Kks can't find 36 pound guns. Corsairs: the city of lost ships: merchants - game tactics and tips from the masters

Helpful Hints 17.06.2019
Helpful Hints

A pirate, a privateer, even an officer in the service of His Majesty is always thinking about how to sell something. I don’t know if this actually happened (it is doubtful that the captains of the royal ships transported goods for their own benefit), but I can say with confidence that in the Corsairs the most profitable business is trade. You can sink hundreds of ships, but you won't earn even a tenth of one successful trade of a true merchant. We will talk about speculation with exotic (and not so) goods in the expanses of the Caribbean Sea.

From sloop to galleon to warship

The choice of a ship (or ships) for trading operations is a very responsible matter. In fact, the style of the whole game depends on it. You can choose a small boat and win at the expense of speed, or you can equip an entire squadron. Of course, the difference in net profit will be very significant, but there is another side to the coin. On a small ship it is easier to get away from pirates, and a "heavy" squadron is clumsy and vulnerable. The effect of cargo is especially felt on huge ships, such as the manowar. On a trough loaded to the eyeballs, you can’t get away from persecution, and a tactical maneuver is unlikely to succeed. And a pirate on a light corvette (brig, sloop, frigate) will have time to change sides ten times.

How to solve these problems? First, you need to choose a route. Secondly, estimate the budget and figure out what style of play will suit you best. Decide in advance whether you will fight or run away when meeting with ill-wishers. The fact is that it makes no sense to equip one, but a heavy ship. You will take up precious space in the hold with cannonballs, gunpowder, provisions and other goods. On the other hand, many small pelvises will be able to escape persecution, and sometimes the price is lower. And thirdly, you should choose a group of goods. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive, but only you will lose money from rats, not buyers (and sellers).

On a note: in Tenochtitlan you can find a whole bunch of "Rat Gods". If you're serious about trading, it makes sense to complete this quest first.

Depending on the strategy, you need to choose ships. In this chapter, we will take a look at each vehicles, we will evaluate their effectiveness in relation to cost and other parameters. Money is the main thing to pay attention to. How well this or that ship behaves in battle is the tenth thing, because for military raids a successful merchant can easily make up a separate squadron.

Let's divide the ships into three groups: small, large and huge. Everything below the third class will go to the first. In the second - the third and second class. Huge ships - all first class.

So, after buying a ship of any group, the first thing to do is to decide on equipment and tactics.

It is important: Equipment advice is valid for all ships within a group.

From all legs

If you decide to cut through the sea with great speed (and maneuverability) on a small boat, the first thing to do is to sell guns. Yes, you will not be able to oppose anything to the pirates, but you do not need it! The main thing is to leave, break away, and for this you need to lighten the ship. In addition, guns take up space for cargo. Cannons are excellently dropped in battle, but they cost so much that it is better to sell them anyway.

It is interesting: in Corsairs Online, dropping cannons is a common thing for merchants. True, the guns there are restored on their own, and there is no need to buy them again.

The next category is people. This includes the team itself (and its salary), its provision (food) and rum (for morale). Since you will not participate in battles, you can immediately forget about weapons and medicines. Weapons are needed during the boarding, and medicines after. If there is no cause, then there will be no effect.

Sell ​​cannonballs, buckshot, knipples and bombs after the cannons (or throw them away, they are still cheap). Gunpowder in the same place - all this is not necessary. True, it doesn’t take up much space, so you can, in principle, leave the knipple and just a few guns to shoot at the pursuers, and then make your legs.

To sum it up: a strategy with light ships requires top speed movement, which means that you need to provide the best captain (with maximum navigation) and a full crew so that the ship does not drag along like a lame turtle.

You better not come

This strategy is valid for any ship variant. However, its trading efficiency is somewhat lower than that of all the others. The bottom line is this - you equip the ship to the fullest (except perhaps without boarding materials) and give battle to anyone who decides to attack you. For ships of the first group (small ones), this strategy is useful only if you are only afraid of pirates. Otherwise, the very first punitive squadron will send you to the bottom. No options.

Owners of large and huge ships will feel somewhat more confident. Almost always, heavy warships have the best hold volume. Therefore, the fact that you are carrying cargo imposes only one limitation - mobility. It is much more difficult for a galleon loaded according to the most “I don’t want” to pick up speed, turn around, and cut. Keep in mind that you will have nowhere to put loot from other ships, so you can not take anyone on board.

Combat trading squadron in all its glory.

This strategy achieves maximum effectiveness (in terms of defense) when controlling manowars (and ships of a similar class). We buy the heaviest guns and bombs, and if someone attacks, it’s worse for him. But there is one very serious nuance - you will have to look for captains with the maximum navigation skill. Otherwise, instead of combat vehicles, you will end up with useless piles of wood and metal. As you know, the level of a mercenary depends on yours, and masters of all trades are found only at the highest (forty and beyond) levels. Another argument "against" is the volume of cargo transported.

Let's calculate how much is needed for the combat capability of the ship. First, of course, the guns. A set of 32-pound guns for the royal manowar (112 guns) weighs 1,700 units. Five thousand bombs - another 300. Provisions - about a thousand, no less. Do not forget gunpowder - at least 250. Rum is optional, but 500 barrels will weigh 500. In other words, goods for battle require two and a half, or even three thousand volumes. With a total carrying capacity of seven thousand (sometimes a little more), this is almost half. That is, you can earn half as much. In addition, do not forget about the cost of repairs, and the team needs to be paid and maintain morale in it. Officers also regularly demand a salary, and the higher the level of the mercenary, the more money will have to pay.

