Very beautiful Germans. Beautiful German women

Technique and Internet 09.07.2019
Technique and Internet

As for how people dress in Germany, there are some clichés that turn out to be relative. It would seem that there is nothing to discuss here: German women are ugly, they don’t know how to dress and they don’t follow their appearance. Let's see if this is so, perhaps we will be able to debunk a couple of myths.

It is widely believed that German women do not pay due attention to how they are dressed, and the main thing for them is convenience. In fact, German society, being formalized and regulated by virtue of historical conditions and traditions, dress and appearance are very attentive. But the direction of this attention is somewhat different. I would say that the main thing for them is not so much convenience as conformity. It is paradoxical that in a society of developed individuality, respect for private opinion and freedom of expression, appearance and clothing are subject to the criteria of "proper". The rule is this: appearance must correspond to the time of day, event and place, social status, age, profession, and so on.The principle of dividing clothes for daytime and for going out in the evening, which all magazines talk about, works great here. It’s not so scary to come to the evening in casual, it’s much worse to be in “evening clothes” during the day.

Age and social status decide a lot.Rule of thumb: the older you are, the better you dress.

Accordingly, the quality of style is influenced by social position. I will not touch on the lower social strata: the unemployed, receiving social assistance, it is not interesting.

I'll start with the students.Young Germans - students and teenagers, both boys and girls, dress in jeans, hoodies, sneakers and a scarf.

Many wear sneakers after their student age, but everyone understands their symbolic meaning.Contrary to popular belief, adult middle-class women do not wear sneakers and backpacks on their backs - this is the prerogative of students.even if the person is 30+.

The "conversion rule" is also affected by the profession. To give public authority, it is enough to change the converse for shoes.

Oksana Sersta

It's fashionable to be unfashionable here. But being fashionable is also fashionable.Young girls buy clothes in mass market chains, wear ultra-short shorts in combination with sneakers and bright T-shirts, combine blazers with rolled up sleeves with jeans, trousers, and less often skirts.Again, these combinations are for youth. Growing up, the girls change clothes.,

If you describe the style of German women in one phrase, it will be “basic wardrobe plus”. Basically, during the day they dress incasualandsport- casual, output imageafterworkwill include elements of the basic wardrobe, and evening wear - it is evening wear. Moreover, the higher the social status, the better the girls are dressed within the framework of the basic wardrobe. Clothes and accessories never look too bright, flashy, vulgar on them.
German women mostly choose neutral colors and modest styles. So much beige in different combinations you will not find anywhere else. At the same time, it should be noted that they really understand the colors that suit them, emphasizing the face and eyes. Most German women, having fair or blond hair and fair skin with pink undertones, do not wear bright colors, when choosing clothes, they may refuse to try on things “not their” color. On the streets you will not find wild combinations of red and black.

The main rule that Germans follow when buying clothes is value for money. Clothing made from natural materials, and, as in the Soviet past, “functional and sewn for centuries” is highly valued. A scarf has the right to cost 69 euros if it is made of natural fabric, and should not cost so much if it is polyester, even very beautiful and fashionable. Pants that you will wear forever are worth buying for 200 euros.

What is everyone wearing here?
Number 1 on the list is scarves. Big and small, voluminous and narrow, bright and neutral.

Chinos. Pants generally lead in the wardrobe of German women.
Ballet shoes. Short boots.flats.
Volume. Wrinkled textures.Knitwear.
Dress in layers.
Correct daytimeoutfit: jeans (skinny, including under the skin), top under a sweater or cardigan, jacket, scarf, boots. Replace jeans with leggings - get a student.

Frankfurt is a city of banks and financial institutions, its "city" is the focus of office suits. Office workers, regardless of status, do not wear knitwear. They are wearing fitted shirts, usually trousers, all the same layering, but elegant. Clothing will be fitted but never tight. The higher the status of a girl in business, the better the business “uniform” fits (I believe this rule applies to all countries and continents). You can easily find a three-piece suit on a girl, or a variant of a shirt + cardigan + jacket.

