How to make a beautiful manicure at home. For such a design, nails will be needed. Why have past attempts failed?

the beauty 22.01.2018
the beauty

Manicure- cosmetic procedure for decorating and processing nails on the fingers. Every girl wants to decorate her life a little, and a manicure is a good choice. In this guide, we will tell you how to do a manicure at home.

What kind of manicure to do?

There are many different ways to do a manicure using different tools. We will talk about this in our instructions.

How to do a manicure?

Many women believe that you can just paint your nails and be done with it - this is a wrong opinion. After all, a manicure is not only a decoration, but also hand hygiene. If you decide to do a manicure at home, clearly follow the sequence of steps so that there are no problems in the future.

How to do your own manicure:

Give the shape of the nail that suits you;
- Steam your nails before manicure;
- remove cuticles;
- massage using nourishing creams;
- decorate nails;
- increase artificial nails.

Tools for the job:

Special nail file;
- manicure nippers;
- cuticle softener, bath salt;
- varnish;
- cotton wool, cotton swabs, napkins;
- nail scissors;
- decorative ornaments;
- nail spatula in the form of a spatula.

How to make a home manicure? How to make a simple manicure?

1. With cotton (cotton swab) and nail polish remover, remove the old coating from the nail.

2. We give the desired shape and length with a nail file and scissors. Often they make an almond-shaped, rounded or square shape.

3. Remove cuticles. To make it painless to the maximum - soften them by dipping your hands in hot water for 5-10 minutes. You can add sea salt to the water, or special softening agents. When removing cuticles, adhere to the following rules: use scissors with rounded ends, when cutting, start from the side and move smoothly to the base of the nail, then the same way on the other side.

4. Let's start processing the side rollers. Try to cut off the delicate skin closest to the nail plate as carefully as possible. Use tweezers or nippers for this.

5. We prepare nails for painting. It is required to dry well and grind with a special nail file, if necessary.

6. Before applying the varnish, it should be mixed. We apply varnish on the nails, adhering to several rules - do not collect a lot of varnish on the brush, cover the entire surface of the nails with gentle movements.

VIDEO. How to make a beautiful manicure at home?

How to do a gel manicure?

Gel manicure- application of a special gel on the surface of the nail. The purpose of the gel is to nourish and protect the surface of the nail, and it also helps to make a very unusual and beautiful manicure.

1. Degrease and remove moisture from the surface of the nail.
2. Apply a primer to the free edge of the nail.
3. Apply the base layer of the gel. If you want to lengthen your nails, use fiberglass or silk.
4. We apply a modeling gel, which we fix with the final layer.

Video. How to do a gel manicure?

How to do an ombre manicure? How to make a gradient manicure?

ombre- smooth transition of one color to another (gradient).

What do you need for a fade/gradient manicure?

Nail polish of different colors, two, three or more;
- a piece of sponge and a couple of toothpicks for mixing varnish;
- colorless nail polish or coating.


1. Pour two types of varnish into a small bowl.
2. Stir only the edges of the puddles with a toothpick.
3. Dip the sponge and apply to the nail.
4. Remove excess polish with nail polish remover. Use a cotton swab for this.
5. Apply a colorless coating on top.

VIDEO. How beautiful to make a manicure with stripes (ombre)?

How to make a manicure with a sponge?

As you already understood, with the help of a sponge you can do a manicure very quickly and easily. Fantasize, create different colors, your hands will always attract attention. You can use from one to several colors.

How to make a manicure with stripes?

Manicure with stripes- stylish, bright, perfect for some of your outfits.

What will be needed?

Lacquer of two or more colors
- adhesive tape for nails (thickness 1 mm)


1. Apply the base color of the varnish over the entire surface of the nail. Wait for it to dry.
2. Stick the tape along or across the nail (your choice). Try to keep the distance between the stickers the same, as well as symmetry on all nails.
3. We apply the second color of varnish. Make sure that the varnish is on the entire surface we need.
4. Remove the tape immediately after applying the second layer.
5. Apply a protective layer of clear varnish.

VIDEO. How beautiful to make a manicure with stripes?

How to make a newspaper manicure?

“Newspaper” is called a manicure, where part of the newspaper is used as a pattern on the nails. Often a unique pattern is obtained on each nail.

What will be required?

- varnish, fixative
- nail polish remover

1. We prepare nails for manicure: remove the old varnish, cut off the cuticles, give the nails the desired shape.
2. Cut out ten pieces of the same size with text from the newspaper. Each leaf should be larger than a fingernail.
3. We cover one nail with a colorless varnish. Without waiting for the varnish to dry, we take a piece of newspaper, drip a little nail polish remover on it and immediately attach it to the nail. Press well. Make no mistake - moving the paper over the nail, otherwise the letters from the newspaper will not translate clearly.

