Large flakes of snow wait for the thaw. Signs and poems about winter

Diets 09.09.2019

Happy child 08.01.2018

Dear readers, and again on our blog winter theme. By folk beliefs, mother winter arrives on earth on a beautiful piebald horse and begins to conjure: to cover the rivers with ice, to cover the fields with snow furs. And if winter is favorable to people, then there is a lot of snow and it covers the earth with a thick layer. So, the harvest will be good.

People every day watched the weather, the behavior of birds and animals. This is how winter signs were created, in accordance with which it was possible to make weather forecasts. Signs were passed down from generation to generation, helping good owners to prepare for the cold and winter without feeling lack of anything.

Previously, not only adults, but also children knew about signs. But even now it is so interesting to observe nature with children. So we become closer to it, and sometimes such knowledge can be useful in practice. Learn more about winter from folk signs with the children, and let the children learn to predict the weather themselves.

Folk signs of winter for preschoolers

To kids kindergarten it will be very interesting to hear about folk signs of mother winter. Her voice is young and sonorous, and her eyes shine clear ice. There is snow in one of its sleeves, frost in the other ...

For kids, winter is a fairy tale about the New Year, outdoor games, fluffy snow and red bunches of rowan. But, in addition to these ideas, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Signs of winter, predicting the weather for the next day, are suitable for children who still go to kindergarten.

If during the night frost covered everything around, then during the day it will snow.
A scattering of stars in a clear winter sky portends a hard frost in the afternoon.
Fluffy frost in the morning portends a sunny day.
If the frost weakens in the evening, then you can expect snowfall or rain.
Sunset in the clouds - to the snowfall.
It's getting lighter than usual - towards the snow.
If there was frost at night, don't expect snow during the day.
The day will begin with fog - to be thawed.
Clear skies to frost.
Clouds are moving fast - to good weather.
Firewood in the stove does not flare up well - to a thaw.
Frequent stars - to heat and snow, rare - to bad weather and blizzard.
The north wind blew, but there were no clouds - frost would knock.

The stars are bright - to frost.
Smoke from the chimney in a column - to frost.
If ice cracks on the river, it will be very cold.
A cat on the stove - a cold in the yard.
If the dog is lying around, then it is worth waiting for a blizzard.
Titmouse squeaks in the morning - expect frost at night
If a crow sits on the top of a tree and croaks loudly, then there will be a blizzard.
If the flies in the room flew, then there will be warming.
If the cat in the house stands on its hind legs and begins to scrape the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.
If the dog walks with his tail between his legs - to cold weather.
Birds on the street hide their beak under the wing - to severe cold.
If in winter, entering the hut from the yard, you will strongly inherit - to the thaw (the snow is soft, sticky).
The smoke from the chimney spreads to the ground without wind - to the snow.
The reddish hue of the moon means that the next day the wind will bring warm weather and the snow will fall.
The sharp, brightly glowing horns of the moon portend rains, and the steep ones - frosts.
When the trees are covered with frost, wait for warming.
If in the morning a titmouse is heard on the window, then the night will be frosty.
If the clouds go against the wind, expect snow.
If heavy snow falls at night or early in the morning with a light wind, clear, sunny weather will be established during the day.
If the weather changes during the day (it is very cold during the day, and warmer in the evening), then there will be a strong blizzard for several days in a row.

If a crow sits at the top of a tree in the winter at the lodging for the night, in the direction of the wind, then the next day there will be calm weather; when she sits at the bottom of the tree and hides between the branches, then we should expect bad weather at night or on the next day.

Watch the daytime weather with the kids, and in the evening let the kid remember again that he noticed something interesting during the day.

Signs of winter for schoolchildren in grades 2-3

Primary schoolchildren already know some winter signs and notice something interesting in class or on a walk with their parents. winter nature. And signs for next spring or summer can be written down and checked whether they will correspond to the forecasts.

Winter tips for spring and summer

If at the beginning of winter they blow strong winds, then the beginning of spring will be slushy.
Dry and light snow - for a dry summer.
If it is dry and cold in winter, it is dry and hot in summer.
Snowy winter - rainy summer.
If there are blizzards in winter, bad weather in summer.
If frost in winter, dew in summer.
A large frost for the whole winter is a difficult summer for health.
If it's warm in winter, it's cold in summer.
Winter is frosty - summer is hot.
Winter without snow, but with severe frosts portends a dry hot summer.
If at the very beginning of winter it snows, then the beginning of summer will be rainy.
On which day of winter a snowstorm passes, on the corresponding day of summer it will rain.

