What is the real name of the restaurateur. Restaurateur (Alexander Timartsev) - biography, photo, versus, personal life, wife, height, weight

diets 02.08.2019

Restaurateur - rapper, founder and host of the popular rap-battle platform Versus. Real name and surname of the Restaurateur - Alexander Timartsev.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born July 27, 1988 in the city of Murmansk (the main symbol of the rapper is the number 51 - the code of the Murmansk region). The boy was far from a good boy, often got into fights and did not study very well. As a teenager, he, like his peers, became seriously interested in rap, inspired by creativity. famous performers in the West.

After graduating from 8 classes of school education, he entered the trade and economic technical school. After graduating from a technical school, he went to serve in the army medical troops for special purposes.

After completing his service, Timartsev moved to northern capital where he met rap artist Jubilee and with the help of him broke into Peter's rap environment (before that he worked in an electronics store and sold smartphones).

After this, Alexander began to participate in freestyle battles little-known platform "Khu*ksy". He was also engaged in creativity, and under the nickname Tim51 sometimes created tracks, the earliest were collected in his first album "5 bottles of vodka".

The emergence of an alias

The pseudonym of Sasha Timartsev "Restaurateur", according to one version, arose after Timartsev offered to hold a battle in the restaurant where he worked for this moment, after which he was nicknamed the Restaurateur. And this nickname stuck with him for a long time.

The emergence of "Versus"

The idea of ​​​​creating a battle site arose in the head of the Restaurateur after he saw a battle of foreign rappers Blizzard and Mark Grist on the English site don't flop. Alexander began to search and study information about holding confrontations in the European and American arenas of rap artists. And 2 years later I met people who produced clips from Cuts & Scratches.

At first there were 2 versions of the name of the future project. The first one made in the Slavic style is “Opposite”, and the second English-language one is “Versus”.

The future site was not a complete copy of foreign arenas. Its main advantage over them was that the authors prepared their texts in advance and could reschedule the competition if the text was not quite ready. Thanks to this, the fights looked brighter and sharper, which contributed much more viewers and further views on YouTube.

Timartsev quit his job as a salesman in an electronics store and took on the role of organizer of battles and search for future participants. At first, then in 2013, few people believed in the success of the young project, and, accordingly, there were few who wanted to participate.

The first rappers who agreed to participate in the duel were Harry Ax and Billy Milligan. This battle dispelled the doubts of most of the performers and showed all the prospects of the project, however, in order to hold the duel, the guys who stood at the origins of the project had to accumulate a lot of money. The popularity of the project and the number of people wishing to join the "Versus Battle" began to grow.

Restaurateur's personal life

Now Alexander is married to Evgenia Timartseva and has two children - daughter Vika and son Artur. In some interviews, Sasha said that he met his future wife in a pizzeria where he worked part-time while studying at a technical school.

After military service Evgenia wrote to him with a proposal for a meeting. The result of this meeting was a relationship and then a wedding in a narrow family circle.

Friendship with Oksimiron

The well-known Russian played a big role in the promotion of Versus rapper Oxxymiron. Being popular even then, he met Timartsev at a concert at his concert, when he made his way to his dressing room. Oxy paid attention to talented young rappers and invited them to "Versus Battle". As a result, their names became widely known.

Life of a Restaurateur now

Now Timartsev makes a big profit with the "Versus Battle" (this can be judged by the invitation of Guf to the battle and the purchase of the latest BMW model) from the advertising of numerous sponsors and the monetization of his own youtube channel. He is a guest on TV shows, including an entertainment show "Evening Urgant".

Last year gave an interview to Yuri Dudu which is one of the most viewed on YouTube.

Alexander also receives a lot of criticism from haters, who sometimes condemn his behavior, but he treats it with indifference.

On the site "Versus Battle" is created many new tournaments. The brightest and most viewed of them is the fourth season of Fresh Blood, in which aspiring little-known rappers compete with each other at the stages, representing a little different styles, who have passed a rigorous selection process and are mentored by Oxxymiron and Smokey Mo.

