Meaning of additional psychomatrix numbers. The meaning of the lines in the psychomatrix

Design and interior 03.07.2020
Design and interior

The date of birth of a person is a special code, an encrypted book of Destiny, which is given to us as a Gift. It consists of many parts, like a puzzle.

Today you will get acquainted with the first part of it - numerology of birth according to the square of Pythagoras.

The second part - Matrix of Fate. But about her in another article ...

The Pythagorean square is the basic matrix, the simplest, which gives quick answers about a person - his qualities.

After reading the main characteristics of the nine numbers, you can easily understand who is in front of you.

So let's get started.

1. We consider the Numerological Number Series

1. Write down your date of birth.

For example, I will take the date 02/24/1955

2. Add up all the numbers in the date.

24.02.1955 = 2+4+2+1+9+5+5=28

We got first number - 28.

3. Add the digits of the resulting number.

In my example: 28=2+8=10

At the same time, if you got the numbers 10, 11, 12 in total, write them down as they are, because these are special numbers. About them below.

We add other numbers that are greater than nine to get a number from 1 to 9.

For example, if you get 17, add 1+7=8, write 8. If 25, then 2+5=7, write 7. And so on.

So we get second number. I have this number 10.

And now I already have the numbers 2810, which I write down under the date of birth.

4. To the right of the resulting row, write the number 2.

This is a constant. It turns out 2810 2.

5. Subtract the constant 2 from the first number.

In my example, 28-2=26.

it third number.

6. Add up the numbers of the third number.

Just like in point three, add up to a number from 1 to 9, while leaving the numbers 10, 11, 12.

I get: 26=2+6=8.

It's already fourth number.

Thus, the series turned out: 2810 2 268

An important addition for people born after 2000.

For them, the constant will be the number 19 instead of two. It is also written in a row after the second number.

And in order to get the third number, we do not subtract, but add 19.

Example, date 05/20/2011.

5. Got a number: 112 19 303

2. Building a Numerological Matrix

Everything is ready to build the matrix Square of Pythagoras- the basis of Birth Numerology.

Draw a 3x3 square like you did for tic-tac-toe.

An example in the picture.

In each cell, write the numbers in the corner from 1 to 9.

We need them to arrange the number series, which we counted above.

Now let's arrange the numbers of the date of birth and the counted series.

In my example, these are the numbers: 02/24/1955 and 2810 2 268.

In each cell, you write numbers that correspond to the cell number. For convenience, we start with the first digit in the date of birth and move to the right one digit at a time.

My first deuce, I write in cell number two.

The second four, I write in cell four.

Zero is not written anywhere.

Again deuce - in cell two. One in cell one. Nine to nine and so on.

The final example is in the picture below.

3. Meanings of numbers in numerology

And now we turn to the most interesting - to the meaning of numbers in numerology.

By the way, after describing all nine meanings, you will learn a few secrets in birth numerology.

Meaning of number 1 (one)

Goal setting, thought energy.

Denotes the energy of thought, the flow of information living in the head, ideas.

The value of the number 1 is also an initiative, the ability to invent something, find the right solution, the ability to speak, sing, shout, and, moreover, speak without thinking, immediately inventing and finding a solution - “what I see, I sing.”

1 - thinks slowly or does not think at all.

11 - the norm - the ability to set goals and find the right solutions, the ability to invent.

Many units - obstinacy, throwing words to the wind, vanity. Actively participates in the lives of others, loves to educate and teach life. Mastery of the word, orator. They can sing well. There are a lot of empty talks. They can invent and live in a fictional world.

Meaning of number 2 (two)

Body energy, field. Ability to act.

Willpower, doers. An indicator of human energy. The more deuces, the stronger the field. Ideal 22.

One 2 - lack or little physical energy. A person gets tired quickly, almost always has a dream to sleep.

Many people think, especially from the outside, that a person is lazy, that he does not want anything. And that's just fatigue. People who have one deuce are very active, efficient, but very often the energy in this case is fear. Fears: you have to do, you have to go, you have to live, and so on.

If more than two, then aggression is manifested, internal diseases may appear. "Jackhammer", in a word. But, as a rule, those who have a lot of “twos” are centenarians, grumble, get sick, creak, but live the longest.

The meaning of the number 3 (three)

Attitude towards money and material goods.

The desire to collect information, collections, owners. Desire to have more, including money. Norm one 3.

No triples - they don’t hear others, there is no logic. Behavior model, laid down from childhood. They won't believe until they try it themselves. When the bumps are full, they become too careful. When words are not enough, gestures begin to be used. Suspicious. Intuition is confused with fear. Naive, each time different, they find problems for themselves.

Three 3 - listens to other people's warnings.

Many triples - touchiness, increased ability to "take for yourself" (maybe come in handy), vanity. They want to do several things at the same time. They cannot live without a lot of information, which leads to gossip and envy. They evaluate themselves through the opinions of others.

The meaning of the number 4 (four)

Form, fortitude, honesty, discipline, rules of conduct

A sense of duty to society, service, set limits, responsibility. Norm one 4.

There are no fours - it enters everywhere with its own rules, begins to push through, dissatisfaction with everything. Lives by its own laws.

44 and above - can withdraw into themselves, constant tension, closeness of feelings.

Many 4 - human soldier, increased sense of duty, patriotism, lack of flexibility. They suffer from their own principle - I promised, I will do it at any cost. They provoke feelings of guilt in themselves and a desire to justify themselves.

The meaning of the number 5 (five)


Norm one 5.

No 5 - feeling disliked, does not like many people. It doesn't matter what they think of him. Restraint in the manifestation of feelings and emotions. Women are very sharp, they prefer to express their relationship not through feelings and emotions, but through actions. Contacts are difficult.

One 5 - the norm - soft, kind, easy to find mutual language developed a sense of compassion.

Two or more 5 - emotional manipulation, it is important how it looks and what they think and say about it.

No 5 or 555 - loneliness in life, relationship problems.

Meaning of number 6 (six)

Logic, analytics.

No 6 - no self, does not know his own worth, does not respect himself, does not bring things to the end, can panic, easily change decisions. They think that people do everything better than they do.

One 6 - the norm - a person is confident in himself, knows his own worth, stable in making decisions. The man is a professional, he does not know how to do bad things.

Two 6 - an indication of a person who can discover something new every day - the depth of knowledge of the world.

Three 6s is a sign of genius, a special deep look at what is happening. If this person is closed and uncommunicative, then he becomes suspicious and suspicious. They are characterized by extremes - they feel either a genius or suicide.

666 and 6666 - It is necessary to make claims, and not to save, not to take offense inside, it can lead to illness.

Many 6 - loneliness of the Soul.

Meaning of number 7 (seven)


No 7 - problems with intuition, it is difficult to be at rest, panic easily occurs in a difficult situation.

7 - the norm - it is important to believe in yourself and your inner voice. Serves only himself (the owner).

77 - make it possible to hear advice for those who are nearby.

777 - the gift of foresight, increased intuition, can hear other people's thoughts. They voluntarily become hostages, taking on someone else's guilt and problem.

The meaning of the number 8 (eight)

The norm is one 8. This is luck without effort, work, just dreamed and got it. We believe that if you have a figure eight, then you know the law, rules, actions that directly, at no extra cost, lead you to what you want.

No 8 - it seems to a person that he is not lucky, unhappy for life. It is important for him to make an effort to achieve something.

If a person is engaged in self-development, then 8ki can be earned.

88 - kept by heaven and angels.

888 - come with an important mission to Earth to help others on the path of spiritual growth. They should not be advised to interfere in their fate. You must go your own way.

Many 8 - live with a burden, they do not need anyone.

The meaning of number 9 (nine)

Purposefulness. Realization of goals.

9 - stubbornness, it is difficult to realize goals (a person has lost a goal).

99 - normal - knows what he wants in this moment time. Realization of the set goal. Wisdom.

Many 9 - tend to lie, can live in a lie. A lot of fuss on trifles, loses the main goal. They want to please everyone, the position of the victim.

When 9k is less than 8k, then a person can ask the Higher Powers, they will give him, but he will not be able to use it.

So you've met basic meanings of numbers in numerology.

How do you like these numbers? How much do they reflect you or the person for whom you made the calculation?

Maybe, you have a bust in some numbers and a shortage in others- what to do now, you ask, how deplorable everything is?