If the snow covered up close to the fence in the very first month of winter, then the summer will not please you with good weather. If there is a lot of snow, but there is a gap before the fence, then this indicates that the harvest this year will be good.

Winter signs for the weather

Clouds float high - to good weather, low - to bad weather.
The cat on the stove - to the cold; and the cat on the floor is warm.
The pig itches - to heat; squeals - to bad weather; drags straw - to the storm.
Long dry spruce twigs bend to a blizzard, and straighten to good weather.
Hoarfrost on trees - to frost, fog - to thaw.
The oak forest turned black in winter - to a thaw or a storm.
The horns of the moon are sharp and bright - to the bucket, steep - to frost.
The month is born lying down - to warmth, standing - to frost.
When there is a foggy circle around the sun, this is a blizzard, and if it rolls into a cloud, then there will be a snowstorm.
On a frosty day it snowed - to the thaw. Snow will fall - to warming.
The crow cries at noon - to the heat, to the north - to the cold.
Crows sit on the tops of trees - to the frost (the cold begins to creep down), on the lower branches - to the wind (the upper ones will sway more strongly).

Crows hover in the air - before the snow, if after that they descend and sit on the ground - there will be a thaw, and if they sit on houses and tops of trees - there will be frost, they will sit on the lower branches of trees - there will be wind.

If in winter time spiders weave their web very actively, run back and forth, fight with each other, hang on new threads, this means that in 9-10 days the cold will come; if the spiders hide, there will be a thaw.

Winter signs of a thaw

The forest is red in winter - to the thaw.
If the air above the forest turns blue, it will be warm.
The forest is noisy in winter - expect a thaw.
The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - to heat.
The cuckoo will crow - no more frost to be seen.
Birds whistle cheerfully and loudly early in the morning - for warmth, for spring.
Sparrows chirp together - to the thaw (warmth).
The bullfinch under the window chirps in winter - to the thaw.
Crows and jackdaws sit down at noon with their noses - to heat.
In winter, a horse rides, sleeps on land (on the ground) - they say, to heat.
A dog eats hay from a tub - to heat.
When the windows fog up in frosty weather, warming is expected.
Evening dawns quickly burn out - to the thaw.
Large flakes of snow - to the thaw.
Snow groats are a sign of a near thaw.
Large snowflakes are falling - to the thaw.
In frost, water appears on the ice - a thaw will soon come.
If the snow begins to stick to the trees, then we must wait for the heat.

Signs for a blizzard (blizzard) or storm

If the dog began to wallow in the snow - do not go hunting, a blizzard will catch you on the way.
The cat scratches the floor - to the wind and blizzard.
The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.
Sparrows hide in brushwood - in the cold or before a snowstorm.
Sparrows scream - to the blizzard.
Magpie climbs under the eaves - to the blizzard.
The crow sits in the morning on the top of the tree and croaks - to the blizzard.
The sun sets into a cloud - to a blizzard.
A foggy circle near the sun - to a snowstorm.
In winter, the sky is clouded - to a snowstorm.
Thunder in winter - to strong winds.
Lightning in winter - to the storm.
Weak hoarfrost and noticeable warming - to the storm.
A circle near the sun or a month in winter portends long snowstorms with frost.
The cat closes its muzzle with its paw - to a blizzard.

Signs of frost and cold

Wolves howl near housing - to frost.
Hares keep near housing - to frost.
The crow hides its beak under the wing - to the cold.
If the windows begin to sweat with double frames - to increased frost.
If the samovar is buzzing - to frost.
Firewood burns with a bang - to frost.
Rapid thaw - long frost.
The sun is in mittens, like a rainbow, like pillars on both sides - to the cold.
In winter, a month up with horns - to frost.
A generous harvest of rowan berries speaks of a frosty coming winter.
The wind blew in winter north side- to the big frost.
The crackling of trees in the forest portends long frosts.
If thunder rumbles in winter, hard frosts will soon await.
Red fire in the oven - to frost.
A large number of acorns on oak trees - to be cold in winter.
Chickens perch early, which means it will be frosty, and the higher they climb, the lower the temperature will be.
Indoor birds are silent - the cold will still stand.