With all the disadvantages of the strategy, it has one advantage - you can follow the story and trade along the way to maintain a budget. You won’t really earn money, but the cost of maintaining the squadron will not be so noticeable (which is no less important).

It is interesting: the maintenance of a thousand people costs almost two hundred thousand every month. Calculate how much money you need to maintain a full squadron.

Classic scheme

Being a Rogue Trader is, of course, good and romantic. Here you have a chase, and responsibility only for yourself and your actions, and real money in your hands. In addition, you can do whatever you want at any time, no one will customize. But the profit in this case is not so impressive. A large merchant who manages an entire squadron, turns millions and in some cases tens of millions. He can sell (and buy) the entire Caribbean, but the degree of preparation (and cost) is completely different. the highest level in the business of commerce, in my opinion, it is the warrior-merchant who takes care of it.

This is how the trading screen of a self-respecting merchant should look like. Information about the number of goods in all stores of the archipelago is bought from the bartender.

What does this mean? It's simple - you do not run from the enemy, but drown him, but you do not spend half of the hold on weapons. Key moment- specialization. Each ship must perform a specific function. Only those who are suitable for this should fight. Naturally, the player should play the role of an escort, since the allies, although they are not stupid like traffic jams, cannot boast of perfect adequacy. Practice shows that one single manowar with guns of the maximum caliber and full equipment can easily cope with a serious squadron.

Also, don't forget that you have a huge advantage in the form of critical shots, skills that improve reloading and other goodies. And if you manage to fire from two sides at once, you can be sure of victory. I remember when I ran into a punitive squadron of five Spaniards, I drowned their manowar with three volleys. Two of them, however, were critical, but even without them, fifty cannons cause significant damage.

Do not forget that the squadrons of other powers never consist of only manowars. Yes, only ships of the first class can meet, and so what? Combat and warships are no match for you. As for the pirates, it's even easier with them. Rarely will you find among them even the most unpretentious battleship(not in this part they are), but no matter how maneuverable corvettes, frigates and others are, a few powerful volleys will still send them to the bottom.

The rest of the ships with this style are completely unnecessary in battle. They can simply be turned into "trucks". Dismiss the entire crew, hire the cheapest officers, remove the cannons and throw shells, provisions, weapons and medicines overboard. So you can achieve maximum efficiency when trading. Count for yourself: four completely empty ships (from 6500 to 8000 holds) and none payments to the team, because there is none at all! The huge total size of the hold will allow you to extract tangible benefits even from relatively cheap goods. In addition, you can earn fabulous money on smuggling, and for accumulation start-up capital complete the tasks of merchants in cities. Do not forget that any merchant wishes to fill all space available on your ships. And the more goods - the greater the reward.

Advice: merchants offer different goods for transportation, but try to choose those that are not gnawed by rats. For example, cores, knippels, buckshot and bombs. Try not to take expensive items if you don't have Rat Gods. Rats can easily gobble up all the fat. Because of these rodents, more than once I had to pay a penalty out of my own pocket.


Until now, there has not been a single intelligible analysis of the ships, in fact. There are several reasons for this: ships of the same type (frigates, for example) can differ significantly from each other. The caliber of the guns, the volume of the hold, the thickness of the armor - everything is different, the ships were not built on machine tools, and each had its own characteristics. Naturally, all this affects the price (sometimes very significantly). In this chapter, we will analyze the ships in order and in detail. Since different strategies mean fundamentally different style games, a comprehensive evaluation of the characteristics will be very helpful.

Ship characteristics

Not all ship parameters in the Corsairs have a designation. For example, allowed team size measured by "seats", and gun caliber- pounds. However, nothing is said about speed, maneuverability, hold volume. In fact, everything is very simple. The developers, most likely, decided not to overload the player with unnecessary data (knots, degrees and rolls), so they introduced abstract values ​​for some indicators. Hold capacity, for example, is measured in units of "net cargo". "Net cargo" is already multiplied weight and volume, expressed in abstract game units. So the fruit basket takes place "1", and the package of ebony - "5". The rest of the characteristics are calculated in the same way. Hull strength are the same virtual hits. If the mark reaches zero, you drowned. Speed created to compare ships with each other, because you can swim to another island only on the global map. In the heat of battle, the one with the higher score will be faster. Maneuverability calculated in the same way. Whoever has a higher score is better. Only close-hauled calculated differently. The higher the score, the steeper into the wind you can go.

"Small" class

Tartana (class 7)

Tartana first appeared in the Mediterranean. Initially, it was a small fishing boat with a triangular sail, but its good running characteristics made it a very popular ship for coastal voyages and trade between neighboring settlements.

Tartana is, in fact, an ordinary boat, but with a sail. Its size does not allow it to make long trips (although it is possible in the game), and the general indicators say that if you swim on it, you are in really bad shape. Fishing in the game is not allowed, but tartan is suitable only for this. It is not suitable for anything and is present in the game only for entourage.

Average parameters
price, gold350

Longboat (class 7)

Longboat - a large boat on which small guns are mounted. It will never become a serious ship, but it is used for pirate or smuggling sorties all over the world.

This is the same tartan, but a little larger in size. The hold is usually three times as large, but the guns take up the lion's share of its volume. "Dead" armor and general uselessness is offset by maneuverability and speed. An experienced captain will be saved on this vessel from any persecution. Just what to save?

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)8
price, gold2500

Lugger (class 6)

The lugger is a small ship designed to carry cargo and protect small convoys. Despite the fact that the lugger's weapons are weak and the team is small, it is specially designed for both trade and battle. Many captains appreciate the lugger for its speed and maneuverability, and its small size allows it to make long sea voyages.

