Presentation on the topic: "Oceans and their inhabitants. Planet Ocean Planet Ocean Earth life originated in water

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MBDOU kindergarten No. 44 Ussuriysk Presentation "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans" Performed by: teacher Arkhipova Svetlana Yurievna 2014 Various undersea world

  • In space, our planet Earth seems blue color. This is because the smaller part of it is land, and the larger part is oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, swamps.
  • The underwater world of the seas and oceans is interesting and mysterious. It is home to a wide variety of animals, plants and fish. Life in the ocean is much more diverse than on land, and many plants and animals are found only in the seas. Both simple organisms and mammals live in the waters of the ocean. Even now, scientists are finding new yet unexplored animals. On the seabed you can see animals that are surprisingly similar to plants. Anemones resemble bright, bizarre flowers, corals - fairy forest. Radiant stars deftly, like gymnasts, turn over, advancing, looking for prey. As if on stilts, prickly hedgehogs “walk”.
sea ​​anemones
  • Ilya Gurevich
  • Although the sea anemone is beautiful, It burns like a nettle. The fish are all scared. They stayed in their houses. Only the CLOWN took root in it. He became close friends with her.
  • Anemones or fleshy polyps. They look like colorful bouquets of flowers. These are large animals up to 1 m high with soft tubular bodies.
  • The cylindrical body of anemones is narrowed at the top and has a mouth surrounded by rows of tentacles. From below, the body ends with a “sole”, with which the animal sticks to underwater objects.
  • The tentacles of anemones resemble flowers: chrysanthemums, dahlias and asters; they are painted in various colors: there are purple, brown, snow-white, green, pale blue. Bright "petals" are movable tentacles, thin threads charged with poison are hidden in them. If a curious fish approaches the insidious "flower", it gets a severe burn. Anemone tentacles quickly grab prey and send it to the mouth..
  • Anemones live alone. Some of them are motionlessly attached to stones, shells of mollusks; others are buried in the ground. They can also cover short distances.
Sea stars
  • S. A. Antonyuk
  • At the bottom of the sea star lies, Not moving - probably asleep. That star has five handles - The star can eat with its hands. And for her, a crustacean, a shrimp - As if for the guys candy!
  • Sea stars live in all the oceans of the world. They prefer to live in coastal areas, coral reefs, warm shallow waters. The marine looks like a star in the sky, but belongs to the sea. The stars may be various colors and different sizes. Their body consists of rays surrounding the mouth opening. There can be 5 or even 50 rays. If you turn the star on its back, bending the rays and resting on the bottom, it returns to its normal position. From the bottom of the rays you can see a lot of tube-legs. These legs have suction cups at the end that stick to the surface in order to climb or crawl on it. They help the star to hunt shellfish. The star releases its stomach and envelops the victim with it.
sea ​​urchins
  • Inna Sudareva
  • Lives at the bottom of a thorn - Gloomy Hedgehog-angry. It clings to pebbles, feeds on sea grass.
  • Sea urchins live in all seas and oceans, live at the bottom. The main condition for their favorable existence is salty water. The sea urchin is curled up into a tight ball and never unfolds. He has no muzzle, but only a mouth, with strong teeth right on the belly. These animals can eat not only algae, mollusks, sponges, but also their own kind - small sea ​​urchins and sea stars. And the sea urchins themselves are prey for fur seals, lobsters, birds, starfish (adults). All needles in a hedgehog are mobile, with their help hedgehogs move, protect themselves from predators and get food. Some hedgehogs have short needles, others have long needles, sometimes poisonous. The most common colors of sea urchins are red and pink, less common are brown, green, black, white, red.
  • There is an oval shell. Like a hat!
  • Other housing than the sea, not knowing
  • will give life to offspring, crawling out onto the sand.
  • (Sea turtle)
  • Sea turtles are inhabitants of salt waters. adapted to life in warm ocean. Unlike terrestrial turtles, they are large.
  • They have a flat oval carapace, two hind legs and developed front flippers, making them good swimmers.
  • And they go out to land only to lay eggs.
  • The mother turtle searches for a suitable place on the beach and begins to rake the sand with its hind legs until a round hole is formed. It lays eggs in it, after which it falls asleep with sand and tamps, making the masonry invisible. Then he returns to the ocean. Sea turtles are able to unmistakably return to their birthplace after many years. Turtles have no teeth. But the jaws are covered with pointed horny plates. They feed on zooplankton, small fish, and plant foods.
  • A. Rechushkin
  • Corals live in the depths of the sea On a cozy and blue bizarre bottom In branched corals, fish scurry around Corals gave them food and comfort.