Representatives of the creative business environment. (see girls).

We will not discuss whether German women are beautiful or not. They tend to have cool, naturally blond hair (exactly that ash or dusty-straw shade that is given to hair in expensive hairdressing salons).
Of course, the hair is dyed. mostly in natural shades, but comes out differently.

Most girls, and especially women of age, have no problems with being overweight, they are thin and thin-boned. Dumplings are found among young people, while among native German women - less often, more often - among Turkish women, Muslims Arab countries, but I think the reasons are clear to everyone. Besides, young girls are tall, and size 40 shoes are common here, to my personal delight.
The vast majority of Germans go in for sports. They ride a bike, run in parks, along the embankments, along the streets, go to the gym. There are as many men in fitness centers as there are women. Moreover, membership in sports clubs, with the exception of a few very expensive ones, does not depend on social status.
Despite the abundance of ready-made food in supermarkets, there is no absolute dictate of unhealthy fast food. There are many bakeries in the city where you can eat normal sandwiches, croissants and coffee. In addition, the Germans are sensitive to environmental issues: whether it is eco-production or bio-products - vegetables grown without chemicals, or eggs laid by hens living in cages with three bedrooms. Whether organic foods are really that healthy or whether talented marketers have implemented a successful concept, no one really knows, but many simply follow their diet. Perhaps that is why there are not as many really fat and obese people in the society of potatoes, sausages, beer and wine as in societies that prefer ready-made food, nutritional supplements and canned food.

Germans regularly visit beauty salons, do manicures (necessarily modest), epilation, visit a beautician. At the same time, getting up an hour early in the morning in order to put on makeup and style your hair (I'm not talking about designing complex hairstyles or curling curls) - for them, an absoluteno goThey are completely unprepared for this. The most important thing in a woman, they say, is personality, and (perhaps) wealth. inner world that are more important than embellishment and hedonism. This is what they teach their children.
Perhaps that is why German women always, even in the most exceptional cases (at social events) lookundone, a little disheveled and sloppy.
Their style, of course, is influenced by the German mentality, social norms, flavored with rules, public approval or censure. Not afraid to seem subjective, I will say that the German mentality consists of an attitude to money developed over the centuries and high degree women's emancipation, which, however, is characteristic of many European countries.
Demonstration of prosperity is not welcome here, despite the fact that the standard of living here is really high, and there are many truly wealthy people.This affects the style: accessories and clothes may have a seal of quality, but not a loud label.
Women in Germany are practical and independent. They pay for themselves in a restaurant, do not give way to transport to grandmothers, share the costs equally with their spouse and do not openly try to please men. Most German women in behavior and clothes are not characterized by coquetry or hints of excessive femininity. The Germans are very careful. During the day, makeup is either not applied at all, or natural colors are used, nails are covered with a light neutral varnish, but the biggest enemy of German women is heels. And not only because it is really inconvenient to walk in them during the day on the paving stones and stone with which all sidewalks are lined, but also for reasons of conformity. “I put on heels during the day, oh you vulgar scoundrel!” - conformity is the enemy of fashion. Maybe it's for the best, by the way. There is also such a feature of nationality as late adulthood, soFor a 30-year-old man, a girl dressed in a pencil skirt, combined with a blouse and pumps, causes an absolute wow effect.
A girl in heels stands out from the crowd, attracts the eye, so many wear ballet flats even to the office. Of course, ballet shoes are good withcigarette pants, but with an office skirt it's dull. I suspect that now fashionable wedges and platforms (hello 90s!) are not so common precisely because they are heels! Heels are worn, but most often they try to maximize them"to repay".Sometimes it looks very cute, really stylish and fresh.