There is a solution.

The first is the transition of numbers within the matrix. Second, the conscious development of man. Thirdly, this is getting to know yourself with the help of a unique method. Matrix of Fate, which will allow you to understand your potential more and more deeply and apply special tools for harmonization.

However, this is already the material that I give on the express course on numerology and the matrix - two methods that perfectly complement and expand each other. If you are interested, you can read more here click:

It also happens when a person says that numbers do not match with reality and it is different.

In this case, there are two options: either the person is not honest with himself and refuses to accept himself as he really is (numbers do not lie); either by an effort of will, the transitions of numbers in the numerological matrix go on with their development.

That is, if a person is engaged in spiritual and personal development,

then the matrix can change.

And now I will share with you a few secrets of numerology.

Secret 1. Psychotypes of personality

AT birth numerology we distinguish three psycho-types of personality: doer, leader, and on his own.

To determine the psychotype, we build a numerological matrix, as we did above, and then look at the number of ones and twos.

  • When there are more units than twos, then you have a psychotype of personality - supervisor. Such a person talks a lot, does little. Therefore, do not believe everything that he tells you and promises.
  • When there are more twos than ones, then you have a personality psychotype - doer. Such a person likes to do everything himself, speaks little. It's easier for him to do than to ask.
  • When ones and twos are equal. In this case, the psychotype of personality - on my own. Such a person relies on himself, freedom is important to him.

Did you recognize yourself?

Yes, now it will be easier and clearer for you to determine who is in front of you and not to harbor illusions from the words "leader".

If you want to know more about yourself, about the secrets that are embedded in your date of birth, then join the club for spiritual and personal growth.

For only 400 rubles you get Personal Area, communication in Skype chat and in a closed Facebook group with like-minded people, video materials on numerology and the matrix of fate, as well as the opportunity to ask questions within the club.

Secret 2. When you are not heard

There is a type of people to whom you can say anything, but they still do not hear you.

The trick is simple - there are no triples in their numerological matrix.

Therefore, you need to communicate with them in short and clear phrases. Otherwise, your conversations are wasted time and energy.


Practice, build several numerological matrices for your friends, discuss the resulting numbers.

I believe that this Knowledge will help you better understand yourself, even if just a little, because this is only the very, very beginning. However, even this first acquaintance with yourself will help to clarify why people are different and how the date of birth affects them.

And if this topic is of interest to you, then subscribe to us on social networks and join the community of people who, by changing themselves, change the world. Become a beacon of light in this world.

From ancient times to the present day, people are interested in the question: can a number be a secret code for a person’s fate. Astrologers say that there is no place for accidents in life. In this regard, it becomes obvious that the date of the birth of a person has an impact on his entire subsequent life.

The Pythagorean formula and its meaning in astrology

The scientist Pythagoras, who lived before our era in distant Greece, argued that all the events that take place in a person's life can be represented as a certain series of numbers. Pythagoras was looking for evidence of his innocence in the habitats of the Egyptian sages. His numerous studies proved that numbers are used as a specific coded system that is used to convey spiritual truths.

Pythagoras was sure that some secret was hidden behind each number. He believed that only through the ability to correctly work with numbers can people decipher the wisdom of everything that exists on the planet. They must do this in order to convey the meaning of life to their descendants.

Numbers determine the frequency of processes occurring in people's lives, and sometimes determine the character traits of a person. Knowing how to calculate the square of Pythagoras, you can spend no more than half an hour to learn a lot about a person, from his hobbies in life to the state of health.

In astrology, too, many concepts are based on numerical values. Often, experienced astrologers calculate fateful changes based on the date of birth of a particular person. Among the numbers that influence people, there are harmonious and disharmonious numerical values, as well as numbers that cause tension in the solution of some vital issue, or, conversely, have a beneficial effect on it.

What a Pythagorean square will tell a person

To make it easier to work with numbers, Pythagoras decided to simplify their language. He reduced multi-digit numbers to single-digit finite addition method. So, for example, the year 1981 of a person’s birth is a multi-digit number, but if you add all the numbers together, you will first get a two-digit number, and then as a result of adding its components, you can get a single-digit number.

First you need to add: 1+9+8+1=19

Then add up: 1+9=10

10 is a two-digit number that can also be simplified by adding single-digit numbers together: 1+0=1

Astrologers claim that the essence of the Pythagorean theory is to simplify complex numbers and reduce them to single digits. The ancient Greek scientist said: "To fully understand the world in which we live, you need to study the numbers that govern it." And he turned out to be right. Scientists have long proved the fact that everything that happens in the world can be investigated and brought to mathematical formulas. Arithmetic underlies astrology, physical and chemical processes, as well as mechanics.

Any event that occurs daily on the planet lends itself to simple calculations. Interrelated incidents in the life of each person are also amenable to mathematical analysis. A correctly drawn up square of Pythagoras will reveal the hidden possibilities of a person. With it, you will learn:

  • about the strength of a person's character;
  • about energy opportunities;
  • about the strong or weakened health of the body;
  • about the logical abilities of the individual;
  • about success in business;
  • about strong or weak personal qualities;
  • about good or bad memory that is given to a person at birth;
  • about his aptitudes for various activities.

Numerology will help you find out if spouses or business partners are compatible with each other, which will help you find the right points of contact that will become a guarantor of mutual understanding for many years.

business people can calculate best time to open a new profitable company. People who are fond of tourism, having spent a little time, can choose the best time for their trips. Relatives of people in need of major surgery, by paying attention to their date of birth, can calculate the best date for surgery.

The purpose of the square of Pythagoras

A compiled table with numbers based on the date of birth of a person is called the psychomatrix or Pythagorean square by astrologers. This table does not give a person the opportunity to somehow change what was laid down when he was born. But it will help to reveal everything hidden for oneself, and with its help a person will be able to fully express himself as a person.

The formation of a certain character warehouse is influenced by the signs of the zodiac, the planets and stars under which a person was born. The planets are constantly changing their position in the starry sky in relation to each other. With even a slight shift, a new angle is formed at which the planet is located relative to a certain star. Regular change of positions has a strong influence on the life of a person born under this star.

No person can choose for himself the date of his birth in advance. Otherwise, each of us was born only on the most favorable dates and at the best time in terms of the position of the planets in the sky. But with careful planning of pregnancy, you can compile a numerological table, which will include successful dates for the birth of a baby in a certain period of time.

Application of the Pythagorean square

A correctly drawn Pythagorean square is a table with 3 vertical columns and 3 horizontal rows, into which numbers will fit that determine the specific characteristics of a given person.





Each cell in this table must be completed certain numbers. Two numbers will be entered into the cell, one of which will be working, and the second will show how many digits it consists of. For example, working number 11, and auxiliary: 2, because the number 11 consists of two digits.

To compile a numerological matrix for a specific person, you need to know the exact date of his birth and a prepared preparation for the future table. For example, a person was born on September 2, 1981. The numerical format of this date will be the following number series: 02091981. You just need to rewrite this series in the table blank.

The second part of the table will be compiled from exact calculations. Numerology does not tolerate errors, therefore, when filling out the table, it is important to be patient and attentive.

How to calculate working numbers

  1. First you need to find the sum of the day and month of birth. For this: 2+9=11. Then it is important to simplify the resulting value by adding the numbers that make it up: 1+1=2. This number must be written down somewhere or remembered in the mind.
  2. Add up the numbers that make up the year of birth. For this: 1+9+8+1=19. This number does not need to be simplified. It must be left as is.
  3. Add the results obtained from the first and second points. Namely: 2+19=21, 21 will be the first working number.
  4. Now we need to simplify the working value obtained in the previous paragraph. For this: 2+1=3, where 3 is the second working number.
  5. The first digit of the date of birth must be doubled. In our case, it turns out: 0 * 2 = 0 (date of birth September 02, the first digit is 0). To calculate the third working number, you need to subtract the resulting value from the first working number. It turns out: 21-0=21, 21 is the third working number.
  6. Add together the numbers of the third working number. 2+1=3, resulting in the fourth working number.

Nothing more needs to be calculated. Let's start filling in the table. The resulting working numbers must be carefully entered in the second row of our matrix.

To compile a matrix, you need to look at the workpiece and write in a certain column how many times the numbers are repeated in each line. If there is no digit in the blank, then a dash or 0 is put.

