropriate training, since the interpretation of the results and the placement itself directly depend on the experience of the specialist.

Hellinger's constellations are as follows: first, the client of a psychotherapist from a group of people chooses those who, in his opinion, are most suitable for working out a particular situation.

Then he arranges them in the space allotted for work, as his own intuition tells him. This is where the work begins. People or figures (if we are talking about individual psychotherapy), placed by the client in space, are a reflection of the subconscious image of the problem situation.

The amazing thing is that the substitutes (the people the client chooses to place) play the role of a person about whom they know absolutely nothing, but, nevertheless, they accurately reproduce the person they are replacing.

Hellinger constellations are a unique and unusual method, it works, despite the apparent near-science and shades of esotericism.

This article is written specifically for people who have already heard something about this most interesting method, perhaps even took part in a group session as a client or substitute, those who feel that this method helps them and would like to further advance in their search yourself using the Hellinger placement method.

Hellinger constellations in Moscow: group and individual

  1. In group work, it is impossible to work out all the basic points hiding in the abyss of the family nest. Often, group requests are limited to a single request that addresses only one problem in the client's life.
  2. Not all clients are able to "open up" in a group form of work. And there is an explanation for this: there are client requests that a person is often afraid to talk about and even think about. For example, a client who has experienced very strong shocks, bullying and humiliation on a physical and emotional level seeks psychological help. She is unlikely to want to talk about all this in a group, and why do it in a group when there is an individual form psychological help client.
  3. Many clients simply do not know about the existence of the Hellinger arrangement method in an individual form of work. Below I will describe about the individual Hellinger placement method.

I have been conducting Hellinger constellations in Moscow for a long time and increasingly I use an individual approach in my work, where we alone with the client solve the problems that concern him in personal, family or professional areas.

How do I conduct individual Hellinger constellations in Moscow? In my work, I use special figurines that help the client create personal constellations, realize what is hidden from the eyes, see the whole essence of what is happening in life with my own eyes and feel the unique resources of my own kind. Every family system has strong and weak sides. In my work with a client great attention I pay attention to emotions, feelings and sensations, because they often hide the whole essence of ongoing events. The founder of the method, Bert Hellinger, even brought out a certain quote about this: "Everything that a person does in life, he does because of love or because of its lack."

Hellinger constellations - the road to happiness!

Each person is a storehouse, an inexhaustible source of life, skill, uniqueness, flight of the soul. Our ancestors are involved in today's success or failure in life. We cannot erase history, cut off the roots of our family tree. We can only betray the memory of our ancestors, forget about the values ​​and secrets of the family. But, the task of the Hellinger arrangement method is to reveal to the client big encyclopedia his family system. After all, when a client learns about the merits of a kind, he is more likely to relate to shortcomings and mistakes. Because every person has the right to make mistakes, and it is never too late to correct the mistakes made and change life for the better. Respect and honor of those who gave us living today, life opens the way to happiness for us.

Hellinger constellations are a bewitching sight!

It is impossible with the help of one article to describe the whole process of conducting the Hellinger constellation, since this bewitching sight always looks different. Individual constellations according to Hellinger at a personal meeting lift the veil of generic interweaving, show the client a general picture of the origin of regular events and recurring stories.

Hellinger constellations in Moscow today are carried out by many specialists, but not every constellator has the necessary basic knowledge in the field of psychology and family counseling. When looking for a specialist, it is important to pay attention to his education.

Hellinger constellations are a very deep internal psychological work of the client on himself. It requires courage and a desire to change something in your life. I always give my clients recommendations after the constellation, and observe changes in the internal emotional state and changes in the client's life. Constellations are the way to your origins, the return home, to yourself, the true, the present.

Hellinger constellations are an established method in the field psychological counseling, and belong to the methods of short-term psychotherapy, since one or two sessions can solve global problem client, with which he sometimes could not deal with for years.

In many large cities today there are specialists who own the Hellinger arrangement method. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to find a specialist in your city.

However, if you are looking for Hellinger constellations in Moscow, I will be happy to accompany you on your path to success!

Kalugina Natalia Igorevna

Despite the fact that a reasonable person actively uses all the achievements of modern civilization, some deep part of his psyche and physiology repeats the mental organization of ancestors from a primitive communal society.