The first more or less serious ship, which, in principle, is perfect for a free trader. On this one, you can sink a pirate, and transport something. Another thing is that the lugger is a small and not very strong ship, and only 12 guns are not at all impressive. In addition, combat equipment occupies almost half of the hold. The only indisputable plus is that slanting sails allow you to walk steeply into the wind.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)12
price, gold14500

Sloop (class 6)

With a shallow draft and excellent sailing performance, the sloop is a highly efficient reconnaissance ship suitable for coastal patrol and trade.

However, the hold is too small, and at a comparable price, the sloop completely loses to the lugger in terms of driving characteristics. Improved weapons do not change the situation. In my opinion, additional guns only take up precious space in the hold. It is not worth buying a sloop, it is better to wait for the next ship - a schooner.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold18000

Schooner (class 5)

The good sailing characteristics of this ship, coupled with a capacious hold, made the schooner one of the most attractive ships as a merchant ship for mediocre merchants who cannot afford anything better.

The schooner is the first worthy ship for trade. Her hold is usually twice as large as that of a sloop, and her driving performance is almost identical. The armament of the schooner, as well as the armor, is also at the appropriate level - twenty guns will allow you to fight off small pirates. The only gripe is the price.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)20
price, gold32500

Bark (class 5)

Bark is, in fact, a converted longboat. The barque is better suited for long-distance voyages. With a spacious hold and sufficient firepower, the barque is considered one of the best ships in its class. However, the design does not allow it to reach high speeds, and maneuverability fails. In terms of running performance, the bark loses. On the other hand, a small team and a capacious hold will allow you to transport goods with little blood. In addition, the barque is somewhat cheaper than the schooner.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold30500

Caravel (class 5)

The unusual formula of the caravel deck makes it easy to identify this ship from a long distance by outlines. It is advantageous to use caravels for transporting large loads, especially since they proved to be unimportant as warships.

Excellent hold and weak combat characteristics. This is due to low speed and poor maneuverability. On the other hand - thirty guns (13 on board and two in front and behind), and the caliber is not bad - up to twenty-four pounds. Among the shortcomings, one can note a poor move in hauled winds, since all the sails of the caravel are straight. A caravel is fine as a "truck", but military cover is a must. Another plus is that a caravel is only a little more expensive than a bark, and the hold is almost one and a half times larger.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)30
price, gold38500

Barkentina (class 4)

When the Spanish merchants realized that they were becoming easy prey for pirates in the Caribbean, they began to massively convert their galleons into barquentines. Thanks to the mixed sailing armament, the barquentine can move quite quickly in any direction. And although the transatlantic journey lasts a little longer, the barquentine will surely leave the pirates.

Excellent running characteristics and a good hold. An excellent ship for a scheme "from all legs". The hold, however, is not as spacious as that of a caravel, but the barquentine goes against the wind perfectly. Of the shortcomings, only weak weapons can be noted, but the price does not bite. The maximum team reaches two hundred people, which means that you can safely board a brazen pirate.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold33500

Brigantine (class 4)

The legendary type of sailing ships. Fast and maneuverable, like a swallow, the brigantine soars over the endless expanses of the seas and oceans.

The brigantine has excellent running characteristics, although the price is only slightly more expensive than the barquentine. The hold, however, is very small, so the brigantine is hardly suitable for trading operations. The choice of a pirate or a privateer, but not a merchant.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)20
price, gold32500

Flutes (class 4)

Flute - the ship is quite strong and large. It is great for long-distance voyages, but it is unwise to use it for military purposes. The flute is good as a merchant ship, since it is very difficult to find an opponent in its class in terms of the size of the hold and the strength of the hull. Flutes first appeared in Holland. They were built from soft woods to make the ship as cheap as possible.

The first ship for large merchants. Excellent hold capacity and good running characteristics, a fairly strong hull and a large crew. Yes, it is difficult for him to find an opponent in the class (only a galleon), but, as you remember, flutes were built from the cheapest types of wood. They were originally conceived as workhorses, and guns were mounted on them more for show. The flute is a true merchant ship, but also suitable for the "all-out" scheme, although it works best in guarded merchant squadrons.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)18
price, gold50000

Brig (class 4)

The brig is often used as a merchant ship, but even more often as a warship. High speed and excellent maneuverability make it one of the most harmonious vessels. However, direct sailing rigging limits its ability to move in close-hauled.

The brig is good for the scheme "from all legs". Still, in battle, he is rather weak (only 16 guns). On the other hand, even a small number of guns can pay off thanks to maneuverability and speed, but there are pitfalls here too. The fact is that the direct sailing rig does not allow the brig to go steeply to the wind. The only reasonable use is to load up to the eyeballs and run.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)16
price, gold41500

Galleon (class 4)

This is undoubtedly the most famous type of ship in history. Close relative caravels, galleon - a clumsy but reliable ship that served sailors for two hundred years. Easy prey for a real pirate.

They were used by everyone, but most often by the Spaniards. It was on the galleons that gold (as well as other goods) was exported from the colonies. The galleon is an excellent merchant ship, but not very important in combat. It's all about poor maneuverability and low speed. With such indicators, only the battle line is suitable for combat, but the relatively thin armor puts an end to this venture. The galleon is great for a merchant, and if he has a ship (or ships) to guard, the legendary ship will pay off in one trip.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)20
price, gold53500

"Big" class

Corvette (class 3)

The corvette was designed as a ship with powerful weapons, but at the same time as fast and light as possible. As a result, corvettes have a weak hull, but are able to catch up with lighter ships and fight successfully with heavier ones. As a rule, the corvette was used as a patrol vessel, as well as an auxiliary warship.