Signs for snow and snowfalls

Snow falling before all the leaves fall off portends a fierce winter.
Daytime snow does not lie, and the first reliable snow falls at night.
The first snow falls 40 days before the onset of winter.
If the snow that fell at night remains on the branches of trees, then it will not melt on the ground either.
If the snow creaks a lot under your feet, it will soon get colder.
Snowing large flakes - to bad weather and sputum.
The snow bent the branches - there will be a good harvest.
Clouds against the wind go - to the snow.
The more snow on the fields, the greater the harvest.
In the morning dawn the sun is red - on a blizzard.
Clouds at sunset will tell about the imminent snowfall.

signs of december

Cold and snowy December portends a rich harvest.
If the first snow that fell in December is dense, wet and heavy, then expect rainy weather in the summer, and if it is dry and light, the summer will be dry.
Large icicles portend a good harvest of vegetables in summer and autumn.
If December turned out to be snowy and cold, then the harvest will be good.
Warm weather in December portends a long winter and a belated cold spring.
Strong frost, large snowdrifts, deeply frozen ground promise a good harvest.
If the first month of winter is very wet and cloudy, then summer will be rainy.
Frequent strong winds in December mean that spring will be late. Most likely, in March there will be a lot of rainfall, and April will be cold.

Signs of January

Frosty January is a fruitful year.
Snowy weather for a month with frequent snowfalls and blizzards promises occasional showers in the middle of summer.
In January, many frequent and long icicles hang - the harvest will be good.
Cold Januarys in a row are rarely repeated.
If January is warm, then expect severe cold in March.
If January is cold, July will be dry and hot.
If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.
Early in January, the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.

signs of february

If on the first day of February the sky is dotted with many stars, then the cold will last a long time.
By the weather on February 15, you can judge what spring will be like. If it snows on this day, then spring will be late.
Foggy February suggests that the whole coming year will be rainy.
The heat during the month means that the spring will be cold, even with frosts.
Abundant frost on the trees - to the harvest of honey.
If long icicles hang at the end of the month, then the spring will be long.
Rains in February - to a wet summer, a dry month - to a drought.
The beginning of February is more serene - expect an early spring, more beautiful.
If at the end of the month there is heavy snow that sticks to the surfaces, then it will be warm.
If in February the cries of tits are heard in the morning, then expect frost.

Notes for winter holidays

many stars in new year's eve- a harbinger of a good harvest.
If frost appears at Christmas, this is for the grain year.
When there is a snowstorm at Christmas, it promises that the bees will swarm well.
Clear weather throughout the Christmas week - to a good harvest.
Sunny weather on Tatyana's Day promises an early arrival of birds, and if snow falls, then there will be a lot of rain in summer.
A blizzard on Epiphany - and a blizzard on Easter.
Full ice holes at Epiphany portend a big spill.
A full month during Epiphany also promises a lot of water in the spring.
If snow falls on Epiphany in large flakes, then there will be a fertile year, and a clear day - to crop failure.
When frosts are stronger at Epiphany than at Christmas and Candlemas, then a good harvest, prosperity and well-being are expected.
If Baptism fell on full moon then expect heavy rainfall.

Unusual winter signs

What can cause surprise and admiration in winter? Something unusual, unexpected for winter: a rainbow in the sky, a butterfly or a ladybug that flew into the house ...

Why a rainbow in winter? Signs

A rainbow is not always seen in summer, but in winter it is considered a miracle. In the old days, it was considered a good sign to see a rainbow in winter. Those who saw her tried to make a wish as soon as possible.

Seeing a rainbow in winter promises good luck and luck for the whole year.
The rainbow in winter is very bright and low, which means you need to prepare for prolonged bad weather.
If a rainbow appeared on a frosty and sunny day, they expected severe frosts.
If a rainbow peeked out from behind the clouds on a cloudy and gloomy day, they were waiting for snowstorms and snow storms.
If red colors predominated in the rainbow that appeared, windy days were expected.

Sign "Butterfly in the house in winter"

A butterfly in winter in our cold climate is strange and unusual. After all, these summer beauties are accustomed to sleeping under the bark of trees or in the crevices of wooden houses in winter. And suddenly they fly into the house ...

If the butterfly is white and cream - to replenish in the family.
If the color of the butterfly wings is orange, gold, brown, there will soon be financial profit.
A butterfly flies around the room - you will live in joy and prosperity.
Butterfly sits on the wall - hear from relatives.
If the butterfly sat on the right shoulder, it prophesies a quick meeting, on the left, it warns of enemies and envious people.
A pied beetle sitting on your head portends a pleasant meeting with an old friend or a trip to distant lands.
It is considered a good sign to see three moths sitting side by side at once.

