Natalya Kiknadze children from the first. Ivan Urgant: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Helpful Hints 06.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Ivan Urgant is a famous Russian TV presenter, showman, actor, traveler, winner of the TEFI awards. There is probably no person in Russia who would not have heard this surname, since his own program “Evening Urgant” is aired on Channel One of the country several times a week at the peak time.

The most eminent guests have already visited his studio, including Hollywood stars who visited Russia with their world movie premieres. Ivan Urgant is one of the most successful and sought-after showmen on TV, and has repeatedly become "Person of the Year".

Height, weight, age. How old is Ivan Urgant

Tall brunette with early age hosted entertainment shows on MTV, acted in films and played in the theater, so it is not surprising that in his 40s he has achieved such incredible success. Ironic, able to insert a "sharp word", and not climbing into his pocket for a word, Urgant became an ideal candidate to become the face of his own program, because his programs have always had very high ratings.

Ivan today has a huge number of fans who are actively interested in the life and work of the presenter, and follow his personal life in social networks. Numerous fans of the showman actively google height, weight, age, how old Ivan Urgant is, and it is not surprising, because the artist is always taller than the guests of his studio, his height is 195 cm, and his weight is about 90 kg.

Biography of Ivan Urgant

The biography of Ivan Urgant begins in 1978 in Leningrad. The future actor was born into a very famous family, so the surname "Urgant" was known to the audience long before his birth. Ivan inherited eloquence, the ability to quickly improvise and a very expressive appearance from his father, so with young years dreamed of the stage. The boy was very fond of watching movies, and was very jealous of Feda Stukov, who starred in the film with Mikhalkov at the age of seven.

Already at school, Urgant had the first "public", he was a very active guy, a noisy joker, and a kind of ringleader. He always had a lot of friends around him, and big company guys who literally looked their leader in the mouth. The boy was actively involved in sports, attended various sections, but he still did not want to connect his life with sports in the future. Vanya liked to play pranks on teachers, and despite his high-profile surname, he was often kicked out of class for disrupting lessons and inappropriate jokes. In 1993, Urgant got into a student exchange program for good studies and left for a foster family in the States for a month and a half. There, Ivan for the first time feels at ease, he does not know the language, which prevents the guy from communicating freely with his peers, and Urgant feels like a stranger. Therefore, very soon he decides that he must learn the language in order to "communicate with the whole world", and brings his colloquial "English" to perfection.

After school, Ivan graduated from the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg. Many people think that Ivan, the son of his famous parents, immediately became an actor, but this is far from the case. After receiving his diploma, the guy worked as a waiter, sang in a restaurant, and then organized nightly shows in clubs. After some time, an active guy was called to work on the radio, at first he worked on the St. Petersburg wave, and then he was lured to Hit fm and Russian Radio, where the radio host already had his first fans.

Filmography: films starring Ivan Urgant

Success came to Urgant in 1999 when he became the host of a music program on MTV. At the same time, he first appeared in films. Urgant's filmography is not large, but he starred in the film with Mila Jovovich herself in the film "Freaks", and also became the permanent hero of the New Year's film "Christmas Trees", which has already been released in 6 parts. The actor also played in the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive, ”and played himself in the musical“ First Ambulance ”.

After the TV show, Ivan began to be invited to other channels, he hosted the program " National artist", and in 2005 got on the" Channel One ". Together with three other presenters, the actor hosted the humorous program ProjectorParisHilton, which was loved by millions. For a long time Together with Vladimir Pozner, the actor hosted a TV show about travel. They traveled the world and talked about different countries: America, France, Spain, after which the host's army of fans was replenished with tourism lovers. Since 2012, the channel has been broadcasting "Evening Urgant", Ivan's personal show, where he communicates with different people arts, culture and sports.

Personal life of Ivan Urgant

Looking at the joker and ringleader Ivan, it becomes clear that the humorous and cheerful guy with the attention of the fair sex is all right. Women, as you know, really appreciate men with a sense of humor, so the actor has had a lot of fans since his popularity. Urgant knows how to win the hearts of women, he plays several musical instruments well, sings well, compliments masterfully, and behind a man like him, any woman will feel like behind a stone wall!

