Biography of Alena Doletskaya. ELLE Exclusive Interview: Alena Doletskaya

Fashion & Style 17.07.2019
Fashion & Style
April 7, 2012, 20:49

ATTENTION! There is a lot of reprinted material (reprinted by ear from television programs) and translated (from foreign interviews), errors are possible, I apologize in advance. Thanks for understanding. _____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: January 10, 1955 (on this moment Alena is 57 years old) Parents: Father- Stanislav Yakovlevich Doletsky, pediatric surgeon, mother- Kira Vladimirovna Daniel-Beck, surgeon-oncologist. Education: Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University Career: Teaching and translations of books. Worked as a media consultant for De Beers. Next was the Swedish company Ericsson, then the arts and public relations department of the British Council, who edited the Cosmpolitan magazine. She went into journalism - she collaborated with the BBC and the German television RTL. From 1998 to 2010, he was the editor-in-chief of the Russian edition of Vogue magazine. Since 2011 - editor-in-chief of Interview magazine PR specialist Masha Zakharova, TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, editor-in-chief of Vogue Alena Doletskaya and leading employee of Bosco di Ciliegi Konstantin Andrikopoulos 1998 - presentation of Vogue magazine Personal life: widow. The third husband, Boris Asoyan, a leading expert on South Africa, the USSR ambassador to Botswana, committed suicide in December 1992. ____________________________________________________________________________ Blitz Poll Which person (living or dead) would you like to interview? At Leonardo da Vinci What question have you never asked in an interview? Who is your favorite designer/artist/poet/musician, etc. Briefly describe your worst interview experience? I quickly learn from mistakes and forget them. Most the best place for an interview? Anywhere, without people around. Can you understand that the person you are interviewing is lying? Something appears in their eyes, but a lie can also make a good interview. Do you watch reality shows? Read gossip? Reality shows are not my cup of tea. But I love gossip, especially when we are talking is about something funny and amusing. ____________________________________________________________________________ Questions from the program "100 Questions for an Adult" (questions were asked by children, so do not be surprised by the straightforwardness of some questions :) Is it true that editors get free clothes? Nonsense, of course. It happens very rarely - these are the people who know that it's my birthday. How much money do you spend on clothes and how much do you save? I rarely spend money and when, what is called "the brain exploded." I see things-things-things-things every day. And by the end of the working day, I already have so many things in my eyes... I had no desire: "here is a super trendy thing, I have to buy it." I just fall in love with the thing. How many pairs of shoes do you have? I'm afraid to lie, a lot. Just over 200. Why didn’t you put braces at one time (Alena has not very even teeth) and how do you feel about them? I personally think that I have awesome beautiful teeth. They are beautiful themes that they are not like everyone else. Another thing is when they appeared everywhere, it was already too late for me to put them on, although I know that now adults are already putting them on. But then it seemed to me that there was nothing so ugly in the teeth. This is good technology, good for teeth. How many times have you been asked to marry, how many times have you agreed? It was three times. Three times proposed, three times married. The first time - I'm 17.5 years old. It was an arrangement from Lev Grokhan, I fell in love with him immediately. He once told me: "You know that .. you are my wife," and I immediately burst into tears. It touched me so much. We applied so that when I turned 18, we signed. We arrive, the aunt looks at the passports and says: "You do not have permission from your parents, go home." And I say: "Look at the date - I'm exactly 18." And the aunt had nothing to answer. And then we parted, somehow went our separate ways. The second sentence - I was about 26-27 years old. He looked after me for a long time, was unusually calm, and I was all so eccentric. Then some years passed, and I agreed next person he was a diplomat. We even got married in Africa, and not in Moscow, because he worked there. Wouldn't you like children? I would like to always, but the medical condition did not allow. I almost died in an abortion for 3 years. And the doctors said, "The next one will be the last." And I chose life. I was lucky - I have a niece and nephew, I teach them everything good and bad. What would you ask the wisest person on earth? I would ask if I'm on the right path. Even so: tell me, I'm on the way - after all, the path is more important than the right or wrong road. ____________________________________________________________________________ About parents My parents were people of the highest discipline. I still remember every 15 minutes of our daily routine. I literally remember what dad did, what mom did, how at 7.20 my parents brewed coffee, and at 8 they already had morning conferences in clinics, then three operations each, and in the evenings trips to the Bolshoi Theater, to the Moscow Art Theater or to an exhibition in CHA. Dad, in addition to being a surgeon, was also a wonderful writer. In addition to medical literature, he is famous for his brilliant journalism. His book "The Child is to be Operated" was reprinted many times and was one of the main bestsellers of those years. Therefore, there were writers and directors in the house - for example, he was friends with Israel Metter (“Come to me, Mukhtar!”), Vladimir Zotkin, Alexander Mitta, Vladimir Vysotsky. So I knew less doctors than creative people. Of course, such people could not but leave a trace in the mind. My father was a pediatric surgeon, very famous, and also a writer, a publicist, as they say now. When my dad sometimes traveled abroad on his surgical business, he always brought back two magazines. It was National Geographic and Vogue. Mom - golden hands, Kira Daniel-Beck, the famous oncologist professor, beauty, a true princess of Armenian blood. She knew how to sew, did amazing things. This is where my dislike for consumer goods comes from. I don't like being dressed the same as anyone else. On the choice of education I had to go to medical school - I wanted to be as great as mom and dad. And for the last two years at school, I worked as a nanny for my dad in the clinic, washed the floors, cleaned up after the sick, and quietly, wearing a