What is release and model release. Release (software) What are releases

Interesting 21.08.2019

Music releases are usually divided into categories. There are several different classifications of music releases, according to type, status, media on which the release is distributed. The site uses a single hybrid classification that will be understandable to both a simple user and a professional in the field of music. Although at some points this classification may seem overly rough. But it should be understood that this is a compromise between accessibility and information content.

Album- kit musical compositions by the same artist released together. The expression "album recording" appeared after several phonograph records began to be sold as one edition, placed in a book resembling a photo album. In some music catalogs, the album is classified LP(Long play).
Probable number of compositions: 10-14.

Single- a composition that, in the opinion of the performer, should interest the listener the most, which will help the performer to better express himself. As a rule, there are several more compositions on the single, more often arrangements of the title composition are “remixes”. Some music catalogs classify singles as CDS- "small" and CDM"big" (maxi-single).
Probable number of compositions: 1-4.

Remixes- as a rule, this release comes after the release of a successful single. Completely repeats the essence of the single, but contains more remixes than on the single.

EP(Extended Play) - a mini-album, a cross between an album and a single.
Probable number of compositions: 4-8.

compilation- a collection of artist's compositions from different releases. All "Greatest Hits", "Best Of", etc. fall under this concept. Often, in order to increase interest in this release, it contains one or two previously unreleased compositions. It also includes releases that are commonly called DJ sets.

mix tape- a collection of compositions, most of which belong to one artist. This collection may include remixes, tracks for one reason or another not included in the albums, well-known hits, live performances, dialogues and tracks of other musicians that fit well into the concept of the release. Mixtapes have gained the most popularity among rap artists.
Probable number of compositions: 14-22.

sound track- musical arrangement of any material, for example, a film, cartoon, computer game or TV shows. In music catalogs, a soundtrack may be classified OST(Original Soundtrack).
Probable number of compositions: 4-20.

live- recording of a live performance of a performer in a club/stadium. Live can be composed of compositions recorded from one performance, or maybe from different performances. In the first case, the name of the live, as a rule, contains the date and place of the performance (country, city, venue name), for example: "Metallica - 2010.04.14 At Telenor Arena, Oslo, Norway".
Probable number of compositions: 14-28.

bootleg- unofficial release, i.e. the release in the form in which it is available was not planned by the artist. As a rule, these are amateur recordings from a concert, or unfinished demo versions of compositions that have fallen into the public domain. Also, this includes collections, to the publication of which the performer has no relation.

promo- a special version of the release, coming out before the release of the official release in a small circulation. For free distribution for promotional purposes. Promo is not for sale. Promo copies can, for example, be sent to TV and radio stations to air new songs on their airwaves, and to music journalists to write reviews in anticipation of the official release. The promo version can be either an album or a single, or any other release.

vinyl- released on vinyl. Given that any type of release can be released on a vinyl record, this term is usually used to refer to a special version of the main release that is distributed only on the record and is different from the main release. In some music catalogs, vinyl may be classified 7” , 10” , 12” depending on the size of the record on which this release is published.

WEB, the main types of releases (Album, Single, EP) are historically inextricably linked with the medium on which they were distributed. More precisely, with a long (duration) release record that could fit on this medium. With the advent of the Internet, the duration of the recording began to lose its meaning. WEB includes releases distributed only via the Internet, and which are difficult to attribute to any "standard" type. In music catalogs may have a classification Digital.

tribute- a collection of compositions by one, usually a very famous author, performed by other (invited) performers. The songs on the Trubute release are called cover versions. Often Tribute releases are released in the anniversary years of the singer-songwriter, as well as after the end of the musical activity of the singer-songwriter.
Probable number of compositions: 10-16.

Demo- an unfinished album. As a rule, demo-versions of albums are released by young bands who want to acquire investments, interest producers and radio stations in order to complete the recording of the album. Demo albums are not intended for commercial distribution, except when an already popular band releases their old recordings for fans.

