Famous cake baker. Confectioner Renat Agzamov spoke about cakes for the stars

Tourism and rest 07.08.2019
Tourism and rest

Famous Russian confectioner. Champion of Russia in confectionery skills, member of the Russian Olympic team in confectionery art and the Council of the Chefs Guild of the Russian Federation. The host of the show "Confectioner" on the TV channel "Friday!".

Renat Agzamov. Biography and career

Renat Agzamov was born on April 13, 1981 in Sochi. Since childhood, he was interested in the art of cooking, he baked his first cupcake at the age of 7. After finishing school in Sochi studied at the local culinary school. In parallel with this, together with his younger brother, he was seriously involved in sports, even won the title of Russian boxing champion. However, with sports career tied up, having made a choice in the direction of confectionery craftsmanship.

Renat Agzamov: “My grandmother let me in on her culinary secrets. Yes, and my father, in the past the chef of the dining car, always cooked. I grew up in an atmosphere Great love to cooking. When I was 5-6 years old, my father taught me and my brother to use knives and other kitchen tools properly. This is our family."

He began working in the Sochi confectionery shop. ATIn 2002, he won the championship of confectioners in Krasnodar and at the same time decided to go to Moscow with his brother to work, and also for new information and experience. In the capital, he first settled in afe-confectionery in Kitay-gorod. Then, having changed several jobs, for 2.5 years he was a pastry chef at the Nostalgie restaurant. Restaurant critics began to write about Renata, he gained popularity. Then hitin the network of French confectionery Legato, where he began to manage a number of enterprises. Mastered the basics of accounting and other managerial skills.

A few years later, Renat joined the company Fili Baker, which opened a separate project specifically for Agzamov - the Fili Baker Premium factory.

Renat Agzamov is the owner of many titles, including: Russian champion in confectionery, world championship medalist, member of the Russian Olympic team in confectionery, member of the board of the Chefs Guild of the Russian Federation.

The master of culinary masterpieces received even greater fame after made a cake for the host of "House-2" Xenia Borodina. She posted a thank you note and a photo of the treat online. In the end for a short time The number of Renat's Instagram followers has reached a million.

Renat Agzamov: “Instagram made us popular all over the world. I can say for sure that thanks to him we have projects in Dubai, Australia, America, Japan. Probably, we would have ended up there anyway, but in 20 years, not earlier.”

Spring 2017 Renat Agzamov together with the actress and the star of the program “Let's get married! " Larisa Guzeeva and her husband, restaurateur Igor Bukharov, became the host of the culinary show on Channel One "TiliTeleTesto", in which amateur bakers compete with each other.

In 2017, Renat became the host of the culinary project of the Friday! "Confectioner". Amateur confectioners from all over Russia take part in the reality show, who decided to radically change their lives and learn from Renat all the tricks of the profession. In the spring of 2018, the second season of the show was released, and the third is planned for 2019. Agzamov not only leads the program, but also acts as the main mentor of young confectioners.

Renat Agzamov: “Every customer who comes to me, no matter who he is, wants to be delighted. So the cake should make a person proud of it and, of course, deliver aesthetic and taste pleasure to all guests. Here are the basic requirements. But the main request is individuality. Every time I listen to a customer, I have to surprise! And I'm getting it."

Renat Agzamov. Personal life

Renat Agzamov is married to Lera Agzamova. They raise their son Timur.

Renat Agzamov: “Unfortunately, my wife and son do not like sweets. Lera from childhood taught Timur to healthy nutrition. He will eat celery with great pleasure than a piece of cake ... My wife is my ideological inspirer. Lera gives me strength, charges, supports. In honor of her, I named one of my brightest and most skillful works - a fountain of chocolate and glaze. It has been in the making for almost a year and a half. Although this is a perfect project, it still does not convey even a part of who my Lera is for me ... "

Renat Agzamov - pastry chef, creator of unique multi-tiered cakes of impressive size, champion of the Russian Federation in confectionery, member of the board of the National Guild of Chefs, head of the confectionery production of the Fili Baker company, expert in the Tiliteletesto culinary shows on Pervoi and Confectioner on channel "Friday!", Former boxer.

