What is the sign of the year according to the Chinese calendar

Tourism and rest 23.01.2018
Tourism and rest

In the hope of a happy change, you ask: 2018 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope? Fortunately, this is the year of the yellow earth dog, and here's why - fortunately. The last two years have been very unstable and emotional in all areas.

The global economic crisis, global political reshuffles, redistribution of territories, wars, cataclysms, an unprecedented outbreak of violence and terrible terrorist attacks around the world seem to be about to drive everyone to despair and drive the world crazy. Why is all this horror happening and when will the chaos end? Eastern experts know the answer to this question.

For the last 2 years the world has been ruled by fire monkey and a fiery rooster Eastern calendar. Fortunately, there is not long to endure - the next 2018 eastern horoscope will begin on February 16, when the element of fire will give way to the element of earth. What is good for us, what to expect, what to prepare for, how to meet and spend 2018 in the right way, so that the symbol of the year patronizes us and helps us in business - we will find out today!

Symbol of 2018 according to the Eastern calendar

The symbol of 2018 according to the Eastern calendar is the Yellow Earth Dog. Total for Chinese horoscope each year, according to special rules of periodicity, is distributed as follows.

Between 12 animals of the eastern horoscope:

  • dog;
  • Pig;
  • Rat;
  • cow;
  • Tiger;
  • cat / rabbit;
  • dragon;
  • snake;
  • horse;
  • goat;
  • Monkey;
  • Rooster.

Between the elements - the elements:

  • fire;
  • water;
  • Earth;
  • metal;
  • Tree.

Between colors:

  • Blue/black;
  • White;
  • Red;
  • yellow;
  • Green.

Let's take a closer look, "by the bones", what to expect in the future and what characteristics the symbol of 2018 has, and also look at it in the picture.

  • Yellow.

This color speaks of grandeur, nobility and tranquility. Not in vain from time immemorial yellow in the East it was considered the color of the imperial court. Mere mortals were not allowed to wear it at all.

Yellow color in Eastern culture corresponds to the autumn season, symbolizing the birth of something new, fertility, prosperity, rich harvest. It is believed that in this case, all the key events of the coming year should be expected in the fall. At this time of the year, you should plan the most important things, events and trips.

  • Earthy.

The element of earth promises peace, tranquility, balance, stability in general in the world, when making decisions by high-ranking leaders in 2018.

Many experts of Eastern astrology predict the stabilization of acute political situations on the world stage and foreign policy, prosperity of states and stabilization in the economy.

Earth is a symbol of fertility, prosperity, rebirth and prosperity. This element favors all pregnant women, as well as those who are just planning to become a mother. This year is considered the most prosperous for the conception, bearing and birth of children. The chances of a successful conception are significantly increased even for those couples who have experienced difficulties with this in the past.

The element of earth also promises well-being and prosperity to married couples formed this year. Such an alliance has every chance of being long and successful.

  • Dog.

Unlike recent years, passed under the signs of a quarrelsome rooster and a noisy monkey, the dog is distinguished by a calm and friendly disposition, honesty, devotion and kindness.

it true friend and a reliable companion who will never betray or plunge a knife into a spit. The dog does not recognize secret intrigues and ambiguity, he is for an open and fair game.

Therefore, the year itself is favorable for simple and open people, for faithful spouses and devoted friends. This year promises to be an excellent test, as marriages based on love and fidelity will become even stronger. True friendship will become even stronger and move to new level. And, on the contrary, insincere relationships and connections will finally collapse, and life paths break up with such people.

The symbol of the year will also protect all those whose professional activity associated with the search for goodness and justice, the protection of dignity and honor: peacekeepers, servants of law and order, psychologists.

Children born in the year of the yellow earth dog are distinguished by perseverance, intelligence, cheerful and kind disposition. A child born in 2018 is characterized by the absence bad mood. These are incorrigible optimists, peculiar rays of the sun, caring towards their parents, loyal and honest friends, reliable life partners.

Of the negative qualities, a certain pedantry can be noted, strong love to order and exactingness to the moral qualities of others.

What to celebrate 2018 and what to cook

In order to meet all the rules new character year, you should find out in advance which color to prefer for the New Year's outfit.

