Magnifying glass remedy at home. Dandruff shampoo at home.

Health 09.03.2018

Unfortunately, this problem is too common to be ignored. There are plenty of anti-dandruff products on the shelves of cosmetic stores. However folk treatment dandruff is no less effective and, of course, does not cause such harm to the hair as all kinds of chemical compounds.

How to treat dandruff on the head, and how to get rid of dandruff with folk remedies, you will learn on this page.

What is dandruff

Dandruff is a very common hair health problem. It would not be an exaggeration to say that every third woman suffers from dandruff.

What is dandruff and what are its causes? Let's start with the fact that the scalp, like the skin, in general, tends to produce new cells and, accordingly, "discard" dead ones that have become superfluous. This is a completely normal process. But sometimes it happens that the discarding of dead scalp scales becomes very noticeable, and therefore there is an additional reason for despondency and worries. Dandruff can appear for a variety of reasons. This is a hormonal imbalance, and stress, and vitamin deficiency. The causes of dandruff can be diseases of the digestive and reproductive systems, metabolic disorders. Sometimes even the sun can contribute to dandruff: excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on the hair can be harmful. As you can see, dandruff is not just a cosmetic problem, so if you find it in yourself, you should consult a specialist doctor - a gastroenterologist, a gynecologist and do hormone tests.

But what to do with the dandruff itself? Of course, get rid of it. It is she who makes your hair dull, deprives them of their beauty. Often dandruff is accompanied by itching of the scalp, which, of course, does not add to your health either. Have a good mood and self-confidence.

Types of dandruff and their photos: dry and oily dandruff

We are used to treating dandruff as a single concept and sometimes we don’t even suspect that it can be different. There are two types of dandruff: dry and oily. Below are photos of dandruff types and their description.

Dry dandruff occurs when the sebum secretion of the scalp is reduced. As you can easily understand, the skin in this case becomes dry, easily flaky. Hair covered with dry dandruff seems to be powdered, the ends of the hair are split. Dandruff falls on the collar and shoulders, so you'd better not wear dark clothes.

The cause of oily dandruff is completely different, namely, increased sebum secretion. It would seem that the sebaceous glands secrete more than enough sebum. Why then does dandruff occur? It turns out that fat glues dead particles of the scalp, and they remain on the hair in the form of white, slightly crumbling scales. The hair itself with oily dandruff looks very unhealthy: the strands are “glued together” with fat, unpleasantly shiny. An unhealthy scalp causes itching.

How to fight and treat dandruff on the head

AT recent times, about how to deal with dandruff, knew only approximately. There was only one remedy: a comb with frequent teeth. With the help of such a comb, dandruff was simply combed out of her hair: a woman had to comb her hair for hours, strand by strand, making it look healthy. As you understand, this procedure did not eliminate the cause of dandruff, since the scalp was not treated in any way, so combing out dandruff turned into an everyday ritual. We think we should not adopt this experience from the past.

Dandruff on the head needs to be treated, and there are quite a few recipes for dandruff. Before you treat dandruff with folk remedies, you need to study the relevant recipes and choose the right one for your hair type. Herbal infusions and decoctions that treat the scalp have not lost their relevance.

And, finally, dandruff treatments, widely represented on store shelves, cannot be discounted either.

What to do for dandruff

If you do not know what to do for dandruff, what shampoos or lotions to use, consult a beautician or sales assistant. Most likely, everyone will be advised by special anti-dandruff shampoos. They normalize the secretion of sebum and thus solve the problem. Many of these shampoos contain sulfur and cholesterol. Usually, we have unpleasant associations with the word “cholesterol”, causing ideas about being overweight, but cholesterol is very effective in solving the problem of dandruff.

Anti-dandruff shampoo is used in the same way as regular shampoo. If you are used to washing your hair often, be sure to check if your anti-dandruff shampoo is suitable for frequent use, if it is mild enough. After the dandruff problem is resolved, you can switch back to regular shampoo, and use the anti-dandruff product much less often, about once in four to five. This is necessary to prevent the occurrence of dandruff.

In addition to shampoos excellent remedy anti-dandruff are special creams. They are especially good if you have dandruff very strongly and gives you a lot of inconvenience. Apply the cream to the hair, rub it into the scalp, leave it for a while, and then rinse with warm water. If the problem of dandruff becomes completely unbearable, you can use a night cream: it acts on the scalp for a long time and successfully treats it. Spread the night cream evenly over the entire length of the hair and carefully rub it into the scalp with gentle massage movements. After that, put on a hat or scarf and you can wish yourself pleasant dreams. Throughout the night, the cream will have a beneficial effect on the scalp, helping you get rid of the problem of dandruff even during sleep. In the morning, wash off the cream with warm water and style your hair as usual. Five to ten such sessions - and the scalp will become healthy again.

Another good remedy for the treatment of dandruff - essential oils. Added to vegetable oil (olive or castor), they successfully fight the problem of dandruff, especially if combined with a head massage.

Alternative treatment: methods and remedies for dandruff

In addition to anti-dandruff products, which can be bought at any specialized store, there are recipes for preparing medicinal formulations at home.