The personal life of Ivan Urgant has always interested fans. Surprisingly, Urgant is very impressed by Armenian women, his current wife, Natalya Kiknadze, also belongs to this nationality. On the network you can see pictures where Ivan Urgant with his wife and children. Photo 2016 magazine "VIVA" caused a great stir in the media when the actor gave a long interview about the family.

There were three great loves in the life of the actor. Two official marriages and a stormy romance, which, alas, did not end in anything. Between the first and second marriages, the actor had an affair with TV presenter and actress Tatyana Gevorkyan. Young people lived together for about 5 years, but then, without putting a stamp, they broke up.

Family of Ivan Urgant

The family of Ivan Urgant is very famous in Russia. His grandmother, Nina Urgant, famous Soviet actress, People's Artist Russia, and has many awards of the USSR in the field of cinema. The actress is known for playing a lot in military films. Today she is 88 years old, the last time the actress starred in a movie ten years ago. The grandfather of the actor is Lev Milinder, famous artist, theater actor, who is 74 years old today.

The father of the TV presenter, the son of Nina Urgant - Andrey Urgant, also Soviet actor theater and cinema, TV presenter, and showman. He acted in films a lot, hosted entertainment programs, and is a dubbing actor. The actor's mother is actress Valeria Kiseleva, better known as a theater actress.

Alas, Ivan's parents divorced a long time ago, so he grew up without a father, he was raised by his stepfather. The actor communicates with his star dad already today, in adulthood, and as a child he held a grudge against a man. In 2015, Ivan experienced a great loss - his mother died of an infection.

Children of Ivan Urgant

The TV presenter and his wife today are raising four children. However, not all of Ivan's children are relatives. Even before the marriage with Ivan, the actor's wife already had two children from her first marriage: the boy Niko and the daughter Eric, but Ivan was not embarrassed, and he is raising the children as his own.

The actor himself grew up without a father, he was raised by his stepfather, so he knows how hard it is when you grow up with a stranger and tries to do his best so that his wife's children perceive him as a father. In a marriage with Natalia, the actor also had two children: two daughters. The children of Ivan Urgant live with their mother and father in a large family, and their parents are not divided into “yours” and “mine”.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant - Nina Urgant

The daughter of Ivan Urgant - Nina Urgant was born in 2008. The girl was named after the grandmother of the actors, Nina Urgant. Today, the actor's daughter is already 10 years old, she is a very active and open girl. Ivan is very proud of his daughters, and often publishes a photo of his big family in social networks. The girl goes to school, goes to sports clubs and learns to play musical instruments.

Ivan said that he brings up industriousness in children, and does not tolerate the word "elite". He believes that his children should not suffer from "star disease", and wants them to grow up, first of all, as individuals. While the eldest daughter of the presenter has not chosen a profession for herself, she is sure that dad will always support her in her choice.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant - Valeria Urgant

Three years ago, in the life of an actor, several good events. He and his civil wife, Natalya, officially formalized their marriage, and a second joint child appeared in their life - a daughter. The daughter of Ivan Urgant - Valeria Urgant was born in 2015.

The young parents immediately decided that they would give the girl the name of Vanya's mother, who had passed away shortly before. Today, a three-year-old girl is growing very active, loves fashionable clothes and helps mom in everything. Little Lera has already visited many countries with her parents, and most of all she loves travel books that her star dad reads to her at night.

The ex-wife of Ivan Urgant - Karina Urgant

For the first time, the actor married when he had just entered the age of majority. The young man then met a girl four years older than himself, and of course he thought that this was love for life. Karina was a student at the University of Culture, and Ivan, as honest man fell in love and immediately married her. The parents did not want their son to marry a girl, but they did not dare to go against his will, because he loved this girl.

Their marriage did not last long, crashing into family life and lack of money, since at that time Ivan earned a little, and his parents were in no hurry to help him. After several years of marriage, the couple divorced, and ex-wife Ivan Urgant - Karina Urgant (before the wedding - Avdeeva) left herself the loud surname of her husband. Today the woman lives in Germany, where she married a businessman.

Ivan Urgant's wife - Natalia Kiknadze

After the first unsuccessful marriage and romance with Tatyana Gevorkyan, the presenter finally became happy. He and Natasha knew each other at school, she was his classmate, but after school his secret lover married another, and their paths diverged.