Probably everyone at least once in their life dreamed of opening their own restaurant. However, the restaurant business is a troublesome business, very delicate and has many nuances and tricks. By the way, in Europe restaurateur is a very honorable specialty. To master it, you need to learn many skills and gain a huge amount of knowledge.

What is a restaurateur?

The founder or owner of a chain or one restaurant is called a restaurateur. This is an entrepreneur who designed and founded it according to her. A restaurateur is called not only the owner of this catering establishment, but also the manager. At the same time, he must be not only a good manager, but also a creative person, an excellent psychologist and aesthete. Of course, he must also have the talent of a marketer and PR specialist. He should treat his restaurant not as a catering establishment, but as a special place where people come to get a lot of unforgettable experiences, have a good time and relax by tasting something original and new. Achieving the desired result should be facilitated and original interior, and impeccable service, and exclusive serving, and incredibly tasty and unusually decorated dishes, and music that encourages relaxation and appetite, and much more. Naturally, a restaurateur is a more than creative profession, although it seems to many that the main thing in this business is the ability to understand culinary intricacies. It is no coincidence that many experienced restaurateurs compare their establishments with a theater, themselves with a stage director, and visitors and waiters with actors. That's what a restaurateur is! Isn't it a wonderful profession?

Qualities a Restaurateur Should Possess

It turns out that there is a whole list of qualities that a person who wants to establish his own restaurant business or become the head of an already finished restaurant should be endowed with. Here they are:

  • creative thinking;
  • organizational skills;
  • stress tolerance;
  • good memory;
  • responsibility and obligation;
  • good health;
  • rich imagination;
  • the ability to lead;
  • the desire to please others, etc.

If you want to open your own restaurant, then take a look at yourself: do you have many of these qualities? If not, then you better find a good manager for yourself, trained in such a profession as a restaurateur. This, believe me, will be the best way out.

Tasks of a restaurateur

Of course, the main goal of a restaurateur is to organize his business in such a way that it generates income. To do this, you need, firstly, to attract customers, and then make such an impression on them that they wish to become regular visitors to the establishment. And no matter how attractive the atmosphere, no matter how polite the staff, the most important feature of any restaurant is the kitchen. And this means that a restaurant must have a highly professional restaurateur does not oblige him to be an excellent culinary specialist, but he must have a subtle instinct in choosing a chef and other members of the team, naturally, in accordance with the concept of the restaurant.

Where to study to be a restaurateur?

In Russia, especially in large cities, there are a large number of restaurants of various categories, from luxury to simple eateries. However, there is not a single state university where those who wish could get the profession of a restaurateur. However, people who wish to master this specialty and become professionals can be content with education in parallel areas, for example, choose the specialties "Tourism", "Social and cultural services and tourism", "Economics and management at the enterprise", "Economics and management of tourism enterprises", etc. In fact, those who decide to seriously engage in this business go abroad to receive a diploma. There are many serious universities in the world in which the specialty of a restaurateur is given where greater value than in our domestic ones. If many local entrepreneurs, when opening their own restaurant, are guided by their inner instinct or the knowledge that they received when visiting restaurants abroad, then in Europe, America or East Asia(China, Thailand, Japan, etc.) are much more scrupulous about this type of business. A restaurant cannot be managed by a person who does not have a sufficient level of knowledge.

Is it possible to become a professional restaurateur in our country?

As noted above, in state universities of the Russian Federation there is no way to get a diploma as a restaurateur. So how to become a restaurateur without leaving the country? AT recent times due to the relevance and popularity of this profession in many large cities of Russia, courses began to open for those who wish to more competently conduct their restaurant business. For example, in Moscow, at the MBA city training center, there are courses for restaurateurs. Upon completion of these students receive a certificate or diploma as a restaurateur. There are also training centers in which training is provided for specific specialties that are necessary for restaurant business, namely:

  • courses for restaurant owners;
  • courses for restaurateurs;
  • courses for top managers;
  • courses for administrators;
  • master classes for bartenders;
  • training for HR specialists;
  • master classes and courses for waiters, etc.