Sign "Ladybug at home in winter"

The people believe that the ladybug is a servant of the Virgin. And the ancient Slavs considered her the messenger of the goddess of the Sun. Therefore, it cannot be not only killed, but even roughly shaken off clothes. You can only slightly push the ladybug with a blade of grass or with your breath so that it flies further.

If the wings of a ladybug yellow color, this promises positive changes and speedy happiness.
An insect with white spots is a harbinger of good news.
A black ladybug with red dots speaks of success in all matters.
A monochromatic bug without spots is itself a newborn, therefore it portends an early replenishment in the family.
A few red cows promise a rich harvest for farmers, and ordinary people - good family relationships.
The appearance of a ladybug in a dwelling speaks of the favorable energy of the apartment: she will never be in a house in which there is a lot of negativity.
If a ladybug crawls in a baby's crib, this indicates that the baby will grow up healthy.
If a cow flew into the house through open window or a door - a sign that the lost thing will be found quickly enough.

To make the signs about the one who flew into the house come true ladybug in the cold season, it is necessary to leave it indoors, planting it on a potted flower.

Sign "Fly in the winter in the apartment"

Few people can say why flies suddenly wake up in winter and fly around the house. And what can their unexpected appearance lead to?

Winter signs for children

Large flakes of snow - to the thaw.

Rapid thaw - long frost.

On a frosty day it snowed - to the thaw.

Snow will fall - to warming.

Daytime snow does not lie, and the first reliable snow falls at night.

The smoke from the chimney spreads to the ground without wind - to the snow.

If the snow that fell at night remains on the branches of trees, then it will not melt on the ground either.

Snow is falling in large flakes - to bad weather and sputum.

The cat closes its face with its paw - to a blizzard.

Frequent stars - to heat and snow, rare - to bad weather and blizzard.

The wind blew from the north side in winter - to a big frost.

A cat on the stove - a cold in the yard.

Red fire in the oven - to frost.

Indoor birds are silent - the cold will still stand.

Clear sky - to frost.

Clouds against the wind go - to the snow.

In the morning dawn the sun is red - for a blizzard.

It's getting lighter than usual - towards the snow.

The north wind blew, but there were no clouds - the frost would knock.

If in winter, entering the hut from the yard, you will strongly inherit, - to the thaw (the snow is soft, sticky).

If there was frost at night, don't expect snow during the day.

Firewood burns with a bang - to frost.

Smoke from the chimney in a column - to frost.

If the wind blew in winter and there was no frost, there will be a snowstorm.

Hares keep near housing - to frost.

The stars are bright - to frost.

Sunset in the clouds - to the snowfall.

The day will start with fog - be a thaw.

Firewood in the stove does not flare up well - to a thaw.

If in the frost on the river the water came out on the ice, it will soon rain or a big thaw.

Frost is weaker in the evening - to precipitation.

The crows croaked with the whole flock - to the frost, arranged round dances in the sky - to the snowfall, they sit on the ground - to the thaw, sat on the lower branches of the trees - wait for the wind.

Hoarfrost on trees - to frost, fog - to thaw.

The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - to heat.

The cuckoo will crow - no more frost to be seen.

White clouds in winter - to the wind, blue - to the heat.

The sparrows chirped together - to the thaw.

Poems about winter for children

good time

We like frosty

fluffy time,

Starry night sky

Glittering silver.

And the tree lights up

And the round dance is dancing,

And here, as it should be,

Comes New Year!

O. Vysotskaya

One winter

One winter

Along our street

Kitten go

Wanted to take a walk

Kitten came out

Black as soot

And returned -

White as chalk!

K. Maznin


The paws of titmouse are freezing:

It's bad for them without mittens,

Yes, and hungry in the cold ...

I brought them seeds:

Look here

This is delicious food!

They sit on my palm,

Warm paws. Not to be afraid of.

V. Polyakov

letter in the snow

Embroidered snow

beautiful line,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad to the yard:

Look what a pattern!

Dad looks down

Here is a letter for you, Denis! -

Birds and animals write:

“Make us, Denis, feeders!”

N. Golinovskaya

Father Frost

Grandfather looked into the well -

The well was covered with ice.

And looked at the river -

He put on an ice sheepskin coat.