They met already in adulthood, when Kiknadze already had two children, and as it turned out, the guy’s love never went away, and after the meeting it flared up even more. He and his second wife were in no hurry to get married, and formalized it after the birth of two children. Ivan Urgant's wife, Natalya Kiknadze, became his support, they have a very good family, and Ivan repeatedly said in an interview that she was his only and last love.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ivan Urgant

The actor and showman is a real favorite of the public, his program goes on television five times a week, and Urgant has millions of views. Last year, Channel One again launched the ProjectorParisHilton program, which loyal fans have been waiting for for many years. However, the second time it didn’t work out, the broadcasts were not as fun as before, perhaps it’s just that the showman himself is now paying more attention and time to the author’s program.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ivan Urgant contain a lot of interesting facts, a lot of photos from the working and personal life of the actor. Ivan is a very open person, he shares his thoughts with fans and never reaches into his pocket for a word.

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Biography, life story of Kiknadze Natalia Avtandilovna

Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze is a business woman who gained fame thanks to her marriage to a Russian showman and TV presenter.

A family

A native of St. Petersburg, Natalia was born on March 5, 1978 in the family of a wealthy Georgian jeweler. The girl's father was a real master of his craft, the fame of which spread over the vast expanses Soviet Union. Among his clients were many representatives of the party elite. Mother ran the household. The family had three children (Natasha has two brothers), so she had enough work.

They lived better than many Soviet people: in a spacious apartment in an elite Leningrad district. Parents identified their daughter in a prestigious gymnasium. Natalya's future husband, a popular host of humorous programs, also studied there. The spouses not only happened to be classmates, they also performed together in the KVN team of the school.

From the eyes of teachers could not hide the original acting talent girls, and they predicted her brilliant career on the stage. However, life took a different course.

Personal life

The couple could get married immediately after graduation, because he offered Natalia to marry him right on graduation party. But the girl resolutely refused. She already had a fiancé, with whom she was to be legally married at the behest of her parent. Teimuraz Kutalia was the son of Natalia's father's business partner. According to Avtandil Yuryevich, it was impossible to find the best match for his daughter.

They played a wedding, but family life did not last long. Natalya was the initiator of the break in relations. A young woman left her businessman husband, despite his financial viability and the presence of two children.

Meeting with a classmate

The family had three children, since Natalia's daughter from her first marriage, Erika, lived with her. But soon the girl went to study in the UK.

Wedding with a showman

Before officially signing, Natalya got married. The woman had never led a public life before and tried to adhere to this rule after the wedding with a TV star. But the ubiquitous secular chroniclers closely followed the showman's married life. Once they began to sound the alarm, publishing sensational information about the couple's impending divorce on the pages of their tabloids. And they did so repeatedly.

The artist himself had to intervene, who clarified the situation on his page on the social network. According to

The wife of Ivan Urgant, Natalya Kiknadze, was awarded by nature with all possible feminine virtues. With her attractive appearance, deep beauty and restrained temperament, she could become the heroine of Almodovar's films. The whole country knows the second spouse of Natalia Kiknadze - any wife could be proud of his work. However, absolutely nothing is known about the first husband of this amazing woman.

In press ex-spouse Natalya is sometimes called Timur Kutalia, then Vakhtang. Some publications indicate that he was buried in his homeland in Abkhazia, others assure that the man is alive, healthy and lives in St. Petersburg. Life managed to find out how the fate of Natalya Kiknadze's first husband developed after the divorce and what he is doing now.

Growing up in the family of the famous St. Petersburg jeweler Avtandil Kiknadze, Natasha Kiknadze studied at the prestigious gymnasium at the State Russian Museum together with Ivan Urgant. However, the girl’s feelings for the latter flared up only many years later. And right after school, Natasha Kiknadze met a man 10 years older than herself - Teimuraz Kutalia.

Teimuraz Vakhtangovich Kutalia came to St. Petersburg at the beginning of the dashing 90s. His father is a native of the Abkhazian city of Zugdidi. Vakhtang Abramovich Kutalia moved to northern capital from Abkhazia together with his wife Dalila Asatiani and two sons - David and Teimuraz. The younger Teimuraz was destined to become the first husband of Natalia Kiknadze.