Among the clients of the "king of cakes", as he was repeatedly called in the media, are the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, singer Philip Kirkorov, showman Alexander Revva, daughter of the President of Chechnya Aishat Kadyrova, producer Yana Rudkovskaya, TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and others famous people, as well as corporate clients, including Gazprom, Aeroflot and Lukoil.


The future creator of masterpiece cakes was born on April 13, 1981 in Kyiv. Their family soon moved to Sochi, where he lived until moving to Moscow in 2002. By nationality, Renat is a Tatar. He has a 4-year-old brother Timur.

The head of the family was the head chef of the dining car, and both sons early years showed interest in cooking. The grandchildren's passion was supported by their grandmother, who became the main adviser and inspirer of their gastronomic experiments.

Renat baked his first culinary product on his own at the age of 7. It was a cake, a capricious and rather difficult product to prepare. At the age of 10, he already knew how to bake bread. In the same period, the boy bought his first mixer, saving money in a piggy bank.

From the age of 12, during the summer holidays, he went to the kitchens of the city's restaurants and helped beat eggs, sort out nuts, and perform other assignments in order to learn culinary tricks by watching the work of masters.

Labor activity

At the age of 15, following Timur, he went to Krasnodar and entered a culinary school. At the same time, they were engaged in boxing at the CSKA Olympic Training Center. Soon the brothers had to return to Sochi because of serious condition father had a stroke. To support the family and help their father cope with the disease, they went to work: Timur as a cook, and he as a confectioner.

In the period 1999-2001. Renat served in the army. After demobilization, he continued to do what he loved. In 2002, the young man became the winner of the local confectioners' championship, and realized that he had reached the ceiling in Sochi. Dreaming of developing professionally and earning more, he decided to move to Moscow.

In the same year, the Agzamov brothers went to the capital. At first, everything was terrible for them - no money, no friends, no housing. They even had to spend the night at the Kursk railway station. But over time, their lives improved. At first, Renat found work in a cafe-confectionery in Kitai-Gorod. Then, in six months, he changed 7 more jobs in order to study the features and details of cooking various types of dishes.

Confectioner Renat Agzamov makes a cake

Having gained sufficient experience, the purposeful Sochi resident managed to win a casting for the post of pastry chef at the popular Nostalgie restaurant, where only the French had previously worked. In this position, he experimented a lot with the combination of ingredients in dishes, creating truly unexpected options for desserts: sweets with garlic or beer, ice cream with wasabi.

In 2005, he received an invitation to work in the Legato confectionery chain, famous for its wide range of exclusive chocolates. He had then, as a leader, to master not only new recipes and production technologies, but also learn how to make technological and economic calculations. As Renat later noted, at that time he bought himself the first laptop in his life.

Then, together with two partners, he created the Creative Catering enterprise, specializing in organizing off-site banquets, receptions, barbecues and other types of catering services. The project turned out to be successful, paid off in 3 months, but due to disagreements between the founders, it soon fell apart.

After that, Agzamov decided that he was ready to create his own business. During this period, he was invited to Tatarstan to help organize a chain of coffee shops "Chocolate", owned by the daughter of the head of "Tatarstan-Bank". At the end of the work, he shared his plans with the girl's father, who gave him wise advice - instead of establishing his own small and uncompetitive production, find a large and strong company that would agree to cooperate with him.

As a result, upon his return to Moscow, he managed to interest the leadership of the industry giant Fili Baker with the developed series of original cakes and his other ideas. In 2006, the Fili Baker Premium factory was created, where, under the guidance of a talented culinary specialist, they first began producing the Rustic Pancho cake, which was a huge success, and later - exclusive desserts of his authorship.

Renat Agzamov and his Pancho cake

The largest share of the company's profits (more than 90 percent) came from orders for wedding cakes, the recipe for which he came up with himself. In terms of the number of products produced, children's cakes were in the lead. The growth in popularity of Renat's creations had big influence posting on the Internet by TV presenter Ksenia Borodina a photo of the ordered cake along with words of gratitude. A couple of days after that, the number of Agzamov's followers on Instagram, where you can see his work, increased 5 times.