As you might have guessed, the ideal choice is yellow, including all its shades: sunny, sandy, mustard, beige and others. Related colors that are familiar to the dog as such are also acceptable: brown, white, black.

When choosing the style of the outfit, you should be guided by a sense of proportion. The team must answer general characteristics symbol of the new year, that is, to be calm, balanced and pleasant.

A person should feel comfortable and peaceful in the chosen clothes in order to focus on other people: spouse, friends, and not be nervous because of an uncomfortable dress or suit. To save yourself from the tiring New Year's Eve shopping, you can choose a trendy branded dress in a relaxed atmosphere at Lamoda and order home to try on several sizes and models at once.

Since a dog is an animal that loves meat in all its manifestations, this ingredient should be the main one on the New Year's table.

Ideally, if you serve meat on the bone as the main hot dish, as in the photo - a favorite delicacy of four-legged friends. Moreover, it can be beef, pork or lamb - to your taste. Ribs, pre-marinated, and baked in the oven, either cooked on charcoal or grilled, are perfect.

An excellent steak cooked according to all the rules is a worthy alternative to ribs. In this case, you should responsibly choose the part of the meat so that the dish melts in your mouth, and does not resemble a rubber galosh.

Among the appetizers, meat pate spread on slices of crispy baguette with garlic will look great.

To "be in the know", this year's traditional olivier should be prepared not with sausage, but with boiled beef or beef tongue - this will generally be a real delicacy that guests will sweep away in the very first minutes!

As for drinks on the New Year's table, it should be noted that dry red wine goes well with meat. However, do not forget about champagne, and also take into account the preferences of the guests and your own. For example, half of my friends drink only white semi-sweet wine, so they are unlikely to appreciate dry red wine.

Attempts to look into the future and find out what the coming years will be like have always been characteristic of people. Perhaps it was this desire and desire that led to the creation of numerous variants of horoscopes. And to the question of who next year, 2018, by the way, is the year of a man’s friend - a dog, we are already so accustomed to looking through the information in advance, and many have managed to learn the cycle of changing characters over the years according to the eastern horoscope.

Knowledge about the future: from the history of predictions

Let's not deal with the reliability of horoscopes in this article. It is better to note that the first horoscopes were compiled by the learned people of ancient civilizations. And this may already indicate that they still have a certain grain of rationality.

No wonder the ancient rulers made decisions based on the data of the horoscope, which were made for them by court astrologers, sorcerers and astrologers.

Of all the existing horoscopes, the most popular are the following:

But it seems that we are carried away by the description of existing horoscopes. But in less than a year, 2018 will come. And whose year according to the horoscope will it be. According to Chinese it would belong to a dog. And to be more precise, yellow dog - it is this friendly, but cautious, principled and highly intelligent animal that will be the sovereign mistress of the whole next year.

Based on the above data, the upcoming 2018 should be calm. With the onset of it, many world conflicts should end. Including the armed ones. People's lives should become more measured. And all conflicts will be resolved only through diplomacy.

For ordinary people, the mistress of the next year advises to pay more attention to her family, to strengthening intra-family and family relations. The year is especially successful for those who want to start a family by marriage. Or have children. Astrologers unequivocally recognize the second half of 2018 as ideal for these purposes. Marriages entered into in the year of the Yellow Dog will be especially strong and calm. After all, a dog is a pack animal, that is, a family animal.

Although for representatives of the four signs - Ox, Pig, Dragon and Rat - changes in family life will not come.

It will also be a good year for those who decide to start new business or build a career. In this regard, the year is lucky for all signs. The only and main condition will be that there will be no need to be afraid to take responsibility for your decisions, and at the same time, these decisions should be made independently. Not to be someone else. But to achieve their goals, representatives of the signs must work almost around the clock.

But remember, whose next year is 2018 according to the horoscope? That's right Dogs. And during the reign of this animal, saving is a fundamental factor for financial success. This applies to all signs without exception. Although the temptation to start wasting money will be very strong. But the horoscope advises to refrain from this, otherwise you will waste both your finances and your time and energy.