The corvette has the thinnest armor in its class, but only a frigate can match it in speed, and it has no equal in maneuverability. However, a corvette is not at all suitable for trade, because a loaded ship is not so fast, and this is its main advantage. Each ship must be used in accordance with the specialization. Corvette is fast, nimble and relatively powerful ship. You can’t take a fort on it, but on the high seas it has no equal.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)32
price, gold73500

Heavy Galleon (Class 3)

The Heavy Galleon is a powerful warship. Large-caliber guns, a strong hull and a large crew provide reliable protection for any cargo. Unfortunately, the heavy armor resulted in an even greater reduction in performance.

Heavy galleons eventually replace flutes (because of the hold) and regular galleons. Yes, in terms of driving performance, heavy galleons lag (and very noticeably) behind other ships in their class, but a huge hold more than compensates for all the shortcomings. Due to the low maximum speed, the heavy galleon is not suitable for the "all-out" strategy. Ideal application - "better not come" or "classic scheme". The armor is strong, and there are fifteen guns on each side, and the caliber is decent. The verdict is that the heavy galleon is great for armed squadrons, but it opens up only under escort.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)36
price, gold100000

Pinas (class 3)

This ship is large enough and strong enough for long sea voyages. The capacity of its hold allows you to transport a large amount of cargo, and weapons - to drive away pirates. However, in combat it lacks the agility and speed of a real warship.

The pinas is simply an improved version of the flute. Its hold is capacious, there are few guns, but it is cheap and fast. Cheapness makes pinas workhorse, but it makes no sense to buy it - it's better to save up for a galleon.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)18
price, gold62500

Frigate (class 2)

Fast and nimble frigates are a favorite of many captains for their good performance and firepower. A squadron of frigates could well smash the fort and sack the city.

In fact, the frigate is the first heavily armed ship (twenty guns aboard), and anything heavier plays the role of a floating fort. Meanwhile, the hold of a frigate is not as small as that of a corvette, so you can protect the squadron and carry additional cargo. Keep in mind that frigates have straight sails, so you won't be able to go straight into the wind.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)46
price, gold150000

Warship (class 2)

A warship, outnumbering a frigate in number of guns, loses to it in speed and maneuverability. However, due to the strengthening of the hull and increase in size, some warships can be equipped with the heaviest guns.

A warship is just a weighted frigate. To tell the truth, the armor and additional guns went sideways to him - maneuverability and speed dropped significantly. It makes no sense to use a warship as a “truck”, since there is a heavy galleon one class lower, which is equal in armor, and you can carry more cargo. In addition, the galleon is much cheaper, and the speed in the presence of a military escort is not so important.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)56
price, gold170000

"Huge" class

Ship of the line (class 1)

The battleship is a formidable force. Armed with the most powerful and long-range guns, with a very strong hull, it is able to successfully resist any ship at sea and destroy coastal fortifications.

Great ship for a "better stay away" scheme. Numerous guns, a solid hull, a large crew and a capacious hold. Unfortunately, it is hardly suitable for other schemes - it is too expensive, and in terms of hold volume it is not far from a heavy galleon. On the other hand, good speed allows you to apply the scheme "from all legs".

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)66
price, gold250000

Combat ship (class 1)

A warship is the development of a warship (essentially a frigate) by increasing the size and strengthening the hull. Huge and unwieldy, it carries several batteries of heavy guns and is manned by a large crew.

Good only for combat. Its hold is not much larger than that of a battleship and a heavy galleon, but the armor is much thicker, and there are as many as thirty-six guns on each side. Suitable for the "better not come" scheme, but that's all. "From all legs" will not work, since the warship does not shine with speed, and there is no sense in the "classic scheme". Why guard an expensive ship when you can buy three heavy galleons for the same money

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)80
price, gold345000

Manowar (class 1)

Man-of-war is the most powerful ship in history. On three gun decks, it carries up to a hundred guns, and its hull is practically impenetrable for cannonballs. Unfortunately, the huge size and displacement of the ship limits its use in naval battles and sieges of forts.

The largest ship of the line is great for a merchant. Surprised? The manowar has the largest hold, and the level of armor allows you to wait until the military escort has dealt with the enemy. Great for the "better don't come" scheme. There is nothing worse than five manovars. I remember how the punitive squadron of the Spaniards ran into me at sea ... With the very first salvo we sent the Spanish flagship to the bottom. Two and a half hundred cores are no joke. Especially when the caliber is forty-two pounds.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32-42 pounds)102
price, gold525000

Royal manowar (class 1)

Royal first class ship of the line. Terrifying firepower combined with exquisite hull finishes and impressive driving performance. This is the greatest ship of all time.

Suitable only for war. To be honest, its usual modification has a much more capacious hold, and additional guns are not as important as cargo. Ideally, you can make the royal manowar the flagship, and let the “trucks” be ordinary ones. The same squadron configuration is also suitable for the "better not approach" scheme.

The royal manowar is the pinnacle of shipbuilding. However, it is only suitable as a flagship warship. For trade, it is better to adapt ordinary manowars, they are cheaper.

trade routes

In the Return of the Legend guide, we compiled a table of exports and imports of goods for all stores in the archipelago. Since then, the economic system has been slightly modified, and some goods have changed status. The new version takes into account all the changes since the "Return of the Legend" and the latest patches. Based on the table below, we will consider the optimal trade routes.

Types of trade

Of course, the economic system in Corsairs is far from ideal, it lacks changes in prices, demand, supply, and much more. The economy is simple and just asks for money to be made on it. The game is kind to the player who will be able to assess their strength. Let's take a look at a few trading techniques that are characteristic of the "Corsairs" (from time immemorial).

It is interesting: actually prices change. If you buy a lot of goods a certain kind, the price of it rises (deficit), and if you sell a lot, it falls (glut). That's only if something is exported somewhere, even the end of the world will not force the merchant to import this product.

