How Vanga lost her sight. Who is vanga

Tourism and rest 20.07.2020
Tourism and rest

    Since childhood, I remember how my mother told me about an unusual woman from Bulgaria named Vanga, who could predict the future.

    Once she was an ordinary little girl, but at the age of 12 Vanga got into a hurricane, she was picked up by a tornado and lifted into the air. Only in the evening, relatives found the girl among the debris and uprooted trees. Her eyes were covered with sand and hurt, the doctors could not help the victim and she became completely blind.

    But since that time Vanga could see something inaccessible to other people. When a sheep was stolen from her father, the girl said that she should look for a neighbor. The sheep was right there.

    when she was walking through the woods, she was caught by a rapist, mocked and gouged out her eyes, this is according to the materials of the criminal case, but they made a different version for business

    The main version, according to which the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga went blind, is sand getting into her eyes during strong hurricane. At that moment, Vanga was still very young, she was only 12 years old. Violation of vision (blindness) has since remained forever.

    As I heard and read it myself:

    When Vangelia was still a very young girl, she fell into a terrible hurricane. The wind lifted her to a height, and the sand got into her eyes. Thus causing damage to the eyes. Surprisingly, after this incident, Vanga had a mysterious gift of foresight.

    You can read more about the life of a clairvoyant on Wikipedia..

    I have heard two versions. One that her family told: one day, as the 12th girl, she was in the woods and she was hit by a hurricane, waking up she was already blind.

    And the second, according to the criminal case, a maniac attacked her and gouged out her eyes.

    Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, aka Vanga, a very famous clairvoyant, lost her sight while still a young 12-year-old girl. It happened in Macedonia, in the village of Novo Selo, at that age she fell under a strong hurricane, as a result of which she was thrown away so much that they found her only in the evening.

    When Vanga was found, her eyes were beaten with sand, so hard that she soon practically stopped seeing. Her father could not pay for the treatment and Vangelia became blind, having lost the gift of seeing forever, but in return she gained a new one!

    I once read for a long time that Vanga went blind from the fact that sand got into her eyes during a hurricane. Since she got lost during it, it was not possible to extract the sand in time and she became blind. At least that's the information I know.

    Many people know the world-famous prophetess Vanga, but some were lucky to actually test her abilities and help in life, Vanga herself told the cause of blindness: being a 12-year-old girl, walking around the village with fear, she got into a hurricane.

    According to available information, when Vanga was 12 years old, she once walked with her cousins ​​and got caught in a hurricane. A swirling whirlwind picked it up and threw it far away. They found him in the evening, but his eyes were filled with sand.

    In 1923, the family moved to Novo Selo, to his brother Pande Kostadin. He got rich, married favorably, but did not acquire happiness: he had no children. When Kostadin realized how difficult the situation was for his brother's family, he decided to invite him to his place in order to look after the cattle together and so that his loved ones would not starve in Strumica. The father and wife agreed.

    started new life. As the oldest, 12-year-old Vanga had a serious duty: every day to drive the donkey to the pen outside the village, and from there to carry two cans of milk home on it.

    One summer day, she was returning to the village with her two cousins, the girls decided to go and get drunk from the Khanskaya cheshma spring.

    The most common opinion about Wang is the events that took place in his youth.

    When she was 12 years old, according to her acquaintances, she got into a hurricane, after which she woke up already blind, and her eyes were washed down with sand.

Great Vanga, whose life and work is dedicated to the project on the Domashny TV channel, easily talked about the future, but there are many dark spots in her past. And one of them is a version of how the seer lost her sight and gained her gift.

AT official biography Wangi, compiled on the basis of her memoirs, says that the seer lost her sight as a result of a tornado. In the summer of 1923, when the girl was 12 years old, she returned to the village of Novo Selo with her two cousins. Suddenly a storm started. Vanga's niece Krasimira Stoyanova She said: “Suddenly a hurricane hit. The sky darkened, a terrible wind rose, which broke the thick branches of trees and carried them along with dust above the ground. A huge column of dust rose from the earth to the sky. The girls were dumbfounded with horror. The wind lifted Vanga and dragged it into an open field for two kilometers. Vanga was found a few hours later, under the rubble of branches and sand. Her eyes were seriously injured - sand dust damaged the mucous membrane. Vanga was treated for a long time, but nothing helped, and by the age of 14 the girl was blind.

For many years this version was the only one. But it is not supported by meteorological or any other records of natural anomalies that time.

A few years ago, a Bulgarian journalist Svyatoslav Todorkov made a request to meteorological service- whether there were any natural disasters, tornadoes or strong winds in the area where Vanga lived since 1900. She was answered: "No." There are no such tornadoes in southern Europe that are capable of lifting a person and carrying him for several kilometers. To lift a child, the wind speed must be at least 180 km / h. For more than 250 years of observations in the Balkans, such phenomena have never been recorded.

Todorkova managed to find police reports for 1923. And among other papers, there is a protocol stating that a few kilometers from the village of Novo Selo, locals found a girl who looked to be at least 12 years old. She was unconscious. The doctor who conducted the examination at the station found out that the girl had been raped. Moreover, the criminals gouged out her eyes. The report does not include the name of the victim. But there are many similarities. Svyatoslav Todorkova is sure that the girl referred to in the protocol is Vanga. And, according to the journalist, the story of the tornado is just a family legend.

Historians say that at that time, a girl who was abused was usually sent to a monastery. Like, the victim is no less guilty than the perpetrator. It is possible that Vanga's parents decided that it is much easier to marry a blind girl than one who has lost her innocence.

However, both versions - both with a tornado and with rape - look implausible. Bulgaria is not Kansas - there are no such tornadoes. In addition, where everything is known about everyone. Therefore, the story of the rapist would have leaked out sooner or later.