  • Underwater thickets at the bottom of the seas and oceans are formed by many coral polyps. Large accumulations of coral form coral reefs and coral islands. Coral polyps have a calcareous skeleton. Inside each calcareous twig is life. The branches are connected by thin tubes and can exchange food with each other. If one coral lacks prey, then another will share with it. Coral "bush" is one living family. Most coral polyps inhabit warm tropical seas. Feeds on plankton. Usually during the day the polyps shrink, and at night they stretch out and straighten their tentacles, with the help of which they catch various small animals. Large single polyps are able to catch large animals: fish, shrimp.
  • Inna Sudareva
  • Young lady Medusa In lush lace Dancing merrily On the waves of the sea. Long earrings suit her very well. To admire them. The fish are all swimming.
  • Jellyfish are almost made up of water, have gelatinous symmetrical body. Their color can be white, pink, yellow, orange, red, blue, green and multicolor. The largest jellyfish grows more than 1 m. At the bottom of the bell-shaped body is the mouth of a jellyfish, surrounded by tentacles. They eat small marine organisms, ctenophores, crayfish and sometimes other jellyfish. Are the prey of sunfish, sea ​​turtles and large marine animals. box jellyfish- jellyfish with a body structure similar to a cubic umbrella are inherently poisonous and they produce painful stings, they must be avoided. The movement of jellyfish depends on the current of the ocean, tides, ebbs and flows of air. Jellyfish move by muscle contractions horizontally and vertically. Some of them are sensitive to light and swim below during the daytime. Jellyfish need water to survive. Lack of water leads to the death of these marine animals.
  • N. Tomilina
  • Beautiful clam house, But very small and narrow. But he grows with him, Almost without any hassle.
  • Marine mollusks (soft-bodied) hide their bodies in hard shells. Mollusks live in the oceans, seas, these are: mussels, oysters, snails, cuttlefish, squids, octopuses. The body sizes of adult mollusks are from a few mm to 20 m. Most of them are sedentary animals, some of them lead a lifestyle attached to the bottom (mussels, oysters), and only cephalopods (squid, octopuses) are able to move quickly in a jet way. Bivalves: mussels, scallops, oysters at first glance seem helpless and motionless. If you take them out of the sea and leave them alone for a while, you can see how the valves open a little, the triangular leg of the mollusk appears from there and it begins to quickly and deftly dig into the sand, helping itself with the shell valves: it will either push them apart, then close them, raking sand. Or maybe crawl on the sand, if something doesn’t like a new place. These mollusks live up to 15 years, filtering water, eating plankton. Since ancient times, people have highly appreciated pearls and mother-of-pearl, which are obtained from pearl oysters, marine animals. A pearl is formed when the shell of bivalve molluscs enters foreign body- a grain of sand. The mollusk begins to cover it with layers of mother-of-pearl. The ball is gradually growing. The role of bivalve mollusks is especially great as they clean water bodies from organic pollution. Seashells are hard outer shells, without the soft body of molluscs. They can be found on the seashore. They are very beautiful. If you put a shell to your ear, you can hear the sound of the sea.
  • "Octopus" N. Tomilina
  • He looks cute
  • Even if it's poisonous!
  • A mollusk has eight legs.
  • That is the bottom ... (Octopus)
  • An octopus is bored at the bottom. Folded sadly eight legs. More precisely, eight long arms - No one swims around.
  • Octopuses - animals with 8 legs, are representatives of mollusks. The body of octopuses is naked, and the tentacles, i.e. "legs" and at the same time "arms" grow directly from the head. There are many suckers on the tentacles. The octopus can change color to suit its environment. Its usual color is brown. If the octopus is scared, it turns white, if angry, it turns red. Feeds on mollusks, fish, crustaceans. The octopus captures prey with all eight tentacles, bites the victim with its beak, holding it with suction cups. The large cloud of ink-black liquid released by it helps to escape from persecution. So he manages to hide from enemies. Among the octopuses there are giants reaching 10-12 m, which are called octopuses.
  • That cephalopod mollusk -
  • A dozen hands, suckers plus.
  • Quite a large specimen.
  • And what is his name? (Squid)
  • A squid has 10 legs, even more than an octopus. Eight of them are short, and two are long, agile, can be strongly extended when catching prey and contract when swimming. Usually the animal's arms are armed with suckers and hooks. The body of the squid is elongated, pointed at the back. FROM outstretched legs it looks like a rocket. And it moves like a rocket using a jet stream of water. The speed of movement of the squid is greater than that of the octopus, chasing a fish can jump out of the water to a height of seven meters. The squid has the most big eyes. He has excellent eyesight
