Black and White. Pitfalls of life in the Dominican Republic. Dominican population

the beauty 27.09.2019
the beauty

According to 1958 data, 2,791 thousand people forgive in the Dominican Republic (68% are mulattoes, 18-1 * 9% are blacks and 14% are whites). The average density is 57.3 people per 1 km 2. The population is grouped mainly in the valley of the river. Yuna and on the south coast.

Blacks (the largest national minority) are concentrated mainly in the south and southeast. They make up the bulk of the workforce on the sugar plantations. A significant part of the Dominican Negroes come from the Republic of Haiti, there are also natives of the English and Dutch colonies. Many Haitians come to the country only to work (for immigration, see the section on Haiti). The Dominican authorities are pursuing a policy of discrimination against Haitians, inciting the local mulatto population against them. As already mentioned, as a result of the massacre provoked by the government of Trujillo (October 1937), at least 10 thousand Negroes from Haiti, including women, children, and the elderly, died on the border of both republics. Many Haitians living in the Dominican Republic have retained their mother tongue (Creole), although they all speak Spanish to some degree.

The so-called white population is heterogeneous in origin. Local whites (Creoles) almost all have an admixture of Negro blood, although this is usually denied by them. They constitute the ruling stratum in the republic. There is a small number of North Americans (businessmen or specialists) living mainly in cities, as well as French, Italians, Spaniards, etc. In the late 30s and early 40s, several agricultural settlements of emigrants from Germany formed in the north of the republic, fled from the Nazi terror. The lands occupied by them are exempt from taxes, and they have received all the rights of citizens of the republic. They are, however, prohibited from competing with the Dominicans in the cultivation of sugar cane, cocoa, coffee, bananas and tobacco. The main occupation of the inhabitants of these settlements is dairy cattle breeding. The relatively numerous Syrian trading colony is gradually losing its isolation, merging with the local population.


The language of the main part of the population is Spanish. It differs phonetically from the language of the inhabitants of Spain (for example, it is omitted by letters if it is at the end of a word; often “g” is pronounced like “1”, especially if it is the last in the word); in addition, the Dominicans use a number of words that are not known to the Spaniards and South Americans and taken from the language of the indigenous inhabitants of the island, exterminated by the colonialists (boio - peasant house, etc.).


Approximately 1% of the population lives in cities; cities with a population of more than 5 thousand people each - 16, with a population of at least 10 thousand - 10. The center of the republic is Ciudad Trujillo. It is home to about 40% of the country's urban population - about 295 thousand people. This largest industrial and Cultural Center Republic is located on the southern coast of the island, at the confluence of the river. Osama.

Ciudad Trujillo was founded by Bartolomeo Columbus, brother of the famous navigator, on August 4, 1496, and was named Santo Domingo; renamed in 1930. It was one of the first cities built by the Spanish in America. In its center, many historical buildings have been preserved, including the first Catholic cathedral in America (built in the first half of the 16th century), where Christopher Columbus is buried; the so-called Alcazar (seat of the first viceroy of the Spanish colonies); the first stone hospital in America (San Nicolas). Ciudad Trujillo is often called the finest example of a 16th-century Spanish colonial city; architectural monuments, primarily ancient church buildings, give it a very peculiar look. True, the hurricane of 1930 destroyed a significant part of the old city. However, in some places narrow streets of the colonial period and houses of three or four centuries ago have been preserved.

The new Ciudad Trujillo begins in the central square, where, among the flowers, in front of America's first cathedral stands a monument to Columbus, and opposite the congress building built in a modern style. The central streets - Avenida George Washington, Avenida Independencia, Avenida Bolivar - are lined with beautiful white buildings lined with rows of palm trees. There are many parks and paved streets in the center. The outskirts are a sad picture, which is common, however, for the West Indian cities. It is here, in the slums, that workers, small traders, and the unemployed huddle.

The second largest city is Santiago de los Caballeros on the river. Yaque (about 67 thousand inhabitants) is the center of the tobacco industry, then comes San Francisco de Macoris (about 22.5 thousand inhabitants) - the center of the largest sugar region 1 .

