The best prices for tours to Thailand at the moment. Weather in January in Thailand: how many degrees does the thermometer show? How many degrees in january thailand

Fashion & Style 07.08.2019
Fashion & Style

In the middle of winter in Thailand, optimal conditions for a beach holiday come. Many fly here for the New Year holidays, but few people know that the peak of weather conditions falls on the second half of the month.

If you do not plan to actively visit and just want to relax by the sea, then it is better to choose the resorts of the island or. Here is the most sunny days per month (up to 25) and the least precipitation (up to 10 mm).

The second Saturday of the month is Children's Day, which aims to remind Thais that children are the future. On this day, adults arrange a “fairy tale” for children of all ages, surrounding them with care, creating a holiday around them. Concerts, carnivals and fairs are organized all over the country, children participate in recreational activities and enjoy sweets.

The cost of package tours

New Year it is better to meet at home and plan a flight after January 5th. The savings will be about 25% of the New Year's cost of the tour. After January 20, prices begin to rise again.

Remember that January is only the beginning high season in Thailand. Weather conditions for lovers of the sea and beautiful photos will improve every week until April.

average daily temperature

average night temperature

hours of sunshine per day

rainy days

sea ​​water temperature

* Weather in Thailand - January

January is considered one of best months holiday in Thailand. True, the prices for vouchers during this period are quite high (as well as the cost of rent and accommodation in guest houses). This is due both to the favorable weather in Thailand in January, and to the long holidays in Russia (the number of Russian tourists in Thai resorts is increasing every year). It is unlikely that you will be able to purchase a "last-minute" tour for this period, so you need to take care of organizing a trip in advance, using other ways to save money (for example, early booking).

As for the weather in Thailand in January, it is very comfortable almost throughout the country. So, in Bangkok during the day it is about 31 degrees, at night it is cool, not higher than twenty-one, while precipitation is unlikely (one rainy day during the month). Similar temperature values ​​are typical for the southern provinces, however, it is a little rainier on the islands (in the province of Krabi 3 days with precipitation, and on Koh Samui - 8).

AT northern regions In Thailand, the weather is cooler: during the day, about 28 ° C, at night it does not exceed fourteen, so tourists who go on an excursion to Chiang Mai will need windbreakers for evening walks.

Swimming in all the resort regions of the country will bring only joy, the water temperature in the Andaman Sea is kept at around 27 ° C, the water in the Gulf of Thailand is a little cooler, about twenty-six degrees, which is also very acceptable. Preferring beach holiday, do not forget about safety measures - first of all we are talking about using sunscreen.

The main holiday celebrated in Thailand in January (sometimes in early February, depending on the lunar calendar) is the Chinese New Year. The brightest celebrations take place on the island of Phuket, the majority of whose population is Chinese (there are about 15% of them in Thailand). However, in the Chinatowns of other cities, including Bangkok, bright and noisy processions are held.

This is not the only holiday that is celebrated despite the weather in Thailand in January. For example, Children's Day (the second Saturday of the month) is considered a very significant event for the country. Like any festival, Children's Day is accompanied by carnivals, in addition, prices for visiting attractions and children's entertainment are reduced.

And the village of Bor Sang (near Chiang Mai in the north of the country) holds an annual Umbrella Festival, thanks to which it, in fact, became famous. True, these are not familiar products designed to protect from rain, but unique umbrellas. self made from paper, which, in turn, is also made by hand. At the festival, you can see concerts, the Miss Umbrella beauty contest, and also purchase the main attribute of the holiday as a souvenir.

Those who have a rest in Pattaya in January will be interested in comic bed races, the winners of which receive prizes not only for speed, but also for unusual design this original vehicle. The traditional program of the holiday also includes fairs and entertainment competitions.

For tourists from any country in the world, a trip to Thailand will be an exciting adventure that will give a lot of impressions. Almost the entire population is Buddhist, so locals they are friendly to the holidays of any religious denominations and even celebrate them on a grand scale. At any time of the year, the Thais surprise the guests of the country with the entertainment and diversity of their culture. Visiting this colorful corner in January, you can catch a lot of highlights.

Holidays and festivals in Thailand in January

Classics in a non-standard interpretation - New Year Everyone's favorite New Year in Thailand is also celebrated on the night of January 1st. Already a few days before this, a grand celebration is organized with many festivals, fairs, exhibitions, competitions and attractions. On this holiday, it is customary to gather guests in your house and prepare treats from dishes for them. national cuisine, but the tourist will also be able to try them by visiting any of the above events.

Children's Day In 2018, it is celebrated on January 7th. Thais treat children with special trepidation and believe that the entire potential of the nation lies in the younger generation. This is a truly national holiday that affects all provinces. Numerous free concerts and charity fairs are presented to the attention of guests and residents of this region, as well as the traditional carnival procession, without which no holiday takes place in Thailand, regardless of its theme.