Chef and restaurateur

In fact, the restaurant achieves the highest results and receives the star of the Red Michelin Guide when the restaurateur and chef form a strong alliance and act in the interests of the establishment. However, history also knows many cases when the chef, not content with his position in the restaurant and having accumulated enough money and knowledge, decided to open his own restaurant. Of course, many talented chefs understand that the success of a restaurant depends largely on their ability to cook. Of course, there is some truth in this, but the well-being of the restaurant depends not only on the delicious food served in this institution. In order for the institution to flourish, many details are important, including the little things. Therefore, the chef who decided to leave the restaurant and start his own own business should be careful not only with respect to palatability food, but also about all the details of housekeeping. Having gained enough experience, he can go into free swimming and open his own small restaurant. However, as a rule, after a while, chefs get bored with administrative and managerial activities, and then a certified restaurateur comes to their aid. it best option for the successful functioning of the restaurant, because everyone should be engaged in exactly the business in which they are better versed.

Famous restaurateurs of the past

The French claim that the world's first restaurant was founded on their land, the Spaniards say the opposite, however, according to reliable sources, the very first restaurant in the world was Chinese. The restaurant menu was also invented there. Nevertheless, France must still be considered the birthplace of real gourmet establishments for a pleasant pastime and eating. In this country, cooking is equated with art forms, and skilled chefs are considered poets. The most famous restaurateurs of the past are Robert, Borel, Bignon, Beauvilliers, Rich and others. As you can see, many of them are French.

Real name: Alexander Timartsev
Date of birth: 07/27/1988

Place of birth: Murmansk

Restaurateur to Versus

Alexander Restaurateur was born in Murmansk. At the age of 8, Sasha's mother decided to move to St. Petersburg with her son. The Restaurateur has been associated with hip-hop since childhood. Then he, like many of his friends, admired the work of Western performers. Thanks to his sociability, Sasha was familiar with almost all St. Petersburg rap parties. But he spent most of his time with anniversary and his guys. It was thanks to communication with these guys that Sasha visited several battles of HUYAX. The network still has videos with the performances of the Restaurateur at KHUYAKS.

Restaurateur - creator of Versus Battle

In 2013, the Restaurateur meets the guys from Cuts & Scratches with whom they decide to create their own battle project. The guys thought about the name of the battle for a long time. Initially, there were 2 options - "Suprotiv" and "Versus". In the end, the choice fell on the latter option. In order to organize the first battle between Harry Ax vs Billy Milligan, Sasha first had to save up a decent amount of money.

At that time, the Restaurateur was selling iPhones. After the release of the first release of Versus, Sasha realized that battle rap had a chance to become popular in Russia. That is why Sasha continued to invest the accumulated money in the business he had begun. As we now see, the Restaurateur was right. For 3 years of existence, Versus Battle has become the most discussed topic in Russian rap. It was Sasha the Restaurateur who introduced most listeners of Russian rap to battle culture.

Personal life

Few people know, but the Restaurateur is married, and moreover, he has 2 children. Sasha met his wife Evgenia in 2012. The couple played the wedding in 2013, in the same year the first-born of the newlyweds was born - the daughter of Vika. In 2015, the couple had a son, Arthur.

Thanks to Versus, Sasha became very rich. At first, the Restaurateur can’t even imagine that he can earn big money on the project. But now 4 years have passed since the founding of Versus, and what we see is mainstream battle rap, and the Restaurateur is driving around in the latest BMW model.