4. After a couple of minutes, remove the paper, some of the paper may remain on the surface of the nail.
5. We cover the nail with a protective, colorless varnish. Do the same for the rest of the fingers.

VIDEO. How beautiful to make a newspaper manicure?

How to make a manicure with a needle?

Nail art (manicure with a needle) - every year it is gaining more and more popularity. Girls love to be unique, and such a manicure fulfills this task, because you can depict any pattern on your nails.

With each generation, the secrets of preserving and maintaining external attractiveness are passed from mother to daughter. In past centuries, only a few women could afford the services of those who, by occupation, knew how to do a manicure. Most of the beautiful half of humanity looked after themselves on their own, guided by the experience of past generations. Fortunately, in the 21st century, nail services have become widely available. Nevertheless, many girls strive to master manicure at home, because such a skill is very valuable.

Firstly, the ability to take care of your own nails saves a lot of time. Perhaps, at first, while you master all the subtleties of manicure, the procedure will take you about an hour, but with the acquisition of experience, the period will be halved. Secondly, a useful skill is useful in situations where going to the salon is impossible. It can be long trips or holidays in the country, when you need to look at least well-groomed. The third advantage, of course, is the cost savings. family budget. Having learned how to do a manicure yourself at home, you will receive not only a positive charge of emotions, but also a valuable skill that can make your life easier.

Today, there are many ways and technologies for self-care of nails. The choice in favor of one method or another will depend only on your preferences and capabilities. To make the learning process easy and simple, the article is filled with useful video tutorials and photos that remain relevant in 2014. You will learn how to perform the correct manicure step by step at home.

The choice of tools for home manicure

Quality tools and materials are a must proper care behind the nails. What do you need in your home arsenal?

  • Manicure scissors.
  • Nail file and buff for nails.
  • Cuticle nippers.
  • Orange stick.

The photo shows samples of the above tools with which you can carry out high-quality manicure at home.

When choosing a nail file for a manicure, you need to pay attention not to fashionable pictures, but to the degree of its abrasiveness, which should not be lower than 180 grit. Give preference to glass or plastic models, as a metal tool often causes nail delamination. A polishing buff or file-grinder should have an abrasiveness of 400 grit and above. When choosing nail scissors and nippers, it is better to give preference to professional models with manual sharpening. The main condition: the tool must be selected individually for you, so that a regular home manicure is a pleasure, and you feel comfortable doing it yourself.

How to work with the length and surface of the nails?

Girls who decide to acquire a useful skill often wonder where to start? Before you learn how to do a manicure at home, you need to master one of the most important stages of nail care. We will talk about the correction of the length and shape of the tips. Most often, a nail file is used for these purposes, but in some cases, when performing a home manicure, it is necessary to use scissors. A short list of recommendations will help you cut your nails correctly and without harm to health.

  1. This procedure is more often used for children and men. Girls, as a rule, start a manicure at home with filing. Even if you do not use scissors yet, some knowledge may come in handy in the future. Although the technique at home is not particularly difficult, it has some nuances.
  2. The procedure should not be carried out too often, once a week is enough.
  3. When cutting your nails at home, make sure that at least 1-2 mm of the free edge remains. In this matter, technology does not tolerate deviations. Trimming the tips "under the root" will not only make the manicure unattractive, but also increase the risk of deformation of the plate. In the future, when trying to grow nails, the free edge can expand and acquire a spatulate shape.
  4. Doing a manicure with your own hands, cut the tips in the shape of a smile. Proper technique will reduce the risk of ingrown toenails to a minimum.

More detailed instructions how to cut nails is presented on the pages of our site. In the topical articles you will find informative video tutorials that will help you learn this procedure step by step. Along with trimming, nail filing also occupies a significant place. Often girls do not pay due attention to this stage, and their condition largely depends on how accurately the tip correction technology is observed. Therefore, it is so important before you do a manicure at home, to remember and practice the basic rules for filing nails.

  • The main point: the tips are corrected only “dry”! Filing wet nails further leads to their delamination, which can seriously harm yourself.
  • The procedure is carried out no more than once a week.
  • During the manicure, correctly bring the nail file to the nail. The tool should lie perpendicular to the tip.
  • To keep your nails healthy when doing a manicure at home, run the nail file from the edge to the center of the butt.

Slightly different rules apply to the polishing procedure. To make grinding at home efficiently and without harm to health, follow the general recommendations.

  • Spend no more than once a month, if the tips are weak - every three months.
  • Grinding is carried out step by step in several stages, buff movements from right to left or left to right.
  • With the help of a polishing file, nails can be sealed, having previously applied wax, cream or oil to the surface.

Now you know how often you need to do a manicure in terms of filing and polishing your nails. To get a clear idea of ​​​​the technique of performing a manicure, namely, the correction of tips with your own hands, we suggest you look helpful video lesson. In the video, the main points of the correct work with a nail file are revealed step by step.