One way to treat dandruff is to use nettle vinegar. First, prepare a decoction of nettle. 2 tbsp. l. dry nettle leaves pour 2 cups of boiling water. After 40 minutes, strain the broth, cool it and mix with table vinegar (not essence!) In a ratio of 8:1. Use the resulting nettle vinegar as follows: 2 tbsp. l. mix funds with 6 tbsp. l. hot water and rub into the scalp, separating strand from strand with a comb. When using this home remedy for dandruff, keep in mind that nettle vinegar will be more effective the longer it's on your hair, so it's best to use the vinegar before bed.

To activate the effect of vinegar on the scalp, you can slightly “warm up”: tie your head with cellophane and a scarf. By the way, this will help you not to stain the pillow with the composition. In the morning, wash off the remaining composition with warm water. For greater effect, after washing with water, rinse them with the same cosmetic vinegar, only more diluted: 2 tbsp. l. vinegar will require 2 cups of hot water. Finally, dry your hair and style it as usual.

Nettle vinegar is an effective remedy, but you need to remember that a single use of it will not help you: treatment should be carried out in courses. Apply vinegar twice a week for three months.

Folk treatment for dandruff with yarrow

Yarrow will also help cure dandruff at home: having a considerable amount healing properties, this plant is capable, including healing the scalp. To prepare a decoction of yarrow, take 4 tbsp. l. dry grass and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Boil for 5 minutes, then leave for another half hour. Strain the resulting broth.

Treatment with a decoction of yarrow should be long-term: rub the product daily into the scalp and hair for one and a half to two months.

Another tip on how to treat dandruff with folk remedies is to use a monthly infusion of kombucha. This remedy is especially good in cases where the appearance of dandruff is accompanied by unpleasant itching. Rub the infusion of kombucha into the scalp and rinse your hair with it. Within a month and a half, dandruff will disappear.

It's amazing how many hair treatments are all around us. Everyday life while we are not even aware of it. Here's a classic example for you: it turns out that ordinary lemon peel, which is sure to be found in any kitchen, helps get rid of dandruff. Take a fresh peel taken from four lemons and boil it in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair weekly with lemon water after a regular shampoo.

It would seem, what is special about beets? It turns out that this root crop is not only an ingredient in borscht and vinaigrette, but also a remedy for treating dandruff on the scalp. To prepare beetroot water, peel and cut into strips one medium-sized fresh beetroot, and put in a three-liter jar, into which add 1.5 liters of water. Put the jar on the windowsill for five to six days. During this time, the mixture will ferment and a green mold will appear on the surface. After the mold has covered the entire surface, strain the beetroot water through gauze folded in several layers. Apply it diluted with hot water. Soak a towel in the resulting composition and wrap your hair around it, leaving it for 2 hours. After that, rinse your hair with soft water.

In order to make the action of beetroot water even more effective, during the entire time of its use, wash your hair not with ordinary shampoo, but with brown bread. Take 100-150 g of stale black bread, finely crumble it, and pour boiling water over it. As a result, you should get a thick, homogeneous slurry that will successfully replace shampoo.

How to get rid of dandruff folk remedies

If you do not know how to get rid of dandruff with folk remedies, use the following recommendations.

Aloe juice can be successfully used as a remedy for dandruff and at the same time to strengthen hair. It is applied very simply. If you want to use aloe juice before washing your hair, then just take a leaf of aloe and cut it, then rub it strand by strand, starting from the roots of the hair. You can use the product after washing your hair, but then it is better to squeeze the juice from the leaf and rub a small amount of it into the scalp and hair. After that, the hair should be styled immediately while it is still damp.

The healing effect on the scalp is also exerted by such simple products, like egg yolk, onion, honey, in a word, what is in the kitchen of any housewife. Peel a medium-sized onion, grate it on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry. Mix juice with 1 tbsp. l. honey and egg yolk. Apply the resulting composition to your hair, wrap your head with cellophane and a scarf and leave it for 1 hour. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly.

How to cure dry dandruff at home

To cure dry dandruff at home, hot oil will help, which nourishes the scalp, normalizing sebum secretion. Warmed vegetable oil (olive, linseed, burdock) rub into the hair and scalp. Wrap your head in cellophane and a scarf. The procedure is best done before bedtime. The next morning, rub lemon juice into your scalp, then rinse your hair thoroughly. By the way, sunflower oil can also be used to treat dandruff, but because of the strong smell, it is better to use deodorized oil.

The effectiveness of vegetable oil will increase even more if you insist on it. Take 1 tbsp. l. clover flowers, St. John's wort and chamomile, as well as birch and nettle leaves, pour a glass of vegetable oil. Infuse the mixture in a dark, cool place for a week, and then strain. Use the composition in the same way as ordinary vegetable oil: in a heated form. Don't expect a quick result: you will need a scalp treatment (once a week for two months) in order to get rid of dandruff permanently.

If you are prone to dry dandruff, you should wash your hair with kefir and egg yolks once or twice a month instead of regular shampoo. Add the yolks of two or three eggs to a glass of kefir and mix thoroughly. The resulting composition makes it easy to wash your hair. You need to rinse them with warm water (with hot water, kefir curdles, and the yolk thickens), after which you can use a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs as a rinse.