Housing, clothing, food

The house of the Dominican peasant (boio) is usually made of royal palm wood, the roof is covered with palm leaves. It rarely has more than one or two rooms. There are no windows or doors in the house. Holes replace them. The floor is earthen. The furniture consists of a table and several chairs. They usually sleep on the floor, sometimes laying a straw mattress; They also use hammocks. A small area of ​​sugar cane adjoins the house. Bananas and yucca also grow here. In cities, as already mentioned, there are many old buildings of great architectural value.

The clothes of the Dominicans are of the pan-European type, usually light or colorful. A characteristic detail (unlike Haiti) is the widespread sombrero (wide-brimmed hat). The peasant most often walks half-naked, with a machete in his belt. He wears a shirt, a new pair of trousers and shoes only on holidays.

The main diet of the worker and peasant consists of rice and beans, as well as, as additions to them, yucca, corn, bananas, sweet potatoes, etc. The usual dish of the poor - sancocho is prepared from all these products, finely chopped and boiled together with pieces of meat and garlic; in most families, meat is bought no more than once a week.

The most commonly consumed beverage is coffee, coconut milk, rum, gaseosas (a kind of lemonade).


Illiterates in the republic are on average about 57%; in cities this percentage drops to 29.5%.

In 1956, there were 4,200 schools in the country (primary, secondary, special, etc.). The oldest university in America in Ciudad Trujillo (founded in 1538) has nine faculties with more than 3 thousand students. Working people and their children are deprived of the opportunity to receive not only higher but also secondary education. Even in primary school no more than 40% of school-age children study.


The overwhelming majority of the population professes the Catholic religion; Protestants - a little over 20 thousand people (approximately 0.4%).


Folk culture, in which, in addition to Spanish, a Negro stream is clearly traced, has found a particularly vivid expression in music and dance. The national merengue dance, the origin of which has not been established, has spread in the republic since the 19th century. (from the Cibao region). It is performed to an orchestra of an accordion, a bass drum and a guiro (an instrument made from the fruit of the guahey palm tree), accompanied by a tambourine. The use of the drum indicates a Negro influence, the guiro is an instrument of Indian origin.

As in other countries of Latin America, Christmas carnivals are accompanied by music and dances, songs. Two types of songs are known: aginaldo, cheerful and lively, performed to a tambourine, maracas (rattles), guitar, triangle and guiro, and more restrained, sometimes even sad viljansiko. Villancico are performed mainly to the accompaniment of tambourines 1 .

Under the current political regime, the development of national culture is difficult. The best scientists, writers, actors are forced to leave the country because of the persecution of the dictator Trujillo. So, for example, the life of one of the most prominent Dominican cultural figures, Pedro Henriquez Ureña (1884-1946), a literary critic, historian, linguist, and poet, developed. Almost all of his life was spent in exile - in Mexico and Argentina 2 . Virgilio Diaz Ordoñez (b. 1895) is considered the largest modern writer of the republic - the author of seven poetry collections, translations from Omar Khayyam and the novel "Archipelago".

Everything that will be written below is my personal observations, my perception of people and the world. How to briefly talk about what they are - people in the Dominican Republic? It will not work to fit all the people under the same brush, no matter how hard you try.

The Lime doll, a popular souvenir among tourists, very clearly embodies the inhabitants of the island. The doll is dressed in a national Dominican costume in the colors of the national flag. It would seem that such souvenirs can be found in any tourist country. But this doll has one difference. Lime is a doll without a face. No, she's not a horror movie character. Just a doll, symbolizing the local people, could not come up with a face. Dominicans are very different: skin color, characters, traditions, mentality and standard of living.

The indigenous population of the island, the Taino Indians, did not last long after the arrival of Columbus. Some of the Indians were killed by the Spanish colonizers, and the rest died of diseases that arrived with the newcomers from mainland. The population of the Dominican Republic is a mix of Spaniards and slaves brought here from Africa. In the end, everything was mixed up: the white Spaniards really liked the black women. To date, most of the population of the Dominican Republic - mulattoes. They are about 75%. Whites - 15%, the rest - blacks.

Such a division by skin color in the Dominican Republic is absolutely normal. Even the passports indicate the racial group. Some racial prejudice exists in the country, but the position in society determines not only the color of the skin, but also wealth. Here, on the island of Espanyol, there is a saying: "A rich Negro is a mulatto, and a poor mulatto is a black man."

