What is the dream of a child in his arms: his own or someone else's? The main interpretations are what a child is dreaming of in the arms of a girl or a married wife. We learn the secret of what the baby is dreaming of in her arms

Tourism and rest 16.10.2019
Tourism and rest

Children cause bright and bright feelings in every person. They are innocent and completely defenseless. How much happiness a mother experiences, holding her baby in her arms! But what is the dream of a child in her arms? Is the dream as bright as the feelings experienced in reality?

Children cause bright and bright feelings in every person.

Dream Interpretations interpret such a pleasant dream in completely different ways. Such a dream can mean:

  • the emergence of brilliant ideas;
  • planning for the future;
  • the emergence of a serious project and work on it;
  • for a woman - chores and a change in the usual routine;
  • for an unmarried man - the desire to start a family;
  • creative people are foreshadowed by the emergence and implementation of a brilliant idea.

In order to understand dreams, one must take into account not only the very fact of having a child in her arms, but also his gender, behavioral characteristics, appearance. The attitude of the dreamer towards this baby is also important.

Baby in arms in a dream book (video)

To dream of a little boy in someone's arms

Dreams in which one has to see how a familiar sleeping person holds a little boy in his arms indicate that it is necessary to devote time to the family, especially children. Obviously, the dreamer was so busy with his own problems and communicating with friends that the children were left without due attention.

Dreams in which you have to see how a familiar sleeping person holds a little boy in his arms indicates that it is necessary to devote time to the family.

In the same case, if the baby was in the arms of an absolutely stranger, and he reassured him, you should pay attention to how the sleeper treats his child. It may well be that he does not give enough care and attention, which are so necessary for the child to fully develop.

If in a dream you happen to see how an outsider not only holds a baby, but also feeds, begins to pump, then most likely there are ill-wishers in the environment. There is a good chance they are in a work environment. In this case, it should be remembered whether the newborn was thin and weak. Such a vision may mean that no gossip and squabbles can interfere with the achievement of goals.

Hold a newborn baby in your arms in a dream

People who dreamed of a baby in their arms should not rely on the help of others and go towards achieving goals relying only on themselves. But among the interpretations there are several others, in which additional details are taken into account:

  • kiss - health will be strong until the most advanced years;
  • to pick up in order to atone - soon the problem will be solved, which until recently seemed difficult;
  • to carry a child who has just been born is good news;
  • the baby is sick - serious problems should be expected;
  • crying - in order to achieve the goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles;
  • sleeping - problems will suddenly be solved by themselves;
  • girl - replenishment is expected in the family;
  • swaddle a girl - an elevated mood and optimism;
  • boy - life changes on a global scale;
  • strong and at the same time calm baby - positive changes;
  • frail and capricious - chores and problems, petty squabbles;
  • a girl dreams of babies - soon a fateful acquaintance awaits her;
  • for a man - a serious profit is expected.

People who dreamed of a baby in their arms should not count on the help of others.

Rock the baby in your arms, wear it in your sleep

Carrying, rocking a small child in a dream can be lucky for both men and women. The interpretation largely depends both on the dreamer's gender and on the smallest details of these dreams:

  • a woman carries someone else's child - she is already morally mature in order to give birth to her own;
  • feed - a profitable investment;
  • to carry someone else's child to your home - add a lot of trouble to loved ones;
  • rocking - life harmony and complete tranquility are expected;
  • managed to rock - the rapid onset of the idyll;
  • futile attempts at motion sickness - troubles should be expected and how to prepare for them.

Carrying, rocking a small child in a dream can be lucky for both men and women

Rock a restless child - stress is possible soon.

The mood of the child: features of interpretation

In all dreams, the most memorable are emotional moments and features of appearance that are clearly striking. To understand the meaning of dreams, it is necessary to remember what was the behavior and mood of a small miracle:

  1. Glad. The dreamer expects various favorable changes in life. It is quite possible that everything will get better soon in his personal life, quarrels and disputes will disappear. Banal financial problems will also disappear. It is possible that a wealthy companion will appear or a promotion is expected.
  2. The kid is calm. A sleeping person has a balanced character and no problems can prevent him from achieving his goals. It is thanks to such character traits that you should not worry about problems, both financial and family. Everything will be fine.
  3. The baby shows anxiety. Such a dream portends meaningless chores. It is recommended to adjust the behavior and not take the problems too seriously.
  4. Sad. Soon we should expect unpleasant news, which was simply impossible to foresee. It is quite possible that a friend from whom there has been no news for a very long time is asked for help.

The dreamer expects various favorable changes in life

Child's condition: sick, dead, sleeping, alien

Equally important for the correct decoding of the vision is the condition of the baby. Depending on how he appeared in dreams, the interpretation depends:

  1. The kid is sick. You should take your own health seriously. It is possible that in the near future you will have to endure a serious illness. Moreover, it does not have to be a physical illness, it is also possible mental. You should allocate more time for rest and remain calm in all situations.
  2. Another person's child. The sleeper is prone to accepting other people's problems as his own. You should be more careful and not allow others to take advantage of such kindness. There is a risk that you will have to pay for it.
  3. Dead. Troubles from such dreams should not be expected. On the contrary, it will be possible to get rid of problems that are already for a long time not allowed to live in peace.

If the child is sleeping, then for a woman such a dream promises a pleasant meeting with good friend, an opportunity to have fun and remember the old days. For a man, this dream is a harbinger of deceit or meanness. You should be more careful.

Why is the baby dreaming (video)

You should not be afraid of dreams in which you had to hold the baby in your arms. Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. It may well be that nothing special (both positive and negative) will happen in life. Just on a subconscious level, a person begins to think about children. The unmarried are ready to start a family. For parents, this may be a signal that they simply do not pay due attention to their adored children. In any case, it is necessary to devote more time to loved ones.

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Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of a Child in her arms according to the dream book:

Seeing in a dream a small child in her arms is a great surprise, if this child is very beautiful - to joyful events, if the child is dirty - to unexpected troubles.

Why dream Small child in the arms of your husband - you will have a son.

Holding a child in your arms - a sick one - to the troubles and problems that you will encounter in the near future. If you hold a child in your arms and try to calm him down, rock him to sleep, you will have to overcome a huge number of obstacles on the way to your goal.

Why dream of holding a child in the arms of a stranger - someone wants to shift the burden of their problems onto you. Most likely, this is one of your relatives. Holding a child in your arms that you cannot calm down - you will not be able to cope with the problems that you will face.