The neologism "release" appeared relatively recently, but has already firmly established itself in the Russian language. However, relatively few people know exactly what a release is. There are two translations for this word. of English language: release and release.

In the second version, this word denotes a device that provides the release of something. For example, a compound bow is called a release. Also, release can be called muscle relaxation by any means, such as ointments, acupuncture or massage.

Young people are more often interested not in the second meaning of this word, but in the first, that is, “release”. Indeed, when answering the question “What is a release?”, it’s hard not to remember that both the demonstration or publication of something, the screening of a film, and the release of a new album, or new version software - all this is also called a release.

But sometimes the same word refers not only to the release, but also to the object itself, which was released recently. In addition, often the release of something is accompanied by a special press release, which indicates the main information about the product. The media never fully publishes the entire press release, but only relies on these materials when creating their articles or speeches.

When covering the topic of what a release is, it is also worth pointing out that permission to show or demonstrate, publish or release something can be called this term.

Such a multifaceted word appeared in Russian speech and remained to live forever! Now, no one will ask what a music release or Internet release is. For example, my son downloaded some new program from the Internet, launched it, and it “soars brains”. He to the programmer: "What, old man, does this mean?" And the “old man”, scratching his chin, which did not yet know a razor, will answer the same age with a smart look: “What did you want? This program has not yet been released! You, brother, were in a hurry, you licked up the imperfection! That's what this powerful word - "release". There is no it - it is not worth it and suffer in vain.

And speaking of the modeling business or photography, it is worth clarifying that the “model release” should be considered as an agreement between the one who shoots and the one from whom these pictures or videos are taken. The presence of a third party - a witness - is mandatory during the preparation of this contract. After all, this agreement provides for the right of the photographer both for further processing of the material (retouching, artistic editing), publication and distribution, and for the sale of materials, demonstration at exhibitions and various competitions.

On the other hand, this contract necessarily protects the honor of the model. The photographer has no right to perform actions on the pictures that could discredit the models, either by processing the pictures or by adding "cool" inscriptions.

By and large, the model release is extremely necessary for the photographer himself. This is a guarantee in case of occurrence conflict situations when the model, for some reason, expresses her dissatisfaction with any actions on the part of the photographer. For example, a model does not like the fact that her photo is posted in some social network or the photo takes part in an exhibition or photo session.

special attention deserves a situation when a photo wins a prize, receives an award. In this case, the model may begin to demand "their share" from the photographer. If there is a release, this issue is easily settled, because all possible disputable situations are discussed in advance. And if the payment of interest on profit is not provided for in it, then the photographer has every right to declare to the model: “Darling! You should thank me for making you a celebrity! As for the money... It is still unknown who should pay whom. I may have been overthinking it, but…”

1. Types of release

2. Release ( software)

3. Musical release

Music release classifications

Music release status

release type

Release Format

Other characteristics

Technology of preparation and writing press release

Structure press release

5. Model release

Releasethis is release, publication (of a film, book, record, product); also the produced object itself; press release; demonstration, publication, display.

Release types

Release - release, software version.

Music release

Press release

Release (software)

Release - release the final version of the program - a product ready for use. The release usually collects all versions and updates, and releases the final one with all the fixes, which does not need to be updated, since it is latest version ON.

A release is a set of new and/or changed configuration items that have been tested and are recommended for use at the same time.

The purpose of the release management process is to structure and optimize all changes or updates, as well as to reduce the risk when moving the service to a new quality level. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to correctly distribute the available resources and calculate the balance between the time allotted for the implementation of all updates, and the time required to prepare these changes.

Process Release management consists of three phases:

development stage: may not always be applicable in a particular company, but for some companies, this stage may be one of the fundamental ones, they may include, for example, organizations for software development or design bureaus;

testing stage: at this stage, it is necessary to first determine the criteria by which testing will be carried out for each release, that is, to determine the degree to which the release is ready for distribution and implementation.

stage of dissemination and implementation.