Oily dandruff treatment at home

In the treatment of oily dandruff at home, the following herbal formulations will help.

Take 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers, 2 tbsp. l. hop cones and 4 tbsp. l. crushed burdock roots. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the herbs and infuse for 40 minutes, then strain the infusion. Rub the composition into the scalp and hair. You need to do this two to three times a week for a month. After applying the composition, additional rinsing of the hair is not required.

Alternatively, you can take 1 tbsp. l. hop cones and 2 tbsp. l. heather herb and nettle leaves. Pour a mixture of dry medicinal herbs with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist and apply in the same way as in the previous case.

Against the oily type of dandruff, an infusion of herbs, which is used as a rinse after washing, will also help. Take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, hop cones, nettle leaves and crushed burdock roots. Pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew, and strain after half an hour. Rinse washed hair with the composition. Additional rinsing of hair is not required.

Of course, it is better to prevent dandruff than to treat it later on the scalp. If you have a predisposition to dandruff, try to treat your hair as gently as possible. What does this mean? First, do not overuse blow-drying your hair. And if necessary, dry your hair with warm, not hot air (any hair dryer can work in these two modes), and do not move the hair dryer nozzle directly to the hair itself: keep it at some distance.

If you have severe dandruff, do not allow aggressive effects on the hair and scalp: you are better off refusing to perm your hair or "direct" chemistry, as well as use chemical compositions for hair coloring. But if you really want to change your image, feel free to use vegetable dyes: unlike chemical ones, they not only color your hair, but also treat them.

Do small scales of white color appear on your shoulders more and more often? Congratulations, this is dandruff, which you can get rid of with the help of a variety of drugs. But folk remedies for dandruff are more suitable for those who do not particularly trust the current cosmetics.

Lotions for the scalp

If you regularly rub this or that remedy into the epidermis, dandruff will disappear quickly and for a long time. What products are suitable for making lotions?

Recipe #1

  • Olive oil - 1 part;
  • Castor oil - 1 part;
  • Lemon juice - 1 part.

How to do:

  1. Mix both oils and lemon juice.
  2. Slowly rub the mixture into the skin, performing massaging movements with your hands.
  3. I wash my hair with shampoo.

Recipe #2

  • Burdock oil - 1 part;
  • Vodka - 1 part;
  • Onion juice - 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. We combine vodka with onion juice.
  2. Add burdock oil.
  3. Rub into the scalp slowly and gently.

Recipe #3

  • Walnut shells (green) - 1 handful.
  • Vodka - 0.5 liters.


  1. Grind the shells with a knife and pour them into a jar.
  2. We fill everything with vodka.
  3. Leave the jar closed for a few weeks.
  4. We filter the product and use it for rubbing into the scalp.

Recipe #4

  • Carrot tops - 1 part;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Lemon juice - 30 g;
  • Mint leaves - 1 part.

How to do:

  1. We cut the tops of carrots.
  2. Mix it with mint leaves.
  3. Pour boiling water over the mixture.
  4. After an hour, filter through a sieve.
  5. Pour in lemon juice.
  6. Rub into the scalp.

Recipe number 5

  • Thyme - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 200 g.

How to cook:

  1. Soak the thyme in water.
  2. We put on fire for 10 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the head with a filtered decoction.

Dandruff masks

Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies is impossible to imagine without all kinds of masks. For their preparation, they use the most common products that you will surely find in your own kitchen.

Nettle egg mask

  • Vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Nettle decoction - 100 g.

How to prepare a mask for dandruff:

  1. Grind the yolk with vegetable oil.
  2. Add a decoction of nettle.
  3. We apply the mask on the hair for about an hour.
  4. Wash off with water.

Lemon-burdock mask

  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice from one half.

How to cook:

  1. Rub the yolks with burdock oil.
  2. Pour in lemon juice.
  3. Lubricate the head with a mask for exactly an hour.
  4. Wash off with water.

Sea buckthorn mask

  • Sea buckthorn - a glass of berries (mashed);
  • Olive oil - 200 g.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the mashed sea buckthorn with warm olive oil.
  2. We apply the mask on the head, not allowing it to cool.
  3. Rinse off with shampoo and rinse strands with acidified water.

Oatmeal mask

  • Oatmeal - 200 grams;
  • Medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, oregano or plantain) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 1 glass.

How to prepare a mask:

  1. Pour chopped grass or collection of boiled water.
  2. Leave the infusion for 15-20 minutes and filter through a sieve.
  3. We combine flakes with herbal infusion.
  4. We apply a mask on the head for two hours.

Regular use of this mask allows you to cleanse the scalp of oily and dry crusts in just a month.

Mustard mask for oily dandruff

How to prepare a mask:

  1. Pour mustard with water and mix well.
  2. Smear the mask over the skin very quickly, as it will burn.
  3. Leave on for 3-4 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.

If desired, mustard can also be used dry. Just pour it into the root zone and evenly distribute the powder through the hair. Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.

Mayonnaise mask

  • Honey - 1 part;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 part;
  • Aloe juice - 1 part;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. Rub the yolk with mayonnaise and honey.
  2. Add aloe juice and oil.
  3. Lubricate the scalp and hair with the mixture.
  4. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Read also: 12 effective for your hair.