Big dream book What is the dream of a child in her arms:

A child in her arms - the dream is mostly interpreted in a positive way, but you still need to pay attention to the details, the general plot of the dream, your emotions and feelings from what you see. Such dreams predict pleasant chores, since in reality the appearance of a child in a family always means the emergence of new worries, but they only cause joy. Dream Interpretation A child in the arms of a man portends problems at work, perhaps unforeseen difficulties will arise in business or affairs, but they are not terrible, their solution will entail success and profit.

Why is the Child dreaming in her arms if he is not yours, but someone else's? The dream warns of enterprising relatives seeking to shift their problems onto your shoulders. Don't let anyone take advantage of your kindness and naivete. Hold a crying child in your arms and cannot calm him down - in reality you are faced with problems that you are afraid to solve.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What is the dream of a Child in arms in a dream:

A baby in her arms is often a sign warning of something. If the baby is sick, then in the near future you will find disappointment and worries. You are trying to put him to sleep by rocking him in your arms - in reality you will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve your goal. What is the dream of the Child in your arms that you feed? In real life, you will have to face a difficult, troublesome business that will bring great material benefits and moral satisfaction from work. The same dream can mean something completely different - in reality you are helpless, waiting for outside support, not wanting to participate in what is happening.

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream of a child in your arms?

Interpretation of the dream book: A child in the arms of a pregnant woman? If you know exactly the gender of the baby from your dream, then this is a direct sign indicating the gender of your baby. See in a dream a man with a child in his arms - you will have a boy, a woman - respectively, a girl. Dream Interpretation A child in your arms can tell you how to name your child. If the baby from the dream looks healthy and well-groomed, and you know his name for sure - listen to this sign, perhaps this name will bring your child happiness in life.

Dream Interpretation A child in his arms, if he is a foundling, marks the receipt of unexpected benefits and profits. The dream is very favorable, in real life a surprise awaits you. Such dreams can mean upcoming troubles, the less the baby is naughty, the more insignificant they will be, and the faster you will cope with them.


Dream boy

A boy seen in a dream, in accordance with the interpretation of the dream book, can mean completely different events in real life. In general, one thing can be said, this dream speaks of the favor of fate, financial well-being and success.

If in a dream you saw the birth of a boy, then, as the dream book interprets, you may have a unique chance to radically change something in your life and start all over again.

Giving birth to a boy in a dream often means an improvement in life circumstances. Sometimes a dream indicates that it is possible that you will really have a baby soon. If the bride has such a dream before the wedding, then she should beware of the slander and envy of her friends.

This is especially noted by Miller's dream book, a boy who dreamed of a young girl warns that you should take care of your reputation. In addition, a dream can also mean receiving an inheritance, unexpected financial assistance, and just good news.

If you had to give birth to a boy in a dream or you saw from the side how a son was born, the dream book warns that complete success and material well-being await you.

For both women and men, it is considered a good omen to give birth to a boy in a dream. The dream interpretation promises a great prospect, original ideas and great projects. However, this forecast will be positive only if the child is beautiful and healthy in a dream.

Sometimes it is not entirely clear why men dream of a little boy. The dream interpretation states that the man has met his own I. This is the side of the personality that does not want to become an adult.

A child seen in a dream - a boy is a sign that portends prosperity and success in life. If there were several children, then this rather means troublesome and time-consuming work that you will soon have to do.

In a dream, women in a dream give birth to a boy's child, in some cases, dream of a future pregnancy. Often such dreams become a signal of conception. But whether there will be a child of this particular gender, interpretations of the dream book differ.

Some argue that if a woman dreamed of a male baby, then he should be expected. Especially if such a dream has visited a young girl who has not yet thought about children. She will definitely have children and at the same time from a big true love. Others argue that in reality it will be the other way around.

Why do young men dream of seeing a boy in a dream? The dream promises a new and very deep feeling that can turn your whole life around. But to find out the time when this happens, you should remember the details of sleep in more detail, for example, the time of year and check with the predictions of the dream book.

Seeing a child of a boy of 5-10 years old, very smart and quick-witted, is considered a very good sign. Especially if you were able to ask him a question about your life in a dream. All he answered is pure truth. But, if his answer turned out to be unintelligible and incomprehensible, then most likely you are confused in the relationship.

A newborn boy is dreamed of by a woman for the appearance of a new admirer, especially if only his head is visible. For a man, this dream means the unexpected help of a friend. But, if he sees himself in this form, then this may indicate that in the future the man will lead a riotous lifestyle.

If at night you had a dream in which there were a girl and a boy, and you are their parent, then in most cases this means that in reality you have difficult relationships with people who have an impact on your life. The dream book says that for the childless, such a dream can symbolize Guardian Angels who brought important news.

Sometimes the birth of a boy in a dream means unforeseen big troubles. But if a friend gave birth to a child, then dream books promise to receive good news. If your daughter gave birth to him, her future promises to be prosperous and happy.

You definitely need to know why you dream of difficult childbirth, the boy who was born as a result of them indicates difficulties in business. If in a dream you are present at someone else's birth, then you will have to take an active part in the affairs of other people.

What is the dream of a boy who likes, according to the dream book, a dream brings only positive changes in life.

Dreams about small children are a favorable sign. But, in this case, you need to remember all the features of sleep.

For example, if you dream of a baby, then the dream book warns that in real life there is a possibility of deceiving a loved one.

If a young woman dreamed of a baby boy in her arms, then she should be prepared for the fact that others will condemn her for the dissolute lifestyle that she leads.

Well-being in any endeavors - that's what dreams of breastfeeding a boy. Carrying a baby for a walk in a dream can mean a quick romantic trip or a profitable business trip.

A lonely woman should be afraid for her good name if she dreams of a baby boy.

A small child boy promises the sleeper the fulfillment of the most innermost desires. According to the interpretation of the dream book, playing with him in a dream means achieving success at work or finding the meaning of life.

In a dream, women may dream of a child, a boy in their arms. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a man in your life who you have to babysit like a baby. Protect him and take care, love and cherish like a small child.

Sometimes, what a boy’s pregnancy means in a dream, in fact, carries not very positive information. So if in a dream you are pregnant and a male baby is due, this may mean that the marriage will not be happy.

Why else does the boy dream in a dream

Gemini boys will star in everyone who will prosper at work and in business in the near future. True, if in a dream they suddenly fell ill, then the dream book notes that there may be some difficulties in achieving the goal.

In a dream, give birth to twin boys - the interpretation of the dream book is still the same, only the profit and well-being that awaits you will be doubly large.