At every enterprise process Release management is more or less implemented and partially operational. Therefore, the main task of implementing this process is the consolidation, structuring and systematization of all existing components of the process, their addition, as well as a description of the procedures for implementing existing versions of products. This will allow in the future to develop a number of so-called corporate standards for the composition of software technical means and procedures for their installation, which will further greatly simplify the implementation of related processes and reduce the number of highly qualified specialists.

The task of implementing this process will be greatly simplified thanks to the functioning of firms the Configuration Management process, the result of which is the actual Base data Accounting Elements (CMDB), which includes descriptions of all used versions of system components information technologies. The implementation of this process will allow in the future to maintain a centralized Software Version Library (DSL); stock hot swap equipment (DHS); and in some cases a dedicated technical documentation library. Release Management

In case of successful and correct implementation of the Release Management process, users will receive:

Over additional software licenses;

Training of users and specialists work in improved systems, which will qualitatively improve interaction with customers, and will be a preventive action that contributes to the promotion of new technologies (developments);

Optimally distributed resources necessary for the implementation of all implementations;

Reducing the degree risk when making changes to the composition of information technology systems, and hence the services themselves;

Optimization of recurring updates in terms of time and cost by synchronizing and automating them;

Maximum effect of the planned changes;

Planning costs for the implementation of certain updates.

Failure to implement this process will result in:

Inconsistencies in several updates being made that could be more effectively implemented together;

Uncertainty in the responsibility of who actually distributes and installs all the changes being made;

Unreasonableness of acquiring additional licenses and components of information systems;

The risk at which the expected effect of the changes being made will be ambiguous;

The likelihood that unjustified resources will be involved in the implementation of certain updates, the effect of which will be absorbed by costs.

The successful construction of the Release Management process depends largely on the correct implementation of the Change Management process. Therefore, in some cases it is recommended to carry out a complex implementation of these two processes. In addition, an important role is played by the construction of such a process as Configuration Management, which is necessary for the timely registration of all changes in the Database. data accounting elements

Music release

Any music release has a name, release date, author(s), performer(s), sometimes other persons involved in the creation and preparation of music releases are also indicated (for example, a producer, sound engineer, in the case of a video release, a director, etc.). Also additional information are the date and place of the recording (often the audio studio). Music releases are distributed through labels and on their own.

Music release classifications

There are different types of music release classifications:

by the number of performers on the release

by release status

by release type

by release format

according to other characteristics

Split (English Split) - a common release of two (rarely more) performers under a common name, or containing several titles (usually two for two performers), on which each of the performers is provided with several compositions.

Collobration is a release recorded by an artist in collaboration with another musician. The title of such a release, as a rule, contains the word featuring (with participation).

Music release status

Official - official release.

Promotion - release designed to promote the artist. A recording published by the artist himself is called a demo. Demos have been given a separate status because most artists do not include their demos in the official discography.

Bootleg is an unofficial release. For example, an underground or illegally released compilation or live recording.

Pseudo-Release - associated with various kinds of translations and transliterations of the original release name.

Self-Released - A release released by the band/artist's own efforts.

release type

Single (eng. Single) - a release intended for the presentation of new works by the performer.

Album (English Album)

Compilation - the most general type collection of musical works.

Best of - a type of collection of musical works, which usually includes the most famous compositions.

B-sides is a collection of lesser known and unpopular songs as opposed to a collection of best songs.

Rarities is a collection of rare recordings.

Sampler is a collection of songs by various artists released on the same label.

Soundtrack (eng. Soundtrack) - a collection of compositions that were included in the sound track of a movie or game.

Tribute is an album dedicated to an artist, consisting of covers of songs by that artist.

Live - recording of a concert performance.

Box set - a special release, usually for the artist's anniversary (but not necessarily), usually, the set includes four or five discs or records in a common package.

Discography - all releases of an artist on CD or DVD, often in mp3 format.

Rehearsal is a rehearsal record intended exclusively for fans, such records are almost always bootlegs.