There is a more real version. Historians who studied church books in the parish of Novo Selo found out that local residents were collecting money for the treatment of a certain girl. She suffered from an illness that only doctors in the capital could cure. This girl turned out to be Vanga, and her father every Sunday service begged the parishioners for money for his daughter's treatment. Indeed, Vanga was rapidly losing her sight, and she urgently needed an operation. The collected funds were only enough for therapeutic treatment. The operation required much more.

Now, experts who have studied the archives and the description of little Vanga's illness have come to the conclusion that it was progressive glaucoma. At that time, she could be cured, but a dangerous and expensive operation was required. At first, Vanga saw, as it were, through a thin white curtain. Then it got tighter and tighter. Until, by the age of 14, the girl plunged into complete darkness.

See the project

Show a person who would not know who Vanga is. Also, everyone knows that the great soothsayer was completely blind. However, blindness did not prevent the Bulgarian soothsayer from “seeing” the world, moreover, from seeing what is inaccessible to anyone else. She knew our future and predicted many global events. She said that her burden was unbearable. But do you know how Vangelia lost her sight?

This is how the name given to Vanga at baptism is translated from Macedonian. And who would have known then, in 1911, that a premature girl who could not even squeak from weakness would fully justify her name, become the most famous soothsayer on earth and presidents and kings would strive for an audience with her!

The child was born with physical abnormalities - fused fingers and attached earlobes. The parents of the tiny baby did not give a name for two months, being sure that he would not survive. However, God was pleased that the strange girl remained on this earth.

Finger of God or just a whirlwind?

According to the famous blind woman, she was deprived of her eyes by a tornado. Teenagers were walking in a field and suddenly noticed a strange single dark cloud in a cloudless sky. It approached, carrying with it strong wind bending thin trees to the ground and raising clouds of sand. All around suddenly darkened, cold wind suddenly spun like a corkscrew, coming closer and closer to the children, and covered Vanga in a terrible whirl. The girl was torn off the ground, spun in the air and thrown back to the ground with force. She only had time to feel as if someone's hand touched her head, and consciousness left Vanga.

When Vanga came to her senses and tried to open her eyes, it seemed to her that a thousand grains of sand had stuck into her eyeballs. So they brought her home with her eyes closed. The local paramedic said to immediately go to the city and do the operation. But my father did not have money for a trip and treatment. The whole village collected money, a huge sum of 500 leva was needed by those standards. The money could not be collected, and Vangelia began to rapidly lose her sight. Finally, the world faded in her eyes 4 years after the incident.

Life in the dark

The blind girl was sent to an orphanage for the poor like her. But, oddly enough, the years spent in the shelter became for Vanga the happiest in life. She was there on an equal footing, met friends, learned to sew and embroider, grow vegetables and set the table. In the orphanage, Vanga even found her first and only (as she later admitted) love! A blind young man also became her chosen one. Young people were preparing for the wedding and were extremely happy. But fate, through the hands of Vanga's father, prepared her own path for the future clairvoyant: Vangelia's stepmother died in childbirth and the girl had to return to her father's poor house and run the household.

Hard times have begun again. Once Vanga caught a bad cold, standing barefoot on the cement floor in line for benefits, and took to her bed. Everyone thought that she would not get up. But everything was just beginning...

God's Gift: Reward or Cross?

Unexpectedly for everyone, Vanga went on the mend. And then people began to notice oddities in her behavior. She stopped sleeping - almost a year passed insomnia. She began to guess events. She predicted the start of the war on April 6, 1941, when the Germans invaded Yugoslavia. She sometimes spoke in an unfamiliar male voice, while falling into a frightening trance.

Vangelia was frightened by what was happening to her. She didn't want to know when her neighbors would die, she didn't want to see her future either. But the wheel has turned. People, having learned about her gift, rushed to the small house in crowds. Vanga became first a local celebrity, and then a world one.

Georgy Lozanov, a Bulgarian scientist who studied the phenomenon of Vanga, wrote that he counted more than 7,000 predictions that came true.

Vanga almost refused to accept anyone, except for those who came just to be curious. But the fact is known that she drove Kashpirovsky and Chumak from the threshold, declaring them scammers.

Of Vanga's most famous predictions:

  • Accurately predicted the beginning, course and end of World War II. The fact of Vanga's communication with Hitler is striking, to whom she directly said: "Do not touch the Soviets, you will still lose this war."
  • She predicted the assassination attempt on the American president in 1963. It turned out to be John Kennedy.
  • Revolt in Czechoslovakia.
  • Assassination attempt on Robert Kennedy.
  • Death of Indira Gandhi.
  • The collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • The death of the submarine "Kursk". In this regard, in 1979, she uttered an incomprehensible phrase: "Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will grieve." In Russia they were alarmed, thinking that we are talking about the city of Kursk, and only 21 years later, in August 2000, did they understand what kind of Kursk they were talking about.

“The most informed grandmother on the planet” left this imperfect world, in which she suffered so much, on August 10, 1996. By the way, a month before that, they say, she accurately predicted what day she would leave.

The world famous psychic and soothsayer Vanga had a unique gift of foresight. Legends circulate about her life, fate and prophecies, films are made, novels and entire books are written, and countless people walk the earth healed and saved by her gift (by the way, there are many privileged and titled people among them).

Was Vanga sighted or blind at birth, how did she get unusual abilities, and what famous predictions did she leave behind for humanity - these are the main questions that interest many people around the world. Read on when and how Vanga lived (the biography of the soothsayer in expanded form is presented in this article).

As Wikipedia states, full name the world-famous soothsayer Vanga - Surcheva Vangelia Pandeva (after marriage she was Gushterova). The life of a woman who became the owner amazing gift as a result of an accident, started in a poor family.

Early childhood and wanderings of Vangelia

Vanga was born into an ordinary Bulgarian family, whose financial situation in the pre-war period was completely deplorable. Her date of birth is 01/31/1911. The appearance of the future prophetess into the world already back in 1911 was very mysterious, because the girl was born at midnight, premature and with some physiological defects. The likelihood that the baby would die was so high that she was not given a name at first.

