Anton Tabakov's country house outside view. Where does Oleg Tabakov live?

Pregnancy and children 13.07.2019
Pregnancy and children

The artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov, the famous actor and director Oleg Tabakov, together with his family - actress Marina Zudina, son Pavel and daughter Masha, became the main character of the Sunday program of the First Channel "Guests on Sundays".

The conversation in the studio turned out to be very meaningful and sincere. But perhaps the most interesting this time was waiting for viewers in the traditional section of the project “One Day with a Star”, because Oleg Pavlovich invited the authors of the program, and with them all admirers of his talent, to the holy of holies - his apartment in the center of the capital. While Oleg Tabakov and his wife Marina Zudina posed for photographers, whose visit coincided with the arrival of the creators of the program “Guests on Sundays”, the screen showed footage of luxurious apartments. The artistic director's apartment is capable of capturing the imagination of the layman. Huge tastefully furnished rooms, the master's office decorated in a simple style, panoramic windows from which a magnificent view of Red Square opens.

True, the main character of this story was not Oleg Tabakov, but his youngest daughter Masha, who will be ten years old this year. During an interview with a little celebrity heiress, it turned out that the girl is one of the few people who can be praised by Oleg Pavlovich. As a rule, the director is stingy with compliments and makes an exception only for his adored daughter. The love of the star father and his heiress is mutual. Masha Tabakova told the authors of the program “Guests on Sundays” about how she sees her parents.

“Dad is very kind, affectionate, funny. He always likes to joke, you can never get bored with him. Mom is also kind, attentive, accurate. He will always correct if something is wrong, ”said the heiress of the star couple.

The girl also admitted that she dreams of following in her father's footsteps and becoming an actress. “At the age of four, I already performed at my father’s anniversary, and it inspired me a lot,” shared Masha Tabakova.

Recall that Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina got married in 1995 after a ten-year romance. By the way, the actors maintained a relationship secretly when the artistic director was still married. Between the teacher and the student broke out real love. Oleg Tabakov commented on his departure from the family: “No matter how trite it sounds, love came f-f-f ...”. From marriage with his first wife, actress Lyudmila Krylova, Tabakov has two children - son Anton and daughter Sasha. In addition, the actor already has three grandchildren who are older than his younger children from his marriage to Marina Zudina: Nikita, Anya and Polina.

March 12, he was 82 years old. Farewell ceremony tomorrow - March 15 on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, and the funeral of the actor will be held at the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.

After some time, the relatives of the actor and director - the actor's widow Marina Zudina, his sons Anton and Pavel, as well as daughters Alexandra and Maria - will have to share the inheritance. Tabakov left several apartments, a country house and, possibly, significant funds in bank accounts to the heirs. The actor's inheritance can amount to hundreds of millions of rubles.

First of all, it is cash savings. Every year, as an actor and director, Oleg Tabakov received several tens of millions of rubles. In 2014, Oleg Tabakov received an income of 48 million rubles. In 2015, he earned almost 74.5 million rubles. In 2016, a little less - 68.8 million rubles. Last year, the media reported that during the bankruptcy of the Clientsky bank, almost 700 million rubles, placed in it by Oleg Tabakov, disappeared. The money of Tabakov and other clients of the bank was withdrawn under the guise of issuing loans to individuals who themselves did not even know about it.

In addition, Oleg Pavlovich owned three apartments (116.3 sq. m., 164.3 sq. m., 68.3 sq. m.), a parking place (27.1 sq. m.), a land plot with a house (3000 sq. m) and a Subaru car.

A plot of two hectares with a house is located next to the Istra River in the village of Kino-1. The house has five terraces located on different levels, and the rooms are furnished with antique furniture.

The house is located in an old village, there are very few houses or plots for sale here. And if the family decides to sell Tabakov's house, they will be able to get about 400 million rubles for it, realtors say.

According to market experts, the total value of Tabakov's real estate can reach up to 600 million rubles.

However, according to experts, another source of income for the heirs is copyright. We are talking about films in which Tabakov participated.