  • better than a human. Squid - one of the most unusual sea creatures. He has not one, but three hearts. Despite its large size (there are real monsters up to 20 m long), the squid has no bones at all. Pulled onto land, these animals turn into jelly.
  • The squid has blue blood. Squid feed on mollusks and small crustaceans. Sometimes they eat their own brethren. The squids themselves serve as food for larger fish, birds and marine animals. Giant whales, sperm whales, feed on large squid. To scare away enemies, the squid releases a cloud of dark ink.
  • Escaping the strong from enemies, Moving backwards with my head, I disguise myself in a disheveled ink dressing gown. (Cuttlefish, mollusk - “inkwell”)
  • Under water, she swims Always backwards, Constantly runs away, Scares everyone with ink. (Cuttlefish)
  • Cuttlefish are soft-bodied cephalopods. The cuttlefish is not as mobile as the squid. One part of the leg is turned into tentacles located on the head. They surround the mouth with beak-like jaws. The other part of the leg forms a funnel. From it, in case of danger, "ink" is thrown out. They are poisonous to predatory fish. Cuttlefish can not only change their color, but also glow. Mollusks glow not by themselves, but thanks to special luminous bacteria on their body. With the help of such a glow, cuttlefish attract prey, give signals to their fellows, and sometimes simply defend themselves from enemies. An unexpectedly bright flash of light has a stunning effect on enemies. During this time, the mollusk quickly swims away to a safe place. The cuttlefish changes color depending on the background and becomes invisible. She has eight short tentacles openly, two long ones are hidden in special pockets. When a fish swims next to it, the cuttlefish instantly throws out its “hands” and grabs the prey. Cuttlefish live mainly in warm seas.
  • N. Tomilina.
  • putting on beautiful light shell And bravely putting out pincers, Crab performs in a menacing dance. He's trying so hard - look!
  • The crab belongs to the crustaceans. Life on the seabed is very dangerous. Crabs are protected by a strong, hard shell. Growing up, the crab changes the old shell for a new one. The head of the crabs is small, the abdomen is short, they are hidden under the upper shield. The front pair of limbs is armed with powerful claws. With their help, the crab attacks and defends itself. They live in the seas. Sometimes they reach large sizes. In a giant crab caught off the coast of Japan, the distance between the ends of the claws was more than 3 m. Among the king crabs there are giants. The width of their shell reaches even 26 cm. Decapods are very mobile animals. Crab lives 50 years. Some crabs destroy commercial molluscs - oysters and mussels, and also spoil fishing nets.
  • Usually runs sideways
  • And nimbly - as forward.
  • Cleaves prey with a claw,
  • If she doesn’t get away. (Cancer) Cancer is h lazy-footed sea animal. Crustaceans include: large sea lobster crabs, mantis crabs, hermit crabs. They live in fresh and salt waters. The body of the cancer is encased in a shell, consists of the abdomen and cephalothorax. It has powerful serrated claws, a wide variety of limbs - running, swimming and mouth, and only 19 pairs, black eyes on long stalks, antennae. Cancer has a well-developed sense of touch, smell, hearing and vision. Compound eyes that see the full image. With the growth of the body, its hard shell becomes cramped. Cancer has to shed its shell and shed. In this state, the cancer becomes helpless and hides even from relatives who can eat it. Some cancers live up to 50 years. A representative of crustaceans is a hermit crab. He was not lucky, because. there is no shell on its abdomen. Protecting himself from enemies, he hides his soft body in an empty shell. The hermit uses the empty shells of dead gastropods as shelter. He feels the empty shell for a long time, then, approaching the entrance, he pulls himself up on his “hands”, as it were, and carries his abdomen into the house. In a calm state, not burdened by the search for food, the hermit crab half burrows into the sand, and in case of danger dives sharply deep into the shell and locks the mouth with claws. Crayfish are close relatives of crabs. They differ from crabs in the presence of a "tail" - the abdomen. The hermit crab lives in partnership with the sea anemone, which has settled in his shell house. It provides the anemone with food and transportation. The sea anemone repels the attack of predators with its burning tentacles. Hermit crabs live in tidal and shallow waters of the seas. Crayfish feed on mollusks, annelids, echinoderms, and the remains of dead fish.
  • Can swim alone and in shoals.
  • It breathes with gills and moves with its fins. (Fish)