Cuticle care

After the correction of the tips, you can begin to process the cuticle. Depending on how it is removed, classic and European manicures are distinguished. In the first case, when performing a home procedure, the cuticle is trimmed with nippers. The skin is pre-steamed in a warm bath or treated with emollient oils.

The European version is more suitable for those who want to make themselves a neat manicure at home. The unedged cuticle removal method is less traumatic and, as a rule, does not require special tool skills. When performing a manicure, the skin dissolves under the influence of special oils and gels, after which it is peeled off with an orange stick. There are other methods of gentle cuticle removal, which you can read about on our website. The European version of manicure at home, as a rule, does not require preliminary softening with the help of trays.

The two main ways to remove the cuticle in 2014 are no longer exclusive. Today, there are several other methods of skin treatment and nail care. All of them are mostly salon options, but if desired, they can be used at home. You may already be familiar with some of them and you can easily do a manicure yourself, having studied their execution technology.

Modern ways of nail care

Suitable for girls with limited time. Gloves impregnated with a special cream are put on the hands. After 5-7 minutes, the film on each of the fingers is gradually removed and cut off, after which the cuticle is peeled off with an orange stick. The advantage of this method is that ready-made kits are sold for homemade Brazilian manicure. To give you an idea of ​​how they look, we bring to your attention samples of the kits shown in the photo.

Connoisseurs of oriental beauty will love it. It will require a one-time, but significant financial outlay to purchase the complete set. Before you learn how to do a manicure according to the Japanese system at home, we recommend that you carry out this procedure in a salon. The execution technology is quite complicated, but quite feasible. Exhaustive photo, video materials and step-by-step instruction, presented on our website, will help you in mastering Japanese manicure.

If you are uncomfortable working with wire cutters and a nail file, try mechanizing the process. From an excellent point of view, he has proven himself. Until recently, this technology was available only to clients of the salon. Today you can buy kits for every taste and do your own manicure at home. Doing it is not at all difficult even with your own hands. Samples of sets for hardware manicure are shown in the photo.

In 2014, you can often hear about another way to care for your nails. Jessica's manicure is famous for its relaxing effect on the skin and joints. The essence of the procedure lies in the fact that at a certain stage the hands are immersed in thermal mittens. Due to the thermal effect, the skin is perfectly softened and perfectly amenable to processing. After the procedure, the nails are covered with Jessica varnish, while the step-by-step manicure technique does not differ from the well-known one. When painting, you can choose the coating of any company you like.

Nail polish technique

You already know how to properly manicure in terms of hygienic nail treatment. It remains to study only the subtleties of applying varnish. The process is not difficult and, if desired, quickly mastered. Following our recommendations, you can gradually make a manicure that is not inferior in quality to salon nail art.

  • While working, place your hands on the table so that your elbows do not hang down.
  • Before painting, be sure to degrease the nail plates.
  • The rules of manicure are conditional, but they are all aimed at ensuring a comfortable procedure. Among the unwritten principles is the recommendation that it is better to start painting your nails from the little finger.
  • The varnish should be applied without affecting the cuticle and side ridges. It is better if, when performing a manicure on your own, you step back 1 mm from the skin.

More detailed information about how to paint your own nails, you will find on our website in the relevant topic. To get acquainted with the process of applying varnish with your own eyes, we suggest you watch an interesting video.

Fashion trends this year

Along with the question of how to do a neat manicure at home, girls are also interested in what nails are in trend today. First of all, it is worth talking about their form. Trends for 2014 point to short nails with "correct oval" tips that follow the natural smile line. Comfortable and practical manicure is easy to wear and easy to do. For lovers of long nails, it is advisable to decorate the tips in an almond shape.

As for color and design in general, solid pastel colors are in trend. As before, noble wine shades do not give up their positions, which make the manicure especially luxurious. A monotone coating is very convenient to apply with your own hands at home, but if you wish, you can try something more colorful. To look stylish and fashionable in 2014, do a manicure with stripes or lace more often. Today, everyone's favorite jacket and moon nail art are still popular. The articles of our site are filled with beautiful photos to help you choose the best design for you.

As you know, wizards are not born, they become through hard work. If you want to learn how to make a beautiful and neat manicure with your own hands, you will need a lot of strength and patience. You learned a lot of information and, undoubtedly, deserved a rest. We invite you to enjoy watching interesting video a lesson in which you will be shown how to make a manicure quickly and very efficiently. In the meantime, dream about how you can apply what you learned at home. Be always the most beautiful and elegant for everyone around you!

Beautiful and well-groomed hands can tell a lot about their mistress, so it is useful for every girl to know how to do a manicure on her own.

The content of the article:

Majority modern girls and women are accustomed to regularly visit a beautician, hairdresser and manicurist. At first, it is very interesting and exciting, but soon such procedures begin to greatly deplete the wallet, so the question arises of how to make a beautiful manicure at home, which will last not a few days, but much longer.

