Interpretation of dreams and dreams of Vanga. Why is Vanga dreaming? The appearance of the great seer in a dream

Pregnancy and children 25.09.2019
Pregnancy and children

Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova)- this is a great Bulgarian clairvoyant who found fame for herself during her lifetime. She became famous for her unique psychic abilities and the gift of healing people. But this is not all her talents. She also, like none of the mediums of that time, unraveled dreams. Many people from all over the world flew to Bulgaria specifically to chat with Vanga. They were ready to wait hours, days and even weeks to be accepted.

Vanga began her life in a very unusual way. None of her relatives thought that she would live, so she was not given a name. After she was born, she was simply wrapped in a sheepskin coat and placed next to the stove. So the fate of Vanga, whether she lives or not, her parents decide to entrust God. And the Lord took pity on the little girl. He breathed life into her tiny body, and two months later, for the first time, she spoke the way children should do. Only after that, her parents baptized her and she received the name Vangelia, which Greek translated as "bringing good news".

At the age of three, little Vanga lost her mother and women living in the neighborhood took up her upbringing. After some time, dad remarried and the future famous clairvoyant had a stepmother.

I must say that Vanga did not immediately discover a gift in herself. As a little girl, she got into the very epicenter of the hurricane, which took her 4 kilometers from home. Because of this evil element, sand got into her eyes, and she was never able to open them again.

In this regard, in 1925 she ended up in a home for the blind, where she stayed for three years. There she underwent a course of treatment in order to regain her sight. However, no matter how hard the doctors tried, her eyes did not become sighted. She could no longer see white light. It must be said that despite this, she mastered sewing, knitting, cooking, etc. These years for Vanga did not pass in anguish. Here she fell in love with a blind young man from a wealthy family. He reciprocated and they began preparations for the wedding and everything would have been fine if Mr. Accident had not intervened. At this time, in the father's house, Vanga's stepmother dies during childbirth. The father, left alone with the children, needed help eldest daughter. That is why he took her home and so she lost her own happiness.

Further, Vanga's life was also not bright. She took on the role of not only mother to her siblings, but also the role of breadwinner for the family. Despite the fact that the father worked, they lived very, very poorly. Therefore, Vanga had to get a piece of bread with his craft. Despite the complete loss of vision, she knitted, spun and sewed so that her family could somehow make ends meet. By doing this, she not only provided her family with the necessary things, but also put her products up for sale. At the same time, another misfortune happened in her life - she fell ill with polio. It happened while standing barefoot on a concrete floor for a long time in line for benefits. No one had any hope of her recovery, but suddenly the disease receded. This was the third inexplicable miracle.

When Vanga discovered her gift is unknown. Her relatives claim that it happened like this: a sheep was lost in the family and 16-year-old Vanga accurately indicated the place where she was, saying that she had a dream about it. It was from then that another life of Vangelia began, filled with miracles.

In 1940, Vanga fell into a trance for the first time. After that, a year later, she suddenly spoke with someone else's male voice and prophecies poured from her lips. For some, her prophecies were very good, as they promised prosperity and health, while for others she predicted a quick death. It is noteworthy that since then Vanga has lost sleep once and for all.

After Vana predicted the date of the introduction of German troops into Yugoslavia, processions of pilgrims began to her house. She accepted everyone, did not deprive anyone of her attention and did not send her away with anything. The only exceptions were Chumak, Kashpirovsky and Juna's students. Vanga refused to accept them. In addition, she did not enter into discussions with people who were about to die and with those who were led to her only by curiosity.

In 1942, a soldier Dimitar Gushcherov came to the clairvoyant. He asked her only one thing - to name them those people who killed his brother. Vanka didn't answer right away. She said that in a little while she would give him the necessary information, but at the same time she made him promise her not to lynch them, adding that he would see their death without it. She made a strong impression on the soldier, he paid her a couple more visits and eventually made her a marriage proposal. Vanga agreed and they moved to him in Petrich.

The Lord did not send children to Vanga, but one day an orphan boy came to her house, whom she adopted.

The most wonderful predictions of the clairvoyant came during the war years. In those difficult times, people, mad with grief, went to their savior. They no longer knew where to turn with their trouble. The seer healed their spiritual wounds, indicated the places where their loved ones now live or are buried, and also advised them on how to avoid death on the battlefield or how to be cured with the help of folk remedies.