  • A wide variety of fish live in the sea and ocean depths. There are those who do not need to hide, they can stand up for themselves. A swordfish armed with a sword swiftly attacks a cluster of fish, inflicting death blows. Fish-hedgehogs-hard-to-reach, if there is an enemy nearby, they immediately inflate and expose their needles. They are not only prickly, but also poisonous. Parrot fish are beautifully colored, but with powerful jaws that are dangerous for inexperienced divers. The angler fish has prepared a tricky tackle. A luminous thread with a "bait" similar to a crustacean hangs over his head. An angler burrows into the sea mud, leaving a fishing rod. A passing fish grabs the bait and finds itself in the toothy mouth of an anglerfish. The sea cat has a long tail with a sharp spike and notch, also with poison. The sea cat needs it for protection. Flying fish do not stand out in the water. Its long fins are folded like a fan, pressed to the sides. Having jumped out of the sea, with spread winged fins, the slave flies at high speed over the waves, escaping from predators. Needlefish live among algae. It looks like a stalk and floats up with a long stigma. It opens its mouth, puffs out its cheeks and sucks crustaceans like a vacuum cleaner. Bigmouth fish bear little resemblance to fish. She has a large and toothless mouth that stretches like a sack. And on long tail large mouth is a small "flashlight". HE glows and lures crustaceans. They are all swallowed in the huge open mouth of the big mouth.
  • Like a torpedo with fins.
  • With very scary fangs!
  • He smells the victim with a sharp scent,
  • Day and night everything roams. (Shark)
  • The shark is called the thunderstorm of the seas. These are large and toothy fish. Sharks have six rows of teeth and are as sharp as a saw! If a tooth breaks or disappears, another one takes its place. The skin of many sharks is covered with scales with sharp spikes. Therefore, touching the shark inflicts severe wounds. Sharks scare away and destroy fish, tear nets, sometimes attack dolphins and whales. Very dangerous white tiger shark, hammerhead shark. The hammerhead shark has a hammer-like head. This shark is small but very dangerous. Many people have suffered, died from sharks, especially in a shipwreck. Most often they attack a person: a large White shark, brindle and bull shark. Swimmers are most often attacked, and white sharks are the boats.
  • Sometimes sharks escort ships and grab everything that flies overboard. Not all sharks are predators. Whale shark, it is the largest - up to 20 m. This giant shark even more than a bus. The whale shark feeds on zooplankton: small crustaceans, molluscs, larvae living in the water. It is not dangerous for people.
  • Furrows a mountain with a fountain,
  • It beats with its tail, the water boils -
  • It swims important (Kit).
  • A giant floats on the sea.
  • Rinsing his toothless mouth. It will strain, let out a fountain And float further along the sea. N. Tomilina.
  • If a fountain is visible in the sea, then this means a whale. Whales are marine animals and are not fish. They breathe with lungs, not gills. Whale cubs feed on milk. They live in all oceans and seas and never come to land. Some whales have teeth, while others do not. But toothless whales have whiskers. Such a whale swallows water into its mouth along with small marine animals: mollusks, jellyfish, crustaceans. Then he will express the water through a mustache sieve, and what is left will be licked off with his tongue and swallowed. The blue whale - the baleen whale is the largest animal that has ever lived on our planet (larger than known dinosaurs) and has a heart the size of a car. The largest whales are baleen whales. They have a lot of folds on the bottom of the skin. Whales catch small crustaceans, capturing them along with water, and then filtering them through a stiff mustache. The sperm whale is a toothed whale. It hunts for large mollusks: cuttlefish, giant squid, fish. The humpback whale is neither small nor large. He likes to jump over the water, spreading his pectoral fins like wings. The humpback whale can "sing" - squeak, squeak, howl. They call him the happy whale.
  • "Dolphins" Natalya Matyukh
  • Everyone knows about dolphins - There are no animals more interesting: Sharp mind, dexterous movements And easy to train.
  • Dolphins are the most intelligent marine mammals, belong to cetaceans. In nature, there are almost forty species of dolphins (bottle dolphins, killer whales, grey, cetaceans, humpback dolphins, etc.). Dolphins breathe with lungs, not gills. People can always see dolphin faces on the surface of the sea because dolphins can stay underwater for about 3-5 minutes. Smart, inquisitive, playful and good-natured inhabitants of the sea live next to people. The vision of dolphins is universal, they see perfectly both underwater and on the surface. Some species of dolphins do not dive to great depths at all, others dive as deep as whales. They live in almost all the seas and oceans of our planet: from the most northern cold waters to the Red Sea. Some dolphins live in rivers, such as the pink dolphins of the Amazon. And the most common - bottlenose dolphin or small bottlenose dolphin live in the warm waters of the tropics. All dolphins feed on various types of fish and squid. Their teeth and jaws are not designed for chewing, and dolphins swallow fish whole. The dolphin brain is almost the same size as the human brain. But dolphins live in aquatic environment which developed other mental capacity. They have more developed hearing, vision and other senses necessary for life under water. Dolphins have excellent eyesight and absolutely unique hearing. Dolphins can make various sounds: whistling, pulsing sound and clicks. The whistle is used for communication. Various pulsating sounds express the emotions of dolphins: anger, fear, excitement. The clicks are used to determine the direction. This allows them to perfectly navigate in the water, find each other and food. Dolphins are placed in dolphinariums or oceanariums, trained, and they perform, entertaining the audience. Dolphins have an amazing ability to heal people. Communication with these animals has a positive effect on the human body, especially on children. Swimming with dolphins relieves chronic pain, improves immunity and even helps children develop speech. If the dolphins daily “dance” for 30-40 minutes around the patient, then an impetus is given to recovery. Dolphins easily and friendly communicate with other animals, and they reciprocate. Dolphins live in packs. They always help each other and never leave each other in trouble. They even save people from shipwrecks. Dolphins swim very fast, flocks of dolphins often follow ships.
Walruses and seals
  • Walruses and seals are pinnipeds. They have adapted well to swimming in the sea and instead of legs they have flippers. Most of the time they are at sea. Cubs are born on land or on ice floes. Many seals eat fish, but among them there are those that feed on octopuses, squids, crustaceans. Walruses, on the other hand, catch shellfish by diving to the seabed after them. On land, walruses and eared seals move in short leaps, as their flippers can bend. Real seals are clumsy and helpless. Far away in the cold northern seas live walruses - amazing giants. Huge and gentle, good-natured and clumsy. They have a thick and bristly "beard" and huge tusks, and the body is in the sun. Pink colour. Walruses swim among the ice floes and do not freeze. They will be saved by a thick layer of fat under the skin. With their fangs, walruses dig out food (mollusks) from the seabed, defend themselves from enemies, and also rely on ice and land when climbing out. Clumsy on land, walruses are agile underwater. Seals are predatory pinnipeds adapted to life in the sea. Particularly numerous in the cold zone; found beyond the Arctic Circle big number their types. They are found in lakes Baikal and Ladoga. The sea lion is the largest of the eared seals. Body weight over 1000 kg. Although outwardly clumsy, they can climb low cliffs, and then bravely throw themselves down into the sea. The hooded seal knows how to show tricks. When he is angry, the ball instantly inflates on his head, as if he was about to play football among the ice floes. If the mood is peaceful, then the ball disappears. The hoodie has a nasal sac that fills with air and deflates. A seal can also blow a pink bubble out of its nostrils to defend its interests. Seals have a thick layer of fat under their skin to protect them from the cold. The enemies of seals on earth are polar bears, people.
  • The enemies of seals on earth are polar bears, people.
The purity of the seas and oceans is the key to preserving the life of marine life.
  • The world of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans is rich and diverse. How many amazing and informative things you can learn about the animals and plants of the deep sea! We humans must love animals and treat all living things with care. Observe the rules of conduct while being or relaxing in nature.
  • You should not break the shell of a clam for fun. Or, having played with sea crab, starfish, algae, take them home. It is necessary to return the living inhabitants carefully to the seabed.
  • Do not throw garbage into the sea. Even a discarded tiny bag can be harmful. For example, a turtle will decide that it is a jellyfish, swallow it, and this package will remain forever in its stomach. 3-4 such packages, and there will be no room left in the turtle's stomach to just eat normally. She will die of hunger.
  • Every year, three times as much garbage by weight is dumped into the ocean as fish are caught..
  • If plastic items are left on the shore of the sea beach: disposable tableware, drink bottles, candy wrappers, chocolates, food bags, shoes, broken toys, then during a storm the overwhelmed wave will carry it all into the ocean. Plastic kills countless seabirds marine mammals and a huge amount of fish every year. Plastic debris remains for years, threatening the lives of thousands of marine life.
  • 1 "About the seas and oceans" A.V. Tikhonov M. "Bustard-plus" 2006
  • 2. A.T. Volobuev "5 mysteries about everything for children" Creative Center Sphere M. 2008
  • 3. Children's encyclopedia "The World of the Sea" by V. Bologova, I. Shadrina. M. Mahogany, 2012
  • 4. P. Mennen "Children's encyclopedia in pictures". Smolensk. "Rusic". 2009.
  • 5. "Riddles". S. Sandalova, Yu. Martynova. - M. "Ast-Press", 2007.
  • 6. "Atlas of the Seas and Oceans" by T. S. Zhabinskaya - Kharkov. "Family Leisure Club", 2012
  • 7. Photos - Internet - resources.
  • 8. T.I. Popov. World around us. “Materials of a comprehensive program of cultural and environmental education and moral education children of preschool and primary school age. - M., 1998.
  • 9. S.N. Nikolaeva Methods environmental education in kindergarten M., "Enlightenment", 2001.