Radioshow - Recording radio shows. May also include Live Recordings.


Music video

AMV (Eng. Anime Music Video)

Video single

Collection of video clips




Release Format

LP (eng. Long Play) - record 12 "(33⅓ rpm), or 10" (33⅓ rpm)

EP (English Extended Play) - a record 12 "(45 rpm), or 7" (45 rpm)

SP (English Single Play) - record 12 "(45 rpm), or 7" (45 rpm)

CD (English Compact disc) - 5" CD (650 or 700 MB)

MCD (English Mini Compact disc) - 3" CD (200 Mb)

HD DVD - Single layer HD DVD has a capacity of 15 GB, dual layer has a capacity of 30 GB

BD (Blu-ray Disc) - A single layer Blu-ray disc has a capacity of 33 GB, a dual layer disc can hold 54 GB

MD (English Mini Disc) - magneto-optical storage medium (up to 80 minutes of audio), you need a special player

LD (Eng. Laserdisc) - a laser disc with a diameter of 30 cm (or 12 inches - like a regular vinyl record), there are both single-sided and double-sided, you need a special player

Tape reel

CC (English Compact Cassette) - audio cassette, magnetic carrier of audio information

VHS (eng. Video Home System) - video cassette, magnetic storage medium for video information

Digital Download

Other characteristics

Deluxe edition - deluxe edition.

Expanded edition - extended edition.

Limited edition - limited edition.

Special edition - a special edition.

Reissue - reissue.

Bonus - bonus edition.

Press release

Press release - a message to the press; an informational message containing news about a company (possibly a private individual) that issued a press release, a statement of its position on an issue and transmitted for publication in the media.

As a rule, it contains the official position of the company in the form of a reaction to one or another information occasion. Official government bodies sometimes issue press releases in the form of “answers to questions”.

The first press release in history was issued on October 30, 1906 by the "father" of modern PR, Ivy Lee, and is associated with a rather tragic incident on railway Pennsylvania.

A press release is the main PR document for any company. A press release allows a firm to inform the media about important events that have occurred in the company and are interesting or necessary for the public and/or specific target audience. Press releases are distributed to journalists at briefings and press conferences, or sent out via means of communication.

Technology for preparing and writing a press release

A press release should be written if there is really interesting news, otherwise, most likely, an uninformative and unnecessary press release will be ignored by journalists, and Work over such a press release would be meaningless. In order for the press release material to be published in the right media, it is desirable that the material in the press release meets the following rules:

The press release information should be interesting and necessary for the audience of the publication to which the press release is sent;

Information should be up-to-date, on the “top of the day”;

Information should be close to readers, socially significant. Well, if the information can be associated with some public important issue;

The information must be "fresh";

it is good if the press release contains the words of one or more opinion leaders on this topic.

The better and more the press release meets the above rules, the more likely it is to be published in the press, and not thrown into the trash. If over and over again he sends uninformative press releases, then journalists will form an appropriate opinion about other materials coming from the same company.

The most common method of writing a press release is to link the news to a specific date, including a non-existent one. It can be the birthday of the organization, the Day of the 100th customer, the Day of the 100-day existence of the company, etc.

Press release structure

The title and type of the press release are the most important in this entire document. It is by the first lines that the journalist determines whether this news is interesting to his publication or whether it can be thrown away. Therefore, the headline should be bright in order to maximally interest anyone who starts reading it. The lead is the first paragraph. It should consist of one sentence, which briefly describes the essence of the news (events, etc.). Here it is important to indicate the information in the following order: who is a participant in the event, news, etc., what kind of event, news, when and where it happened or will happen, why it happened and how it happened.

Press releases come in several varieties.

Press release announcement - in such a press release, it announces an event that is just about to happen. Such a press release sent out in time will ensure the presence of representatives of the press at the event. In addition to describing the essence of the upcoming event, this press release can provide a relevant background to this event, which will help to interest the press.