The cult of "proper appearance”, the protest against the obvious gender attractiveness with the powerful mass impact of the glamorous press and TV is bearing fruit.On the one hand, no one teaches girls to wear heels, apply makeup and do manicures correctly, but somehow they learn this.growing different fruits.Sometimes nothing grows on this fertile soil, sometimes real stylistic mutations, butmore often, by the way - tasty and edible fruits.
At parties, girls are most often dressed in casual clothes - a T-shirt, a cardigan, less often - a blazer, jeans and flats shoes (ballet flats, moccasins). sometimes winsimage of Heidi Klum in ultramini with perfectHammer- legson heels. Therefore, a young girl with parameters far from Heidi, like Mercury from Uranus, but striving to look sexy, is a naive creature in a baby dollar dress, perched on incredible heels, on which she cannot walk. But in general, everything is within the same "framework" of conformity.

Here are some portraits of girls from different clubs and after work parties. From them you can understand how they dress in principle in Frankfurt.

most young girls wear long hair:

here you can clearly see the natural German color type

cultural and national composition of Frankfurt in miniature:

retro makeup is in fashion: arrows, bright lipstick.

sometimes glamor wins:

and wins the final victory:

but basically, even at a party, Germans don’t do heavy makeup:

Surely, you have already caught the style of young German women. Then, here is an indicative after work for you.

and feminine

Here is the audience of one of the most fashionable Frankfurt clubs.

a typical everyday image of the inhabitants of Frankfurt:

the following pictures show that people came to the party.

But the elderly audience of the same club. Say that they are dressed boringly or badly.
That's the thing - they are well dressed. There is simply no (and will not be) New York color and style eclecticism here.

Now imagine German high society. No one will say that these ladies look bad.

Older German women are very feminine. They wear high heels.
A few secular photos:

TOP Store Frankfurt

During the day, old women in fur coats with laid lush hair, massive gold rings on shriveled aging hands, large earrings in their ears, and scarlet lipstick on their lips are often found. They drink champagne in summer cafes and smoke cigarettes.

In Frankfurt, multinational and eclectic, about half of the population - non-European origin - children of repatriated Turks who grew up in Germany, Muslims of Arab countries, descendants of African immigrants. All of them, respectively, bring elements of their culture into the culture of the Aryans. Turkish women are brightly painted and wear long Wavy hair. Muslim women, who are required by Sharia to wear headscarves, do not take them off even on a treadmill in a sports club.
Black women are often dressed brightly, which looks cool.

Despite the presence on the market of many famous brands at affordable prices, great variety in the choice of clothing, such as, for example, in Italy or Spain, is not here, but the German textile industry is one of the most profitable industries in terms of sales.Large multi-brand shopping centers coexist with mass market chain stores (Zara, H&M, and the ubiquitous Primark!!!) and small boutiques of different price categories, where you can find really interesting Italian, Dutch and American brands that compare favorably in design and quality . Here you can find really bright and unusual gizmos, and most importantly - shoes.German-made shoes are in no way elegant or attractive, but rather simply comfortable.

The general impression about the Germans is that men are dressed better than women. They wear well-fitting, fitted jackets and shirts.slim fit, bright trousers and voluminous scarves, azure T-shirts and green chinos, barefoot moccasins and sandals. In a word, much of what, despite the efforts of Nikolai Uskov andGQdoes not yet fit into the mentality of Russian guys. There are many exclusively men's stores here - from small boutiques of men's accessories to large shopping centers on several floors. I will write a separate post about this.

And finally: template break. Government employees here, oddly enough, can defy the dress code, wearing brightly colored T-shirts with prints, nuts in their ears and tattoos. This is most likely due to the fact that social workers and employees of migration and other services are professions of low demand, recognizing the primacy of efficiency over appearance.

It was Frankfurt. Berlin is a completely different planet. A big city in which a historical mix of cultures, a real creative underground, the influence of oriental cultures and other factors have merged into their own special mentality. In addition, Berlin is the center of German fashion. It happens there and nowhere else. There they go much more independently and brightly, but more on that next time.