Only later, when the seven-month-old baby began to grow up and gain strength, they chose a name for her in accordance with the folk custom that is relevant for the inhabitants of the Bulgarian city of Strumitsa ( Ottoman Empire). As expected, on the day of choosing a name, Vanga's grandmother went out onto the porch and asked the first person she met what to name the girl.

The first person they met was a woman who suggested the name Andromache. But it did not suit the grandmother, and she decided to try her luck again by turning to the next passerby. He suggested the name Vangelia. Since its full form was the name of the Gospel (translated from Greek"Ευαγγελία" - "the good news that brought the good news"), they decided to give it to a two-month-old baby to protect it from death and various misfortunes.

Vangelia's father, Pande Surchev, was a simple peasant who fought at the front during the First World War. Mother - Surcheva Paraskeva, in honor of which many years later the temple in the village of Rupite, erected at the expense of Vangelia in 1994, will be named (the temple of Sveta Petka Bulgarska).

The girl Vanga was left alone early in her childhood. Her father, drafted into the ranks of the Bulgarian army, went to the front. When he fought, Vanga's mother died. Until the demobilized father returned, Vanga was brought up and lived in a family of neighbors.

Panda returned when Vangelia was almost 8 years old. At first, he, a grieving widower, and the girl lived together in their old house. But soon Pande married for the second time to one of the beauties of Strumitz, Tanka. In the new composition, the family lived together, but poorly. A few years later, Pande decides to move to his homeland, Macedonia. Since 1923, when young Vangelia was already 12 years old, they began to live in Novo Selo.

How did the girl get the gift?

The move in 1923 will radically affect all subsequent years of Vangelia's life. She will lose her sight, but she will gain something more by starting to predict ...

Many are interested in how blind the gospel is. After moving to Macedonia, one of the beautiful days the girl went with the company to the outskirts of the village. Suddenly, a whirlwind rose, which knocked all the guys to the ground, except Vanga - he picked up the future soothsayer and carried it several hundred meters away. What Vanga said later seemed to many an invention. The victim claimed that, being carried away by the tornado, she felt someone's touch, after which she lost consciousness.

All this happened during the day, but Vanga was found in the evening. She was lying on the ground under a pile of garbage and sand, and there was so much dust in her eyes that they hurt terribly and almost did not open.

To restore his vision, Vanga needed surgical intervention and special medications, for which his parents had no money. As a result, the 12-year-old girl lost her sight, but began to practice clairvoyance, which we will discuss below.

After this tragic incident, Vangelia will live with Pande and Tanka for a couple more years. Later, she will go to a Serbian school in the city of Zemund, where they were engaged in the education and upbringing of people deprived of sight. Little is known about the life of the blind Vanga of those years.

While in the "house of the blind", she mastered the sciences, learned to play the piano and various household skills, even going to get married. But the wedding of Vanga and one of the pupils of the orphanage Dimitra (also deprived of sight) was not destined to take place then. In connection with the death of his stepmother in 1928, Pande recalled Vanga home.

A Blinded Woman Who Could 'See'

Already at home, doing housework and caring for her younger half-brothers and sisters, Vanga tries to make prophecies to her friends. Vanga's first experience of clairvoyance came about in the 30s, when, at the request of her girlfriends, the girl guessed them.

In those days, there was one custom in the Bulgarian villages: several girls gathered and threw one object into a jug, which was placed in the yard at night, so that the next day the girls could find out their fate. The role of the "oracle" - perhaps by chance - always went to Vanga. And she handled it "excellently."

Each time predicting exactly what came true in a few days, she earned herself the fame of a clairvoyant. And since then, she has been approached to tell about the fate of a person.

On the eve of the 30th anniversary, after Vanga suffered pleurisy, an amazing guest appeared to the seer in the guise of a shining wanderer on a white horse. He said that Vanga would soon tell people about death, and told her not to be afraid, as he would tell her the right words. Such a story, told from the words of a seer, would have seemed only an amazing story if Vanga's life had not changed after this incident.

Since 1941, the clairvoyant Vanga began to receive people who wanted to know the fate of those who had gone to war. Often single women entered the door of her house in the hope that Vanga would tell about the fate of their fathers, husbands, and sons who had gone to the front. And no matter how bitter the truth was, Vanga always told everything exactly.

The fact that Vanga predicted in one of the Bulgarian villages also reached the Tsar of Bulgaria, Boris III. And in the spring of 1942 he goes to the blind, famous for her psychic abilities woman for a session. He wanted Vanga to tell him about his death. And allegedly she did this, indicating the exact day and year, as well as describing the exact circumstances of his death. After the visit of such a titled person, the fame of Vanga spread far beyond the state borders.

Since then, the fortune teller began to make prophecies for a variety of people. She worked with ordinary people, but sometimes she also received privileged personalities (political and cultural figures, actors, pop stars and many others). Among the most prominent personalities who made an appointment with Vanga and traveled to Petrich were:

  • Soviet scientist Bekhtereva Natalya Petrovna.
  • The heir of Nicholas Roerich (the famous painter) is Svyatoslav Roerich.
  • Representatives of B.N. Yeltsin and others.

How was her fate

Throughout her life, the soothsayer was distinguished by religiosity. She was proud to belong to Orthodox faith, and in this regard, at first she was afraid of her gift. But, realizing how much good it brings to people, Vanga began to practice, accepting 100 thousand people annually.

By that time, as it was written above, the fortune teller had already become a very famous person, the fame of which spread throughout Bulgaria and beyond.

Hearing about the blind Vanga the prophetess from the Macedonian village, Dimitri Gushterov, a pupil of the Serbian "house of the blind", decided to find his first love. He came to her in 1943, and a year later the couple in love went to Petrich, where the young people got married. But after the wedding, Dimitri had to leave his beloved - he was called to the front.

By what miracle did Dimitri survive and be able to return home to Vanga? According to available information, before leaving for the war, Dimitri received advice and instructions from his newly-made wife. Most likely, guided by the tips of Vanga, he was able to avoid a terrible death and return from the war alive.