Press release news (news release) - carries information about an already accomplished event. Here you can add brief comments operating or stakeholders.

Informational press release - informs about the current, not yet completed event. This press release is only an account of current changes or a new turn of events, assuming that the essence of this event is already known.

A press release should not contain evaluation data or advertising information, it should be small in size (no more than two pages) and contain information about only one single piece of news. The information in a press release must meet the requirements of the publication to which the press release was sent.

Communiqué (fr. communiquй, from lat. communico - I inform) - a formal notification of the outcome of international negotiations, an agreement, key events in the life of the country, for example, the course of military operations, meetings, gatherings, summits. In the context international relations A communique can be either a message from one side or a joint act of the parties to the negotiations, while setting out both positive points and disagreements and dissenting opinions. The joint communiqué does not have the status of an international agreement, but at the same time it may contain provisions that the parties may consider as such. If the communiqué contains information about an agreement that is not expressed in any other official form, it is considered as an international agreement. agreements. Joint communiqués with treaty obligations are typical of socialist countries.

Model release

Model release (model release) is treaty with a model, which gives the photographer the right to publish, distribute, sell and do other actions with photos that do not discredit the model.

Model release gives the photographer the right to use photos for any purposes that do not discredit the model: retouching, artistic editing of the image itself, demonstration of photos at exhibitions, publication in printed publications, sale. Without such an agreement, the photographer cannot do anything with photographs that depict recognizable person.

The release (with the model) is signed by two parties (model and photographer) in the presence of a witness (who in turn endorses the contract).

The simplest version of the agreement contains the following data: first name, last name, contact details of the photographer and model, passport details of the model and witness, signatures of all three parties under the text of the model release. It is also desirable to attach a scan (photo) of the first page of the model's passport.

If necessary, an extended contract is concluded with the photographer, which indicates, in addition to the standard set of data, a list of frames about which in question and possible variations of their changes (annex to the contract). Also in the application (or in the release itself) you can specify the details of the photo shoot in question (date, location, compositional, artistic characteristics).

Only adult models have the right to sign a contract on their own (from the point of view of countries of which the signatory is a citizen). If the contract is signed for minors (children), then another option comes into force - the contract of the guardian of the model, which must be signed by either the parent or guardian.

It is worth paying attention to the language of filling out the agreement. The photographer must have signed agreements in those languages ​​that are in circulation in the territory of the residence of the model and (or) the implementation of photographs. For Russian Federation Russian is enough. But if later there is a desire to sell photos abroad, the photographer must have at least the English version of the model release.

Do not be mistaken and think that only commercial photographers who sell photos on photo stocks and photo banks need a model release. Even if the photographer is an amateur, but is going to later use the photos somewhere (in collages, at exhibitions, to sell) - he also needs to have a signed release. Therefore, the signing of the release should be one of the components of the photo session, regardless of whether it takes place on the terms of TFP, on the terms of TFCD or has other agreements.

There is no standard template for completing a Model Release. For example, each photostock offers its users its own version of the release. But the use of only the proposed version of the agreement is not a dogma, and any fairly common version can be taken as a basis.

If you wish, you can also draw up your own version of the model release with your lawyer.

- see PRESS RELEASE. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Release- (English release) release, release: release, demonstration, publication, showing of a film, book, record, product; also the produced object itself; press release; a device that releases something: in particular, a device for ... ... Wikipedia

release- 2.10 release: A set of new and/or changed configuration items that are jointly tested and introduced into the production environment.

1. Types of release

2. Release (software)

3. Music release

Music release classifications

Music release status

release type

Release Format

Other characteristics

4. Press release

Technology for preparing and writing a press release

Press release structure

5. Model release

Release - this is release, publication (of a film, book, record, product); also the produced object itself; press release; demonstration, publication, display.

Release types

Release - release, version of the software.

Music release

Press release

Release (software)

Release - the release of the final version of the program - a product ready for use. A release usually collects all versions and updates, and releases the final product with all the fixes, which does not need to be updated, since it is the latest version of the software.