Old Santa Claus

If he's joking, then seriously.

V. Lanzetti

Trees bloom in winter

There are white caps on the roofs.

And the air is fresh, as if near

The boys eat cucumbers.

To Marinicheva

Between two birches

Blue lake covered with ice

The windows froze, whitewashed the house.

The birdhouse is empty, and the garden is silent.

Plums and cherries stand in frost.

Only at the feeder between two birches

Nimble birds curl even in the cold.

G. Ladonshchikov

Sad sparrows

Little Sparrow

In a gray zipun

Why aren't you happy?

Or not happy with winter?

I will answer you

my old friend:

All my neighbors

Moved south.

empty field,

The river sleeps quietly

Leaves flew around

From maples and willows,

The sun is far away

It got a little warm...

Still I don't want

Fly nowhere.

I know there will be storms

Sing here and circle

But separation from the motherland

I can't survive.

G. Ladonshchikov

winter days

Music floats through the winter air...

Noisy in the recreation park, strong ringing ice.

The runners are trying, they are flying around the rink.

The mothers smile as they look at the children.

Snow crystals fall on ice...

Both big and small - sport is useful for everyone!

S. Vigdorov

First snow

In the morning the cat brought on its paws

First snow! First snow!

It tastes and smells

First snow! First snow!

It spins light, new

The guys over their heads

He had a downy handkerchief

Spread on the pavement.

It turns white along the fence,

I crouched on the lantern, -

So soon, very soon

Sleighs will fly from the hills,

So it will be possible again

Build a fortress in the yard!

Ya Akim


Hello, in a white sundress

From silver brocade!

Diamonds burn on you

Like bright rays.

Hello Russian girl,

Coloring soul!

white winch,

Hello Mother Winter!

P. Vyazemsky

winter meeting

Hello winter guest!

Please have mercy on us

Sing the songs of the north

Through fields and steppes.

We have a space -

Walk anywhere;

Build bridges across rivers

And lay out the carpets.

We do not become accustomed -

Let your frost crackle:

Our Russian blood

Burning in the cold!

I. Nikitin


The forest is bewitched by the sorceress-winter -

And under the snowy fringe

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life.

F. Tyutchev


White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest - what a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unshakable...

God's days are short

The sun shines a little

Here come the frosts -

And winter has come.

I. Surikov

Winter morning

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

Here is the wind, catching up the clouds,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

The magical winter is coming.

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hung on the branches of oaks;

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills;

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil;

Frost flashed. And we are glad

Leprosy mother winter.

A. Pushkin

Snow yes snow

Snow yes snow. The whole hut was covered.

The snow is white all around knee-deep.

So frosty, light and white!

Only black, black walls...

And the breath comes out of my lips

Steam freezing in the air.

There's smoke creeping out of the chimneys;

They are sitting in the window with a samovar.

A. Blok

Riddles about winter for children

Name, guys, a month in this riddle:

His days are shorter than all days, all nights are longer than nights,

Snow covered the fields and meadows until spring.

Only our month will pass, we celebrate the New Year. (December.)

Who, guess, the gray-haired mistress:

Will shake the feathers - over the world of fluff? (Winter.)

The cold came, the water turned into ice,

The long-eared gray hare turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring, the bear fell into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens? (In winter.)

Who builds a footbridge on the river without an ax, without nails and boards? (Freezing.)

And not snow, and not ice, but silver in winter will remove the trees. (Frost.)

He entered - no one saw, he said - no one heard.

He blew into the windows and disappeared, and a forest grew on the windows. (Freezing.)

In a new wall, in a round window, the glass was broken during the day, and inserted during the night. (Hole.)

Troika, Troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And in the sleigh sits the queen -

Belokosa, chubby,

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered in silver. (Winter and winter months.)

Every day, Seryozhka gives us clothes.

And he broke up with the latter - he himself disappeared somewhere. (Tear-off calendar.)

It flies off in a white flock and sparkles in flight.

It melts like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth. (Snow.)

What kind of janitor was raking snow on the pavement?

Not with a shovel, not with a broom, but with an iron hand. (Snowplow.)

Miracle janitor in front of us. With raking hands

In one minute, he raked a huge snowdrift (Snowplow.)

Here is a silver meadow, not to see a lamb,

The goby does not moo on it, the chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter, but you won't find it in spring. (Rink.)

My new pals are both shiny and light

And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of frost. (Skates.)