Kefir-alcohol mask

  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Alcohol - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Kefir - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

How to prepare a mask:

  1. We combine the egg with kefir and alcohol.
  2. We apply the product on the scalp.
  3. We wash our hair after 40 minutes.

Anti-dandruff rinses

Various decoctions and infusions for rinsing the strands will not only cure dandruff, but also improve appearance hair. Try these recipes.

Recipe #1

  • Large lemons - 4 pcs.;
  • Water - 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the lemon zest with a fine grater.
  2. Fill it with water and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Filter and use for rinsing.

Lemon can be replaced with lime juice or citric acid. In this case, it is not necessary to boil the remedy, it is enough just to combine one of these components with water.

Recipe #2

  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Beets - 1 pc.

How to prepare a decoction for dandruff:

  1. We clean the beets from the skin.
  2. Cut it into slices.
  3. We put it in a three-liter jar.
  4. Fill with water.
  5. We wait until the liquid level is equal to the neck of the jar.
  6. We put the container in a lighted and warm place for exactly a week.
  7. After this period, a film of green mold should appear on the surface of the jar.
  8. We filter the beetroot water through a sieve and dilute with hot water.
  9. Use for rinsing strands.

Recipe #3

  • Chamomile - 1 part;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sage - 1 part;
  • Water - 0.5 l.

How to cook:

  1. We combine chamomile with sage.
  2. We fill them with water.
  3. We insist 30 minutes.
  4. Add lemon juice.
  5. We pour over the head after washing.

Recipe #4

  • Birch leaves, nettle or coltsfoot - 50 g;
  • Water - 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Pure birch leaves pour boiling water.
  2. We insist half an hour.
  3. Drain the water and use it for rinsing.

Recipe number 5

  • Chamomile flowers - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Linden flowers - 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cure dandruff:

  1. We mix the color of chamomile and linden.
  2. Pour in a liter of boiling water.
  3. We insist half an hour and filter.
  4. We use it as intended.

It is useful to add vinegar and lemon juice to herbal flocks and infusions. However, it is worth noting that getting rid of dandruff with the help of rinsing alone is extremely difficult. Be sure to combine them with other traditional medicine recipes.

Home remedies for dandruff to wash your hair

Do you want to speed up the healing process? Replace your regular shampoo with an effective home remedy.

Rye bread

  • Bread - half a loaf;
  • Water - 2 glasses.

How to cook:

  1. Finely crumble black bread.
  2. We fill it with water.
  3. I wash my head with the resulting gruel.

Tansy infusion

  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Tansy - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to prepare a remedy for dandruff:

  1. We fill the tansy with water.
  2. We insist two hours.
  3. Filter through a sieve.
  4. We replace this shampoo for a month. Remember, the composition must be freshly prepared.

Hop cones for dandruff

  • Hop cones - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Water - 1 glass.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the hop cones with a glass of boiled water.
  2. We insist exactly one hour.
  3. Filter through a sieve.
  4. We wash our hair every other day for 2.5 months.

Dairy products also have a good effect. They eliminate dandruff and restore the microflora of the head without overdrying the tissues.

Homemade hair wash formulations are used in courses until dandruff disappears completely. After that, they switch to regular shampoos.

Compresses for dandruff

Eliminating "white snow" will be much easier if you leave medicine for 8-9 hours. Over this time nutrients fully absorbed into the skin and produce maximum effect. That is why many girls prefer to make compresses at night and not embarrass others with their appearance.

Castor oil, tea and vodka

  • Strong tea brew - 1 part;
  • Castor oil - 1 part;
  • Vodka - 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. We mix all the ingredients.
  2. Lubricate the hair before going to bed and cover the head with polyethylene and a scarf.
  3. In the morning I wash my hair with clean water.
  4. We repeat twice a week.

Yarrow compress

How to cook:

  1. We grind the grass.
  2. Fill it with water and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. We insist the product for 15 minutes and filter through a sieve.
  4. Rub into the scalp every evening for two weeks.

Infusions and decoctions for oral administration

Do you want to cure seborrhea and strengthen hair from the inside? Treat not only outside, but also inside. And these tools will help you with this.

Recipe #1

  • Burdock root - 1 pc.;
  • Water - 400 g.

How to cook:

  1. Grate the burdock root. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Fill with boiling water.
  3. We cook 30 minutes. The fire must be very weak.
  4. We filter the remedy through cheesecloth and take ½ cup one hour before meals.

To keep the infusion hot, drain it into a thermos.

Recipe #2

  • Red wine - 1 part;
  • Honey - 1 part;
  • Aloe juice - 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. We mix all the components.
  2. We drink every day for a month, 1 tablespoon.

Recipe #3

  • Aralia root - 1 part;
  • Chamomile - 1 part;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • St. John's wort - 1 part;
  • Series - 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. Grate the root.
  2. We combine it with the rest of the components and pour boiling water.
  3. We insist 20 minutes and filter.
  4. We drink 1/3 cup before meals.

Recipe #4

  • Castor oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Wine alcohol - 100 grams;
  • Cinchona peel - 10 grams;
  • Rose oil - 3 drops.