To give birth to twin boys in a dream means a stable position in any business, this applies to both business and love. In family life, happiness and trust await. You will gain confidence in tomorrow and forever forget what anxiety is.

Twin boys symbolize the balance and serenity of real life. The birth of twins in a man in a dream speaks of his loneliness, sadness, some kind of alienation. Sleep warns of alcohol abuse.

If in a dream you saw the birth of a child, the boy in this case promises the emergence of new plans that you will successfully turn into reality. For pregnant women, the dream book promises a safe and easy birth.

It will not hurt you to remember your reputation, this is exactly what, why you dream that in a dream a boy was born to someone else before the wedding. Perhaps the time has finally come to restore it, otherwise you will not see success.

Children, a boy and a girl are always a symbol of the future. Pregnant women can determine the sex of the unborn child from such a dream. According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a sign of joy. Cheerful children often mean a future pleasant acquaintance or the arrival of guests.

To give birth to a boy and a girl without complications is a joy. Whereas difficult childbirth signal great difficulties on the path to happiness.

What is the dream of a beloved boy born after several girls? The dream interpretation says only one thing - soon great happiness awaits you. If in a dream you gave birth to him right at home, then you can forget about the lack of funds.

Many dream books interpret the dream in which the baby boy appeared as a readiness for change. It is a symbol of new duties and responsibilities. Women often see such a dream if they dream very much about a child.

Beware that you may be drawn into a dirty business - this is what two boys who are fighting dream about. An aggressive child who offended your son in a dream - get ready for the troubles and deceit of friends.

If a boy cries in a dream, reconsider your financial investments. Perhaps some difficulties await you. If in a dream you beat a child, then in reality try to restrain your feelings. Sometimes inaction can be better than any action.

In a dream, hold the boy in your arms, whom someone threw to you, to unexpected profit. Holding a sick child possible problems, betrayal, depression.

For those who will become parents in the near future - a little boy in his arms to determine the sex of the child. If a woman holds it, a girl will be born, a man - the dream book says, expect a male baby.

Someone else's dead boy in a dream to problems and disappointments in reality. Very often, a baby in a dream symbolizes a business or undertaking. To see him dead means in a dream book that your project has no prospects.

Many men wonder why they dream of pregnancy and giving birth to a boy. This dream can mean a transition to a new stage in life and be an omen of major changes. Having given birth to a child in a dream, the dream book gives hope that a brilliant idea will visit you soon.

A child, a newborn boy, seen at night, is a new business or idea related to money. Such a dream is always favorable, but only on condition that the child is healthy and clean. Otherwise, the dream book recommends preparing for sorrows and difficulties.

If there is a small child in the house, then the dreaming pissing boy does not mean anything. It is only daytime worries that are transferred to night dreams. If you do not have a child, then this may mean that undertakings will bring too much trouble, take time and energy.

If a young girl dreamed of a boy she likes, it means that she thinks a lot about him. If he gives flowers - the dream book predicts, soon expect an invitation to a date.

See a dream in which there is a handsome boy- to a new romantic acquaintance for young women. Highly pretty Baby with an intelligent expression in a dream, a sign of imminent prosperity and the acquisition of material and spiritual values.


Dream Interpretation Child boy, what is the dream of a Child boy in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of a child boy in a dream book:

To dream of a small child, a boy dreams of events, and what they will be - good or bad - will be prompted by his behavior in a dream: if he smiled, then good news or events await you, if he cried, then you will not be expected pleasant surprises.

A small child boy dreams of trouble.

Modern dream book If a child is dreaming of a boy:

Solves a dream book: Why is a child dreaming of a boy - to unexpected news, a surprise. If such a dream was dreamed of by a pregnant woman, then a relatively quick birth awaits her. You play with a child, have fun - in real life, a favorable period has come both materially and spiritually, stability and a surge of inspiration await you. This is a very auspicious dream for creative people.

Dream Interpretation A child is a boy, if he is unfamiliar to you, but you consider him your son, indicates your distrust of men, disappointment in love. A crying baby is a sign that you need to show more attention and care for your soulmate and your family.

Big dream book What is the dream of a child boy:

Child boy - for a woman of childbearing age, such a dream promises pregnancy, perhaps she will have a boy. Creative individuals running to meet joyful child, promises a surge of inspiration. Playing with a boy - to stability, a favorable period in material terms.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo Dream Interpretation: Child boy

Seeing a boy's child in a dream very often indicates a quick enrichment, making a profit. I dreamed of a smart, cute child - this is a sign that everything in your life will turn out the most in the best way, you will find happiness, peace, tranquility and prosperity. Why is the Child dreaming of a boy who cries bitterly? Most likely, this is a sign - your financial condition is in danger, things require urgent intervention and total control.

Aggressive, pugnacious boy - to trouble in the near future, moreover, imaginary friends will trip you up. In a dream, you are punishing a child - in reality you should restrain your feelings, because of emotions you can get into an unpleasant situation.

Psychological dream book Dream Interpretation: Child boy to see in a dream

Dream Interpretation A child boy usually warns of upcoming chores, as well as laborious and fruitless work. The girl has a dream in which she imagines herself as a little boy - in reality it is very unpleasant for her to hear the conversations of her relatives that she needs to find a mate and get married.

Universal dream book What does it mean if a child is a boy in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Why is the Child a boy dreaming of an unmarried girl? Soon she will have a loved one. If a child was recently born, this is a sign that you need to achieve what you want with cunning and dexterity, and not scream, waving your arms and proving your case to others. According to the dream book, a child is a boy, if he is handsome and cheerful, it means that the person you are in love with will soon reciprocate your feelings.


Dream Interpretation Baby in the arms

What is the dream of a Child in arms in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing a child in your arms in a dream is a favorable sign, promising financial well-being, harmonious family relationships.

Holding a newborn baby in your arms is a search for a way out of a difficult life situation that has a depressing effect on you.

Who holds the child in her arms in a dream?

Seeing a man with a child in his arms in a dream

I dreamed of a child in the arms of a man - expect the birth of a baby boy. Pregnant women should not worry about the upcoming birth, they will pass easily.


Dream book baby

The dream book believes that a baby who has been seen in a dream is a symbol of happiness and great prosperity. But, the exact explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of also depends on the well-being of the crumbs, his gender, appearance and other points.

In most cases, the interpretation of dreams with a baby is positive. The baby promises a prosperous period in life. But, despite the favorable forecast, you should not relax, otherwise you can quickly get into trouble.