Chinese New Year Approximately one seventh of the population in this country are Chinese, who count the time according to lunar calendar. In 2018, the holiday falls on January 28. For the Chinese, this is a time of warm family comfort, memories and gifts. However, on the streets on this day, firecrackers are massively blown up, fireworks are set off and the symbolic “lion dance” is performed everywhere.

Time difference with Moscow

The time difference between Moscow and Thailand is 4 hours.

Weather in Thailand in January

Temperature during the day +30…+31 °C, temperature at night +21…+22 °C, sea ​​water+26°C.

Thailand constantly receives a huge number of vacationers from all over the world, despite the weather.

It's no secret that January is a massive vacation and holiday season. Probably every inveterate and not very traveler is concerned about the question of where to get on winter holidays. The old wise proverb says: "How you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." If you want the next year to be full of pleasure and pleasant experiences, go to Thailand. In this article, the Tour-Calendar will tell you how this exotic country will charm its guests in the midst of winter.

Weather in Thailand in January

A number of factors influence the weather in a country. The most important is the location in the zone of the subequatorial climate zone, which is characterized by high temperature marks all 365 days a year. Also, a huge role is played by the monsoons that dominate in a given period, which are responsible for the alternation of the seasons. January is definitely best time to visit Siam. It is not surprising that in this month he is experiencing a huge influx of visitors from different parts the globe. "Thank you" is the dry northeast trade winds that prevail in the winter season. Precipitation falls much less often, as a result of which the humidity of the air decreases noticeably, reaching incredible values ​​in previous months. The activity of the sun is increasing, now you can bathe in its rays up to 9 hours a day. The suffocating haze disappears, and one breathes much more freely. And this contributes to an easier perception of heat, as a result of which acclimatization is quite quick and easy. The main thing is to go on vacation for at least 14 days, so that the body has time to adapt and see a lot. However, when going to various provinces, prepare for the fact that those who reign there weather will be somewhat different. This is due to the large meridional elongation of the territory and the diversity of landscapes.

Bangkok Krabi Phuket Phi Phi Samet Hua Hin Chiang Mai Samui Pattaya Koh Chang

One way or another, you should take mostly summer clothes on the road. But just in case, it doesn’t hurt to take a windbreaker with you. A jacket will be needed only in the northern mountainous regions, and even then in the evening. For example, in the province of Chiang Mai, from where numerous jungle routes and trips to the settlements of tribal peoples begin, by lunchtime the air warms up to +28 °C, and at nightfall it cools sharply to +14 °C. An umbrella is redundant here: according to the observations of meteorologists - about 8 mm of precipitation, or the equivalent of 1 "wet day" for the entire month. It is very hot in the capital and central regions during the day - up to +31 ° C (in the daytime this extreme is typical for most of Thailand, adjusted by 1-2 degrees), while the evenings bring a portion of refreshing coolness - an average of +20 ° C. It's pretty dry and sunny here. Southern mainland resorts and islands deserve a separate line. The maximum and minimum daily extremes here are slightly higher - approximately +32 °C and +21..+22 °C, respectively (with the exception of Koh Samui, where at night, according to weather forecasts, +20 °C). True, precipitation is more frequent guests. However, their volume in Phuket and Krabi is not critical - 30-40 mm, distributed over 3-5 wet days per month. As for Koh Samui, it again stands out from the general background, since showers account for a whole third of the month. But all your fears are groundless, as they are short-lived and happen mainly when many tourists see the tenth dream.

What to do in Thailand in January?

In January, Thailand plucks the stars from the tourist sky. This amazing country- the most visited in Southeast Asia. The journey here in itself is a huge event, at the mere thought of which it is difficult to resist inner delight. And if it is scheduled for the second month of winter, consider that this is a double holiday. And nothing that New Year's parties and Christmas meetings have already died down. They are replaced by new bright celebrations and colorful events. With all responsibility we assure that there will be no time to be bored. Local cultural life is far from being an end in itself for travelers coming to the country. Persecuted by the continental winter, Europeans yearn to soak up the gentle turquoise waters, lie on the snow-white sand and properly fry under the generous rays of the southern sun. At the same time, it is simply unforgivable to visit Thailand and not get acquainted with at least a small part of its immense historical heritage. From its diversity, the inquisitive minds of inquisitive personalities will initially be confused. Do not go sightseeing in a hurry, because the main thing is quality, not quantity. And, of course, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the world-famous Thai cuisine. This is a great find for true gourmets, who are inevitably threatened by a couple of extra pounds.

beach holiday

But do not forget that the territory of Thailand is large, and somewhere there may be discrepancies with the characteristics we have given. Among all the popular resorts, Koh Samui, located in the Gulf of Thailand, turns out to be less sunny. However, there are a lot of vacationers here this month, and mostly couples with children, seduced by secluded lagoons, virgin nature and exemplary purity of water and sand. There is no crowding, and the distance to the nearest partner in a sun lounger is very impressive. Before choosing a beach, it does not hurt to inquire about the depth of the sea, as well as the strength of the tides, since they are pronounced on the island. Located on the shores of the same bay, Pattaya, unfortunately, does not have beaches, noteworthy picky lovers of clear waters. The muddy sea and poor-quality cleaning of the coastal zone will not be to everyone's liking. Another thing is the paradise oasis of Phuket with a sufficient number of deep beaches, where the low tides are almost imperceptible. The neighboring Similian Islands in January turn into a multinational mecca for divers.