Initially, we were intended to live within the clan, within the family. The laws of these cells of society are unconsciously aimed at the preservation of the family, just as it happens in an anthill or in a swarm of bees.

It would seem, why do we need to know about these laws, when now you can survive and realize yourself perfectly, living alone or in a small family?

It turns out that the patterns of intra-tribal relations between people still operate in our lives. Moreover, they apply to all its areas, including business and relationships within any team.

The psychotherapist was the first to discover this phenomenon and systematize the laws of relations between members of the same family. Bert Hellinger- the author of the method of family constellations.

About the author of the methodology

Before becoming a psychotherapist, Bert Hellinger had come a long way from a missionary in South Africa to a practicing member of the psychoanalyst association in Munich.

Exploring the relationships that arise in different groups, he discovered that the emergence of tragic conflicts in different families has its own patterns.

Bert Hellinger, who has a long history of working as a family counselor, has developed a technique for overcoming such conflicts, which has become known in professional circles as the "Hellinger constellation."

In collaboration with the German psychiatrist G. Weber in 1993, the psychotherapist wrote the book "Two Kinds of Happiness", which tells about the method of constellations. This fruit of many years of practice immediately became a national bestseller.

Currently, Hellinger has created a school for his followers, travels around the world to lecture and conduct training seminars.

How are the placements going?

Externally, the Hellinger arrangements look like this:

  1. the client reports his problem associated with relationships between members of his family or personal sphere.
  2. among the members of the group selected to work with this problem, so-called "substitutes" are chosen members of the client's family or people associated with the client's problem.
  3. they arranged in space they are discouraged from using expressive gestures or postures.
  4. deputies who took on other people's roles, move the way they feel and say what they feel.
  5. receiving information and drawing conclusions, the installer is working using special techniques, allowing phrases and techniques.
  6. after the end of the session removes deputies from the roles of those being replaced.

Despite the fact that the members of the group have no idea about their prototypes and their problems, after serious and thoughtful work of the facilitator, substitutes begin to feel the same as the client's family members or other people.

Information about this comes to them from the "knowing" or "morphic" field. This field is the only weakness method of constellations according to Hellinger, although during practical classes recent decades there was evidence that "field" information can be trusted.

Is the danger of constellations a myth?

Opponents of Bert Hellinger often say that when replacing, there is a danger that the substitute will not be able to completely leave the role of the replaced, he becomes obsessed.

It is even more dangerous if the deputy took on the role of a deceased person. So are Hellinger constellations dangerous?

Possible problems of a family therapy session:

  • It is not safe for the constellator to be included in the client's system, as there is a danger of entanglement;
  • Arrangers, deputies and even observers with weak energy protection run the risk of attaching the client's hereditary karmic illnesses to their subtle plane.

To avoid doubts, dangerous l

and arrangements, it is necessary after the session to “cleanse” all participants with energy flows, create protective vibrations, use special minerals.

Whom to contact if you want to make an arrangement?

This method of work is rapidly spreading, and for good reason, because it really leads the client to the result. However, more and more unskilled specialists (constellators) appear in the world of psychology, who take up work simply after reading books, without studying. This is very dangerous, because such an irresponsible approach can harm both the client and the therapist.

If a person decides to try this technique, then you need to contact strictly a certified professional. This will ensure the safety and quality of work. Below are links to some of the experts who are known and have already earned the trust of customers.

Lyubov Sadovnikova , Nizhny Novgorod(online)
Natalia Rubleva, Moscow (online)

The world of technology is developing faster every year, but the number of free hours people have is decreasing.

That is why the “online consultation” method appeared in psychological practice. Now almost every specialist in the field of psychology is ready to accept a client at a distance.

However, is it possible to conduct constellations via Skype? After all, this is not a traditional method of counseling.

The opinions of therapists on constellations on this matter differ. Someone argues that it is difficult to transfer roles and receive information at a distance, while someone is sure that this is not only possible, but also completely easy.

It turns out that the possibility of a high-quality Skype constellation session depends on the specialist. If he is confident in his ability to read information at a distance, has successful experience in this field, and is also fluent in the constellation method, then everything will work out. But if at least one of the above points is lame, then there may be difficulties. When contacting a constellation therapist, read reviews about him.