To dream of babies to a man or woman who dreams of replenishing the family, to the birth of a long-awaited little joy in real life. If you cannot find a son or daughter for a long time, rejoice, very soon, as the dream book says, all suffering and worries will be behind you and such a long-awaited children's laughter will finally sound in the house.

Such a dream will also help predict the gender of the future newborn. Pay attention to who exactly holds the crumbs in his arms: a man or a woman. If in a dream the baby is in the arms of a man, then a boy will be born, a baby in the arms of a woman promises the birth of a little girl.

What does such a dream promise?

A significant role in explaining what babies dream of is also played by the appearance of the little one. A beautiful, cheerful and contented baby promises a joyful life, not overshadowed by any difficulties and problems. If he is dissatisfied with something, untidy and capricious, then this may mean problems in real life according to the dream book.

To dream that the adult son or daughter you have in reality suddenly became small, and you are holding one of them in your arms to rethink your behavior. In reality, you should definitely reflect on the fact that your child has already become an adult and really needs independence. Dream Interpretation recommends that you stop overprotecting children and give them the opportunity to make their own choices.

The dream interpretation clearly explains why one dreams of rolling a baby in a baby stroller. This plot promises great joy in real life. This joy will certainly be associated with a long and pleasant journey. Hearing that the baby is crying is fortunate. If already adult girl sees in a dream that she suddenly became a helpless baby, then she should definitely think about her behavior. Excessive frivolity damages reputation. For a man, according to a dream book, a similar plot is a kind of warning that it is worth considering a change in lifestyle.

A few more options for what a baby dreams of

Seeing a baby in a dream, according to some interpreters, is a pleasant surprise in real life. The dream book of birthdays clearly shares the meaning of such dreams according to the dreamers' birthdays. If you were born between January and April, you will soon face insomnia, anxiety and severe anxiety in reality. For dreamers who were born from May to August, such a plot promises problems in family life and major disagreements with a spouse.

The dream book for birthday people tells what the baby portends to people celebrating their birthday from September to December. For them, such a dream means public condemnation and scandalous gossip. If you saw how you kissed a baby, you don’t have to worry about your appearance, keep your youthful appearance until your very old age.

The dream interpretation explains what it means to dream of holding a dead baby in your arms. A dead baby promises good news in reality. It is also possible to improve the material condition. Feed a baby in a dream to the successful completion of their affairs. In the coming period, you can start new business. All of them will end happily and bring satisfaction.

The dream book also explains why a baby girl dreams of a male dreamer. This plot promises to receive unexpected help in reality in a difficult situation. A man to see in a dream a boy's baby to doubts about the upcoming paternity and related experiences. He also sees in a dream the feeding of an infant to new perspectives in real life. It is important to take advantage of all the chances and not miss any of them.

What a baby in her arms dreams of is explained by a modern dream book. A healthy toddler promises happiness in love relationships. According to the dream book, an unhealthy baby is the personification of family troubles. The cry of a baby may indicate that you did something bad and are now repenting of your deed.

To dream about how a baby is born in the process of childbirth, and hear his first breath and cry to receive good news soon. If he holds out his hands to you, another full member of it will soon appear in your family. Walk with the baby in your arms for the upcoming waking business trip. You may also just go on a pre-planned trip.

If a child, a baby daughter, walks in a dream, then you can be sure of the devotion of your friends. To hold a baby in your arms and know that he is not yours, according to the dream book, to disappointment in love. A completely naked baby predicts misfortune in the house. If you yourself are a baby in your dream, then in real life get ready for numerous troubles that will concern your own children. They will probably get into some kind of trouble, and you will help them get out of them.


Hold in your hands according to the dream book

Holding someone or something in your hands in a dream symbolizes a connection, future relationship or accomplishment. In order to figure out why such a dream is dreaming, one should carefully recall and analyze what he saw, based on the events and features that occur in real life. Then, look at the meaning in the dream book.

An idiomatic dream book, the interpretation of a dream - to hold the hand, deciphers as the dependence (moral, financial) of the dreamer on something or someone. Also, the dream speaks of the insecurity of a sleeping person, his unwillingness to take responsibility, his inability to resist change, an unstable life position.

Resentment, guilt or remorse, which fetter a person’s actions in real life and affect well-being, this is what dreams of holding something in your hands in a dream, according to Medea’s dream book. Holding bread in your hands in a dream portends material well-being, securities- bankruptcy. Holding someone forcibly in a dream indicates that the time has come to act.

Interaction with objects

People who had a chance to hold a gun in their hands in a dream portend the dream book to achieve the desired result due to their determination. If the weapon is in the possession of a loved one who threatens the dreamer, because he wants to shoot himself, then soon the lovers will have to part or quarrel for a long time.

Why dream of holding a knife in your hand? This picture is a symbol of self-defense, apparently in real life a sleeping person suffers from unreasonable aggression of people around him. In addition, such an image, according to the dream book, speaks of a good opportunity to improve your financial well-being. For a girl, to see a cold weapon from another person, who at the same time threatens the dreamer, means a meeting with a new admirer or an exciting love adventure.

For those who had to hold money in their hands in a dream, the dream book deciphers as a subconscious fear of losing power and privileges. Businessmen, this image indicates an unreasonable fear of losing their business. Accidentally scattering money is an unkind sign, portending the end of a favorable period, the onset of financial failures and material problems.

A dream is favorable, where you happen to hold the heart of a strong or wild animal in your hands. The dream interpretation indicates a sufficient number of skills and abilities of a sleeping person that will help to cope with the most powerful enemies and ill-wishers. Seeing the heart of a loved one in your palm means complete devotion and love of the chosen one.

For a girl, to see her own heart in the palms of her lover, “decorated” with scars and wounds, is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s vulnerability and dependence on young man, a painful reaction to the behavior and actions of the chosen one.

To beat in direct proportion to what is happening in real life, and to be responsible for it, that's what dreams of holding hair in your hand. The dream book advises to analyze the situation that has developed in reality, since, in most cases, what is happening is the work of other people.

Holding a fire in your hands that does not burn in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an auspicious time for risky business. The opportunity to get out of the water "dry" and successfully complete the business started.

Holding a poster or a banner in a dream in a dream signals that a person occupies a false position in society or is seriously deceived about the truth of the motives of the people around him.

Interaction with animals in a dream

It is considered auspicious dreams to hold a bird in your hands. Any flying feathered bird in a dream symbolizes creativity, originality and unusualness, a flight of thought and fantasy. Therefore, to catch and hold a bird is interpreted by the dream book as a pretty good period for a proposal. own ideas, as well as the fulfillment of the most secret plans.