Many of Vanga's prophecies were associated with Russia. Yes, she predicted cold war, confrontation with the US and many other things. In addition, she predicted Russia's return to its former power with the beginning of the reign of "Prince Vladimir". Contemporaries are still unraveling who Vanga had in mind. Listed names include Lenin and Putin. However, no one can say for sure who the clairvoyant meant.

Vanga believed that Russia had a strong patron - St. Sergius. That is why nothing can break Russia. As she stood, so she will stand. Only every year her power will grow stronger and in the end she will become the ruler of the whole world. This is the future Vanga predicted for Russia. She said that the great country suffered too many victims and now nothing will stop her on the way to her goal. All enemies will fall before her majesty. Russia has suffered too long, its people have endured much suffering. Many people died during the war years, and now, when there was already so much grief, she rightfully deserved her place in this world, and it will not be the last. Despite everything, Russia has remained an Orthodox country and its spirit is growing stronger every year. She does not change her faith and will not change in the future. It is faith that strengthens the spirit of the people of Russia. It unites people and unites them in the face of great danger. It also gives them the strength to resist the misfortunes that now and then pour on long-suffering Russia.

In 1979, when a difficult political situation, namely, the two strongest powers, Russia and the United States, seemed on the verge of nuclear war, she predicted that this would not happen to her, and after 6 years the leaders would change and big changes were coming. It is noteworthy that in 195 Mikhail Gorbachev came to power. It was from him that a new trend began in the life of great Russia.

In 1979, Vanga made another very important prophecy. She predicted that Russia would change its name. There will be no union and it will be called the way it was many centuries ago. All countries will respect her greatness, including America. It is no secret that these are two, albeit indirectly, but warring countries. It was America that unleashed the Cold War against Russia. But despite this, the point in their relationship was not set. This fight is not over. Even despite the fact that the Americans consider themselves the winners in this war, Russia has risen like a phoenix from the ashes and now its power is growing every year. Now Vanga is talking about America's recognition of Russia's leading roles. This will happen after the merger of the three powers: Russia, China, India. Bulgaria will be in alliance with them if it becomes part of Russia. If Bulgaria turns away from Russia, then, perhaps, it will end its existence very soon. And now, after so many years, part of the prophecy has come true - the union of China, India and Russia already exists. It is possible that other powers of the East will join them. What America feared so much is happening. Russia has changed its orientation from the West to the East, and now great changes are coming in the structure of the whole world.

As for Bulgaria, Vanga did not see her future without Russia. She always said that if these two countries "quarrel", then Bulgaria will not survive. They share common roots and common culture. Orthodoxy is what has always been the main connecting thread between these countries.

It happened that Vanga suffered because of her gift. One of her most significant visions was the death of Stalin. She voiced this vision and almost immediately ended up in prison. True, out of the prescribed 10 years, she served only six months. It is noteworthy that Stalin died exactly at the time that Vanga predicted.

The most tragic predictions were associated with Vasil, Vanga's brother. At the time when he was leaving for the front, she cried a lot and asked him to take care of himself. However, the predictions of the clairvoyant did not save the brother. When he was 23 years old, he was captured, where he was tortured and then shot. Vanga foresaw all this, but could not interfere. She considered this the most ordeal in his life - a gift to predict the death of loved ones.

She failed to save her husband from death. They lived happily with him for 20 years. Then he suddenly began to consume immensely strong drinks, from which he accepted death. Vangelia was on her knees the whole time until he expired. Then, according to eyewitnesses, when it was all over, she suddenly fell asleep, not me body position. When Vanga woke up, she said that she had escorted her husband to his destination and now she is calm for his soul.

Vanga's abilities have always been called into question. Even the famous writer Leonid Leonov reproached her for not telling him about the death of his wife in time. Vanga was very surprised by this and reminded him of the gift that she had given him. It was ONE coffee mug. She could not speak directly about death, she used only hints for this.

A lot of Vanga's predictions were associated with political life which, I must say, were even recorded. Even Hitler visited her during the war. What the seer said to him is unknown, but sources say that he left her very disappointed.

Even Indira Gandhi, the glorious daughter of India, she prophesied re-election. However, this is not the only thing that the seer predicted. She talked about the murder of Indira and the death of her son in the crash.

Vanga herself was not afraid of death. She firmly knew that only her bodily shell would not be, which, like all living things, was destined to rot in the ground. The soul will remain untouched and will continue to develop.

