Sayings about autumn for elementary school children. Material on the development of speech on the topic: Proverbs about autumn

Interesting 19.06.2019

Autumn. The favorite time of the year for many writers and poets - how many works are dedicated to her, do not count. Someone found peace and charm in it, someone - melancholy and fatalism, but few managed to resist the fall.

There are many references to autumn in folklore - after the harvest, the peasants had free time, which was not a sin to pass by writing riddles, nursery rhymes, poems to the unhurried noise of autumn rains. There are a lot of signs about autumn - most of which are trying to predict the coldness of winter and the aridity of next spring. These, certainly very important things for people, often fit into rather playful forms.

Riddles about autumn

The field is empty, it's raining.
The wind rips off the leaves.
Fog is creeping in from the north
Terrible clouds hung.
The birds are moving south
Slightly touching the pines with a wing.
Guess, dear friend
What time of year? - ...

empty fields,
Wet earth,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen?
(in autumn)

I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I don't touch the pines
And Christmas trees. I - ...

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
They rustle underfoot...
And fly, fly, fly...

Leaves fall from aspens
a sharp wedge rushes in the sky.

I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I do not touch pines and fir-trees.
I - ...

I am in the realm of puddles, in the land of fires and waters.
I am in the principality of the winged people,
Wonderful apples, fragrant pears.
Tell me what season is it?

The days got shorter
The nights have become longer.
The harvest is being harvested.
When does it happen?
(in autumn)

She rewarded everyone, she ruined everything.
The fields are empty, the earth is wet,
The rain is pouring down
When does it happen?
(in autumn)

Proverbs, sayings, signs and poems about autumn

Like summer with sheaves, so autumn with pies.
There is no turning back from autumn to summer.
Spring and autumn - all on a day of eight weather.
Spring rain grows, and autumn rots.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.
Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.
If in the autumn the web spreads over the plants, this is warm.
If in October the leaves from birch and oak do not fall cleanly, get ready for a harsh winter.
As in the forest there are a lot of mountain ash - autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry.
In autumn, birds fly low to cold, high to warm winter.
Autumn will order, and spring will say its own.
A lot of acorns were born on the oak - by a fierce winter.
If the leaf fall passes soon, we must expect harsh winter.
The appearance of mosquitoes late autumn- to a mild winter.
Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle.
Autumn is a uterus: jelly and pancakes; and spring is a stepmother: sit and look.
Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair.
In autumn, even the sparrow is rich.
I would postpone it for the fall, and then I would quit.
In late autumn, one berry, and even then a bitter mountain ash.
Etc autumn is coming Yes, he will ask for everything.
Buzzing like a thin fly in autumn.
In autumn, the crow has a shock, and not just the black grouse.
Spring says: I'll do it, and autumn says: as I want.
Spring and autumn ride on a pinto mare.
The crow pecked the bread in autumn, and in the winter she herself fell into the donkey.
You feed me in the spring, and in the fall I myself will be full.
In the summer we sing, in the fall we howl.
For next autumn, eight years later.
Don't cry, oats that I brought to sell in the fall - I'll pay exorbitant prices and turn back in the spring.

Poems about autumn

gold autumn

B. Pasternak

Autumn. Fairy tale,
All open for review.
clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes

Like in an art exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden hoop gold -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
Birch face - under the veil
Wedding and transparent.

Buried land -
Under foliage in ditches, pits.
In the yellow maples of the wing,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs,
And sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trail.

Where you can not step into the ravine,
So that everyone does not know:
So raging that not a step
A tree leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echoes at the steep slope
And dawn cherry glue
Freezes in the form of a clot.

Autumn. ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flips through the cold.


Birch braids unraveled,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars flooded.
Willows drooped by the pond,
Aspens trembled
Oaks, always huge,
It's like they've gotten smaller.
Everything calmed down.
It drooped, turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is pretty
She got better for the winter.


Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Lost somewhere summer.
Autumn is coming, autumn is coming.
The wind from the maple leaves dropped.
New carpet underfoot
Yellow-pink - maple.

sad time

A. S. Pushkin

Sad time!
Oh charm!
I like your farewell beauty
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold.
In their vestibule wind noise and fresh breath
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.


A. S. Pushkin

October has already come - the grove is already shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn chill has died - the road freezes through.
The murmuring stream still runs behind the mill,
But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
In the departing fields with his hunt,
And they suffer winter from mad fun,
And the barking of dogs wakes the sleeping oak forests.

leaf fall

Forest, like a painted tower
Lilac, gold, crimson.
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure.
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there, through the foliage,
Clearances in the sky, that windows,
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun.


Alexey Pleshcheev

Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling..

Noisy water
fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.

Autumn leaves

I. Tokmakova

Empty birdhouse,
The birds have flown
Leaves on the trees
It also doesn't fit.

All day today
Everyone is flying, flying...
Apparently, also in Africa
They want to fly.


S. M. Gorodetsky

Autumn in white mists
The garden buries in the morning.
No paths, no clearing -
We can't see anything.
In vain somewhere from the roof
Rooster crows:
Autumn does not seem to hear
And the fog seems to be deaf!
In vain barks in the booth
Angry Buyan.
And autumn does not blow into the pipes,
And fog - as there is fog!
But only the sun is sharp, bright
The first beam will shoot -
Autumn to the river, to the old willows
Picked up sideways.
And the fog removes white -
Canvas by canvas:
Garden washed, fresh, whole
Again we see outside the window!