Two new two-meter maple soles:

I put two feet on them - and big snow run. (Skis.)

We are nimble sisters, we are masters of running fast,

In the rain - we lie down, in the snow - we run, this is our regime. (Skis.)

We stood all summer, waiting for winter.

They waited for the time - they rushed from the mountain. (Sled.)

Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking my horse out.



Large flakes of snow - to the thaw.

Rapid thaw - long frost.

On a frosty day it snowed - to the thaw.

Snow will fall - to warming.

Daytime snow does not lie, and the first reliable snow falls at night.

The smoke from the chimney spreads to the ground without wind - to the snow.

If the snow that fell at night remains on the branches of trees, then it will not melt on the ground either.

Snow is falling in large flakes - to bad weather and sputum.

The cat closes its muzzle with its paw - to a blizzard.

Frequent stars - to heat and snow, rare - to bad weather and blizzard.

The wind in winter blew from the north side - to a big frost.

A cat on the stove - a cold in the yard.

Red fire in the oven - to frost.

Indoor birds are silent - the cold will still stand.

Clear skies to frost.

Clouds against the wind go - to the snow.

In the morning dawn the sun is red - on a blizzard.

It's getting lighter than usual - towards the snow.

The north wind blew, but there were no clouds - frost would knock.

If in winter, entering the hut from the yard, you leave a lot - to the thaw (the snow is soft, sticky).

If there was frost at night, don't expect snow during the day.

Firewood burns with a bang - to frost.

Smoke from the chimney in a column - to frost.

If the wind blew in winter and there was no frost, there will be a snowstorm.

Hares stay near housing - to frost.

The stars are bright - to frost.

Sunset in the clouds - to the snowfall.

The day will begin with fog - to be thawed.

Firewood in the stove does not flare up well - to a thaw.

If in the frost on the river the water came out on the ice, it will soon rain or a big thaw.

Frost is weaker in the evening - to precipitation.

The crows croaked with the whole flock - to the frost, arranged round dances in the sky - to the snowfall, they sit on the ground - to the thaw, sat on the lower branches of the trees - wait for the wind.

Hoarfrost on trees - to frost, fog - to thaw.

The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - to heat.

The cuckoo will crow - no more frost to be seen.

White clouds in winter - to the wind, blue - to the heat.

The sparrows chirped together - to the thaw.

Between two birches

Blue lake covered with ice

The windows froze, whitewashed the house.

The birdhouse is empty, and the garden is silent.

Plums and cherries stand in frost.

Only at the feeder between two birches

Nimble birds curl even in the cold.

G. Ladonshchikov

Sad sparrows

- sparrow sparrow

In a gray zipun

Why aren't you happy?

Or not happy with winter?

- I will answer you

my old friend:

All my neighbors

Moved south.

empty field,

The river sleeps quietly

Leaves flew around

From maples and willows,

The sun is far away

It started getting warm...

Still I don't want

Fly nowhere.

I know there will be storms

Sing here and circle

But separation from the motherland

I can't survive.

G. Ladonshchikov

winter days

Music floats through the winter air ...

Noisy in the recreation park, strong ringing ice.

The runners are trying, they are flying around the rink.

The mothers smile as they look at the children.

Snow crystals fall on ice...

Both big and small - sport is useful for everyone!

S. Vigdorov

First snow

In the morning the cat brought on its paws

First snow! First snow!

It tastes and smells

First snow! First snow!

It spins light, new

The guys over their heads

He had a downy handkerchief

Spread on the pavement.

It turns white along the fence,

I crouched on the lantern, -

So soon, very soon

Sleighs will fly from the hills,

So it will be possible again

Build a fortress in the yard!

Ya Akim


Hello, in a white sundress

From silver brocade!

Diamonds burn on you

Like bright rays.

Hello Russian girl,

Coloring soul!

white winch,

Hello Mother Winter!

P. Vyazemsky

winter meeting

We can't get used to -

Let your frost crackle:

Our Russian blood

Burning in the cold!

I. Nikitin


The forest is bewitched by the sorceress-winter -

And under the snowy fringe

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life.

F. Tyutchev


Winter morning

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

Here is the wind, catching up the clouds,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

The magical winter is coming.

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hung on the branches of oaks;

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills;

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil;

Frost flashed. And we are glad

Leprosy mother winter.

A. Pushkin

Snow yes snow

Snow yes snow. The whole hut was covered.

The snow is white all around knee-deep.

So frosty, light and white!

