Famous confectioner Renat Agzamov works. Renat Agzamov, Russian star pastry chef: “When you learn how to make money, you will become the most valuable person in the company”

Auto 07.08.2019

”, which produces exclusive cakes to order, was launched by the Moscow confectionery factory Fili Baker in 2006. Despite the fact that the company employs dozens of confectioners, florists, stylists and designers, the project is largely copyrighted: most of the cakes were invented by monumental confectioner Renat Agzamov, who, in fact, became the face of the brand. After the photo with his multi-storey cakes was published by the host of Doma-2 Ksenia Borodina, the Russian stage, sports and movie stars learned about the confectioner. Since then, Agzamov's cakes have regularly appeared on TV shows, reviews of the most incredible sweets and reach the size of a car. In an interview with 2GIS, Renat Agzamov for the first time told in detail how he ended up in Moscow, why he abandoned his project for the sake of Fili Baker, how much wedding cakes bring, and what an ideal dessert should be in order to be definitely bought.

Renat Agzamov

Fili Baker Premium Chief Specialist
35 years

For you, it all started with moving to Moscow, right?

Let's go in order. 1999-2001 - military service, already official. So I've been in the army since 96. I was 15 years old. I entered a culinary school and went in for sports at the same time - I boxed for the CSKA Olympic Training Center. Often the training camp took place in Krasnodar, and I lived in the barracks with other guys. So, when I was called up, I knew all the demobilizations, and they remembered me. The barracks was my home, everything was fine. Suddenly my dad was paralyzed, he had a stroke. My brother and I break loose from Krasnodar and don’t come back: our boxing career was covered with a copper basin on this. Dad was the main breadwinner, brought money to the family, invested in our competitions. It became clear that it was our turn to feed the family, and at the same time to pull dad out of a difficult state. Went to work. My brother got a job as a cook in a restaurant, and I got a job in a pastry shop. In fact, I was drawn to this since childhood, I have been baking cupcakes since the age of seven.

In 2002, after winning the championship [confectioners] in Krasnodar, ambitions appeared by themselves. I wanted my cakes to be on the catwalks, like in fashion shows. There were a million ideas: unusual patterns, shapes, original sweet decorations. And despite the fact that the whole city, including the mayor, actually turned to me for cakes, I was the youngest in the shop, and only women worked nearby. I was a "boy", customers said so: "Let your boy make a cake." I realized that everything, Sochi is a ceiling, a tin can, from which you can’t go anywhere. Then he said to his boss: "I want to become the best confectioner in the world." And she, not listening to the end: “Renat, stop flying in the clouds! Stop the cakes roll. We made pizza cakes in the workshop, and I personally rolled 1800 pieces every day. In general, I was tired of all this, touched the creative nature to the quick (smiles), and I suggested that my brother go to Moscow to work. Or rather, not so much because of money, but for new information, new experience. I wanted to develop. And in order to win the World Championships, it is not enough to live in Sochi. You need to go to Moscow. We left in 2002.

The first three days we spent the night on the train. There was only enough money for food. We had 15,000 rubles, of which we set aside ten for a return ticket, if all else fails.

And then I was still boxing and dressed out of habit, as if for a workout. Imagine: sweatpants tucked into socks, shorts over them and a T-shirt on a T-shirt. Such a purely sporty "style". I thought I looked crazy cool (smiles), like the coolest athlete in the area. We went to rent an apartment, and they immediately threw us. Went to another - and there they threw it. Moscow! And where to spend the night? We reached the septic tank of the Kursk railway station, gave the conductor 200 rubles, and she let us into the compartment, closing it so that we would not go anywhere - neither to go to the toilet, nor to wash. And our dad, in the past the chef of the dining car, always had the treasured three keys on the train that open all the doors. Before leaving, he says: “Take it, it will come in handy,” and holds it out along with woolen socks and hats. We would probably still be sitting there closed, if not for daddy's keys.

In the morning they went to look for work, housing and lodging for the night, and returned at night. I will never forget how one agency offered us an apartment on Star Boulevard. I called all my friends, I pleased my mother: “On the Star Boulevard!”. We haven't signed anything yet, we haven't settled in, and I've already trumpeted (smiles). Of course, they threw us again, and we found a room only in Krasnogorsk. This is where it all started.