Summer is ending

I. Tokmakova

Summer is ending
Summer is ending
And the sun don't shine
And hiding somewhere.

And the rain is a first grader,
A little shy
In oblique line
Lining the window.

V. Stepanov

Wasps are yellower by autumn,
Striped and meaner, -
Apparently, grandmother's compote
It does not give them rest.
And jam, and jam
We have
and they are embarrassed.


3. Fedorovskaya

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
I gently brushed through the leaves with a brush.
The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed
In autumn purple. Only green oak
Autumn consoles: - Do not regret the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

In this article, we will introduce you and your children to a beautiful autumn season, and also suggest that you familiarize yourself with folk sayings and proverbs about this beautiful time.

With the help of proverbs and sayings, the child can learn not only human values but also the whole world. This is evidenced by statements about the seasons of the year, namely about autumn. With the help of such proverbs, we can explain to the child the processes that occur during this period in nature, show a person’s attitude to autumn.

Proverbs and sayings about autumn for preschool children, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

This is for us adults, almost everything that happens around seems obvious and simple. However, this is not the case for young children. preschool age, this is the period during which the baby studies the world, tries to understand it with all the processes taking place in it. Therefore, everything, even the most obvious and understandable things, should be explained to the child at this time.

There are no exceptions and various natural phenomena, including the change of months and seasons.

  • There is no turning back from autumn to summer. The meaning of this proverb is that all the seasons of the year go in succession and in nature everything is natural. After summer is coming autumn, winter after autumn, etc. With the help of this statement, you can explain to the kids the presence of the seasons and their sequence.
  • Spring and autumn - all on a day of weather eight. This proverb shows us the changeability of weather conditions in spring and autumn periods. These seasons are characterized by unstable weather and its abrupt changes.
  • Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves. Spring is born new life, all trees, bushes, all living things wake up and come to life. It is in the spring that all work in the garden and garden begins, so they say that spring is red with flowers. In autumn, one cannot see the former beauty and blooming nature, but during this period people harvest, reap their fruits, which is why they say that autumn is red in sheaves. When explaining this proverb to children, do not forget to tell what a sheaf is. We can simply say that these are stems with ears, which are collected in a large bundle.
  • Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle. In autumn, work is in full swing in the fields and in the gardens. People gather their crops, prepare them for the winter, make various preservations, that is, they prepare supplies. Hence the “autumn is a reserve”. In winter, we eat what we have collected in the fall, use it, “pick up” supplies, so they say that “winter is a pickle”.
  • Autumn is a uterus: jelly and pancakes; and spring is a stepmother: sit and look. The proverb compares mother and stepmother. We all know that a mother will always give her best to her child, sacrifice herself for her child, but stepmothers are different, but, as a rule, not very supportive of other people's children. Therefore, autumn is compared with the uterus, because the whole harvest is harvested in autumn and people will be able to provide themselves with food. In the spring, all stocks run out, people eat up everything that they harvested in the fall and often remain without anything, so here a comparison is made with a stepmother who does not want to give anything to her children.
  • You feed me in the spring, and in the fall I myself will be full. This proverb says that in autumn all people are prosperous, because they receive gratitude for their work on earth in the form of fruits and harvest. But spring is often associated with hunger, because at this time the stocks are running out.
  • In autumn, even the sparrow is rich. The saying tells us that absolutely everyone becomes rich during the harvest season. Of course, it would be appropriate for children to say that everyone who worked for this throughout the spring and summer becomes rich, that is, having a harvest, to emphasize the importance of work.
  • August cooks, September - serves to the table. This statement explains to us some of the processes that take place at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. In August, a mass harvest takes place, but in the first month of autumn, all stocks, as a rule, are already collected, which is why they say that “August cooks”, that is, it prepares, and “... September brings it to the table”, that is, the whole crop is ready for use and further harvesting.
  • It is not from goodness that a tree drops a leaf. Such a statement tells us that the trees drop leaves with the advent of cold weather, that is, in the second half of autumn.
  • Autumn is coming and rain is coming. In this proverb we are talking about the weather in autumn. Autumn is always associated with rain and high humidity.
  • In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning. This proverb explains to us the weather in early autumn. The first month of autumn - September still spoils us with its warm days, however, the nights are getting colder and in the morning you can no longer feel the heat.

  • In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold. With the arrival of autumn and the first chills, all nature begins to go to sleep. Birds fly away to warmer climes, trees shed their leaves, people stock up for the winter.
  • September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn. September is the first month of autumn, so it is not yet so strict with nature and people. On September days, you can still bask in the sun and remember the summer heat during " Indian summer". Therefore, they say that this month sees off the summer. But at the same time, the evenings and nights of September become quite cold and prepare us for the arrival of real cold weather. Based on this, they say that September meets the golden autumn.
  • In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove. The second month of autumn no longer pleases us with sun and warmth, it becomes cold outside and frosts begin. This proverb tells us that this month you should no longer count on the favor of the weather and expect warmth.
  • The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence. With the advent of autumn and cold weather, daylight hours decrease daily. It gets dark early - that's what the saying says.
  • Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and full. So they say, since in spring all nature comes to life, lushly flowering trees and flowers appear around, however, all stocks at this time are already running out. Autumn cannot boast of such beauty, the days become gray and gloomy, the cold is approaching and it rains almost every day, however, at this time all people are full and rich, because they have harvested their crops and are preparing supplies.