Feedback from specialists and session participants

Professional psychotherapists believe that this technique allows a person to overcome internal barriers, give more vision in difficult situations, get rid of relationship obstacles.

Feedback on the arrangements of the participants in such sessions suggests that they had interesting sensations, it became possible to look at many things with different point of view, see through the problem of another getting out of your situation.

Clients of such sessions, leaving feedback on the constellations in which they were the main persons, are mostly satisfied with the results. The effect of the work occurs immediately, long hours of therapy are not needed.

Those who have gone through the work believe that they need to work on themselves constantly. Nothing will change for those who do nothing to work on their problem.

Hellinger family constellations are an unusual, promising technique that allows you to penetrate deep into the problem of many generations of one family and solve it with the least effort.

Why don't alignments help?

Sometimes you have to hear that too. A person made an arrangement for himself, and maybe more than one, but there is no result. Why? There are several nuances here. We answer.

1. There is definitely no result?
When a person comes to therapy or constellation, he has a clear picture in his head good result, and how it should HAPPEN. He is waiting for just such a course of history. For example, for a suitable partner to get to know him, invite him on a date. Or to be hired by a dream company. And then, when something goes wrong, he rejects it. If appeared in the field right person(and this is already the result), and we have the opportunity to get to know him, but otherwise than it seemed in my head - everything is rejected! This is not it! This is not the result. If there are no places in the dream company, but a friend offers a good project, this is not taken as a result. This is not it.
The human brain is sometimes reactive and erroneously draws conclusions. Is there really no result?

2. The psyche of the Soul is inert.
What is there to hide. The human psyche is inert, and it just wants to go along the old path. And it’s understandable why, because everything is already familiar there and has been passed not once. And then they offer some new solution, the unknown, you need to clear the way, go consciously ... “Nooo,” says the psyche and returns to the old scenarios. What to do? WANT TO GO FORWARD AND BE AWARE. The arrangement is not a magic wand, I did everything. This is work on yourself. Every day you have to make a choice in favor of the new or the old.

3. The degree of NOT readiness for change.
This is perhaps the most common. How does this happen. Person N really wanted to fix something in his life, he went to the constellation and it helped him. The result was 100%. He, of course, told his friend M about this. He caught fire, “I’ll go too, N helped.” He goes, makes arrangements, and does not help him. Why? Because he "didn't burn like N"!!! He went out of curiosity, in fact there was little energy for changes.

4. Everyone has their own rhythm.
Sometimes a person wants too much at once. So that the result is the next day, so that everything is as he wants, quickly and efficiently. But each Soul has its own pace. For someone, the arrangement really acts very quickly. Sometimes changes come already at the seminar. This suggests that the soul is open to the new, it has already eaten up old problems. And for some, the results are extremely slow. Step by step the Soul opens to the new. And this may not even be noticeable to the person himself, but only the people around notice how he has changed. These changes are so subtle and little by little that it is difficult to track them and impossible to describe!!! But they are.

5. The problem is not finally resolved.
Not all problems can be solved at once. The topic of mother and father is the most popular and longest topic that even advanced people resolve for years. It's full of hidden dynamics and mysteries. They crawl out again and again. What to do? THANK GOD that they appear, and we have the opportunity to become even happier. After all, some people live in the fog all their lives. One problem can have up to 10 layers and layers. As Hellinger himself said, a person's life is not enough even to get rid of 50% of the interweaving. So we offer to relax and trust the processes that are taking place.

6. Inappropriate therapist or method.
For a successful result, it is necessary that the client trust the method and the therapist. If this does not happen, then the result may not be. Also, unfortunately, there are many non-professional specialists who do something without knowing what.

7. Take responsibility.
When the placement of 50% responsibility on the client and 50% on the therapist begins. But when it ends, and a person goes into his life, the responsibility is 100% on him! What happens sometimes? A person came, made an arrangement, left and is waiting for the result. He believes that the therapist had to make sure that the result would appear. And the client ceases to take care of himself, of his internal dynamics, shifting all responsibility to the therapist. As a result, nothing happens. There is no result.

Here are perhaps the most common 7 points why the result does not occur in life after the placement. Before you get angry at the therapist or ask for help again, you should think about whether some item is relevant?