Do you remember your first job?

Cafe-confectionery in Kitay-gorod. The first time I worked for free, I took on any business - just to learn something. I went, for example, to a cafe, saw shiny chocolate and did not understand how to achieve such a shine. And no one will just tell. As a result, in the first six months in Moscow, I changed seven jobs. Get what I need and leave. Probably, this is not entirely fair, but I was so captured by the learning process that I could not do otherwise. The first real place of work, where I stayed for 2.5 years, was the Nostalzhi restaurant, which was booming then. Legendary place. I was a pastry chef, and only the French worked there before me.

How did you get there?

There was a casting: three foreigners, me and another guy from Russia. I won. How? Yes, simple. I completely repeated the desserts of the Bulvar restaurant, where I used to work. And suddenly everyone began to write about me, restaurant critics praised me a lot.

I began to make truly unexpected and extraordinary desserts: wasabi ice cream and bell pepper, candies with garlic, sweets based on beer.

Moscow was not ready for this. This is now so accepted, but then it was a shock.

Did you go crazy on purpose? Did you announce yourself?

No, it's all because of the thirst for new things - tastes, combinations, reactions. I needed to surprise. Exactly the same was demanded by the restaurateur. He didn't want cheesecake or tiramisu, it was about something more. I can say that we succeeded: we surprised. But there was one point: people did not eat it. And when we sat down for the report, I heard: “Renat, you are a talented guy, but where is commerce? Where are the grandmothers? People still ordered three scoops of ice cream and wild berries and cream. Was that your main mistake?

Not a mistake. It's part of the experience, maturation. True, if I opened a restaurant now, then the menu would have only liquid desserts - based on fresh juice and sorbet. I then looked at catering business from the inside: through the eyes of a confectioner, not a visitor. I didn't have money for restaurants. When deputies or pop stars came to us, I saw the gods in the hall, I was dumb. He went out into the hall and trembled. Later, when I myself could order an expensive steak, pilaf, barbecue and salad, I realized that after such a table I really don’t want to take sweets with garlic, beer or wasabi. I do not want charlottes with flour. Let it be something light.

If you look at French cookbooks, you will find that almost every dessert has a scoop of fruit sorbet. Why? And this is a digestif.

This is how there is an aperitif - champagne, martini - any alcohol that prepares the body for eating and produces gastric juice, so there is a digestif. For example, Jagermeister. Dessert should work like this tincture.

Do not be a seal that “shut up” a person, do not stand across the throat, but let him relax. The right dessert relaxes, not finishes off. Then I did not know these subtleties. Also, food should be simple. If I have strawberries or raspberry chiffon, there will be no nuts or chocolate. There will be strawberries or raspberries. Everything, in my opinion, people have already played enough with the kitchen, everyone just wants to eat delicious food. A confectioner can satisfy his ambitions, but let him know in advance that this will not bring money.

What happened after Nostalgia?

I was invited to the network of French confectionery Legato. It was headed famous restaurateur Mikhail Zelman. Legato were famous for their chocolates self made, in the assortment there were 60 items. At Nostalgia, I was a confectioner and managed three people in the workshop, and at Legato I began to manage a network of entire enterprises. I had to monitor profitability, profit, revenue. And I didn't know that at all. I had to master the basics of accounting in a short time, to understand technological maps. I bought the first laptop in my life, began to delve into Excel and grow as a leader.

After Legato, I decided to take up catering. Together with the former director of Nostalgia and one person closely associated with the Kremlin, we launched the Creative Catering project. The service turned out to be more than successful: we recaptured the starting $50,000 in three months. However, one of our companions began to steal, and the alliance broke up. It is also important that I stopped changing women and decided to build a nest. It definitely made a difference, 100%. I was ready to go free-swimming and start my project.