mask, went to operations. One day, dad recognized me in a crowd of his graduate students and asked me to leave immediately. Already at home, circumstances unexpected for my parents were clarified: that I want to be a surgeon, and not connect my life with such wonderful professions as, for example, an ophthalmologist or a cosmetologist. And they unanimously declared: never a surgeon! And I said: “Well then, goodbye, no medical!” That, perhaps, was the first step of perfectionism. Because it's either everything or nothing to me And at that moment my father's friends helped me a lot. They told their father: “She writes well, languages ​​are easy for her, let her go to the humanitarian.” And I quickly, secretly from my parents, passed the exams at the Moscow Art Theater School. But then my mother intervened, so I also failed to become an actress. And I go to the philological faculty of Moscow State University and get, I must say, a lot of pleasure! Sea! I will never forget my first session, when all the tests were passed ahead of schedule, all the exams were "A", including Latin. As the ball fell into the pocket - everything was interesting, exciting, easy. About studying at Moscow State University Just imagine in the first humanitarian building of Moscow State University a girl in ... jeans, a men's T-shirt washed to holes, in gloves with cut off fingers and wedding ring There was no other one like it. Most favourite hobby at the university... When I rode the subway from "Kropotkinskaya" to "University", in my imagination I dressed the people sitting opposite me. Exactly in 21 minutes it was possible to do everything! I took off their glasses and put them on, I dyed the blonde into a brunette, and vice versa, cut and lengthened my hair, changed skirts and blouses, and so on endlessly! At night in the English theater of Moscow State University, I staged the Broadway musical The Lady or the Tiger with music reworked by Maxim Nikulin's small jazz-rock band (on drums). About the Language of the Internet Everyone calmly jumps into English, and if a person does not want to get tired, how would he say, he writes hoodie. There is another side. What people include English word if they understand that otherwise they can’t formulate the concept in any way, that’s still good. But the language of the Internet itself is monstrous - with all its punctuation, with all the ugliness that happens with words ... I can't even pronounce these words: sucks through "a" and through "c". It seems to me that the Internet - and, if we talk about fashion, especially - falls into three types of storytelling. On the one hand, it is incredibly bookish, boring, encyclopedic: there are already an incredible number of people on the Internet who describe historical phenomena, for example, and they write in an incredibly dry, low-impact language, at least for me. He is almost forgotten. He remained only in some Stalinist encyclopedias. The second type, absolutely not the best - ragged conversational babble. The third is what you mentioned, a mixture of bad Russian with bad English. We are returning to the situation of “a mixture with Nizhny Novgorod”, Russia has suffered from this more than once. About brilliant knowledge of English language One of my teachers, Yulia Vasilievna Plievskaya, adhered to a principle that I was pleased to share. If you are a salesman, then you should work at GUM, if you are a baker, you should sell your rolls at the Filippovskaya bakery, if you teach, then at the Moscow state university named after Lomonosov. And if you are learning English, you must speak like a queen. Dot. And I studied in the oral speech laboratory, listened to kilometers of tape, the BBC at night, when the KGB did not jam, the performances of the Royal Shakespeare Theater, radio shows. I still remember those magnificent voices of great English actors: Laurence Olivier, Peter O'Toole. The sound was like a fairy tale! About charity (Alena helps the Orphanage) This is a private matter ... I support the house where children who are abandoned by their parents are unloaded ... I go to them, I meet with them ... There is a special child that I took care of, probably for 1.5 years - he disease - intervertebral hernia. And he turned out to be very talented, he grasps everything on the fly. I showed it to all the doctors who could only see (surgical connections) - everyone shrugged: "Everything is late, such operations should be done when the child is born." And he has such a thirst for knowledge! I brought him a computer. He studied so quickly, mastered writing, drawing... Children rejoice in a way that no richest adult rejoices... On the origin of interest in fashion Even at school, I was expelled from the class because I really did not like the school uniform. And my mother and I came up with some indescribable collars, then I ironed them, sewed them on, and my cuffs were wider than they should be. I surprised my parents, and although dad himself was an elegant, luxurious, fit man, he often said: "Baby, in my opinion, you are too interested in clothes." About the fashion industry in Russia You see, in Russia the fashion industry came some 10-15, maybe 20 years ago. I'm talking about the fashion industry. I'm not talking about the fact that in the 19th century, women could not go out into the world until a hat was brought by night train. These knew how to fashion. But time passed, they burned a lot, spoiled a lot, we entered another era. And while we were in it, the fashion industry grew in the West. And all this required muscle development. Including the muscles of fashion journalism. There are very professional, very strong fashion critics in the West. There are witty tough bloggers who spit on everything and strongly criticize. There are those who want to suck up to the brand and will fill them with caramel and so on. In our country, while people are just starting to put words together. But, again, in all likelihood, our governments and states are solving some more pressing issues: oil pipes, mining and processing plants and other plants that are so large in terms of conquest and economic and political power that they are not up to style. On the separation of fashion and style Fashion and style very often do not intersect. And even more so, style does not often intersect with branded fashion. And here everything is very simple. Style is, first of all, a continuation of a person, his own individuality. It doesn't matter if he's wearing high heels, flats, or even barefoot. And fashion is another area of ​​activity, it is more of an industry. And speaking of us, I believe that things are changing for the better. I already see the 20+ generation on Arrow, which does not need Dolce & Gabbana at