By 2017, Fili Baker Premium has gained wide popularity not only at home, but also abroad. She realized international projects in Japan, France, Italy, America, UAE. Renat delighted customers with cakes in the form of palaces, dinosaurs, fountains and even flying art objects.

In order to improve knowledge and skills star pastry chef» completed internships in Turkey, Switzerland, Italy, France. He himself conducted training seminars, tournaments, organized exhibitions, participated in the shows "Tiletetesto" and "Confectioner".

Renat Agzamov's personal life

The cook is married. His wife's name is Valeria. She is his ideological inspirer, in her honor Renat created one of his most skillful works - a fountain where glaze flowed instead of water. He worked on this perfection for more than a year.

The couple is raising a son, who was named after his brother Timur. Wife and son are adherents healthy eating. According to the confectioner, the boy will eat, for example, celery with more pleasure than a piece of cake.

Renat considers himself happy man because his hobby is his job. He also enjoys photography and videography.

Renat Agzamov now

The master of confectionery art has reached such a level that he himself is engaged only in the implementation of private orders, the development of recipes and quality control.

Incredible cakes Renata Agzamova

He leaves no hope of winning the World Culinary Championships, as well as entering the Forbes magazine ranking of the richest people on the planet.

In 2018, he shocked the public with the beauty of his next masterpiece, made for a wedding that took place in the Kazakh city of Shymkent. Its weight reached 1.5 thousand kg, diameter - three, and height - four meters. According to media reports, the cost of this culinary miracle was 179 thousand dollars.

In February, he held a casting in Yakutia to participate in the new season of the Confectioner project on the Friday!

Renat Limarovich Agzamov is a popular domestic showman, TV presenter, and also the champion of Russia in confectionery art. Great interest in his person in recent times encourages many to learn the details of the biography of Renat Agzamov, as well as to study the difficult path to success. Thanks to his hard work, perseverance and constant improvement, he surpassed many confectioners and became the first in Russia, as well as widely known outside of it.

Childhood and career choice

Renat Agzamov was born on April 13, 1981. His father, Limar Gibatullaevich, worked as a train cook and from an early age taught him and his older brother Timur to use a knife and other kitchen utensils. Grandmother taught her grandchildren the basics of cooking and inspired them to come up with new interesting dishes. Tatar by nationality, Renat Agzamov, whose biography began in Kyiv, soon moved with his parents to live in the city of Sochi.

Talent in cooking Renata was already noticeable at the age of 7 years. After the first successful cupcake, the boy did not leave the kitchen, where he tried to learn new knowledge from his grandmother. It was she who instilled in Renat a love of baking. Then he learned to bake cookies, bread, make flowers from sugar caramel for his girlfriend. The first cake was baked for my mother at the age of 16.

After studying for nine years general education school, the young man decided to gain new knowledge at the culinary school in Krasnodar. After receiving a diploma, he began to work as a confectioner and thereby improve his skills and gain experience. Together with his brother, who worked as a chef, they became quite famous in their city. They had to work a lot, as their father suffered a stroke and could no longer support his family.

turning point in biography Agzamov is participating and, as a result, winning the confectionery championship in Krasnodar. After that, there was a great desire to achieve great heights and become a professional in their field. Renat, together with Timur, decided to conquer the capital, look for other opportunities there, and improve their skills.

Hard road to success

The path to Renat's career success is quite thorny, and would be impossible without his dedication, hard work and endless love for his work. Staying in Moscow without sufficient funds brought many difficulties to the Agzamov brothers. Inspired Renat even agreed to free work in order to improve his potential and gain new knowledge.

He had to change about seven jobs before he settled on the one that served as the start of his career. This is exactly what the position of the chef at the Nostalgie restaurant has become. After working there for more than two years, Renat, together with the director of this institution decided to open a joint business.

The catering service organized by them started successfully, but did not give the desired result due to disagreements between the partners. As a result, Renat left this project. However, the desire to have his own business in the confectionery art did not disappear, and he continued to look for options for the implementation of his projects.

Having developed his original line of cakes, the young confectioner began looking for companies that would be willing to cooperate. So, in 2006, the huge potential of the master saw big company Fili Baker, which agreed to create a Fili Baker Premium factory especially for him.