For this purpose, you can use such a cosmetic novelty as gel polish, which has earned the respect of many girls, because now there is no need to paint nails every 2-3 days. A stylish and beautiful manicure with gel polish will last 1.5–3 weeks, depending on the rate of nail growth and the work performed.

Today it is quite possible to do your own manicure at home with gel polish. This procedure has a number of advantages and advantages that every girl should know about:

  • significant time savings, because now it is not necessary to try to set aside a few hours, running away from work or visiting a nail salon during a break, spending a whole day off;
  • manicure can be done at any convenient time;
  • much more profitable manicure with gel polish, made at home, in terms of finances;
  • can be used own ideas for design, having received a stylish and original manicure, which a friend or colleague at work will definitely not have.
If it was decided to independently do a manicure with gel polish at home, you need to purchase special tools that must be of high quality. All financial investments will pay off in the very near future.

What do you need for a manicure at home?

For purchase necessary tools to work with gel polish, you need to visit a specialized store where a consultant will help you find everything you need. The base set should include:
  • UV lamp, the power of which must be at least 24 watts. It is advisable to choose a model with a stand, mirrored walls, a timer.
  • Base coverage. This is a clear liquid that is sold in the form of a simple varnish or in small bottles. This tool protects the nail plate from the penetration of its pigments. Also, the base acts as an adhesion between the surface of the nail and the gel polish.
  • Gel polish. You can take one or several shades, it all depends on what kind of design you plan to create. To begin with, it is worth stopping the choice on classic colors until the technology of creating gel polish manicure is mastered to perfection.
  • Liquid to remove excess layer.
  • Finish or top gel. This is a special transparent composition that is used as a hardener and fixer.
  • Remover. Will be used in the future for manicure removal.
  • A nail file to give the nails the desired shape.
  • Grease cleaner. Any nail polish remover can be used instead.
  • Buff. Used for polishing the nail plate and removing the upper glossy layer.
  • Cuticle remover.
  • Orange stick.
  • Lint-free wipes.
  • Caring oil.
If you have interesting decor ideas for creating original design, with the help of which the manicure will become more vivid and expressive, you must purchase in advance everything that is needed for work.

When purchasing gel polish, you need to read the instructions for working with this material in detail, since the technologies of each manufacturer may have certain differences. For example, varnishes belonging to the latest generation will not form a sticky layer, and for other types, a primer must be applied before applying the base. Separate manufacturers in one tool produce top and base.

Preparatory stage before manicure

Creating a stylish manicure using gel polish, which will last for several weeks, is carried out in stages as follows:
  1. First, the old varnish is removed, and the hands are thoroughly washed with soap so that no solvent remains on the nail plate.
  2. The base is covered with a cuticle softener and you need to wait 10 minutes, after which the excess skin is removed using an orange stick.
  3. If there are burrs, they are carefully trimmed. It is important to completely remove the pterygium, otherwise the varnish will peel off quickly.
  4. Any kind of hygienic manicure is performed, but you can’t keep your fingers in the bath for too long - no more than 4 minutes.
  5. With the help of a nail file, the desired shape is given to the nails and the length is adjusted. It is necessary to achieve that the ends become perfectly smooth and even.
  6. If caring oil, maceration is used, their remnants must be removed in advance, the dust formed after filing the nails is also removed.
  7. It is necessary to dry the nails in the air - about 10 minutes.
  8. Using a buff, the upper glossy layer of the nail plate is removed. Then the nails are well polished. For sawdust, the hardest side of the buff should be used, but they should not be pressed too hard. It is necessary to remove the remnants of fat-sweat secretions from the surface, but not disturb the keratin layer. The ends are processed in the same way so that they become perfectly smooth and have no notches.
  9. The nails are wiped with a varnish cleaner, but you can also use a special liquid. Then the surface cannot be touched.

Over time, each step will be performed automatically, but not a single item can be skipped, otherwise the created manicure will not last too long and soon the varnish layer will begin to separate.

How to apply gel polish?

If gel polish is to be used at home, some features must be considered:
  1. First, the nail plate is prepared, after which the base is applied in a thin layer. It is necessary to work as if rubbing the product into the nail. AT ultraviolet lamp the first layer is dried for one minute.
  2. A layer of colored gel polish is applied on top, you can choose absolutely any shade. Then polymerization takes place. If a varnish of a bright or dark color is used, several thin layers must be applied to obtain a rich shade. Each layer is dried in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.
  3. At the final stage, a finish gel is applied, which covers the entire nail surface, however, the skin should not be affected. The layer is dried exactly 2 minutes.
  4. A lint-free cloth is taken and wetted in a special liquid. You need to wipe the surface of the nail to remove the top sticky layer.
  5. At the end, a moisturizing oil is applied and rubbed well, its residues are removed.
It is important to apply all layers as thinly as possible - starting from the base and to the free edge. The movements should be careful and slow so as not to touch the skin, as it will be very difficult to remove the gel polish and you can ruin the manicure. Be sure to cover the end of the nail. Neglecting this advice, a rather rough and untidy coating will be obtained, while it may simply curl up during drying.

