What is the rainiest place in Europe? Cherrapunji - the wettest place on earth The wettest place on earth why.

Recipes 21.07.2019

Many people think that London is the rainiest place in the world. This is not true. In fact, England is not the rainiest country even in Europe. For comparison, the annual rainfall in Moscow is 691 mm, in London - 599 mm. Below is a list of the ten rainiest places on Earth, but several regions claim the title of the most at once, due to differing data from different meteorological services.

10. Kikori, Papua New Guinea

Kikori is a settlement located in the delta of the river of the same name on the island of New Guinea. The region is notable for its diverse ecosystem, dense forests and a complex network of rivers. Average annual quantity precipitation here is about 5,840 mm.
9. Andagoya, Colombia

Andagoya is a city in western Colombia. Known for its equatorial and humid climate, with uniform temperatures throughout most of the year. The average annual rainfall here is 6,817 mm. It usually rains at night.

8. Henderson Lake, British Columbia

Lake Henderson (Henderson Lake) - a lake with an area of ​​14.94 square meters. km. It is located in the southwest of Canada, 3,700 km west of the capital Ottawa, on Vancouver Island in the province of British Columbia. On average, 6,903 mm of precipitation falls annually in the vicinity of the lake.

7. Bellenden Ker Range, Australia

The Bellenden Ker Range, also known as the Wooroonooran Range, is a coastal mountain range located on far north State of Queensland, 2 thousand km from the Australian capital of Canberra. It stretches for 65 km and is the wettest area on the mainland. The annual rainfall here exceeds 8312 mm.

6. Quibdo, Colombia

Quibdo is a city located on the Atrato River in western Colombia. Known as the rainiest place in Latin America and one of the wettest regions of our planet. On average, 8,989 mm of precipitation falls here annually.

5. Debunja, Cameroon

Debunja is a village in Fako department, Cameroon. It is located on the southwestern slope of the active volcano Cameroon, in the southwestern region of the republic. This village is average annual quantity rainfall 10 299 mm is located on the fifth line of our rating.

4. Waialeale, USA

Waialeale is a volcano located in the heart of the island of Kauai, Hawaii. On its slopes, an average of 11,684 mm of precipitation falls, and special climatic conditions contribute to the development of lush vegetation. Due to frequent rains, the top of the volcano is almost always hidden either in thick fog or haze.

3. Cherrapunji, India

Cherrapunji is a small town in Indian state Meghalaya. It is located on the Shillong Plateau, north of the border with Bangladesh at an altitude of 1313 m above sea level. Along with the village of Mavsynram and the city of Lloro, it is the rainiest and wettest place on Earth. Annually, 11,777 mm of precipitation falls here.

2. Mavsynram, India

Mawsynram is a settlement located at an altitude of 1400 m above sea level in the north-east of India, 16 km west of Cherrapunji. This village, along with the city of Lloro and Cherrapunji, is considered the rainiest place in the world. Here, 11,872 mm of precipitation falls annually.

1. Lloro, Colombia

Lloro is a municipality and city in Colombia. Estimates based on records meteorological station, established in the city, this area holds the absolute record for the amount of precipitation in the whole world - an average of 13,300 mm per year.

Most megacities, whether it be eastern exotics or urbanistic western reinforced concrete jungles, are familiar with the phenomenon of precipitation. In inclement weather, most people tend to close windows and doors more tightly, sit in a cozy chair under a blanket and with their favorite book. But often residents of especially humid big cities have to put on a raincoat, arm themselves with an umbrella and go outside, because the usual things cannot be canceled. In the poet's words, "nature has no bad weather» as if guided by the rainiest city in the world, when after the first drops of rain it instantly blooms with a colorful carpet of various umbrellas.

