What are domestic spiders. How and why house spiders appear

Fashion & Style 01.07.2019
Fashion & Style

Spiders are found in any house or apartment. They can be on the floor, in the corners, under the ceiling. Always domestic spiders tried to drive out faster. But today, the spider can be a beloved pet and friend. Tarantulas often live with people who love the exotic and want to surprise their guests.


On the planet, the tarantula is found in places with a warm climate: South America, Africa, Australia and Oceania. On the European continent, they live in Portugal, Italy and Spain.

Some arthropods love humid climate and live in the equatorial thickets, while others have chosen the semi-desert. So, before you get a furry miracle, you should know in what conditions he will be comfortable.

Arthropod species

Spiders are very popular, they feel great in captivity, are unpretentious, and most importantly, have an extravagant appearance:

  • Curly-haired tarantula or Brachypelma albopilosum. Night ambush spider. For those who have purchased a home spider for the first time, this species will be the most optimal. They are large and have a calm disposition, as well as an interesting appearance due to long hairs with black and light tips. The pet is dim, Brown color. The size of the paws is 15-18 cm. The body length is about 90 mm.
  • Acanthoscurria antillensis or Acanthoscurria antillensis. The species belongs to the real tarantula family. Found in the Lesser Antilles. This energetic miracle of nature, during the day is in its shelter and eats insects. The body size is 60-75 mm, the span of the paws is 15 cm. The color is dark brown, a small metallic glimpse is visible on the carapace.

  • Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens or Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens. This type is very popular. He is very handsome and resilient. The abdomen is red-orange, green carapace and bright blue limbs. Without food, such a spider can live for several months.

The risk to health and life is the red-backed spider. It cannot be kept at home. This is the Black Widow, the most dangerous member of her family. It releases a neurotoxic venom. For those who dare to keep it dangerous creature, an antidote should be purchased.

There are many domestic tarantulas. Each genus of spiders is interesting in its own way and has several dozen more species. Some species of tarantulas have not yet been studied. Therefore, acquiring a furry creature, you should be careful.

I want the tarantula to be beautiful, big and please the owners with its presence for a long time. There are some nuances to consider when buying a home spider:

  • Arthropod activity. A spider lying all the time and picking up its paws under itself can be very sick. A healthy spider is in an excited state, the body keeps elevated. Reacts to touch, puffing up "wool", raises front paws, attacks or runs away.
  • The abdomen of the spider should be even and rounded. Some species were brought from wet rainforest and with a lack of water have a wrinkled abdomen. It is better to refuse to buy such.
  • Sometimes you can see broken legs - this is not a defect. After a few links they will grow back. But if open wounds are observed on the limbs, then this may not be just an injury, but a fungus or a disease.
  • If you don’t have a goal to breed tarantulas at home, then you shouldn’t buy a male. They don't live long. Very large individuals may attract the attention of the buyer, but most likely they are already in old age.

When choosing a pet, it should be well examined. It usually has a fluffy belly, but when damaged or under constant stress, it loses hairs. The furry miracle combs them with its hind legs. Some species wash their hair on the ground or weave it into a web.

For certain types the absence of hairs in some areas is not a sign of old age or disease. After molting, the pet will become fluffy again.

Wild-caught arthropods often have broken limbs. In females, after a while, they will definitely recover, but not always in males.

Spider content features

Before bringing a spider into the house, you should find out which subspecies it belongs to and create suitable conditions. A spider in a jar is a mockery of a living being.

Its content depends on which subspecies the future family member belongs to. Tarantulas are:

  • Ground. For such individuals, the bottom of the terrarium is covered with crushed coconut bark or soil of about 10 cm. The height of the dwelling should be at least 30 cm. The coating should be changed every 3 months. If the spider is young, then once a month. For a terrestrial species, a mink is required for hiding. Otherwise, the spider will be in constant tension and become aggressive.

  • Burrows. It is better to cover the bottom of the terrarium with ordinary earth and provide the pet with a house where he will spend more time. Mink can serve as a cup or clay flower pot with broken edges, which, upside down, will serve as the entrance to the apartment. Such spiders spend a minimum of energy, because they are inactive, hence the poor appetite.

  • woody. In the terrarium, there must be a piece of a tree trunk, a snag or a thick bark. At the bottom there is an impressive layer of soil.

Often the tarantula changes its habits. If he used to dig minks, then over time he may give preference to an “apartment” in tree bark.