At the same time, the Dog favors travelers. Since she herself loves traveling to new lands. Therefore, you can safely go on any tour.

If we talk about what the next 2018 year is for whom according to the horoscope, and what kind of personal relationships between people the Yellow Dog welcomes, then it must be said that this good-natured animal encourages those who ask for forgiveness for all the offenses caused before, and forgives those who inflicted resentment to him.

There are also considerable chances for those who, for some reason, lost their love, and now decided to return it. To do this, it is necessary to activate to the maximum in the spring and summer months. But before that, such individuals will have to go through many trials that must be passed courageously and steadfastly.

If you are an insecure and shy person who finds it difficult to establish relationships with the opposite sex, then the Dog will give you the opportunity to correct this situation. And you will get a chance to meet your soul mate, just don't miss it.

What is the next year 2018 according to the horoscope. Year of the Dog, and she is distinguished by enviable health. No wonder they say that it heals like a dog. So for the signs there is an opportunity to think about your health. This is especially true for the following signs: Scorpio, Gemini and Aquarius. Astrologers recommend that everyone who is waiting for elective surgical operations, including cosmetic ones, do them at the beginning of 2018. This time will be the most favorable.

The dog does not tolerate drunks and the smell of tobacco. Therefore, those who dream of getting rid of these bad habits will be able to do it in her year. best time for this will be the spring of next year.

When meeting the year of the Dog, make sure that pieces of fur are present on your clothes and preferably yellow. The main thing, having started celebrating in advance, is not to forget the year of whom, according to the horoscope, it will be 2018. The presence of meat dishes is also recommended on the table. After all, dogs love meat.

There are different symbols of the year for all peoples. Since relatively recent times, interest in such calendars has also arisen among us. At various peoples these characters do not always match. And if you look at what year the animal is 2018 now, then in the East and among the Slavs these symbols will be different, although the characteristics of born people are similar.

Eastern calendar

Living according to the laws of the Eastern calendar is quite interesting, but they must be monitored every time. Everyone knows that not only symbols change, but also their elements, and if there are 12 symbols, then there are only five elements. So it turns out that the animal is the owner of the year once every 12 years. But the coincidence of the symbol and the elements occurs much less frequently - once every 60 years. Few people manage to meet their exact symbol twice. But still, which animal symbolizes 2018 and will rule the zodiac?
This is the Earth Dog. She will begin to rule on February 16, 2018 and will give her reign to her successor on February 4, 2019.

What kind of people are born at this time

You are interested, and 2018 is the year of which animal? People who were born during this period will be honest, loyal, attentive to loved ones. But if you offend them, then, like their patroness Dog, they can be both quarrelsome and dangerous. So if you see a person who loves to grumble, do not be surprised - perhaps he was born under the sign of a dog.
People born in the year of the dog are often very friendly and creative. Among them are many scientists, researchers, artists, politicians.
The earth is a sign of stability. And the people who appeared under the symbol of the Earth are distinguished by strong conservatism, they are true to their ideals, devoted to their family. Such people are often cautious, somewhat slow, secretive. But they can be trusted with any secret. You can rely on them in the most difficult situations.
In a word, people born under the auspices of the Earth Dog are excellent and Good friends with whom it is convenient and reliable to live and who will never do meanness.
Among famous people who were born in the year of the dog, Bridget Bordeaux, Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, Yuri Gagarin, Socrates, Aristotle, Alexander the Great.

How to meet

In 2017, the Rooster rules, but today many are thinking, and which animal will welcome the new year 2018? Some people want to think over their New Year's costume in advance, develop a menu for festive table. Agree in advance with your friends - where you will meet him, because this is the year of the Dog, and she loves cheerful and noisy companies.
It will be very nice if you organize funny competitions and prizes for them, a lot of songs, dances and laughter. Try to stage some New Year's film, the same "Irony of Fate", give everyone the role. So you will have fun and interesting to celebrate New Year everyone will be busy and no one will be left behind.
It would be a good idea to meet him somewhere in public place, among people - for example, near the central Christmas tree of your city.
It would be even better if new year's eve you will be able to feed something tasty to a stray dog.