all. And most likely, they don’t even want to throw a Louis Vuitton bag over their shoulder. Because they want to be "I": "And I found", "And I have" ..., and not "This Louis Vuitton bag is gone." And this division is very important! Yes, everything is a little stuck, a little slow. But trust me: style freedom has already begun. It cannot reach your Verkhovna Rada or our Kremlin with lightning speed. It cannot happen overnight. The real seething still begins with the youth. And I, seeing these people, sincerely believe that we will come to this. About "suitcase moods" Demoralization and reflection are the two main diseases of the Russian people. Four evenings out of seven we will sit in our kitchens, dachas, verandas and "shooters" and talk, and talk, what kind of shit is around and how to bring down. We cannot do otherwise, this is the history of the Russian nerve. At some point, I terribly wanted to say: if you want to bring down - bring down. Sit in your Tuscany, I want to see how your inventions flourish there, what play you will write there, what movie you will make. If you talk about it that much, get out. Just free the chair. The guys will come, stir up something else. And not only from St. Petersburg or Nizhny, but from New York, where they received their education. I have a couple of guys who work who could stay in their Parsons, but they come and rock here, because for them this is a power point. The only way out for it to remain a point of strength is to try to fit Moscow into a context slightly larger than Moscow. About politics Let me tell you right now: this is important. I cannot live without understanding or wanting to understand what is going on in politics. Another question is that all 13 years, while I was in charge of Vogue magazine, I tried to work as far as possible from these processes, I worked outside of politics. This does not mean that I did not come home, did not turn on the TV and did not sob hysterically for 8 hours, looking at Beslan. But this is my home and my identity, and this is my job, where in particular, in a glossy magazine, I have to respect the framework of what this magazine says. About the style of Yulia Tymoshenko I myself asked myself this question: is Yulia doing her own thing, what is called look, or did someone come up with it for her. If he came up with it, then he came up with cool. No questions. Still, you must admit: it was necessary to muster up the courage to make this braid around the head. After all, later it substituted her in many ways, a sea of ​​humorous considerations appeared about this beautiful braid around her head. But you understand what a thing, after all, it is style! You may not like it, it may provoke criticism, but it is bold and beautiful. Although, personally, I think - this is my personal opinion - that after all, the prime minister should not publicly go to fashion shows or be an outright bearer of edgy things. Especially in Russia, Ukraine. So she went to Louis Vuitton, they saw her in Yves saint Laurent .... It seemed to me a little too much. And yet: I give this a compliment, because it makes her stand out, it makes her different. And it is always obvious that she looks very comfortable in it. And this, believe me, is worth a lot. And it's a continuation of her own, whether we like it or not...
About Interview Magazine Interview magazine came to Russia on time! On time, because I want to somehow satisfy the interests of the best people in our country. I'm not sure that this is such a small part of the population as we think. We generally underestimate the level of people who take money out of their wallets, buy magazines and spend time with these magazines. At my previous job, we did more than one focus group, and I last years it was amazing: we think, okay, we pile on here, and they eat it, but we oh-hoo! And people say: wait a minute, I'm not interested at all, but I haven't bought this for the last four months, because it has ceased to be interesting to me. In fact, there are a lot of people, from eighteen to sixty, who are interested in what is connected not with cultural studies in the analytical sense, but simply with life, in order to see new, fresh faces. On the cover there may be some brilliant sixteen-year-old actress who played in one film, but in such a way that, as they say, you must take it immediately. Because it's brilliant. Maybe there will be stupid. I love nonsense very much, I really want to write nonsense. Without stupidity, no one understands what smartness is. What to show off? All the time about transcendental and conceptual? Don't! Life is actually much more interesting than cleverness. On the development of sovereign culture in the country With the cultural circle of our country, of course, it is difficult. But first, there was hope for islands: Sviblovsky MDF, Garage, Pioneer - they are different and about different things, but they work as points of power. The same Strelka, the same New Holland. The same Perm with "Texture". The same unexpectedly formed Gorky Park. That's all for the last three years. And when you see some kind of creative story, there is a chance that you will see people behind it, some living faces. If you look with an observant eye, it is obvious that something is happening. Yes, it's not a Spielberg or MoMA scale - but it's a step, it's a vector. And the fact that we have the energy and strength in the midst of not the most pleasant cultural climate to do such things speaks volumes. About filming in the fragment "Kiss of the Shrimp" of the film almanac "Short Circuit" directed by Kirill Serebrennikov There was lightness in this story. He said: “You know, the guys and I are going to shoot a movie almanac. I said: "You're crazy! I'm not an actress." "Yes, you just go down the street," he said, "and do nothing. Say two words and move on." And then it turns out right on the site: "You are walking, and then a creature comes up to you and kisses you." To be honest, suddenly in the middle of this crazy event - it was two hours of constant laughter - I realized it was very catchy. It's amazingly fun to play. About personal joy This communication with friends is now a luxury, because now there is so much work, and they work. As a result, we all catch each other by the tail. It turns out that communication with friends is now a luxury. The second joy is reading. And the third is standing by the stove, because I love to cook. 2010 May 24 2011 21 March The 21st of April August 20 October 5 October 10 October 26 29th of October October 31 November 16 November 17 29th of November December 8 9th December 27th of December YEAR 2012 March 28 April 3 April, 4 April 5 _____________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