Having settled into a new home and calmed down, the eight-legged wonder of nature looks like home. Man and spider may well coexist together.

Nutrition of the tarantula

These predators are omnivores. Anything that moves and is smaller than their size will definitely be tasted. House spiders eat a portion the size of a third of their body. Young individuals are fed 2 times a week, and adults once every 7-10 days. The menu includes different kind insects: cockroaches, crickets, grasshoppers, small frogs.


A tarantula can continue its genus at home without any problems if there is a partner of the same species. First, a ritual dance is performed. During mating, seminal fluid, placed on a web specially woven by the male, is transferred to the female.

At the end of the process, if the male gapes, he will be safely eaten by the female. Therefore, immediately after the mating games, the spider should be planted.

After a few months, the female will have a cocoon with eggs. She will protect him in every possible way. The number of eggs can reach up to 200 pieces. A week later, nymphs are born, they move on their backs to their mother and stay there for a while, and then crawl away.

Spider gender

How to determine who is more in the offspring - boys or girls? For this, the spiders need to grow up. Adults are viewed through a magnifying apparatus. Examining the abdomen of a male in the area of ​​​​the epigynum, you can see special spider glands. Females do not have these.

Tarantula venom

Don't forget house spider The tarantula is still poisonous. Therefore, when dealing with it, it is better to be careful. The poison, getting into the human body, causes fever, convulsions and pain. If you have a severe allergy, you should rush to the doctor.

Moulting period

The most difficult period in the life of domestic spiders is molting. The old exoskeleton is being replaced with a new one. Before molting, the spider stops eating and lies on its side or back almost all the time. At such times it is better not to touch it. Young growth sheds regularly, and mature individuals - once every few weeks.

The new exoskeleton is soft and easily damaged. To maintain the health of the spider, the humidity must be sufficient to prevent dehydration. Sometimes the old "skin" is hard to shed, and this leads to wounds and diseases. Often such individuals do not completely shed their cover, which leads to death.

Spider on hand

Domestic spiders in the photo look, though intimidating, but very attractive. Many would like to touch them. It should not be forgotten that this is not a fluffy animal, like a cat or a dog, it is a completely different creature. And you have to treat him right. The spider is taken into the hands only after it has been tamed. Otherwise, this will cause him stress, the house spider will begin to defend and attack.

You need to tame it immediately after purchase. At first, the spider is gently stroked on the back. Over time, he will realize that no one threatens him, he will go to the hand and begin to crawl along it.

Now the main task is to make sure that the tarantula does not run away. Otherwise, he will hide in an unknown direction, and it will be very difficult to find him.

pet escape

Tree spiders are prone to this kind of antics. Main reasons:

  • Opening the terrarium when the spider is not in the nest.
  • When touched, it quickly withdraws its paws.
  • During feeding, the spider makes a throw with its entire body in any direction.
  • Recent molt.
  • The terrarium contains an object too large for lunch.

If the spider has escaped, there is no need to panic. It's best to keep an eye on where he goes. When the spider stops, you should, without delay, cover it with any large container (basin, bowl, pot).

A sheet of thick cardboard is carefully placed under the container. Then the fugitive is transferred to the terrarium.

The tarantula is very beautiful and interesting. It is not difficult to keep him in apartments, but do not forget that this is a poisonous predator, and communication with him will always keep the owners in good shape.

With long curved legs.

Many people experience disgust for these creatures and are afraid of what is supposed to happen.

House spiders don't really cause any problems., so getting rid of them is only so that the room does not look neglected.

There are several types of spiders that thrive indoors and can even provide some benefit.

Varieties of spiders in a human dwelling

House spiders love warm and dry climates, so you can most often find them in the warm seasons of the year.

Several species coexist perfectly next to a person, the most common include:

    • Spider - haymaker also known by other names - a window spider or a long-legged spider. The body of a spider consists of an oval or rounded abdomen up to 1 cm in length and six or eight legs, which are the most remarkable part of the body - their length sometimes reaches 5 cm. erratic nets for their prey. Small insects, once in the web, begin to flutter, get even more confused, and the spider guarding them injects poison into the body with a paralyzing effect on the body and feeds on the victim or leaves it for the future.

      In apartments, the haymaker spider likes to settle near windows and in dark corners, prefers to hang upside down and seeing the approaching large insect tries to prevent it from falling into the network, begins to swing it;

    • Black and gray house spiders they differ in much smaller sizes of the entire body and legs. Basically, the total body length is 14 or slightly more than millimeters. These subspecies of domestic spiders weave a web in the form of a pipe, and after the victim is caught, they restore it, so the entire network can be a complex system. In the web of gray and black domestic spiders, the female remains mainly to wait for the victim;

Other species of domestic spiders can also live near humans, but they are so rare that they are practically not studied.