We have already talked about German men. Now it's time to introduce you to the most beautiful German women! It is believed that the Germans do not have the most attractive appearance. In fact, you just need to look closely, and you will see that these girls are real beauties, and also very talented. Women with German roots are also considered the most hardy and have a strong character, so there is a lot to learn from them!

Well, to have something to compare with, take a look at,, and.

Verushka von Lendorf (75)

Without Verushka, this rating would be incomplete. Already at the age of 14, the height of the German model was 183 cm, and external data drove men crazy! She impressed with her flexibility and talent for reincarnation. Veruschka became a real phenomenon in the 60s, although her modeling career has not been smooth sailing. In 1975, she fell out with Vogue editor Grace Mirabella and was forced to leave the fashion world. However, Verushka still appears in many shows as a guest star.

Claudia Schiffer (44)

Another famous German woman, from whom it is also impossible to take your eyes off, is Claudia Schiffer. For my modeling career Claudia appeared on the covers of magazines about 900 times. At the peak of her career, she received at least $ 50 thousand for each working day, so she is rightfully considered one of the highest paid models.

Gisele Bundchen (34)

Brazilian model of German origin, owner of a perfect body and millions of contracts. We have no doubt that it was the explosive mixture of blood that brought her world fame. A representative of the Elite modeling agency found Giselle at McDonald's, where she went to eat with her classmates. And then it began ... After working with global brands, including Versace, Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana, Giselle became the "angel" of Victoria's Secret and is still incredibly in demand in the fashion world.

Heidi Klum (41)

Another stunning "angel" is Heidi Klum. The career of a German model began at the age of 19, when she won a contract with an agency for $ 300 thousand. Heidi refused to study at the university (she wanted to study as a fashion designer) and went into the modeling business. Who knew that Klum would not only become one of the most sought-after models in the world, but also the permanent host in the Podium TV project.

Marlene Dietrich (12/27/1901 - 05/06/1992)

An icon of her time, actress and singer Marlene Dietrich literally revolutionized cinema. In the late 20s - early 30s, every woman wanted to be like the sophisticated and talented Dietrich, who combined aristocracy and simplicity at the same time. The actress has toured all over the world, thanks to which every generation knows her today. This woman has made history!

Nastassja Kinski (54)

Actress Nastassja Kinski is best known for her roles in the films of the German director Wim Wenders (69). However, Nastasya is also loved in Hollywood. She managed to work with such world stars as Marcello Mastroianni, Christopher Lee (92), Roman Polanski (81) and Francis Ford Coppola (75). Kinsky is also known in Russia. In 1984, she starred in Andrei Konchalovsky's (77) film Mary's Beloved.

Charlotte Cordes (27)

The popular German model, who became famous in 2005 when she got into the top five beautiful girls in the New Face of 2005 nomination. Charlotte managed to sign contracts with brands such as Jil Sander, Prada, Calvin Klein. Today she continues her modeling career and works all over the world.

Grace Kelly (11/12/1929 - 09/14/1982)

Oddly enough, the beautiful Grace Kelly has Irish and German roots. She is known not only for her marriage to the Prince of Monaco, but also for interesting film roles, which were few, but all very memorable. In addition, Kelly won an Oscar for her role in the film The Country Girl. And we would give her an Oscar just for her beauty.

Nadia Auerman (44)

Nadia was born in West Berlin, which she never had enough of. So she decided to take advantage of her height (180 cm) and bright appearance and went to Paris. There, in 1990, she signed a contract with the Elite modeling agency. Nadia was photographed by such legendary photographers as Ellen von Uwert (61), Peter Lindbergh (70), Helmut Newton. And from 1997 to 1999, she was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest legs among models. The length of her legs is 112 cm.

Charlize Theron (39)

In the actress - no matter how much blood is mixed. The girl was born in Africa, on the paternal side she has Dutch and French roots, and on the maternal side - German. The brightest work of the actress, of course, is the role of Eileen Wuornos in the film "Monster", for which Charlize received a well-deserved "Oscar". This blonde is really a brilliant actress, because she can do any image.