Outwardly, Dominicans are very pleasant people. Basically, these are mulattoes - thin and strong men and colorful women with round priests and magnificent breasts. In the Dominican Republic, as elsewhere in Latin America, popular plastic surgery. But most of the local beauties are the owners of completely natural charms.

People in the Dominican Republic: Tranquilo Regime

Since the Dominican Republic is a coconut and banana republic, no one is ever in a hurry to go anywhere. There is such a word - trankilo. It translates as "calm". So, the locals live in Tranquilo mode. The phrase "Tranquilo con Danilo" goes around among the people. Danilo is the name of the current president of the Dominican Republic, and the expression can be translated something like this: "everything is calm with Danila."

This does not mean that the country is not developing. On the contrary, changes on the island are happening quickly and dynamically: new buildings are being built, roads are being laid, schools and universities are being opened. In the last 5 years there has been a very powerful leap in tourism. It's just that Dominicans are accustomed to take everything that happens lightly. They don’t worry about trifles, they don’t bother their heads with problems, they always smile, sing and dance. And they do it anywhere and whenever they want, not even necessarily to the music.

And because of this, we are very happy. In 2009, the Dominican Republic ranked second in the world in terms of happiness quotient. It has long been proven that stress leads to illness, and all centenarians monitor their mental health no less than their physical health. So, the average life expectancy of Dominicans is 72 years for men, 76 years for women.

The attitude to the problems of the locals is like in the Dominican proverb: "if you have a problem that you cannot solve, then you do not have a problem." That's it, you can go drink coffee and dance bachata. But, alas, every coin has two sides. When the Tranquilo mode is turned on against you, and you need to do something quickly, be strong. Here everything happens terribly slowly: service at the checkout in the store, waiting for an order, and generally anything in the service sector.

You, too, will face this at least once. For example, let's say a light bulb burned out in your room. A fitter comes to you, but he does not have a replacement with him. So, your problem is no more for him either. Everything is as in the proverb. Then you have two paths. Accept that in paradise the lighting is only natural. Or still call or go again to the reception. You will not overthrow the all-powerful "tranquilo" regime, but at least save your nerves on vacation.

When you've lived long enough in the Dominican Republic, the tranquilo regime consumes you too. Congratulations - you got screwed over and banged up, that is, you became a local on the board.

Main symptoms:

  • You stop paying attention to the general slowness and you yourself stop noticing the time;
  • You greet all the people passing by;
  • You can sing out loud and dance whenever and wherever you want;
  • Like all people in the Dominican Republic, you can easily tell bachata from merengue;
  • If you didn’t finish something in a restaurant, don’t be shy to ask to wrap the food with you;
  • You quite approve of fried bananas for a side dish;
  • You are no longer afraid of local traffic on the roads;
  • The distance of one bus stop is insurmountable for you without transport;
  • You never wear socks, even with closed shoes;
  • You call everyone around "my love" and "my heart";
  • The louder the music, the better;
  • All women are equally beautiful;
  • In the pharmacy you buy pills by the piece;
  • On the ocean you go for a walk, dine and rarely swim.

The best skill of the locals is to always be positive. There are practically no fights here, Dominicans always smile and call each other “mi corazon” (my heart) and “mi amor” (my love). Passers-by on the street greet, ask how you are doing. And motoconchos, taxi drivers-bikers, will definitely throw you a “machuca” (this is when you bang your fists) with a joyful exclamation of “Ola” - hello!

Level of education or how dominicans know how to blunt

Officially, the education system in the Dominican Republic is similar to the Russian one. Compulsory primary education - 9 classes, then you can go to college or university. But today, not all children have the opportunity to study even at school. Of course, the situation is gradually changing in better side. But most of the locals live quite poorly. Many from childhood have to work and help raise their sisters and brothers, so there is no time at all to study.

Due to the low level of education, Dominicans are often stupid. For example, you bought a product for 100 pesos and give the seller 500. Change will certainly be calculated on a calculator: not everyone in the Dominican Republic can count, read and write.