Family of Alena Doletskaya

Alena Stanislavovna Doletskaya was born into a family of doctors. Father Stanislav Yakovlevich Doletsky was a pediatric surgeon, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and also a member of the Royal Academy of Pediatric Surgeons of Great Britain.

Mother Kira Vladimirovna Daniel-Bek Pirumyan was an oncologist surgeon, doctor of medical sciences. Stepmother Lola Gennadievna Candidate of Medical Sciences, pediatric surgeon. Stanislav Yakovlevich married her after the death of his first wife in 1984.

Grandfather Yakov Genrikhovich Fenigshtein-Doletsky worked in the NKVD, then as an executive secretary in the Russian Telegraph Agency, and later took a position CEO TASS. In 1937 he was arrested on suspicion of espionage and shot. According to Alena Doletskaya, the grandfather shot himself when he learned that they were going to arrest him.

Alena has a Brother Andrei, born in 1947, who is currently an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, has the title of professor and the degree of doctor of medical sciences.

Education and career of Alena Doletskaya

After graduating from school, Alena Doletskaya was going to follow in the footsteps of her parents and go to medical school, but they dissuaded her from this. Then she entered the Moscow Art Theater School, but faced with the discontent of her parents, she left her. Yuri Nikulin, who is Alena's uncle, advised her to enter a humanitarian university.

Following the advice of her uncle, Doletskaya entered the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, from which she graduated with honors, having received the specialty of a comparative philologist. Then she continued her studies in graduate school and defended her thesis on the topic "Comparative rhetoric of public Russian and English speech."

After graduating from the university, Alyona Doletskaya began working as an English teacher in it, besides she was engaged in translating books by William Faulkner, Ray Bradbury and several other New Zealand and Australian authors.

Stories in Detail - Alena Doletskaya (part 1 of 2)

In the early 90s, Doletskaya left teaching and, thanks to the connections of her husband Boris Asoyan (who was the USSR ambassador to Botswana), got a job as a public relations consultant at De Beers, the world's largest diamond manufacturer. In 1994, Doletskaya took a loan from the company to purchase housing, while hiding the fact that she already had an apartment. As a result, she was dismissed with a scandal.