Creativity of the Restaurateur

The very nickname Restaurateur was attached to Sasha due to the fact that once he offered the guys from HUYAX to hold a battle in the restaurant where the Restaurateur worked at that time. The battle in the restaurant was never held, but the nickname Restaurateur was forever assigned to Sasha.
It should be noted that under this nickname Sasha occasionally releases tracks, and even has a full-fledged album "Five Bottles of Vodka" on his account. The Restaurateur also recorded joint tracks with Vitya Classic and Sasha Skull.
In 2016, Sasha Restaurateur took part in the filming of the release of the program of the First Channel "Evening Urgant".

Together with this artist, they are browsing biographies:

Childhood and youth of the Restaurateur I welcome guests and regular readers of the site site. So, the Restaurateur (Alexander Timartsev) is a hip-hop artist, host of "Versus Battle". Born July 27, 1988. In his memoirs of childhood, the Restaurateur says that his favorite toy was a badger, which he gnawed on the tail - this brought a lot of positive emotions to little Sasha.

Restaurateur as a child

He studied at the Murmansk school and was not very distinguished by academic performance.

Timartsev in school years

At the age of 15, he and his friends got hold of an old Zaporozhets, and after two days of driving, having discovered a breakdown, he simply burned it. The guys who repaired the car spoke negatively about Sasha's trick, and after that he began to value things more responsibly and treat them with care.

Period of study and military service

Timartsev also graduated from the Trade and Economic College in Murmansk. After that, the guy is taken to the army (military unit 23220), from which, subsequently, a haircut remained.
Having shaved his hair in the army years, he did not even change his image over time (when he became a civilian). In this style, Alexander sees many advantages. Timartsev believes that the army is necessary for today's youth - thanks to the service, many will learn to value time.

creative endeavors

Over time, Alexander moves to St. Petersburg and meets the rapper Jubilee. Soon they jointly organized a battle called "Huyaks". At such meetings, the guys freestyled and verbally hurt each other in every possible way.

Restaurateur at Hujax Battle

It was at that time that the pseudonym of the guy appeared, under which he began to perform in battles: one day in rainy weather, Alexander suggested that the guys move to perform in the restaurant where he worked. And although his idea was not successful, but after that they began to jokingly call him "Restaurateur" - this is how the nickname eventually stuck to him. The author of the nickname is rightly considered to be Jubilee, who was the one who made fun of Alexander's proposal in this way.

Jubilee and the Restaurateur at Hujax Battle

Project "Versus Battle"

At the age of 23, Alexander saw the battle "Don" t Flop, where there was a performance of a "student against a teacher."

Mark Grist vs Blizzard (2011)

Then the Restaurateur was eager to create something similar in Russia, but a lot of time passed before the idea was realized. Only two years later, having met the guys from "Cuts & Scratches" at a Scott Kelly concert, the organization of the plan began.
"Suprotiv" - this could have been the name of Versus, but the guys opted for the English version. The "Versus" battles were held according to the rules of prepared texts, which are voiced by the participants without a beat. The advantage of this type of rivalry over freestyles is more spectacular and deeper meanings in the texts, as it is prepared in advance and successfully beaten by rivals.

The first release of the battle "Versus" (2013)

Having created the project, Alexander still remains to sell Iphone gadgets. But Versus himself began to take more and more time, so the guy leaves work and gives himself to the project.
Soon, this paid off: the YouTube channel has more than 4 million subscribers (indicators at the beginning of 2018).

One of the most significant events in Russian rap was the battle between Oxxxymiron and Purulent. It passed in August 2017. The reason for the conflict was the second round of Ernesto's contest Shut up against Purulent, where the latter directly challenged Miron to a verbal duel. He accepted the offer and defended the Versus site, while Slava was the representative of #Slovospb. As a result, a spectacular confrontation turned out, from which Purulent came out the winner (according to the decision of the judge, the score was 5:0). The battle was highly discussed on the net and it was a measure of how successful the project that the Restaurateur launched just a few years ago has become.