But after the front, against the backdrop of worries about the death of his brother and the diseases that pursued him, Gushterov began to gradually become an inveterate drunkard. Neglecting the instructions and requests of his wife Vangelia, Dimitri Gushterov did not stop drinking. As a result, in 1962 he died. The cause of his death, according to doctors, was cirrhosis of the liver.

But all the time, while the husband abused alcohol and dreamed of revenge for his brother who died in the war, Vanga did not stop practicing. She met people who traveled to her from all over the world for advice, tips, problem solving, and even healing.

Which of the predictions of a blind woman at the age of 12 came true? For example, the death of Stalin. Vanga claimed that death would befall the Soviet leader in 1953, in the spring. Vangelia announced her forecast back in 1952. And as soon as the news reached the top of the government of the USSR, it was decided to arrest the clairvoyant.

Having put Vanga in custody without the right to correspond, they planned to keep her in custody for 10 years. But Joseph Stalin did not manage to avoid what was predicted. In March 1953, as stated by the seer, Stalin died. After long deliberations, Vanga was decided to be released from prison. Much later, in 1967, she was even awarded the status of a civil servant, for which she received two hundred leva a month.

In addition to this incident, 85-year-old grandmother Vanga "foretold" her own death. Vanga died a month after she predicted the date of her own death - August 11, 1996 - from an oncological formation in her right breast, categorically refusing the operation. After 3 days, she was buried on the territory of the Temple of St. Paraskeviia, built with her own money.

What Vanga said about Russia, which would become a powerful power uniting many states, brought her considerable fame during her lifetime. But world fame came to the prophetess when Wang told about the end of the world. According to the soothsayer, it will happen in 3797. But by that time, people will be able to invent a new method to preserve the basis of humanity and thereby continue life after death on Earth in a new star system. Author: Elena Suvorova

Vanga (Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova), nee Dimitrova. Born January 31, 1911 in Strumica (Ottoman Empire) - died August 11, 1996 in Sofia (Bulgaria). Bulgarian clairvoyant and soothsayer, healer.

Vangelia Dimitrova, better known as Vanga, was born on January 31, 1911 in the city of Strumitsa (formerly Strumnitsa), which is now located in Macedonia near the border with Bulgaria and Greece, and at that time belonged to the Ottoman Empire.

Her parents were peasants.

Father - Pande Surchev.

Mother - Paraskeva Surcheva.

She received the name in accordance with the Bulgarian folk custom, when they go out into the street and ask the first person they meet. At first, she was offered the name Andromache, but it was rejected by her relatives. And the second counter named the name of Vangelia - translated from Greek (Greek Ευαγγελία) means "good news."

FROM early years She was accustomed to work, distinguished by hard work until the end of her days.

Surprisingly, from an early age, the girl was occupied with a strange game: to look for hidden objects with a blindfold. She also loved to do various things while blindfolded, including playing with dolls. She herself later said that it was a kind of sign from above.

With the outbreak of World War I, Vanga Pande's father was mobilized into the Bulgarian army. Mother died when Vanga was three years old. The girl grew up in a neighbor's house. Returning after the war, the widowed father remarried.

In 1923, Vanga's father lost his land and, due to financial difficulties, the family moved to the village of Novo Selo in Macedonia, where her father was from. There, at the age of 12, Vanga, when she was returning home with her cousins, lost her sight due to a hurricane, during which a whirlwind threw her hundreds of meters. She was found only in the evening, covered with branches and with sand-filled eyes.

There was no money for treatment, as a result, Vanga became blind.

In 1925 she was sent to the House for the Blind in Zemun, Serbia, where she spent three years learning how to cook, play the piano, knit, and read Braille. Due to difficult life circumstances in the family - her stepmother died during the fourth birth - she returned to her father's house in Strumica to help take care of her younger brothers Vasily and Toma, as well as her sister Lyubka.

Vanga first attracted public attention to herself during the Second World War, when a rumor spread around the neighborhood closest to her village that she was endowed with supernatural powers and clairvoyance and could locate people who disappeared in the war, whether they were alive, or places of their death and burial. This was facilitated by the fact that on the eve of 1939, Vanga caught a bad cold when she stood barefoot on a cement floor for several days, waiting for the issuance of benefits for the poor and, being in an emaciated state, she was suddenly able to recover from a severe form of pleurisy.

According to Vanga herself, she owes her abilities to some invisible creatures, the origin of which she was not able to explain. Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, said that Vanga spoke with the souls of the dead or, in the case when the dead could not give an answer, with a kind of inhuman voice. After each such session, Vanga said that “I feel bad, and then I’m like a broken one all day” and “I lose a lot of energy, I feel bad, I’m depressed for a long time.”

In 1941, Vanga was visited for the second time by a certain "mysterious rider", after which she began to manifest supernatural abilities. Vanga's first predictions concerned male front-line soldiers - the girl told her relatives about their whereabouts and foresaw whether they would return home alive or not.

One of the first titled visitors to Vanga was the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris III, who visited her on April 8, 1942.

Vanga had the ability to determine the diseases of people with great accuracy and predict them. further fate. She often referred to healers or doctors who could help these people, and often these healers did not know and spoke about them like this: in such and such a city such and such a person lives.

Vanga was supported by the Minister of Culture of the People's Republic of Bulgaria and a member of the Politburo Central Committee Bulgarian Communist Party Lyudmila Zhivkova - daughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the BKP, Chairman of the State Council People's Republic Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov.

The seer made her predictions on a piece of refined sugar, on which every visitor had to sleep the night before visiting Vanga. Statisticians have calculated that during the time of the clairvoyant's activity, people brought her more than 2 tons of refined sugar, which indicates that she helped more than a million people.