The best proverbs and sayings about autumn for children of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Proverbs and sayings about autumn are not particularly difficult to perceive and understand even by young children. However, for more conscious and adult children, you can choose more complex and intricate statements.

  • Millet is rare, and gruel is thin. The saying tells us that it depends on what kind of crop you harvest in the fall whether your winter and spring will be hungry. “Millet is rare”, that is, it means that the harvest is not rich. "... so the gruel is thin," that is, because of the poor harvest, the food is bad.
  • Hold on to mother earth, she alone will not betray. They say so because since ancient times people survived only thanks to their work on the earth, its gifts and fertility. People planted plants, vegetables, grazed their livestock on the same land, and thanks to this they had the opportunity to live. The earth feeds people to this day, generously bestowing crops and fruits, which is why they say that mother earth will always save.
  • Autumn will come, yes, he will ask for everything. whole year a man works: he plants in the spring, cultivates in the summer, and harvests in the fall. They say this because the autumn harvest directly depends on how you worked at other times of the year. Autumn will come and ask, that is, give the crop as much as you have earned.

  • In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it whistles and tears, it pours and it snows. The proverb says that autumn time famous for its unstable weather. At the beginning of autumn, we are still enjoying the warmth and the sun, however, at the same time, we are already preparing for the cold. In the second month of autumn, the first frosts can already be observed, but it often rains. And the third month of autumn already pleases us with snow.
  • Autumn brings bad weather. They say so because autumn is a time of heavy and prolonged rains. Despite the fact that rains are very necessary for all wildlife, we humans often equate them with bad weather.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. Such a statement is very often applied to people who are in a hurry to count their profit at a time when it still cannot be close. There was such a saying a very long time ago. They say that you need to count chickens in the fall, because not all of them live to see it. The bird is hatched in the summer, however, weak animals die, others are abducted by birds of prey, and only in autumn it becomes clear how many chickens there are in fact. The essence of the proverb is that you need to evaluate your results according to the final result, and not when the matter is still in the idea.
  • The crow pecked bread in the autumn, and in the winter she herself fell into the donkey(i.e., in a loop). The meaning of the proverb is that autumn is a time of prosperity, wealth and harvest. At this time, almost no one needs anything (here the crow is cited as an example). However, winter is a time of cold and often hunger.
  • September is the time for golden autumn. Autumn is different in that at this time all the trees begin to “put on” golden outfits. The leaves of plants turn yellow, acquiring a golden color. This whole process begins in September, so it is generally accepted that it is the first month of autumn that is the time for golden autumn.

  • October is cold, father, and November chilled him too. The proverb tells us that the weather in the second autumn month is already quite cold and there are even first frosts. However, November is the last month of this season, even colder than October and sometimes pleases us not only with frost, but also with the first snow.
  • In November, winter fights with autumn. The meaning of the proverb is that November is a transitional month. At this time, the weather is so unstable and changeable that you can catch more or less warm weather, and frosty snow.
  • In October, it is autumn before noon, and winter in the afternoon. They say so because in October you can see both heat and cold. The day still pleases us a little with the sun, and the evening and night remind us that the cold will begin very soon and winter will come.
  • Autumn has come, the harvest has brought. Autumn is always associated with wealth, luxury, prosperity, and all because it is at this time of the year that all people harvest and prepare supplies for the winter. The meaning of the proverb is that it is autumn that gives us the opportunity to provide ourselves with various preparations for the coming seasons.
  • Autumn frost will not squeeze out tears, but winter frosts- from the eyes of tears. This statement is about the weather. In autumn, frosts often occur, however, these frosts are “trial”. That is, not as strong as winter ones. But the frosts in winter, as a rule, are severe, so they say that from such frosts, tears come from the eyes.
  • Rainy summer is worse than autumn. Not all people love autumn because of its rains, fogs and upcoming cold weather. However, a rainy "unlucky" summer is considered even worse than such an autumn.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about autumn for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Among all proverbs and sayings special attention deserve Russian folk. Such statements have been known to us for a very long time and in our speech they are used quite often.

  • In autumn, cattle grow fat, and people become kinder. So they say because the harvest is harvested in the fall. Cattle are getting fat, people are getting kinder, because there is a good rich harvest and harvests.
  • What an autumn, if the goose comes out on the ice. The essence of the proverb is that sometimes in autumn it is so cold that the first frosts begin, however, autumn itself is also distinguished by warm days. Attention is focused on the fact that autumn is cold.
  • In autumn the sparrow has beer. So they say when they want to emphasize the fact that in the fall everyone is full and in abundance thanks to the harvest.