The result is:

How to correctly decrypt the received data

An important value for decoding the resulting table will be the number of repetitions of each digit. If in some cells there is 0, then this sign in a person is very weakly expressed.

The first cell speaks of the strength of the character of the individual. Let's look at repetitions:

  1. 1 - egoism is at a very high level. The personality is tuned only to achieve its own goals and solve its problems. A very purposeful person, he always achieves what he wants, but it is almost impossible to get along with him.
  2. 11 - the egoism of the individual is weaker than in the first case, but nevertheless this feature is quite striking. With great reluctance, a person decides to help others, all human actions are mainly aimed at himself.
  3. 111 - a person is open to communication with new people, always happy to help a friend or relative in need of support.
  4. 1111 - a person who knows how to influence his environment, there are certain abilities to manipulate others.
  5. 11111 - a person is distinguished by a special rigidity of character, he is sometimes called rude and sometimes despotic. Loves to rule, always strives for control.
  6. 111111 - a very complex and despotic character who does not accept relationships without the complete submission of a partner.

The second cell indicates the energy level of the individual.

  1. 2 - a person is an energy vampire living off the energy of other people. It is extremely difficult to be in contact with such people for more than 10 minutes.
  2. 22 - such a person readily shares his positive energy with others, it is easy and pleasant to deal with a person.
  3. 222 - a person has a powerful energy reserve, there is a tendency to engage in extrasensory perception, there are magical abilities.
  4. 2222 - a person is naturally gifted with super-powerful energy, easily subjugates other people, knows about his abilities and is pleased with them.

The third cell characterizes the individual's interest in knowing himself and the world around him.

  1. 3 - the person is punctual and always very accurate in everything. From birth, it does not tolerate any disorder at all.
  2. 33 - the person is well versed in the exact sciences, she has excellent learning abilities. A person has every chance to become a great scientist.
  3. 333 - by nature, a person is gifted with a willingness to learn and easily learn everything new. Such people always look to the very core of the problem. The fate of a person may not always be happy from the point of view of numerology.
  4. 3333 - a person has no desire for constant self-development. Children do not like to go to school, they usually study very poorly.
  5. 33333 - too expression of unwillingness to develop. Such a person is not interested in anything, from childhood he reacts quite aggressively to any questions that relate to the teachings.

The fourth cell characterizes the embedded data that relate to human health.

  1. 4 - a person has good health, the main diseases begin to manifest themselves in the 7th decade.
  2. 44 - a person has good health. He has an athletic body structure, even if he has never played sports. These people have excellent metabolism.

In the absence of fours in a cell, a person is prone to acquiring serious diseases.

The fifth cell is responsible for logical thinking.

  1. 5 - a person's thinking is clear, logically correctly directed.
  2. 55 - a person has a well-developed intuitive sense, with which he can surprise others.
  3. 555 - a person with such a set of numbers in the square of Pythagoras has a strong clairvoyant gift.
  4. 5555 - this indicator is found only in people who are very gifted with magical abilities.

The sixth cell is responsible for the love of work.

  1. 6 - a person with one 6 squared simply needs to constantly engage in physical labor. Most often, such people live love personal plots They make excellent builders.
  2. 66 - a person has a great desire to work physically, but due to certain life circumstances, he cannot or does not have time to do this.
  3. 666 is not a good combination in terms of numerology. People do not like to create something with their hands, they only want to destroy what others have created.
  4. 6666 - a person is not at all inclined to work physically, prefers intellectual work.

The seventh cell of the square is responsible for the talents given by nature.

  1. 7 - a person does not have clearly expressed talents, but he has the opportunity to develop them in himself, and therefore, he must constantly be in search.
  2. 77 - a person is talented enough in one direction.
  3. 777 is a very gifted person, he can combine talents in a variety of unrelated directions.
  4. 7777 is a very disturbing and bad sign. The life of such people is short, most often they die in childhood. At the same time, these people are very talented.

The eighth cell testifies to the expressed spiritual qualities and is responsible for kindness.

  1. 8 - people are very trusting, easily deceived.
  2. 88 - you can rely on such people in any situation, they are practically trouble-free.
  3. 888 - a man, forgetting about himself, serves his people.
  4. 8888 - strong and capable individuals. They can make incredible discoveries in their lives.

The ninth cell speaks of the predispositions given by nature for the development of memory.

  1. 9 - average ability to memorize new information.
  2. 99 - good learning abilities in different directions.
  3. 999 - learning is so easy for a child that sometimes he gets bored.
  4. 9999 - the number of brilliant personalities who have outstanding abilities.

Numbers help to recognize not only the past of a person, but also his future. Thus, in order to manage your present, it is important to master the language of numbers in time.

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In the Pythagorean table, everything is said about people, everything that we are. Our destiny is laid down in the date of birth, but how we realize what is laid down for us by nature depends on ourselves and the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
If all parents had these tables and raised their children taking into account natural inclinations, there would be many talented people in the world.
From birth, everyone gets their number, which carries a certain characteristic. By calculating your number and using the table, you will find out what is inherent in you from birth.
With the help of the numerical system of Pythagoras, the great scientist, thinker, Initiate, who owns the secrets of the macro- and microcosm, calculate and find out what qualities, abilities and problems you had at the time of birth.

The desired number of any count is the day you were born.

For example: 13.09. 1971.

This is the number of the first row. The next action is the addition of numbers (all):
1+3+9+1+9+7+1= 31. Add 3+1=4.
We get the second row: 31 4. From the first number found, subtract the first digit of the first row, multiplied by two.
We write down the numbers of the first and second row:
We remove all the zeros that mean nothing in a person's life.

Any person lives 15 lives, acquiring a sufficient number of positive and negative qualities. How many numbers in total, such a life a person lives on earth. In our case, after death, the transition to a new, 15th life, and then the transition to higher forms of existence.

We summarize the numbers in a convenient table:

111111 4 7
2 - -
33 - 999

The number of units determines the character.

1 - a refined egoist, does not pay attention to anything and anyone around, seeks to extract the maximum benefit from any situation, first of all for himself. He has little interest in other people and what and how they live. The main thing is that he lives and must live alone. Such people, entering into marriage, usually love only themselves in it, they tend to spend any penny that has appeared in the family on themselves, taking little care of their children and wife. Sooner or later they have to pay for excesses, but more goes to a life partner.

11 - a character very close to egoistic. Passionately craves the approval and praise of others, or begins to engage in self-praise. He seems to himself the most talented, the smartest, and is extremely surprised that others do not want to notice this. It is easier to get along with such a person in a family, but it is necessary to praise him and assent all his life, otherwise there may be discord and a search for a roommate, in whose eyes he will be an ideal hero.

111 - the golden mean. The character is calm and docile. Sociable, but tries to talk less about his abilities. He does not really like to obey, but he himself is not eager for leadership. If you talk heart to heart with him, you can come to a compromise. When marrying such a person, be prepared for the fact that there will always be many friends, table conversations, empty bottles in the house. A woman will "hang" on the phone for hours, vigorously discussing someone's sins.

1111 - strong, strong-willed character. He does not tolerate sycophancy and lies, but he himself is sometimes ready to do this for the sake of loved ones. Men fit into the role of professional military, women keep their family in their fists. Husbands spend most of their time outside the family.

11111 - man-dictator, petty tyrant. For the sake of his idea or whim, he can waste millions (of lives or money). He can walk over corpses without looking back or stopping. If he does not have the opportunity to feel his importance, he can become a tyrant in the family, a hermit, or acquire mental disorders. Very persistent in intentions, but adapts well. Often pursued by some kind of mania. Attached to his children and grandchildren, specific. He tries to think everything through in advance.

111111 - the combination is extremely rare. A man is tough, cruel, but for loved ones or "for the benefit of mankind" he is able to do the impossible. People are extraordinary, usually falling under the influence of any one idea. It is difficult to communicate with them, it is difficult to compete. He does not try to spare someone's pride, he hits backhand.

The number of twos determines bioenergetics. This is the possession of abilities that go beyond the available, generally accepted.