A release is a set of new and/or changed configuration items that have been tested and are recommended for use at the same time.

The purpose of the release management process is to consolidate, structure and optimize all changes or updates, as well as reduce the risk when moving the service to a new quality level. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to correctly distribute the available resources and calculate the balance between the time allotted for the implementation of all updates, and the time required to prepare these changes.

The Release Management process consists of three steps:

development stage: may not always be applicable in a given organization, but for some companies, this stage may be one of the fundamental ones, for example, software development companies or design bureaus;

testing stage: at this stage, it is necessary to first determine the criteria by which testing will be carried out for each release, that is, to determine the degree to which the release is ready for distribution and implementation.

stage of dissemination and implementation.

In every enterprise, the Release Management process is executed and partially operational to some extent. Therefore, the main task of implementing this process is the consolidation, structuring and systematization of all existing components of the process, their addition, as well as a description of the procedures for implementing existing versions of products. This will allow in the future to develop a number of so-called corporate standards for the composition of software and hardware and procedures for their installation, which in the future will greatly simplify the implementation of related processes and reduce the employment of highly qualified specialists.

The task of implementing this process will be greatly simplified thanks to the Configuration Management process functioning in the organization, the result of which is an up-to-date Accounting Element Database (CMDB), which also includes descriptions of all used versions of information technology system components. The implementation of this process will allow in the future to maintain a centralized Software Version Library (DSL); Hot Swap Warehouse (DHS); and in some cases a dedicated technical documentation library. Release Management

In case of successful and correct implementation of the Release Management process, users will receive:

Control over additional software licenses;

Training users and specialists to work in advanced systems, which will qualitatively improve interaction with customers, and will be a preventive action that promotes the promotion of new technologies;

Optimally distributed resources necessary for the implementation of all implementations;

Reducing the degree of risk when making changes to the composition of information technology systems, and hence the services themselves;

Optimization of recurring updates in terms of time and cost by synchronizing and automating them;

Maximum effect of the planned changes;

Planning expenses for the implementation of certain updates.

Failure to implement this process will result in:

Inconsistencies in several updates being made that could be more effectively implemented together;

Uncertainty in the responsibility of who actually distributes and installs all the changes being made;

Groundlessness of acquisition of additional licenses and components of information systems;

The risk at which the expected effect of the changes being made will be ambiguous;

The likelihood that unjustified resources will be involved in the implementation of certain updates, the effect of which will be absorbed by costs.

The successful construction of the Release Management process depends largely on the correct implementation of the Change Management process. Therefore, in some cases it is recommended to carry out a complex implementation of these two processes. In addition, an important role is played by the construction of such a process as Configuration Management, which is necessary for the timely registration of all changes in the Accounting Elements Database.

Music release

Any music release has a name, release date, author(s), performer(s), sometimes other persons involved in the creation and preparation of music releases are also indicated (for example, a producer, sound engineer, in the case of a video release, a director, etc.). Also additional information is the date and place of recording (often this is an audio studio). Music releases are distributed through labels and in-house.

Music release classifications

There are different types of music release classifications:

by the number of performers on the release

by release status

by release type

by release format

according to other characteristics

Split (English Split) - a common release of two (rarely more) performers under a common name, or containing several titles (usually two for two performers), on which each of the performers is provided with several compositions.

Collobration is a release recorded by an artist in collaboration with another musician. The title of such a release, as a rule, contains the word featuring (with participation).

Music release status

Official - official release.

Promotion - a release designed to promote an artist. A recording published by the artist himself is called a demo. Demos have been given a separate status because most artists do not include their demos in the official discography.

Bootleg is an unofficial release. For example, an underground or illegally released compilation or live recording.

Pseudo-Release - associated with various kinds of translations and transliterations of the original release title.

Self-Released - A release released by the band/artist's own efforts.

release type

Single (eng. Single) - a release intended for the presentation of new works by the performer.