In 1967, she was registered as a civil servant. From that moment on, she began to receive an official salary - 200 leva a month, and a visit to her cost for citizens of socialist states - 10 leva, for citizens of "Western" states - 50 dollars. Up to this point, Vanga received people for free, accepting only various gifts.

For the last 20 years of her life, the woman received visitors in the Bulgarian village of Rupite.

In 1994, at the expense of Vanga, according to the project of the Bulgarian architect Svetlin Rusev, the chapel of St. Paraskeva was built in the village of Rupite. Due to the non-canonicity of both the architecture of the building and the wall images, the chapel was not consecrated by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, therefore, they simply say “temple” about the building, without specifying its affiliation.

Shortly before her death, Vanga announced that the Earth was visited by alien ships from a planet that sounds like Vamphim, “the third one from the planet Earth”, and another civilization is preparing a big event, the meeting with this civilization will take place in 200 years.

Vanga had a good attitude towards theosophy and the teachings of "Living Ethics" by N. K. and E. I. Roerichs. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) cites the testimony of Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, who wrote that at a meeting with the writer L. M. Leonov: “Vanga then had inspiration, and she spoke about fateful events for his country. She made contact with a long-dead clairvoyant of Russian origin - Helena Blavatsky. We really heard amazing things.” Gumerov also cites Stoyanova’s testimony about the visit of Vanga by the son of the Roerichs, Svyatoslav: “When Svyatoslav Roerich visited Vanga, she told him:“ Your father was not just an artist, but also an inspired prophet. All his paintings are insights, predictions. They are encrypted, but attentive and a sensitive heart will tell the viewer the cipher."

Vanga considered the Saint to be a prophet and described his image as in a painting by N. K. Roerich.

Vanga's personal life:

In the House of the Blind in Zemun, she met a blind young man from a wealthy family, she was going to marry him. However, their wedding was upset by her father, who, after the death of her stepmother, forced Vanga to return home to help raise her younger brothers and sister.

In May 1942, Vanga met Dimitar Gushterov, who served in the army, from the village of Kryndzhilitsa in the Petriskaya district. Vanga predicted Dimitar Gushterov, who came to her house to find out the names of his brother's killers, that he was her betrothed. Despite the fact that then he was going to marry the first beauty from his village. But after Vanga's words, he decided to radically change his life, left his bride and married a blind prophetess. Together they moved to Petrich.

Life with the "saint", as Dimitar called his wife, turned out to be simply an unbearable burden for him. And he drank heavily, died in 1962 from cirrhosis of the liver. Vanga was inconsolable and after the death of her husband, she never took off her mourning.

She didn't have her own children. She adopted a boy, Dimitar Volchev, and a girl, Violetta, whom she raised and gave a good education.

Vanga died on August 11, 1996 in Sofia at the Lozinets clinic from cancer of the right breast, refusing treatment and surgery. According to rumors, the clairvoyant accurately predicted her death a month before the incident.

Before her death, she uttered a strange phrase: "The time of miracles will come and the time of great discoveries in the field of the intangible. There will also be great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world from ancient times. It is predestined".

Despite the fact that the woman lived quite modestly, in last years Vanga's fortune was estimated in millions of dollars. After the death of the prophetess, among the property, according to the will of Vanga, which completely departed to the state, there was neither money nor jewelry that grateful people gave her.

In 2011, on the centenary of the birth of Vanga, her statue weighing 400 kilograms was installed in Rupita.

In 2014, Bulgaria solemnly celebrated the 20th anniversary of the opening of the temple (built at the expense of Vanga, the chapel of St. Paraskeva).

Vanga ( documentary)

Vanga - quotes, sayings, thoughts

♦ Ah! - Thomas is unfaithful. Oh, what a great spirit! - I am He. We are He. We are He who goes into the world again, as He promised. All the apostles are now on the move, they all descended to Earth, for the time of the Holy Spirit has already come. But the highest mission fell to the Apostle Andrew. He is the preparer of the ways of Christ in the commanded land.

♦ When God comes, there will be a hard time for unbelievers. Drinkable water will remain only in the mountains. Christ will give water to the people from a full jug, but the outside is dry. The Antichrist will moisten the jar on the outside, but inside it will be empty!

♦ In 2024, an era of peace and prosperity will be established in Russia for a thousand years.

♦ It is not necessary to fight for peace with weapons in hand. If you breathe good thoughts into people, you will take a serious step towards achieving peace. Many leaders of various countries have concentrated their efforts in this direction. There is no other way out. We need to treat each other with kindness and love in order to be saved. Everyone be saved. Together.

♦ The body dies, but the soul remains, and you are looking for Herod to come. If he comes... He destroyed fourteen thousand souls! What if there is a war? What will we do if they come and start to exterminate the people? We must pray. But people don't listen. They destroy each other, they kill, they just do not do it in order to destroy each other.

♦ If we do not understand the simple truth with our minds, we will be forced to understand its inexorable laws of the cosmos. But then it will be too late, and insight will cost us too much. People come up with new laws - they sew clothes of a new style. But it will still be a long time before we create a strong fabric.

♦ The anointed one in white robes will come to Earth again. The hour is near when the elect of heart will feel that Christ has returned. First He will appear to Russia, and then to the whole world.

♦ Mankind will witness God's signs in the sky, large parts of the land will be swallowed up by water, only those places where God's temples stand, God will save.

♦ Mankind is on the way to madness, it will finish it off. And this thirst for power, this violence - but how is it that yesterday's criminals rule people today? Deceit, perversion, godlessness, the fact that people cling to evil, but resist good - all this will backfire on us.

♦ Explore me, experiment, study with the help of instruments and equipment. Would you like to explain what I do? But how can you explain this when it is the work of God?

♦ My gift is from God. He deprived me of sight, but gave me other eyes with which I see the world - both visible and invisible.

♦ If you give in this world, you will have in Heaven. If you have two apples, big and small, give one of them. You will receive the same in the next world. If you don't give anything in this life, you won't get anything there.