  • Summer is rainier in autumn, and people are more talkative in old age. Autumn is distinguished by its heavy rains, which is why it is said that the closer to this time of year, the more often you can see this weather phenomenon. It compares the seasons and the elderly. By old age, a person begins to need more communication and support, so he “chats” more.
  • Whoever worked hard in the spring will have fun in the fall. In the spring, all work begins in the field, garden and on the ground, in general. This work is far from easy, however, without it it will not be possible to get a good harvest. Harvest, as you know, is harvested in the fall. That is why they say that the one who tries and works in the spring will reap a rich harvest in the fall and will be able to have fun.
  • In November, the peasant says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh. Both the cart and the sledge are vehicles that have long been used for agricultural work. In all seasons, except winter, it is convenient to use a cart, however, in winter, a sled is the best option. The essence of the statement is that with the advent last month In autumn, the weather changes, it becomes colder and snow falls.

  • In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan. This proverb also tells us about weather conditions in autumn time. The caftan is outerwear, however, it is not as warm as a fur coat. In September, the weather begins to change, it gradually gets colder, the summer days are replaced by autumn coolness. Therefore, it is customary to say that a fur coat stretches behind a caftan.
  • The day missed - the harvest was lost. With the arrival of autumn, work in the fields and gardens is literally in full swing, as the harvest requires that it be harvested as soon as possible and prepared for further storage. If at this time you do not work or work with delays, then you can lose everything that was planted.
  • Autumn rain sows finely, but lasts a long time. The meaning of the proverb is that autumn rains are usually prolonged. Rain can drizzle every day for a long time. While summer rain, for example, is most often torrential. It is strong, but fast passing.
  • September drove the birds on the road. The meaning of the proverb is that in autumn all migratory birds fly away to spend the winter in warmer climes. Most of them go on the road in September.
  • Do not be tory in autumn, be rich by spring. Torovat means extravagant, too generous. The meaning of the proverb is that one cannot thoughtlessly use the harvest harvested in the fall, because in this case there will be nothing left until spring. But if you be a little more economical and use the reserves rationally, then in the spring you can live in abundance.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about autumn, autumn months for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

There are a huge number of different proverbs and sayings about autumn, however, statements about autumn deserve special attention. autumn months. Such sayings characterize the months, explaining what exactly is inherent in them.

  • September is the evening of the year. September is the first month of autumn. However, after this time of year, winter sets in. Therefore, it is generally accepted that autumn is like evening, the time when all nature is preparing to go to sleep, to plunge into hibernation.
  • September is leaf fall. The meaning of the statement is that in September all the trees put on colorful outfits, and a little later all this beauty begins to fall from the trees. This process takes place in September, so it was called "leaf fall".
  • October crowns white snow with great mud. In the second month of the year, the weather does not indulge in stability and changes all the time. Due to heavy and frequent rains on the street, we can see a lot of dirt, but often due to cold weather at the same time you can see a little snow.
  • October will cover the earth where with a leaf, where with a snowball. This statement is somewhat similar to the previous one. In addition to the fact that leaf fall continues in October, snow can already be seen on the ground.
  • November is the twilight of the year. The meaning of this phrase is similar to the meaning of the proverb: "September is the evening of the year."
  • November is an off-road vehicle: either snow, or mud, or mud, or snow - neither the wheel nor the skid can move. This proverb tells us about how different the weather can be in autumn. There is rain, and snow, and heat, and frost.
  • In November, the sun smiles through tears and white flies. By white flies they mean snowflakes, and by tears they mean rain. The essence of the proverb is that November is the month in which there is both rain and snow.

  • In November, it can rain in the morning, and in the evening it can snow in snowdrifts. As you can see, November is a month with a very changeable weather and not a single proverb is devoted to this phenomenon. This statement is no exception.
  • In November, the warmth of the frost is not a decree. The meaning of the saying is that November is the month that is closer to winter, so cold and frost prevail, and not sunny warm days.
  • No wonder in November white flies. This phrase means that snow in November is a completely normal and common phenomenon.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about autumn, autumn months: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

In addition to proverbs, you need to pay attention to the so-called sayings-omens. Statements like these help us in certain ways. natural phenomena to understand what weather and harvest awaits us in the future.

  • Warm autumn - to a long winter. This statement tells us that if the three autumn months turned out to be surprisingly warm, then the winter will be long and will not end with the arrival of the first month of spring.
  • Autumn - eight weather. This phrase tells us that the weather in autumn is very changeable. In one day you can observe both clear warm weather and rain with snow.
  • Autumn warmth is deceptive. They say so because autumn is characterized by a sharp change in weather. Even in the morning it can be warm, and in the afternoon you can already watch the rain.
  • November is the gate of winter. The meaning of the proverb is that this month is the last of the autumn months, and the weather at this time is already reminiscent of winter.

  • October is dirty. This expression applies to this month because it rains most often at this time. September is a relatively dry month, November is “not dirty”, because there are frosts, and all the dirt freezes, but October is distinguished by just such a feature.
  • Autumn is boastful, and spring will say its own. The essence of this proverb is that in autumn all people harvest and prepare supplies. At this time, everyone lives in prosperity and abundance. However, some people are irresponsible and irrational with their wealth and will misuse it, so by the spring their reserves are running out.
  • One autumn is better than three springs. This is said because spring is a time of famine, since all supplies will be used up by this time. But autumn is a time of harvest and prosperity, which is why they say that one autumn is better than three springs.
  • A good judge for a farmer is autumn. The meaning of the statement is that all the labors of people can be easily appreciated in the fall, during the harvest. If a person worked hard, looked after his land and the plants planted on it, then autumn will show this.
  • In autumn, a fan is not needed. They say this because autumn is not as hot as summer. Even the period of "Indian summer" is just echoes of hot summer days.