What to wear

And as we enter 2018, which animal color will be a priority? Surprisingly, it's yellow. Only the inhabitants of Europe, accustomed to the black color of the earth, can be surprised. There are a lot of black soils here, the Chinese are surprised by this color. Indeed, in the Celestial Empire, where there are many mountains and winds, the soil consists almost of solid sandstone and clay, and the earth has a grayish-yellow hue. Hence its color - yellow. But not lemon yellow, but more muted.
Based on this, you should choose new year clothes. They must have this color. And you definitely need to find out which animal year is 2018, so as not to accidentally offend him with your inattention. Especially if the color turns out to be a little unexpected, like this year of the Earth or Yellow Dog. Why Yellow - more on that later.
But don't be scared, you don't have to wear dresses or shirts in boring and faded gray-yellow at all! You can look quite elegant and elegant in any clothes, it is important that it includes accessories of the color of the year.
If you simply don’t have such clothes or such jewelry, or you just don’t like or don’t like this color, it’s also not a problem. Everything you need can be made from New Year's tinsel. Such a decoration will be unique, inimitable and exactly the way you want it to be. Men's jewelry can also be made from such tinsel.
When you do your hair, remember that dogs do not usually go with a beautiful hairstyle. Let your hair fall elegantly over your shoulders.

Clothes made of wool will be completely unacceptable, especially if they are knitted from dog hair. The mistress of the year may be offended. There is only one exception - if you have your own dog, and the accessory is made from her wool. In this case, your pet must meet new year holidays with you together. And an absolutely obligatory condition is her presence, if she is golden in color - then your dog will set the tone for your life all the time, because this is completely her year! The next one will be in 2078. And you don’t have to answer your acquaintances and friends, the year of which animal is 2018, you can always carry a photo of this animal with you. You can also buy it for yourself the day before, no matter what breed it is. And of course, all 12 months you will need to pamper her a little.

What to cook

When preparing the New Year's table, one should start from the habits and passions of his symbol - the dog. But don't worry, you won't have to gnaw bones or settle for dry food during the holiday. Something tastier should be made. But the table should also be decorated in the right way. color scheme so that it is immediately clear to everyone that in the year 2018 that has come, the color of which animal you will extol. There should be a lot of yellow on the table.
So, dogs are omnivores, although they prefer meat. This means that there can be meat dishes and salads on the table. Salads can also be with meat. It is desirable to decorate them with finely grated yolk. Fish dishes this evening can not be cooked, the same applies to seafood. But what must be present is a lot of greenery. Also give preference to fruits, such as those with light and yellowish skin, for example, put a few bananas on the table. You can also take small yellow apples.

How to decorate a house

Of course, first you need to properly clean it up, throw away all unnecessary, all cracked dishes. To not be seen.
Nobody canceled the most important decoration - the New Year tree, it must be by all means.
According to the patterns, make drawings of dogs and puppies on the windows. You should draw with watercolor or gouache, and so that the paint does not spread, add a little liquid soap.

It will be great if you arrange decorations in the form of dogs around the house, if they are not there, there can be funny pictures, even for children. It can even be homemade garlands in the form of dogs. In a word, fantasize!
But at the same time, respect the laws of physics, and do not put lit candles near the Christmas tree. And let nothing overshadow your New Year's holidays.

Pagan Slavs would never have thought about which animal would be the main one in 2018, and what to wear for the holiday. In those days, they faithfully followed the traditions, and the passage of the Sun through the equinox was celebrated with special traditions, they made bonfires, baked pancakes. And in the princely chambers on Starokievsky Hill, a feast was arranged, to which everyone was then invited, and everyone was presented with food from the princely table. To the very same animal - a symbol of the whole year there was a special reverence. Well, our ancestors did not bother with decorating their home - in holidays they simply took out embroidered clothes and towels - they were laid out along the walls. This holiday itself lasted several days, then the fun subsided right until the snow melted, when work began on the ground.

2018 who? 2018 is the year of which animal? is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This year it will be difficult to resist the temptation to overspend, all signs need to be careful and reasonable in their spending. Savings in the year of the Earth Dog is a fundamental success factor. It is worth refraining from temptations, making fewer unnecessary movements, wasting not only finances, but also your time and effort.