Album (English Album)

Compilation - the most common type of collection of musical works.

Best of - a type of collection of musical works, which usually includes the most famous compositions.

B-sides is a compilation of the least known and unpopular songs as opposed to a collection of the best songs.

Rarities is a collection of rare recordings.

Sampler is a collection of compositions by various artists released on the same label.

Soundtrack (eng. Soundtrack) - a collection of compositions that were included in the sound track of a movie or game.

Tribute is an album dedicated to an artist, consisting of covers of songs by that artist.

Live - recording of a concert performance.

Box set - a special release, usually for the artist's anniversary (but not necessarily), usually, the set includes four or five discs or records in a common package.

Discography - all releases of an artist on CD or DVD, often in mp3 format.

Rehearsal is a rehearsal record intended exclusively for fans, such records are almost always bootlegs.

Radioshow - Recording radio shows. May also include Live Recordings.


Music video

AMV (Eng. Anime Music Video)

Video single

Collection of video clips




Release Format

LP (eng. Long Play) - record 12 "(33⅓ rpm), or 10" (33⅓ rpm)

EP (English Extended Play) - a record 12 "(45 rpm), or 7" (45 rpm)

SP (English Single Play) - record 12 "(45 rpm), or 7" (45 rpm)

CD (English Compact disc) - 5" CD (650 or 700 MB)

MCD (English Mini Compact disc) - 3" CD (200 Mb)

HD DVD - Single layer HD DVD has a capacity of 15 GB, dual layer has a capacity of 30 GB

BD (English Blu-ray Disc) - A single layer Blu-ray disc has a capacity of 33 GB, a dual layer disc can hold 54 GB

MD (eng. Mini Disc) - magneto-optical storage medium (up to 80 minutes of audio), you need a special player

LD (eng. Laserdisc) - a laser disc with a diameter of 30 cm (or 12 inches - like a regular vinyl record), there are both single-sided and double-sided, you need a special player

Tape reel

CC (English Compact Cassette) - audio cassette, magnetic carrier of audio information

VHS (eng. Video Home System) - video cassette, magnetic storage medium for video information

Digital Download

Other characteristics

Deluxe edition - deluxe edition.

Expanded edition - extended edition.

Limited edition - limited edition.

Special edition - special edition.

Reissue - reissue.

Bonus - bonus edition.

Press release

Press release - a message for the press; an informational message containing news about an organization (possibly an individual) that issued a press release, a statement of its position on an issue and transmitted for publication in the media.

As a rule, it contains the official position of the organization in the form of a reaction to a particular information occasion. Official government bodies sometimes issue press releases in the form of “answers to questions”.

The first press release in history was issued on October 30, 1906 by the "father" of modern PR Ivy Lee (Ivy Lee) and is associated with a rather tragic incident on the Pennsylvania Railroad.

A press release is the main PR document in any organization. A press release allows the organization to inform the media about important events that have taken place in the organization and are of interest or necessary to cover them for the general public and / or a specific target audience. Press releases are distributed to journalists at briefings and press conferences, or sent out via means of communication.

Technology for preparing and writing a press release

A press release should be written if there is really interesting news, otherwise, most likely, an uninformative and unnecessary press release will be ignored by journalists, and work on such a press release will be pointless. In order for the press release material to be published in the right media, it is desirable that the material in the press release meets the following rules:

press release information should be interesting and necessary for the audience of the publication where the press release is sent;

information should be up-to-date, on the “top of the day”;

information should be close to readers, socially significant. Well, if the information can be associated with some socially important problem;

information must be "fresh";

it is good if the press release contains the words of one or more opinion leaders on this topic.

The better and more the press release meets the above rules, the more likely it is to be published in the press, and not thrown into the trash. If an organization repeatedly sends uninformative press releases, then journalists will form a corresponding opinion about other materials coming from the same organization.

The most common method of writing a press release is to link the news to a specific date, including a non-existent one. It can be the birthday of the company, the day of the 100th buyer, the day of the 100-day existence of the company, etc.