Relatives may well count on the money that is owed as payments for copyrights. After all, films with Tabakov are constantly broadcast on television and sold on the Internet. Such deductions can amount to millions of rubles a year, experts say.

Many media this week hysterically exaggerated the options for dividing the huge inheritance of the deceased

They looked forward to a big kipish during the division of goods between numerous relatives: a widow, four children and five grandchildren.

We hasten to reassure our readers: there will be no scandal, because everything has already been distributed a long time ago. As it became known to us from the most reliable sources, at the time of his death, Oleg Pavlovich did not have anything. Not a single square meter, not a single horsepower, not a ruble in bank accounts!

On various sites they write about a luxurious estate on Istra, three apartments in the center of Moscow, business class cars, millions of bills ... All this is nonsense, do not believe it. Back in the late 90s, when the master's health began to play pranks, Marina Zudina persuaded her husband to rewrite almost everything on her. Owned Oleg Tabakov only 188 square meters remained on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. Yes, and in 2000 he wrote off this apartment to his beloved.

Yevgeny MIRONOV did not leave the inconsolable widow. And he was the first to rush to the Gradsky hospital after the death of a teacher. They say he has the best chance of taking a hot seat. Photo by Vladimir VELENGURIN/Komsomolskaya Pravda

About money

Oleg Pavlovich continued to act in films - since the beginning of the century he has 25 films to his credit. According to unofficial data, the brilliant actor in last years paid 500 thousand rubles each. for a day of shooting. In addition, there were some geshefts with the sublease of theater premises. But here the matter is dark, we can’t even imagine the volume of income.

BEZRUKOV shed a natural tear for the first time. Photo: © ITAR-TASS

And that is not all.

According to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, only in the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov Tabakov received 935,994 rubles a month. Plus, he had rates at the Snuffbox and a children's theater school. Plus teaching. But, we repeat, there was not a penny on the accounts of the man-legend.

Here, of course, I recalled a muddy story that happened last spring. 677 million floated from the Tabakovsky account in the Clientsky bank in an unknown direction. The journalists cut off the victim’s phone, but the master refused to comment, and his wife nervously waved it off: “Don’t interfere - this is our own business!”

Ivan URGANT promised that, in which case, he would take Pavlik to his job. Photo by Vladimir VELENGURIN/Komsomolskaya Pravda

In short, no one will open any will. All movable and immovable property of the deceased is now in the hands of Marina Vyacheslavovna. There is no doubt that her children - Pavlik and Masha - will not remain in the loser.

At the same time, most likely, the heirs from the first family are not in business. Anton at the beginning of the year finally moved with his family to Europe. For earned on restaurant business, which he successfully sold, bought a nice house on the border of Italy and France - not far from Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, where they once liked to relax Coco Chanel, Greta Garbo and Winston Churchill. There, in warm climes, Anton lives in clover. And Sasha, having quarreled with dad after he betrayed her mother, long ago became for Tabakov and Zudina a cut off humpback.

MASHKOV consoled Marina as best he could. Sons Pavel and Anton held out with all their might. Photo by Vladimir VELENGURIN/Komsomolskaya Pravda Oleg MENSHIKOV and his friend behaved rather strangely. It's like coming to a wedding. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY Renata LITVINOVA arrived with her daughter Ulyana. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

Pulling her husband out of the mud, Marina Zudina almost tore the master's famous suspenders

Continuous anniversaries are coming in the family of Oleg TABAKOV. The master turns 80. His wife Marina ZUDINA will celebrate her 50th birthday. Son Pavel will exchange the third ten. Oleg Pavlovich and Marina are waiting for a porcelain wedding - a creative couple has been together for 20 years. Even their country house has a round date - five years ago, the couple built a luxurious mansion in Istra.

Country estate Tabakov is located on a hill and is located in a picturesque, ecologically clean place on the Istra River. The sun penetrates into all corners of a cozy home.
“I could afford such a mansion only in old age,” Oleg Pavlovich shares. - I am a law-abiding citizen, I have always earned honestly, regularly paid taxes. My position at the Moscow Art Theater obliges me to take care of a huge number of people, and I feel this responsibility.
The decoration of the rooms of the Master's mansion is made without pretentiousness, gilding, stucco molding and cherubs looking from the ceiling. Everything is concise and practical.