I had a lot of ideas for cakes, retail, technology, I had an agreement with a bank for a loan of $500,000, and then I was called to Tatarstan. The daughter of the president of "Tatarstan-Bank" headed the network of coffee houses "Chocolate", I was offered to help her. I organized everything in two weeks, adjusted it, I am sitting with my father, a wise, elderly Tatar. He asked me how I see my future. I told about my project, about the loan, and I heard: “Remember, if you are small, you will be like a stream: flow until there is a drought, until a tree falls. My advice to you: join the big one and become like a river: a powerful stream that is not afraid of anything.

At this point, I turned my brain into reverse side: what the hell is your business?! They'll crush it!

The wise Tatar was right. I returned to Moscow, developed a series of new cakes and started looking for big companies for joint projects.

What kind of companies?

Confectionery factories represented in retail. I took a cake from the shelf, looked at the label, found the manufacturer's phone number and asked to connect me with the owner (smiles). Basically, the aunts-operators hung up. Then I turned to the Fili Baker company, with the owners of which I had common acquaintances from Sochi. Even then it was a giant, a megafactory. I told about my plans, they became interested, and there was a merger of two ... I wanted to say giants, but at that time it was a merger of a giant with a small appendicitis (laughs). Of course, there were many ambitions and desires, but I was still so green. I was just a confectioner, that's Kindergarten. And Fili Baker is a city within a city; a huge number of people, trucks, shipments; crazy logistics. How did you get them interested?

The market was in dire need of new products, all the big networks - both Auchan and Metro - were waiting for something unusual. And this is a story about me. I think Philly Baker saw fresh blood in me. I'm just as much a maniac and a fan of my work as they are. Well, charisma may have played a role. They saw that I was the leader. And another factory was built for me - Fili Baker Premium - a separate project. I can honestly say that no one then, not even myself, believed that we could become big company With international projects. At the same time, all the agreements were in words, we did not sign anything. And these are not amateurs, these are powerful businessmen of a large scale. They just said: “Renat, let's start, look for a place,” and I believed them.


rub./kg average cake price

Were you not afraid that you would be robbed again - as with the apartment then? They will take your ideas, get rid of you at the first opportunity, and then you will not prove anything.

It was the most a big problem because everyone told me about it. Brother, mother, friends: “You are a fool! Where did you get into?! They want to use you like a rag. You make them cakes, you set up a business, and then they throw you out.” I heard it every single day. And although I am a man of principles, stubborn, but I began to hesitate. Especially at the moment when my financial oxygen bag was blown away before my eyes. I agreed. Still, "Fili Baker" is very decent people, behind them was and is a reputation. I had no doubts about their honesty.

Do you remember the first Fili Baker Premium cakes?

Rustic Pancho, Rustic Napoleon. "Napoleon", by the way, was not just a puff cake, it was a pile of puff pastry cubes. I once did this in Nostalgia. Exactly the same went to retail.

You make not only cakes, but also charlottes, cakes, waffles. What brings you the most profit?

Everything is about the same. We are in the medium price segment, they take everything from us. It cannot be said that we are “economy” - taking into account the dollar exchange rate, inflation and the constant rise in prices, there is no “economy” at all now - but we are slightly below average, and in terms of profitability we get approximately same digits across all products.

Most of all bring wedding cakes. This is 95% of the total profit from orders. And in terms of the number of cakes, children are in first place (60%). We sell them the most. A children's cake is 4–5 kg, and a wedding cake is 10-50-100 kg. It's completely different money.

When did you start working with corporate clients? Can you name the biggest ones?

Aeroflot, Lukoil, Gazprom, those with whom they started. In my opinion, we have already worked with all the "krupnyak". At the same time, according to the sensations, we are weakly spudding the corporate cake market. There is still a very decent gap, work and work.

No, I wasn't interested at all social networks. We made custom-made cakes for a very limited circle of people, the sundress worked slowly, I didn’t really believe in the power of subscribers. And then we made a cake for Ksenia Borodina, the host of Doma-2, she posted gratitude in her feed, showed the cake, and then everything happened very quickly. In a couple of days, another 2000 have been added to my 400 subscribers. And now there are already 1,000,000 of them! And after all, I'm not a girl with a breast of the fifth size, not a singer and not an artist. It means that people are interested not so much in me as in my work.

Instagram has made us popular all over the world. I can say for sure that, thanks to him, we have projects in Dubai, Australia, America, Japan. Probably, we would have ended up there anyway, but in 20 years, not earlier.