How to cook:

  1. We mix all the ingredients.
  2. Lubricate the scalp with this remedy daily.
  3. We continue until the complete disappearance of dandruff.

Most often, dandruff appears due to insufficient or improper hair care. Review your hygiene habits and regularly use the full range of folk remedies for dandruff. You will see, very soon the scalp will be cleansed of scales, and the hair will turn into true silk.

Dandruff is a disease that is classified as a mild form of seborrhea. It is manifested by the appearance of small scales of skin on the scalp. Dandruff causes itching, discomfort and flaking. It harms the hair, gives it an unaesthetic appearance. Hair becomes brittle and faded. On clothes, especially dark ones, its presence gives out a characteristic “snowball”.

Causes of dandruff

Most often, dandruff occurs due to the activation of the reproduction of fungi of the genus Pityrosporum ovale, which are present on the skin under the hair. Pathology, as a rule, is caused by various disorders in the body and a decrease in immunity. Failure in metabolism entails accelerated exfoliation of skin cells. Scales are distributed over the head and hair, accumulate at the roots, and when oily skin stick together and disrupt the function of the sebaceous glands, blocking the supply of oxygen and nutrition to the hair follicles.

To provoke the appearance of dandruff can:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • nervous shock or depression;
  • violation of the digestive process;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • low immunity;
  • improperly selected shampoo, use of a hot hair dryer, varnish.

Treatment is needed to get rid of dandruff

Eliminate dandruff without proper treatment is difficult. Considering that various disorders in the body can become the causes of its appearance, it is recommended that if the first symptoms of the disease occur, you should undergo a diagnosis and visit a trichologist or dermatologist. You should also adhere to the regime of good nutrition, rest and sleep.

To combat the disease, there are many medicinal preparations and cosmetics. With the help of them, you can get rid of dandruff at home. Folk remedies will help to cope with it. They consist only of natural and harmless components. Medicines prepared according to folk recipes will not only eliminate the disease, but also strengthen the hair, restore shine, strength and healthy appearance to it.

Folk recipes for dandruff

  • Tea tree oil has long been considered an effective antifungal agent. When dandruff appears, it should be rubbed into the hair roots. It cleanses the scalp from scales, relieves inflammation and itching. Also essential oil can be added to shampoos or balms. It is enough to pour only 3 drops of this oil into a single portion of the shampoo and apply on the head before washing. Next, you need to massage and leave the mixture for a few minutes. Then the head is washed with warm water, thoroughly washing the hair.
  • Get rid of dandruff and. Two tablespoons of salt are dissolved in half a liter of warm water. The entire surface of the head is treated with this solution and left on the hair for 25-30 minutes. After that, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water.

  • In the old days, our ancestors washed their hair with a decoction of thyme. For 500 ml of boiling water, four full spoons of grass were taken. The decoction was boiled for 5 minutes. The scalp and hair were treated with a warm agent. After that, the head was wrapped for 10 minutes with oilcloth and then washed off.
  • As a treatment and prevention of dandruff, people widely use a decoction of stinging nettle leaves. The remedy is prepared as follows: for 400 milliliters of boiling water, take a glass of dry raw materials. Cook the decoction in a boiling water bath for 25 minutes. Then let it brew for at least half an hour. The broth is washed and rinsed with a head, and is also regularly used instead of a hair balm.
  • Calendula infusion will help get rid of dandruff. For 1 liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant. They let it brew. Ready infusion treats the scalp and hair. Repeat the procedure daily or every other day. Usually after three weeks there is no trace of dandruff left. Infusion can rinse the head for the prevention of the disease and with various rashes.
  • To cure dry dandruff and itching, you should wash your hair once a week with a solution of ordinary laundry soap with 72% fat content. Thanks to rich fatty acids and alkalis, which are part of its composition, the hair is provided with effective antifungal protection and nutrition. The hair after applying this soap looks much more voluminous, stronger and more alive.
  • Indispensable in the treatment of dandruff and burdock root. A decoction is prepared from it: 100 grams of crushed dry raw materials are poured with 4 cups of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. After this time, the remedy is still insisted for at least an hour. The filtered broth is rubbed into the scalp and used to rinse the hair.

homemade masks

  1. A raw chicken egg is beaten into a foam and applied to the scalp. Let it soak in and keep the mask on for 25-30 minutes. Next, the head is washed with warm water and shampoo.
  2. Ancient healers recommended getting rid of dandruff (seborrhea) with birch tar. The recipe is very simple. For 100 ml of vodka, take 15 ml of castor oil (you can use burdock). Add 10 drops of tar (can be bought at a pharmacy). Lubricate the scalp and hair with the composition. (It is applied to clean, slightly damp hair.) Leave the mask on for 12-15 minutes and wash your hair with warm water and shampoo. For a complete cure of this disease, at least 10 procedures will be required.
  3. This mask will help get rid of dandruff. Two onions are rubbed on a grater or chopped in a meat grinder. A spoonful of honey and chicken yolks (1-2 pieces) are added to the onion mass. The roots of the hair are treated with a whipped homogeneous mixture. Make a light massage and leave the mask for one hour under the film and towel. Wash off the mass with warm water with a regular shampoo and rinse your hair with any herbal decoction of dandruff. Do the procedure twice a week.
  4. Such a mask effectively treats dandruff. Mix in equal proportions: juice from one lemon, honey and vegetable oil. Apply the mass on the scalp and gently rub for several minutes. Then leave the mask to "work". After 10 minutes, the head is washed with warm water and shampoo.
  5. Regular aspirin will help cure itching and oily type of dandruff. Prepare such a mask: four tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are mixed with 15-20 ml of shampoo. Lubricate the head with the resulting mixture, and gently rub it into the skin. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off very carefully so that particles of aspirin do not remain. This remedy is not recommended for very thin hair Oh.