Proverbs and sayings about autumn, autumn months with drawings for children: photo

Children are much more interested in learning something, seeing it in pictures and drawings. Therefore, it is better to talk about proverbs and sayings with kids by showing them illustrations for them.

  • In the spring you will oversleep, in the fall you will sunbathe.
  • Lamb is good in spring, chicken is good in autumn.
  • If you don't sow in the spring, you won't harvest in the fall.
  • There is no change from autumn to summer.
  • Postponed for the fall, and then abandoned.

  • One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.
  • Autumn - eight changes
  • Autumn is coming, rain is coming
  • In autumn, the cat has feasts.
  • In September, fire in the field and in the hut.
  • Knit a cart - howl, and if you go - sing songs.
  • Ready-made bread is good, but for the summer, pasha's arable land in the old way!

Telling children proverbs and sayings, we instill in them a love of wisdom. It is thanks to such wise sayings that we, in an easy playful way, can explain to kids many different concepts, as well as their value.

Video: Proverbs for children

Proverbs about autumn: proverbs about early autumn, golden autumn, late autumn, about the autumn months.

Proverbs about autumn

In autumn, as a season, three phenological periods are distinguished. And for each period there are proverbs, sayings, signs.

What is the phenological period of autumn? Phenology is the most interesting science of seasonal changes in nature and their causes. The season of the year in this science is determined not by the calendar, but by observations of wildlife.

The phenological calendar is very convenient for telling children about autumn, as it gives very bright visual signs of each subseason.

Proverbs about autumn by phenological periods

Autumn is divided into the following sub-seasons (phenological phases): early autumn, gold autumn, late fall(pre-winter).

Proverbs about early autumn

The first period of autumn is the beginning of autumn.

For children, we call this period “early autumn”.

Early autumn begins with the appearance of the first yellow leaves on birches, lindens, and elms. This is pre-fall.

Honey mushrooms grow in the forests, cobwebs fly in the air. Cooling water in rivers and lakes. People gather crops in vegetable gardens and orchards.

This period ends when the trees have an approximately equal number of green leaves and leaves colored yellow, orange, crimson. This usually happens at the end of September.

Proverbs about the first period of autumn:

One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn

From autumn to summer there is no turn.

Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair.

One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.

In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.

In autumn, cattle grow fat, and people become kinder.

Thunder in September portends a warm and long autumn.

In autumn, even the sparrow is rich.

September is wet weather and, above all, fertile.

In autumn, even a crow has a pile of bread.

August cooks, September - serves to the table.

September is cold, but full (Siverko is cold, but satisfying)

September is never fruitless.

In September, if the web spreads over the plants - to heat.

Warm autumn - to a long winter.

In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.

Indian summer is rainy - autumn is dry

The drier and warmer September is, the later winter will come.

If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.

Proverbs about golden autumn

The second period of autumn is golden autumn.

For children, we call this period “golden autumn”, “mid-autumn”.

Golden autumn begins with the fact that the leaves on the trees turn more and more yellow and red, and leaf fall begins. This usually happens by the end of September. Migratory birds fly to the southern regions, starlings and rooks are preparing to fly away. Gradually the trees become more and more bare without leaves. The further autumn - the more rains.

Proverbs about the second period of autumn:

Autumn is coming and rain is coming.

It is not from goodness that a tree drops a leaf.

Autumn rain sows finely, but lasts a long time.

Three sisters lived with my brother: spring - well done, winter - white-faced and autumn - waterdrop.

In summer, a bucket of water is a spoonful of mud; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of mud.

In the spring, the rain soars, and in the autumn it wets.

In the spring, if it spills like a river, you won’t see a drop; in autumn he will sift with chintz, and at least draw water with a bucket.

If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree (that is, not all foliage falls to snow) - to cold winter(omen)

September drove the birds on the road.

On Kupriyanov's day, the cranes gather in the swamp to keep an agreement which way - to fly by the way to warm water (September 13 - Kupriyanov's day).

Birds fly low - to a warm winter, and if they fly high - to a cold winter.

It will be a strict winter if the birds fly away together.

The rise of autumn to winter moves (the first winters)

Exaltation - the last cart moved from the field, the bird flew away.

Warm autumn - to a long winter.

Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter. Early fall of foliage - by early winter. If the leaf fall passes soon, we should expect a steep winter.

October is dirty: neither the wheel nor the runner loves.

Proverbs about late autumn

The third period of autumn is deep autumn, pre-winter

For children, we call it “late autumn”, or “deep autumn”, “pre-winter”. Giving children the last two names of this period, we explain what they mean.

This period of autumn starts from the first snow and continues until the toboggan run and freezing on rivers and lakes.

Animals and insects hibernate. The leaf fall of trees and shrubs is completely completed. Wintering birds appear. By the end of the period, a solid snow cover is established. Reservoirs are covered with young ice.