1. Cherrapunji, India (12,000 mm of precipitation per year)

The number of precipitation in this Indian city is easier to perceive in meters - 12 meters of water is poured onto the heads of the townspeople here in a year! For 5 months a year there are endless downpours, during which time they carry away almost all the soil, preventing the development of agriculture. And in 1980, nature completely raged here and literally flooded the city, pouring a layer of water almost 26.5 meters thick on it! The rainiest month was in July 1986, when the rainfall stopped at a beautiful number of 10,000 mm.
The Khasi mountains contributed to the city of Cherrapunji becoming a bed for a heavenly waterfall, against which clouds saturated with moisture rest and pour it on the heads of the unfortunate townspeople. However, they still do not give up and try to resist the elements, also using nature itself - building bridges from trees. With the help of a wire frame, they direct the roots of rubber trees to a certain place and wait for them to sprout in the right direction. Such an almost miraculous bridge, by the way, turns out to be quite strong and can withstand the weight of 50 people. It has a typical monsoonal climate: after five months of endless rains, an even longer 7-month drought sets in. The dry and fairly cool season here is in November-February.

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2. Tutunendo, Colombia (11,500 mm)

For each of the 4,000 inhabitants of this Colombian city, 11.5 meters of water is poured from the sky every year. During the year there, on average, 280 days pass with rain, and most often they happen at night. Perhaps this feature does not allow the elements to interfere too much in the life of the local inhabitants, who are engaged not only in agriculture, but even in tourism.

3. Buenaventura, Colombia (6,000-7,000 mm)

The population of this Colombian city is about the same as in our Sochi, but it is less fortunate than Sochi residents, since 6-7 meters of precipitation falls here annually. Such dampness is facilitated by the peculiarity of the location of the city and the surrounding landscape: it is sandwiched on a narrow strip of land between the steep Andes and the mighty Pacific Ocean. As a result, water-saturated cyclones rush to Buenaventura in a row, slow down over it with mountains and dump their liquid cargo onto the streets of the city.

4. Monrovia, Liberia (5,140 mm)

The Liberian capital is a rather large city with a population exceeding one million people. And all these people have to endure downpours almost all year round. Why did so many people come here and do not want to move somewhere to a more pleasant place to live? The fact is that the Americans at one time arranged here the only West Africa duty-free seaport, which is a source of funds for the whole country as a whole, and for the people of Monrovia in particular. A monsoonal tropical climate prevails here, and from the point of view of the climate alone, living here is not easy, but where else can you earn so much money? And although the dry season is also inherent in the monsoon climate, rains often occur during it.

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5. Mawlamyine, Myanmar (4,750 mm)

In its own country, this city is quite famous, but not at all because it “does not dry out”. In fact, there are an abundance of Buddhist pagodas and temples, a beautiful National cuisine and an abundance of tropical fruits. And only then do you remember the endless streams of water from heaven, falling on local attractions. Here the climate is tropical, however, if in Southeast Asia relative humidity usually high, here it is much lower. In the coldest January, the temperature here "drops" to +26 degrees, and in the hottest month - April, it is quite a bit more - +30 degrees. The rainy season here falls on June-October, and July and August are the most generous in precipitation.

6. Lae, Papua New Guinea (4,650 mm)

Another wet place on the body of our planet fell on the northern coast of the island of New Guinea, which is washed by the waters Pacific Ocean, namely in Huon Bay. Surprisingly, in this case the abundance of rainfall benefited the area, because here they learned how to grow tea and coffee plantations well. Exactly Agriculture is the main source of income for the city budget of Lae. Although every time the rainy season comes, it seems that the downpours are about to wash the town straight into the ocean. But he somehow holds on and even very successfully.

7. Hilo, Hawaii (3,300 mm)

If you look at the image Hawaiian Islands on advertising leaflets and websites of travel companies, then there are completely palm trees, beaches and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsunlight. However, it is nowhere shown how heavy rains occur there, and quite often. In the mountains of the island of Maui, where it is located national park, 3 meters of heavenly moisture falls per year, on the other islands it is even more - 4 meters. As for the city of Hilo, 3.3 meters of water drops a year fall on its streets, houses and heads of passers-by from the sky. And this is not surprising, because on average 272 days are rainy here.