When Vanga was dying, she was taken to the hospital. There she refused medical assistance, leaving her fate to the Lord God. There she fell into a coma and did not come out of it until her death. These days, for the first time in many years, tears flowed from her lifeless eyes. Thus she exhaled all her weariness from worldly vanity and from distrust and misunderstanding of people.


  1. When Vanga was little, she was very fond of inventing all sorts of games for herself. This amused her greatly. One of her favorite games was this - she took some kind of toy, ran out into the yard and hid it there. Then she returned to the house, closed her eyes tightly and went into the yard to look for a toy. So she played blind Vanga. Even severe punishments and a ban on her parents could not make her give up this game.
  2. Vanga never talked about whether there is life after death and about the end of the world. She has always shied away from answering these questions.
  3. In 1967, Vanga began to officially work for the state. She was officially hired as a seer and given a salary. To get to her, you had to sign up and pay a fee. Vanga, on the other hand, received miserable crumbs from this money.
  4. Vanga did not have her own children, although she really wanted to have them. But godmother she became more than three hundred times.
  5. Vanga was not only a clairvoyant, she was also a healer. She has helped hundreds of people get rid of many ailments.

Wang predicted a lot more. Some of them are known to us, and some will remain a mystery. She spoke a lot both about the fate of all mankind, and about individuals. Not everything came true, but most of what she said had a deep meaning and later came true.

Everything that Vanga said was so important that scientists, who included Doctor of Science Georgy Lozanov and Professor Dmitry Filippov, collected her sayings and later included them in the dream book. The parapsychologist Bedros Stoyanov, who was a frequent visitor to Vanga, also worked with them.

In certain periods, such as starry flower nights, insight descended on Vangelia, and the most extraordinary prophecies began. It was at such moments that Bedros turned out to be near and accurately wrote down everything that the clairvoyant spoke.


This dream book, which we have brought for you, was created so that you can decipher your dreams and be able to highlight turning points in your future. Based on this, you will be able to manage your life, directing it in a positive direction.

Many scientists have tried to unravel the mysteries of dreams, trying to explain this mysterious phenomenon from a scientific point of view. Even in ancient times, the first collections with the interpretation of dreams appeared, compiled by clairvoyants of that time. And now everyone can open a dream book and find out online the decoding of Vanga or Freud.

On our website, you can watch Vanga's dream book online and solve your dreams. It is very easy to use, we have prepared detailed instructions for you.

There are two ways to search for a given word in a dream book: alphabetically and by specifying a search word. In the first case, you should select the desired letter of the alphabet, and then select the word of interest from the provided list. Vanga's dream book will tell you for free what your dreams mean.

If you decide to use the second method - to search for the entered word - we recommend that you follow these rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters.

  • The word must not contain less than two letters.

  • A single query means entering only one search word.

  • Advanced search displays all words that have the required combinations. Suppose, during an advanced search for the word "mouth", the program will give all possible interpretations of this word and the word "turn".

  • When entering, the case of letters does not matter much. For example, the word "salt" with any introduction (SALT, Salt, salt) will give the same result.

The mystery of the signs of sleep

Vanga interpreted dreams, following only one method known to her. The clairvoyant was sure that in a dream fate shows secret signs to people, the correct interpretation of which will help determine not only the future of a particular person, but even the fate of individual countries.

Vanga's dream book, along with the interpretation of individual signs (objects, things, living objects), also contains an explanation of various situations, based on which other phenomena and objects can be considered.

Although there are only a few people in the world who have such a gift, everyone can try to look into their future. Traveling in the labyrinths of dreams, a person can understand the essence of ongoing events and find out what awaits him next. Only dreams give us such a unique opportunity. It is no coincidence that the visions that come to a person in a dream are called the mirror of life. Indeed, in dreams the depths of our subconscious are reflected, by transmitting prophetic symbols, by guessing which you can find out your future fate.

Our Vanga dream book can be used for free. It is based on the knowledge and revelations of the famous seer. He will help you give correct interpretation seen in a dream, draw up a complete picture of the signs and understand what to expect and what to be afraid of.

Why Vanga's dream book is trustworthy

Vanga believed that dreams have importance for a person. To decipher them, she resorted to telepathy, giving advice and warning against dangers. The Bulgarians value this dream book, because for them it has become a book of truths and an invaluable gift left by the great prophetess. And this reflects reality, since all the vast experience of the clairvoyant is invested in the dream book, and therefore it deserves full trust.