Proverbs about the third period of autumn:

In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, twists, whistles and tears, pours and sweeps snow.

Autumn will come, he will ask for everything.

Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle.

Autumn - eight weather.

The first snow is not lying.

Veil - the end of round dances, the beginning of gatherings.

The hare is gray-haired, has seen troubles (began to shed and became noticeable in the fallen snow)

Paraskeva - mud - gunpowder (October 27). Soon the snow will be like a white swan. Three days later, on Hosea, the wheel and axle part until spring.

In November, it can rain in the morning, and in the evening it can snow in snowdrifts.

Before Kazan (November 4) it is not winter, from Kazan it is not autumn. Mother Kazanskaya leads a snowless winter, it seems to show a path to frost. From Kazanskaya heat to frost is not a decree. Frost rides from the winter Kazanskaya along the spruce forests, along the birch forests, along the dry banks, along the spindles.

November 19 - freezing. Fedot (November 20) - ice leads to ice. Mikhailo (November 21) bridges bridges. From Erast (November 23) wait for the ice crust. Erast is ready for everything: both for cold, and for hunger, and for a roadless blizzard.

If there are piles of ice on the river, there will be piles of bread (omen).

It will become cold and angry from the student (November 25). Cold from Studit - every day is worse. Fedor Studit - cools the earth. Fedor - not Fedor, shivering indiscriminately.

Proverbs about autumn by months

September Proverbs

September - zorevnik, frown, howler: cold and siverko(Ask the child how he understands the word "frown", why did they call September like that, what is siverko?)

In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.

In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.

September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn

Father - September does not like to indulge.

September smells like apples, October - cabbage.

Father is cold - September, but there is a lot to feed.

Summer ends in September and autumn begins.

A lot of acorns on oak in September - for a fierce winter.

A lot of netting for Indian summer - by a clear autumn and cold winter.

September is the evening of the year.

September is leaf fall.

Since September, fire in the field and in the hut.

September tears off the caftan from his shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat.

In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan.

September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.

Proverbs about October

October - winter, leaf fall, dirt, wedding.

October is dirty. Know autumn in October through mud.

October is a month of near powder. October is winter.

October will cover the earth where with a leaf, where with a snowball.

In October, winter leaves the white nest, dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Russia, I’ll visit villages and villages, we’ll eat pies.”

In October, before lunch, autumn, and in the afternoon, winter-winter. In October, it is autumn before noon, and winter in the afternoon.

In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.

In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges. October rides on a piebald mare: she doesn’t like wheels or snakes.

October is crying with cold tears.

In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.

The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.

In October thunder - winter is snowless, short and mild.

October crowns white snow with great mud.

November Proverbs

November - leafy, semi-winter, chest (from the word "pile" - piles of frozen earth).

November is September's grandson, October's son, winter's father.

November is the gate of winter.

In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

In November, the first solid snow falls overnight.

In November, winter fights with autumn.

November is the twilight of the year.

November is a semi-winter season: both the wheel and the snake love. The man says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.

In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.

In November, the frost settles down.

Cold father - October, and November and it was cold.

December frost is torovat with November frosts.

November builds bridges without an axe. December without a nail zagvazhzhivaet.

November with a nail, December with a bridge.

In November, the sun smiles through tears and white flies.

In November, the warmth of the frost is not a decree.

If the sky cries in November, then winter will come after the rain.

Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.

Whoever does not get cold in November will not freeze in December either.

No wonder in November white flies (snow).

Do not forge the river in winter without November - a blacksmith.

The smithy is small in November, but forges fetters on all rivers.

November is an off-road vehicle: now snow, now mud, now mud, now snow - neither the wheel nor the skid can move.

November December brother, September grandson.

November is a semi-winter season: a peasant says goodbye to a cart, climbs into a sleigh.

November nights are dark before the snow.

Proverbs about the features of autumn as a season of the year

Autumn is the uterus: jelly and pancakes. And spring is a stepmother: sit and look (meaning that by spring the stocks stored since autumn are running out)

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is with sheaves.

Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and full.

Autumn says: "Rotten!", And spring: "If only it were."

Spring rain grows, and autumn rain rots.

Do not be tory in autumn, you will be rich by spring.

In autumn, a gray morning, a red day.

Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pick.

Autumn will order, and spring will say its own.

Autumn is great, winter is long.

Autumn night rides on twelve carts.

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Since ancient times, people have watched nature, the change of seasons, what changes and features are inherent in each period. These observations vividly and figuratively express proverbs and sayings about the seasons. This page contains proverbs and sayings about autumn.

Autumn is the time of ripening and harvesting, the time bright colors and gloomy cloudy days. Flashing with bright colors, sending birds to the south, nature fades and prepares for winter. Centuries-old folk observations are reflected in proverbs and sayings about autumn.

From autumn to summer there is no turn.

In autumn, cattle grow fat, and people become kinder.

In autumn, the morning is gray, so wait for the red day.

In autumn, the worker turns red, and the owner turns pale.

In autumn they sip milk with a match. They dunk it once, shake it twice, and then they carry it into their mouths.

So that the bread could not crumble, bring it down rather from your feet.

That July and August will not be cooked, September will not fry.