Throughout the winter, no changes are predicted in the personal life of representatives of the signs of the Ox, Pig, Rat and Dragon. The rest of the signs need to be on their guard, as there will be the influence of negative trends. All signs all winter and spring should make compromises, forgive their partner for their weaknesses, listen and help with advice. If at the beginning of the year the family manages to maintain a pleasant atmosphere, then all things will go well throughout the year.
It will be useful to travel all spring, especially for work.

It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, at this time of the year you need to be careful not to fall into other people's networks. It is best to start new business in the middle of summer, also at this time you can look for a new job. In the fall, something globally is not worth changing. With the authorities in 2018, it is better not to create conflicts, but rather peacefully resolve emerging problems and issues.

Marriages entered into in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be strong and calm. In late autumn - early winter, you should pay attention to your health.

General characteristics of the sign

Representatives of the sign are very devoted, self-confident people. No one can be relied upon like a Dog. If she promises something, you can be sure that the deed will be done, and in at its best. Of the Dog, not the best leader, but an excellent employee. Her responsible nature simply cannot allow her to do anything wrong. The dog is a good teacher and wise adviser. She is assertive, knows how to stand up for herself, to prove her point of view. Unlike, for example, Roosters or Bulls, the Dog knows how to admit and correct his mistakes.

In family life with the Dog it is easy and calm. If everything suits her, she will improve life, monitor the family hearth. Otherwise, it is better not to expect strong fidelity from the Dog, despite all his devotion, the Dog knows his own worth. In relationships, he is always guided by both the desire of the heart and the arguments of the mind. She does not meet her partner first, but actively responds to actions from the opposite side.

The dog really knows how to spend finances. Representatives of the sign are the best at making money out of money, investing it and multiplying it. At the same time, Dogs are often shopaholics, but only when the money really becomes more than enough. The children of the Dog will definitely not remain hungry, first of all, the representatives of the sign care about the comfort of their family, rather than their own.

It is easy to make a dog angry if you create chaos around him. People born under the sign of the Dog love order, but do not like minimalism. Easily learn, strive to explore new horizons. Dogs love to travel, both in their own country and abroad.

Horoscope for signs for 2018

In 2018, the Rat will not be easy. The Rat is sentimental and selfish by nature, while the Dog is more practical. It will be easier to establish relationships with other signs if the Rat makes concessions and can find a compromise.

For the Ox, the year promises to be successful. If in family life there are no global changes does not happen, then in the professional sphere everything will go smoothly.

For the Tiger, 2018 will be full of new acquaintances and eventful. The adventurous by nature Tiger is very similar to the Dog with a heightened sense of justice. Things should be treated wisely, do not make hasty conclusions, do not rush into the pool with your head.

The Rabbits will have a calm and peaceful year, without any major changes. In 2018, the Rabbit has the opportunity to find truly loyal and devoted friends. Favorable year to change jobs.

The dragon needs to be wary of trouble at work. This year, the representatives of the sign will not be easy. Accustomed to always shine, they will need to moderate their ardor and try to do without universal approval and constant flattery.

In 2018, Snakes need to relax, try to let go of the situation. In relations with the opposite sex, Snakes do not observe negative tendencies.

It is better for horses not to make hasty decisions in the professional field. In 2018, there is a high probability of finding your love, and such relationships will be very long and strong.

It is better for a goat not to look for difficulties where there are none. Sometimes it is necessary not to share responsibilities, but to do everything on your own. This will be more effective both at work and in family life.

The monkey should beware of problems at work. Problems in family life can come from where they are not expected. In the middle of spring and until the end of summer, it is worth relaxing and taking time for your health.

The rooster should be more cunning and look for non-standard ways to solve problems. In family life, you should not succumb to quick pleasures, and not exchange for trifles.

Not everything will go smoothly for the Dogs themselves in relationships. At the same time, in 2018, the Dog will find really true friends and work partners. Long business trips are not recommended.

Everything will go smoothly for the Pig. Long-standing issues will be resolved with finances, ways will be found to resolve contradictions and misunderstandings in the family.