If you correctly carry out each stage of creating a gel polish manicure at home, it will last about 3 weeks. For owners of porous and thin nails, the coating can chip off much faster. It will be useful to conduct a special wellness course for nails using restorative and caring cosmetic procedures. The durability of a manicure directly depends on the quality of the products used.

How to remove gel polish?

To remove gel polish and not damage the nail plate, as well as prepare it for applying a new manicure, it is recommended to follow the following tips:
  • Clean cotton pads are taken, which are cut into 4 approximately equal parts.
  • A remover is applied to each piece of cotton wool (any nail polish remover can be used).
  • The cotton wool is applied to the nail and fixed with foil - you need to wrap the entire finger. Foil can be replaced with simple medical gloves, but they are not always convenient.
  • After 10-15 minutes, the foil is removed. In the event that a part of the gel polish coating remains on the nail plate, its remnants are removed with an orange stick. But you can also moisten the cotton swab again with liquid and apply it to your finger for a couple of minutes.
  • At the end, the hands are washed with soap and any care product is applied to soothe the skin.
To speed up the process of removing gel polish, special thermal mittens can be used. You can also use a file, which carefully processes the coating, but you need to work very carefully so as not to injure the nail plate. A buff is used to remove the dispersed layer, but this is not a mandatory procedure.

It is strictly forbidden to tear off the gel polish, as such actions will result in serious damage to the keratin layer and the nails will become very brittle and thin. And the next manicure can be done in a few weeks, until the nail plate recovers.

Sticking to a few simple recommendations, below, you can turn an ordinary home manicure with gel polish into a high-quality care procedure, as well as nail decor, which is provided by professional masters:
  1. Before the manicure itself is done, all the tools and tools that will be needed during the procedure should be laid out on the table so that you do not have to look for them.
  2. To work, you need not only a table, but also a comfortable chair.
  3. If a white gel polish is to be used, the curing time should be 1.5 minutes, not 2. With a longer exposure to a UV lamp, the pigment may turn yellow.
  4. Colored gel polish can melt after application and move to the side rollers, as a result, the manicure will look ugly. To prevent this, it is necessary to work with a dry brush (medium softness) the dispersion layer of the base coat to level it.
  5. When applying gel polish to the nail plate, it is necessary to retreat a short distance from the cuticle (about 1 mm), otherwise the coating will peel off very quickly.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to leave open bottles with products near the UV lamp.
  7. After each use, all bottles must be tightly closed with a lid.
  8. All funds must be stored in a well-protected sun rays place.
  9. After the manicure procedure is completed, the necks of the bottles are gently wiped with lint-free wipes.
Today in professional stores you can find corrective gel polish. This tool can be used to paint over the regrown part of the nail, if the manicure is still in good condition and it is too early to remove it. With it, you can align the nail plate or carry out a “repair” of a broken nail on the form. Such a tool helps in correcting the shape, and also helps to strengthen the nail plate.

Learn how to make a beautiful and neat manicure at home from this video tutorial: » the beauty » Nail care » Manicure and pedicure »

In order for your hands, especially nails, to always look well-groomed, you need to know how to properly manicure. This procedure should be resorted to once every seven days. You can do everything you need neatly and quickly in a beauty salon. If you do not have the desire or the opportunity to visit it, then you can do a manicure yourself at home and no worse than the one offered to you for money.

Answering the question of how to do a manicure correctly, it should be noted that there are a huge number of them. However, most often a cut, unedged or classic suits a woman. The main thing is to choose and decide.

Classic manicure

The classic manicure procedure involves removing the cuticle using small metal tweezers or sharp nail scissors.

Edged manicure

Recommended for those with thick and rough cuticles. Pretty traumatic. Due to negligence or inexperience, you can get hurt by cutting too much skin. As a result, this injury can provoke inflammation, due to which the cuticle will harden even more and begin to grow more intensively.

Unedged manicure or European

This type of manicure also involves the removal of the cuticle, but with the use of special means, developed on the basis of mild acids, namely fruit and lactic. An unedged or European manicure is preferable for women with delicate and thin skin on their hands. The process of removing the cuticle comes down to its painless and delicate dissolution.

The European manicure procedure takes much less time than the classic one.

However, this method of removing the cuticle is contraindicated for women with sensitive skin, since the components of the product can provoke an allergic reaction.

Twelve manicure tools

Manicure is created using twelve necessary tools. Therefore, if you are really interested in the right manicure, they should always be in your women's arsenal. In particular, we are talking about:

  • sharp manicure scissors;
  • nail file;
  • metal tweezers;
  • a metal spatula or orange tree stick to push back the cuticle;
  • bath products: sea salt, olive and essential oils;
  • nail polish remover;
  • cotton pads or balls;
  • softening cuticle oil;
  • cuticle remover;
  • hand cream;
  • base coat and fixer;
  • nail polish.