Then Alena Doletskaya worked for some time at Ericsson, then in the PR department of the British Council, where she organized The Royal Academy "Living Bridges in Tretyakov Gallery and Treasures of the Tower at the Tower of London and the Kremlin. Then she worked for BBC radio and the German TV channel RTL. She was the editor of Cosmpolitan magazine.

In 1998, Alena Doletskaya was offered the position of editor-in-chief of the Russian edition of Vogue magazine. Under her leadership, Vogue has become the most respected fashion magazine in Russia. In July 2010, she left this position of her own accord.

In addition to working in the magazine, since 2006 Alyona Doletskaya has been a member of the jury of the national literary award "Big Book" and since December 2008 - a participant in the "Snob" project. In 2009, she starred in a cameo role in the film novel "Shrimp Kiss" from the film almanac "Short Circuit".

In 2011, Doletskaya headed Russian magazine Interview, founded in 1969 by Andy Warhol. The first issue of the magazine in Russia was published in early December 2011. Simultaneously with the Russian Interview, Alena has been managing its release in Germany since 2012.

In April 2011, Alyona Doletskaya became the face of an advertising campaign for the Alexander Arne jewelry house. She presented a collection of jewelry "Passion", created by jewelry designer Alexei Barsukov. Doletskaya is supporting the children's charitable foundation "Northern Crown".

Personal life of Alena Doletskaya

Alena Doletskaya's husband was the Soviet ambassador to Botswana and a leading expert on South Africa, Boris Rubenovich Asoyan, who committed suicide in 1992 under unclear circumstances. After his death, letters were found in which he blamed his wife for his death. Asoyan's relatives believe that it was family conflicts that caused his suicide.

Doletskaya later had a relationship with journalist John Helmer. After some time, they broke up with a scandal. Helmer accused Doletskaya of appropriating his five-room apartment in Moscow, in connection with which a trial even took place.

Currently, Alena Doletskaya is not married, lives in Moscow.

Alena Stanislavovna Doletskaya (January 10, 1955, Moscow)- Editor-in-Chief of Interview Russia and Interview Germany.

A family

Alena Doletskaya was born into an outstanding family. Grandfather - Yakov Doletsky, director of ROST (TASS prototype) committed suicide in 1937, having learned that he was to be arrested. Alena Doletskaya's parents are famous doctors. Father - Stanislav Doletsky, an outstanding pediatric surgeon, mother - Kira Vladimirovna Daniel-Bek surgeon-oncologist.

Doletskaya herself became a widow in 1992: Alena's third husband, Boris Rubenovich Asoyan, a Soviet diplomat, Africanist historian, Russian ambassador to Botswana, committed suicide.


After graduation, she planned to follow in the footsteps of her father and mother and go to medical school, which caused outrage from her parents. Yuri Nikulin - Uncle Doletskaya advised her to go to a humanitarian university, which she did, secretly enrolling in the Moscow Art Theater School. Again faced with the dissatisfaction of her parents, Alena Doletskaya leaves the theater and enters the philological faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who subsequently graduated with honors. Later, she continued her studies in graduate school and defended her dissertation on the topic "Comparative rhetoric of Russian and English public speech". She worked at the department, translating essays and speeches by Faulkner and books by Ray Bradbury.

However, Alena Doletskaya did not delve into scientific activity, and got a job at De Beers, a huge corporation that was engaged in the extraction, processing and sale of diamonds, as well as the production of synthetic diamonds for industrial purposes. At first, Doletskaya was engaged in producing an exhibition dedicated to the history of relations between Russia and South Africa. However, Alena Doletskaya's work pleased the company's management so much that she immediately received an offer that was hard to refuse: to become a pr-consultant at the De Beers office in Moscow. Doletskaya devoted four years of her life to this work. After Doletskaya tried herself in different areas: Worked for Ericsson in the Arts and Public Relations Department of the British Council where she produced art books as Director of Public Affairs. Edited for a magazine. Alena Doletskaya also collaborated with BBC radio and German television RTL.

Vogue Russia

In 1998, an important chapter began in the life of Doletskaya. She is invited to lead Russian version magazine, which under her leadership has become the most influential fashion magazine in Russia. Vogue was the measure of style, the "bible of fashion", he talked about new trends, shaped the look of people. The magazine became such thanks to the young team that Alena Doletskaya managed to gather around herself. The established high quality standards, professionalism and strict supervision of the editor-in-chief made the magazine impeccable.

In 2010, the media was agitated by the news of the departure of Alena Doletskaya from the post of editor-in-chief of the magazine. There were rumors that the editor-in-chief would replace or replace his colleague Dasha Zhukova in POP at Vogue. However, none of these rumors have been confirmed.