Shortly after her marriage, at the age of 19, Natalya gave birth to Teimuraz's son Niko. Three years later, in 2000, the young couple had a second child - daughter Eric. However, despite the presence of two children, Natalya, married to Teimuraz Kutalia, was not destined to live happily ever after. Almost 10 years later life together Kiknadze left her husband and left for Moscow, taking her daughter with her. Today, Erika Kutalia is studying in London, and glossy publications are lining up to get an interview with Ivan Urgant's young stepdaughter. The eldest son of Teimuraz and Natalia - Niko - lives with his father in St. Petersburg. The young man plays tennis. In July 2014, he participated in the summer championship of St. Petersburg in category 1b.

Niko supports warm relationship with her sister, they often travel together. In addition, Niko repeatedly came to the shooting of the program "Evening Urgant". Brother and sister are similar in that they lead a rather closed lifestyle. Numerous attempts to find out about Niko's parents in social networks didn't give any result. Niko Kutalia simply answers all questions about his parents: his parents are "mom and dad", but he does not name names.

Teimuraz Kutalia is now engaged in business. The ex-husband of Natalia Kiknadze owns the Ostrov company. According to the documents, the company is engaged in the construction of sports facilities. The business owner himself demonstrates his love for sports not only at work. Last year, Teimuraz Vakhtangovich took part in the 7 Lakes cycling marathon at number 232. In the M-fitness category, Kutalia took 30th place.
In personal life ex-husband the wife of Ivan Urgant is also fine. Teimuraz is happily married; Maria Safiulina became his new chosen one. Together with his second wife, Kutalia is raising his second son.

Ivan Urgant is a famous Russian TV presenter, showman, actor, traveler, winner of the TEFI awards. There is probably no person in Russia who would not have heard this surname, since his own program “Evening Urgant” is aired on Channel One of the country several times a week at the peak time.

The most eminent guests have already visited his studio, including Hollywood stars who visited Russia with their world movie premieres. Ivan Urgant is one of the most successful and sought-after showmen on TV, and has repeatedly become "Person of the Year".

A tall brunette from an early age hosted entertainment programs on MTV, acted in films and played in the theater, so it is not surprising that in his 40s he has achieved such incredible success. Ironic, able to insert a "sharp word", and not climbing into his pocket for a word, Urgant became an ideal candidate to become the face of his own program, because his programs have always had very high ratings.

Ivan today has a huge number of fans who are actively interested in the life and work of the presenter, and follow his personal life in social networks. Numerous fans of the showman actively google height, weight, age, how old Ivan Urgant is, and it is not surprising, because the artist is always taller than the guests of his studio, his height is 195 cm, and his weight is about 90 kg.

Biography of Ivan Urgant

The biography of Ivan Urgant begins in 1978 in Leningrad. The future actor was born into a very famous family, so the surname "Urgant" was known to the audience long before his birth. Ivan inherited eloquence, the ability to quickly improvise and a very expressive appearance from his father, so from a young age he dreamed of the stage. The boy was very fond of watching movies, and was very jealous of Feda Stukov, who starred in the film with Mikhalkov at the age of seven.

Already at school, Urgant had the first "public", he was a very active guy, a noisy joker, and a kind of ringleader. There were always a lot of friends around him, and a large company of guys who literally looked their leader in the mouth. The boy was actively involved in sports, attended various sections, but he still did not want to connect his life with sports in the future. Vanya liked to play pranks on teachers, and despite his high-profile surname, he was often kicked out of class for disrupting lessons and inappropriate jokes. In 1993, Urgant got into a student exchange program for good studies and left for a foster family in the States for a month and a half. There, Ivan for the first time feels at ease, he does not know the language, which prevents the guy from communicating freely with his peers, and Urgant feels like a stranger. Therefore, very soon he decides that he must learn the language in order to "communicate with the whole world", and brings his colloquial "English" to perfection.

After school, Ivan graduated from the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg. Many people think that Ivan, the son of his famous parents, immediately became an actor, but this is far from the case. After receiving his diploma, the guy worked as a waiter, sang in a restaurant, and then organized nightly shows in clubs. After some time, an active guy was called to work on the radio, at first he worked on the St. Petersburg wave, and then he was lured to Hit fm and Russian Radio, where the radio host already had his first fans.