Of course, in big cities like Santo Domingo and Santiago, there are many more educated people. And the very quality of education in the Dominican Republic is at a very high level. Diplomas from Dominican universities are quoted almost all over the world. On the island, everything is quite proportional: the richer and whiter the family, the more educated and modern they are.

Work in the life of the Dominicans and the attitude towards money

Dominicans do not like to work, but they love money, and very much. For money here you can solve almost any question and problem. But there are problems with employment on the island. The Dominican Republic has a colossally high birth rate, families have up to 15 children, and, despite noticeable economic growth, the country is not yet ready to provide everyone with work. Earnings are low - for an ordinary Dominican, $ 300 a month is considered a normal salary. At the same time, the island is quite expensive, and it is difficult to live here on this money.

Yes, Dominicans are poor - but happy. The people on the island are very friendly, it is not customary to avoid neighbors here. people live alone big family. Even when preparing lunch or dinner, be sure to treat the neighbors. Dominicans are constantly in interaction - mutually beneficial and pleasant for both sides. Perhaps this is because they do not tend to judge people. They tend to be more compassionate and understanding.

sexual relations

Dominicans often fall in love, willingly create families and produce offspring, the more the better. Children are born early, because abortion is legally prohibited, and indeed big family- this is the key to happiness and success: at least one shoots. So the families here are mostly large. Dominicans are a very child-loving nation. But divorce is not very welcome.

Marriages are officially allowed from the age of 15 for girls and from 16 for boys. This is the local age of majority. Girls on their 15th birthday celebrate the celebration of entering adulthood, which is called Quinceañera. They invite guests and be sure to take pictures in beautiful outfits.

Dominicans are loving and generous with compliments. I once heard a Dominican translate an Iglesias song into English language and gave it to a tourist in love. The islanders are completely without complexes, they love sex and do not hesitate to demonstrate it. Women wear tight-fitting clothes, regardless of body size. Men love all women and give them special attention.

In the Dominican Republic, if you stare at the magnificent forms of a strange woman, then her muchacho (guy) will ask you if his ass is cool? You will agree with him, wish him good luck, and both of you, smiling, will move on. Of course, this behavior is influenced by culture, especially Latin dances and music. It was the Dominican Republic that gave us such sensual dances as bachata and merengue.

Music and dance in the life of the Dominicans - People in the Dominican Republic, not a day without music

Dominicans are a very musical nation. It is absolutely normal for a person here to sing or dance at work, even if it is a salesman or a bank employee. Music in the Dominican Republic is one of the main sources of energy and positive. So if you suddenly want to sing in the Dominican Republic - do not be shy, they will understand you and listen with pleasure, especially if you have at least the rudiments of hearing and voice.

The locals prefer their music: the older generation - bachata and merengue, young people like more rhythmic reggaeton or dembo ( El Dembow Dominicano). Turn on immediately at maximum volume. It is impossible to talk in local “bachatniki” establishments, it simply will not work to shout over the music. At the same time, there is always a huge number of Dominican visitors who went for a glass of rum and evening dances. Local bachatniks are an integral part.

Prostitutes in the Dominican Republic are also frequent visitors to bachatniks, and it’s impossible not to notice them. No matter how long I live here, I will never understand the beauty of these establishments. But a real bachatnik with its strange loud music and colorful characters is an important part of this country, and it's still worth seeing it with your own eyes. So within the nightlife Punta Cana, we bring tourists there.

The lottery and the dreams of the Dominicans - what people dream of in the Dominican Republic

Every single Dominican dreams of winning the lottery. Even in the godforsaken village you will find a kiosk with the inscription "Banka". This is not a bank, but a lottery kiosk. Dominicans firmly believe in the honesty of these pranks and constantly and everywhere try to catch luck by the tail. This is the most cherished dream of any inhabitant of the island.

If suddenly the lottery did not work out, there is a fallback option - to become a good baseball player. Many of the best American baseball league players are of Dominican origin. It is the most popular sport in the country. Basketball is also loved, but football began to gain popularity only in recent years.

Absolutely all teenagers dream of a moped or even a motorcycle. Firstly, this is transport, and secondly, you can always give a girl a lift or earn a couple of hundred pesos like a motorcycle taxi. As soon as a moped is bought, the first thing a Dominican does is unscrew the mirrors, as they spoil appearance iron horse. Also, stickers are hung on the bike, beautiful seats are put, in general, who is on what much. Some go very far.