Entertainment and excursions

Luxurious hotels, cozy bungalows and gorgeous beaches are far from all that Thailand is proud of. This country full of contrasts surprises with a myriad of diverse sights, of which there are so many that even a lifetime is not enough to see them.

There are many cities in the Kingdom, but its capital is the most visited. The city of angels Bangkok - here converge all tourist routes. It will amaze you with an abundance of ancient Buddhist temples with sacred relics (“must see” - the Temple of the Golden Buddha “Wat Trai Mit”), national museums, richly decorated palaces, expensive hotels and glass skyscrapers. The influx of believers into Thailand is very large. An incredible number of pagodas, temples and monasteries are concentrated on its territory, which have become the center of mass pilgrimage for adherents of Buddhism. Those who are not indifferent to religion should definitely visit the Temple of the Big Buddha on Koh Samui. A trip to this country will be considered incomplete if you do not know the charm of its nature. Walks on national parks, lush gardens, protected areas bring you real pleasure. The choice is huge, as there are over 70 of them. The path to many of them lies on the water. A sea cruise to the uninhabited islands will allow you to discover the most remote and, as a result, the most pristine corners of Siam. Fishing on a wooden schooner or a romantic dinner in the style of Robinson Crusoe will be a great addition to such an adventure. If you are planning your vacation with children, we are in a hurry to please you! They are much more interesting here than in Turkey. And without enchanting animation. Young travelers will be fascinated by communication with the world wildlife. Rather, with its representatives. All the snake, crocodile and elephant farms, zoos, butterfly and monkey parks, oceanariums, insectariums in Thailand really can not be counted. What an amazing show they put on! In January, various fruits that are outlandish for us also ripen. They are so unusual and colorful that it is incredibly difficult to cope with the desire to raid local markets. It is worth looking not only at fruit, but also at clothes. Until the middle of the month, there are still some New Year's promotions and discounts, so shopaholics will be completely delighted (hint: it is better to look for good branded clothes in shopping malls and designer boutiques). Returning to the "edible theme", I would like to say a few words about Thai gastronomic traditions.

In this country, it is simply unrealistic to remain dissatisfied with a meal. Moreover, Thai food is very healthy. Dishes are prepared mainly from rice, fish, various seafood and vegetables, always adding healing roots and plants.

Holidays and festivals

The event calendar of Thailand is bursting at the seams. The January holidays smoothly flow into one another, you just have time to keep track of them. The second Saturday of the month is the traditional Children's Day, accompanied everywhere theatrical performances, carnivals, attractions and other entertainment for the younger generation. The northern village of Bor Sang holds the famous Umbrella Festival, which includes not only an exhibition of handmade accessories, but also music concerts with a beauty contest.

What are the prices for holidays in Thailand in January?

Until about the 15th, the cost of tours to Thailand is still high, but compared to the period new year holidays it is reduced to 50% depending on the resort. Travelers on a budget should book trips with departures after this date. The earlier you make a reservation, the more pleasant their price will be. However, some prefer to postpone the moment of purchase until the very last moment, when there is a high probability of last-minute offers on sale. However, their number is limited, so in this case, you can “fly by” with a vacation.

Summing up, let's say that January in Thailand is perfect for any kind of holiday. Comfortable weather will allow you to get to know this country from the most interesting and exciting sides, and you will want to come back here more than once. Tour-Calendar wishes everyone a great trip!

Some prefer to enjoy winter fairy tale at home with children and loved ones, while others pack their bags and go to hot countries. The most accessible and attractive for tourists, it is considered a place, since it is in winter that you can observe the height of the beach and tourist seasons there.

What is the Thai climate like?

Thai weather warm and dry coupled with some clouds. The sea during this period is calm and quiet. Thanks to the monsoon northeast winds, the temperature of the water and air is pleasant and perfect for beach season . As an exception, the islands and provinces in the south can be considered, since short rains are not ruled out there.

What clothes to take with you?

In Phuket will meet you picturesque nature, clear sea and an abundance of sights. This place is not deprived of good infrastructure, coupled with nightlife and expensive. You will also be pleased with the cheap one.

Among the minuses, it is worth mentioning large waves and the likelihood of a tsunami, as well as the lack public transport and a big binding to . The unpleasant moment also lies in the small number of hotels and the overpricing.

Weather in Thailand in January - in the following video:

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