The drier and warmer September is, the later winter will come.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Chilled father-September, but much to feed.

September is cold, but full.

One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.

The weather hit - the threshing began.

Warm autumn - to a long winter.

To a ripe ear - a daring sickle, To a red maiden - a daring groom.

Plow feeds, clothes the spindle.

September is cold, but full.

September smells like apples, October - cabbage.

September is never fruitless.

September is wet weather and, above all, fertile.

The leaf has not fallen from the birch - the snow will fall late.

The prophet Elijah is ending the summer, the fat is stinging. The first sheaf, the first autumn holiday.

Autumn will come, he will ask for everything.

The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn - to a mild winter.

The breezes rushed from midnight, ah yes September!

The weather is such that the good owner of the dog will not drive out of the yard.

In autumn they sip milk with a match.

In autumn, the cat has a pie.

In autumn, a sparrow has a feast.

In autumn the sparrow has beer.

In autumn, even the sparrow is rich.

Autumn is a uterus; kissel and pancakes; and spring is a stepmother: sit and look.

Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair.

Autumn has come, the harvest has brought.

Autumn will order, spring will say its own.

Autumn is coming and the rain is coming.

Autumn says: "I'll harness the fields", spring says: "I'll take a look."

Autumn says: "I'll deviate", spring says: "As I want."

Autumn says: "Rotten", spring: "Cute, if only it were."

Autumn is great, winter is long.

Autumn is a gathering, winter is a pickle.

Autumn - eight weather.

Autumn - eight changes.

Autumn is a reserve, winter is a pickle.

Autumn night rides on twelve carts.

The autumn fly bites harder.

Autumn frost will not squeeze out tears, and winter frosts - tears from the eyes.

Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time.

Do not put autumn winter in the bin.

Autumn warmth is deceptive.

October thunder - snowless winter.

October will carry - November will pick up.

October cries cold tears.

October does not like wheels or runners.

October rides a skewbald horse.

October is the month of near powder.

November nights are dark before the snow.

November with a nail, December with a bridge.

November will nail - December will pave.

November without an ax builds bridges, December without a nail zagvazhzhivaet.

November is the twilight of the year.

November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father.

November is the gate of winter.

They don't carry horses, they carry oats.

Do not be tory in autumn, be rich by spring.

On Ilya before lunch, summer, after lunch, autumn.

The leaf, crumbling from the tree in autumn, lies face up - to the crop failure for the next year, and the wrong side - to the harvest.

Flax blooms for two weeks, sings for four weeks, and flies to the seventh seed.

Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I myself will be full.

Ear to spikelet - the motherland of the sheaf.

An ear of roads, though small, pick it up so that it does not disappear.

The willow was covered with frost early - for a long winter.

Know autumn in October through mud.

If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.

Rainy summer is worse than autumn.

The day missed - the harvest was lost.

Thunder in September portends a warm and long autumn.

Ready-made bread is good, but for the summer, pasha's arable land in the old way!

Everyone would take October, but the peasant has no move.

Spring rain grows, autumn rots.

In the spring, that it spills like a river - you can’t see a drop; in autumn he will sift with chintz - at least scoop it with a bucket.

In the spring the rain soars, in the autumn it wets.

In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

Spring is red with flowers, autumn is sheaves.

Spring is red and hungry; autumn is rainy and full.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

Spring and autumn ride on a pinto mare.

Spring brings flowers and autumn brings fruits.

Spring ice is thick and simple; autumn thin, but tenacious.

In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan.

In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.

In September, one berry, and that one is a bitter mountain ash.

In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.

In September, fire in the field and in the hut.

In September, if the web spreads over the plants - to heat.

In autumn, spend the night without crossing the river; in spring, move without missing an hour.

In autumn, the cat has feasts.

In autumn, the crow has a shock, not only the black grouse.

In autumn, even a crow has a pile of bread.

In autumn, and the sparrow has beer.

In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.

In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.

In November, the peasant says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.

In November, winter and autumn fight.

Buzzing like a fly in autumn.

Be afraid of autumn: winter is behind it, do not be afraid of winter: spring is behind it. (Azerbaijani proverb).

Father September does not like to indulge.

Indian summer is rainy - autumn is dry.

Indian summer is like Indian happiness - briefly.

August cooks, September - serves to the table.

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, a little - dry.
If the cranes fly high, slowly and "talk", it will be a good autumn.

Until the leaf from the cherries has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.
Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
If birches turn yellow from the top in autumn, the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

Isaac Levitan. Autumn. manor

Signs and sayings of September

In September, hold on tight to your caftan.
In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.
In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
In September, the forest is less frequent and bird voice quiet.
Summer ends in September and autumn begins.
In September, one berry, and that one is a bitter mountain ash.
In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.
Thunder in September - to a long autumn.
Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.
A lot of nettennik in Indian summer - to a clear autumn and cold winter.
September is never fruitless.
September is the evening of the year.
September tears off the caftan from his shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
September is leaf fall.
September reddened the swamps - oats are threshed with frost.
September drove the birds on the road.