slide 2

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and oldest of all oceans.

  • slide 3

    Geographical position:

    Bounded by the east coast of Eurasia, Australia, west coast Northern and South America, the Arctic Ocean in the north, Antarctica in the south.
    The Pacific Ocean is usually divided into northern and southern regions, the border of which runs along the equator line.

    slide 4

    Common data:

    • Area 178.68 million km²
      • Volume 710.36 million km³
      • Average depth: 4,282 m.
      • Greatest depth: 11022 m (Marian Trench).
      • Salinity: 30-36.5‰.
      • along the 180th meridian Pacific Ocean passes the date line.
    • Exercise:
      • Determine the length of the ocean from north to south along the 180 meridian in degrees?
      • Determine the length of the ocean at the equator using a scale.
  • slide 5

    The name "Quiet" is associated with the name of F. Magellan

    For the first time it was crossed by Ferdinand Magellan in 1519, the ocean was called "Pacific", because for all three months of the journey Magellan's ships did not fall into a single storm.
    Pacific Ocean in different time had several names:

    • Southern Ocean or South Sea (MardelSur) - as it was called by the Indians, the indigenous people Central America, and this name was adopted by the Spanish conquistador Balboa, the first European to see the ocean in 1513. Today, the Southern Ocean is called the waters around Antarctica.
    • Great Ocean - named by the French geographer Buachem in 1753. The most correct, but not accustomed name.
    • Eastern Ocean - sometimes called in Russia.
  • slide 6

    ocean relief

    Map of the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

    The ocean floor is dotted with pits, crevices, trenches, the depth of which is much higher than the average. In the northern latitudes there are such trenches as the North Aleutian and Kuril-Kamchatsky. In the east: Peruvian and Central American. In the west, there are two huge trenches - the Mariana and the Philippine.

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    The Mid-Ocean Ridge runs along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

    Slide 8

    The famous "fire" ring of the Pacific Ocean

  • Slide 9

    The Pacific Ocean is the most not calm

  • Slide 10

    Natural features of the ocean.

    Two huge rings of water movement are formed in the ocean: northern and southern. The northern ring includes the North Trade Wind Current, the Kuroshio Current, the North Pacific Current and the California Current, while the southern ring includes the South Trade Wind Current, the East Australian Current, the West Wind Current and the Peruvian Current. Question to the class: What is affected by ocean currents?

    slide 2

    Planet Ocean

    • Earthly life originated in water.
    • Everything that now crawls, runs and grows on the ground, everything that flies above the ground and everything that grows underground - everything once came out of the water.
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    slide 4

    Basic data about the oceans

  • slide 5

    Planet Ocean

    • The land divides a huge expanse of water into four parts - these are the oceans
    • World Ocean covers 2/3 the globe, contains 97% of all water on Earth
    • The largest of them is the Pacific Ocean, and there is also the Atlantic, Indian, Arctic Ocean
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    Inhabitants of the deep sea

  • Slide 7

    Inhabitants of the planet Ocean

    Life in the ocean is extraordinarily diverse: 200,000 species of organisms live there from microscopic single-celled algae and tiny animals to whales exceeding 30 m in length.

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    sea ​​fish

    • sea ​​fish amaze with the diversity of their species: there are many exotic fish, but they do not form the basis of its biological balance
    • the main role owned by small mass forms- sardines, anchovies, horse mackerel, herring
    • These slender, plankton-eating fish are a staple of marine fisheries and are also food for many predatory fish, seabirds, dolphins, seals, and squid.
  • Slide 9

    Dwellers of the Deep

  • Slide 10

    Pacific Ocean

  • slide 11

    Pacific Ocean

    Magellan was the first to swim across the planet's largest ocean. He called it "Quiet". Later it turned out that Magellan was mistaken. It is in this ocean that the most typhoons are born, it is he who produces the three quarter-clouds of the planet.

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    Pacific Ocean

    The Pacific Ocean occupies half of the entire water surface of the Earth and more than thirty percent of the planet's surface area.

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    Quiet time in the Pacific

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    Dolphins are very easy to tame due to the fact that they are very intelligent and have exceptional learning abilities. Dolphins are very easy to tame due to the fact that they are very intelligent and have exceptional learning abilities. They are incredibly friendly.

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    Photographer's view of the ocean

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    Atlantic Ocean

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    The name comes from Atlas (Atlanta) in Greek mythology, or from Atlantis.