After the successful launch of this project, the company began to process a huge number of orders not only in Russia, but also abroad. The factory became widely known in most countries of the world, and Agzamov became the main representative of the confectionery art in the country.

Master Secrets

Agzamov's success lies in his great love for his work. He puts his whole soul into his work. The skill of the confectioner, as well as exclusive ideas, make him a specialist international class. Cakes that he makes with his own hands and decorates according to own sketches, amaze. This is a new trend in the confectionery art that causes great delight and surprise.

Interesting Facts about the confectionery art of Agzamov:

  • up to one hundred people can be involved in the preparation of a confectionery product;
  • the price of Renat Agzamov's cake is approximately 2,500 rubles per kilogram;
  • cakes are based on homemade baking recipes with sour cream exclusively from natural ingredients;
  • Renat's most profitable line of business is wedding cakes;
  • the largest cake performed by Agzamov weighed four tons and was the decoration of one of the capital's wedding festivities.

In the performance of his masterpieces, Renat uses the latest trends in world confectionery art.

His frequent clients who want to decorate their holiday and surprise guests are stars, oligarchs, celebrities. Among them:

Personal life and new projects

Despite the wide openness to society, Renat Agzamov does not particularly advertise his personal life. It is known that his wife's name is Valeria, and they are raising their son Timur, named after his older brother.

Renat Agzamov's wife is a muse for her husband, an inspirer, and he dedicated a cake to her - one of his brilliant masterpieces. According to the culinary specialist, his son is not particularly fond of sweets and is cold towards his father's hobby, so he is unlikely to be a successor to the family of confectioners.

Today, the successful confectioner and master of his craft continues to surprise his fans with new masterpieces, conducts master classes, seminars, and creates new projects. One of major events from his life has become International Exhibition cakes by Renat Agzamova. He does not stop learning and, even while on vacation abroad, he finds time to learn the best recipes from local cuisine. So, the best recipe tiramisu he folded from different variations of this dessert from all over Italy.

The biography of Renat Agzamov presents him not only as a famous confectioner, but also as a TV presenter. So, in 2017, he became one of the hosts of the culinary show "TiliTiliTesto" on Channel One.

Later share your experience and choose the best cook Renat Agzamov also came to the reality show "Confectioner" on the channel "Friday". After all the tests on the project, the great culinary specialist determined the winner and took him to work in his team.

Interesting facts from life Renata Agzamova:

  • zodiac sign - Aries;
  • at school he loved mathematics and was engaged in boxing;
  • the first thing I spent my childhood savings on was a mixer;
  • life credo: "Never stop there";
  • the work schedule allows Agzamov to have one day off per week;
  • older brother Timur also became a great culinary specialist, whom Renat calls a legend in the restaurant industry;
  • for a better acquaintance with the confectionery creativity of Renat Agzamov, a website of the same name was created, as well as pages in in social networks.

Renat considers himself a happy person, since his hobby is his work. He also enjoys photography and videography.

Attention, only TODAY!

The famous confectioner and culinary specialist Renat Agzamov, his biography on Wikipedia (nationality), personal life and photos on Instagram, family - parents (patronymic), wife and children are of interest to many viewers, and this is no coincidence, since he is the champion of Russia in confectionery art, as well as face of the Fili Baker brand.

Renat Agzamov - biography

Renat Limarovich Agzamov was born in 1981 in Sochi ( Krasnodar region). The boy's culinary skills manifested themselves in early age. At the age of 7 he already knew how to bake cookies and muffins, and at 10 he learned how to bake bread.

When the young man was 15 years old, he entered the Krasnodar Culinary School, and after graduating from it, returned to Sochi, where he got a job as a cook in a restaurant.

In 2002, the confectioners' championship was held in Krasnodar, in which Renat took part and won first place. This victory prompted him to decide to go to Moscow, which he did, not being afraid of the fact that at that time he had neither money nor connections.

At first, Renat had a rather difficult time in Moscow. He changed several jobs, and sometimes even worked for free in order to hone his professional technique and gain the necessary experience.