Diane Kruger (38)

The real name of the actress is Heidkruger. The girl started her career as a model, and she managed to work in advertising campaigns for Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent and Armani. Kruger has also made numerous appearances on Vogue covers and Elle. However, later she decided to try herself in the cinema and was not mistaken. Having met on the set of the film "The Fifth Element" with Luc Besson (56), Kruger realized that her life had changed. Today, Diana has about thirty roles and a considerable number of awards.

The Germans are the second largest people (after the Russians) in Europe and one of the largest peoples in the world. There are 65 million ethnic Germans in Germany, tens of millions of people outside of Germany are of German origin, most of them in the USA (48 million), Brazil (5 million) and Canada (3.2 million).
This rating presents the most beautiful according to the site top-antropos famous women and girls who are ethnic Germans, regardless of citizenship and place of birth.

25th place. Magdalena Neuner / Magdalena Neuner(born February 9, 1987, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany) - German biathlete, the most titled athlete in the history of women's biathlon in terms of the number of gold medals at the world championships (12), two-time Olympic champion in Vancouver. Completed sports career at the end of the 2011/2012 season.

24th place. Josephine Preuss / Josefine Preuß(b. January 13, 1986, Zedenik, Germany) - German actress, best known for her role as Lena Schneider in the television series "Turkish for Beginners" (2006-2009) and the film of the same name (2012). Also known as a TV presenter.

23rd place. Eva Habermann / Eva Habermann(born January 16, 1976, Hamburg, Germany) is a German actress and TV presenter. She is best known for her role as Zev Bellringer in the Canadian-German TV series Lexx (1997-2002).

19th place. Marlene Dietrich(December 27, 1901, Berlin - May 6, 1992) - famous German and American actress and singer.

18th place. Vera Fischer- Brazilian actress, known for the series "Clone", "Family Ties", etc. She was born on November 27, 1951 in the Brazilian city of Blumenau in a German family. Won the Miss Brazil 1969 pageant. Twice (1982 and 2000) she posed nude for Playboy magazine.

17th place. Ursula von der Leyen, born Albrecht / Albrecht (born October 8, 1958, Brussels, Belgium) - German politician, Minister of Family Affairs (2005-2009), Minister of Labor and Social Affairs (2009-2013), Minister of Defense (since 2013). First woman to serve as German Defense Minister. Married to Heiko von der Leyen, professor of medicine, who comes from the ancient county family of Leyen (Layen).

16th place. Marlene Schmidt / Marlene Schmidt(born 1937, Wroclaw, Poland) - German actress, Miss Universe 1961 (the first and so far the only German woman awarded this title). Height 173 cm.

15th place. Ursula Thiess, born Schmidt / Schmidt (May 15, 1924, Hamburg - June 19, 2010) - German and American actress and fashion model.

14th place. Elizabeth Burg / Elizabeta Burg(born October 1, 1993) - representative of Croatia at the Miss Universe 2012 contest. Ethnic German.

13th place. Via (Alida) Artmane(August 21, 1929 - October 11, 2008) - Soviet and Latvian theater and film actress, People's Artist USSR. Her father is Baltic German, mother is Polish. Notable film roles: Sonya (Native Blood, 1963), She (Nobody Wanted to Die, 1966), Julia Lambert (Theatre, 1978).

Via Artmane in the film "Behind the Swan Flock of Clouds" (1957)

12th place. Tatiana and Olga Arntgolts(born March 18, 1982, Kaliningrad) - Russian actresses. They are twin sisters and German on their father's side.

photo by Tatyana Arntgolts:

photo by Olga Arntgolts:

11th place. Heidi Klum / Heidi Klum(born June 1, 1973, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany) is a German supermodel, actress and TV presenter. Height 176 cm, figure parameters 86.5-61-86.5.