Therefore, domestic spiders are a kind of indicator of the cleanliness of the home.

Old people advise not to touch the only spider in the apartment - they say that such a cohabitant will certainly contribute to the flow of money and give good luck.

But it is unlikely that anyone will remain indifferent to the huge accumulation of moving spiders, therefore several types of struggle with domestic "pets" are effectively used.

    1. if there are a lot of spiders in the dwelling, then they are already laid a clutch of eggs, which can be found on the back walls of furniture or in other places hidden from the human eye;
    1. necessary find out if there are other small insects in the house being food for spiders. Their destruction will also lead to the fact that domestic spiders will leave a home that is not hospitable to them;
  1. brownies spiders can't stand the smell of paint and lime therefore, repairs in the apartment and sealing all the cracks are the main way to deal with arachnid inhabitants.

Constant cleaning in the premises, removal of accumulated dust, cobwebs prevents the appearance of spiders with huge paws in the apartment.

You should not be afraid of spiders, but you need to get rid of them, especially if there are small children in the house - kids are often very scared of such inhabitants.

What types of house spiders exist and why are they dangerous?

Often in the dwelling of a person you can see a spider moving along the walls, ceiling, or simply sitting in the corners with long bent legs.

Many people are squeamish about these creatures and fear the perceived health hazards of their bites.

House spiders don't really cause any problems.. therefore, it is worth getting rid of them only so that the room does not look neglected.

There are several types of spiders that thrive indoors and can even provide some benefit.

Find out what are the main symptoms of pubic lice. the most common ways of contracting the disease and methods of treatment.

What are the dangers of malaria mosquitoes can be found in detail here.

Varieties of spiders in a human dwelling

House spiders love warm and dry climates, so you can most often find them in the warm seasons of the year.

Several species coexist perfectly next to a person, the most common include:

  • Spider - haymaker is also known under other names - window spider or centipede.

The body of the spider consists of an oval or rounded abdomen up to 1 cm in length and six or eight legs, which are the most remarkable part of the body - their length sometimes reaches 5 cm.

The haymaker in the corners of the apartment arranges chaotic nets for his prey. Small insects, once in the web, begin to flutter, get even more confused, and the spider guarding them injects poison into the body with a paralyzing effect on the body and feeds on the victim or leaves it for the future.

In apartments, the haymaker spider likes to settle near windows and in dark corners, prefers to hang upside down and, seeing a large insect approaching, tries to prevent it from getting into the net, begins to swing it;

  • Black and gray house spiders differ in much smaller sizes of the entire body and legs.

    Basically, the total body length is 14 or slightly more millimeters. These subspecies of domestic spiders weave a web in the form of a pipe, and after the victim is caught, they restore it, so the entire network can be a complex system.

    In the web of gray and black domestic spiders, the female remains mainly to wait for the victim;

  • Sometimes the house can get through open windows or door spiders - tramps.

    They also have long legs and an elongated body, their main difference is the absence of a web - they simply do not need it.

    Spider is a tramp rushes at its prey with a sharp swift jump. injects poison, devours prey and migrates further, not lingering for a long time in the apartment.

    The poison of spiders living in our climate - vagrants is harmless to humans, but in hot countries such spiders, or rather the secret of their oral glands, is considered dangerous for people and can lead to skin inflammation and general poisoning.

  • Other species of domestic spiders can also live near humans, but they are so rare that they are practically not studied.

    In the summer, many other subspecies of insects weaving webs wander into the premises and outbuildings, but with the advent cold weather they die or hide in a shelter.

    You can learn in detail about which food moth remedy is the most effective from our publication.

    Here you can see what bed bug bites look like.

    Are house spiders dangerous to people?

    House spiders practically do not cause damage to human health. one identified spider can penetrate from the street through the cracks or you yourself bring it into the room on your clothes.

    The bite of a domestic spider is not dangerous for humans - their venom does not cause intoxication or inflammation, but still the impact site needs to be disinfected. using hydrogen peroxide, alcohol wipes or any pharmacy tincture with ethanol.

    This should be of concern a situation in which there is a huge variety and number of spiders. most likely in your apartment lives the ideal food for them - bedbugs. cockroaches. flies.