Agzamov considers the Nostalzhi restaurant to be the beginning of his career, where he managed to get the position of pastry chef. After working here for more than two years, he began to think about how to create own business, but then decided to do otherwise - to offer cooperation to a large firm. This idea soon came true - the management of the Fili Baker company, engaged in the production of confectionery and cakes, not only agreed to cooperate with Agzamov, but also opened the Fili Baker Premium confectionery factory for a new project, which eventually turned into a giant with access to the international level.

To date, Renat Limarovich is one of the most popular domestic confectioners who bakes cakes for celebrities. By the way, he himself believes that the most profitable area of ​​his business is wedding cakes, which are real works of culinary art, because it is not without reason that Renat is called an artist and sculptor of cake art, a confectionery god and a king of cakes.

The famous confectioner has an official website. On it you can not only see how his masterpieces look, but also place an order.

The champion of confectionery art is expanding its activities in every possible way. At the beginning of 2017, a program was launched on Channel One - the TiliTeleTesto confectioners show, in which home-grown confectioners compete with each other in skill. The host of the show was Larisa Guzeeva and her assistant was, you guessed it, Renata Agzamova.

In addition, he conducts confectionery workshops and implements his own projects. So, for example, the last of them was the “International Exhibition of Cakes by Renat Agzamov”, which was held in Kazan in the winter of 2017.

Many are interested in how much Renat Agzamov earns. It is known that the price of his cake is from 2,500 rubles and more, but, as the confectioner himself says, for him the main values ​​in life are his family and his favorite business.

Renat Agzamov - personal life

It is known that the confectioner is married. His wife's name is Lera. She is for him not only a beloved woman and a keeper hearth but also a muse. One of Renat's best confectionery masterpieces is named after his wife - a fountain of icing and chocolate.

The couple has a son, Timur, who, as it turned out, does not share his father's love for sweets, and, according to Renat, is unlikely to continue his work.

- What are the most unusual orders you received?

We have, perhaps, all the orders are quite unusual. One of the most difficult projects was offered to us two years ago. On May 2nd, I received a call from an assistant to the owner of Jumeirah chain in Dubai asking me to make a cake that would stand on seven life-sized horses made of caramel. We began to develop this project, found steel shops that could cast such horses from caramel for us. A silicone mold for each horse would weigh approximately 1.7 tons. We worked through almost the entire preparatory stage, and I decided to call to find out what date the event is scheduled for. And they say - May 22. Naturally, this was impossible: too little time. And we declined with great regret. This is the project that remained in my soul as an unrealized dream. Until now, I feel a sense of guilt and duty to people, the country and the world - this project must be implemented. But we need customers. Will seek.

- Do customers ask to use unusual ingredients?

We have a fixed number of toppings - there are seven of them. It used to be 46. I removed the toppings from the meringue - when cut, they crumble and the cake loses its shape. Removed layer cakes. The fact is that in such a test there are 276 layers. While it is dry, it stands quietly, but if you lay the filling, then by morning everything is saturated with moisture and loses its shape and volume under its own weight. And I also refused souffle-mousse cakes - they do not withstand many hours of waiting in the warmth of a banquet hall, and there are no refrigerators in which you can hide a five-meter cake in restaurants.

- How is the delivery of such huge treats?

We bring the cake to the restaurant before the start of the celebration. We collect the cake right in the hall so that we can leave at three or four in the afternoon - even before the guests gather. We deliver the cake in parts. In some cases, it is necessary to use three "gazelles" for this. Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: the guard, seeing our cortege, asks what we have brought. I answer: "Cake". "What, all three cars are cake?!" he wonders. Yes, and it happens.

- Does it happen that something went wrong and you didn’t like the cake?

My goal is to make the customer happy. This is also why I refused some of the toppings - I can’t explain to the customer that his cake dripped, collapsed or fell apart, because it was hot in the hall! The fate of each order is monitored by a special employee - she calls customers, asks if they liked everything. In case you still don’t like the cake, we have a special move. We send another cake for free. For example, we were told that the carrot cake seemed a bit dry. In response, we treat you with a moister cake "Raspberry Chiffon" - an especially delicate biscuit cooked using a unique steamed technology. When you eat it, you don’t even feel this biscuit: it looks more like ice cream with raspberries! And we send cakes to the client until he says that he liked everything. Yes, it is expensive for us: we keep in the state special officer, we cook, we drive cars. But in the name of service and quality, I am ready for such costs.