Direct flight

By direct flight we mean the usual journey from point A to point B and back. We buy the right product, sell it and come back for the next portion. For direct flights, goods from the highest price category (black and mahogany, silk, gold) are best suited. Why? It's simple: you make a huge profit, and the faster you move all the goods, the sooner it will end and the sooner you can switch to another product. At this time, stores will replenish stocks. Distinctive feature- the method is only suitable if you have money for expensive goods. This is true, for example, for a squadron of manovars. You need to invest an unimaginable amount of money, but the return exceeds all expectations. The best use of the scheme is smuggling.


The essence of the chain is to highlight the group of goods that you will trade. For example, you buy ebony at the lowest price and take it to where they buy it the most. At this port, you buy another export item and take it to the next port. And so on. The scheme is difficult to implement as you need to be aware of quotes in all stores. Use the table and make the best route.

Circular flight

This method is, in fact, a mixture of the first two. You choose a starting port and transport the best goods to another city. There you buy another product and take it somewhere else. In the end, you must return to the first selected port. This scheme is the most difficult to implement, but it is also the most profitable - your ships will not be idle. Net profit, complete confidence and accuracy. The essence of the scheme is that when you return to the starting city, there will already be enough goods. In addition, you can change the round trip as much as you like, simply by choosing another product.

Goods of the Caribbean
Nuclei - - - - - E E - - - - And And And
Buckshot - - E - - And - - And - - And And -
Knippel - - - - E - - E - - E - - E
bombs - - - - - - - E - - - - - -
Powder To - E E - E - - - And - - - -
Provision E - To And E - - To And - E E E -
Weapon And - And E - - E - To And - And And And
Medications - To And - And To And E E - And And And And
Canvas And E - To - - - And And And - And And -
Boards - And - And To And - - E E To - - -
Cocoa And And And To And To - - E - And E E -
Coffee - E - E - - To - - E - - - E
Tobacco To - E - E - - And To And E And And And
Sugar And - - E E - And And To E E - - -
Wheat - E E - E - To And And To E - - E
Wine To And E - E - And To To And E E E -
Rum - And - - And - E E - - And E E -
El E - To And - - E E - E - E E E
Cotton E - E - E - To And - To E - - -
canvas E E - To And - E - E E And - - E
Leather - - And - And To And - E E And - - E
Silk - To To - - E - And - To - - - And
clothing - - - To And And - - And - And - - -
Ebony - E - - To And And To - - To To To To
The Red tree E - To - To And - - E - To - - And
sandalwood E E E E - And - To - - - E E -
Cinnamon To To And And - E - - - E - E E -
Copra - - And And - To And - And To - To To To
Paprika And And - E - E - E - - - - - E
Fruit And To - And To - And And - And To And And -
Oil E E - E - And To - E - - To To To
bricks And - And And - E - E And And - To To To
Slaves To To To To To To To To To To To To To To
Gold - And - - And - E - - - And - - -
Silver - And - - - E E - - - - - - And
Nuclei - And And - - - - E And - - And -
Buckshot To And And And - - - E - E - And -
Knippel - - - - - - - E - - - And -
bombs E - - - - - - E - - - And E
Powder And To To To - E E E - - To And And
Provision E - - E - - - - - - To - -
Weapon - To To To And To To E - - To And -
Medications And - - E - And And - E And And And -
Canvas - And And And To And And And And To - - And
Boards - E E - And To To - - E E E -
Cocoa - E E - And To To - - E - - -
Coffee - E E - To E E - - And - E -
Tobacco - To To To And - - And - And - To -
Sugar E - - E - E E - E - E E -
Wheat - E E - E - - - - E And - -
Wine E - - E E - - E E - And To -
Rum E - - - E E E - And And And To E
El - - - - - E E - E - - E And
Cotton And To To To E - - And - E - E -
canvas E E E - And - - - E - - - -
Leather - - - E To And And To And And To To -
Silk And - - And - - - And And To - - -
clothing E - - - - E E And To And And E -
Ebony To And And - E And And - - E E - -
The Red tree - - - E - And And - - - E - -
sandalwood - E E - And And And To And - E - -
Cinnamon - - - - E - - - E - - - -
Copra To - - And - - - To To - - E -
Paprika - - - E And - - To And To - - -
Fruit And E E - - - - - To And And - -
Oil To And And And To To To - E E - - -
bricks To And And And - E E - To To And - -
Slaves To To To To To To To To To To To To And
Gold And And And - - And And And - - E - And
Silver - - - And E - - And - - E - And

* K - smuggling, E - export, I - import, dash - regular price.


In the final chapter, we will look at commodities and ports, and draw up some illustrative examples of trade routes.

First, take into account that the cities that are nearby have almost the same trade policy. In other words, if Havana imports canvas, then Puerto Principe imports it too. There are no short but profitable routes in the Corsairs. Or rather, they were, but with the release of patches, the easy life ended. Consider several routes for each type of trade.

Direct flight

The easiest and most expensive at the same time. Best choice for direct flights the most expensive goods: gold, silver, silk, ebony, mahogany and sandalwood. For a while, smuggling was one of the most profitable flights, but recently a smuggler has disappeared in a pirate city near Curacao (mahogany). Although store data indicates smuggling of goods, no one will buy it from you. And for the better. To be honest, having found one single route with enormous profitability, I abandoned all the others. Why waste time when you can earn phenomenal sums on multiple flights?

Scheme of direct trade in mahogany. The final destination is Fort-de-France.