♦ Strengthen your faith in God, love each other and be kinder, because without this you will not succeed in anything. Although with difficulty, the bad in Bulgaria gives way to the good. Do not hurry. Heaven knows better what order events should follow. There are other laws.

♦ There exists in parallel to the human, human mind another, more perfect, higher. This mind begins and ends in the universe, He is eternal and infinite, Everything is subject to Him.

♦ And no matter how you start these conversations about people, about land and disasters, the end will be the same, and all because if there are laws, they are ordered to be observed. This is how everything is arranged in nature, and human life, however, how many of those who understand this?

♦ Knowing and understanding prophetic dreams and prophetic dreams, you can change and improve a lot in your future destiny. And only the dates of birth and death cannot be changed, because each person lives in this world exactly as long as he is predetermined from above to fulfill his mission of being on Earth.

♦ In a prophetic dream, you receive a warning and can still avoid trouble... dreams sent down from above give you the opportunity to understand yourself and the environment in advance... Understand - and act.

♦ The Spirit of God feels like a thickened field, a heavily weighted space. It envelops a person, flows into him from all sides, creates pressure on his brain. This pressure is not uniform, but point, targeted, affecting selected points and areas of the brain. This pressure is incredibly strong.

♦ Stars are just like people. Some are about to lose, squander their entire supply of energy. Others still live and live, radiating light and warmth. And the planets are like those turmeric grips of the human race, which they do only: they pull energy from others. So why be surprised that stars, planets, peoples and people have such different fates.

♦ Every nation, every person has its own star, which saturates it with luminous energy. However, there are exceptions. Some nations do not have a star, but have a planet. So: the new teaching (“white-white, like snow”) will create new conditions (everything will become white-white, like milk), under which these peoples will not be able to survive, at least spiritually. In an unfamiliar atmosphere for them, they seem to suffocate. A people, a person who has a planet instead of a star, or - which is the same - an extinguished star, will also go out on its own, like a candle in a too strong wind.

♦ Need to re-read more often New Testament. But do you know where it comes from and what the very name - the New Testament - signifies? A covenant means an agreement, an agreement. condition to be saved. It means union, the union of God with man. And to live according to the New Testament - to live according to the New Union with God, according to the canons of the teachings of Christ.

♦ How many books have been written, but no one will give a final answer if they do not understand and admit that there is spiritual world(Heaven) and the physical (Earth) and the supreme Power, - call It what you want, which created us. To understand the Bible, a person must rise spiritually. Only then can he perceive and understand the highest knowledge. God will reward him and give him strength and help him so that he can understand how it happened.

♦ From Christmas the day begins to grow. And the sun gets hotter. Remember, Christ is the Savior for Christians. He is our God, the true God. What a wonderful holiday this is! What songs are sung throughout the earth, so that the human soul may have fun. How many good customs the people, the Bulgarians have. Decorated Christmas tree, doesn't it remind you of an Easter egg? Read more often the Bible, the thirteenth chapter of the Gospel of John.

♦ Believe, faith is everything, not wealth, money and pleasure! Oh, if people could see that there, in the next world, they would not dream of wealth, there would be no thieves, no murderers, no traitors.

♦ The main causes of many cataclysms are in nature itself, and in many respects scientists are to blame with their endless experiments. Many people began to think about the land, talk buzzwords. They arrange various symposiums, conferences, congresses, but the people and nature suffer.

♦ In these books there is a competition to see who can write off the most from whom. Well, not all, there are very smart people, but few of them. A genius is not a genius... but once it is determined from above, once a person believes and works, sooner or later he will find the right answer. Every question has an answer, but of course you need to know how to ask the question and what kind of answer you want. And if you don’t decide in your whole life, then you will continue to ask your question, and there will never be an answer to it.

♦ There are "big times", just "times" and "times".

♦ All natural disasters and social upheavals were predetermined by the influence of stars, planets and comets.

♦ Few people live in affinity with their planets and stars. People are blind. And even when I warn them about the fateful day, they are careless and frivolous. Thousands perish under the millstones of fate. Like a hare flying in the headlights under the wheels of a car. And after all, it was necessary to wait a bit.

♦ Man was created by God, and not at all descended from a monkey, as they say in books. This is nonsense. An animal cannot turn into a man, and a man cannot turn into an animal.

♦ Paracelsus became a great healer, because he healed both the body, and the soul, and the Spirit of the sick.

♦ Nine-tenths of our health rests on the ability to think right. A man's thoughts are his health. AT healthy body- good mind. Where there is harmony, there is health. Whoever envies, he complains about health. Whoever envies, thinking that no one knows about it, will not wait for mercy from God. Health is near, if it has not fallen low. If you are kind, health will come. Not only honey and joy heal, but also thoughts. Health is free thinking. Who owns himself, and the disease does not take. At healthy person- healthy mind. To be healthy is to forget insults. Health is not in the hands, but in the head of a person. The first wealth is health, the second wealth is thoughts, the third wealth is honey, but just as there will be no left without money, so there will be no health without thoughts and honey.

♦ To get rid of illnesses and ailments, one must become a very kind and sensitive person. The earth expects gratitude from us for the fact that we came and live on it. We pay our debts to the Earth like rent. Every person pays.

♦ Neither herbs nor harmony with nature will give the desired effect if a person does not strive to maintain his mental health at its best.

♦ Do not grumble against the suffering that comes to you. Suffering is a cleanser, like, say, a jacket that will be dirty if it is not cleaned.

♦ All diseases are from the vanity of vanities. Look into the starry sky more often, and the harmony of the cosmos will help the formation of harmony in the soul.