Four stages of manicure

Only if all the steps are followed, during the manicure, your nails will always look healthy and beautiful, and you will receive an answer to the question of how to do a manicure correctly.

Stage one "Bath"

Having decided on a home manicure, it is necessary to make a bath for the nails in order to soften the cuticle and remove it further without any injury.

So, it is necessary to pour hot water into the bowl to such a level that all the fingers of both hands can be completely immersed in it. In the liquid, you must also first add two or three tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of colorless sea salt and a few drops of essential oil(e.g. lemon).

The oil will not only soften your skin, but also nourish your nails with valuable vitamins, and colorless sea salt will make them strong.

The fingers are immersed in this solution for about ten minutes. As soon as you notice that the cuticle has become soft, feel free to proceed with its removal.

Stage two "Removing the cuticle"

Taking the fingers out of the bath one at a time, use a stick or spatula to move the cuticle to the base of the nail. It is necessary to act carefully, but with sufficient effort. You have to be careful not to overdo it all the time. After all, there is a risk of damage to the base of the nail.

Using the sharp side of a stick or spatula, clean the remaining skin from under the cuticle. Remove the remaining notches with tweezers. The skin must not be torn off, but bitten off to avoid cuts. When applying an unedged manicure, the cuticle is removed by using a special product from the "cuticle remover" series.

AT this case gel is applied around the nail, not forgetting the area under the nail. As a result, carefully, using a stick or spatula, the product is removed along with the dissolved cuticle.

It is better not to apply this tool on all fingers at the same time, since the remover dries out quickly enough. Professionals recommend treating two nails each.

Many manicure masters recommend applying a cuticle remover to those nails that are still covered with old varnish. Since the agent used has a rather aggressive composition that destroys the nail plate.

Stage three "Correction of the nail shape"

To do a manicure correctly, you need to remember that if you want to shorten your nails as much as possible, you need to use nail scissors, and all movements must be single and confident. If the nails are filed, then it is necessary to direct the file only in one direction so that the nails do not begin to exfoliate. You also need to make sure that all the nails have the same length.

Stage four "Applying varnish and care"

In order to evenly lay the varnish on the nail plate, it is necessary to ensure that it does not go beyond the borders of the nail, as shown in this instruction. Pay attention to the photo.

Now let's try to apply the varnish on our own correctly:

  1. Degrease the nail plates with nail polish remover.
  2. Apply a base coat to protect your nails from the harmful effects of nail polish and further yellowing. Also, the base evens out the surface of the nail plate.
  3. With a brush with varnish, draw from the base of the nail to its edge.
  4. The second and third strokes should also come from the base of the nail, by drawing a kind of arc with a brush, following to the edges.
  5. The final step will be the use of a fixing coating, which will give the finished manicure not only shine, but also prolong its life.

Now you know how to do a manicure in a cozy home environment without the participation of an expensive beauty salon in this process. The main thing to understand is that every woman by nature is an innate craftsman in all matters of beauty.

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Manicure at home is a procedure that is available to every girl who wants to save a decent amount from her personal budget. It will also allow you to avoid wasting time, which is so lacking for the inhabitants of the modern metropolis.

Knowing how to perform a manicure with her own hands, the girl saves herself from the hassle associated with making an appointment with the right master and visiting the salon itself. Not always the time appointed by the manicurist is convenient for the client herself. We have to urgently review the list of urgent cases, cancel appointments ...

Possessing the skills of performing a manicure, any girl will be able to put her nails in order at a convenient time and in any place. This is especially true when obtaining the services of a professional master is impossible due to being in long trip or at the cottage.

How to do a manicure at home? To do this, you need to purchase special tools and a whole set of cosmetics. Let's talk about each of these points in more detail.

On the question of choosing tools

Kits for home manicure are:

  1. Ordinary.
  2. Mechanical.

Both those and other manicure sets must be of high quality. In order not to make a mistake, you need to purchase them only in specialized stores that sell certified products from bona fide manufacturers.

What should be a regular manicure set?

The minimum set for a manicure should consist of:

  • Manicure scissors.
  • Several nail files.
  • Polishing buff.
  • Cuticle nipper.
  • Skin clipper.
  • A set of orange sticks for moving the cuticle.

There are kits that include several varieties of each of these tools, but for beginner craftswomen, the aforementioned minimum is enough. Good manufacturers put manicure sets in convenient cases, which, if necessary, you can take with you when going on a long journey.

If manicure scissors and nippers are purchased separately, it is better to opt for professional models with manual sharpening.

How to choose a good nail file?