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8. Kochi, India (3230 mm)

This is another Indian tropical city located in the south of the country, with the same monsoonal climate. For the whole year, there are an average of 132 rainy days here, and the wettest months are from May to October. Kochi is located on west coast India, washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea of ​​the Indian Ocean. It is partially located on the peninsula, as well as on a group of coastal islets, but at the other end it also climbs onto mainland and its total area is 95 sq. km. Kochi is located very close to the equator (9°58' north latitude). The coldest time here passes at a temperature of +23 degrees, and the greatest heat is expressed at +31 degrees.

9. Taipei, Taiwan (2405mm)

Most of the year in island China it is sunny and warm, however, in July-September, 3-4 typhoons sweep through it. Taipei has a typical humid monsoon subtropical climate with hot and humid summers. That's when typhoons bring heavy rainfall here. In general, the typhoon season is longer, as it stretches from May to November. Winter here is short and very mild, with frequent fogs. If the average summer temperature is +26-28 degrees, then in winter it drops to +14-16 degrees. In terms of tourism, best time for visiting Taipei, it falls in the spring (February-April), when it is not so hot here, but typhoons with heavy rains have not yet begun.

10. Bergen, Norway (2250 mm)

In this Norwegian city, it rains 300 days a year, which could not but leave an imprint on his lifestyle. In order to somehow brighten up their hopeless, wet existence, the residents came up with the idea of ​​wearing multi-colored rubber boots, raincoats with funny pictures, vending machines selling umbrellas everywhere, which the workers serving them have to replenish with new goods every day. Even Bergen residents come up with jokes about themselves related to the rain. The city is surrounded by high mountains in a basin that is open only from the sea. Therefore, the clouds that have flown into the valley rest against the mountains and, having no other way out, are unloaded over the city with endless rains.
But here an unpleasant weather surprise cannot be taken by surprise - after all, in summer it will certainly rain here, and in winter - snow, which, however, will instantly melt, because even in January average temperature it's above 0 degrees. It is not surprising that in our age of globalization, when any city has a very diverse ethnic composition, 97% of Norwegians live in Bergen. Foreigners just can't take these kind of things for long weather conditions, constantly yearn for sunny days and are looking for any opportunity to get out of this town to hell, but closer to the sun and warmth. There is even a local joke about the weather: “A wet and dissatisfied tourist asks a local boy - tell me, boy, how long has this rain started? To which he replies, “I don’t know, because I’m only 7 years old.”

As you know, the Sun on Earth shines for everyone - however, not always with the same intensity warming us with its warmth. But if the cold periods are nevertheless replaced by warm ones, then the distribution of water precipitation is devoid of even the semblance of some kind of justice.

There are places on our planet where heavy rains pour literally every day, forcing the locals to suffer from high humidity. Where is the wettest place on earth?

The rainiest place according to Guinness book

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the wettest and rainiest place on our planet is in India. It is located in the state of Meghalaya, on one of the slopes of the East Khasi mountain range. This is the town of Mawsynrem, which even has a special sign stating that the rainiest place on globe is right here.

During the year, 11870 mm of water pours onto the roofs of Mausynrem. Is it a lot or a little? If the 38-meter statue of Christ from Rio de Janeiro stood in Mausinrem, then the water collected during the year would reach the knees of Jesus.

The name of the town in translation matters "land of the clouds", since here very often, especially during the period lasting from June to September, dense cloudiness reigns. Constantly high humidity at this time is pretty annoying local residents who, however, have learned to deal with the weather.

During the rainiest season, the inhabitants of the city throw a kind of umbrellas over their heads and shoulders, which are woven from thin bamboo shoots and wide leaves of a banana tree. They cover the roofs of houses with thick layers of straw so as not to be annoyed by the constant sound of falling drops.

Distinctive feature Local places that attract tourists along with the rainy climate are the so-called "living bridges" from the roots of rubber trees. These bridges, thrown over rocky clefts or over small rivers, not only do not collapse over the years, but, on the contrary, become even more durable.

They are “built” as follows: they throw a light bridge of bamboo poles across the river and braid it with the roots of rubber trees. After a year or two, the bamboo rots completely in a humid climate, but the roots braiding it strengthen and grow during this time thanks to generous rain watering.