Filmography: films starring Ivan Urgant

Success came to Urgant in 1999 when he became the host of a music program on MTV. At the same time, he first appeared in films. Urgant's filmography is not large, but he starred in the film with Mila Jovovich herself in the film "Freaks", and also became the permanent hero of the New Year's film "Christmas Trees", which has already been released in 6 parts. The actor also played in the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive, ”and played himself in the musical“ First Ambulance ”.

After the TV show, Ivan began to be invited to other channels, he hosted the program "People's Artist", and in 2005 he got on Channel One. Together with three other presenters, the actor hosted the humorous program ProjectorParisHilton, which was loved by millions. For a long time, together with Vladimir Pozner, the actor hosted a TV show about travel. They traveled around the world and talked about different countries: America, France, Spain, after which the host's army of fans was replenished with tourism lovers. Since 2012, the channel has been broadcasting "Evening Urgant", Ivan's personal show, where he communicates with different people of art, culture and sports.

Personal life of Ivan Urgant

Looking at the joker and ringleader Ivan, it becomes clear that the humorous and cheerful guy with the attention of the fair sex is all right. Women, as you know, really appreciate men with a sense of humor, so the actor has had a lot of fans since his popularity. Urgant knows how to win the hearts of women, he plays several musical instruments well, sings well, compliments masterfully, and behind a man like him, any woman will feel like behind a stone wall!

The personal life of Ivan Urgant has always interested fans. Surprisingly, Urgant is very impressed by Armenian women, his current wife, Natalya Kiknadze, also belongs to this nationality. On the network you can see pictures where Ivan Urgant with his wife and children. Photo 2016 magazine "VIVA" caused a great stir in the media when the actor gave a long interview about the family.

There were three great loves in the life of the actor. Two official marriages and a stormy romance, which, alas, did not end in anything. Between the first and second marriages, the actor had an affair with TV presenter and actress Tatyana Gevorkyan. Young people lived together for about 5 years, but then, without putting a stamp, they broke up.

Family of Ivan Urgant

The family of Ivan Urgant is very famous in Russia. His grandmother, Nina Urgant, is a famous Soviet actress, People's Artist of Russia, and has many awards from the USSR in the field of cinema. The actress is known for playing a lot in military films. Today she is 88 years old, the last time the actress starred in a movie ten years ago. The grandfather of the actor is Lev Milinder, a famous artist, theater actor, who is 74 years old today.

The father of the TV presenter, the son of Nina Urgant, is Andrei Urgant, also a Soviet theater and film actor, TV presenter, and showman. He acted in films a lot, hosted entertainment programs, and is a dubbing actor. The actor's mother is actress Valeria Kiseleva, better known as a theater actress.

Alas, Ivan's parents divorced a long time ago, so he grew up without a father, he was raised by his stepfather. The actor communicates with his star dad already today, in adulthood, and as a child he held a grudge against a man. In 2015, Ivan experienced a great loss - his mother died of an infection.

Children of Ivan Urgant

The TV presenter and his wife today are raising four children. However, not all of Ivan's children are relatives. Even before the marriage with Ivan, the actor's wife already had two children from her first marriage: the boy Niko and the daughter Eric, but Ivan was not embarrassed, and he is raising the children as his own.

The actor himself grew up without a father, he was raised by his stepfather, so he knows how hard it is when you grow up with a stranger and tries to do his best so that his wife's children perceive him as a father. In a marriage with Natalia, the actor also had two children: two daughters. The children of Ivan Urgant live with their mother and father in a large family, and their parents are not divided into “yours” and “mine”.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant - Nina Urgant

The daughter of Ivan Urgant - Nina Urgant was born in 2008. The girl was named after the grandmother of the actors, Nina Urgant. Today, the actor's daughter is already 10 years old, she is a very active and open girl. Ivan is very proud of his daughters and often posts photos of his extended family on social media. The girl goes to school, goes to sports clubs and learns to play musical instruments.