September - gloomy

September 1 - Stratilat-teplyak. Teplyak holds on, bows after the departed summer.
September 5 - on Luppa - oats are beating with frost. First frosts.
September 10 - Natalya-fescue. They mow oats.
September 11 - Ivan Lenten, godfather in autumn. From lean Ivan - a man does not go out without a caftan.
September 13 - Kupriyanov day - crane departure. They pull root crops (except for turnips), dig potatoes.
September 14 - Semyon the pilot. The first meeting of autumn. Completion of summer work. If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then autumn will be warm.
September 19 - grabbing Mikhailov's matinees.
September 21 - autumn, the second meeting of autumn. They removed the onions.
September 24 - Fedorin's day. Not every summer will reach Fedora.
September 26 - The Cornelius root grows in the forest, but it freezes.
September 27 - Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn. The first winters. On Vozdvizhenye, the first lady is cabbage (they cut down cabbage). September 28 - goose flight, hussar. Geese fly - they drag a winter on their tail.

Signs and sayings of October

The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.
In October, it is autumn before noon, and winter in the afternoon.
In October, winter leaves the white nest, dresses up to visit a peasant: "Let me stay in Russia, I will visit villages and villages, we will eat pies."
In October, and a hut with firewood, and a peasant in bast shoes, but still no spores.
In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges.
October rides on a piebald mare: she doesn’t like wheels or snakes.
In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
Thunder in October portends a snowless, short and mild winter.
If in October a leaf from a birch and oak does not fall cleanly, expect a harsh winter.
Know autumn in October through mud.
October crowns white snow with great mud.
October is winter.
October will cover the earth where with a leaf, where with a snowball.

October is dirty

In October, before lunch, autumn, and in the afternoon, winter-winter. If in October a leaf from a birch and oak falls uncleanly, expect a harsh winter. The moon turned red - wait for the wind-string. Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather. If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.
October 1 - Arin's day. If the cranes fly to Arina, then on Pokrov (October 14) one must wait for the first frost; and if they are not visible on this day, not a single frost will strike before Artemiev Day (November 2).
October 2 - Zosima, protector of bees. They put the hives in the omshanik.
October 3 - Astafiev winds. When the north wind blows angry wind- there will be a cold, the southerner blew - to heat, the western one - to sputum, the eastern one - to a bucket.
October 7 - Fekla-zarevnitsy. Bread is threshed in heated barns from dawn to dusk.
October 8 - Cabbage is chopped for Sergius. If the first snow falls on Sergius, then winter will set in on St. Michael's Day (November 21).
October 9 - rain with snow - in January expect strong thaws three times, sunny and warm - June will be rainy and cold.
October 13 - if the snow does not fall, winter will not come soon.
October 14 - Pokrov day. On Pokrov before lunch, autumn, and after lunch - winter-winter. On Pokrov, heat a hut without firewood (insulate housing). What is the Veil - such is the winter.
October 17 - Yerofey and winter puts on a fur coat.
October 20 - Sergius. If Sergius is covered with snow, then from the November Matryona, winter will rise to its feet.
October 21 - it's getting colder from Tryphon-Palageya. Trifon mends a fur coat, Palageya sews sheep's mittens.
October 23 - Eulampia. On Eulampius, the horns of the month seem to point in the direction from which the winds should be.
October 27 - Paraskeva-mud, powder.

Signs and sayings of November

In November, winter fights with autumn.
In November, autumn - a fat woman with an evil one - fights in winter.
In November, the frost settles down.
In November, the first solid snow falls overnight.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.
In November, the sun smiles through tears and "white flies".
In November, it can rain in the morning, and in the evening it can snow in snowdrifts.
In November, the warmth of the frost is not a decree.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will come after the rain.
Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
Whoever does not get cold in November will not freeze in December either.
The smithy is small in November, but forges fetters on all rivers.
Do not forge the river in winter without November - a blacksmith.
No wonder in November white flies (snow).
November December brother, September grandson.
November is an off-road vehicle: either snow, or mud, or mud, or snow - neither the wheel nor the skid can move.
In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

November - leafy

November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father. November is a semi-winter season: a peasant says goodbye to a cart, climbs into a sleigh. November nights are dark before the snow.
November 4 - Kazan. Before Kazanskaya - not winter, from Kazanskaya - not autumn. It happens that it rains on Kazanskaya in the morning, and in the evening it snows in snowdrifts.
November 11 - Nastasya sheepdogs. They fed the shepherds in the yards.
November 12 - on Zinovia - Sinichkin's holiday. Feathered guests of winter flock: bullfinches, goldfinches, waxwings ... November 14 - Kuzminki, meeting winter. Do not shackle the river in winter without Kuzma-Demyan.
November 15 - Akundin kindles the barn.
November 19 - freezing.
November 20 - Fedot. Fedot - ice leads to ice.
November 21 - Michaelmas Day. If Mikhailo Demyanov destroys the path, do not wait for the way to the winter Nikola (December 19) If there is frost on Mikhailov's day, wait big snows, and if the day begins with fog, it will be warmer.
November 22 - winter Matryona. Winter is on its feet, frost is coming.
November 23 - from Erast, wait for the ice crust.
November 25 - Studit will become cold and angry. If on the 25th it rains or snows - according to ancient signs, there will be thaws until the Introduction (December 4).
November 28 - Guryan on a pinto mare (mud, snow).
November 29 - winter sweats on Matvey.

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