Systemic family constellations are a method of psychotherapy by the German philosopher Bert Hellinger, which is based on three laws: the law of belonging (connection), the law of hierarchy (order) and the law of give-and-take (exchange). Hellinger's psychological constellation technique is good because:

  • saves time and money for the client, allowing you to find the cause of the problem and its solution within one or two sessions, while other methods could be useless;
  • gives you the opportunity to look so deeply into the client's family system, gathering information about the life and scenarios of past generations, that sometimes the result of therapy amazes even the constellation specialists themselves.

The Olvia Family Counseling Center in Moscow offers more than 20 psychotherapeutic practices, including family, individual, generic and many other psychological systemic constellations according to the method of Bert Hellinger, collected for you in one place.

System constellations help to make a person's life happy, namely:

  • to realize the hidden causes of conflicts between spouses, "fathers and children" and find harmony in relationships;
  • identify and eliminate the causes of diseases (improve well-being, get rid of symptoms, recover);
  • solve problems in your personal life (get rid of loneliness and build happy relationship with a partner);
  • identify and eliminate the causes of fear of money and allow yourself to become rich and successful;
  • choose the most suitable business partner or project for investment;
  • understand and eliminate the causes of recurring negative events (scenarios) in life;
  • determine your calling, understand what is best to do in life;
  • choose the best solution for difficult situation, conditions of lack of information and much more.

The specialists of the Olvia Center not only conduct daily constellation sessions, which take place in a friendly atmosphere of mutual understanding, support and sympathy, but we have created a special training for you aimed at teaching Hellinger systemic constellations at a very affordable price for Moscow.

Group system constellations are an interesting and often unpredictable process that can be divided into several stages:

  • a conversation with the client, during which the essence of the problem, his relationship with the family, as well as necessary, in the opinion of the specialist, family details are clarified;
  • selection of substitute family members among other participants in the session. It is at this stage that the phenomenon of substitutive perception arises, when the participants begin to interact with each other, like the people they replace in the constellation;
  • work to eliminate the causes of the problem. To eliminate violations of the laws of family systems, the permutations of figures and the pronunciation of permissive phrases are used, there is a recognition of the actual state of affairs.

A few examples from Systemic Family Constellations:

  • during the arrangements of parts of the personality, a part was revealed for the girl that felt inner guilt, was sad and did not want to live. It turned out that in this way the girl remembers her older aborted brothers and sisters. "They didn't get anything, how can I be happy?" The inner feeling of guilt is that if they were born, then the girl, most likely, would not have been born, i.e. her birth cost the lives of older brothers and sisters. Unwillingness to live, desire for death - compensation, an attempt to atone for one's guilt. After talking with the brothers and sisters in the constellation, the girl realized that they did not need her sacrifice, that they only needed memory and respect. A feeling of joy and fullness of life immediately returned to her;
  • request - the husband went to another. In the arrangement, the following picture: the father and mother of the client are going in different directions, the daughter is trying to keep her parents together, the husband is moving away from this situation. In a subsequent conversation, it turns out that her parents want to separate, but the woman does not allow this to be done with all her might, she has forgotten about her husband and is trying to solve the problems of her parents. The offer of the constellator to the client is to decide on priorities: either devote your life to your parents and solve their problems, or focus on relationships with your husband (man). The choice can only be made by herself;
  • the girl came to the family constellation with the question of why men who used to earn well, as soon as they start dating her, they immediately have problems with money. The thing turned out to be that there was no reciprocal energy flow of gratitude on the part of the girl, and after a while the men became de-energized, subconsciously did not want to bring money to her, because. felt no return.

Like any other method, Systemic Family Constellations have their limitations. Constellations are not a panacea for all ills, although their scope is very wide. In some cases, other tools that are individual for each person are better suited, and it is best to talk about this with a specialist. However, it is the system constellations according to the Hellinger method that make it possible to identify the hidden causes of conflicts in family systems, to determine the negative effects of generic scenarios.

Find out more about what types of constellations take place at the Olvia Center and what is right for you, by calling the numbers listed in the “

How often do we hear terms that are not entirely clear. For example, "Hellinger arrangements" - what is it? Let's start with the fact that the author of this method, Bert Hellinger, is a well-known German psychologist, philosopher, teacher and practitioner. His works are relatively young and are aimed at solving human problems.