    Therefore, domestic spiders are a kind of indicator of the cleanliness of the home.

    Old people advise not to touch the only spider in the apartment - they say that such a cohabitant will certainly contribute to the flow of money and give good luck.

    But it is unlikely that anyone will remain indifferent to the huge accumulation of moving spiders, therefore several types of struggle with domestic "pets" are effectively used.

    1. First of all, it is necessary get rid of the web. many advise you to do this with a vacuum cleaner, but in this case you will have to immediately empty the bin, otherwise the spider will get out of the device and again find a secluded corner.

    It is more convenient to collect the web with a broom, but this must be done carefully, trying to confuse and not release the owner of the network himself. A caught spider can be shaken out into the street or flushed down the toilet;

  • if there are a lot of spiders in the dwelling, then they are already laid a clutch of eggs. which can be found on the back walls of furniture or in other places hidden from the human eye;
  • necessary find out if there are other small insects in the house being food for spiders. Their destruction will also lead to the fact that domestic spiders will leave a home that is not hospitable to them;
  • brownies spiders can't stand the smell of paint and lime. therefore, repairs in the apartment and sealing all the cracks are the main way to deal with arachnid inhabitants.
  • Constant cleaning in the premises, removal of accumulated dust, cobwebs prevents the appearance of spiders with huge paws in the apartment.

    You should not be afraid of spiders, but you need to get rid of them. especially if there are small children in the house - kids are often very scared of such inhabitants.

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    Spiders are pets

    What kind of exotic pets are not kept at home by our compatriots. Not so long ago, we talked at home, and today we invite you to talk about domestic spiders. No, not those who live in the corners of negligent housewives who have forgotten that it is necessary to periodically sweep away cobwebs, but about the most full-fledged pets. By the way, those who keep spiders claim that such a pet is just a godsend for a lazy owner who wants to have a “friend” and not particularly bother with the responsibilities of caring for such a friend. But, about everything - or rather about domestic spiders - in order ...

    Benefits of keeping house spiders

    Are you short on time and don't always have time to cook your own breakfast – let alone prepare food for your pet? Are you not too fond of all sorts of complexities associated with pet care procedures - walking, bathing, participating in exhibitions? You are not an oligarch, so you cannot afford to spend more on your pet every month than you spend on yourself? Is your living space intended exclusively for you, since the square meters in it are strictly calculated? Have you never had pets before?

    Well, in all these cases, if you suddenly decide to get a pet - a pet spider is the best contender for this role. Caring for him does not take much time, and it seems that you don’t even need to take special care of the spider, financially you will not expect big expenses, such a home spider will not make you make room, and even if you have no idea how to approach it - after reading our publication, you can consider yourself a beginner spider scientist, and have such a creature in your home.

    We do not exclude the possibility that it is possible that not everything will work out right away for you, in the end - the spider, unfortunately, may die. But, if you find your mistakes in the approach to its content, and eliminate them, then, be sure - your next home spider will live a long and happy life to your joy. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to admire the process of turning a tiny gray spider (as you bought it) into a bright and spectacular handsome man, which he will become a few months after appearing in your house. Moreover, after each molt, he will become more beautiful and larger. This sight is worth it to learn how to care for a spider at home.

    What kind of spider can be kept at home

    As you understand, ordinary pigtail spiders are not very suitable for keeping at home. And here are the best contenders for this role. They are considered to be the largest spiders on Earth, and they include more than 1500 species, which in turn are divided into 9 families. Live in natural conditions such spiders in the southern and warm countries. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that most of them are ... poisonous. You may not die from their bite, but the strongest intoxication of the body will be guaranteed to you. True, like most animals, tarantula spiders never attack first - therefore, this fact is a little comforting.

    If you are thinking about which spider to choose as a pet, we would recommend that you pay attention to initial stage(since you are still new to this business) on small and easy-to-care and maintenance spiders such as Brachypelma albopilosum, Brachypelma vagans. With these two types, you should not have any problems. Well, if you feel like a specialist in the field of spider science, then you can start more rare and expensive views spiders.

    How to choose a healthy spider

    spider terrarium

    A small spider, regardless of its type, is best kept in a plastic, hermetically sealed container of a suitable size for it. While your home spider is a baby, it is better to refuse a huge terrarium and its decorative elements. A spider can simply get lost there, get scared and not find water and food for itself. Yes, and you may not notice the crumbs among the stones and plants. But, when your home spider grows up, it will be appropriate for him to pick up a large capacity. However, remember tarantula spiders do not tolerate neighbors and ... eat them, because by their nature they are cannibals. So getting a couple of spiders is not worth it. And, if you did it, because you wanted to continue breeding these creatures, you will have to keep them in separate terrariums.