Why dream of holding a dove in your hands? The dream interpretation indicates a good period in the dreamer's life, good luck and luck. To lovers, the vision speaks of complete trust and understanding between a man and a woman, sparking and mutual feelings. If the dove in the hands pecked at a sleeping person, then this indicates the annoyance and arrogance of the dreamer, which repel loved ones and those around him.

In a dream, holding a cat in your arms portends the establishment of ties between relatives and close people in a dream book. It is also an opportunity to take a few days off before engaging in a flurry of activities and forming business relationships.

In a dream, holding a kitten in your arms characterizes the dreamer's insecurity in the dream book. own forces and fear of taking responsibility for their actions and actions. Novice businessmen should do spiritual work on themselves before starting their own business, because with such a mood, the business will be doomed to failure.

A young girl holding a cat in her arms in a dream portends involuntary participation in unseemly or risky affairs, which may affect the reputation of a young person, as well as the threat of being involved in someone's dirty game aimed at a familiar person.

A woman, holding a cat in her arms in a dream, is deciphered by the dream book as an unconscious indulgence of the whims of her husband. Also, a dream can symbolize a friend entering the house, who planned to harm the sleeping young lady by repulsing her lover from her. It is not difficult to recognize a pseudo girlfriend, since in reality the person has already caught herself thinking about jealousy for her husband and the obscene behavior of a friend several times. It is necessary as soon as possible to save the rival the opportunity to visit the dreaming house and stop all friendship with the enemy.

The need to help your friend in work or finding a job is what you dream of holding a dog in your arms. In reality, women will have to experience difficulties and discomfort about the ignoble behavior of a long-time and dear friend, which may lead to a quarrel or a break in a long-standing relationship.

It will not be difficult for young girls who want to get pregnant to guess why they dream of holding a fish in their hands. The image speaks of the imminent interesting position dreamers. For men, such a dream portends a successful deal or a big profit, as well as a profitable financial investment and the ability to avoid risky projects.

In a dream, holding a snake in your hands symbolizes a successful confrontation with enemies, a high probability of defeating the enemy. And the great achievement will be considered the shown generosity and the ability to score and forgive long-standing grievances, starting life from scratch.

For a woman, such an image in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as a successful confrontation with a rival, which will end in the complete defeat of the enemy. It's just worth looking carefully at the "trophy" that went after the war with the enemy. Often, the person for whom the person fought so hard is not worthy of this, and can only bring disappointment and grief to the sleeping young lady.

Sleep Interaction with Children

It is useful to know why you dream of holding a newborn in your arms. A dream indicates an opportunity to realize new ideas and plans. Changes in life that will bring peace and happiness to a sleeping person. The vision also says that you should not be afraid of the new and hitherto unknown, since everything that happens in this moment will bring significant financial income and profit. In addition, such an image in a dream speaks of the need to comprehend new sciences, learns what he has long wanted to know.

If a woman dreamed of holding a baby in her arms, it means that the dreamer is waiting for small, but pleasant chores. For a man, such a vision speaks of an upcoming promotion, receiving a monetary reward, or changing jobs. A young girl should get ready for a pleasant surprise that awaits her in the future. Perhaps this will be connected with a marriage proposal from a loved one or with the purchase of a thing that the dreamer has dreamed of for a long time.

Holding a child's hand in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as pleasant moments that a person will have to experience in real life. A person who has been looking for her place in life for a long time will soon find her destiny, and those who wanted to find a decent job will soon receive an advantageous offer that they cannot refuse.

In order to correctly interpret what this dream is about, you should pay attention to the gender of the child. Holding the boy in your arms is deciphered by the dream book as an auspicious time to make yourself known at work. All the suggestions and requests of the dreamer will be heard by the authorities, and the initiative will be highly appreciated. To future mothers, such a picture indicates that she will have a girl.

In a dream, holding a girl in her arms portends family well-being and mutual understanding between relatives. Peace, harmony, peace, and material well-being will be permanent residents in the house of a sleeping person. For a pregnant woman, such a dream portends the birth of a boy. A man should prepare for a pleasant surprise that will happen to him soon.

Interaction with people in a dream

The young lady will be interested to know why the dream is in which the guy holds the dreamer by the hand. Such an image is interpreted by the dream book as a warning to be charmed by a young man and succumb to temptations. It is necessary to avoid dubious acquaintances and try not to get involved in adventurous activities that will not end in anything good for a young person.

An ominous and slightly gloomy dream in which he happened to hold the hand of the deceased. It is worth taking a closer look at such a dream, since its interpretation has both positive and negative meanings. And in order to correctly interpret why such an image is dreamed of, it is worth looking at the nature of such a “handshake”.

If the deceased holds the dreamer forcibly, trying to take him away, then in real life, the sleeping person needs to pay attention to his well-being and health. Perhaps the person feels discomfort in some part of the body and does not attach any importance to this. It is worth contacting a doctor and undergoing the recommended examinations.

To independently hold the deceased person, preventing him from going where he wants, is interpreted by the dream book as nostalgia for the deceased. In addition, this image speaks of the presence of remorse or guilt, which prevent a person from moving further along the path of life.

For a girl, holding the hand of an ex-boyfriend in a dream portends mutual attraction or the presence between the dreamer and the guy of some unresolved matters and issues that contribute to the rapprochement of two people.

If a young lady has been dating another young man for a long time, then, according to the dream book, this dream speaks of a subconscious comparison of the current and former partner which can lead to unforeseen consequences. It is worth trying to accept the current young man as he is and not project the former relationship on the relationship with the current partner.

A woman who in a dream has to hold a man's hand should beware of temptations in reality. For married ladies, the dream book advises to fight temptation, since all the feelings overwhelmed by the dreamer are false and deceptive. A young lady should be critical of compliments made by unfamiliar young people, since their motives may be far from romance and love.

The presence of complete mutual understanding and harmony in relationships with the chosen one, that's what dreams of holding a loved one by the hand. Such a picture portends in a dream book reconciliation to those couples who are now in a quarrel, as well as the establishment of a family idyll and mutual attraction for married couples.

Holding the hand of a loved one who in a dream wants to part with a person is deciphered by the dream book as a time of change and action. The young lady should be more attentive to the needs and desires of her chosen one, otherwise the person will not be able to reveal his positive aspects to her.

Most dream books ambiguously interpret what a man who holds a dreamer in his arms is dreaming of. On the one hand, a dream warns that one cannot trust the words and actions of an unfamiliar person. On the other hand, it is interpreted by the dream book as a test of unbridled happiness and fun associated with relationships with a loved one.