Symbolic painting occupies a special place in the house. Portrait Marina Zudina adorns the office of Oleg Pavlovich. The image of the owner himself meets guests right in the hallway. There was a place and a wall-sized canvas, on which the Moscow Art Theater troupe honors its artistic director.
portrait Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in a creative family, a special place is assigned - in the bedroom. The writer firmly entered the fate of the actor. For 15 years, Tabakov has been running one of the most famous theaters in the country - the Moscow Art Theater, which bears the name of the Russian classic. And even his eldest son Tabakov named Anton in honor of Chekhov.

insidious key

The territory of the estate is about two hectares. This entire area requires constant maintenance.
- In the arrangement of the site, - says the landscape designer Denis Poteykin- a lot of effort and money has been invested. Several designers worked here, but they didn’t get what the owner wanted at all. Although he explained everything very clearly. I realized that for Oleg Pavlovich the dacha is more than a house. This corner he wanted to express himself. Tabakov's neighbors asked me to consult Oleg Pavlovich. I was happy to give some advice for free. After all, my mother and I are longtime fans of this artist's work. I adore him Miss Andrew from the movie “Mary Poppins, goodbye!”, And my mother is a fan of Oleg Pavlovich in the role of Shelenberg from “Seventeen Moments of Spring”.

On the territory of the estate there are several springs - the river is nearby. Because of them, problems arose when we paved the paths with stones. In some places, the soil sagged, and special sand "pillows" had to be made. People say that so many springs in one area is a good omen: fortunately. We dug a well, which supplies the whole house with water, the composition of which is close to mineral.
During the construction, Oleg Pavlovich was absent for a long time, and when he arrived, he decided to take a walk along the stone path, stepped on the place where the key washed away the soil, and fell through. It's good that Marina was nearby. She hurried to help her husband with one of the hard workers. During the rescue of Oleg Pavlovich from the pit, the master's famous suspenders almost suffered: Zudina instinctively began to pull on them and almost tore them.

Laughter was then ...
- Marinochka wanted to do winter Garden, but this is impossible due to the complexity of summing up communications. Again, because of the keys, - continues Poteykin. - However, there are already enough different colors - for the taste of each family member! Most guests bring tubers and seeds rare plants suitable for our climate. But, as I noticed, Oleg Pavlovich loves the flora near Moscow, so as many birches and firs as possible were left on the site.

porcelain surprise

The maintenance of houses is always expensive, but we do not limit ourselves in anything yet, - Marina Zudina admitted to us with a laugh. - Maybe our requests are not so big? Outside the city, we do not constantly live, but we come as if to a dacha. We chose the place together with Oleg Pavlovich. We always do everything together. But it's important to me that he likes it. That's why the last word I leave it to my husband.
- Marina Vyacheslavovna, an important and troublesome time is coming for you. In your family, everyone will soon have round dates. How are you going to celebrate?
- Indeed, we all have anniversaries this year, except for Masha, she will be nine years old. I don't celebrate my birthdays. Women should not celebrate their dates after 35, there is no great joy in this. I think that we can combine all the holidays into one. But the main thing for us is to celebrate the anniversary of Oleg Pavlovich. Husband is usually congratulated at the theater, those who are in Moscow in the summer come, and we solemnly honor him in the fall, at the height of the theater season. I think it will be the same this year.