  • When choosing a nail file, you should pay attention not to its external design, but to the abrasiveness index, expressed in grits. The degree of abrasiveness of a good manicure file should be at least 180 grit (files with a lower index are used only for processing artificial nails).
  • The abrasiveness of the grinding file (polishing buff) should start from four hundred grit.
  • Preference should be given to models made of ceramic or glass. Fine-grained glass file is ideal for weakened and exfoliating nail plates. It will help and give them the necessary shape, and polish their surface.
  • To process healthy nails, you can use a sapphire nail file equipped with a combination of different surfaces.
  • When choosing a file, you need to pay attention to the quality of its rubbing surface. To do this, just run your finger over it: the plane of a high-quality tool, covered with a layer of almost imperceptible grains of sand, is not able to scratch the skin and does not have any protrusions.

From metal nail files, often provoking stratification of nails, it is better to refuse initially. It is recommended to choose a nail file with a cardboard or rubber base.

What is a mechanical manicure set?

The main component of such a set is a device equipped with a set of special nozzles and powered by batteries or mains. Nozzles perform the functions of tools included in the usual one: they can move and trim the cuticle, file and grind nails. Previously used only in a professional salon, today the manicure device has become available for beginners.

About additional materials and cosmetics

To make a simple manicure with your own hands, you need to purchase a set of cosmetics, consisting of:

  • paint remover liquids
  • sea ​​salt and a combination of aromatic and emollient oils (they are needed to perform baths),
  • nourishing or moisturizing hand cream,
  • cuticle softeners,
  • cuticle care oils
  • several bottles of high-quality decorative varnish,
  • lacquer fixer.

Tools for home manicure: video review

To perform a simple manicure at home, you need to purchase a special hand bath, a set of cotton pads, cotton buds, several sponges, strips of paper tape, special stickers or stencils for nails and the finest brush for nail art.

The sequence of home manicure

To properly make an unedged manicure at home, you must follow a certain sequence of manipulations. Here is a guide that describes each step step by step.

Decorative manicure options

How to make a beautiful manicure at home? There are many interesting techniques and ideas for creating a decorative coating on the nail plates. We will consider some of them step by step in this section of our article.

Video instruction for creating an original manicure

Creating a Matte Manicure

Here is a very simple method that allows you to create a very effective manicure at home.

  • Having covered the nail with a matte varnish, the surface that has not yet dried is immediately exposed to water vapor, holding a finger over a container of boiling liquid.
  • A pattern will appear on the surface of the destroyed lacquer film.
  • After that, the varnish must be thoroughly dried.

Water manicure technique

How to make an original water manicure with your own hands? For beginners, this method may seem too complicated, but this is only at first glance.

  • Each finger is pasted over with strips of adhesive tape or plaster. The nail remains open.
  • Taking a glass of cold water, shake off a drop of varnish into it.
  • After waiting for the varnish to spread over the surface of the water, a varnish of a contrasting color is added to the center of the stain.
  • The procedure for applying varnish is repeated several times, achieving the appearance of concentric circles on the surface of the water in the glass.
  • Armed with a toothpick, carefully run it over the varnish film, creating a beautiful pattern.
  • A finger pasted over with adhesive tape is carefully lowered into a glass, applying a nail to the pattern created on the water.
  • Carefully rotating your finger, collect the varnish film on the surface of the nail.
  • Taking your finger out of the water, the excess varnish is removed with a quick turn of a cotton swab.
  • After waiting for the varnish to dry, carefully remove the tape from the finger.

Gradient manicure

It is very showy and at the same time easy a way to create a beautiful pattern with a smooth transition from color to color.

  • If varnishes of two or three colors are used when creating a gradient, the strips can be applied immediately to a damp sponge, and the print made by it on a plastic film can be applied to the nail. If more colors are involved in creating a pattern, it is first created on a solid plane, then a sponge is dipped into the created spot and applied to the film several times, achieving a smooth transition of colors. Having obtained the desired result, the film is applied to the nails and decorate the nail plates. Lines drawn on the sponge with varnish of contrasting or similar colors must be in contact.
  • The color palette for decorating each nail needs to be updated. Experienced craftswomen manage to paint two or three nails with the same piece of film.
  • Since applying varnish with a sponge makes the surface of the nails uneven and rough, it is recommended to correct this deficiency by applying a colorless varnish over the gradient that has not yet dried. A smooth and shiny surface will give the manicure a special beauty.

"Bright Peas"

This version of the decorative coating of marigolds is available even for beginners. How to make it yourself?

  • Having covered the nails with a layer of any (preferably white) varnish, they pick up a special tool - dots. It is like a pen, the end of which is equipped with a small ball. Ball diameters may vary. If this tool is not at hand, you can replace it with a toothpick, the core of an ordinary ballpoint pen, or a hairpin with a ball at the end.
  • Dipping dots in a varnish of a contrasting color, each nail plate is decorated with a scattering of neat bright peas. They can be either the same or different sizes.