Only black, black walls...

And the breath comes out of my lips

Steam freezing in the air.

There's smoke creeping out of the chimneys;

They are sitting in the window with a samovar.

To the question about winter. given by the author I-beam the best answer is Spread white beds
Lace, decorating the tower!
Putting a blizzard on patrol, blizzards,
Winter has established its power!
Scattering snowflakes around - feathers,
She covered everything with her coat.
And painted the trees in the forest
Seated on the branches of bullfinches!
Rushing around the world in ice sleighs,
Showering houses with silver.
Proud Mistress, Queen -
Snow Beauty - WINTER!
Winter is popularly called: Winter. Zimka, Zimochka, Zimushka, Zimonka, Zimishka (frail), Zimishka (strict, long), Gray-haired Enchantress.
Winter includes three calendar months - December, January, February and is 90-91 days (in leap year) .
Winter comes from the northeast. According to the astronomical calendar, it begins in the northern hemisphere on the December solstice (December 22-23) and lasts until the March equinox (March 21-22).
People from ancient times have noted four important points counting time - winter and summer solstices, spring and autumnal equinoxes. FROM winter solstice related Christmas and New Year holidays, which are called winter holidays. Christmas is the birthday of Christ (January 7).
According to the phenological seasons of the year, winter includes 111 days from November 27 to March 17. Sub-seasons of winter:
First winter - 25 days - from November 27.
Radical winter - 55 days - from December 22.
Fracture winters - 31 days - from February 15.
In some calendars, the following names are indicated: Fore-Winter, Wilderness, Pre-Spring.
The folk calendar determines winter from frosts, and the end - drop by drop, taking as a basis the phenomena of wildlife. Therefore, the onset of winter is determined different period time.
Meteorologists divide winter into two periods: mild and cold winters.
The cold mode is not established immediately. "Winter does not live without three winters." In the winter time - October, November - usually there are “fittings” of snow. "Winter without snow, summer without bread."
We have already mentioned the frosts characteristic of winter in the first section. But there are also thaws in winter. "Quick thaw - long frost."
Winter is characterized by a diamond stone, reflecting the transparency of ice, blinding sparks of snowflakes.
Winter scares summer, but it still melts. Winter builds summer. If it is warm in winter, it will be cold in summer. Winter is cold - summer is warm. Snowy winter - rainy summer. Winter is frosty - summer is hot. winter snow deep - in summer the bread is high. Winter will find everything that summer postponed. Winter without snow, summer without bread. In the winter cold - everyone is young. Frost and iron breaks and beats a bird on the fly. Winter wanders with bowed head, summer runs skipping. Lots of snow, lots of bread. The snow is deep - the bread is good. Clouds go against the wind - it will snow.
Frost is a harbinger of snow. Rapid thaw - there will be little rain in the summer. At the beginning of winter there was heavy snow, at the beginning of summer it will heavy rain. Frost at night - no snow during the day. In winter there is a lot of frost - in summer there is a lot of dew. A snowstorm during the day portends frost at night. The ice is very cracking - it will be frost. Snow flakes are large - there will be a thaw. The ice has turned black, the forest is noisy - wait for the thaw.
Winter frolics not only in the forest, but on our nose. Winter day with a sparrow. In winter, the sun is like a stepmother: it shines, but it does not warm. In winter, I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep. In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat. In winter, the day is dark, but the night is bright.”
Winter is dry and cold, summer is dry and hot. If there are blizzards in winter, bad weather in summer. Large frost throughout the winter - summer is hard on health. snowy winter portends good growth herbs. The ring around the sun - to bad weather.
Stars shine strongly in winter - to frost. If the windows begin to sweat with double frames - to increased frost. If the forest makes noise in winter, expect a thaw. Cat on the stove - to the cold; cat on the floor - to heat. The bullfinch under the window chirps in winter - to the thaw. Sparrows chirp together - to the heat. Crows and jackdaws sit down at noon with their noses - to the heat, to the north - to the cold.

General signs Pervozimye - November 27 - December 21. Root winter - December 22 - February 14. The turning point of winter - February 15 - March 17. ...