And then you purposefully began to use the media resources of the stars in your own interests and use them to promote cakes?

Partly yes. One of my friends is selling skates. She once told me that after the launch of Stars on Ice, skate sales increased tenfold. What does it say? The fact that in our country people look at the stars and try to imitate them. In clothes, in demeanor, in choosing a restaurant. Sometimes - in the choice of cake (smiles). Of course we use it. Yes, you can probably consider this a plan, but at first I did not attach any importance to it.

Who can you name as your competitor?

In retail? There are few of them. If we are talking about "perishable", then this is the "Circle", "At Palych" and we. We have an unspoken division [of the market]: “U Palych” makes mostly butter cakes, we make sour cream, and “Krug” makes berry ones. It's not on purpose, it just happened.

What's stopping you from releasing your butter cakes?

Well, why? So that “At Palych” will start making sour cream tomorrow? (Smiling). Everyone has their own market, and we try not to cross each other's way.

And in the premium segment?

In general, I can’t name anyone, I don’t follow anyone. There is no particular desire.

Did you have to turn down clients? Offer something completely out of the ordinary?

It happens. For example, newlyweds are asked to make a large wedding cake, "all in roses." I say: “Where is the style? What is the highlight? Let's distinguish a cake from a flower bed." They get upset: “Flowers? Well, it's too bad you don't do that.” Well, I don't, sorry. I don't want to stoop to that. Do you know how many people come to me with a request to make a cake in the form of genitals? Oh, their darkness. For every second bachelor or bachelorette party. I refuse everyone. Even if 10 million is offered, I will not agree to it. Why? It's not art, I don't want to do it. I do not want to be thought of me that I am ready for anything because of the money. This is not true.

And how does Fili Baker Premium feel about the fact that you actually personify the brand, that you have become its face?

Yes, I represent the brand. I am Fili Baker Premium, but as part of big family. And most importantly, ask any businessman what worries him? He cares about money. Fili Baker Premium brings money, and if so, then we are on the right track.


Cover: Jelly sweets, vintage engraved illustration

Renat Agzamov- Chief specialist of the confectionery company.

Title holder:

Champion of Russia in confectionery,
- Winner of the World Championship,
- Member of the Russian Olympic team,
- Member of the Association of Ice Sculptors.

He often travels to France for internships, from where he brings new technologies. Recently he studied at the school of Olivier Beaujart, where he taught Christophe Mishalak (the best confectioner in the world, captain of the French team in confectionery).

His motto is: "Never stop there and constantly improve!"

The team also includes florists, graduates Japanese school"SOGETCU". They take part in the design of cakes and make chocolate flowers using a unique technology that cannot be distinguished from real flowers.

The team has graduates of the "Venice School of Gift Design" who will make the cake box a gift in its own right.

Among the confectioners there are real talented masters of their craft, capable of decorating a sweet yummy in an unusually beautiful way. But this unique confectioner-designer creates truly masterpieces.

Agzamov is a member of the board of the Guild of Chefs of Russia, the Russian confectionery team and even, oddly enough, the Association of Ice Sculptors. He has been baking since childhood - already at the age of seven he took a notebook with recipes from his grandmother and got up to the oven. Renata's brother, now one of the best Sochi cooks, was responsible for the "unsweetened" food in the house.

Renat runs a confectionery factory that supplies sweets to supermarkets in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and makes exclusive cakes for the soul - including for famous people like Garik Kharlamov, Ilya Reznik and Evgeny Plushenko. He regularly posts cakes on his Instagram, which has almost 300 thousand subscribers.

This Russian boxing champion did not continue sports career, and plunged headlong into confectionery craftsmanship. Such a strange choice was understandable: at the age of 7, the boy baked his first pie, and after school he graduated from a culinary school in Sochi. He was always interested in cooking, and he enjoyed helping his grandmother in the kitchen. Having become world champions in confectionery art, he created a unique school that teaches complex technologies for making unusual cakes.