A guy who in a dream happens to hold the hand of a girl, for whom in reality he has a strong sympathy, the dream book interprets an early opportunity to confess the feelings and intentions of the young lady he likes. Most likely, these feelings will be mutual.

It is interpreted a little differently, why dream of holding a hand unknown girl in a dream. For a person who already has a soul mate, the dream book indicates the appearance on his life path of a person who will greatly interest the dreamer and cause him strong emotions and desires. In some cases, such feelings are false and deceptive and can only lead to the collapse of the current relationship.

Why dream of holding your husband's hand? The dream interpretation deciphers such a vision as a subconscious desire to control the actions and decisions of the spouse, which can lead to undesirable consequences for the sleeping young lady. One of which is the appearance of another person on the side, the desire to get rid of the annoying "oppression" and go into "free swimming".


Holding a baby boy

Dream Interpretation Holding a baby boy dreamed of why in a dream to hold a baby boy in his arms? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Holding a baby boy in your arms by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hold in hands

Dream Interpretation - Hold bread in hands

To well-being.

To bankruptcy.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Dream Interpretation - Boy

See also Cry, Children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Dream Interpretation - Babies

Seeing a newborn baby means that a pleasant surprise awaits you in the near future.

If a young woman sees herself in a dream as a small child, she will be accused of condoning the dissolute pastime of some people.

Seeing a baby being bathed portends a happy way out of a predicament.


Boy hold on hands

Dream Interpretation Boy to hold in his arms dreamed of why in a dream the boy was holding in his arms? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Boy in your arms in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hold in hands

Holding something in your hands in a dream is an insult.

Dream Interpretation - Hold bread in hands

To well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Hold securities in your hands

To bankruptcy.

Dream Interpretation - Hold a large amount of money (money) in your hands

Beware of losing all power.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If the boy was born to someone else, such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reason to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts a dual position for you, when you will seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. To beat a boy in a dream or to punish is a waking warning to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

You will toil. The boy is playing - anxiety over trifles. The boy is sleeping - inner doubts make you indecisive. The boy is learning - you are suffering because of a mistake made in the past.

Imagine that the boy runs away and the girl comes (see Girl). Or a boy - it's actually a girl in disguise.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A little boy is a surprise or unexpected news;
for a pregnant woman - rapid childbirth;
playing with a boy - a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and financially stable;
for creative people - a surge of inspiration;
crying boy - you have to show care and attention in relation to your family, and especially to your loved one;
an unfamiliar boy, and you perceive him as your son - disappointment in love and distrust of the opposite sex.
See also Cry, Children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

If an older boy entering adolescence is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed of a little boy - this is a great success, all things will go uphill for you.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not keep you waiting.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

For a woman to see a boy: to money and an increase in property.

To see fighting boys - friends can entangle you in a dirty business.

Students - to successful and profitable plans.

An adult sees himself as a boy - your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A boy is joy, fun - for a woman - money and an increase in property - to see boys fighting - friends will get you involved in a dirty business - a student - happy plans.

Children are the most beautiful thing in the life of every family. What is the dream of a child in her arms? What is the interpretation of such a dream? Worth sorting out.

What is the dream of a child in her arms - the main interpretation

A child in her arms in a dream is a symbol of hopes and dreams. A symbol of hatched ideas that are destined to be realized. But it is necessary to fully interpret the dream, to cover all its details in order to get a complete and reliable picture of what is happening.

Did you have a child in your arms in a dream;

· Was it your child;

How the child behaved and felt;

How did you feel.

· Have you spoken to your child?

If you see how in a dream your child, who has matured a long time, is climbing into your arm, you still remember him as a child and really want to return those times. You do not have enough children's laughter at home, you do not have enough care and affection. The dream book advises you to devote more time to your family, try to keep in touch with them often.

A dream in which you repeatedly raise and lower a child in your arms indicates that you have a difficult work to do on yourself. You will doubt for a long time what you really want. The dream book advises to compare your desires and opportunities and not contradict them. If you have been wanting to go on a trip abroad for a long time - weigh your options and if they are not enough - you should definitely improve your financial situation, and only then get upset that your trip did not work out.

The dream in which you get up at night and pick up a child from the cradle indicates that someone close to you will really need your care. Try not to deprive your loved ones of your attention, do not refuse them, counting on the fact that they can handle it themselves. If you do not provide them with support and assistance now, this will undermine their trust in you for a long time.

If in a dream you have several children in your arms, you will be puzzled by the choice of several options. Both of them will be good and will give you everything that you have been dreaming about for so long. But you need to listen to your inner voice, making a choice of two options. Perhaps he will tell you a lot more useful than you think.

If you dream that you have a sick child in your arms, such a dream means that problems await you from where you do not expect them at all. It can be both an absurd coincidence of circumstances, and well-thought-out intrigues of enemies.

It is important for you to monitor your health and emotional background in the near future. Try not to overexert yourself, don't work too hard. If possible, try to limit your social circle, even if you feel bad and hard - do not tell strangers about it.

Why does a child dream in his arms if he has heat? Such a dream promises you a period of suffering and disappointment. You may begin internal torment, internal anxiety. You can try for a long time to sleep and fail, you can try for a long time to find an opportunity to rest and fail.

If in a dream you have a baby in your arms that you are feeding, such a dream means that all the difficulties and problems will arise in your life due to self-pity. Try to overcome this feeling in yourself and never return to it. If you have a difficult day, a difficult job, complicated relationship- allow yourself a rest and then boldly go through life further.

If you dream that you are not just holding the child in your arms, but also talking about a lot with him - such a dream means that you will need good advice, in moral support. Do not exaggerate your importance of other people in your life, you yourself can figure out all your life situations. It is important for you now to find out for yourself what kind of advice, what kind of help you will need from the people around you.

If in a dream you held a child in your arms and dropped it abruptly, remember why:

If something scared you - you will be afraid to build a healthy relationship, a new business;

If someone pushed you, your happiness will be hindered;

If you stumble - you are unsure of yourself;

If you are knocked down by the wind - your troubles are a coincidence.

The dream in which you throw a child over your head indicates that your dreams and ideas are too unrealistic to be embodied in real life. It is worth choosing something more accessible and close to reality.

If you throw a child over your head and at the same time do not catch it, but drop it, you will be disappointed in yourself and your dreams. You will stop building healthy relationships, you will be more and more disappointed in your colleagues and your prospects. The dream book warns you against such thoughts. In fact, you have a huge number of possibilities. You just haven't learned to look at them.