Robbery and security in the Dominican Republic

Dominicans are not aggressive. Here you rarely see a fight, disputes on the roads, etc. But the island cannot be called completely safe: poverty and the availability of drugs push people to rob. Most often, such cases are traded by illegally living Haitians who fled from their country (and in Haiti, the standard of living is one of the lowest in the world).

So in the Dominican Republic they can rob on a deserted street, sometimes they get into houses, there are also robberies. Just don't panic. In normal areas and at normal times, you can walk calmly, it is simply advisable not to be hung from head to toe with gold. Just be a little more careful and you'll be fine.

People in the Dominican Republic through the eyes of those living here - conclusion

Of course, the island is located on the other side of the world, and the local life, culture, traditions and way of life here are totally different from ours. I can say for myself and for many other people who live in Punta Cana: we all love it here. Yes, we are often nervous because of the slowness and distraction of the Dominicans. We do not understand why promise that something will happen in 5 minutes, when you know for sure that today this will not happen at all.

Or promise something tomorrow that might never happen. When Dominicans do this, they are driven - you won't believe it! - good motives. They are embarrassed to refuse you. Dominicans are extremely worried if someone is offended. Therefore, you are more likely to be prompted the wrong way and given the wrong advice or an incredible promise, but they will never refuse help.

Almost all tourists who visit the Dominican Republic note the friendliness and smilingness of the locals. Dominicans are like children: they rejoice, sing, dance and charge you with positive. It's great to relax in such an environment, the locals perfectly complement the island flavor. And for life, despite the slowness, they are quite good neighbors.

Once again I remind you that my opinion and the thoughts of my acquaintances and friends are stated here.

At Dominican Republic located on the territory of the island of Haiti, very rich story. Christopher Columbus himself was the first man of the Old World to set foot on this earth.

Tourists who choose tours to the Dominican Republic, get the opportunity to get acquainted with the numerous historical and cultural monuments of the country - visit the cathedral in which the remains of Columbus rest, and the very first buildings of the New World, left over from the time of colonization.

about the country

The Dominican Republic or, as it is also called, the Dominican Republic, occupies two-thirds of the island of Haiti, located among the islands of the Caribbean archipelago. It's exotic paradise, where travelers are waiting for impenetrable jungle, dense rainforests, numerous sandy beaches and thickets of various exotic plants. Hot sun, beauty of royal palms, fresh fresh air and the friendly faces of the local population of the island, the magnificence of nature - all this makes the Dominican Republic one of the most attractive countries in terms of tourism.

The history of the Dominican Republic is inextricably linked with the life of the world famous traveler Columbus. The country erected a large number of architectural monuments in his honor. In addition, there are many historical sights and architectural structures that are associated with the development of the continent - for example, the first street, the first customs office and the first church in the New World.

The capital of the Dominican Republic is the city of Santo Domingo, which is the most ancient city in America, and many of its ancient buildings are recognized by UNESCO cultural heritage humanity. Santo Domingo is rich in beautiful parks and numerous tropical trees that create a unique flavor in combination with architectural monuments, old buildings and cozy cafes, restaurants and shops.

Country history

On December 5, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on an unknown land, which was inhabited by the Taino Indians, friendly and peaceful. The beauty and richness of the local nature struck the great traveler and prompted him to think about conquests. The island was named La Hispaniola. Here the conquistadors built their first fort, which was later destroyed.

La Hispaniola became the administrative center of the New World, which was actively expanding its borders. The Spaniards conquered Peru and Mexico, due to which they had rich and vast lands in their hands. Gradually, the colonists of La Hispaniola began to leave the island, as a result of which it turned into a staging post on the way to much more civilized and vast territories.

The indigenous population for the fifteen years of the Spaniards' stay on the island has greatly decreased. The reason for this was the diseases and viruses that the colonists brought from Europe and with which the immunity of the Indians could not cope. So the Spaniards lost part of the labor force in the face of the indigenous people and began to bring African slaves.

Many European powers that did not have colonies in the New World resorted to the help of pirates. When the main forces of the Spaniards left La Hispaniola, the island became a haven for corsairs. Later, the French landed on the island, and it was divided between Spain and France.