Interview Russia and Interview Germany

The return of Doletskaya to the world of gloss was truly triumphant. In December 2011 appeared on newsstands new magazine– Interview Russia is the Russian version of the American edition, headed by Alena Doletskaya. Invented in 1969, the magazine publishes interviews taken by celebrities from celebrities.

In February of the same year, the release of the German version of the magazine starts in Germany, also under the leadership of Doletskaya.

Other projects

Since 2008, Alena Doletskaya has been participating in the Snob project. She is the voiceover of the Dozhd TV channel, and since 2006 she has been on the jury of the Big Book national award.

In 2009, Doletskaya appeared in the episodic role of the film "Kiss of the Shrimp", which is included in the film almanac "Short Circuit".

Alena Doletskaya loves to cook, has a weakness for antiques and is fond of drawing. He loves Husky dogs very much.

Doletskaya supports children's charitable foundation"Northern Crown".

9 questions for Alena Doletskaya on the occasion of the publication of Interview Russia and Interview Germany magazines

1. How will you interpret Warhol's legacy?
We want to take advantage of the drive and sophistication of Andy's interviewing approach. creative people. These people can be very famous, or they can be beautiful dummies. It is important that they have something to tell.

2. How does Vogue experience affect editorial policy?
Interview is a completely different project. The editorial policy is based on a more democratic and provocative approach to creative parties in the world of fashion, cinema, music and literature. My previous job was to create the bible of fashion in Russia. Interview is an expensive project, our goal is to find the right pulse and capture the spirit of the times creative life today, to then record the opinions of the outstanding young minds of Russia and Germany. Believe me, there are many!

3. What made you hire Naomi Campbell as editor? What will she bring to the magazine?
Naomi was instrumental in the emergence of Interview Russia and Germany. She was our magician! We collaborated a lot during my time at Vogue and became friends afterwards. Last year, Naomi was a guest editor for Vogue. And now we have the opportunity not only to see her in Moscow, but also in the imprint of the magazine. She has ambitious plans to create her own column.

4. You wanted to stay in publishing after Vogue?
I had other plans, but it seemed very tempting to launch Interview magazine in the most beautiful cities: Moscow and Berlin. This year is so adventurous and therefore inspiring that I think my plans and trips can wait.

5. What made you decide to take this job? (There were rumors that you would go to POP and, of course, American Vogue). Why are you so interested in your new job?
Interview is my passion. You would understand why if you spent a couple of weeks with these beautiful archives.

6. What do you think about the dizzying, ever-increasing speed at which fashion and media are developing? How are you going to deal with this?
I like this pace, and I hope it will stimulate everyone who works in the media. It makes things more relevant and authentic. Just like in fashion, some projects will survive, some will die, some will change everything. But, in any case, these rapid changes will make us less complacent and less arrogant. We are currently working on two sites in Russia and Germany that I like and that I hope will bring something new to this world.

7. Who would you like to interview?
I will not say! I love turning dreams into reality.

8. What do you think about celebrities?
Since Andy's time, the magazine has evolved a lot. He was a visionary and predicted almost everything that is happening now, especially about celebrities who are only known for being famous or known for the occasional porn recording. "Celebrities" seems to me a boring label. In fact, real stars like Meryl Streep, Leonardo DiCaprio, Clint Eastwood, Julia Roberts, Sean Penn do not want to be celebrities. They spend money and time to protect their personal and professional life. These people prefer to appear in quality publications rather than on every weekly cover. Why? Because real stars are few these days. They have the right to choose who to talk to and who to avoid.

9. Do you watch reality shows? Do you read gossip?
Reality shows are not for me. But, like Andy, I love gossip, especially when it comes out in crazy numbers.

Alena Doletskaya heads the editorial board of Interview Russia and other domestic projects. Until now, there has not been such a person who raised domestic magazines to new level like Alena Doletskaya. The biography of this talented woman is being studied by many fans. Now her personal life is being actively discussed in print and on the Internet. And the formation of a career leads to the admiration of many. Alena Doletskaya's blog is literally bursting with letters from fans.

  • Real name: Elena Stanislavovna Doletskaya
  • Date of birth: 01/10/1955
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Height: 170 centimeters
  • Weight: 60 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 67 and 93 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 37 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Blue, blond.

Alena (Elena) Doletskaya grew up in a family of talented doctors. Her parents are surgeons, and her brother is an anesthesiologist. Alena loved her loved ones very much. Yury Nikulin, famous artist was her favorite uncle.

After graduating from school, she decided to continue the career of her parents. However, the girl failed to enter the medical university. The girl's uncle interfered. Alena Doletskaya and Nikulin Yuri Vladimirovich agreed on this. Later, the girl enters the Moscow Art Theater School, but then her parents dissuaded her. Alena Stanislavovna was assigned to the Faculty of Humanities of Moscow State University. The girl made great strides in her studies. Alena in her youth loved to dress in the fashion of the rock movement. She graduated from a prestigious university with honors.