Your bioenergy is at the lowest possible level, the channels for its intensive recruitment are open. Such people love old things, antiques, books. In relation to others, they are attentive and caring, they often have to adapt to others in order to "pump" energy, to be nourished by others. They are educated and noble by nature. There are a small number of people with opposite qualities - due to their spiritual properties, they are not able to accumulate bioenergy at all. Potential energy vampires. If there are two vampires in the family, then they will suck energy from children and others.

2 - ordinary people in terms of bioenergetics (bioenergy is scarce). Stressful situations, too strong emotions should be avoided, physical education or yoga is mandatory. Very sensitive to changes in the atmosphere. They rarely smile and treat the jokes of others condescendingly. They are boring.

22 - a relatively large supply of bioenergy. Good doctors, nurses, nurses. Their vocation is in medicine. In the family of such people, nervous stress is rare. Ideal Husbands or wife.

222 is a sign of a psychic. They are most adapted to treating others with their biofield.

2222 - and more - a woman with whom all men without exception are in love, and a man irresistible to all women. Those who have the "sign of the beast" (666) unmistakably go to them - they draw energy from them, feed on it, literally pump it out. it energy donors, frequent loss of energy leads to the fact that they are very quick-tempered, easily react to provocations, and have difficulty controlling their actions.

The number of triples determines the inner warehouse of a person.

Very clean and punctual people, something distinguishes them from environment- They are constantly cleaning something, tinder. Women are excellent housewives, but they are somewhat annoying with their desire for cleanliness. Men take good care of their appearance, do not tolerate when their girlfriends are late for a date. Children are brought up in strictness. They like to watch themselves in the mirror, to say smart, ornate phrases. Hard work is done flawlessly.

3 - mood people. They do not like to save, broad, contradictory natures. In the house they have a terrible mess, then shine and cleanliness.

33 - clearly expressed inclination to the sciences. Analytic mind. The ability to isolate the main from the secondary. Good diplomats and investigators. Always help in difficult times good advice and analysis of the situation.

333 - and more - an increased inclination towards the sciences, if it is not realized, then it gives rise to impossible pedantry, stinginess, a tendency to constant "restoration of justice." It is they who replenish the legions of old maids and eternal bachelors.

The number of fours determines health.

Health, as a rule, is very poor, a person from childhood is prone to various diseases. It will hurt the longer and more, the more deuces he has, because he will be forced to give up his energy. Hardening is recommended from childhood, a balanced diet, vitamin collection not only in spring, but all year round. Less nervous stress and drafts.

4 - average health, it is necessary to harden the body, diseases usually approach old age. Swimming and running are recommended. Massage is needed - bioenergetic or manual.

44 - good health. People are highly potent. A man is sometimes ready to break the laws of fidelity in pursuit of sexual adventures.

444 - and more - very good health and unlimited sexual possibilities. Men are naturally very strong physically. Usually they find solace not in women, but in alcohol. Powerful health allows you to take alcohol in almost unlimited quantities.

The number of fives determines intuition.

The channel of communication with the subtle world, with the cosmos is closed at birth. Such a person is constantly busy with some calculations, experiments, trying to predict further events. These people make a lot of mistakes.

5 - communication channel is open. These people make a much smaller number of mistakes, they can correctly calculate the situation, get the most out of it. It's much easier with people like that.

55 - highly developed intuition. Sometimes they see "prophetic" dreams, they can predict the course of events, usually they are good physiognomists. For some minor detail, they can outline past or future events in general terms. The most suitable professions for them are a lawyer, an investigator. You can always trust such a person, both in love and in business. But he is not always worried about other people's problems.

555 - almost clairvoyant. Such people always know exactly how to act in a given situation, so I practically do not make mistakes. In some cases, they accurately predict upcoming events. They are good at guessing on cards, in the palm of your hand. They "read" faces well and recognize a simpleton seven miles away. It's hard to hide anything from them. Neither bad mood, nor the "alien smell", which certainly remains during betrayal.

5555 - clairvoyants. Everything that happens around them is completely clear to them. There are moments in their lives when they are outside of time and space. Individuals, with the full realization of their abilities, go beyond the scope of an ordinary person. Not everyone can get along with such personalities. They are always boring. They always know how to place a lot of doubts in you.

The number of sixes determines the degree of grounding.

This man came to earth to acquire a craft. He needs physical labor, although he does not like it. Endowed with extraordinary imagination, fantasy, artistic taste. Subtle natures, they are, nevertheless, capable of action. But he will try to shift the heavy burden of life onto other people's shoulders.

6 - a person is grounded to some extent, but still the spiritual components accumulated in previous lives, incarnations, definitely prevail. You can engage in creativity or the exact sciences, but physical labor is a prerequisite for existence. The fewer sixes, the easier it is to show your abilities in any field of art.

66 - a person is very grounded. These people are drawn to physical labor, although it is not mandatory for them. Either mental activity or art is desirable.

666 - "mark of the beast" - a special and sinister sign. People of high temperament, charming, invariably becoming the center of attention in society. They don't regret what they missed. The partner or spouse of such a person must necessarily be with a large number of deuces, tk. people with the "mark of the beast" are constantly fueled by it. If the partner has few deuces, then, as a rule, after the transfer of all the energy from the donor, they immediately go to another person. Replenish stocks.

6666 - a person in his previous incarnations gained too much grounding. He works too hard and cannot imagine his life without it. If he also has nines, then it is vital for him to engage in mental activity, to develop his intellect. If such people do not receive higher education, then they suffer from this all their lives.

The number of sevens determines the measure of talent.

Such a person was born in order to earn sevens in this life. They are earned only by life's trials, soul-purifying suffering, which almost always leads to religion. This path is not easy, but it can become truly happy if you treat it and the trials sent down from above as the beginning of the path to God.

7 - such people live much easier, but all they have is their creative work. The more they work, the more they get afterwards. They are endowed with talent, but not pronounced. It is necessary to become his inspirer, to help the talent to open up. This requires faith and constant support.

77 - very strong sign"angelic" if fully developed. The person is very gifted, musical, has a delicate artistic taste. May have a penchant for the fine arts. If, in addition to the double seven, he has ones and twos, then his talent can be guided by selfishness. This man walks on the edge of a knife, he succeeds in everything - both good and bad, for him there are practically no closed doors. He wins lawsuits, happens to be too lucky in gambling. These people are sometimes very addicted.

777 is a special sign. These people, as a rule, come to earth for a short time. And if they came with life's prosperity (many fours and twos), then paralysis awaits them in old age. People are very kind, serene, they perceive any injustice very painfully, incl. slightest criticism. You always have to be careful with them.

7777 is the sign of the Angel. It is extremely rare. People with this sign die in infancy, and if they live, then their lives are constantly threatened by danger or catastrophe.

The number of eights determines the sense of duty.

Corresponds to an almost complete lack of a sense of duty. A person never considers himself indebted to anyone, never becomes dependent and prefers not to borrow anything. But if he takes, then he is in no hurry to give.

8 - these people are endowed with a sense of duty, responsibility, conscientious, accurate both in deeds and in actions. You can safely trust such a person with your thoughts and fate. The disadvantage is some programming, which can inspire boredom.

88 - a developed sense of duty. These people are distinguished by the desire to help others, especially the weak, the sick, the lonely. They consider themselves responsible for someone or something, as a result of which they can become dependent on dishonorable people. Usually they are wonderful family men.

888 is a sign of great duty, a sign of service to the people. Such people either lead the nations in order to lead them in the way of the elect, or, remaining in the shadows, not sparing themselves and sparing no effort, work for their benefit. It all depends on what ideas seize the people. Usually achieve outstanding results.

8888 - children with this sign are born with parapsychological abilities and exceptional susceptibility to the exact sciences. Supernatural ways, unconventional methods in many sciences are open to them.

The number of nines determines intelligence.

It cannot be.

9 - a person must work hard all his life to earn at least one more nine.

99 - smart from birth, always reluctant to learn, knowledge is given to them easily. Endowed with a sense of humor, with an ironic touch, independent people.

999 are very smart. There is no effort involved in learning. Their humor is more like satire. These are excellent interlocutors, child prodigies.

9999 - the truth is revealed to these people. If at the same time intuition is also developed, then they are guaranteed against failures in any of their undertakings. They are quite unpleasant, because. a sharp mind makes them rude, merciless and cruel. Compassion is not to be expected from them.

Additional calculation of the value of the numbers.