- How do ideas come? Or is it the wishes of the customers?

99% of cakes are my ideas. How it comes about, I don't know. For the future, nothing is invented. For example, I know that ahead is the wedding season and I should sketch out a few sketches, calculate how much it costs, so as not to run around later. But not a single thought arises! Sometimes I dream of ideas - I write them down right at night. And sometimes I see in the eyes of the customer faith in me, in the fact that I will now create magic. You have to match and surprise! Often we start talking just for life, and during this conversation, ideas arise.

- Can you give an example?

Of course! Recently, a mother and daughter, the family of a very famous Russian banker, arrived in several cars with escort. "We want a very rich cake for my dad's birthday - let it have chocolate bars of gold, banknotes, coins - a lot of money, in general!" And I answer: “Most likely, those who will be at this event already know that the birthday man’s work is connected with money and that he is rich. Maybe we’ll think about how to prick him in the heart to surprise him?” And we started to sort through. My daughter immediately dismissed hunting and fishing: they say, what kind of fishing is there, he has been chasing marlin all his life on his yacht, but he has never caught it. And I immediately caught fire: "Here it is, a chip! Why do we need gold bars when there is such a dream right next to us!" As a result, we made a cake: the hero of the day looks at the marlin towering above him, and he folded fuck out of his fin. Barely persuaded! I had to explain that although the position does not allow frivolities at work and in the press, there is still a kid in every man. They made a cake. As a result, there was a decorous event according to the protocol, but when the cake was brought in, this banker yelled and squealed with delight! He keeps this whole composition with marlin (it is made of chocolate and does not deteriorate) at home in the hall in a special glass box. It is very important not to lose a respectful approach to a person in the flow of orders. If we had made an ingot cake back then, I don't think we would have done our best.

- Is there a difference between working with stars and, as they say, simple housewives?

The difference is in the number of intermediaries. It's easier to find with a housewife mutual language and come to an agreement, and when it comes to "big" people, then a whole chain is connected and the "damaged phone" begins. Assistants, assistants of assistants and other intermediaries arrive, after which a long string of approvals begins. In addition, I do not have the opportunity to speak directly with the customer in order to feel what suits him. And the sketch cannot convey what I would like to convey.

- In addition, perhaps the stars are more sophisticated in their desires?

By the way, not always.

- What are you working on now?

We have a big project - seven meters long and four tons in weight. It involves 12 contractors! All my sculptors work almost around the clock. This project is called "Castle Zwinger" and is a castle cake. But this is not just a cake - it is actually an edible model of the castle, inside of which there will be monitors with the image of the bride and groom walking towards each other. The cake will even have supply and exhaust ventilation so that the monitors do not burn out. Just the other day, I specially went to Dresden and removed silicone molds from this castle. This project will go down in history, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to do something like this in the next hundred years.

- For whom is this magnificence made?

It will be a wedding of people very close to me.

- And you, by the way, had another high-profile project in the form of a temple in Sofrino ...

Yes, I've already received a call about this. There was an incredible buzz on the Internet and in the press. Everyone was very worried that with the money of the parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church, she ordered a cake for a million rubles. Firstly, I ordered not the Russian Orthodox Church, but ordinary secular people: the children decided to give the cake to their parents. Neither one nor the other has anything to do with the church. Secondly, this incredible price is very far from the truth! The cake is only at the bottom - above is a tabletop made of chocolate, on which a chocolate cathedral is built. Customers wanted to keep it as a memory.

- Will you reveal a couple of secrets for those who bake cakes at home?

Beat egg whites only at low speed. At the same time, the proteins should be warm - I even heat them with a burner for this. This way they will fluff up more evenly. Further. Let's say we want to make a light raspberry soufflé. There are already raspberries mashed with sugar in the refrigerator. Will warm whites work here? No, in our case they should also be cold. Beat them with powdered sugar and mix these two products. If we want all this to stand in the refrigerator and take shape, then we brew whipped proteins with hot sugar syrup (temperature 120 degrees) - then we get meringue. And at the time of the infusion of syrup, it would be nice to add a little gelatin. We add raspberries with sugar and we get a completely different product - what is it called? And at home they often try to make a Bird's Milk cake. To do this, beat the protein with sugar and protein with butter and condensed milk separately. And so that when these two mixtures are combined, everything does not delaminate, it is necessary that both these masses be of the same temperature. It is also important that there are no large bubbles inside the "Bird's Milk", otherwise these bubbles will burst and the cake will sag. Bubbles should be small - like in foam rubber. This can only be achieved by whipping at low speed.