Ivan said that he brings up industriousness in children, and does not tolerate the word "elite". He believes that his children should not suffer from "star disease", and wants them to grow up, first of all, as individuals. While the eldest daughter of the presenter has not chosen a profession for herself, she is sure that dad will always support her in her choice.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant - Valeria Urgant

Three years ago, several good events happened in the life of an actor at once. He and his civil wife, Natalya, officially formalized their marriage, and a second joint child appeared in their life - a daughter. The daughter of Ivan Urgant - Valeria Urgant was born in 2015.

The young parents immediately decided that they would give the girl the name of Vanya's mother, who had passed away shortly before. Today, a three-year-old girl is growing very active, loves fashionable clothes, and helps her mother in everything. Little Lera has already visited many countries with her parents, and most of all she loves travel books that her star dad reads to her at night.

The ex-wife of Ivan Urgant - Karina Urgant

For the first time, the actor married when he had just entered the age of majority. The young man then met a girl four years older than himself, and of course he thought that this was love for life. Karina was a student at the University of Culture, and Ivan, as a decent person, fell in love with her immediately and married her. The parents did not want their son to marry a girl, but they did not dare to go against his will, because he loved this girl.

Their marriage did not last long, crashing into family life and lack of money, since at that time Ivan earned a little, and his parents were in no hurry to help him. After several years of marriage, the couple divorced, and Ivan Urgant's ex-wife, Karina Urgant (before the wedding, Avdeeva), left her husband's loud surname. Today the woman lives in Germany, where she married a businessman.

Ivan Urgant's wife - Natalia Kiknadze

After the first unsuccessful marriage and romance with Tatyana Gevorkyan, the presenter finally became happy. He and Natasha knew each other at school, she was his classmate, but after school his secret lover married another, and their paths diverged.

They met already in adulthood, when Kiknadze already had two children, and as it turned out, the guy’s love never went away, and after the meeting it flared up even more. He and his second wife were in no hurry to get married, and formalized it after the birth of two children. Ivan Urgant's wife, Natalya Kiknadze, became his support, they have a very good family, and Ivan repeatedly said in an interview that she was his only and last love.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ivan Urgant

The actor and showman is a real favorite of the public, his program goes on television five times a week, and Urgant has millions of views. Last year, Channel One again launched the ProjectorParisHilton program, which loyal fans have been waiting for for many years. However, the second time it didn’t work out, the broadcasts were not as fun as before, perhaps it’s just that the showman himself is now paying more attention and time to the author’s program.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ivan Urgant contain a lot of interesting facts, a lot of photos from the working and personal life of the actor. Ivan is a very open person, he shares his thoughts with fans and never reaches into his pocket for a word.


If you ask any person who Natasha Kiknadze is, then a specific answer is unlikely to be received. Only football fans can assume that she is a relative sports commentator who glorified the name Kiknadze - Vasily. They will be right - she is the niece of a famous announcer, but that's not all the information. Who is Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze, Interesting Facts biography and personal life, family photos.

Who is Natalia Kiknadze

Unfortunately, not many details are known from the biography of Natalia, as about her husband, the famous showman Ivan Urgant. Natalya Urgant is a Russian woman with Georgian roots. Beautiful woman does not aspire to be public person. Natalia prefers to stay in the background, not to attend social events. Their relationship with the TV presenter is a secret under seven locks, because there is not a single interview that reveals all the secrets of their family life.


Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze was born on March 5, 1978, grew up in St. Petersburg. Her father, Avtandil Yuryevich, a Georgian jeweler, collaborated with high-ranking officials of the Soviet Union, her mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, was engaged in family comfort and raising children. Kiknadze has two brothers who have dedicated their lives to medicine. The family lived in a luxurious apartment in the most prestigious area of ​​the city.

All the golden youth studied in St. Petersburg together, at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum. The girl's classmate was her current husband, the future showman Vanya Urgant. They spent a lot of time together, played in the same KVN team, were active participants in creative acting circles. Natalia showed great promise, all the teachers promised her a successful acting future.

It so happened that for personal reasons, Kiknadze chose a different path in life for herself. The woman recalls that Urgant was very popular with all the girls in the school, especially classmates. Ivan warmly recalls the graduation class of the gymnasium, when the first school love for a girl was born in his heart. At that time, there was no reciprocity, because immediately after school, Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia became Natalia's husband.