♦ The water that washes away diseases and misfortunes must be running. It is necessary to scoop it from a river or a spring silently. To pour water three times means to enlist the support and help of the consubstantial and indivisible Trinity - God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. To pour water seven times means to wash away the sins from which all diseases and misfortunes originate. It is poured nine times in order to cultivate in a person the nine blessings of the Gospel. The energy of the planets also nourishes the human body. Water serves as a good conductor. It is charged with both the energy of space and the bowels of the Earth. Cold water collected from rivers, springs and wells at Christmas has a special power. New Year, Baptism and Candlemas, as well as water taken from natural natural sources on Good Thursday or Friday, on Ivan Kupala. Great is the power of the water blessed on the eve of Easter and on the first day of August, which is popularly known as the Wet Spas. It is good to go for water early in the morning. Preferably before sunrise. Such water is called "unopened" and "undrinkable".

♦ Every day they visit me different people. I help them, but they leave me with their illnesses, their sometimes impure thoughts. This burden is heavy for me, so I begin to clean up, and this brings me relief.

♦ Morning dew is a summer miracle. In the morning, plants release a lot of healing substances, which is why it is so useful to wipe with dew not only for the sick, but also for the healthy, for prevention.

♦ Water is the world, after each bath you seem to be reborn, both the body and the heart are cleansed, wash more often, do not run away from water, it is health.

♦ Only honey is given from above the great sacrament to push the tiddly limits of human life in this world, because every drop bee honey carries fertile clots of life-giving and healing energy of the sky, the sun, and the entire universe.

♦ And Aristotle knew about this miraculous property of honey. And, like Pythagoras, he also believed that only the kindest and best souls return to Earth for a new existence. And the souls of those people who, during their lifetime, fully tasted nectar and ambrosia - a honey-bearing Greek drink.

♦ Hippocrates often used various honey mixtures to heal the sick. Everyone heard about the “Hippocratic Oath”, but a whole mass of his healing recipes was forgotten.

♦ If we were to smoke, the Lord would put a pipe on our heads.

♦ Before you can not overeat. Products are now so spoiled with all sorts of chemicals that they can be poisoned. In addition, abundant food is burdensome for all human organs. The Almighty would give us two stomachs if he could imagine that we would eat so much. If I were asked what to sow in the fields, I would say: as much rye as possible. People should eat more rye bread to stay healthy. Today, more than ever, the importance of rye in the diet is great. I need to drink herbal tea more often. Reduce fat content in food. Those who are healthy should gradually reduce the proportion of meat dishes, and it is better to give up meat altogether. At least once a week you should eat boiled rye and drink clean water. This is what will give a person the strength to cope with various diseases. Do not smoke. Tobacco is a leisurely, voluptuous killer. He acts for sure and kills in cold blood. Go to bed early - at 22 o'clock, and get up early - at 5-6 o'clock. It is during these hours that the body and brain rest best, nerves calm down, muscle tension weakens. Raise purity to a cult. Do not wash with very hot water, use homemade soap is best.

♦ The secret of the future of the earth's civilization is kept by the Egyptian pyramids. It is there that the key to absolute knowledge is left.

♦ Supermind begins and ends in the universe, He is eternal and infinite, Everything is subject to Him.

♦ The dead often help and keep relatives out of trouble. Good sinless spirits have the right to visit the Earth more often.

♦ Why are you afraid of death? She is so beautiful. I see her as a smiling young woman with flowing blond hair.

♦ Souls living in the other world are thirty years old, they are at the age of Christ. They have sight, hearing, taste. Some of them help the living. And the best come back to Earth again.

♦ Many people ask: "Tell me, who was I in a past life?" I answer: “And who said that you had a past life?” Others ask, "Who will I be in my next life?" I tell them: “How do you know that you will have a different life? Think better about the present, about how to become better.

♦ Reincarnation exists, but it does not affect all souls. Only the kindest and best return to Earth.

♦ Souls are reborn, and I myself am on Earth for the fourth time.

♦ Don't think that you are free to do whatever you want, no one is free.

Many domestic celebrities turned to Vanga for help.

Bedros Kirkorov said that she cured his leg and predicted glory to his son: “I visited Vanga in my distant youth, when Philip was four years old. and injured his leg. Not broken, not stretched, but it hurt all the time. The doctors already wanted to operate on me. Vanga reassured me: "Don't worry, your health will improve soon. You have good energy, you just need to release it." And she taught me to massage it clockwise leg. After her advice, my health improved: my leg no longer bothered me. I didn’t specifically ask her to share predictions about my family. She herself was the first to talk about it: "You have a son, and great fame awaits him. I see him at a height - grief , and he has a metal stick in his hands. "I thought that Philip would become a conductor, but it turned out that the mountain symbolized the musical Olympus, and the stick - a microphone."

Zoya Boguslavskaya, a widow, described the meeting with Wanga in her book “Prediction”: “As her revelations progressed, it became more and more unbearable for me that a being endowed with such an exceptional and dangerous gift lives in bleak conditions of poverty, devoid of light and impressions. And she promised me something amazing: “You will be very successful person... one day you will cross the ocean ... ”(in 1968, at the invitation of the Canadian ambassador, Boguslavskaya crossed the ocean, where she met with students of local universities). ... We said goodbye to Vanga in the semi-darkness of the hallway. Suddenly the blind woman held my hand. “They say you have stoves there, in Moscow, that work without wood, on electricity? - She said casually. - In winter, I'm terribly cold, send me one ... "". Boguslavskaya bought a powerful heater in Moscow in the electrical appliances department of GUM and handed it over to Vanga with her Bulgarian friends.

The actress recalled: “She said: “Don’t walk in heels, and everything will be fine” - I went to Vanga with one philosopher, Lyuben (he then wrote reports to Zhivkov). As I was told the day before, at night I put a piece of sugar under my pillow. In the morning we went to the city of Petrich, on the border with Greece, where Vanga lived in a summer house. From time to time, Vanga took something out of her pocket and sniffed. I thought that sugar was not important to her, but what she is now sniffing , and there is a doping that connects her with the mystical world.Later, the secretary told me that it was an ordinary toilet soap, they just gave it to Vanga, she just liked its aroma ... I felt extremely uncomfortable.I thought: why should I all this is needed, that, in fact, Vanga can tell me something that I don’t know about myself? But it was too late. Then she got up, hugged me, said some things that seemed to mean nothing in life, ran her hand over my back and told me not to wear heels, and everything would be fine. I returned to Moscow with completely different, no one recognized me. She came back a calmer person.