- How do you work with the stars?

By the way, the stars are the easiest to work with. As a rule, these are busy people who call me, inform me that some kind of event is coming, and, relying on my taste, place an order. The other day, Yana Rudkovskaya called to order cakes at an afterparty, for her son's birthday, at the Nutcracker show - a total of five orders at once. "Renat, we need something with the Nutcracker - think for yourself," - this is such an order. Pah-pah-pah, while everything always went smoothly. We have known many stars for many years, we are even friends with someone and see each other regularly. With all the relationship is very warm and trusting.

- And who are your regular customers?

As a rule, these are birthdays - of themselves, children or parents. The other day, Anita Tsoi was doing a project for a concert - it was a cake with a dragon.

- Can I ask you about pricing and about cakes for a million?

We have a kilogram of cake costs 2000 rubles.

What is the most expensive cake you've ever made?

By agreement of the parties with the customer, I do not have the right to disclose these figures. We make cakes not only for stars, but also for politicians, top officials - including those from other countries. Our orders are sent to the UAE, and to Italy, and to the USA. Moreover, I can’t even publish photos all the time! Sometimes it turns out such beauty, so you want to brag, but they ask me to keep everything a secret, and I have to keep my word so that my reputation does not suffer.

- They write that Ksenia Borodina's cake cost a million ...

With Ksenia Borodina, it's a completely different story. It could not have cost that much - we have been friends with her for many years, and for that kind of money I would not sell her a cake for anything in the world.

- So it was a gift?

Not exactly: she paid part of it. There were a lot of expenses and materials - after all, a big cake that could not be free. There were many caramel products, and a special stand was made for it. That cake-cathedral also cost far from a million - it was a small cake, why cost so much there! After all, customers are not idiots either - paying that kind of money for a cake!

- I wonder where all the rumors come from then?

There is a very simple explanation for this. I post a photo of the cake on social networks and write that its weight is two tons. And everyone begins to count: since a kilogram costs 2,000 rubles, then such a cake costs four million. Let me give you an example: now we are working on the Zwinger Castle project, which weighs four tons, while monitors weigh more than a ton. The stand on which the cake stands weighs about 400 kg. Four tons is the total load on the building floor. Another example: we recently made a wedding cake. The celebration took place in a tent in the field. Our entire structure weighed ten tons - under it they made a pile foundation with concrete floors so that everything would not sink!

- It's a really big amount...

Often I work for free for myself - the customer pays for the materials, ingredients, organization, and I don’t ask for anything for my services. If there is some kind of grandiose project, then as a confectioner, it’s just interesting for me to work on it. Let's take the same "Castle Zwinger". It was necessary to pay for the rental of the dress, video filming, editing, you need to pay for the people who do the post-production. We need to deal with metal structures and cooperate with formatters who will make molds from casts that I brought from Dresden. The sculptors will scale down the castle to mold the chocolate. Think it's all cheap? But it happens that I personally have nothing from such projects. I work for interest. I am the head of the entire Fili Baker production, of which Fili Baker Premium is a part, producing unusual cakes: this is my outlet, my hobby.

- And what projects do you have the longest to prepare?

There are some that we started last year and should finish by 2018. It will be something grandiose, but, of course, while I have no right to divulge. And now we are preparing two projects for the New Year - the cakes will go to Veliky Ustyug. We make the biscuit with cream in a day. At night it is soaked, and in the morning you can already eat. What is long is the preparation stage. Sometimes I even assemble a fake foam cake in a special hangar.

- Are there any moments that annoy you personally? What orders do you refuse?

I don't do dirty tricks. You can’t earn all the money, so I won’t make members on the cake. This is an ironclad rule.

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