Upper - characterizes your "life core". Will you be able to withstand the storms of life or will you break at the first breeze. The more numbers you have in the first line (look horizontally), the stronger your support. The average number is 4. Those who have more than six digits are difficult to "knock out of the saddle."

Medium - it contains the qualities of a family man. The more numbers in the second line your chosen one has, the better he understands your problems and the problems of your children, the more responsible he is in marriage. The average level is 4-5 characters.

The bottom one is an indicator of your social stability. The fewer numbers you have on the bottom line, the less you are involved in political riots and the less you are subject to mass hypnosis.


Left - notes your sanity, the ability not to succumb to outside influence. The more numbers, the less you are capable of any scam, violation of the law, etc.

Medium - purposefulness. Are you ready to go all the way to achieve your goal, or the first difficulties can make you turn off the intended path.

The right one characterizes the degree of professionalism. The fewer numbers, the less heights in this or that business you can achieve, and the more you will be overwhelmed by the desire to change places.


From top left to bottom right. Divine mission. It is considered the most important. If there are many numbers in it, for example 8-10, then the mission of a person in this life goes beyond the scope of his personal destiny. It must be listened to and treated with respect.

From bottom left to top right. Love for God and people. If you have more than seven numbers on this diagonal, then you have been given high trust - to bring your light to people.

123 is a strong energy line, people survive on energy.

147 - the line of congenital well-being.

258 - line of fate.

456 - a line of strong will.

159 - the line of love for one's neighbor.

357 - line of luck - soul in space.

369 - ease in achieving the goal due to cosmic energy.

789 - line of talent.

1259 - transmigration of the soul, talent, genius.

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

1-2-3 - numbers of human energy.

4-5-6 - numbers of strength and spirit of a person.

7-8-9 - the numbers of a person's fate.

1-4-7 - numbers of human health.

2-5-8 - numbers of fate and compassion for people.

3-6-9 - numbers of social success.

1-5-9 - numbers of mind and intellect.

3-5-7 - numbers of patronage, good luck.

The meaning of the numbers.

1 - own energy (energy - to people).

2 - the ability to take energy from others (energy from people).

3 - energy from space (connection with space).

4 - health.

5 - love.

6 - intuition.

7 - guardian angel.

8 - fate in fate (fate).

9 - intelligence (social success).

An example of an additional calculation of the value of numbers:

111111 4 7
2 - -
33 - 999

There are 14 numbers in total. A person lives the 14th life (15 in total). One more life, then - weighing the "good" and "evil" deeds accumulated over 15 lives, hell or heaven to cleanse the soul and move to another dimension.

111111- 4 - 7 - eight digits of will - due to personal energy (111111), health (4) and guardian angel (7).

2- - - - - one figure of emotions - due to energy from others (2).

33 - - 999 - five digits of the mind - due to the energy of the cosmos and knowledge acquired in this and past lives.

Its energy - 111111 - 6 units. Suppresses those around him with his energy.

Low ability to take energy from others.

Two numbers of triples (33) - energy from space, help from space.

Health - one number (4) - you need to strengthen your health, take care of yourself.

There is no love (5) from others and to others.

There is no intuition (6).

One guardian angel (7). If one "7" - the second is lost in a past life (accident, violent death, etc.).

The fate is chosen by the person himself (there are no eights).

Three nines of the mind (999) (see above, the beginning of the calculation according to the Pythagorean table). Clever man. Knowledge comes easily. High intelligence, social success.

111111 4 7
2 - -
33 - 999

The top line is your "lifeline". Will you be able to withstand the storms of life or will you break at the first breeze. The numbers are more than six - such a person is difficult to "knock out of the saddle." He conquers the storms of life with his energy (111111), health and guardian angel. It is only necessary to determine what kind of guardian angel it is - good and evil. This is an "inner voice" that gives clues in different life situations - how to act, one way or another. If the hint is “kind” and worked, this is a good guardian angel. If the hint is evil, in any case it is an evil guardian angel.

Medium - it contains the qualities of a family man. Your chosen one has few numbers in the second line - he does not understand your problems and the problems of your children, only due to the prompts of others. The family is preserved only at the expense of the tips of others, which is not always good - there are also evil tips.

The lower one is an indicator of social stability. Man is guided by clues from space and his mind.

111111 4 7
2 - -
33 - 999


Left - notes sanity, the ability not to succumb to outside influence. This person is always guided by his own will, the energy of other people and the cosmos have less influence on him.

Medium - purposefulness. Health is weak, love and intuition do not help, since they do not exist (there are no fives and sixes).

The right one characterizes the degree of professionalism. All successes are due to one's own mind and the tips of one guardian angel (the presence of two sevens, two guardian angels, makes it possible to choose among good and evil advice).

111111 4 7
2 - -
33 - 999


From top left to bottom right. Divine mission. There are many numbers in it, (9), which means that the mission of a person in this life goes beyond the scope of his personal destiny. It must be listened to and treated with respect. This he will achieve at the expense of the mind (999) and personal energy (111111).

From bottom left to top right. Love for God and people. Due to the energy of the cosmos and the tips of one guardian angel.

111111 4 7
2 - -
33 - 999

123 is a strong energy line, people survive on their energy and the help of the cosmos.

147 - the line of innate well-being - due to its energy and enterprise.

258 - line of fate. Love (5) and destiny (8) are not. Fate is due to your choice and your energy.

456 - a line of strong will. Love (5) and intuition (6) are not. A practically weak-willed person - poor health (4) ..

159 - the line of love for one's neighbor. There is no love (5), there is only the imposition of one's own opinion and views at the expense of one's energy (111111) and one's mind (999).

357 - line of luck. No luck - due to lack of love (5).

369 - there is no ease in achieving the goal due to cosmic energy - there is no intuition (6). Man relies only on his mind and the help of the cosmos.

789 - no talent line, no fate (8). Man will achieve everything only by his own labor.

1259 - transmigration of the soul, talent, genius. There is no relocation to the next life, no love (5). You need to acquire love from people, giving them your own in return, in order to move on to the last, 15th life, completing the earth cycle.

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

111111 4 7
2 - -
33 - 999

1-2-3 - numbers of human energy. Basically - its own energy and the help of the cosmos. The energy from the surroundings is negligible.

4-5-6 - numbers of strength and spirit of a person. Strength and spirit are insignificant.

7-8-9 - the numbers of a person's fate. The fate of a person is determined by the help of one guardian angel and his mind.

1-4-7 - numbers of human health. Health is supported only by its considerable energy.

2-5-8 - numbers of fate and compassion for people. Fate and compassion for people depend only on the insignificant energy of others.

3-6-9 - numbers of social success. Social success is determined only by the energy of the cosmos and one's own mind, there is no intuition.

1-5-9 - numbers of mind and intellect. Mind and intellect - due to their energy and mind, there is no love - "an evil genius."

3-5-7 - numbers of patronage, good luck. With the help of the cosmos and one guardian angel. There is no love from others, just as there is no love for others.

Using the Pythagorean table, you can calculate and find out the character and qualities of any person, compare people in a team, calculate whether a person can work in this team, what he will give to people and what qualities he will acquire in return. You can calculate marriage partners, marital compatibility, which interferes with a normal, peaceful life. And if a person is prone to introspection, self-criticism, the ability to change his habits and qualities, then harmony will invariably come, interfering factors will be overcome and peace and happiness will reign.

All that you have learned is your original data in this life, your capabilities, which were inherent in you at birth, passed into you from a past life, and whether you took advantage of them, only you yourself can say.
The table laid down in you at birth you change during your life - for better or for worse - you gain intelligence, develop qualities, gain or lose health. In this life, you can not only gain something positive, but also lose ...

According to Christianity, there are 7 deadly sins:





Love of money.

In Japan, they say that a person has 6 vices:







At least try to overcome everything negative, not commit mortal sins, listen to the opinions of others, and your life will change for the better.

In Europe, the founder of the science of numbers was the ancient Greek thinker Pythagoras from Samos, who interpreted the meaning of numbers, thanks to which they began to be called Pythagorean numbers.

Pythagorean numbers and their meaning

In the Pythagorean system, even numbers preferred to even, and the numbers 1 and 3 represent supreme god, perfect harmony. Pythagoras especially liked prime numbers, which are divisible only by themselves and by one: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 1 13.17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37,41,43, 47, 53, 59 , 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 8 89, 97...