In 1804, that part of the island, which was in the power of France, received the name "Haiti" and was proclaimed a republic. After this event, for forty years, the inhabitants of Haiti repeatedly tried to conquer eastern part island that belonged to the Spaniards. However, in 1844 the country was finally divided into two parts - the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

In the history of the Dominican Republic, there were many dramatic events associated with a constant struggle for power. In 1916, American troops landed on the shores of the island, and the United States gained control over this small country. However, the most terrible events occurred since 1930, when the former commander-in-chief of the Dominican army, General Trujillo, came to power. The warlord, suffering from megalomania, established a cruel dictatorship in the republic. During the reign of Trujillo, all civil liberties were abolished, and native Haitians were subjected to genocide. Many believe that the general was not so bad - under him the development of the country's infrastructure began, a large external debt was paid off and trade with other states developed.

In 1961, General Trujillo was assassinated, and the Dominican Republic began a time of trouble, with one government replacing another. In 1966, Joaquin Balaguer came to power, after which the economy received a powerful impetus for development, and especially the tourism business, construction and agriculture.

Population and language of the Dominican Republic

The national language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish. In addition, English, German and Italian are spoken in tourist centers and in the capital. The population of the country is about 9 million people. 73% of the country's population are blacks, mulattos and creoles, 16% are Europeans and 11% are Africans.

Tourists in the Dominican Republic may be somewhat surprised by the sluggishness and slowness of the locals - it is not customary to rush here. In addition, Dominicans are very curious, sociable and temperamental.

There is a sharp split among the population between social groups. The elite of the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic is represented mainly by people of European origin. The middle social stratum of society is merchants, civil servants and landowners.

How to get to the Dominican Republic

You can get to the Dominican Republic by direct flights from Moscow or with transfers in other cities. There are flights from Moscow to Punta Cana, from St. Petersburg - to Punta Canna, Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo. Transfers are made in Paris or Frankfurt. Travel time from Moscow is 12 hours, from St. Petersburg - 15-17 hours.

According to the results of the 2007 census, 9,183,984 people officially lived in the Dominican Republic. Of these, 56% were urban population, 44% - rural, in addition, during the census, there was a differentiation into African Americans - 11%, mulattos / mestizos - 73%, white population - 16%. Approximately the same number of men and women live in the country. The Catholic faith is predominantly professed: adherents make up 95% of the country's population. The population density is about 182 people per square meter, which puts the Dominican Republic in 58th place in the world in terms of population density. Spanish is approved as the official language, but English and German are widely spoken in the resorts, and there are many Russians in Sosua and Cabarete. The birth rate is 22.91 per 1,000 people. The unemployment rate is quite high: about 25% of the able-bodied population does not work anywhere. At the same time, the Dominican Republic in its region is considered the most developed and richest.

Nationalities of the Dominican Republic

Most of the population in the Dominican Republic are African Americans. Their high concentration is typical for the southern and southeastern regions of the country. They constitute the main labor reserve on sugar plantations. Most are from Haiti, but there are also representatives of the Dutch and English colonies. The country has a high level of labor migration from Haiti - people come only to work. The authorities are pursuing an active policy of discrimination against migrants, and the local Muslim population is periodically set against them. The roots of such showdowns go far back to 1937, when the Trujillo government provoked a massacre on the border of the republics and at least tens of thousands of Haitians died in this bloodshed, including women and children. Haitians living in the Dominican Republic still retain their native language, Creole, although they are fluent in Spanish.

The white population of the Dominican Republic is heterogeneous in composition and origin. Almost all of them have an admixture of Negro blood, but, as a rule, they all deny this. Whites mostly represent the "upper" stratum of society in the state. In addition, in the Dominican Republic you can find individual white people from North America and Europe. As a rule, these are businessmen who moved to live in the mountains. At the end of the 40s, separate German settlements were formed in the north of the Dominican Republic: the Germans who fled from the fascist terror set up agricultural plantations and settled here. Later, these lands were exempted from tax duties, the Germans received citizenship, but they were forbidden to engage in competitive business for the Dominicans - to set up sugar plantations, grow coffee, cocoa beans, tobacco and sheep. As a result, the fugitive Germans are mainly engaged in dairy cattle breeding.