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    The Atlantic Ocean is second in size only to the Pacific; its area is approximately 91.56 million km2. It is distinguished from other oceans by its strong indentation. coastline, forming numerous seas and bays, especially in the northern part.

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    Giant ray fish

    The massive 450kg black rayfish is known as "Zeus" and is 4 meters in diameter including a 1 meter mouth.

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    Inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean

    • There are about 53 species of commercial fish in the Atlantic Ocean
    • Among them is the famous Atlantic herring
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    ocean depths

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    Sea stars

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    Sea Horse

  • slide 24

    Secrets of the ocean

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    Indian Ocean

    The third largest ocean on Earth, covering about 20% of its water surface.

    slide 26

    masters of the ocean

    • The Indian Ocean has sheltered many animals dangerous to humans.
    • The ocean contains a large number of poisonous sea ​​snakes, there are even saltwater combed crocodiles
    • Among birds, frigates and albatrosses can be called hosts. Penguins live in cold southern waters
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    • Almost all sharks live in the upper layers of the ocean, feeding on fish or squid.
    • Giants of the fish kingdom - whale and giant shark
    • Individual individuals of the blue shark reach a length of four meters

  • Planet Ocean Planet Ocean Terrestrial life originated in water. Earthly life originated in water. Everything that is now crawling, running and growing Everything that is now crawling, running and growing on the ground, everything that flies above the earth and everything that grows underground - everything was once on the earth, everything that flies above the earth and everything that grows underground - everything once came out of the water came out of the water

    Area (million sqm)Depth max. M Pacific - 178, 611.0333 Atlantic - 91.18648 Indian - 76.28648 North - 14, Arctic

    Planet Ocean Land divides a huge expanse of water into four parts - these are the oceans The World Ocean covers 2/3 of the globe, contains 97% of all water on earth The largest of them is the Pacific Ocean, and there is also the Atlantic, Indian, Arctic Ocean

    Inhabitants of the planet Ocean Life in the ocean is extremely diverse: it is inhabited by species of organisms from microscopic single-celled algae and tiny animals to whales exceeding 30 meters in length

    Marine fish amaze with the diversity of their species: there are many exotic fish, but they do not form the basis of its biological balance Marine fish amaze with the diversity of their species: there are many exotic fish, but they do not form the basis of its biological balance The main role belongs to small mass forms of sardines, anchovies, scads, herrings The main role belongs to small mass forms sardines, anchovies, horse mackerels, herrings These slender plankton-eating fish are the main products of marine fisheries, they also serve as food for many predatory fish, sea birds, dolphins, seals and squids These slender fish that feed on plankton plankton, are the main products of marine fisheries, they also serve as food for many predatory fish, seabirds, dolphins, seals and squid

    Dolphins Dolphins are very easy to tame because they are very smart and have exceptional learning abilities Dolphins are very easy to tame because they are very smart and have exceptional learning abilities. They are incredibly friendly.

    Atlantic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean is second in size only to the Pacific; its area is approximately 91.56 million km2. It is distinguished from other oceans by the strong indentation of the coastline, which forms numerous seas and bays, especially in the northern part.

    Giant ray fish The massive 1 kg black ray fish known as "Zeus" is 4 meters in diameter including a 1 meter mouth. The massive 1-pound black ray fish is known as Zeus and is 4 meters in diameter, including a 1-meter mouth.

    The owners of the ocean The Indian Ocean has sheltered many animals dangerous to humans. In the ocean there are a large number of poisonous sea snakes, there are even saltwater crocodiles. Among the birds, the owners can be called frigates and albatrosses. Penguins live in cold southern waters

    The Arctic Ocean About 40 million years ago was a giant lake. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean on Earth, located between Eurasia and North America.Eurasia North America Area 14.75 mln. km, average depth 1225 m, maximum depth 5527 m in the Greenland Sea. The volume of water is 18.07 million km³. The Greenland Sea

    Narwhal Narwhal lives in the latitudes of the Arctic Ocean. Body length m. The mass of males reaches 1.5 tons. The only tooth in males has grown in length and turned into a tusk

    Polar bear- one of largest mammals sushi and the largest predatory animal on the planet. Weight reaches kg, and sometimes even tons. AT vivo lives for about 19 years. The polar bear is one of the largest land mammals and the largest predatory animal on the planet. Weight reaches kg, and sometimes even tons. Lives under natural conditions for about 19 years. polar bear polar bear

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    Inhabitants of the oceans

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    Jellyfish are one of the most ancient representatives of the population earth's oceans. They have organs capable of picking up infrasounds, by which these animals feel the approach of a storm. According to the principle of the "ear" of the jellyfish, a device was designed that warns of the approach of a storm in 15 hours. Pelagia jellyfish can glow in the dark.