What did Hellinger study?

The scientist formulated some laws and patterns that lead to undesirable events, conflicts between spouses or colleagues. Hellinger worked for a long time on such questions: “How does the adoption of feelings occur? How does conscience (personal or family) influence the way of life of a person? Is there a system that governs relationships? In fact, these are just a few of the topics in a whole list of Burt's teachings.

Today, his arrangements are becoming more and more in demand. With this method, a large number of people have been able to find the origins of their troubles and eradicate them. Many practicing psychotherapists are increasingly using Hellinger constellations in their work with groups, couples, or individuals with individuals.

"Space" is the place of the individual in space. The method itself resembles a game of chess. That is, each participant is assigned a specific role that reflects his subconscious image in a situation that requires elaboration. This can be not only a family situation, but also problems in the team, failures in business.

Arrangement method according to Bert Hellinger. Session start

So, a man comes to a psychotherapist with an urgent problem. To begin with, the specialist conducts a short conversation with him, during which it is decided whether he needs an arrangement or everything is much simpler. After all, you can direct a person with ordinary everyday advice - and his life will go back to normal. But when the situation is complicated, a more detailed conversation is conducted with the client.

To begin with, the problem itself is highlighted. For example, in this case- a man drinks, his wife “saws” him daily and believes that all family problems are associated with alcoholism. The man, on the other hand, does not think so. After all, before his marriage, he did not drink so much alcohol.

The therapist asks the client to talk about their lifestyle. Hellinger constellations require a systematic consideration of the problem. That is, it is important to understand what each of the spouses is doing all day, what kind of relationship they have in general, which is why conflicts occur. Finally, individuals are themselves in family life or play someone else's role.

The specialist separately considers the parents of the husband and his wife. How did they behave with each other in the family? If it turns out that on the part of the man, the father and mother lived in perfect harmony and there were no problems with alcoholism, then the wife's relatives are given the most attention.

Having previously sorted out the first conversation, the specialist recommends that the man come to the next appointment with his wife. After all, the root of evil is most likely in her, and it is impossible to get rid of it without her participation.

After all, she did not have a family life, and she always asked her daughter the installation: “Look, all men are the same. Your father is just like everyone else. Drinks, brings home a penny. With imposed thoughts, the daughter grows up and involuntarily notices only negative traits in the surrounding men.

Nevertheless, the girl begins to meet with a nice guy. Soon our heroine marries him, but after a while it seems to her that her husband is not “her person” at all. Whatever he does, everything she sees is negative.

It would seem that the chosen one is not so bad, his positive features outweigh the disadvantages. But the woman continues to maintain internal aggressiveness and sends him negativity at the energy level. A man catches this signal, realizes that his partner despises him, and gradually begins to seek solace in alcohol. This helps him forget for a while, but the problem remains.

The following actions

The Hellinger constellation method involves playing roles. The psychotherapist offers a married couple to lose a certain situation. For example, he asks a woman to describe how she behaves in the workplace. The patient comments on her official behavior, communication with colleagues, and it turns out that she is “white and fluffy” at work.

What changes when she crosses the threshold of the house? Why one of your appearance Does the husband irritate the woman? The couple play the quarrel scene in front of a psychotherapist. The wife tells her husband her usual phrase: "I would stop drinking, and everything would work out."

From that moment on, the specialist asks the couple to stop. System-family constellations according to Hellinger require time to concentrate on important point. In the case of this couple, that time has come.

The therapist says to a married couple, "Let's try to understand the source of the problem that forces one of you to drink." Further, all the reasons contributing to this are crossed out. For example, excluded: large money problems, conflicts in the workplace for a man, health problems. What remains?

The patient frankly admits that he is oppressed by the eternal discontent of his wife, who constantly finds fault with something or, conversely, is silent and avoids marital intimacy. In this case, the partner suffers from a lack of female energy.

Often, due to a lack of love for a partner or out of a sense of resentment, female representatives punish the chosen one in this way. They actively sublimate their energy into caring for children or load themselves with household chores. While the spouse is trying to get some kind of positive attitude by drinking alcohol. There is a vicious circle.