    This applies to both adults and babies - it's better not to risk it.

    How to set up a terrarium for a house spider

    At the bottom of such a glass or plastic terrarium, it is necessary to place a substrate - filtered paper can play its role. And, if there is none - an ordinary white dressing room. But, here it is strictly forbidden to use colored paper, due to the presence of dyes in it. Also, as a substrate, you can take sphagnum, peat, ready-made substrate from coconut fibers or vermiculite. Make sure that such a substrate is moderately moist and, if necessary, moisten it.

    Humidity in the terrarium

    Depending on the species of your spider, you will need to create a comfortable level of humidity for it. So, forest tropical spiders feel good at an indicator of 75-90%, while desert-shrub spiders prefer drier air, and the humidity indicator for them should not exceed 75%. For additional humidification of the air, you can put small containers of water in the terrarium for large spiders. But for small spiders it is better not to use them so that insects do not drown themselves in such a pool inadvertently.

    Well, you can control the humidity indicator and regulate it with maximum accuracy if you purchase such a special device as a hygrometer.

    Why is it so important to keep your spider at the right level of humidity? Yes, because if the air is too dry, the spider can start to get sick, its molting cycles can go astray. And, here's an excess of moisture can also lead to the development of mold, fungal diseases.
    By the way, be sure to keep your spider drinking. It is better to let him be left without supper (although not a way out) than he will be left without water.

    Temperature in the terrarium

    Spiders are heat-loving creatures. Therefore, take care that they constantly remain in such temperature range like 22-28 degrees above zero Celsius. A short-term decrease in temperature is allowed (but not lower than 15 degrees Celsius), however, it is still not worth abusing such temperature jumps. A decrease in temperature indicators is especially dangerous for well-fed spiders, and spiders during molting - insects can suffer from the processes of food decay in their stomach that have begun.

    If the room in which the terrarium with the spider is installed is not warm, take care of additional heating of the terrarium using a thermal cord or a thermal mat. However, constantly monitor their temperature so as not to overheat the house spider.

    Terrarium lighting

    Spiders, like many other insects, are nocturnal inhabitants, so they do not need additional lighting either day or night. Enough of your room light so that you can observe your such an exotic pet. In no case should you direct the light of the lamp at the spider or place the terrarium under direct sunbeams. This way you can destroy the creation.

    Decorative elements for the terrarium

    When your spider becomes large enough to move into a large terrarium, be sure to take care of the decorative elements of its interior. Beautiful and large stones, an empty coconut shell, a fragment of a flower clay pot, bamboo stalks, dry branches and even a skull model - all this will decorate the landscape of the terrarium and serve as a refuge for the spider. Just make sure that the decorative elements of the terrarium do not injure your pet, therefore, they should not have sharp corners and cutting ends.

    You can also plant a real botanical garden at the spider in his house by planting aloe, gasteria there.

    Depending on which tarantula you have - there are terrestrial and tree spiders that need a vertical type of terrarium - make sure you provide your little ones with the accessories they need.

    Terrarium safety

    Since spiders can climb both the walls and the lid of the terrarium, you need to take care that the terrarium is tightly sealed with a securely fitting lid so that your pet does not escape. However, make sure that there are perforations in the lid - small holes for air ventilation. True, their dimensions should be such that the spider does not escape.

    What to feed house spiders

    Despite the fact that your domestic spiders are completely domesticated creatures, they are predators, so they feed on living organisms. Small spiders eat cockroaches and crickets, but large ones can eat both mice and frogs. You can also try giving a piece of lean meat or squid fillet. However, the latter types of food are not very natural for the spider, therefore, from such a diet, they can start to get sick in the future. So, what is best is what they eat in nature.

    As for the size of the portions, then, they should be 1/3 of the volume of the spider itself.

    How often to feed spiders?

    The frequency of feeding spiders depends on their age. So, if you have a young domestic spider, you need to feed it several times a week. Whereas an adult spider can be fed several times a month. By the way, it is not uncommon for adult spiders to go on hunger strikes - you should not be afraid of this - the spider either overate the day before, or is preparing to molt, or in your terrarium low temperature air, and he prepares for hibernation.