Why dream of a child in his arms according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a child in his arms dreams as a symbol of the fullness of his personal life. It is a symbol of the realization of dreams and ideas. Why dream of a child in the arms of a lonely woman? Such a dream is dreamed as a symbol of harmony with oneself, as a symbol of new true happy relationship.

If a child screams loudly in her arms, gets out - such a dream means that the woman herself will spoil the relationship, look for flaws in them, look for reasons for loneliness in them. The dream interpretation indicates that the problem here is not in the relationship, but in the woman herself.

The dream in which you hold a dead child in your arms speaks of your failure in love. You will not only experience loneliness for a long time, you will be really lonely for a long time. This is a period of life that is worth going through, it is worth accepting and not returning to it again.

The dream in which you circle the child in your arms speaks of your dizzying success with men, but you will not be able to fully use it, you will not find the motivation in yourself to build a strong relationship with one man.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a baby in her arms, she will have good health, her child will also be born healthy and will delight her parents with good behavior and remarkable developmental success.

What is the dream of a child in her arms according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that the dream in which you hold your mother in your arms when she was a child promises you a difficult relationship with her. It affects your perception of reality too much. Her opinion influences the decisions you make in life.

If in a dream you hold yourself small in your arms, you are afraid to open up. You have a fear of distrust, rejection of yourself. You work hard to improve your life, but it doesn't work out well for you. The dream book advises you to let go of the past and move on with your life.

If in a dream you rock a child, in reality you will try to hush up the conflict, peacefully resolve a controversial situation, avoid a quarrel. Try your best to achieve these goals. Try not to miss the opportunity to overcome your negative human qualities, which led you to such situations.

What is the dream of a child in her arms in other dream books

The dream book of Nostradamus says that if you had a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try your best to figure out the problems that you recently had. If this is already an adult child, you will struggle with the problems of the distant past.

If a child hugs your neck, you will be choked by difficult memories, from which you will try in every possible way to get rid of. The dream in which you hold a dirty child in your arms speaks of the wrongness of your life. You will put yourself in danger by your behavior. You will name your sins.

Vanga's dream book says that if you have a child in your arms that you are trying to calm down, you will receive unexpected news that will not completely surprise you. Try to treat everything evenly and not prejudiced.

Longo's dream book says that a baby in your arms promises you deceit and an unfavorable set of circumstances. If you see someone taking a child from your arms - such a dream means that you can solve some of your problems thanks to someone else's help.

No matter how the dream seems to you at first glance. It is important to remember your emotions during it and after. If after sleep you experience mental discomfort, something in your life has been going wrong for a long time. You have long felt that some events in your life arose for a reason. Dreams will help you figure it out.

Why is the boy dreaming in his arms? If in real life you are concerned about raising your own son, then it is pointless to interpret the image. Otherwise, be patient, because the path to success promises to be difficult. The dream book will tell you how to correctly solve what happened to be seen in a dream.


Did you dream of a small child who was held in your arms? Expect great luck on the business and amorous fronts.

If a completely unfamiliar little child was present, whom you mistook for your son, then get ready for a big disappointment.

To persuade a very capricious boy in a dream means that fate will throw you an unusual test.

If a small child was sitting on the lap of a girl, then the dream book promises her deception on the part of a loved one.

Happiness or sadness?

Why else dream of a boy in his arms? If in a dream it was someone else's baby, then you will become the subject of gossip or quarrel with someone.

But to see a son who is not yet there is good. The dream interpretation is sure: in the future you will have a lot of reasons for pride and happiness.

Dreamed of your own happy baby? A happy event will happen in the family. If he described himself, then you will experience complete confusion or get into a noisy celebration.

Appearance Features

Did you dream of an unfamiliar boy in your arms? The dream interpretation insists: the correct interpretation will be given by its appearance and mood.

  • A full child promises pleasant chores.
  • Thin - painful worries.
  • Dirty - a disease, various difficulties.
  • Crying - material difficulties.
  • Aggressive - trouble, conflict.
  • Cute - meeting a girl, good luck to a man.

Did you see a dead boy? Things will fall apart. If a disabled person appears, then you have not thought through all the details in some way. Did a black boy sit in his arms in a dream? Dream book advice: expect envy from others and attacks from superiors.

According to Miller

What does a very sick boy in his arms warn about? A difficult period and mental anxiety is coming.

Everything goes according to plan!

What is the dream of an unknown male baby? In reality, quite successfully complete a risky business or find a way out of an impasse.

The baby also symbolizes surprise in a dream. But if the boy was wrapped in diapers, then the dream book guarantees prosperity and general well-being.

Did you dream that there was a newborn boy in your arms? You started a very stupid enterprise with an unpredictable result.

Stop getting angry!

What is the dream of a baby? Soon there will be excellent opportunities for self-realization. Did you dream of a sick newborn boy in your arms? Dream Interpretation believes that your expectations will never be fulfilled.

The worst thing in a dream is to see that a very dirty baby is nestled at the chest. This means that evil thoughts and unkind emotions literally eat away at you from the inside.

Take action!

Did you happen to hold a cute little boy in a dream? The plot promises that major efforts will bring worthy benefits and spiritual relief.

Why dream if you are lucky to keep twin boys? There comes a period of calm and prosperity. But if the boy did not want to sit in his arms and kicked, then in reality you will hear accusations against you.

In ancient and modern dream books, a baby in her arms is an ambiguous symbol that can predict the dreamer both happy life changes and troubles. To understand why a sleeping person dreams of a baby, you need to try to remember the plot of your dream to the smallest detail, and only after that turn to interpreters for help. What gender was the dreaming baby? What mood was he in? By answering these and some other questions, the dreamer will be able to understand what the little one, who is in his arms in a dream, warned him about.

In ancient and modern dream books, a baby in her arms is an ambiguous symbol that can predict the dreamer both happy life changes and troubles.

Did you dream of holding a small child in your arms? Miller's dream book does not advise ignoring this image, as it is able to warn the dreamer about any important events waiting for him in the coming days. An alarming sign is a dream in which the sleeper held an unhealthy baby in his arms. Such a vision prophesies to him heartache, disappointment and unrest in reality. If in a dream a person rocked a baby for a long time, trying to put him to sleep, then the goal pursued by him in reality will be achieved at the cost of incredible efforts. What is the dream of a baby in his arms, whom the dreamer feeds from a bottle? Soon after waking up, the sleeper will face a difficult and incredibly troublesome job, the completion of which will bring him a good monetary reward in the future. Sometimes a dream with a similar development of events indicates a person’s unwillingness or inability to solve their problems on their own. Faced with any life obstacles, he always hopes for the help of strangers and does nothing to overcome them.