Personal life of Natalia Avtandilovna Kiknadze

Rumor has it that Ivan Urgant made a marriage proposal to Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze at the graduation party, but received a rude refusal. After all, at that time the girl was already engaged to Vakhtang Kutalia, she was waiting for the birth of children. Now a woman cannot answer the question herself, what played leading role in her marriage, love or respect for her father, who introduced his daughter to the son of his business partner. After some time, Natalia divorced, left her husband with two children (daughter Eric and son Niko), without fear of lack of financial support.

The couple have been together for ten years, since 2007. The spouses are not only officially scheduled, but also sealed their union before higher powers, getting married. The solemn ceremony took place in St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Only the closest people attended the wedding. Vanya's beloved grandmother Nina Urgant told the world about this. According to her, Urgant was inspired to take this step by the death of her mother, who became terrible tragedy in life famous TV presenter. Natalia supported her husband, and this made him reconsider his views on life.

Love story

Many years have passed since the former classmates saw each other again. The meeting took place in 2006, on the territory of his native St. Petersburg, where Vanya came to visit relatives. At dinner in a cozy restaurant, the couple talked about life, shared their life events. Already that evening, they realized that they were in love, and began to communicate constantly. Ivan calmly accepted the fact that in a previous marriage, Natalya gave birth to two children.

Ivan and Natalya met in secret. For more than two years, they carefully concealed their relationship: neither relatives nor the media knew anything. When Urgant made an offer to Natasha, she, without hesitation, moved to him in Moscow. The press suggests that they did not have an official marriage, but it is likely that this was done in strict secrecy, Ivan nevertheless proposed to Natalya to marry him.

First and last wife

Previously, Ivan Urgant was married to Karina Avdeeva, then was in civil marriage with Tatyana Gevorkyan, his second wife, but the relationship did not reach the wedding. In front of everyone, he boldly calls Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze his first and only wife. According to the relatives of the TV presenter, the news of the marriage shocked everyone. They hoped that there would be a wedding, but Tatyana Gevorkyan would become the bride, because Ivan had lived with her for more than four years. They were notified about the wedding immediately before the event.

To date, Natalia Avtandilovna Kiknadze is the best daughter-in-law, who gets along well with her parents, and the mother of Vanya's two children. Eldest daughter Nina Kiknadze gave birth on May 15, 2008, the girl was named after Ivan's grandmother, famous actress Nina Urgant. In 2015, the daughter Valeria was born. Children and the creation of family comfort are the meaning of a woman's life. Urgant's wife Natalya Kiknadze copes with this mission just fine.

What does Ivan Urgant's wife do

For this period of time, Natalya devotes herself completely to home and family, raising three children: a child from her first marriage with a Georgian businessman, and two daughters from Ivan Urgant. She cooks well, only thanks to her efforts in the family there is comfort and a warm atmosphere. In addition, the woman owns the restaurant "The Garden", which she received as a gift from her beloved husband.

Secular gossip

At one of the social events that Urgant and his wife attended, a change in the style of Natalya's clothes was noticed. Kiknadze appeared in a spacious black dress that did not restrict movement. This gave reason to assume that Natalya Avtandilovna Kiknadze was pregnant. Ivan Urgant and his wife are expecting a baby again? Is Natalia pregnant with a boy? This is a mystery shrouded in darkness, because the couple refuses to comment on such guesses. Only time in this case is able to reveal all the secrets. Instagram stars on this issue is laconic.

Divorce Rumors

Urgant carefully tries to hide his life from prying eyes. On any question concerning the family, he is able to deftly, with a sense of humor, laugh it off. Recently, the press reported that a beautiful couple is on the verge of breaking. From time to time, several publications at once report the news of a divorce. It is possible that this is due to the fact that the Urgants are trying not to open the veil of their personal lives, and journalists fantasize, compose the biography of the star as they please.

Evil tongues say that Natasha is getting a divorce because she is not satisfied with the absence of her husband at home, conflicts constantly occur. All the speculations of journalists have recently been confirmed at one of the parties in The Garden - young people were tense, shunned each other, smiled feignedly. The press immediately spread rumors about the imminent divorce. This angered Ivan Urgant, and he nevertheless gave an interview to one of the journalists, saying that his wife and children are the most precious thing in his life, and media rumors are another trick for reporters to increase their ratings.


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