The fight against dandruff can be useless if you do not eliminate bad habits from your daily life. Drinking alcohol, smoking, stress, eating disorders, sleep and rest adversely affect the condition of the skin and overall health. You should increase your immunity, monitor the work of the intestines and eat right.

It is unpleasant when white grains are visible on beautifully cut styled hair. They fall on the shoulders, make you nervous. Is there a home remedy for dandruff, or only expensive shampoos with cosmetics help? The answer is simple - nature and folk experience will help get rid of annoying white scales on the head.

Universal folk remedies for dandruff and itching of the head

The fight against itching and dandruff should begin with an examination of the body. Often a change in the condition of the scalp acts as a consequence of a malfunction of the internal organs, a feeling of stress. Is it possible to remove dandruff, which provokes severe itching, with folk methods? The use of these remedies will help to remove the symptoms, facilitate and reduce the exfoliation of the skin on the head:

  • Oils - soften the separation of scales.
  • Lemon acid- will have a detrimental effect on the fungus (white plaque).
  • Honey is a natural antiseptic.
  • Egg- a storehouse of trace elements for the scalp.
  • Dairy products- act similarly to "lemon", but much softer.
  • Plants - nettle, burdock root, burdock - are considered folk healers No. 1 for hair at home.
  • Vodka, which is mixed with hair masks, will increase the blood flow to the scalp, enhance the nutrition of the roots, speed up the healing process, disinfect, and kill the fungus.

Folk remedies for oily dandruff

With a metabolic disorder, the state of the hair follicles changes. The strands become greasy, look untidy. Folk remedies for dandruff at home will help, which relieve excess fat. The list of assistants with which you can wash your hair should include:

  • Homemade aloe juice - it will disinfect the skin, nourish it with microelements.
  • Vinegar - will help fight excessive greasiness of hair and skin, which provoke the appearance of scales.
  • Lemon juice - neutralizes increased fat content.
  • Kefir as part of the mask - will make hair elastic, remove white flakes in a few applications.
  • Oak bark - will share tannins, help fight the cause of dandruff.

Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies

Independently with the help of folk remedies for dandruff at home, you can effectively fight microorganisms, cure hair, scalp. Knowing which components of masks or decoctions are best mixed, you can completely get rid of the fungus. It is important not to harm yourself: test the composition on the crook of your elbow for allergenicity. When using folk remedies, the condition of the hair (dry or oily) must be taken into account, and the properties of the components of therapeutic mixtures will be recognized.

The burdock plant looks like a weed, but medicinal juice root has unique properties. Oil based on it is used in medical practice and in household use very actively. Do not forget that oil masks should not be used for oily hair. Options for using inexpensive burdock oil:

  • AT pure form, slightly heated, rub the oil near the hair roots and skin with your fingertips, gently distribute with your hands over all the strands. By doing such manipulations 8-9 times a month, it is easy to completely remove the fungus and get a lasting effect.
  • The combination of burdock oil and a couple of cloves of garlic: they need to be turned into gruel. The tool will have the strongest effect, get rid of dead dry scales. Rub the oil mass into the base of the hairline, leave for an hour. So that a specific smell is not felt on the hair, shampoo can be mixed with drops (2-3) of aromatic oil when rinsing.
  • By mixing a large spoonful of burdock oil, one egg yolk, honey (a teaspoon), you can get very useful mask to help get rid of dandruff. Apply it for half an hour in a heated form, rinse with warm water and a suitable shampoo.

Ointment for dandruff

Effective remedy to get rid of the problem based on natural products - tar ointment with tea tree oil. After regular use during each shampooing, after 2.5-3 months there will be an effect. Itching will disappear, white dead skin pieces will disappear. A therapeutic agent is applied to clean wet hair, giving the roots Special attention. After 10-15 minutes, you need to wash off the ointment with cool water.

Herbs for dandruff

Natural pharmacy at home for the treatment of dandruff comes to the rescue. Many herbal infusions and decoctions are used. Here are the main, proven recipes for folk remedies with plants:

  • Mix the juice squeezed from a homemade aloe leaf with a little honey and chicken yolk. Apply a mask to upper part head, wash off no earlier than half an hour.
  • Prepare a decoction of coltsfoot, nettle, hop cones, chamomile, calendula. Herbs are effective in fighting dandruff. Rinse hair well with decoction after using shampoo. You can use a mixed recipe with all herbs or take only a few - at your discretion.