- There were rumors that Alexandra Tabakova's daughter does not communicate with her grandfather ... But, as it turned out, Tabakova's granddaughter, 26-year-old Polina, works for you at the Moscow Art Theater as a theater artist.
- We are glad to see everyone at the anniversary of Oleg Pavlovich. I have been married for 20 years. So much time has passed ... We are all adults, we all communicate normally. But not all the time, of course. We meet with relatives when we have time. Everyone is busy, everyone is in a hurry.
- Soon you and Oleg Pavlovich will have a porcelain wedding. Preparing gifts for each other?
- 20 years is a porcelain wedding? My husband and I never attach importance to dates and numbers. But now I'll think of a beautiful porcelain surprise.
The master himself is now working on the play "The Jeweler's Anniversary". The artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater entrusted this production to his favorite director Konstantin Bogomolov. The head of the Snuffbox is not thinking about his family celebrations yet.
- First you need to release a performance, and then think about the holidays, - the Master told us. - So I haven’t even figured out how we will celebrate anniversaries, I haven’t written any scripts for celebrations ( laughs). And now I'm busy, I have a rehearsal.
We wished our favorite actor and director success in realizing his ideas.
- Thanks. I will answer your wishes with the famous Nikulin phrase from the film “Come to me, Mukhtar!”: “We will try!”
The country house of Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina is very similar to its owners. Architect and designer Marina Putilovskaya assures that everything was intended

The upper level of the windows in the two-height hall was not covered with curtains. “I wish the house had more natural light,” says Putilovskaya.

This story began in a neighborly way. Putilovskaya herself lives in the same village near Moscow and often visited the Tabakovs and hosted them. “Oleg Pavlovich had a very bad experience with a previous interior designer who worked for him,” says Putilovskaya. “Therefore, he was somewhat wary of the people of my profession.” Putilovskaya wanted to rectify the situation, and she really liked the house itself - spacious, with five terraces at different levels, grown in the forest, like the pines surrounding it.

Oleg Tabakov with his wife Marina Zudina and daughter Maria. The family tries to get out of the city at every opportunity, Tabakov and Masha are especially fond of the house.

“My main task as an interior artist (this is the specialty I received at the Stroganov School and that is how I usually call myself) was to preserve and emphasize the openness of this house, its focus on the world around. Windows are more important than curtains, and the view from them is more important than the chair from which you enjoy it.”

The painting in the hallway is a special gift. It depicts all the actors of the Moscow Art Theater, greeting their artistic director.

However, the chairs here are also difficult. Tabakov had a collection of antique furniture from Karelian birch, which he greatly valued, and she had to take her rightful place in the house. First, someone gave him (a common story in this family) an empire-style set - a dining table and chairs - and then worthy additions were bribed to him.

In Oleg Pavlovich's office there is a desk and chairs from the beginning of the 19th century and a portrait of his wife.

The table is now in the dining room, and the family and numerous guests gather around it. “I love the combination of precious Karelian wood with simple plank walls. Against their background, the amber color plays especially richly.

From an antique table made of Karelian birch, a collection of furniture once began, which now fills the entire house.

In general, there is a lot of discreet beauty in the house - complex wooden carvings on the lintels and caissons, typesetting parquet, marble mosaic decoration of the fireplace and stained-glass windows on the windows. “This is also very much in the spirit of this family,” says Putilovskaya. “No obtrusiveness, just good taste.” What is the most favorite place in the owner's house? “Of course, a comfortable wooden chair on the lower terrace. He spends a lot of time there - reading, thinking, looking at the forest.” It is easy to understand Oleg Pavlovich - the view from there really opens up magnificent.

No one remembers where this rocking chair came from in the house, but Tabakov loves it and spends all the more or less warm evenings in it.

If you set out to find one word to describe the Tabakovs' house, it will be the word "warm". Endless photographs, paintings (gifts and family heirlooms), a portrait of Chekhov in the bedroom (where without Anton Pavlovich) and many books - all this stylistically imperfect set creates a feeling that cannot be born at the behest of a decorator. It looks like only deeply inhabited houses.

At the request of the owners, the bedroom is decorated as neutrally as possible, without obvious accents. Chekhov's portrait is the only exception.

“Of course, everything is so,” confirms Putilovskaya. - A lot has changed here since I finished my work. But that's the way it should be. I don't understand designers who complain about clients: "They came and ruined everything." If the life and taste of customers do not fit into your interior, then you just did your job poorly. With the Tabakovs, everything worked out as it should.

The fireplace in the living room is decorated with mosaics.

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