Culinary masterpieces made under the guidance of the most famous confectioner in Moscow resemble real art objects, which are not only fantastically beautiful, but also very tasty. Renat Agzamov's unique cakes are now scattered all over the world, and there are more people wishing to order them for the celebration every day. To a young man only 34 years old, and he has long been in charge of a large confectionery company. His premium art is now at the height of fashion, and all the stars of show business order cakes made by Fili Baker without fail.

Trained in different countries Renat Agzamov, whose cake resembles a real work of art, often receives the most complex orders and easily completes them, shocking the audience with creativity and realism of details. A huge team works on amazing cakes: more than a hundred people each doing their own thing. Renat admits that the baker in his company does not work with chocolate, and the professional manufacturer of sweet sculptural compositions is not trusted with anything else, which is why such a large staff guarantees high quality products.

“We never deceive the customer, saying that the selected dessert will be low-calorie,” explains Renat Agzamov. A cake of an original shape and non-standard sizes, containing a huge amount of sugar, will not become dietary. The master warns those who are fond of flour that low-calorie sweet products simply do not exist in nature, and everyone who hangs such labels on their products is misleading the buyer for the sake of profit.

"Fashion for confectionery and their decoration often changes,” says Renat Agzamov. Cakes, the recipes of which are as close as possible to the ideas of proper nutrition contain only natural ingredients. Some ingredients are gone, others appear after the improvement of technologies, but none of the cakes presented by Agzamov contains chemistry. A few years ago, the company offered more than forty different fillings, but now it has settled on only seven. For example, the most delicate soufflé might not reach the customer, and yet some of Renat's creations travel a 12-hour journey by plane.

As you know, all confectioners are offended by half-eaten leftovers on a plate. Most often, mastic is left, with the help of which sweet products are decoratively decorated, turning them into a real work of art. All Renat Agzamov's exquisite cakes are decorated with his own invention - chocolate velvet. This light and thin layer of color, sprayed onto a sweet surface, adorns all of his masterpieces.

When asked about the possibility of repeating the cake at home, the confectioner replies that some of the work is, of course, available to housewives, but it will take a long time to tinker, but the main activity related to complex technologies is carried out only in special conditions. It was these basics that Renat Agzamov studied abroad for so long. The cake will not work if you follow the principle that all the components are taken, as they say, “by eye”. Big company, which employs a huge number of professionals in their field, cannot risk their reputation. In production, thermometers are used that control the temperature of various processes, on which an excellent result and excellent quality of the final product directly depend.

The confectioner who designed more than 2,700 wedding cakes has never repeated himself. Often his masterpieces are decorated with sculptures in the true height of a person, looking very realistic. For this occasion, Renat's team employs masons who carve figurines, later the confectioner takes off their mold and begins his work with chocolate. Before sculpting, photographs of the main character in full face and profile are carefully studied, and labor-intensive work takes up to 5 days.

But Renat Agzamov is famous not only for fantastically beautiful confectionery creations. The cake, elegantly decorated, is not the only thing he can boast of. It took him 1.5 years to develop a real chocolate fountain spouting liquid glaze. And recently he amazed everyone with the skill of a cook and magician, who sent a huge cake into free flight. I must say that no one in the world does this.

Renat has a lot of dreams that he will definitely bring to life: now, for example, he is working on a unique project of a sweet masterpiece in which a chocolate-vanilla heart will beat. Well, let's wish good luck to the master of confectionery art, who makes the audience admire his bright creations.

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Biography, life story Agzamova Renata

Renat Agzamov - Russian confectioner, show business star.

early years

Renat Agzamov is from Krasnodar Territory. He was born in Sochi on April 13, 1981. Future famous baker I developed an interest in baking at the age of seven. The boy participated in the home process of making cookies and muffins. And when Renat was ten years old, he learned how to bake bread. The child liked to make food with his own hands, and he began to prepare for the confectionery activity.

The little baker lacked some kitchen appliances and decided to purchase them with his own funds. Like many boys, Renat collected money as a child in order to buy any thing he liked. For this purpose, he had a piggy bank. When a suitable amount was collected there, the boy took out all his savings and spent them on a mixer.

To match Renat was his brother Timur: he was also keenly interested in the technological nuances of cooking. Over time, he, like Renat, became a famous culinary specialist.