Folk hair masks

The duration of hair and skin treatment depends on the degree of neglect of the condition. Here are a few recipes for masks that are used as folk remedies for dandruff at home:

  • Homemade dandruff mask for dry skin. Mix equal proportions of oil - olive oil with castor oil. Add 1/3 of the total lemon juice. Warming to room temperature, rub the oil mixture into the base of the hair. Wash off after half an hour or 40 minutes.
  • Half a glass of natural yogurt and a tablespoon of ground black pepper will be a fatal mixture for the fungus, against which exfoliated white grains appear. Rub the mixture into the scalp, after 55-65 minutes, rinse with warm water using conventional means(usual shampoo).
  • After mixing the baking soda and your shampoo until it becomes a liquid slurry, use it as a regular cleanser. Soda will permanently destroy the fungal layers on the skin and help remove white scales that have stuck to the hair.
  • Ginger root will not only help cure dandruff due to its anti-inflammatory properties, but when combined with essential oils, it will increase blood flow, which will accelerate hair growth. Grind a piece of fresh root. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and add olive oil, sesame or milk thistle. Apply to the top of the head for half an hour. Wash off using a mild shampoo.

Video: folk recipes for dandruff

Not everyone is ready to believe that an anti-dandruff mask at home can get rid of a cosmetic problem. To see how easy it is to cure the scalp with folk remedies, you need to watch the proposed videos. In an accessible form, with the help of improvised means, it is shown how, without resorting to medicine, to destroy a fungal disease that brings a lot of trouble.

Effective home remedy for dandruff

Anti-dandruff hair mask

A simple cure for dandruff

An effective remedy for dandruff is lemon. From it you can get an effective decoction. For 1 liter of water, you need the peel of 4 lemons. The peel, cut into pieces, is combined with water, sent to a container and placed on the stove. After the water boils, the fire must be made weaker, and the mixture should be boiled for 25 minutes. The finished broth should be removed from the stove and allowed to cool. Then it must be filtered through a sieve. The resulting clean liquid should be rinsed with hair every week, lightly massaging the scalp during the procedure.

In addition to a lemon-based rinse, you can prepare an effective mask: wash a fresh lemon, cut it into 2 parts, squeeze the juice from 1 part and mix it with 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. The mixture should be rubbed on the scalp. Then the head, together with all the hair, is covered with a bag, wrapped with a towel on top. The mask is left on the hair for 1.5 hours, then the head should be washed with warm water and shampoo. This method helps to get rid of dandruff faster, especially if the mask is applied every 2 days.

Aspirin is actively fighting severe dandruff. Before washing your hair, it is necessary to pour into a separate container the amount of shampoo that is usually consumed at a time for washing. Take 2 tablets of regular Aspirin and crush well to make a powder. It should be combined with shampoo and mixed thoroughly. The mixture should be rubbed into the skin and left for 10 minutes. Exactly after the specified period of time, it must be completely washed off the head and hair so that not a drop of acetylsalicylic acid remains. Acid can burn hair, so be careful. The described recipe can not be used for owners of thin hair. The drug remarkably removes the oily type of dandruff, eliminates peeling and itching.

2 Compress and decoction

Treating dandruff at home will provide apple cider vinegar. It is able to get rid of various skin defects, restoring hair and strengthening it, makes curls silky and healthy, prevents the development of fungus and eliminates dandruff in the early stages of its appearance.

Therapeutic compress is made from 0.5 cups apple cider vinegar and 0.5 cups of regular pure water. Before application, the product should be slightly warmed up. It should remain on the skin for 60 minutes, it should be washed off with water and shampoo. The compress will remove dead cells.

The following recipe will allow you to get a universal nettle-based decoction. It not only quickly gets rid of dandruff, but also makes hair healthy, strong, shiny. For a decoction, mix 1 cup of nettle (dried) and 1.5 liters of clean water. It is cooked in a water bath for 25 minutes. After the specified time, the container must be removed from the bath, covered with a lid and let the broth brew for 1 hour. Hair with such a tincture must be rinsed regularly, immediately after shampooing. Many note that combing after the procedure is very easy, the head remains clean for a long time.

3 Great oil helper

The most popular and popular oils are: cedar, cypress, eucalyptus, rosemary, etc. They can be used in different ways. One option is to rub a small amount of essential oil into the skin after each shampoo. The second method involves adding it to the shampoo, which is regularly washed hair. It is enough to drip a few drops into the bottle. The result of using essential oils will pleasantly surprise you, as your hair and scalp will become absolutely healthy.

Burdock oil is famous for its effectiveness. This tool is purchased in pharmacies or specialized stores. How to remove dandruff with it? Everything is very simple here, it is supposed to make special masks based on the oil in question. The course of treatment lasts for 21 days.

Every day you need to rub a small amount of oil into the hair roots. You need to cover your head with cling film, and wrap a towel on top. Keep for 30 minutes. After the end of the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the hair in plenty of warm water.

The reception of the described masks allows you to bring the strands thicker and healthier. However, it is not recommended to use the product for owners of oily hair. Otherwise, their condition after each use will be more and more aggravated.