What is the dream of a newborn (video)

Explanation according to the dream book of Astromeridian

What is the dream of a baby in her arms according to the dream book of Astromeridian? A person who sees such an image in a dream will be greatly surprised in reality. To understand how pleasant it will be, he needs to remember the appearance of the baby. If the dreaming peanut was beautiful and evoked emotion in the sleeping person, then the upcoming surprise will bring him a lot of positive emotions. An ugly or dirty child promises unpleasant chores.

Did the woman dream about her husband with a baby in her arms? The dream interpretation portends her pregnancy and the birth of a son. If the dreaming peanut was capricious and sick, then in reality the dreamer's life will be overshadowed by troubles that unexpectedly fell on his head. The interpreter urges him not to lose heart and remember that behind a dark streak in life there always comes a bright one. Carrying a crying or naughty child in your arms, trying to calm him down and put him to sleep, is a serious obstacle to the realization of a cherished dream. To achieve the desired, a person will need to show maximum perseverance. If the dreamer failed to put the baby to sleep, then all his efforts will be in vain.

A person who sees such an image in a dream will be greatly surprised in reality.

Dreamed of holding someone else's baby in your arms in a dream? Higher power they warn the sleeper that in the coming days one of his relatives or friends will try to put his problems on his shoulders. By agreeing to help another person, the dreamer runs the risk of incurring troubles that at this life stage capable of seriously disrupting his plans.

Interpretation according to dream books: Universal and Felomena

What portends a dream with a child in her arms to a pregnant woman? The compilers of the Universal Dream Book are convinced: if in night dreams future mom saw a boy, then she should prepare for the birth of her son. A little girl in her arms should be taken as a sign promising a woman the appearance of a daughter. In a dream, did the pregnant woman clearly hear how someone called the peanut she dreamed of by name? With the help of this vision, the Universe tells her the name for the unborn child. By naming her offspring by him, a woman will provide him with a happy fate.

Holding a baby in the arms of a dreamer who was thrown to the dreamer in night dreams is an incredibly happy sign. The dream interpretation is sure that the foundling portends pleasant surprises, success or unexpected enrichment to the sleeping person. But in this way, only the dream in which the child behaved calmly can be interpreted. If the abandoned baby was crying or acting up, then unforeseen troubles await the dreamer.

The dream book of Felomena associates small children with the hopes and aspirations of a person. The dream where he held the baby in his arms reflects his hopes for the realization of long-cherished plans. If the vision left the sleeper with good memories, then the actions taken by him will bring him success and universal recognition.

Holding a baby in the arms of a dreamer who was thrown to the dreamer in night dreams is an incredibly happy sign.

Holding the baby of your friends or relatives in your arms is a sign warning the dreamer that he is being shamelessly manipulated. Having fallen under the influence of cunning and deceitful people, he unconditionally fulfills their requests, being sure that he does it of his own free will. It is time for the sleeper to face the truth and understand that this cannot continue. If he continues to dance to the tune of his enterprising acquaintances, he risks missing the opportunity to achieve success in this life.

Newborn babies with blue eyes in a dream they are associated with the kindness, responsiveness and sincerity of a sleeping person. If the dreamer had a chance to keep a blue-eyed baby in night dreams, then in reality he can always count on the support of friends and relatives, whom he once helped in difficult situations.

Interpretations of Hasse, Vanga and Freud

In Miss Hasse's dream book, you can find out what someone else's baby is dreaming of in her arms. To determine the meaning of sleep, the interpreter advises to recall its details:

  • if the dreaming baby described himself in his arms, then in reality the dreamer will be invited to a solemn event;
  • a peacefully sleeping peanut, whose gender was difficult to determine in a dream, predicts difficulties for a person in achieving a goal;
  • a newborn boy, in the arms of Morpheus, promises the dreamer a successful career;
  • a baby sleeping in her arms portends the pleasant chores associated with preparing for an important event.

The dream in which the baby was in her arms will help decipher Vanga's dream book. The Bulgarian seer claimed that a person who carries a heavily crying child in a dream and tries to calm him down will receive unexpected news in reality. Also, a dream can warn him of an event that can take him by surprise.

How to understand a dream in which the sleeping person takes the baby in his arms at his request? A person who sees such a picture should prepare for an imminent addition to the family. Holding a baby for a man - to successfully get rid of old problems.

In Freud's dream book, a baby in his arms symbolizes the desire of a sleeping person to achieve harmony in relations with a sexual partner. If the baby dreamed of a person who was in a quarrel with his soulmate, then he should discard pride and take the first step towards reconciliation.

What is the dream of a baby in her arms (video)

Interpretation of a dream by Tsvetkov and Loff

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov gives an unexpected interpretation of a dream with a baby in her arms. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, then in the near future her relationship with her husband would be overshadowed by an unpleasant conflict. In the case when the expectant mother works, a dream may portend her trouble in the service. Holding a crying child in your arms is a quarrel with any of the family members because of the condemnation of his actions and views on life. Cheerful child in her arms promises a pregnant woman happy events, thanks to which her life will take on a new meaning.

What is the dream of a baby (boy) in his arms in a diaper that urgently needs to be changed? For a dreamer who does not have his newborn offspring, a dream promises the emergence of a brilliant idea that can bring good material profit. Parents of young children should not pay attention to a dream with a similar development of events, since it is a reflection of reality.

Tsvetkov's dream interpretation gives an unexpected interpretation of a dream with a baby in her arms

Why do babies dream in their arms according to other interpreters? Nursing the baby and hearing how he burped - to an unpleasant situation, because of which the dreamer will feel embarrassed. Such an interpretation can be found in David Loff's dream book. Night vision, where a person held a dying child in his arms, is an extremely disturbing sign. It predicts a serious danger to the dreamer. To avoid a bad omen, he needs to refrain from participating in dubious affairs and refrain from long-distance travel. A baby who died in the arms of a sleeping person suddenly came to life? The universe hints to the dreamer that he is incredibly close to achieving his goal. To achieve what he wants, he needs not to give up and move forward, not paying attention to the obstacles that appear in his path.

A baby in her arms in a dream of a young childless woman indicates her readiness for motherhood. For a single man, such a dream transparently hints at his fear of fatherhood and family life. If the representative of the stronger sex is in adulthood, but does not have children, then sleep should be associated with his desire to become a parent.

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