Our dream book offers an interpretation of Vanga's dreams. Using it, you will find out what awaits you in life and will be able to prepare for upcoming events. Of course, there is no Vanga in the dream book a large number deciphered images, but this disadvantage is compensated by a versatile approach and a variety of possible situations. It is impossible to discount the predictions successfully made by Vanga, which makes the attitude to the dream book even more trusting.

Wangi - the path to knowing your dream. At all times, the issue of the influence of dreams on human life has received considerable attention. What does sleep mean? Why do we see different pictures while relaxing? How real are dreams? ... These are eternal questions, the answers to which were still trying to be given in ancient times. Nevertheless, each dream is a kind of energy messenger of an upcoming event, which should be skillfully interpreted.

In a dream, you can get a long-awaited answer to a question that torments you and take a fresh look at the world, for example, Mendeleev made the greatest discovery of a table with chemical elements in a dream. Amazing, isn't it? It is common for each of us to dream at any time of the day, depending on the complete relaxation of brain activity. Moreover, most dreams are an esoteric message, which is very difficult for us to decipher. For this, it is necessary to have the gift of interpretation, which Vanga, the blind Bulgarian clairvoyant and prophetess, unconditionally owned. Not only for a cure for many diseases, but also for predictions, many public figures turned to her at one time: Roerich, Leonov, Yeltsin, and others. Each of her predictions came true, and she skillfully interpreted dreams with the help of special prophetic symbols.

Can Vanga's interpretations be trusted?

On August 11, 1996, Vanga passed away, but she left behind a dream book in which you can find the answer to all your dreams. Today, Vanga's dream book occupies a special place in the esoteric system. For people, it plays a big role in the way of life, it is a kind of panacea, an axiom, and also the truth of the mysterious knowledge of the future. Interpretation of Vanga's dreams collected bit by bit from her frank predictions, which always came true at a certain time. Our dream is not only a reflection of what happened to us, but also the content of mysterious prophetic symbols, the secret of which can only be revealed by reading Vanga's dream book.

It has already been scientifically proven that the subconscious of each person during sleep opens up for the perception of various cosmic flows of information that contributes to prophetic dreams and visions. Each dream carries a certain meaning that can be deciphered and thus know in advance what will happen in the near future. The meaning of Vanga's dreams allows you to clearly characterize the vision, determine its role and degree of danger. The mysterious code of dreams, which Vanga's dream book has, allows you to clearly predict the line of development of the fate of everyone, the country and even the world as a whole. The whole picture of the future is drawn from separate pieces of the mosaic of dreams thanks to the prophetic experience and wisdom of the great soothsayer Vanga.

The interpretation of Vanga's dreams is a mystery for those who want to know the process of decoding dreams, but it is the path to knowing the truth of every fate, every destiny. No wonder they talk about the existence of a guardian angel for every person who tries to warn of trouble or danger, often dreams of relatives or friends who have gone into another world, trying to convey something important to us in a dream. But, they can only communicate with us in the language of symbols, which we can understand by looking at the meaning of Vanga's dreams. There are prophetic dreams, we remember them even after sleep, the main thing is to immediately pay attention and find the meaning itself in order to insure yourself and your loved ones from life incidents.

Your dream may mean that you will encounter a situation in which you will have to remember your childhood dream for some reason. And the dream also speaks of some doubts and emotional experiences related to vital issues that are still for you not clear, but "something tells you" that everything will be fine.

Dream Interpretation - Vanga predicts the future

A wonderful dream that prompts the Dreamer to notice her unconscious Emotionality (Girl) walking ahead, leaving behind her conscious Activity - the philosophizing Vanga is sitting in the Bank (or Store), the Dreamer stands in line behind the Girl with a question about her Future. Vanga's philosophical answer about the Neck - literally means "as I myself Want, so I Turn", that is, you need to act in life according to your Desires, connecting your Consciousness to them. The unknown and abandoned Atmosphere of the place is the current unconscious state of the Dreamer (with the question of what awaits me there), and at the end something Light - symbolizes the awareness of one's Desires and one's concrete steps towards the fulfillment of these desires in outside world. This is what a dream is about, telling you to go where your inner ā€œIā€ in the person of Vanga tells you to go in a dream, where the Bank-Shop is the widest possibilities of the social sphere, where the Man is the blacksmith of his own happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Vanga kisses her mother on the forehead