    What to do if the spider refuses food

    What to do if you find yourself in a situation where your pet refuses both the cricket and the mouse? In this case, for starters, you need to remove his "lunch" from the terrarium in order to prevent the situation when the spider becomes a victim of his dinner, and only then start finding out the reasons for this situation.

    Spider care accessories

    You need, in addition to the terrarium and its filling, to purchase tweezers with which you will serve food to the spider or remove its remains, a brush, a plastic tightly closed box that you will use when your home spider needs to be temporarily isolated.

    Can you pick up house spiders?

    Without special need, it is better to refuse such close contact, especially with a small spider. In order not to harm the insect, and not to suffer from it yourself. If you still need to get the spider out of the terrarium - carefully take it with two (thumb and forefinger) fingers by the cephalothorax, between the 2nd and 3rd pair of legs. However, do not lose your vigilance - the spider may escape from your hands or even bite you. In the case of the first situation - escape, do not try to catch the spider with your hands - you will only crush it like that, it's better to just freeze. The lack of movement and chase will encourage the spider to stop, and when it freezes, you will cover it from above glass jar or plastic container. True, be as careful as possible so as not to press his paw or abdomen.

    If the spider still escaped, try to look for it in tight crevices, behind furniture and between it, given that the terrestrial type of spiders will be closer to the ground, and the arboreal one will try to climb up.

    In addition to the fact that the spider can bite you, it can also "poison" you. Turning his back to you, he will begin to comb the hairs with his paws. Make sure that they do not get on your body, as in this case you will be provided with a few hours of itching.

    - these are animals that since ancient times have caused both interest and fear in people. Each spider is interesting for its unique features of living, obtaining food, and reproduction.

    In this article, we will cover these topics, consider the causes of the appearance of cobwebs in our homes and study effective ways breeding spiders.

    A little about spiders

    Today on our planet there is about 40 thousand species of spiders. Only a few of them live in Russia. Most of them live in open nature, but quite often appear in people's homes.

    In fact, only a few species can live indoors. Spiders and cobwebs in the house often scare people, and you should understand that these arthropods are not interested in people, they are afraid of them and will never attack first.

    Tired of pest control?

    Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

    Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

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    Black and white house spiders

    The most common domestic spider species are:

    • haymaker, which has a small body and very long legs, reaching a length of 5 cm.
    • Gray house spider.
    • Tramp.
    • Black house spider. They live in the house and weave a tubular web in the corners, which is a serious trap for its victims. They are quite large in size, their length is about 13 mm. They bite a person extremely rarely, but if this happens, it is very unpleasant and painful, since it can cause such consequences as allergies, swelling, vomiting, dizziness and general malaise of the bitten.
    • white spiders there are various kinds, and live in various countries. So, for example, in the southern part of Russia, as well as in the countries of the Middle East, you can meet Karakut. In Africa lives " white lady". AT North America, southern Europe, Japan and Russia is found " flower spider» white. White spiders are rarely found in the house, they usually live in nature, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest, and their bite is the most dangerous for humans, and can even be fatal.

    Many spider lovers keep them on purpose to add an exotic touch to their home, and they can also be classified as domestic. The most famous white spider among such pets is white-haired tarantula.

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    What do spiders look like?

    Each type of spider looks unique. Exotic spiders that live in terrariums tend to catch the eye with their impressive size, fleecy surface and bright colors.

    Domestic spiders look more modest:

    • So, for example, a haymaker spider has a small body and very long legs, reaching a length of 5 cm.
    • Black spiders - black or dark gray, about 13 mm in size.
    • Gray spiders are very similar to black ones, having the same dimensions.
    • Tramp spider - brown and light brown having an elongated abdomen and long legs.

    Many species of spiders differ in their speed of movement, web, search for food, appearance, but the number of paws is the same for everyone - there are 8 of them.

    The limbs of spiders differ in size and cover, but their main functions are inherent in all types of arthropods:

    1. Legs are the means of transportation for spiders. Someone has the ability to move by jumping, someone uses lateral walking, someone runs on water, and some change locations by stomping loudly.
    2. The limbs are carriers of many receptors: smell, touch, balance. They help spiders recognize danger, find food.
    3. The function of the paws is to weave a web. Thanks to this ability, spiders have the opportunity to get food.
    4. Spider parents with tentacles hold and move their cocoon to another place. It is for these purposes that spiders have such a large number of limbs that simultaneously serve them as hands, nose, eyesight, and even the so-called "sixth sense".