10th place. Claudia Schiffer / Claudia Schiffer(born August 25, 1970, Rheinberg, Germany) is a German supermodel and film actress. Height 180.5 cm, figure parameters 94-62-91.5.

9th place. Lisa Rosenbach / Lisa Rosenbach- German model, girlfriend of the goalkeeper of the football club "Borussia" (Dortmund) Roman Weidenfeller.

8th place. Gisele Bündchen / Gisele Bundchen- the most successful fashion model in the world (she has consistently ranked first in the list of the highest paid models in the world since 2002). Gisele was born July 20, 1980 in southern Brazil to a family with German roots (the German surname Bundchen is often misspelled Bundchen). Gisele Bundchen's height is 180 cm, figure parameters are 89-63-89.

7th place. Maria Helena Döring(her German surname in Russian sources is incorrectly rendered as Doering listen)) is a Colombian actress and model. Born November 16, 1962 in Colombia. Her father is Bolivian German and her mother is Colombian.

6th place. Anna German(February 14, 1936, Urgench, Uzbekistan - August 25, 1982) - Polish singer, pop star of the 1960s - early 1980s, known mainly as a performer of songs in different languages ​​​​of the world, primarily in Polish and Russian. Anna's father, Eugen Hörmann (the name is Russified as Yevgeny Herman), was a Russian German, her mother, Irma Martens, came from Mennonites (descendants of the Dutch who lived in Germany), who settled in Russia in Catherine's time. In 1937, Anna's father was arrested on charges of espionage and shot in 1938. He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1957, about which his relatives received a certificate only in 1975.

5th place. Marian Marsh / Marian Marsh(October 17, 1913 – November 9, 2006) was an American actress. Her real name- Krauf / Krauth. She was born on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. Father - German, mother had French and English roots.

2nd place. Diane Kruger / Diane Kruger(real name - Heidkruger / Heidkruger) is a German actress and model. She was born on July 15, 1976 in Algermissen (Germany). Gained worldwide fame, playing Helen of Troy in the film "Troy" (2004).

The most beautiful German woman - German actress Karin Dor / Karin Dor(born February 22, 1938, Wiesbaden, Germany). Real name - Keterose Derr / Kätherose Derr. Famous film roles: Helga Brandt (film from the James Bond cycle "You Only Live Twice", 1964), Brunhild (Nibelungen, 1966-67), Juanita de Cordova (A. Hitchcock's film "Topaz", 1969) Also known for roles in films based on the novels of the German writer Karl May, for example, she played Ribanna, the beloved of the Apache leader Winneta.

Karin Dor in the film "Vinnetu - the son of Inchu-Chun" (1964)

The last thing to do is put labels on people. Well, who said that the Germans are all completely gloomy, rude and closed "on all buttons" personality? Is it possible to characterize an entire nation indiscriminately? Each person has his own character, and the female one is especially diverse: in Germany there are laughter-talkers, serious ambitious ladies, and gray mice, and with the makings of anecdotal “blondes”.

On the forums, you can often hear that Germans are terrible feminist persons, straightforward and rude, making a career and not striving for comfort, home and children. Is it so?

About appearance

About ugliness German women there are legends in general. You read so much about their ugliness that it’s scary to leave the house right away. I love looking around, people watching and love beautiful faces. Therefore, I can say for sure: there are beauties among German women. I can't say anything about the number of them. Pretty faces I see every day.

Among the grown-up aunts, there are few smart, made-up and well-combed. But one thing I can say for sure: there are a lot of beautiful German girls and teenagers in the country! With white locks, porcelain faces and a thin waist - real angels in the flesh - it's hard to take your eyes off them.

Perhaps there are fewer of them among older women. Simply because not all of them consider it necessary to take care of themselves and invest great efforts in themselves, their makeup, and even more so in procedures outside the home, as well as spend time and money on all these things. And you don’t often meet Botox ladies here, and even those, most likely, will not be Germans at all.