Consider expensive goods in turn. Mahogany is sold at reasonable prices only in four colonies: Havana, Maracaibo, Marigot and Willemstad. The noble type of wood is considered to be smuggled only in Port of Spain and Fort-de-France. There are only two cities, and they belong to the French and the British. The shortest redwood route is from Curaçao to Martinique. Just remember to settle relations with other nations and take the appropriate flag in your skills. Unfortunately, trade patents are indispensable (unless you're playing as Holland). The second good route is from Marigot to the same place, to Martinique. Use it in case the stock of mahogany in Willemstad runs out. Havana is of little use for profitable trade. Nearby there are no ports with sufficiently high purchase prices, and the nearest "smuggling" cities very long away.

Another acceptable option is a flight from Maracaibo to Martinique. This option is also suitable for starting a “half-chain”. Let's say you have a squadron of five manovars and you easily buy up the entire stock of goods in the store. It turns out that you are wasting time in vain, as you leave the hold empty. To get the maximum benefit, you need to start from Maracaibo, then look at Curaçao, and only then sail to Martinique. If things do not grow together with smugglers, you can simply sell the goods at a high price. They import mahogany, for example, in Bas-Terre. However, the difference in profits is very significant.

Let's count. With a stock of goods in the store at the level of 10000, you can buy redwood for an average of 250 gold. You can sell it to a store with the "import" tag for a price of 400 gold. If you do not have "Rat Gods", we will write off another 10% for losses from rodents. We multiply 150 by 10,000, and subtract 10% of the average losses from rats from the final profit. In total, you will receive 1,350,000 net profit. Not bad? And now let's count with smuggling. A unit of mahogany in Fort-de-France is taken for 700 gold. Multiply 450 by 10,000, subtract losses from rats, total - 4,005,000 gold. The difference is obvious.

On a note:"Corsairs" is partly a role-playing game. Try to play the part to the end. In particular, you can play without the save-load link. If something happens, keep playing no matter what. With this style, selling goods in "import" is perhaps the safest option.

Redwood is the best commodity for a direct flight, especially if you haven't gotten rid of the rats. Silk gray robbers absorb indecent quantities. Gold, however, is not touched, but there is no smuggling on it either. If you choose between gold, silver and ebony, choose wood. First, even with a larger volume, the final profit will be greater. Secondly, only a few colonies are “rich” in gold, and even then there is so little of it that the game is not worth the candle. Ebony, in a successful scenario, can be bought at an average price of 100 coins, and sold for 550. Gold, with its ratio of 650-820 (170 income per unit), cannot compete with noble wood in any way. The best routes are Cumana, Maracaibo, Cartagena - Fort-de-France.

We did not consider two products from the upper price range - slaves and sandalwood. It is impossible to make money on the first ones, because they are sold (and even with “import”) only in Bermuda, and you can get them only during boarding (you leave the survivors as slaves). But this income cannot be called permanent, besides, slaves can raise a rebellion, and when the rebellion is suppressed, someone will inevitably die.

Sandal, on the other hand, a good choice for trade, but only if the stock of wood is completely exhausted. Sandalwood is considered to be smuggled in Charlestown and Santa Catalina. It's a pity, but these cities are too far from the main trade routes, so, in fact, you have two options: take sandalwood from Willemstad to Charlestown, and then stock up on mahogany in Marigot, or not trade sandalwood at all.


For the chain, the best goods are in the middle and lower price categories, since the “export-import-smuggling” schemes are much more diverse for them. Judge for yourself, mahogany, for example, we carry to Martinique (or St. the best prices. Ebony - right there. But bricks, wheat, rum, ale and other inexpensive goods, you can sell and buy wherever you want, since the ratio of the purchase price of one unit of goods to the sale price is not so large. The benefit here comes from the quantity, not from the cost of a single sack of wheat.

The chain starts in Cartagena. The final destination is Fort-de-France.

It is interesting: the difference in the prices of purchase and sale for goods of the lowest category is not more than ten doubloons and rarely reaches even a double excess.

The first thing to do is to make a good itinerary. For a novice trader, buying trading licenses is very burdensome, so you should only trade with those ports where they don’t dream of letting you go to the bottom. Life is easier for the Spaniards and the Dutch. Many ports are open to him, which means you can trade anything. The question "where?" does not play a role, except that the distance between cities can somehow affect the choice of goods (route). Everything else is the same. Unfortunately, in "Corsairs" there is no binding of NPCs to any specific islands, ports or sea areas. You can meet in the deep rear of the Spaniards, on the Maine, a huge punitive squadron, say, the British. This is annoying, since the chance to escape from pursuit depends only on the course relative to the wind. Blowing in the back? Rock out. Not? So, they'll catch up.

It is important: Don't rely too much on the Master Navigator ability. Yes, it allows you to get away from a meeting on the high seas, but this does not mean that you will hide from any pursuers. In the most unfortunate cases, the menu will pop up every fraction of a second. In other words, after the refusal, you will immediately be offered to enter the battle - and so on until you agree. Or don't load the nearest save.

Consider an exemplary scheme using the example of the main character from Spain. The choice is not accidental. Spanish merchants live the easiest way. Let's say you start a chain in Cartagena. The nearest city is Maracaibo. We take a load of wheat, and in Maracaibo we buy a batch of sugar to bring it to Curacao. In addition, we fill the holds with gold and silver. Having sold sugar in Willemstad, we fill the hold with mahogany and sail to Kuman. There we will sell gold and silver, and we will fill the vacant place with ebony, which can be sold to smugglers in Fort-de-France. Starting with simple goods, at the finish line you will trade in the most expensive ones. The chain should be replenished exactly by the time you return to the starting point. If the goods have not yet appeared upon return, lengthen the chain.