After graduating from school, Renat, early years who knew what he would do in life, continued his studies at the culinary school in Krasnodar. Upon returning to Sochi, the young man began working in a confectionery shop. At the same time, his brother got a job as a cook in a restaurant.

Very soon, the brothers became recognizable culinary specialists in the city. Renat, having taken part in the championship of confectioners, took the main prize. He wanted to improve in the profession, but the boundaries of the resort town seemed cramped to him. The brothers went to conquer Moscow.

The capital met the Agzamovs coolly. There was nothing surprising in this: famous people there was always enough, and the brothers had yet to make a name for themselves. It was quite difficult, because they did not have useful connections and enough money. Renat often had to move from one place of work to another, sometimes even to work for free. In return, he received the necessary skills and matured professionally.


Renat Agzamov dreamed of his own business, but he understood that without a successful career development, he would fail. Therefore, I decided to act within the framework of one of the large enterprises. The choice fell on the Fili Baker company, whose management listened carefully to Renat and agreed to cooperate. The meaning of Agzamov's proposal was to promote a new project. For this, the Fili Baker Premium factory was built.


Renat Agzamov has become widely known as a confectioner who develops exclusive products. For a kilogram of baking, he asks for approximately 2,500 rubles. The amount is quite decent, but there is no release from customers. There are many celebrities among them. Among the products of the factory, cakes for wedding celebrations, as well as those decorated with figures of cartoon characters, stand out. Children love them very much.

Personal life

Renat Agzamov always tried not to talk about the most intimate. The confectioner gladly revealed the secrets of culinary skills to the public, but he preferred to remain silent about personal matters. Renat has a wife named Lera and a son named Timur. His wife inspired him to create new culinary masterpieces. One of them, which is a chocolate glaze fountain, was dedicated by Renat to Lera.

But the son Timur is absolutely indifferent to sweets, so his father's activities were rarely of interest to him. Renat Agzamov regretfully admitted to reporters that his son is unlikely to continue his work.

Renat Agzamov is a unique pastry chef who has created many multi-tiered cakes of simply huge sizes. Each of his cakes is a true work of art, a masterpiece! He is a champion Russian Federation in confectionery, expert in many cooking shows, head of big company in the confectionery industry. And today you can invite Renat Agzamov with a culinary show. It will be a unique event for you and your guests. He is an incredible pastry chef - he is even called the king of cakes! All known representatives Russian show tend to order his cakes for their holidays - because they are simply culinary masterpieces!

Biography of Renat Agzamov

According to the official website of the agent Renat Agzamov, he was born in Kyiv in 1981. Soon his whole family moved to Sochi, where they lived until Renat moved to Moscow in 2002.

From childhood, he showed an interest in cooking - his dad was a chef in the dining car. Renat cooked his first dish when he was seven years old. At the age of ten, he already baked bread easily. And instead of toys, I bought myself a mixer. From the age of twelve, during the summer holidays, the young man helped in the kitchens of restaurants. And for everyone it was not a surprise that he entered the culinary school to study. But due to the illness of his father, Renat Agzamov was forced to return to Sochi, where, in order to earn money, he began to earn money as a confectioner. And after the army, he continued to do what he loved. And together with his brother, they set off to conquer the capital. And if you decide to invite Renat Agzamov to your event, he will tell you about how his career began.

Professional career

Arriving in Moscow, Renat Agzamov worked in different places, which gave him the opportunity to learn different types dishes. And having gained sufficient culinary experience, he was able to win the competition for the position of chef at the Nostalgie restaurant, where he managed to experiment with different combinations of dishes.

Then he was invited to work in a network of large confectioneries. And he, as a leader, had to master a direction that was quite new for himself. And soon Renat decided that he was ready to create his own business. He developed a series of original cakes for Fili Baker, and then this giant of the industry began to produce Pancho Rustic under the guidance of a talented confectioner. This cake was a huge success.

A special direction to which Renat Agzamov devotes great attention is the creation of wedding cakes. He himself comes up with their recipe, design. And wedding cakes bring the greatest amount of profit to the enterprise. But famous confectioner does not stop there. He is constantly developing and improving his skills. So, he constantly undergoes internships in France, Switzerland, Italy. And today the confectioner himself conducted training seminars. And you have the opportunity to order Renat Agzamov's culinary show in our agency!