Press release structure

The title and type of the press release are the most important in this entire document. It is by the first lines that the journalist determines whether this news is interesting to his publication or whether it can be thrown away. Therefore, the headline should be bright in order to maximally interest anyone who starts reading it. The lead is the first paragraph. It should consist of one sentence, which briefly describes the essence of the news (events, etc.). Here it is important to indicate the information in the following order: who is a participant in the event, news, etc., what kind of event, news, when and where it happened or will happen, why it happened and how it happened.

Press releases come in several varieties.

Press release announcement - information in such a press release announces an event that is about to happen. Such a press release sent out in time will ensure the presence of representatives of the press at the event. In addition to describing the essence of the upcoming event, this press release can provide a relevant background to this event, which will help to interest the press.

Press release news (news release) - carries information about an already accomplished event. Here you can add brief comments of actors or stakeholders.

Informational press release - informs about the current, not yet completed event. This press release is only an account of current changes or a new turn of events, assuming that the essence of this event is already known.

A press release should not contain evaluation data or advertising information, it should be small in size (no more than two pages) and contain information about only one single piece of news. The information in a press release must meet the requirements of the publication to which the press release was sent.

Communiqué (fr. communiqué, from lat. communico - I inform) - a formal notification of the outcome of international negotiations, an agreement, key events in the life of the country, for example, the course of military operations, meetings, gatherings, summits. In the context of international relations, a communiqué can be either a message from one side or a joint act of the parties to the negotiations, while setting out both positive points and disagreements and dissenting opinions. Joint communiqué has no status international treaty, but at the same time may contain provisions that the parties may consider as such. If the communique contains information about the agreement, which is not expressed in any other official form, it is considered as an international treaty. Joint communiqués with treaty obligations are typical of socialist countries.

Model release

Model release (model release) is an agreement with a model that gives the photographer the right to publish, distribute, sell and do other actions with photographs that do not discredit the model.

A model release gives the photographer the right to use photos for any purpose that does not discredit the model: retouching, artistic editing of the image itself, demonstration of photos at exhibitions, publication in printed publications, sale. Without such an agreement, the photographer cannot do anything with photographs that depict a recognizable person.

The release (contract with the model) is signed by two parties (the model and the photographer) in the presence of a witness (who, in turn, endorses the contract).

The simplest version of the contract contains the following data: name, surname, contact details of the photographer and model, passport details of the model and witness, signatures of all three parties under the text of the model release. It is also desirable to attach a scan (photo) of the first page of the model's passport.

If necessary, an extended contract is concluded with the photographer, which indicates, in addition to the standard set of data, a list of frames in question and possible variations in their changes (appendix to the contract). Also in the application (or in the release itself) you can specify the details of the photo shoot in question (date, location, compositional, artistic characteristics).

Only adult models have the right to sign a contract on their own (from the point of view of the country of which the signer is a citizen). If the contract is signed for minors (children), then another option comes into force - the contract of the guardian of the model, which must be signed by either the parent or guardian.

It is worth paying attention to the language of filling out the contract. The photographer must have signed contracts in those languages ​​that are in circulation in the territory of the residence of the model and (or) the implementation of photographs. For Russia, the Russian language is enough. But if later there is a desire to sell photos abroad, the photographer must have at least the English version of the model release.

Do not be mistaken and think that only commercial photographers who sell photos on photo stocks and photo banks need a model release. Even if the photographer is an amateur, but is going to later use the photos somewhere (in collages, at exhibitions, to sell) - he also needs to have a signed release. Therefore, the signing of the release should be one of the components of the photo session, regardless of whether it takes place on the terms of TFP, on the terms of TFCD or has other agreements.

There is no standard template for completing a Model Release. For example, each photostock offers its users its own version of the release. But the use of only the proposed version of the contract is not a dogma and any fairly common version can be taken as a basis.

If you wish, you can also draw up your own version of the model release with your lawyer.


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