Versus x Slovospb: Oxxxymiron Vs Slava Kpss/Purulent (2017)

Advertising inserts, which are used in each issue, allow you to improve both the technical performance of video filming and editing, and pay participants for performances. In addition to the main "Versus" site, where famous and strong MCs battle, there is also "Versus Fresh Blood". This is a project in which young rappers and those who are just getting on the path of battle rap verbally compete.

Versus: Fresh Blood 3 (Mts Buried Vs Teeraps) Finale (2017)

At the end of 2017, season 4 was announced, which has the name "War of Styles". The name was chosen due to some innovation: if earlier the battles were held in the tournament bracket and were similar to the main platform, now the participants will be personally chosen by two mentors: Smokey Mo and Oxxxymiron. The same mentors are representatives of two styles, two schools, and it is the selected MCs who will fight against each other for them.

Versus Fresh Blood 4 (2018)

At the beginning of March 2018, a video of the selection process of participants was published, where, together with the Restaurateur, Smokey Mo and Oxxxymiron, they review the applications of participants. Such an innovation by Alexander Timartsev is an interesting idea and many are waiting for the start of the new season, which promises to be very interesting.

Versus Fresh Blood 4: selection of applications. Smokey Mo / Oxxxymiron (2018)

Hobbies and musical creativity

"Five bottles of vodka" - the release of the Restaurateur, which was presented in 2016 and consists of 7 tracks. Alexander himself says that he understands that his work is specific and does not quite meet the trends of our time, but this is exactly what the Restaurateur himself likes. It was written for two years and still the performer is not entirely satisfied with the result.
The tracks are saturated with reasoning on different topics and intoxicated thoughts about everything. The name is due to Alexander's favorite director (Svetlana Baskova), who made the film of the same name. Those who followed Alexander even a little could not fail to notice that the number "51" plays an important role in the life of a Restaurateur. In many accounts, he is registered using this number, "51" is dedicated to the Vkontakte photo album, where these numbers are stored, which are found in different places.
Yes, and at the beginning creative career he signed as "Team 51".
However, this is quite easily explained: 51 is the number of the region of the Murmansk region, where the Restaurateur himself comes from. Probably, this period of life is very important for Alexander, since he has a tattoo with the above number on his left hand.

Restaurateur Tattoo

A fan of drinking during battles also has his favorite beer - "Newcastle Brown Ale". On a visit to one of the shows, Alexander characterizes in more detail his love for this particular drink.

Buhlishko Patrol (2017)

Personal life

The restaurateur married his wife Evgenia in 2013 and has two children: Vika (born in 2013) and Artur (born in 2015).
In a few interviews, he talked about the fact that he met his wife at the pizzeria where Sasha worked. Evgenia got a job in the same institution as an administrator, and the Restaurateur showed his attention to her. But the army soon followed, which made its own adjustments to the guy's life. After serving, Alexander returned to Murmansk and comprehended all the nuances of social networks. At one point, he receives a message from Zhenya, and after correspondence, they decide to meet. As a result - a wedding in a circle of close friends and the further birth of children.

Photos from the wedding

Restaurateur now

The further plans of the Restaurateur are concentrated around the Versus project, since this activity brings Alexander both satisfaction and financial benefits. Recently, he has received a portion of criticism due to the fact that he does not hide his life and makes his dreams come true: new BMW cars annoy many.

Alexander's success was not easy for him

But this is the ins and outs, which should not be touched. The restaurateur created a successful project that a short time attracted the attention of many - this is the merit of Alexander.

: instagram.com/restorator53 (Restaurateur's Instagram fan page)
: instagram.com/evgeniyatimartseva ( Official page on Instagram of the Restaurateur's wife)
: vk.com/id361575 (Official page of the Restaurateur in Vkontakte)
: twitter.com/Restorator51 (Official Restorator Twitter page)
Stills from the videos Don "t Flop Entertainment, Kuzma, versus battleru, Vska, HYIP TV from YouTube
Personal archive of Alexander Timartsev

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Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"

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