Further maintenance of the bridge consists in periodic trimming of the roots, which every year strengthen the light hanging structure more and more.

Cherrapuji is a competitor of Mawsynrem

A few years ago, the city of Cherrapudzhi, which is located about two dozen kilometers from Mawsynrem, was considered the wettest place on Earth. Its climate practically does not differ from that described above, but through careful measurements, it was found that the annual rainfall of Cherrapuja is only 11430 mm per year.

glory itself wet place left this Indian city on the planet, but the previously installed billboard remained as a keepsake for its residents. By the way, at the end of the monsoon period, a real drought sets in in these places, since rains at this time are extremely rare, which is why mountain rivers, fed by precipitation, almost completely dry up.

The village of Tutunedo is another "pole of rains"

AT South America the rainiest place is the Colombian village of Tutunedo, which receives 11,770 mm of precipitation per year.

No more than a thousand people live here, and it rains almost continuously throughout the year. The driest months are February and March - the number of rainy days at this time does not exceed twenty per month.

Kroll River - the absolute record holder

The vicinity of the Croll River, which flows in New Zealand and flows into the Tasman Sea, is also difficult to call an area with good climate. On average, about 11520 mm falls here during the year.

high humidity contributes to the mountainous terrain, among which the riverbed is laid. But it was by no means famous for its turbulent course. It was here that in 1997-98 a humidity record was recorded: as much as 18,413 mm of precipitation fell during the year.

From bustling concrete jungles to exotic metropolitan areas, these cities are no strangers to rainfall. Although many of us in such weather prefer to close all windows and doors and hide under a warm blanket with an interesting book, the inhabitants of these eternally damp cities do not think twice before putting on a raincoat and going about their usual business.

Regardless of people's attitudes towards rain, there is no doubt how important it is to our planet. So get ready to put on your rubber boots and puddle through these 25 rainy cities where you'll want to bring an umbrella with you!

25. Manchester (Manchester), England, UK

It may not be as rainy as some other English cities in terms of rainfall, but Manchester averages 140-150 rainy days a year. Pack a raincoat if you go there - Manchester would hardly have earned its 'raw' reputation as a sunny city.

24. Kochi, India

This major port city in southern India is under the influence of tropical monsoon climate and high temperatures throughout the year. It receives about 3000 mm of precipitation per year, the vast majority of which falls from May to October.

23. Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei is usually warm and sunny city with light precipitation, which quickly passes, giving way to blue sky. However, it doesn't hurt to be vigilant when visiting this city between July and September: Taiwan is hit by 3-4 typhoons every year, and in just a few months, 2500 mm of rain can fall here.

22. (Juneau), Alaska, USA

Bad weather, which often sets in this large city of Alaska, is due to its location in the lower part of the valley. If you like mountains, taiga, rain, snow and cold, then you will surely like this city, but if you like sunny weather... then probably not so much.

21. Cologne, Germany

Cologne, one of the warmest cities in Germany, is no stranger to light rain. On average, during the year, it rains more than 150 days a year, so this city is one of the rainiest in Germany, and due to its proximity to the Rhine River, it is also at the highest risk of flooding.

20. Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Although the weather in Glasgow can be quite unpredictable, the only thing you can usually count on is rain. With almost 170 rainy days a year, this Scottish city holds the record for the most of any city in the UK.

19. Amsterdam (Amsterdam), Netherlands

Amsterdam owes its rather cool climate, which persists regardless of the season, to its proximity to the North Sea. On average, the city receives about 750 mm of precipitation annually, but it can rain at any time, regardless of the time of year, and often begins quite suddenly.

18. Tokyo (Tokyo), Japan

For most of the year, the weather in Tokyo is perfect for walking and enjoying the beautiful scenery. However, with the advent of summer, the city becomes hot and damp. The rainy season usually lasts from June to October, during which time the city receives more rainfall.

17. Seattle, Washington, USA

Don't expect showers. Despite its reputation as one of the rainiest cities in America, Seattle receives only about 1,000 mm of rain per year. The reputation is not entirely deserved, so where Seattle falls short in rainfall, it makes up for in rainy days.