In the resource-rich Caribbean Sea, there are many different trade chains, because the route is determined only by the opportunity to buy or sell a certain product.

Circular flight

Circular flight starting in Cartagena. Note that our beloved Fort-de-France is not included in the circle.

Every merchant should have good map- as well as a whole bunch of more detailed ones. For dark deeds, you know...

The round trip example is simple. Let's take the route given in the "Chain" chapter as a basis and refine it a bit. The last city in the chain is Fort-de-France. To get a round trip we need to change Fort de France to Basse Terre. Of course, you will have to buy a trading license, but the profit is worth it. Looking at the table "Products of the Caribbean", we see that the French in Basse-Terre import ebony and mahogany, and export silk. Now you have a choice: either sail to Porto Bello and sell the purchased silk honestly, or hand it over to smugglers in Cartagena. To be honest, the second option is much better. By this principle, you can build a chain of such dimensions that you will be in literally sell and buy all of the Caribbean.

So, we figured out the trade. Of course, no article is enough for comparative analysis profits from the sale of various products, but we have "built a foundation" on which you can create schemes yourself. Whether they are profitable or not, only a test flight will show. I wish you successful voyages and profitable transactions. You will especially need luck!

Corsairs To each his own Character characteristics Personal skills
Charisma is the ability to persuade and captivate people. Affects the outcome of game events in situations related to the personal charm of the character or his reputation. Depends on Leadership and Learning (A*0.9+T*0.1)
Rapiers and swords. Ability to handle rapiers, swords and other hand tools, small in size. Depends on Reaction and Perception (R*0.9+1*0.1)
Sabers and swords. The ability to handle sabers and similar curved cutting and piercing weapons that require not only strength, but also a certain skill. Depends on Strength and Reaction (P*0.6+R*0.4)
Broadswords and axes. The ability to handle heavy broadswords, axes and rare swords requires remarkable physical strength. Depends on Strength and Endurance (P*0.9+E*0.1)
Pistols and muskets. Ability to use personal short, long and multi-barrel firearms, Requires dexterity and a certain amount of luck. Depends on Reaction and Luck (R*0.5+S*0.5)
Luck. Fortune. She is luck. Needed everywhere and for everyone! Depends on luck.(S)
Stealth. The ability to slip past enemy guards, evade pursuers in the endless ocean desert, or, like a bolt from the blue, fall on a careless enemy. Depends on Luck and Perception (S*0.5+1*0.5)
Corsairs To each his own Character characteristics Ship skills
Navigation. The ability to navigate a ship through storms and thick fog. Ability to use navigational instruments and manage squadrons. The largest and most formidable ship will fly like a bird, easily obeying the firm hand of an experienced skipper. Depends on Perception and Learning (G0.2+T*0.8). A certain class of ship requires a corresponding minimum Navigation level: class 1 requires 95 navigation, class 2 requires 80 navigation, class 3 requires 65 navigation, class 4 requires 45 navigation, class 5 requires 25 navigation, class 6 requires 01 navigation. The lack of the Navigation skill leads to a decrease in all the skills and characteristics of the hero (the so-called "minuses", the appearance of negative penalty points in the characteristics). The penalty value is defined as the difference between the current and required Navigation value, in classes. For example, you have a navigation skill of 50 and personal skills of broadswords and axes of 35, you began to use a ship of the 2nd class, all your skills are reduced by 30 points, now the skill of broadswords and axes is 5 points.
Accuracy. One of the most necessary qualities for those who surf the sea. A real captain will not waste his ammo to scare away all the fish in the area. Every zapp is on target! You can't do without Perception and Luck here (l * 0.8 + S * 0.2)
Guns. Cleverly equip the gun and, while the echoes of the shot have not yet subsided among the bulkheads, ban-equip-direct again, not forgetting to douse the barrel with water in time, cool it ... nothing more - load, pickle, salvo! Depends on Learning and Sipa (T*0.6+P*0.4)
Boarding. As accurately as possible, bring the ship to the enemy side, throw the crampons the first time and fall like an avalanche on the trembling enemy, rush along the decks like a hurricane, etc. take the enemy ship with a well-deserved prize with minimal losses! All this requires considerable skill and experience, but rich production will easily pay off all efforts. Enables Reaction and Learning (R*0.7+T*0.3)
Protection. Day after day, the crew “gets used” to the ship, and now each sailor is worth a dozen newcomers. Protecting your people during the battle, preventing them from dying stupidly and senselessly is the task of a good captain and a clever strategist. Endurance and Leadership are equally important for mobilizing the crew to defend the ship! (E*0.5+A*0.5)
Repair. When cannonballs rain down on a ship in a merciless hail, smash the sides to pieces and turn the sails to tatters, when the tired hull trembles and groans under the blows of the merciless elements, and the wind tears the rigging like threads, Repair becomes the most important of the ship's skills. Endurance is critical, then Perception
Trade. The ability to profitably sell tomorrow what I bought yesterday on occasion. Knowledge of profitable trade routes, business acumen, careful accounting and a strong, capacious hold are always in the hands of an enterprising person. Learning and Leadership decide everything (T*0.8+A*0.2)...
Reputation. Reputation reflects the attitude of society towards the character. The reputation of ordinary characters is unchanged throughout the game: it is believed that their temper has already developed and they are rather monotonous in their behavior. From all the rest of the main character is distinguished by Authority, Fame and Honor. The fame of the hero fades over time, and the actions are erased from the memory of people. The bad is forgotten worse, the good faster. If you do not take any serious actions, then the hero will be perceived by others as an "unknown adventurer". Authority, Fame and Honor distinguish the main character from all other game characters. Authority is the assessment of the hero by his environment (primarily by the crews of the ships that are part of the protagonist's squadron). If the Captain's Authority has fallen critically, he is presented with the Black Mark and offered to resign voluntarily or forcibly. If the Authority is high, the crew united around the commander can withstand any test with faith in the future! Fame shows what is the popularity, celebrity, glory of the protagonist. Any doors will open before a famous person, fans are looking for his attention, and opponents tremble at the mere mention of his name! A real hero cannot escape from the nobility of spirit, altruism and high aspirations. From God's commandments and human laws. Honor shows what your hero tends to most often. Honor grows as he saves the world and its inhabitants. Or falls to the most ugly depths, from broken promises, committed violence and villainy. Honor depends on the actions of the character and, in turn, affects how they are perceived by other actors in the game. However, if the hero leads a monotonous and measured way of life, chooses the least risky solutions, travels alone in the desert seas, his Honor and Fame go like sand through his fingers, striving for a neutral and uncomplicated middle. In the game, community memory is short, averaging less than half an in-game year.
Corsairs To each his own Cannons, coolers on your ships