The poet said: “She was a wise peasant woman with a good aura. Vanga tried to help me. I came to her when my son was sick ... She advised me to quit smoking. And I quit ... I came to her when there was a difficult situation with my sick child. Vanga gave me some advice. She listened carefully, received hospitably, was very friendly. Alas, not every advice can help. Vanga did not give the impression of a charlatan. She was worldly wise. A good wise peasant woman, with unique abilities. And in Russian villages have grandmothers who have unique abilities and strength, they speak illnesses. Vanga had a good aura, she was a kind woman who tried to help people. "

The image of Vanga in the cinema:

2006 - Vanga: Prediction (documentary by V. Vikulin);
2007 - Russian sensations: Vanga - a prophecy for Russia (documentary, NTV);
2009 - The world will split in half. Wang's warnings. Secret signs (TV-3);
2010 - What Vanga was silent about (documentary);
2011 - Secrets of the century: Vanga. The world visible and invisible (documentary film by E. Kruglikova);
2011 - Vanga (documentary film, NTV for the Confrontation program);
2011 - Vanga is back! The Secret Archive of the Soothsayer (documentary, NTV);
2011 - Sincere confession: Vanga (documentary, NTV);
2011 - The Second Coming of Vanga (documentary, NTV);
2011 - Vanga. The world visible and invisible (documentary film, Ostankino);
2011 - The whole truth about Vanga (documentary, REN TV);
2011 - Russian sensations: Vanga's confession (documentary, NTV);
2011 - Face-to-face. Great Vanga (documentary, NTV);
2011 - Vanga Phenomenon (documentary);
2013 - Vangelia (biographical series produced by Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus), in the role of Vanga: - Vanga, a soothsayer (in old age); - Vanga (in middle age); - Vanga (in his youth); Daria Otroshko - Vanga (at the age of 12); Christina Pakarina - Vanga (at the age of 7);

2014 - Real Vanga (documentary, Mainstream TV Company);
2014-2015 - Know the future. Life after Vanga (Mainstream production);
2017 - New Russian sensations: Vanga. Prophecies 2017 (documentary, NTV)

Vanga's prophecies

At the beginning of 1993, Vanga seemed to announce that the USSR would be reborn in the first quarter of the 21st century and Bulgaria would be part of it. And many new people will be born in Russia who will be able to change the world.

In 1994, Vanga predicted: “At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will get rid of cancer. The day will come when cancer will be shackled in "iron chains". She explained these words in such a way that "a medicine against oncological diseases should contain a lot of iron.

Vanga declared that they would invent a cure for old age. They will make it from the hormones of a horse, a dog and a turtle: "The horse is strong, the dog is hardy, and the turtle lives long."

Vanga's fulfilled prophecies:

It is immediately worth noting that Vanga's prophecies, which have come true, have not been documented. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that they were simply attributed to her retroactively.

It is believed that Vanga predicted the death, and then the death of the Indian leader Indira Gandhi.

She predicted the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the collapse of the USSR.

She prophesied victory in the 1996 presidential election.

Vanga's assets include the prediction of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, allegedly she prophesied that "the brothers of the Americans will be pecked by iron birds."

Vanga predicted Topalov's victory at the World Chess Championship.

It is believed that she predicted the death of the Kursk submarine. However, people who knew Vanga personally say that she did not give predictions about the death of the Kursk submarine.

Vanga's unfulfilled prophecies:

There are many cases when the prophecies attributed to Vanga did not come true. So, she predicted that “two teams starting with the letter B” would fight in the final of the 1994 World Cup, but only Brazil reached the final of all the countries whose names begin with the letter “B”.

Vanga allegedly predicted that the Third World War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014.

Allegedly, Vanga broadcast: “2010. The beginning of the World War. The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It will start as a normal one, then nuclear weapons will be used first, and then chemical weapons.

2011. As a result of radioactive fallout, neither animals nor vegetation will remain in the Northern Hemisphere. The Muslims would then launch chemical warfare against the surviving Europeans.

year 2014. Most people will suffer from ulcers, skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).

2016 Europe is almost deserted."

However, according to the testimony of Vanga's close friends, she never predicted the beginning of the Third World War and the subsequent end of the world.

There are clearly recorded prophecies of Vanga, which turned out to be erroneous or did not come true. For example, in the late 1980s, several children disappeared in Volgograd, two correspondents went to Vanga, who told them that the children were alive and would be found soon, but they were never found. The story of 1991 is known, when Soviet journalists Viktor Nogin and Gennady Kurinnoy disappeared during the war in Croatia - Vanga stated that both were alive, although it later turned out that they were shot on charges of espionage.

Often, journalists, in search of sensationalism, spread myths about Wang and her predictions.

A well-known myth is about the "alarm clock for Gagarin". When an actor allegedly came to Vanga, she told him, “Why didn’t you fulfill your desire best friend? Before his last flight, he came to your house and said: “I don’t have time, so buy an alarm clock and keep it on your desk. Let this alarm clock remind you of me.” After that, Tikhonov allegedly became ill. Subsequently, Tikhonov allegedly said that after the death of Gagarin, he, grieving the death of his friend, forgot to buy an alarm clock.

However, Tikhonov himself spoke about this: “Can I use one word? Lies! I beg you, write: nothing like this happened. I didn't promise Gagarin any alarm clock! Yes, we didn't know him. I only saw him at a distance at official events, nothing more.”

Ex-president The USSR denied that Vanga had it and that she allegedly predicted the collapse of the USSR to him. Gorbachev said that “even before I came to power, her forecast was transmitted that “Mikhail would come to rule,” but immediately noted that “all this is by and large nonsense,” since he is “very critical” of “psychics, clairvoyants and others” and does not trust the seers.

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