16. Brussels (Brussels), Belgium

Going to Brussels, which is influenced by the same climate as London or Amsterdam, you should be prepared for the fact that he will meet you with overcast skies and light, foggy rain. Being in this city, it always does not hurt to have an umbrella with you, even if, according to the weather forecast, precipitation is not expected.

15. Hilo, Hawaii, USA

Located on the largest island in the state of Hawaii, Hilo boasts an average annual rainfall of 3,300 mm and almost 280 rainy days a year. The tropical climate and significant rainfall make this city one of the rainiest in the United States.

14. New York, USA

While it doesn't typically get more than 1,300mm of rain a year, New York is nonetheless a rainy city 120 days a year. The metropolis is also the northernmost major city, which has a humid subtropical climate.

13. Hong Kong

Annual rainfall in Hong Kong varies between 1000-3000 mm. However, their overwhelming number falls on the period from May to September, the time of frequent thunderstorms and typhoons.

12. Bergen, Norway

Receiving almost 2300 mm of rain every year, Bergen is one of the rainiest cities in the Scandinavian countries. It is also one of the warmest in Scandinavia due to its proximity to the Gulf Stream and the surrounding mountains to the north.

11. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Surrounded by the Mississippi River on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other, New Orleans is almost as synonymous with water as it is with beautiful architecture and wild partying. The city can receive over 1,500mm of rain a year, and summers here are notoriously hot and damp. The location and low location make New Orleans incredibly susceptible to hurricanes and flooding.

10 Monrovia, Liberia

Monrovia is the rainiest capital in the world, with an average of 5,100 mm of rain per year and 180 rainy days a year. The rainy season lasts from May to December, and rainfall occurs even in the driest months of the year.

9. Singapore (Singapore)

Being just 1.5 degrees north of the equator, Singapore does not have any special seasonal temperature fluctuations. What characterizes it is two monsoon seasons separated from each other short periods. Thunderstorms are common in Singapore, with more than 2300 mm of rain every year.

8. Podgorica, Montenegro

The capital and largest city, Podgorica is known for its terribly hot summers. However, in winter, this Mediterranean city is characterized by a fairly large amount of precipitation. With rainfall in excess of 1650mm only during the monsoon season, this city is unlikely to be one on the streets where you want to be caught in the rain, especially in November or December.

7. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thanks to the Rocky Mountains, Vancouver is well protected from the harsh, snowy winters characteristic of the rest of Canada, but the mountains are unable to stop the rain. The third rainiest city in Canada has approximately 160 rainy days each year. Despite this, the summer here is surprisingly dry and warm.

6. Mobile (Mobile), Alabama, USA

The third most populous city in the state, Mobile has an annual rainfall of 1,500 mm, making it the rainiest city in the 48 states except Alaska.

5. Kirkwall, Scotland, UK

Kirkwall is located off the north coast of Scotland in the Orkney Islands (Oarkney Islands), being the capital and most populous city. Like the rest of Scotland, Kirkwall has cool summers, mild winters and plenty of rain as a result of its maritime climate.

4. Tully, Queensland, Australia

Located in the Cassowary Coast region of Queensland, Tully is distinguished tropical climate, which causes cyclones and monsoons throughout three months a year from January to March. In 2003, an 8-meter statue of a golden rubber boot was erected in the city as a monument to the city with humid climate and record annual rainfall.

3. Whittier, Alaska, USA

Originally built for military use, this isolated Alaskan city is nearly impossible to access except by boat or train. There are almost 200 rainy days a year and an annual rainfall of 7600 mm. The city is arguably the rainiest in the US.

2 Quibdó, Colombia

Due to the humid climate rainforest and location near the Andes, it rains almost every day in Quibdo. Given the constant and intense thunderstorms, residents of this small municipality can count on sunlight only for a few hours in the morning.

1. Copenhagen, Denmark

With an annual average of 180 rainy days, this diverse city enjoys a mild and temperate climate throughout the year. Tourists who want to avoid rain should come here in February, March and April ... however, it will not be superfluous to pack a raincoat and an umbrella in a suitcase.

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