In the future, Hellinger arrangements imply a deep study of the problem. In this case, the therapist will try to inspire the woman with the idea of ​​the need to eradicate the attitude that her mother unwittingly asked.

By her behavior, the wife provokes a man to drink alcohol, in fact, she makes her play the role of her alcoholic father. If, along with this, the woman still has some resentment towards her husband, then during the session it is proposed to get rid of her. "It's important to free yourself from negativity," says Bert Hellinger. Family constellations offer many techniques for this.

In fact, the whole process is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In the history of this married couple, the specialist will have to give the characters new “roles”, and in such a way that an even exchange of energies takes place between them.

The impact of egregor on a person

After a constellation session, you may be surprised: “How did it happen that I began to play a role in life that was not my own? Why did I speak with someone else's thoughts? In fact, few people think about whether he really does what he wants, and whether he lives the way he wants it.

In most cases, it turns out that our daily thoughts, feelings and actions are borrowed from the people around us: own family, the community and society as a whole. In other words, a certain energy-information space (egregor) has its direct impact on the personality.

Each society (collective) is subject to a certain system of values. The influence of egregor can be both positive and negative. Everyone develops their own value system. For example, a church egregore seeks to influence people through sermons.

And any terrorist organization creates its own egregor, manipulating the consciousness of the participants with a certain theory. Sometimes stronger personalities can create their own egregors and influence others. Such an individual should be the most energy-intensive, since his task is to lead and influence, that is, to manage many energy flows. Egregores are described in detail in one of Bert's works entitled "Hellinger Constellations". The book tells that often the root of the problem can be found in life values ​​that are passed down through the family.

life stories

Family gender is a system that has its own specific tasks. And family members (mother, father, son, daughter) are elements that must fulfill their functions. What happens if someone gets kicked out of the system? For example, the son did not want to become a military man in spite of the family dynasty. And my father really wanted it.

In this case, the function of the son may be redistributed among other members of the family, or it may be overplayed: the daughter marries an officer. The father is extremely happy, tries to establish strong contact with his son-in-law and shares plans for the future to continue the military tradition.

The method of the German psychotherapist deeply affects the problem of the older and younger generations. Can the Hellinger arrangement help everyone? Reviews about this are different. However, most agree that generic egregors can provide Negative influence for descendants.

For example, a young woman is deeply unhappy in her marriage. It would seem that all methods of resuscitation of relations are ineffective, rudeness and violence reign in the family. There is only one way out - divorce. But the older generation of this woman unanimously repeats: “There were no divorced people in our family. We do not accept this and it is considered a disgrace.”

That is, the generic egregor of this woman dictates her principles to her and requires submission. Only a complete rethinking and rejection of the role of a “victim” will help such a person make an important decision and start a new life.

hereditary aggression

Hellinger's systemic constellations help many couples and individuals to deeply understand the origins of evil. Here is a simple example of a problem with which men often turn to psychotherapists.

So, a conditional young man came to see a psychologist. He could not understand his behavior towards women. After numerous divorces, he faced the fact - the chosen ones leave because of his unmotivated aggression.

In all other areas of life, the man seemed positive. During a conversation with a specialist, it turned out that the man had once “unconsciously” tuned in to a revenge program. How did it come about?

As a rule, in such a situation it turns out that the patient grew up in a family where the father was constantly humiliated and depressed by his wife. The boy could not resist his mother in order to protect his father. Thus, as he grew older, the young man worked out his own plan (revenge program).

This led to the fact that, being in a relationship with the girls, he periodically felt a fierce hatred for them. As soon as the right opportunity came, he took out his anger on them with his fists. Bert Hellinger's arrangement should show the man that these feelings do not belong to him. They are inspired and fixed in the mind from a distant childhood. But the client has a different situation, and the girls have a different character than his mother.

And most importantly, he can become happy only when he realizes this and begins to change. This is a gradual process. Much depends on the natural temperament of the individual. One needs 2 sessions, while the other will need several. The arrangement method according to Bert Hellinger is unique in that knowing family systems (orders), a person can not only avoid failures in life, but also protect future generations from them.

How does the group method work?

Let's talk about group sessions. The phenomenon of these activities is that a group of people live the roles actors in the client's problem. Situations can be different: a person cannot find a mate, is constantly ill or has financial difficulties, although there are no good reasons for this.