All Foretellers and their predictions dream of difficult and turning points in life. The seer Vanga kisses the Dreamer on the forehead and says that everything will be fine if you wait until the 9th - it symbolizes in reality a tribute to the emotionality of Wisdom (consciousness, confidence and poise), which in life means - do not sit and wait until everything happens by itself yourself, but sit down and think about how to stay afloat now and how to proceed further in order to get out of the crisis. For our Life is only in our conscious hands, and this is what the dream is about.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - The four of us

Such dreams bring isolation. The whole question is whether the person himself will choose it or circumstances will force it. For people related to the occult, this is good period, because it promotes internal concentration, the development of meditative practices, the comprehension of everything that was a mystery. A person can himself move away from worldly fuss in order to stay and work alone, but for others he becomes a mystery.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Vanga is a blind healer and clairvoyant from Bulgaria.

Born for a special purpose

Vanga was born in the village of Petrich, in 1911, on January 31. From birth, the girl was sighted, she was born prematurely, the birth was difficult, and there was a possibility that the child would not survive. Hearing the first cry of the baby, the midwife who delivered the baby, according to the local custom, went out into the street and asked the first person she met for the name. The answer was - Vangelis, so the girl was named Vangelina (short for Greek. Evangelina - "messenger of good news").

Vanga grew up as an ordinary girl in a simple village family. When she was four, the first World War, her father was called to serve in the Bulgarian army, her mother died suddenly, and the girl was left in the care of her neighbors. After returning from the war, my father remarried a good woman, and life went on as usual.

great gift

When Vanga was 14 years old, something happened that forever changed her life. During strong hurricane, the tornado picked up the girl and carried her away from home. The whole village was looking for Vanga for a long time, and when they found it, they saw that her eyes were covered with dust and sand, and she could not open them because of severe pain. Vanga underwent two operations, but this did not help, there was no money for the third operation, and the family could only pray that the girl's eyesight would return. Then Vanga did not understand that God gave her much more than just being sighted, he endowed her with the ability to see the past and the future, heal ailments, look into the depths of the human soul.


For some time Vanga got used to her new state, no one remembers exactly when she began to predict the future. However, already during the 2nd World War, many people gathered near the seer's house who wanted to know if their relatives and relatives would return from the war, whether they were alive, and all those who came received answers to their questions, and Vanga never made a mistake.

The clairvoyant Vanga said that invisible creatures visiting her give her information, and she reads the future from sugar crystals that people bring with them who want to know what fate has in store for them. Vanga, along with foresight, also possessed the gift of healing, she healed with the help of various herbs and infusions, and also knew how to decipher dreams with extraordinary accuracy.

Secret signs of dreams

Vanga interpreted dreams according to a peculiar method known only to her. She claimed that in their dreams people see secret signs of fate, by interpreting which you can find out not only the future of the person himself, but also the fate of the whole country. Existing dream book Wangi contains both the interpretation of individual signs (certain objects, living beings) appearing in dreams, and different situations, already in the context of which are considered various items and phenomena.

In our world, only a few have such a gift, but almost every person has the opportunity to look into the future and reveal the essence of events that happen to him or can happen. A person receives such a unique opportunity during sleep. Dreams are a mirror of life, reflecting in the depths of the subconscious all the events that happen to a person. They are projected in the mind in the form of dreams containing prophetic symbols, by unraveling which, you can find out what lies ahead. Vanga's dream book is compiled on the basis of the knowledge and revelations of the seer, it will help to correctly interpret dreams by compiling complete picture signs, and determine what to expect or what to fear.

Vanga knew the fate of those people who had not yet been born, as well as those who had not been among people for many years. This, according to many scientists, is the most extraordinary manifestation of her gift, and according to their calculations, about 70% of Vanga's predictions come true, and this is much more than just a coincidence. Among the most famous are the collapse of the USSR, the assassination attempt on Kennedy, the death of Princess Diana, the sinking of the Kursk submarine, the collapse of the twin towers in America. Also, one of her prophecies says that humanity will establish contact with foreign creatures in two centuries, and that this should not be feared.

Vanga died in 1996, and it is said that she knew the date of her death to the hour.

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