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    Types of spiders in Russia

    There are quite a few varieties of spiders in Russia, the most common among them are:

    1. Serebryanka- this is the only species that lives on the water and under it. The habitat is swampy water bodies of Russia. Refers to poisonous spiders.
    2. Spider-cross living in temperate climates, on the grass and branches of bushes and trees. It has a cross-shaped pattern at the top of the abdomen. Not dangerous to humans.
    3. South Russian tarantula- lives in the semi-desert and steppe regions of Russia, lives in burrows. It is a poisonous and dangerous species of spiders for humans.
    4. house spiders living closely with a person and safe for him. Weave a web in the most inconspicuous corners of the room.
    5. Spider knitter, which has the ability to disguise itself and become invisible. Refers to non-poisonous representatives of arachnids.
    6. jumping spider- jumping small spider. It has the ability to climb glass and capture its prey without the help of a web.
    7. H black widow (karakut)- the most dangerous type of spider for humans. Lives in the Astrakhan and Orenburg regions, as well as in the North Caucasus.

    Are spiders insects or animals?

    Many people are interested in this question, some people believe that spiders are insects, however, this is not so.

    Spiders belong to the class Arachnida and belong to a species of animal, not insects, despite the incredible resemblance to the latter. Arachnids were born 300 million years before insects.

    Both of these species have formed separate classes, which have clear differences:

    • Insects: have 6 legs, belong to the class of insects such as arthropods, for the most part they are omnivorous creatures. The main divisions of the structure of insects: head, chest, abdomen, wings.
    • Spiders have 8 legs, belong to the class arachnid type arthropods, very selective in food, born hunters. It consists of only two sections - the abdomen, from which the legs grow, and the cephalothorax, on which the oral apparatus spider. Has the ability to weave a web.

    What do spiders eat?

    Spiders, despite their small size, consume a large amount of food, however, they may not eat. for a long time- from a month to a year. An interesting fact is that in a year the mass of food eaten by spiders exceeds the amount of food consumed by all people in the world.

    Each species of spider has its own ways of obtaining food:

    1. Creating traps using web weaving. Caught prey is processed by digestive juice, corroding it from the inside, after which the spider swallows it.
    2. Search for food by spitting out sticky saliva, which allows you to attract food to yourself.

    What do spiders eat:

    1. The main diet of both street and domestic spiders are insects. Spiders in a private house feed on flies, mosquitoes, crickets, butterflies, mealworms, cockroaches, grasshoppers, woodlice larvae. Read the answer to the question for more details.
    2. Spiders living in burrows or on the surface of the soil love to feast on beetles, orthopterans, and even snails and earthworms.
    3. Some species hunt at night. So, for example, the queen spider creates a trap for moths at night.
    4. Exotic spiders, due to their impressive size, choose for themselves more big booty. So, tarantulas prefer to hunt frogs, lizards, other spiders, mice, and even small birds. And the Brazilian tarantula is able to catch and eat medium-sized snakes and snakes.
    5. Spiders living on the water catch tadpoles, small fish or midges floating on the surface of the water with the help of a web.
    6. Some spiders use vegetable world: pollen, plant leaves, cereal grains.

    How do spiders give birth?

    By nature, sexually mature males differ significantly from females in their small size, bright colors, and short life span. They are found in nature, as a rule, they are much rarer.

    In some species of spiders, males are not found at all. It's believed that the female spider has the ability to develop eggs virgin, therefore, can breed offspring without even being fertilized.

    The male independently fills the genitals with sperm and goes in search of the female. Some species of spiders bring a gift to the "lady of the heart" - an insect, as attention and approval by her. Males try their best to care so as not to be eaten by the female. They perform a wedding dance - the rhythmic movement of their paws along their own web.

    Some types of spiders fight on the female's web, while others mate with males. Many males, in order to avoid the threat from the female, mate at the moment she has experienced a molt, while she is still helpless. Indeed, often a fertilized spider strives to eat its partner. Sometimes the male manages to escape.

    Some types of spiders create families: they live in the same nest, raise offspring, share prey. There are cuckoo spiders that toss their cocoons into the nests of other relatives.

    The female spider can breed at a time up to 200,000 children. Such incredibly large offspring can bring both large and very tiny species of spiders. Spider eggs go through two molts before reaching the adult stage.

    An interesting fact is that spiders have the ability to independently cause their birth in the case of sick or weak offspring.

    How long do spiders live?

    The life expectancy of spiders depends primarily on their species. Most spiders have many enemies and rarely live to a natural death.