Long term forecast weather

Winter is dry and cold, summer is dry and hot.
Warm winter- to the cold summer.
Snowy winter - rainy summer.
If the stars shine brightly, the heat portends in summer.
Frost in winter - dew in summer.
If there is frost in winter - dew in summer, blizzards in winter - bad weather in summer.
If in winter the snow falls evenly, this spring it is thicker; lays down in beds, inflates - this less often.
In winter, there are many large icicles - for the harvest of vegetables.
Large hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - for the harvest.
Short term weather forecast

weather events

Few stars in the sky - to bad weather.
If the stars shine brightly - to the cold.
Soon the dawn is breaking - there will certainly be snow.
A whitish circle near the Sun is a sign of a storm.
If earrings appear in the sun in winter, there will be a severe frost.
The sun in a circle - to the snow, "in mittens" - to the cold.
The sun comes out in a column - to a blizzard.
The sun's "ears" have grown - to severe cold.
If the sunset is purple, it means there will be a lot of snow or a snowstorm with frost.
The pale color of the moon portends heavy snowfall.
If the moon is dazzling white - this is to the cold, if the moon seemed to turn red at night - expect wind, heat and snow tomorrow.
If reddish rings appear around the moon, there will be a strong severe frost.
Foggy circle around the moon - be a snowstorm.
Clear high-horned Moon - to the cold.
The moon seemed to turn red at night - wait for wind, heat and snow tomorrow.
The air above the forest turned blue - it will be warm.
The sky is overcast with clouds - it will get warmer.
Clouds go against the wind - to the snow.
The clouds are floating low - there will be a cold.
The wind is blowing, but there is no frost - to be a snowstorm.
If the wind blows from the south - to heat, and in summer - to bad weather.
East and west winds most often portend rain.
The echo goes far - the frosts are getting stronger.
Thunder in winter - to severe frosts, lightning - to a storm.
Hoarfrost on trees - to frost, fog - to thaw.
At night, frost falls - there will be no snow during the day.
Snow sticks to trees - to heat.
Snow is falling in large flakes - to bad weather and sputum.
The ice is cracking - the frost will stand for a long time.
Smoke in a column - to frost, dragged - to bad weather.
Smoke without wind beats to the ground - wait for snow.
The wind is buzzing in the pipe - to the cold.
Firewood burns with a bang - to frost.
Strong draft in the furnace - for frost, weak - for wet weather, red fire - for frost, white - for thaw.
In an oven heated in the evening: if before frost, the ash will go out in the morning, if before the thaw, there will be heat in the ashes.
Windows begin to sweat with double frames - to intensify frost.
If windows and frames sweat in the cold, wait for warming.
Shoots of "snow plants" rise up the glass - the frost continues, they lean - towards the thaw.
The oak forest turned black in winter - to a thaw or a storm.
Noisy forest in winter - expect a thaw.


The cat lays down in a ball somewhere higher, on something soft or on the stove - to the cold, to the frost.
The cat buries its face - to frost or bad weather.
The cat scratches the floor - into the wind, into a blizzard.
The cat is fast asleep - to warmth.
The cat lies belly up - to the heat.
The cat plays and scratches with its claws - to frost.
The cat rubs against something - it will be warm.
If a cat runs around the room in winter, it will be frosty.
The cat sits on the windowsill and looks out the window - to the warmth.
If a cat stands up on its hind legs and starts scraping the walls with its claws, there will be a blizzard.
The dog is lying in the snow - to a blizzard.
The horse lays down on the snow - to heat.
At the evening milking, the udder of a cow is warm - to heat, cold - to cold weather.
Indoor birds are silent - the cold will last a long time.
Sparrows hide in brushwood - in the cold or before a snowstorm.
Sparrows collect fluff and feathers from chicken coops - wait for several days of severe frosts.
Crows and jackdaws curl in the air - in front of the snow, sit on the snow - to the thaw, sit on the tops of the trees - to frost, and if on the lower branches - to the wind.
Crows and jackdaws sit down at noon with their noses - to heat.
The crow cries at noon - to the heat, to the north - to the cold.
Crows croak in a flock - to frost.
A crow walks along the road - to warmth.
The crow sits in the morning on the top of the tree - to the blizzard.
Crows croak, sitting on trees - snowfall and a blizzard are expected.
The bullfinch sings in winter on snow, blizzard and slush.
Titmouse raise a squeak in the morning - expect frost at night.
If the tits cling to the houses, and the foxes come running from the forest and mouse in the haylofts and in the sheds, and besides, the crows gather in large flocks and, loudly clamoring, fly away somewhere, if all this happens at the same time, expect a big cold.
Birds before the heat sit on the tops of trees.
Birds flutter - to bad weather.

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