3 pound guns
Deck guns equipped with a turret. They have the greatest mobility and, due to their small size, the smallest force and distance of destruction. They are often equipped with a replaceable breech, allowing for quick reloading. Range - 350, damage - x 1.0, reload - 10 sec.

6 pound guns
Small guns, very popular on courier and merchant ships due to their light weight and ease of maintenance. Range - 450, damage - x 1.5, reload - 19 sec. Weight 6 c.

12 pound guns
The main guns of the small navy, capable of firing at high elevation angles, which significantly increases the effective combat distance. They have high reliability. Range - 550, damage - x 2.0, reload - 31 sec. Weight 11 c.

16 pound guns
Modern guns of the French type. Thanks to their progressive design, they inflict more damage and at a greater distance, compared to ordinary half-cannons, slightly inferior to them in terms of loading time, reliability, and somewhat superior in weight. Range - 600, damage - x 2.5, reload - 40 sec. Weight 16 c.

20 pound guns
Guns of the largest caliber, allowing the use of red-hot cannonballs on a ship, which significantly increases damage to the enemy. However, the length of the barrel leads to a noticeable increase in their weight. Range - 650, damage - x 3.0, reload - 48 sec. Weight 20 c.

24 pound guns
The most balanced guns in terms of the ratio of the main technical indicators. Enjoy well-deserved popularity on military and expeditionary ships. Range - 700, damage - x 4.0, reload - 56 sec. Weight 29 c. pack 1 pc.

32 pound guns
Large-caliber heavy guns suitable for bombarding fortifications. Deals devastating damage to the hull. Range - 650, damage - x 5.0, reload - 61 sec. Weight 40 c.

Half culverins
Long-barreled 8-pound guns on a special machine with a powerful frame and solid wood wheels... They have an increased firing range. Usually used for barrages Range - 700, damage - x 2.0, cooldown - 35 sec. Weight 16 c.

Medium 18 pounder long range guns suitable for use on relatively small vessels. Despite the striking distance of the battle, they are distinguished by their incredible weight and duration of equipment. Range - 850, damage - x 3.0, reload - 52 sec. Weight 32 c.

Ballistic diagram of all guns. To try and compare culverins and 32 pounders in combat, you will see that range is not as important as lethality.

Where to find big ships?

In the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", the developers have reduced the probability of encountering huge ships of the first rank. If you want to find them, you will have to use thematic forums.

After what will the countdown for the quest "Pirate Saga" begin?

After the entry appears in the journal that Helen entered the service of you as an officer.

How to make Helen stay on the team forever?

For this to happen, you must fulfill the prophecy that the gypsy spoke of. And for this you will have to:

  • Do not take a hundred doubloons from Gladys MacArthur as a reward.
  • Give the found Hangman's chest to that same Gladys.
  • Don't take the gun that Gladys gives you.
  • Address Helen by her mother's last name - Sharpe.

How to give Mary Kasper a Narwhal blade?

In order to do this, you must ensure that two conditions are met:

  1. When you meet Shark Dodson, ask about his clinic, Narwhal. After that, talk to the weapons master, Jurgen, to make the appropriate blade.
  2. Retrieve three meteorite ore and bring them to Jurgen. You can bring these pieces with you by purchasing from some vendor or by finding buried treasure inside. You can also find a meteorite at the bottom of the OS.

Where to rent warehouse space?

To rent a warehouse, head to Isla Tesoro in Sharptown. In addition, you can visit the capitals of each state. As for Isla Tesoro, here the warehouse is run by a merchant inside the store. Chat with him and you will see a dialogue phrase corresponding to the lease.

To rent storage space in other cities, you need to look into their shipyards and go to the back room to talk with the boss. If you contacted him for the first time, then you will need to start the dialogue again, after which the desired phrase will appear.

Why are there no useful things in the treasure?

If you bought the card from a tavern, then keep in mind that you can only get the treasure of the first level, which includes conventional weapons and amulets, as well as all sorts of jewelry. In addition, half of a card can be found in such a treasure. If you find the other half, you can create a second level map and get the corresponding treasure. In such a hoard one can often find unique weapon, not related to quests. And in general, much more expensive and valuable production comes across, but there is still a chance that there will still be rubbish inside.

Where can I find guns larger than 32 caliber?

To find such weapons, you must capture enemy ships that have them, then remove and transfer them to your own ship.

Is it possible to stand in the service of a certain nation?

In this modification, this is not possible. All quest chains for nations have been removed from the game, but you can enter the service of France, which happens in the storyline. In this case, you will be given an officer, a whole ship and equipment. If you agree, you will have to give 10% of the production, and also avoid shooting at friendly ships. In addition, you can not get new quests.

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