But German old women are distinguished by elegance and sophistication. They visit hairdressers, they wear dresses and jewelry. No, not all ... But there are a lot of them. Some of them and any of us can learn style.

Therefore, German women should not be called ugly. They take less care of themselves and prefer convenience in everything, so they do not look bright and catchy. But it has nothing to do with beauty. Yes, and beauty is such a relative concept ... that arguing on this issue is simply useless. In addition, beauty ... it's in the eye of the beholder)

Many even believe that German men are much more beautiful than German women. May be. Have you ever thought: that a male peacock is a handsome man, and his girlfriend? The rooster is bright and colorful, but the hen? Drake is a cutie with a bright green head, not like his darker partner. What can we say about a lion with his mane. There's something to it all, don't you think? 😛

About character

Germans are considered very reserved. They are able to surprisingly react to any events without betraying their emotions. That is, they, of course, can give out emotions, but this will not happen in public. Only the closest will know about what excited or offended a woman. Moreover, in Germany they are very sensitive to personal space: outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter there. If we have a lady who can open up, say, to a random fellow traveler, state all her problems not only to friends, but also to just acquaintances, then such a number will not work with a German woman - therefore, you should not climb into her soul.

A remarkable feature of the German women can be considered that they are not intriguers and are able to express their opinion directly, without bluntness, they will not be cunning and dodge - hang noodles on their ears. If you don’t like something in your boyfriend, they’ll say so: here, they say, I don’t like this and that, what suggestions will there be?

German women are not characterized by spontaneity, they like to plan everything in advance. Up to gatherings with a beloved girlfriend. And if a German woman does not want to go to a scheduled meeting with a friend for some reason, she will tell her: something, dear, I’m too lazy, excuse me.

And German women also value their personal convenience, starting from a visit to the doctor, who they will turn to for release from work if the blues suddenly pile up, ending with comfortable shoes: instead of fashionable shoes, say, simple sneakers. Yourself, so unique, you just need to love!

The Germans are the second largest people (after the Russians) in Europe and one of the largest peoples in the world. There are 65 million ethnic Germans in Germany, tens of millions of people outside of Germany are of German origin, most of them in the USA (48 million), Brazil (5 million) and Canada (3.2 million).
This rating presents the most beautiful, according to the top-antropos website, famous women and girls who are ethnic Germans, regardless of citizenship and place of birth.

25th place. Magdalena Neuner / Magdalena Neuner(born February 9, 1987, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany) - German biathlete, the most titled athlete in the history of women's biathlon in terms of the number of gold medals at the world championships (12), two-time Olympic champion in Vancouver. She ended her sports career at the end of the 2011/2012 season.

24th place. Josephine Preuss / Josefine Preuß(b. January 13, 1986, Zedenik, Germany) - German actress, best known for her role as Lena Schneider in the television series "Turkish for Beginners" (2006-2009) and the film of the same name (2012). Also known as a TV presenter.

23rd place. Eva Habermann / Eva Habermann(born January 16, 1976, Hamburg, Germany) is a German actress and TV presenter. She is best known for her role as Zev Bellringer in the Canadian-German TV series Lexx (1997-2002).

19th place. Marlene Dietrich(December 27, 1901, Berlin - May 6, 1992) - famous German and American actress and singer.

18th place. Vera Fischer- Brazilian actress, known for the series "Clone", "Family Ties", etc. She was born on November 27, 1951 in the Brazilian city of Blumenau in a German family. Won the Miss Brazil 1969 pageant. Twice (1982 and 2000) she posed nude for Playboy magazine.

17th place. Ursula von der Leyen, born Albrecht / Albrecht (born October 8, 1958, Brussels, Belgium) - German politician, Minister of Family Affairs (2005-2009), Minister of Labor and Social Affairs (2009-2013), Minister of Defense (since 2013). First woman to serve as German Defense Minister. Married to Heiko von der Leyen, professor of medicine, who comes from the ancient county family of Leyen (Layen).