Organization of an event with Renat Agzamov

We are the Big City agency, and since 2008 we have been working in the field of organizing events. Today we are ready to offer you a large selection of artists, presenters, actors who can take part in your event. And, of course, you can order Renat Agzamov for a corporate party, for a wedding, with his confectionery masterpieces. Master classes from this pastry chef are especially popular. And he shares his knowledge and vast experience with great pleasure. In addition, Renat Agzamov is an incredibly positive person, so communication with him always takes place in the wake of a great mood and great humor.

Sweet craftsmanship to the masses - read the biography of Renat Agzamov. History of success, delicious ideas Renata Agzamova. How to become a culinary specialist at the age of 36 - on the example of Renat Agzamov.

Biography of Renat Agzamov

The man that every woman dreams of ... Renat Agzamov became famous general public after the program "Confectioner" on the channel "Friday!". The audience was interested in a sweet master with boxing experience behind him, and there is every reason for this.

Renat Agzamov was born on April 13, 1981 in Kyiv, but soon the family moved to Sochi, where the future pastry chef grew up. In 2002, Renat moved to Moscow, after which he discovered the other side of his personality - a creative, experimental confectioner who keeps up with the times. It is possible to call a self-taught person with good taste who won in the Russian Confectionery Competition.

About Renat Agzamov:

  • Nationality: Tatar.
  • Height: 175 cm.
  • Weight: 95 kg.
  • Profession: pastry chef.
  • Zodiac Sign: Aries, Rooster.
  • There is a 4-year-old brother, Timur.

As Renat himself recalls, culinary vein manifested since childhood. My father ran the kitchen in the dining car, so cooking was an indispensable part of the daily experience. During this period, a tragedy occurred - a stroke in the father of Renat Agzamov. Since the family was left without the main breadwinner, they had to start working in order to have enough for bread. By the way, according to Renat, he is bread learned to bake at age 10– there is something to teach sons! Renat was engaged in baking, and his older brother worked as a cook.

A fascinating gastronomic journey began later - after military service (1996-2001). Returning home, he participated in culinary courses, but soon Renat became too crowded in Sochi, and he went to conquer Moscow. The capital received a culinary specialist from the provinces, as well as other young people with hope in their eyes - there is no housing, few friends, even less money. In Moscow, Renat Agzamov started from Kitay-gorod, then I tried myself in 7 different places, also changing my hobbies for recipes. Rich experience allowed us to develop unique variants of dishes - the confectioner, unlike any other, interested the Moscow public, which without hesitation lifted him to the top of the culinary Olympus.

Star Trek Renata Agzamova

"Perseverance, Dedication and Hard Work"- the main ingredients in the culinary success story of the confectioner. In 2005, he worked for the Legato sweet gift chain, later he created his own business - creative catering. New business turned out to be so successful that it paid off in less than 3 months - real story rapid success - and then it started: invitations to Tatarstan to hold exhibitions, success in show business as an expert chef, director of the Fili Baker retail company.

Star clients of Renata Agzamova:

  • Philip Kirkorov.
  • Aishat Kadyrova.
  • Yana Rudkovskaya.
  • Alexander Reva.
  • Ksenia Borodina.
  • Trading networks "Auchan", "Metro".
  • "Gazprom".
  • Aeroflot.
  • Lukoil.

Renat managed to feel the consumer taste and find the right approach to the hearts of Russian citizens. As Renat Agzamov himself notes for an interview with the Smart Money blog, “the market was waiting for new products” and the confectioner presented them on a silver platter.

Renat Agzamov's personal life

Renat Agzamov calls his main muse in life wife, Leroux. For her, he is ready to create the brightest desserts, tall chocolate fountains and delicious variations of Italian gelato. The couple have a son, Timur. The whole family shares the work of the father, but the diet is monitored - the wife of Renata Agzamova is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. You and I know that confectionery skills are more for the soul.

"Never stop on the way to achievements" - Renat Agzamov.

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