In numerology, it is believed that these are lucky numbers for betting on horse races and lotteries. Numerology uses only nine digits that correspond to the letters of the Greek alphabet (later many modifications were created, including Latin and Russian). The numerical value of the word is summed up, and the digits are added to make one digit.

Numerology explores numbers from 1 to 9, called "simple", their influence on the fate of people, their hidden meaning (meaning) and the nature of persons revealed with their help. All existing numbers are a repetition of these nine: 10 is 1 + 0 (that is, 10 according to the principle of numerology corresponds to 1), 11 corresponds to 2, since 1 + 1 = 2; 12 corresponds to 3(1 + 2 = 3) and so on. Any number, regardless of its size, can be reduced to one digit by "natural addition" of its digits from left to right.

Pythagorean number 0

Pythagoras considered the sign 0 as the progenitor of the unit, containing everything that exists. Zero is emptiness, mystery, nothing - but also eternity, the absolute or essence of reality, universality, potency, generating a span of time.

In the comments to the last line of the first verse of the fourth page of the "Book of Dzyan" ("...everything is the One Number that came from No-Number") H.P. Blavatsky writes: “That which is absolutely, of course, is No-Number, but in its later meaning it has an application both in Space and in Time.

It signifies not only that each increase in time is a part of a larger increase to the most infinite duration comprehensible by human reason, but also that no manifested thing can be considered otherwise than a part of the Whole; the whole totality, being the One, Manifested Universe, emanating from the Unmanifested or Absolute called Non-Being or He-Number to distinguish it from Being or One Number.

Zero is a wonderful, very many-valued number, and in vain it is customary for us to call a narrow-minded person "zero without a wand." In gematria, 0 is not considered because there is no letter corresponding to such a numerical expression.

Pythagorean number 1 - Monad

The Pythagoreans believed that the number 1 represented the Supreme God, that it contained everything and was derived from everything. This is the center that is everywhere, which is indivisible and necessary, since there is no number in which we do not find one.

The monad symbolized the number 1 and corresponded to the Sun. It was the beginning from which the remaining nine numbers were built. If the basis of all numbers is 1, then the basis of all life is the Monad. This number symbolized everything that is creative, individual and positive.

A person born under the number 1 (the sum of the letters in the name when added gives one, or the sum of the digits of the year of birth gives this number, or the sum of the birthday and month, or the sign of the Zodiac, etc. - there were many systems), is creative, inventive, with a pronounced individuality, determined in his views and, consequently, more or less stubborn and resolute in all his undertakings.

People with the number 1 are ambitious, do not like coercion and always go uphill, whatever their profession or occupation. They strive to become leaders and enjoy authority and respect among subordinates.

by the most good days weeks for these people are Sunday and Monday. All shades of gold, yellow, bronze colors bring good luck to these people. They bring happiness such stones as topaz, amber, yellow diamond and all stones of yellow color. If possible, they should wear a piece of amber in contact with the body.

Pythagorean number 2 - Duad

A monad, that is, an object that reflects a certain conventional unit, is considered in two ways. Displaying the properties of one object, you can highlight the right and left, top and bottom, etc., reflecting the duality of nature. Sometimes paired properties were displayed quite clearly.

Binaries top-bottom, right-left or inner-outer do not need special explanation, especially if one of the halves of the figure was painted over in black and the other in white. The famous ancient Eastern Monad - the Yang-Yin emblem (see below) represents just such a sign, such a pair.

Some numerologists believed that the number 2 symbolizes the Moon, but ... has the feminine attributes (properties) of the Sun. “And this is the only reason,” writes Count Louis Hamon (aka Heiro), the great kabbalist, palmist and numerologist of the early 20th century, “the vibrations of the number 2 harmonize and form good combinations, although people with number 1 and number 2 are extremely opposite in character.

Number 2 people (who were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th and Tuesday) are mild-mannered, imaginative, artistic and romantic. Like people with the number 1, they are inventive, but not so stubborn in the implementation of their ideas. Actions are more in the mental (psychological) than in the material realm, and they are rarely strong physically, like people born under the number 1.

Number 2 and number 1 people are in harmony with each other and to a lesser extent with number 7 people who are born on the 7th, 16th or 25th. People with the number 2 should try to carry out their main plans and ideas on those days whose numbers are in harmony with their own number, that is, on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th from June 20 to July 27.

The more fortunate or happy days of the week for them are Sunday, Monday and Friday (in this case, Friday is a lucky sign, since this day is ruled by Venus). The main faults they have to contend with are: restlessness, lack of constancy in their intentions and views, self-doubt, impressionability, and a depressed and melancholy state.

Their lucky colors are all shades of green, from the darkest to the brightest, as well as cream and white; all dark colors (especially black), as well as purple and dark red, do not harmonize with them. Their lucky stones are pearls, moonstone, and all dull green stones; they should always carry a piece of jade with them.

Pythagorean number 3 - Triad

Objects have not only paired features. There are not only up-down binaries, sun-moon, man-woman, etc. There is right and left, but there is also middle, there are old people and children, but there are also mature people. There is a root and a leaf, but there is also a stem. There is a head and legs, but there is also a body. The number 3 symbolizes Jupiter - a planet that plays an important role both in astrology and in all systems of numerology.

The number three is assigned the word "everything" - "triad" is the number of the whole, because it contains the beginning, middle and end (Aristotle). It is the beginning of the so-called main series: all numbers from 3 to 9. This figure symbolizes a person: his body, soul and spirit; birth, life and death; beginning, middle and end; past, present and future. The number 3 represents the lunar cycle - the three phases of the moon.

“Two personalities, father and mother, are complemented by a third person, which is their child. So, the number three matters both in dividing the world into parts and in their very composition,” writes Adolphe Debarrol. “Thinkers took the number three as a necessary condition, the dogma of harmony, the key to all sciences and mysteries. Nature itself goes in its development in three ways: the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and the animal kingdom."

They tried to find the secret of this number in other areas: “In the environment of sounds, there are also only three main points: the tonic is the fulcrum; the fifth is the opposing one; the third is the neutral point between the first two antagonists,” points out the French occultist of the 19th century Louis Lucas- Hydrogen corresponds to the tonic; oxygen corresponds to the fifth; the neutrality of nitrogen corresponds to the third.

Trinity lunar deities and trinity goddesses are constantly present in the Semitic, Greek, Celtic and ancient Germanic religions. In the folklore of all peoples there are three wishes, three attempts, three princes, three witches.

The main symbol of the triple is a triangle. The triple is equivalent to the set, which means that it can symbolize big number, accumulation. People with the number 3 are ambitious, will never be satisfied with the position of a subordinate, their goal is their own greatness, power over others.

They value order and discipline in everything; they themselves readily obey the orders of others, but also require strict implementation of their own instructions, often reach a high position in society, more often than others succeed in military affairs and in life in general. In responsible positions, they are extremely conscientious in the performance of their duties.

Their disadvantage is that they are prone to dictatorship and because of this they make many enemies, although they are very peaceful by nature. These people are unusually proud, do not like to be obliged, and also exceptionally independent and easily irritated because of the slightest restriction of their freedom. They bring happiness to different shades of mauve, purple and magenta.

All shades of blue and crimson and pink flowers are also favorable, but more like secondary colors. The lucky stone for these people is amethyst, which they should always carry with them and, if possible, wear in contact with the body. The number 3 itself is a lucky number. In China, it is a symbol of holiness, legality, honor and sophistication.

Pythagorean number 4 - Tetrad

Dividing by three required an understanding of the "golden mean". Dividing by four in this sense was much simpler, since it involved only the use of a "logical square", Cartesian coordinates, pairwise opposites, or pairwise negations.

Therefore, if there was a dressed woman in the upper left corner, and a dressed man in the right corner, it was understandable! as a pair of a man-woman and such a sign as "clothing", "vest", was not included in the symbolism. However, if there were already four objects and a naked man and a naked woman appeared, then four combinations of signs appeared (AA, BB, AB, BA).

Fire and Water, Air and Earth - this is one of those great, truly "magic" divisions of the nature around us, which has existed for hundreds and thousands of years, and it was this that served as the basis for the Cartesian coordinates that are familiar to every schoolchild.