Search for a profession

After university, the girl got a job as an English teacher at Moscow State University, where she translated the texts of foreign books.

In the early nineties, the husband of our heroine Boris Rubinovich Asoyan and Doletskaya live in Botswana. In his direction, the girl is hired as a public relations consultant in the diamond mining and processing organization, De Beers. After that, she takes out a loan to buy an apartment, hiding the presence of housing. As a result, the girl was fired with a loud scandal.

In subsequent years, Doletskaya worked for several months in the Swedish Ericsson, then in the art department of the British Council, organizing exhibitions in museums. For a short time, she worked for the UK radio BBC and the German TV channel RTL. Later she became the editor of the domestic edition of Cosmopolitan.

Career and fame

In 1998 came significant event in the life of Alena Doletskaya: she was invited to the position of managing editor of the Russian edition of the fashion magazine VOGUE. For twelve years she transformed the publication. The magazine of Alena Doletskaya was constantly gaining popularity. In 2010, at her own request, the editor left her position.

Since 2006, a successful woman has curated a prestigious literary prize"Big Book", since 2008 - participant international project"Snob". A year later, she even tried herself as an actress: she got a small role in the film "Shrimp Kiss".

In 2011, Doletskaya headed the Russian, and a year later, the German issues of Interview magazine. Then she began to represent the jewelry company Alexander Arne. And now he supports the Northern Crown Foundation, which raises funds for orphanages.

Personal life

There are many rumors around such a famous Russian magazine editor as Alena Doletskaya. The personal life of a woman is constantly discussed on the Internet. There are many questions for users. Starting with the fact that compromising evidence is collected and posted on the network (most often, these are ordinary gossip), and uploading the work history.

Disputes about the orientation of women do not subside. Fans of scandals and intrigues are wondering: "Doletskaya - bi or lesbian?". Discussions on this topic are ongoing, evidence and rebuttals are given. However, it is impossible to say with certainty that Alena is a lesbian, adherents of this version cannot.

In search of new details, fans of this talented woman are also browsing the site of Alena Doletskaya. There, the celebrity regularly posts his photos and videos. And thanks to an interview with Dozhd magazine, they could see the house of Alena Doletskaya. In the program, the editor-in-chief of fashion magazines showed her living space. Alena Doletskaya's apartment in Moscow is not very large, but it is made in the old style.

Unfortunately, the celebrity does not like to talk about personal things. The children of Alena Doletskaya are a closed topic. Chief Editor fashion magazines don't cover why she doesn't have them. Alena Stanislavovna gives the unspent love of her mother to orphans from orphanages.

Perhaps the reason lies in the unhappy personal life that Alena experienced. Celebrity husbands did not give her family warmth. The first marriage ended tragically. Alena Doletskaya's first husband, Boris Asoyan, committed suicide for no apparent reason in 1992. Letters with accusations against his wife were found. And after a while, information appeared that John Helmer and Doletskaya were dating. Their civil marriage ended in scandal, Helmer accused Alena of seizing the living space.

Now our heroine is considered one of the most successful fashion editors. New programs with the participation of this celebrity are constantly released, and her mail is replenished with letters from fans.

The world of modern business is harsh, so not everyone manages to grab their piece of the pie, and even fewer people and organizations manage to stay on the crest of the wave. To do this, you need to have a clear plan and a stranglehold. You have to be a business shark. Like Alena Doletskaya.

Childhood and youth

Alena was born in Moscow. This event took place on January 10, 1955. The girl's parents were doctors: father Stanislav Yakovlevich was a pediatric surgeon, and Kira Vladimirovna was an oncologist surgeon. Alena also had an older brother Andrei, who was born in 1947, and later also became a doctor. The second wife of Stanislav Yakovlevich, Lola Gennadievna, was also a physician, whom the girl's father married in 1984 after the death of his first wife.

The Doletskys lived in a communal apartment in the capital. Discipline was encouraged in the family, which was useful to Alena in the future. The girl's father often traveled abroad, since back in 1964 he became a member of the British Association of Pediatric Surgeons, and in 1971 - a member International Association surgeons. From his business trips, Stanislav Yakovlevich invariably brought two magazines - Vogue and National Geographic.

Inspired by photos from Vogue and enlisting the help of her mother, young Alena alters her school uniform. After leaving school, the girl plans to follow in the footsteps of her parents and become a doctor, but her father dissuades her from this venture. Instead of a medical university, he enters the Moscow Art Theater School, but leaves it to study at the Moscow State University.