16th place. Marlene Schmidt / Marlene Schmidt(born 1937, Wroclaw, Poland) - German actress, Miss Universe 1961 (the first and so far the only German woman awarded this title). Height 173 cm.

15th place. Ursula Thiess, born Schmidt / Schmidt (May 15, 1924, Hamburg - June 19, 2010) - German and American actress and fashion model.

14th place. Elizabeth Burg / Elizabeta Burg(born October 1, 1993) - representative of Croatia at the Miss Universe 2012 contest. Ethnic German.

13th place. Via (Alida) Artmane(August 21, 1929 - October 11, 2008) - Soviet and Latvian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR. Her father is Baltic German, mother is Polish. Notable film roles: Sonya (Native Blood, 1963), She (Nobody Wanted to Die, 1966), Julia Lambert (Theatre, 1978).

Via Artmane in the film "Behind the Swan Flock of Clouds" (1957)

12th place. Tatiana and Olga Arntgolts(born March 18, 1982, Kaliningrad) - Russian actresses. They are twin sisters and German on their father's side.

photo by Tatyana Arntgolts:

photo by Olga Arntgolts:

11th place. Heidi Klum / Heidi Klum(born June 1, 1973, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany) is a German supermodel, actress and TV presenter. Height 176 cm, figure parameters 86.5-61-86.5.

10th place. Claudia Schiffer / Claudia Schiffer(born August 25, 1970, Rheinberg, Germany) is a German supermodel and film actress. Height 180.5 cm, figure parameters 94-62-91.5.

9th place. Lisa Rosenbach / Lisa Rosenbach- German model, girlfriend of the goalkeeper of the football club "Borussia" (Dortmund) Roman Weidenfeller.

8th place. Gisele Bündchen / Gisele Bundchen- the most successful fashion model in the world (she has consistently ranked first in the list of the highest paid models in the world since 2002). Gisele was born July 20, 1980 in southern Brazil to a family with German roots (the German surname Bundchen is often misspelled Bundchen). Gisele Bundchen's height is 180 cm, figure parameters are 89-63-89.

7th place. Maria Helena Döring(her German surname in Russian sources is incorrectly rendered as Doering listen)) is a Colombian actress and model. Born November 16, 1962 in Colombia. Her father is Bolivian German and her mother is Colombian.

6th place. Anna German(February 14, 1936, Urgench, Uzbekistan - August 25, 1982) - Polish singer, pop star of the 1960s - early 1980s, known mainly as a performer of songs in different languages ​​​​of the world, primarily in Polish and Russian. Anna's father, Eugen Hörmann (the name is Russified as Yevgeny Herman), was a Russian German, her mother, Irma Martens, came from Mennonites (descendants of the Dutch who lived in Germany), who settled in Russia in Catherine's time. In 1937, Anna's father was arrested on charges of espionage and shot in 1938. He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1957, about which his relatives received a certificate only in 1975.

5th place. Marian Marsh / Marian Marsh(October 17, 1913 – November 9, 2006) was an American actress. Her real name is Krauf / Krauth. She was born on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. Father - German, mother had French and English roots.

2nd place. Diane Kruger / Diane Kruger(real name - Heidkruger / Heidkruger) is a German actress and model. She was born on July 15, 1976 in Algermissen (Germany). Gained worldwide fame, playing Helen of Troy in the film "Troy" (2004).

The most beautiful German woman - German actress Karin Dor / Karin Dor(born February 22, 1938, Wiesbaden, Germany). Real name - Keterose Derr / Kätherose Derr. Famous film roles: Helga Brandt (film from the James Bond cycle "You Only Live Twice", 1964), Brunhild (Nibelungen, 1966-67), Juanita de Cordova (A. Hitchcock's film "Topaz", 1969) Also known for roles in films based on the novels of the German writer Karl May, for example, she played Ribanna, the beloved of the Apache leader Winneta.

Karin Dor in the film "Vinnetu - the son of Inchu-Chun" (1964)

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