Also on the territory of the Dominican Republic, you can find a fairly large Syrian colony, but they have practically lost their isolation and in recent times actively mingle with the local population.

Languages ​​of the peoples of the Dominican Republic

The official language, as we mentioned above, is Spanish. But still, it has its own differences from Spanish. In Spain, some letters are not used, some are pronounced differently. A number of words in use are borrowed from the indigenous people, who were exterminated by the colonialists over time.

Characteristics of local residents

Dominicans are energetic people who look back on their difficult past. The bulk of the population is now below the poverty line. The average salary in the state is about $250-300. As we mentioned above, the country has a high unemployment rate. Nevertheless, the division into classes is quite pronounced. The privileged, wealthy part of the population is mostly Hispanic and partly African American. Africans and mulattos, as a rule, are the lowest stratum of society.

The poor part of the population still does not have basic amenities in their homes: sanitary conditions, electricity.

Residents of the Dominican Republic are very friendly and open, but rather sticky to tourists. A souvenir seller or taxis can drive any tourist crazy with their incredible emotionality and talkativeness. Dominicans are very hospitable people. They are sincerely offended if you refuse a cup of coffee, which is prepared in every house here.

Many people think that Dominicans are absolutely carefree and live one day at a time. In fact, they simply do not complain and try to look to the future with optimism.

The Dominican "5 minutes" is our "forever". This is because they are not used to refusing, saying “no”, believing that by doing so they can offend a person, therefore they prefer unfulfilled promises, rather than refusals.

Local youth start a family early, but only with the consent of their parents. As a rule, girls at 15 and boys at 16. Dominicans are very sensitive to children.

Population of the Dominican Republic(Dominican Republic) reaches almost 9 million people, of which 55% is urban and 45% rural. Most of the population are locals, 72% of which are African Americans, mulattos and Creoles, 12% Africans, 16% of the island's population are Europeans, including Russians.

The official language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish, but due to the traditional mixture of cultures, one can easily communicate in English, French, German. At the same time, locals manage to insert words from several languages ​​\u200b\u200bspoken here into their speech, so that at times they are not easy to understand. .

locals address each other as "you", but at the same time strangers trying to keep their distance. characteristic feature the islanders are considered irrepressible curiosity and pathological slowness. If a Dominican begins to assure that he will do something at once, you should not believe this, most likely that he will immediately forget about his promise.

The vast majority of the population - about 92% - profess the Catholic religion, the remaining 8% of the population of the islands are Protestants, Jews, Orthodox, as well as adherents of local cults.

The local population is very sensitive to business cards, which they are happy to hand over to acquaintances and strangers.

The daily life of the local population of the Dominican Republic is not as rosy as it might seem from the outside. Local Russians experience great difficulties in finding and getting a job, even the most difficult and unprestigious one. Traditionally, it is believed that only local Creoles or mulattoes can engage in unskilled labor. If you are very lucky, you can find a job in a small company, this is subject to the knowledge of 2-3 foreign languages.

The average salary of a highly qualified specialist is 500-1000 dollars per month, most of the salary goes to pay for rented housing. The vast majority of the island's population earns 200-300 dollars.

Nevertheless, on the islands one can often meet Russians permanently living in the Dominican Republic. The reason is simple design residence permit and the absence of a visa regime at the entrance.

The mining industry plays a leading role in the country's economy. Deposits of copper, nickel, iron, uranium, oil, coal, asbestos, gold, platinum, and silver are being developed on the islands. The mining industry employs most of the population of the Dominican Republic.

About 20% of the local population is engaged in agricultural production, cultivating plantations of cane, tobacco, coffee, and cotton. The islanders are actively engaged in cattle breeding, raising pigs, goats, cows. Less than 10% of the islanders are employed in tourism. The rest of the population works in services and trade.

How can you make sure flip side this paradise on earth looks rather cheerless, it is much better to relax in the Dominican Republic.

The Dominican Republic attracts tourists from different countries with its white sandy beaches, emerald waters of the Caribbean Sea, coral reefs and an amazing variety of wildlife. Guide to the Dominican Republic.

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