In Christianity, the number 4 is commonly used as a reference to the four evangelists (Mark, Matthew, Luke and John). The number 4 among numerologists symbolizes the planet Uranus, which is associated with the Sun and the number 1 and is written in occultism as 41 (why - it will become clear when we move on to the number 5).

People born under the number 4 have different personalities. It seems that they can understand everything, any point of view. They love to argue and, although they are not cocky, they still make a large number of secret and worst enemies. These people instinctively rebel against established rules and, if they have the opportunity, turn established order in society and government.

"These people often rebel against constitutional authority and establish new rules in both domestic and public life. They are interested in social issues and reforms of all kinds; they have unusual views on life. Friends are not easily acquired. They rarely succeed in worldly or practical affairs just like people born under other numbers, and, as a rule, are more or less indifferent to money, but if money gets to them, they surprise everyone with their skillful use.

The main disadvantage of such people is that they are very nervous and sensitive, easily hurt, often feel lonely and become depressed and melancholic if they do not succeed; as a rule, make few real friends, but for these few they are the most devoted and true friends; always take the side of the humiliated and offended.

As for the lucky colors, they should wear the so-called midtones or electric colors. Electric blue and gray seem to suit them best. Their lucky stone is sapphire, light or dark, and if possible they should wear this stone in contact with the body.

Pythagorean number 5 - Pentad

In the Old Testament, the Pentateuch, that is, the five books of Moses, is especially revered. In the New Testament, Jesus fed 4,000 people with five loaves, and the five wounds of Christ are sealed with crosses on the stones of the altars. The number 5 symbolizes the planet Mercury and is versatile in all its characteristics.

People with the number 5 are quick-witted and agile in decisions, impulsive in actions; hate work that requires perseverance and strive to make money quickly; I have a keen sense of how to get rich with I inventions and new ideas. These are born speculators, they are prone to exchange transactions and are usually ready to take risks in everything they undertake.

These individuals are distinguished by adaptability and flexibility of character, quickly recovering from the hardest blows. They are like their symbol of mercury, the symbol of Mercury - the blows of Fate do not leave marks on their character; if they are by nature good, they remain so; if they are harmful, not a single sermon in the world will change them one iota.

The more fortunate or happy days of the week for them are Wednesday and Friday, especially if the number 5 falls on one of these days.

The biggest disadvantage of such people is that they spend energy indefinitely, get nervous breakdowns and, due to any mental (mental) stress, are easily irritated.

Their lucky colors are all shades of light grey, white and brilliant colors; although just as they are able to make friends among people born under any number, so shades can wear any color. But, nevertheless, they should wear dark colors as little as possible.

Their lucky stone is a diamond, as well as all sparkling stones. Bring good luck and jewelry made of platinum and silver; if possible, it is good to wear a diamond set in platinum in contact with the body. Chinese philosophers considered the main 5 colors (blue, red, yellow, white, black), and in astrology they used not 7 planets, but only 5 (Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury). The sun and the moon were excluded from this list, because they were considered a clear embodiment of the principles of Yang and Yin.

And besides this, there were 5 sacred mountains, dragons, grains, flowers, types of taste, poisons, powerful amulets, basic virtues, initiations, eternal ideals, 5 types of relationships between people. Will we now be surprised to learn that the Chinese musical scale also consisted of not 7 notes, but only 5?

Pythagorean number 6 - Hexad

The even numbers 2 and 4 made it possible to introduce important bilateral symmetry (two-sided similarity and similarity), but the appearance of the combination "two by three" (2 x 3) or "three by two" (3 x 2) introduced completely new nuances, which was expressed in every possible way, in particular, in the structure of the zodiac scheme and zodiac-like systems (starry sky, time year, etc.).

Since very many scientists gravitated towards the higher, towards the divine, towards the heavenly, towards the "planetary", it is not surprising that it was through the numbers 6 and 12 that astronomical and astrological symbolism.

The number 6 in numerology symbolizes the planet Venus. This is the most perfect number within ten, because: 1 + 2 + 3 \u003d b, and also 1x2x3 \u003d 6. The philosopher Philo called him "the most prolific of all numbers." It symbolizes balance and harmony.

In Christianity, the number 6 means perfection, completeness (6 days of creation); in Kabbalah this number symbolizes creation and beauty, among the Sumerians - 6 days of creation. In the Pythagorean system, 6 is a sign of good luck or happiness (this meaning is still preserved for dice), like a cube that has 6 faces and symbolizes stability and truth.

In European numerology, people with a birth number of 6 are considered extremely attractive, they are attractive, often objects of love and even adoration. As a rule, they are characterized to a greater extent by maternal love than sensual. In all matters of love, they rely on romanticism and idealism.

In a sense, they have very pronounced traits of the "character" of Venus: they have the most beautiful houses, love beautiful things and living, bright colors as well as painting, sculpture and music. They are very determined in the implementation of their plans, stubborn and unyielding, except when they become deeply attached, devoted to those they love.

If people with the number 6 are rich, then they are most generous towards art and artists, like to entertain their friends and make everyone happy, but there is one thing that they cannot stand: disagreement and jealousy. Possessed by anger, they do not tolerate any opposition and fight to the death for everything they value. Number 6 people should try to carry out their plans and plans on all dates that fall on their own number, as well as on the 15th or 24th.

Their lucky colors are all shades of blue, from the lightest to the darkest, and all shades of pink, but blacks and dark purples should be neglected. Turquoise is their happiest stone, and whenever possible they should wear a piece of turquoise in contact with the body. Emerald is also lucky for people with the number 6 (according to Heiro).

Pythagorean number 7 - Heptad

The number 7 among philosophers was a priori considered the number of the Universe. It meant completeness and totality. Containing the three as a symbol of Heaven and the soul and the four as a symbol of the Earth and the body, seven is the first number, covering both the spiritual and the temporal. In Buddhism, 7 is the number of ascent, ascent to the highest, finding the center.

The seven steps of the Buddha symbolize the ascent of the 7 cosmic steps that transcend time and space. The seven-storied prasada at Borobudur is a sacred mountain and the axis of the world, culminating in the transcendent north, reaching the realm of the Buddha.

The number 7 symbolizes the planet Neptune and represents all people born on the 7th, 1b or 25th, but has a stronger effect on people who were born from June 21 to July 20-27 - the period of the Zodiac called the House of the Moon. The planet Neptune has always been associated with the Moon, and as part of the Zodiac was also called the First House of Water; therefore Neptune has always been associated with water.

People born under the number 7 are very independent, original and have a strong personality. Deep down, being restless by nature, they love change and travel. If they have the opportunity to satisfy their desires, they visit foreign countries and are interested in their politics, history, etc.; literally devour travel books and have universal knowledge about the world.

People with the number 7 can be good writers, artists or poets, but in everything they do, a special philosophical outlook on life eventually manifests itself, which colors all their work.

They care little about the material side of life; often become rich thanks to their original ideas and donate heavily to charity. Women with this number marry successfully, as they are always worried about the future and need stability and peace, wherever the waters of Fate take them.

People with the number 7 are useful in business; often become experts and importers dealing with foreign countries, ship owners or captains. They have their own special views on religion, do not like to follow the beaten track; create their own faith. In most cases, they have great inclinations towards the occult. They have a very developed intuition, they have the gift of foresight and a special mysterious attraction that greatly affects other people.

Their lucky colors are all shades of green, all dull tones, and white and yellow; as far as possible they should avoid gloomy, dark colors. Their lucky stones are moonstone, tiger's eye and pearls.

Pythagorean number 8 - Ogdoada

A lot of interesting things are connected with this number. The Greeks, because of the equal division into equal even numbers, called it the number of Justice, which is why the occult symbol of the number 8 from time immemorial has been the statue of Justice with a sword raised up and scales in its left hand. The number 8 is difficult to explain. It is made up of two equal numbers: 4 and 4.

Therefore, it represents two worlds - material and spiritual. Jews are known to have been circumcised on the 8th day after birth. At their feast of the Consecration, they held 8 lit candles, and this feast lasted 8 days. There were 8 sects of the Pharisees. Noah belonged to the 8th generation of Adam's descendants.

In world architecture, architectural buildings and various dispositions based on the octagon are popular, which symbolizes spiritual rebirth, since figures with 8 sides are associated with the idea of ​​an intermediary between a square and a circle.