While studying at Moscow State University, Alena was remembered by the teaching staff and students for her style of clothing - jeans, a washed-out men's T-shirt and gloves with cut off fingers, as well as the production of the Broadway musical "The Lady or The Tiger" at the university theater. By the way, her cousin, son, helped Alena to stage the performance. People's Artist USSR .

Doletskaya successfully graduates from the university, having received the specialty of a comparative philologist, and defends her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Comparative rhetoric of public Russian and English speech." The first time after graduating from Moscow State University, he remains to teach there, while simultaneously translating English-language literature - he translates the works of Faulkner and.

Later, the girl marries an employee of the African Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences Boris Rubenovich Asoyan, who later became ambassador to the Republic of Botswana. Thanks to his connections, Alena becomes a media consultant for the international company De Beers, engaged in the production and sale of precious stones. Then Doletskaya first went to America.


After working with the Ericsson company, the RTL-Television channel and the BBC radio station, in 1998 the girl returns to work in her specialty - she becomes the editor-in-chief of the Russian edition of Vogue magazine. By this time, a number of tragic events have happened in her life - her mother (1984), husband (1992) and father (1994) die in turn.

Aspiring journalist Alena Doletskaya

The position of editor-in-chief becomes a real outlet for the girl - she plunges headlong into work, developing new concept magazine, choosing quality material and working with the best specialists in the field of fashion and culture. In 2010, Doletskaya leaves the magazine in order to start work on two new projects at once in a year - the publication of the Interview magazine, created by Andy Warhol, in Russia and Germany. This time, Alena also gets the position of editor-in-chief.

In 2012, Alena begins her collaboration with the Dozhd TV channel. The first project is the series of programs "Breakfasts with Alena Doletskaya", with about 75 episodes. The recipes used in these editions will later be published as a separate book. This cycle was followed by the project "Evening with Doletskaya", released the following year. At the moment, the woman is an irregular guest of various TV shows, as well as a constant voiceover.

Currently, he is also co-editor of the restaurant and haute cuisine magazine Gourmet. It is known that even before working with Vogue, Alena managed to work for a short period of time with the Cosmopolitan publishing house, but she does not like to remember this period of her life, as she considers it unproductive.


In 2013, Doletskaya released her first book Morning. 50 breakfasts”, based on the materials of his first project with the Dozhd TV channel. A year later, another book by Alena, “Sunday Lunches,” was published. The next book, About Jam, was released in 2016.

It is known that Doletskaya is still working on a draft of a new work, which, according to rumors, will no longer be connected with cooking.

Personal life

Doletskaya had only one official marriage - with the Soviet diplomat and historian Asoyan. In fact, it was he who brought the girl into the light. In 1992, Boris Rubenovich committed suicide. Later, a letter was found in his documents, according to which Asoyan committed suicide because of his wife. Friends and acquaintances of the family noted that the couple could hardly be called loving and exemplary - they quarreled too often.

Alena Doletskaya and her civil husband John Helmer

Already in the 2000s, Doletskaya again decided to get along with a man who became an American, John Helmer, an international journalist. But it didn’t work out with him either - the result civil marriage become litigation. By the way, there are unconfirmed officially suspicions that this is not Alena Stanislavovna's only problem with law enforcement both at home and in the United States.

Doletskaya explains the lack of relationship with her employment at work. The journalist has no children of her own, only a nephew and niece, so she actively helps the Orphanage:

"I support a home where children abandoned by their parents live."

Alena also participates in the work of the charity children's fund"Northern Crown".

Alena Doletskaya now

A woman's life is very eventful: in 2006, Doletskaya is a member of the jury of the Big Book national award, in 2009 she starred in a cameo role in the film Short Circuit, in 2010 her photo appears on the cover of Black Square magazine, and in 2011 becomes the face of the Alexander Arne jewelry house.

In addition to numerous business trips, Alena often travels abroad with friends to attend concerts of legendary bands like Led Zeppelin.

“I generally adore live concerts,” the woman says.

Another favorite entertainment of the journalist is walking through the forest with her Siberian Husky, reading books and just relaxing with friends. In such a company, Doletskaya can also drink vodka - within reasonable limits, of course. Alena Stanislavovna does not forget about her physical form- despite her age, Doletskaya will give odds to many modern girls. Evil tongues talk about the intervention of surgeons, but there is no official confirmation that plastic surgery was performed.

Alena Doletskaya before and after the alleged plastic surgery

Today, Doletskaya continues to work as the editor-in-chief in the already mentioned publishing houses, maintains her blog in in social networks(she especially likes

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