Another remedy for dandruff is tea tree oil. It can not only cope with dandruff, but also eliminate the causes caused by the fungus. Its positive effect is due to the presence in the composition of a special substance - terpineol. It is the latter that provides Negative influence on the further activity of the pathogenic microorganism.

How to get rid of dandruff with tea tree oil? It must be added to the shampoo in a few drops, and not in the whole bottle, but only in that amount detergent, which will be used at a time. The prepared mass should be lathered with hair and kept for 10 minutes. Wash off with plenty of warm water. Completely based on the oil in question will succeed in 7-14 days (depending on skin type).

4 Available medicinal components

There are many different home remedies for dandruff. Often they turn to sea salt for help. It contains useful trace elements, the action of which is aimed at improving the skin on the head. This process is due to their ability to restore the balance of the skin relative to the amount of fat released. Thus, after application, not only dandruff is eliminated, but also the causes that caused it.

Professional cosmetologists recommend using effective mask based on the substance in question. Her recipe is pretty simple. To do this, mix: sea salt (1 tsp), rye flour bread crumbs (3 tbsp. L) and chicken yolks (2 pcs.). The prepared mass is applied to the roots of dry hair, the head must be wrapped with cling film or ordinary cellophane, and a towel should be put on top. You need to keep it for 60 minutes. Wash off with plenty of warm water.

What other home remedies for dandruff can be used effectively? These include baking soda, which is found in every housewife. It is able to gently and gently rid the skin of keratinized particles. In addition, its action is also aimed at eliminating fungal microorganisms, which, as a rule, are.

Before each shampooing, it is recommended to treat the skin with a specially prepared solution. It is quite simple to make it: in 100 ml of boiled warm water you need to dilute 1 tsp baking soda, there you can add a couple of drops of any essential oil. Mix all the components well and rinse the strands with the resulting liquid, especially carefully this must be done near the roots.

Husk obtained from onion, is recognized as a good helper in the fight against dandruff. On its basis, a special decoction is prepared, which is supposed to wash your hair. It is done as follows: a small amount onion peel 100 ml of water is poured, after which the components are sent to the fire until boiling. In order for the broth to turn out to be stronger, it is better for him to stand for another 10 minutes. Then it should be rubbed into the roots.

5 Effective masks

What helps to remove the fungus and prevent peeling of the skin on the head? The fight against the disease can be carried out with the help of masks made according to a variety of recipes. Their manufacture does not require serious costs, they are easy to use, they do not harm the hair, as they contain only natural, useful components.

The egg mask recipe is very simple. Break 2 eggs, separating the yolks. Add olive oil (3 tablespoons) to the yolks. Mix the mixture well to get a homogeneous mass, then add lemon juice (4 tablespoons) to it. The mask is evenly applied to the skin and hair roots, left for 30 minutes. Wash it off with plain warm water without shampoo. The procedure is repeated every 7 days.

Against the oily type of seborrheic dermatitis, a mustard mask recipe is perfect. You will need:

  • 10 g mustard powder;
  • 45 g of colorless henna powder;
  • 1.5 st. l. natural liquid honey;
  • 1 raw chicken yolk.

All of the listed ingredients are sent to a small container and mixed until a creamy consistency is obtained. It is allowed to add any essential oil to the mixture, for example, cedar. The mask must be applied to the hair and kept for 60 minutes, wrapping your head in a towel. It is washed off with shampoo. If the mask is correctly applied, then after a few procedures it will allow you to overcome the disease, as it eliminates the causes of the disease by acting on pathogenic microorganisms.

Before experiencing such a recipe for yourself, it should be borne in mind that not everyone is allowed to make mustard masks. This applies to subjects with sensitive skin, a tendency to develop an allergic reaction. If a person has an individual intolerance to mustard, it is better to use alternative options. People who can afford to apply mustard mixture should be extremely careful with the proportions so as not to damage the skin and not burn the hair. If the ends of the hair are split, then in the described mustard home remedy, you can pour 1 tbsp. l. olive oil first pressing.

In the fight against dandruff, an onion mask does an excellent job. Some may be confused by the specific onion smell, but despite this, the result will not be long in coming. Peel and grate 1 onion. Then from the gruel you need to squeeze 1 tbsp. l. pure juice. Mix the resulting juice well with 2 tbsp. l. quality vodka and castor oil, which will require 1 tbsp. l. Rub the mixture into the hair roots.

Gather your hair into a bun and wrap it tightly with a towel. The procedure takes 1 hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo. You can completely get rid of the smell of onions in your hair with a rinse in the form of 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice mixed with 2 tbsp. l. water. The problem will be eliminated much faster if the product is applied every 3-4 days.

To get a honey mask you will need:

  • fresh egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • finely chopped green onion - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • natural liquid honey - 2.5 tbsp. l.

Grind the green onions well with the yolk so that the onion releases juice, after which honey is added to the mixture. Rub the mask into the skin with gentle, smooth movements. Massage with rubbing the product should last for 10-12 minutes. After that, the head should be wrapped with a towel and leave the mask for 40 minutes. You can wash it off with plain warm water.

Folk remedies are effective method, aimed at quickly getting rid of the problem with the scalp. However, it is better to resort to its use after consulting a professional cosmetologist.

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