Whose calendar year 2018 worries those who are tired of worrying about their sons and fathers, who are where shells are exploding, houses are being destroyed, and those who are forced to wander around the world, leaving their homes. According to the ancient sages from the Celestial Empire, each of the 12 animals replaces the other and controls the period of time assigned to it in accordance with its character and characteristics.

The patrons of the year are helped in their hard work by the elements, which the wise Chinese endowed with different colors, water - black, white - metal, earth - yellow. The green tree serves as a symbol of life, is characterized by flexibility and growth, promises good luck and happiness.

Water flows, takes different shape, filling cracks, destroying stones. Without it, nature perishes, man cannot exist. Metal can change. The symbol patronizes business and finance. All elements are interconnected, because they destroy each other or give rise to new ones.

People are tired of the destructive power of fire, which burns everything that comes in its way. The red rooster must give way to another animal. Many people were interested in the year of whom 2018 according to the eastern calendar, when 2017 was just entering the threshold, which did not justify hopes for improvement.

The dog following the warlike bird enters the period of rule under the sign of the earth, which in the Celestial Empire has a yellowish tint. Life is based on this element. It symbolizes common sense, promises stability. Will the hopes for peace, the improvement of the situation in the economy, which promises the horoscope compiled by the Chinese, come true, people will see very soon.

The animal that is responsible for 2018 hosted the last time in 1958, when there were no special catastrophes, destructive wars and elements sweeping away everything in its path.

Patron traits

Astrologers, drawing knowledge from the Chinese calendar, tell in detail whose year 2018 is according to the sign of the zodiac, who will bring good luck, wealth or problems with business, quarrels in the family. The Yellow Dog symbol is the opposite of the cocky Rooster. The horoscope, compiled by the eastern sages, tells that a good animal, entering into rights, follows the principles, prefers real values, protects the property of the owners, and does not rush into raids to win someone else's.

The patron of the year is smart enough, but radical changes are not for him. The dog is stubborn, but very sociable and friendly. This symbol has intelligence, willpower, and is not devoid of humor.

The animal has negative traits. Outwardly, the good-natured beast lashes out at everyone with criticism, sometimes for no reason, as if specifically looking for a reason to end the relationship. Inherent in the symbol and some pessimism, which is noticeable during communication, is reflected in behavior.

Everything is fine with the patron of the year with friendship. You can rely on the Dog, because the animal will never let you down, will not reveal other people's secrets.

Career year

A lot of people strive for career growth, because moving up the stairs brings good money, which is always in short supply. The symbol of the year will help those who make efforts for this, develop their professional qualities, and replenish knowledge.

An animal that serves as the patron of the year, although a little lazy, but protects the peace and prosperity of its owner. It stands guard over those who are ready to work without rest, going towards the intended goal. Initiative and active people who are not afraid to make serious, sometimes risky decisions can count on help from the symbol.

Material well-being in the year of the Dog awaits representatives of Rabbits and Snakes, as they will achieve a promotion in their careers. Success in a new business is promised to those born under the sign of the Horse and Goat. Rats will have financial problems, because Dogs do not like them very much. Borrowed into money, people are unlikely to receive. But by the end of the year, thanks to the efforts made, the situation will improve for this zodiac sign.

Whose year is Chinese calendar interested in single people and those who have found their soul mate and are thinking when it is better to legitimize relationships, have a wedding. The main feature of the animal that represents 2018 is loyalty. Unlike the Fire Rooster, the Dog promises the absence of a large number of quarrels and betrayals. Families will become fewer divorces, and children will not suffer from the fact that they cannot communicate with their father, get upset from constant scandals.

The animal, which is responsible for the coming year, is characterized by fidelity, does not tolerate betrayal. Therefore, families created during the reign of the Dog will be strong and will not fall apart over time.

The one who has been looking for his half for a long time and unsuccessfully will be lucky because he will meet a person who will understand and reciprocate love. But in order not to miss such a chance, you need to act, showing considerable initiative.

The return of peace to the country, the rise in the economy also depends on who rules the state. One must hope that among the guardians of the people there are also leaders born under the sign of the Dog, whom the animal has awarded with wisdom and responsibility.

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