    Spider lifespan:

    • So, some live only a couple of months, while others can live for several years. Moreover, about six months is spent on the egg stage.
    • The life cycle of males ends much faster than the cycle of spiders. Subject to comfortable living, males live only two years, but females can live up to ten years.

    There are also such records:

    • Some female tarantulas can live for over twenty years.
    • Spiders of the genus Sicarius living in South America and Africa can live up to 15 years.
    • Some tarantulas can live twenty years.
    • It is clear that spider species that are pets of humans and live in captivity have a longer life. History knows cases when such spiders lived up to thirty years.

    Are house spiders dangerous to humans?

    All spiders are naturally venomous, but the dose of venom from domestic spiders is not significant for humans. Therefore, in case of a bite, which is extremely rare, you just need to treat this place with an antiseptic. They can be dangerous only for people suffering from arachnophobia (fear of arachnids).

    There are benefits from several individuals living in an apartment, because they destroy insects, which, as a rule, cause discomfort and pose a danger to people. Of course, if spiders are found on every corner, this creates a feeling of aesthetic rejection and unsanitary conditions in the house, so they should be removed.

    How to get rid of spiders in the house?

    In order to completely forget about the spiders in your apartment, you must use the following measures to combat spiders:

    1. Create a clean living environment. Spiders are very afraid of cleanliness, so regular and thorough cleaning of the premises can bring out such tenants. Special attention should be given to the most secluded corners: the back walls of furniture, the bottom of the beds, the ceiling and walls.
    2. Use special preparations from spiders: aerosols, crayons, gels, as well as ultrasonic. Such chemicals as Butox-50, Tarax, Neoron have proven themselves well.
    3. Make repairs in the house. Spiders cannot stand the smell of wallpaper paste, paint and whitewash.
    4. Use folk remedies , they are safer and proven over the years. The best-known remedy for spiders is crushed hazelnuts, chestnut and orange, which must be spread in all corners of the house. The smell of these fruits is unbearable for spiders.
    5. Limit the access of spiders to your apartment: cover all cracks and cracks around windows and doors, check the window mesh, walls, sewers for holes, and eliminate them.
    6. It is necessary to call the appropriate specialists, if they are unable to cope with the invasion of spiders.

    It must be remembered that the most effective method destruction is complex.

    Causes of spiders in the house

    Spiders are very voracious animals. None of them will choose their place of residence where there is no food for them.

    Therefore, before taking out such tenants, it is necessary to figure out where the spiders come from:

    1. There are a lot of insects in your apartment: midges, cockroaches, ants, flies, mosquitoes.
    2. Accessibility to the entrance. Through open windows, small cracks, flowers brought from the street, not only spiders themselves, but also insects, which these eight-legged people love so much, can get into your house.
    3. Warm temperature in the house. In autumn, spiders from the street look for a warmer place to live.
    4. Favorable humidity level.

    Spider signs

    Since ancient times, it has been believed that spiders have the ability to bring good or bad news. Almost every action performed by a spider, or the events in which a person met with him, have their own explanations in folk signs.

    Spider notes:

    • Spider on the street. If you meet a spider in the morning, failure awaits you, in the evening - good news. Caught in a web - expect trouble.
    • Spider in the house. We saw a spider in your house - a good omen, it will help you get rid of bad thoughts and avoid quarrels. If the spider runs on the table or floor, this is a move.
    • Where does it move. Creeps towards you - to profit, creeps away from you - to loss.
    • How it moves. If the spider descended on the web from the ceiling - expect an unexpected guest. A spider crawling up notifies you of good news. If a spider has landed on a person’s head, a gift should be expected, on the hand - for money.
    • Spiders and weather. If the spider folds its cobweb - to rain, hook the web with its face - to clear weather. If you see a spider weaving a web, then the weather will change.

    Bad omens about spiders:

    • Crushing a spider is a deprivation of luck and health, which is why you can’t kill spiders.
    • If the spider descends the wall - to an imminent loss.
    • If the newlyweds met a spider - unfortunately in marriage.
    • If a girl saw a web above the door - to the betrayal of her partner.
    • The web near the icons - to the bad news.

    If the meeting with the spider still upsets you, you should not be offended by it, since it is just a messenger of upcoming events.


    There is a variety of types of spiders, but we can only meet a few of them in everyday life.

    Spiders feed on insects, so if they are wound up in your home or garden, do not despair, as they can save you from annoying ants, bugs, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches. In addition, these arthropods may bring you some news.

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