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    Arctic giant jellyfish

    The jellyfish cyanoea capillata lives in the northwestern Atlantic. One of the representatives of this species, washed ashore in Massachusetts Bay, had a bell diameter of 2.28 m, and its tentacles extended 36.5 m.

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    sea ​​wasp

    The most poisonous jellyfish in the world - beautiful, but deadly. Since 1880 Near the coast of Queensland, 66 people died from its heart-paralytic poison. In the absence of medical assistance, the victims died from paralysis of the respiratory organs within 1-3 minutes.

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    "Sea blubber"

    A huge, up to 2 m in diameter, jellyfish called "blubber" lives in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Its burn is so poisonous to humans that even if a jellyfish is placed in a barrel of water, a person will feel a burn at the mere touch of water.

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    The largest octopus is considered to be the octopus apollyon, which lives in coastal waters northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The length of its tentacles is over 7 m, weight is more than 54 kg.

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    The octopus is capable of "purposeful use of tools". Sometimes he, holding a stone in one of the tentacles, watches the pinna bivalve mollusk until it opens the shell, after which the octopus inserts a stone between the valves. The shell cannot close the valves and becomes easy prey.

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    Fish are real "water drinkers". The amount of water consumed by fish per day is equal to its body weight. A person is content with 2.5 liters of water per day, which is approximately only 3% of his weight. Fish distinguish between sweet, bitter, sour and salty. Taste organs are located on the mustache, on the rays of the fins, and in many - throughout the body.

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    The adaptability of fish to water temperature is truly amazing. In California, in hot springs with a temperature of 52ºС, the onion fish lives, and in Chukotka and Alaska, in reservoirs that freeze to the bottom, there is a dahlia fish. In winter, it freezes into ice, and in summer it thaws and perfectly tolerates the polar climate.

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    In the Caribbean Sea, scientists have found an extremely rare specimen of fish, between the eyes of which there is a specific organ that emits light. It lives at a depth of about 170 m, the light source is a special kind of luminous bacteria. With their power, the fish illuminates a path almost 15 m long in front of them.

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    In flounder, both eyes are on the same side of the flat body - on the one that is opposite to the bottom of the reservoir.

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    Antenna fish that live in sea ​​depths, turned out to be the champions of the underwater kingdom in terms of the speed of grasping prey. It takes them only 0.004 seconds to grab and swallow their prey.

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    The moon fish lays up to 300 million eggs (more than all other fish). If we consider that each egg is only about 1 mm in diameter, then all the eggs of one moonfish could stretch out into a chain 300 km long.

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    The predatory deep-sea bag-swallower fish, or as it is called, the “black eater”, has a body up to 30 cm long and manages to swallow prey almost twice as large as itself. How do fish deal with such exorbitant prey? It turns out that the body of the bag-swallower does not have ribs, and its walls, together with the stomach, are able to move apart in breadth.

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    Flying fish are found in the temperate and tropical parts of the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean Sea. Their size reaches 50 cm. These fish are capable of flying over water, covering a distance of up to 100 m through the air. Longfins are even more adapted to flying. They can fly up to 250 m. When flying, the fins of the fish do not flap, but act as a parachute.

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    Off the coast of Australia, there is a fish whose body shape surprisingly resembles seaweed. This fish is called "sea rag-picker". When you look at a rag-picker seahorse, it seems that the whole fish is hung with rags, ribbons and threads of various lengths, painted in the colors of those algae, among which this miracle of nature feeds and hides

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    Off the northeast coast of Australia, there is a scorpion fish that has the ability to change color depending on the color. environment. On the back of the scorpion there are very strong and sharp spikes, at the base of which there are sacs with poison. Poisoning with this poison leads to a painful death. Scorpion, like a snake, periodically changes its skin.

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    Among the stingrays there are real giants. In tropical waters, a manta ray often lives up to 6 m long, and weighing up to 4 tons. There are cases when a harpooned stingray jumped out of the water and, having fallen on a boat with fishermen, drowned it. Once whalers caught a sea stingray of rare size: its skin weighed 500 kg. It is kept in the Zoological Museum of Moscow University.

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    The shark's stomach is extremely strong, and what it cannot digest remains in it without visible harm to the hostess. Curious things were found in the stomachs of sharks: postal parcels, cans of cocoa and coffee, canned fish and meat, gold coins and jewelry, pots, watches, clothes, the remains of an embalmed mummy, and even a portable typewriter.

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