In the countries of Western Europe, "baptisteries" are widespread - baptismal rooms, baptismal rooms, free-standing structures, round or octagonal in plan, completed with a dome. Russian and Ukrainian church architecture is also characterized by the so-called octagonal structures or part of it, octagonal in plan.

In astrology, the number 8 refers to Saturn, which is otherwise called the planet of Destiny. Since ancient times, the number has been associated with the symbol of Destiny, both in connection with the life of individuals and entire nations. One side of the nature of this number represents revolution, upheaval, anarchy, willfulness and eccentricity of all types.

The other side of it represents philosophical thoughts, a penchant for occult teachings, religiosity, concentration of intentions, diligence in business and a fatal outlook on things that colors all human actions.

In numerology, it was believed that the number 8 affects all persons born on the 8th, 17th or 26th. Saturn is the God of time and the Ruler of eternity (he is depicted as a gloomy old man with a scythe). These people are often misunderstood by others, and maybe because of this they are very lonely at heart. People born under the number 8 have a deep and ardent (strong) nature, a strong personality. They often play an important role in the arena of life, but usually fatal or an instrument of Fate for others.

If they are religious, they go to extremes and become fanatics in their zeal; any business they undertake, they try to carry out in spite of all arguments or opposition, and thereby make embittered and ruthless enemies.

They often appear cold and reserved, although they are actually partial to any kind of oppression, but they hide their feelings and allow people to do whatever they want. People with the number 8 are either very successful, or they are big losers - there is no golden mean in this case.

If they are ambitious, they usually strive for social activities and to government positions; often occupy a very high position, requiring great sacrifices from them. However, from a life position, 8 is not a lucky number - such people are called upon to face the greatest losses, grief and humiliation.

Lucky colors for people born under the number 8 are all shades of dark grey, black, dark blue and purple. If people with the number 8 are wearing light colors, then they look somehow awkward, as if something is wrong with them.

The number 8 is the number of Saturn, and Saturday is its most important day. Number 8 people find Saturday, Sunday and Monday to be their most important days.

They should try to carry out their designs and plans on all days that fall on their own number, as well as on 17 or 26, 4, 13, 22, 31, especially when these dates fall on the period of the number 8, that is, from December 21 until January 20-27 and in the period February 19-26; and also if these dates fall on Saturday, Sunday or Monday.

Their lucky stones are amethyst and dark sapphire, as well as black pearl or black diamond, and if possible they should wear one of these in contact with the body. All those who have the number 8 clearly associated with their lives feel that they are not similar and different from their peers.

Deep down they are lonely; often remain misunderstood and seldom reap the fruits of the good they have done in life; when they die, they are often eulogized, praised for their work, and given generous tributes to their memory.

Pythagorean number 9 - Ennead

Among the symbolic numbers, 9 was understood as the number 3 raised to the third power. The number 9 has some curious properties. This is the only number that reproduces itself by multiplying by any number, for example: 9x2 \u003d 18, and 8 + 1 \u003d 9. The number 9 was significant primarily in religion and cosmology ancient egypt, where it was about the sitema of the gods called "pesediet" (groups of nine, nines).

In the Greek mythology of the city of On (Heliopolis), the host of gods included the head - the creator god Atum and his eight children. AT Ancient China the number nine plays an important role in the sacred "Book of Changes" ("I-ching"), as well as in the "Book of rituals", which speaks of 9 ceremonies (holiday of the coming of age of men, marriage).

In all occult calculations, the numbers 7 and 9 occupy special role. It has always been believed that the number 7 refers "to the spiritual side of human life and acts on Earth, like God or a creative force. The number 9 in the planetary world symbolizes the planet Mars and denotes physical strength and therefore applies to everything material.

The number 9 is lucky for birth, provided that the person controls himself and restrains excess temperament and strength. Number 9 people are fighters in everything they undertake in life. They usually have difficulty young age, but in the end, thanks to the strength of character, strong will and determination, they achieve success.

By nature, these people are quick-tempered, impulsive, independent and tend to be their own masters. When the number 9 more than usual dominates the dates and events of their lives, they make bitter enemies, bickering and causing confrontation wherever they are. They are often wounded or killed in war or peacetime in the struggle for existence.

Number 9 people are very brave and are leaders and excellent soldiers. Their biggest troubles come from reckless courage and impulsiveness. They can become victims of accidents due to fire and explosion and rarely go through life without bodily injury.

They are offended by criticism and, even if they are not conceited, they always have a good opinion of themselves, do not tolerate any interference in their affairs, love to be treated with respect and recognized as the head of the house.

People with the number 9 are excellent, resourceful organizers, but must be under complete control, because if they lose heart, they let things take their course. For love, they will do almost anything; a man can be greatly fooled if some smart woman skillfully plays on his spiritual strings.

Lucky colors for people born under the number 9 are all shades of crimson or red, as well as all shades of pink. Their most important days of the week are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but especially Tuesday (called the day of Mars). The lucky stones of these people are ruby, garnet and heliotrope; they must wear one of these stones in contact with the body.

Your psychomatrix

Meaning of psychomatrix cells

Each number in the cells of the psychomatrix is ​​a quantitative indicator of an innate quality. It can also be said differently: this is an assessment of the influence of personality traits on the character and fate of a person on a scale from 1 to 9.

What makes it possible to calculate the psychomatrix in practice? Of course, answers to those questions that must inevitably arise in the process of developing relationships with a particular person. What does he want, what can he do, what will he decide? And what reaction should be expected from him in this or that life situation?

Knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular, do not wait and do not demand what is obviously impossible.

"1" - strength of character
"2" - human energy
"3" - cognitive potential
"4" - health potential
"5" - intuition and logic
"6" - propensity to work
"7" - luck
"8" - level of responsibility
"9" - memory and intelligence

The meaning of the psychomatrix lines

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras by date of birth sets eight lines - three rows, three columns and two diagonals. Each of these lines combines the qualities of its constituent cells, thus becoming an indicator of a personality trait of a higher, total level. Obviously, the degree of expression of this property directly depends on the number of digits in each cell that makes up the line.

For example: exceptional curiosity and the broadest sphere of interests, which is indicated by a large number of "triples", can in no way be considered a guarantee of stability with a weakly expressed industriousness (6) and a lack of ability to accumulate life experience (9).

The ability to correctly read the lines of the psychomatrix is ​​the basis for understanding the very essence of the numerological analysis of personality. The cells of the Pythagorean square is a list of strong and weaknesses personality. The lines are real life man, his credo, his code of conduct, his life position.


The value of additional psychomatrix numbers

The calculation of additional numbers is not difficult, but requires care. The first additional number in the table is the sum of all the digits of the date of birth - these are the qualities that need to be strengthened in order to fulfill their destiny. The second - the sum of the digits of the first additional number - determines the life goal itself.

The third is the difference between the first additional number and twice the value of the first digit of the date of birth, and the fourth is the sum of the digits of the third additional number. These are the numbers of innate potential, those qualities that will help you achieve your goal.

Strengthening the psychomatrix

The indicator of each cell of the psychomatrix can be changed - strengthened or weakened by the influence of the row, column and diagonal, of which this cell is a part. The square of Pythagoras in numerology suggests for almost any person several options for such transformations. Without taking into account these influences, it is impossible to get a correct idea of ​​a person's personality.

Psychomatrix Compatibility

Compatibility according to the psychomatrix - an assessment of the potential of the relationship of partners according to the compatibility of key personality traits. Analysis of the psychomatrix takes into account the degree of manifestation of such character traits as purposefulness, propensity for family life, stability, self-esteem, talent, performance, temperament, spirituality, character and energy. The more indicators match, the higher the probability of a successful union.

Important and dangerous days

Identification of important and dangerous days is comparative analysis special numbers of the date of birth and a specific calendar date. The coincidence in these rows of numbers indicates the days when the probability of making a fatal error is highest. It is impossible to influence the circumstances, to change the initial data. But if you know about it in advance, you can calculate your actions in advance and refrain from those of them that will have irreversible consequences.

Psychomatrix and forecast by years

A change graph is a description of the changes that occur with the type of perception and way of thinking of a person. A characteristic feature of this interpretation is that, in contrast to the numbers personal year, there is no cyclicity, predictable orderliness. In one year, a person can make a cardinal moral gradation, which will completely change his system of values.

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