The Hellinger constellation method is difficult to explain in detail, but it happens according to this scenario: the corresponding roles are distributed among the participants. And they begin to feel similar emotions of those who asked for help. The phenomenon has received the term "substitutive perception".

That is, there is a transfer of internal images from the client to all participants and to the space in which the arrangement takes place. People selected for specific roles are called "deputies". During the session, they aloud assess their condition, trying to restore the problematic situation.

Systemic constellations according to Hellinger help the main person to unravel the tangle of their conflict situations, build the correct hierarchy and restore energy balance. The work is built by moving "deputies" in the field of arrangement due to various rituals.

The session can be considered successful if all participants do not feel discomfort. And - most importantly - there should be physical and psychological relief for the client. The method of placement according to Bert Hellinger makes you fully activate different levels of perception: emotional, mental, auditory, tactile.

What does this method give?

As a result, the individual receives a new look at his problem, acquiring a different model of behavior. Certainly the most The best way evaluate the methodology - take part in the group session yourself. It is real experience that will help you find out how it works in practice.

Nowadays, many have already heard about such a method as Hellinger constellations. There are also negative reviews about it. But despite this, the popularity of this method is growing. After all, the range of sessions is quite expanded - this is psychotherapy, medicine, pedagogy, and even esotericism.

All information obtained during the sessions is confidential. In order to take part in group work, there must be motivation and a conscious desire. To date, it is not difficult to find a Hellinger constellation group. In Moscow, the number of fans of this method is constantly growing, as it is recognized as professional.

Arrangement using tarot cards

Finally, we come to the part that leaves an esoteric imprint on the method of the German psychotherapist. The fact is that not every person can come to a group of people and openly talk about their problem. In this case, a person can participate in a group session, but at his request, a hidden arrangement takes place. That is, the client himself doses the openness of information. A great way out of this situation is the arrangement of Bert Hellinger using Tarot cards.

The deck in this case serves as a tool for diagnosing the ongoing process. The client is asked the question: “What is the essence of your problem?” A person chooses, without looking, a card, and describes what he saw on it. "Deputies" are also selected, following the chosen arcana.

According to their problem, the client, with the help of the facilitator's prompts, shows each participant where to stand and what to do. The next stage is the emotional experience of the situation. "Deputies" exchange impressions: "I just thought that ...", "I got the feeling that ..."

At this point, the client is also included in the process. He listens to the opinions of all participants and takes the place of the one who hurt his emotions the most. And, already on the basis of a new role, he utters the words that he considers important.

The arrangement ends with a survey of each participant. Despite the fact that the client's problem is being played, the "deputies" are also under the close attention of the psychotherapist. It is important for him to know how this or that person felt in someone else's role, what he experienced and what conclusions he made.

Also, a specialist can evaluate the diagnostics on the maps - was it possible to fully provide assistance to the client or did the system not fully reveal the situation? After all, the customer is not immediately able to objectively evaluate the session. For this he will need time.

Individual placement

Is it possible to conduct such a session yourself? Not excluded. After all, not everyone has the opportunity or desire to work in a group. In this case, the arrangement according to Hellinger independently is possible.

True, for this one should get acquainted closely with the theory of the method of Bert Helling. And it is important to understand the interpretation of Tarot cards at a professional level. So, the problem is indicated, and the cards will play the role of "deputies". The work is divided into three stages.

First - you should choose cards: yourself and "deputies". Next, you need to lay out the rest of the cards as your intuition tells you. Then, one by one, open and collect information from each, adding it to the big picture.

The second stage depends on the question posed. If it concerns a family, then cards of ancestors should be laid out from above, descendants - from below. If necessary, you can take additional cards if in doubt. During the process, it is necessary to move the "deputies", as would be the case with real people. It is recommended to listen to your physical and psychological sensations.

The third stage is completion. This happens when a person feels satisfaction from a lost situation. Based on the result of the interpretation, it is up to the client to decide whether he has worked through his problem.

To an uninitiated person it may seem that it was a fortune-telling session. But this is far from true. The individual placement method using Tarot is shown only to professionals. The rest is recommended to resort to this method under the guidance of a qualified psychotherapist.

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