Marble decor

How to make a beautiful manicure at home? You can stop at the option of creating a marble pattern. Its implementation does not require any special skills. To create a manicure in this technique, you need a bottle of white and two or three pastel shades of colored varnish, a top coat (colorless varnish) and a transparent plastic film (you can use a file).

  • Having covered each nail with two layers of white varnish, the coating is well dried.
  • Now proceed to the implementation of the marble decor. To do this, a few drops of colored varnish are left on each nail plate.
  • Without waiting for it to dry, each nail is alternately covered with a film, pressed lightly and marble stains are obtained by slightly moving it.
  • After drying the decor, excess varnish is removed from the fingers, and a layer of colorless top coat is applied to the nails.

"Scaly" manicure

How to make this original and bright decor on your nails? For its implementation, you need to stock up:

  • Nylon mesh, the pattern of which resembles the scales of a snake.
  • Lacquered in turquoise, dark green and blue.
  • A piece of sponge.
  • Finish coating.

Execution Method:

  • All nail plates are covered with two layers of base turquoise coating.
  • Waiting for the varnish to dry.
  • Blue and dark green varnish is applied to a piece of a wet sponge (as in the gradient manicure technique).
  • Having covered the nail with a mesh, apply a painted sponge to it. As a result, a characteristic imprint resembling the scales of a snake remains on it.
  • After removing accidental streaks of varnish from the fingers, a layer of top coat is applied to the nails.

French manicure technique

French manicure (French) has been extremely popular for several decades. This is primarily due to its versatility, because the jacket is appropriate in any situation and is compatible with any outfit. It can be demonstrated with equal success by a student, a business woman, and a future mother.

To perform a jacket, a girl will need pink or nude varnish, top coat and a roll of paper tape.

Let's agree that all the preliminary procedures have already been done and each nail is covered with a colorless base polish.

  • A small strip of adhesive tape is glued to the tip of each nail: it will protect the border separating the “smile” line and the surface covered with nude or pink varnish. The final result of the procedure depends on the quality of gluing these strips. The adhesive tape should fit perfectly to the plane of the nail, without forming any bubbles or creases.
  • Having finished gluing each nail, they begin to apply the “smile” line. It is performed with white varnish, applying it in two layers.
  • After the white varnish has dried, the adhesive tape is carefully removed, and one layer of pink or flesh-colored varnish is applied to the central part of the nail plates. Given that the nails already have a layer of base polish, this step can be skipped.
  • The jacket is completed by applying one layer of top coat.

Lunar manicure technique

Lunar manicure is often called a reverse jacket. Beginners can use ready-made stencils to create it, which are sold in all departments selling goods for nail art.

Our version of the moon manicure can be created using a matte nude polish, a bottle of silver polish (metallic), a nail art brush and a top coat.

  • First, all nail plates are covered with flesh-colored varnish.
  • Taking a thin brush and dipping it in silver varnish, outline the contour of the nail holes with a straight line.
  • Gently fill the entire outlined area with metallic paint.
  • After applying a layer of top coat, complete the manicure.

Sophistication of graphic manicure

Girls who are wondering how to make a beautiful manicure at home can be advised to do a very relevant and sophisticated graphic manicure. It is not only easy to perform, but also interesting. It allows you to create countless options.

Some people like to decorate their nails with different patterns, the absence of strict requirements allows this. At the same time, there is no feeling of bad taste or variegation, because all these drawings are made in the same style and one color scheme.

Let us illustrate what has been said on the example of performing a spectacular chess pattern. We will need a set of varnishes, consisting of black glossy, gold metallic and a top coat.

  • All nail plates are covered with two layers of black varnish.
  • After the varnish has dried, the surface of the nail is sealed with a sheet of adhesive tape with a cut-out rectangular window. This part of the nail is covered with gold metallic. Alternately process all the nail plates.
  • After drying the varnish, proceed to apply the metallic on the other quarter of each nail.
  • The chess manicure is completed by applying a layer of top coat.

Manicure using adhesive tape

The use of adhesive tape provides great opportunities for creating fresh and original images in the art of nail art. Stencils are cut out of it, its strips are glued in any direction: at different angles, diagonally, across the nail plates and along them.

The use of narrow self-adhesive strips of gold and silver adhesive tape, sold in rolls, gives a special beauty to the manicure. Glued at the junction of lines drawn with different varnishes, they give the manicure a special clarity and accuracy.

Rainbow manicure

  • Three vertical lines of varnish of different colors are applied to each nail plate: yellow, green and pink.
  • After drying the varnish, self-adhesive strips are randomly placed over these lines. For each nail, you can come up with your own arrangement of these strips, running them in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction.
  • After gluing the strips, each nail plate is covered with a layer of black glossy varnish and the coating is completely dry.
  • After that, the strips are carefully removed and admired with an unexpected effect: a very neat rainbow pattern appears through a layer of black varnish.

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