Husband Alexey Kovalchuk. Yulia Kovalchuk's husband left his wife and little daughter in Spain

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YEREVAN, March 5 - Sputnik. Singer and TV presenter Yulia Kovalchuk admitted that her husband, musician Alexei Chumakov, is cheating on her.

True, she did it in a joking manner by posting on Instagram. The girl only published a photo with horns, making a humorous entry.

“Husband cheated) says once… I don’t know whether to believe it or not,” Kovalchuk signed the image.

The girl had no idea that such a joke could cause such a hail of emotions among fans. Most called Julia's humor stupid and urged her not to joke anymore.

“I don’t care what Yulia has in her head! But I wouldn’t joke with such things! She decided to attract attention and attracted. So that apparently they don’t forget her and her husband too. The joke is stupid, the photo is cool!” marinavirchenko7151 left a comment .

Others stood up for Chumakov, saying that such behavior was not inherent in him.

“I will never believe in this! Alexey is a worthy man and will not allow himself such meanness,” wrote user olesya342014.

The singer herself was not taken aback and after some time posted a new photo with a big commentary.

"Guys!!! I'm a little stunned that so many people don't have a sense of humor!!! Hmm... i.e. someone really thinks when looking at previous post that I would talk about such personal moments, or even funnier, with such a sweet smile on my face. Separately, I was amused by comments like: Do not invite trouble ... or Yes, it seems that he is like that. It means this: I am sure by a million percent that the one who knows how to laugh at himself or adequately perceive humor in his address is the most happy, adequate and not envious people! I try to include myself among them and I advise you)!! Everyone else, who, like me, laughed at the photo - my kisses," Kovalchuk signed.

The Russian pop singer and TV presenter has been married to musician Alexei Chumakov for several years. At the same time, the former soloist of the pop group "Brilliant" practically does not hide the nuances of her personal life from subscribers, constantly publishing photos with her husband on the microblog.

The girl accompanies the images with humorous entries from which not only the fans of the singer, but also the subscribers are delighted. By the way, on February 25, the couple celebrated the anniversary - a decade of marriage.

Singer, musician, TV presenter, writer and artist Alexei Chumakov was born in 1981 in the Uzbek city of Samarkand. He .

In this photo, Anna Kovalchuk with her second husband Oleg Kapustin, daughter from her first marriage Zlata and son from her second marriage Dobrynya

An interesting family Anna Kovalchuk and her husband Oleg Kapustin. I read several interviews that this married couple gave over the course of several years, and I got some picture of their life together.

In the photo Anna Kovalchuk with her first husband Anatoly Ilchenko

For Anna Kovalchuk this is the second marriage, the first time she married her classmate Anatoly Ilchenko together the guys studied in Leningrad Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography. At Anna Kovalchuk And Anatoly Ilchenko V 2000 year the daughter was born Zlata, but in 2005 year when Zlatochka it was only 5 years, the couple broke up.

In this photo, Anna Kovalchuk with her first husband and daughter Zlata

Anatolia he wanted a well-organized life, he dreamed of returning to a cleaned apartment and smelling cutlets and pies from the threshold, and Anna Kovalchuk filming after filming was in full swing, the fifth season "Secrets of investigation", "Master and Margarita". Besides Anatolia I wanted to see next to me not a cold and strict investigator similar to Maria Shvetsova but tender and quivering Anechka, in general, bed affairs for this couple also did not work out and Kovalchuk With Ilchenko parted with scandals and mutual reproaches. Both this period was not easy, Anna Kovalchuk for example came to the conclusion that love is inevitable suffering.

In this photo, the first husband of Anna Kovalchuk - Anatoly Ilyichenko

Daughter Zlata since her birth, she has been playing the daughter of the main character in the series "Secrecy of the investigation".

But shortly after the divorce Anna Kovalchuk met her new husband, a retired officer, now a businessman - Oleg Kapustin. And it happened like this, one day Anna Kovalchuk accidentally cut off some car and already pressed herself into the driver's seat, waiting for her to be scolded, humiliated and insulted, but a tall handsome man came out (according to Anna) and politely asked her for a phone number. It goes without saying that Anna Kovalchuk did not tell the first comer the treasured figures, but Oleg Kapustin there was a guy who didn’t miss, he recognized a popular artist and a few days later came to her performance, after which he invited Anna for the first date.

Relations developed at lightning speed. Anna Kovalchuk the truth could not relax and believe Oleg Kapustin, and he literally had to fill up with flowers, gifts and surprise a capricious girl with various surprises. Anna Kovalchuk wanted more evidence love, she was a disappointed woman and did not want to get burned a second time.

Anna Kovalchuk often gives interviews in which he shares the details of his personal life with journalists.

On this photo Anna Kovalchuk with his grown daughter Golden.

On this photo Anna Kovalchuk in childhood

On the picture Anna Kovalchuk with kids

Anna Kovalchuk with my daughter Golden on the theater stage

In this photo, the first husband Anna Kovalchuk

This photo shows the family Anna Kovalchuk- beloved husband and adored children

Anna Kovalchuk And Oleg Kapustin already for a long time together, they got married in 2007 year. And in 2010 they were born long-awaited son Dobrynya. Oleg Kapustin was in tenth heaven when he became a father. Together, the couple purchased a spacious three-room apartment, made redevelopment and repairs there, and now live happily in their family nest. Anna Kovalchuk became more domestic, because the family is much more important to her than work. This beauty is indeed a very reverent mother and sensitive wife. Before I read many interviews with this actress, she seemed to me somewhat different.

My conclusion is - Anna Kovalchuk a woman for whom male attention is very important, she wants to be put on a pedestal and blow dust off her. It is also very important for this woman how the beloved man treats her daughter from her first marriage.

In this family, it is customary to call each other diminutive names, for example, Anna calls her husband in numerous interviews Olezhkoy, and daughter Zlatochka, Zlatkoy, Zlatik.

Illustrative fragment from an interview with Anna Kovalchuk.

- Oleg immediately got along with your daughter?

Yes. Moreover, there was a situation when I finally realized that we are one family. We were sitting near the TV, Evil was eating an apple. When there was a core left from the apple, she began to look for where to put it. Oleg said: “Give it to me, Zlatochka.” He took the stub from her and ate it. This meant that he did not disdain, and my daughter and I became family to him.

Known since her participation in the Brilliant group, Yulia Kovalchuk today hosts the Minute of Glory program, the festival New wave”, and also performs solo concerts. The singer was born in 1982 in the Volgograd region, the city of Volzhsky.

Julia Kovalchuk

If we talk about the personal life of this bright and talented girl, then before her marriage, for 3 years she met with a young man, Sergei, who failed to persuade her to become his wife.

The next romance was with Alexei Chumakov, it is he who is the husband of Yulia Kovalchuk today. Moreover, before the wedding, they met for several years and many talked about the fact that all this is temporary and will not end in anything. Moreover, the guys did not seek to expose their romantic relationship. Even about the wedding, the star beau monde found out what is called after the fact.

The couple's marriage took place in a modest setting, and the wedding celebration took place in Spain, where only the closest and dearest were invited. It was so romantic and unusual that they still can't believe that the momentous event did happen.

Yulia Kovalchuk's husband, Alexey, said that when they signed and left the registry office, they were met by a fine, drizzling rain, but this did not upset them - they immediately went to a small restaurant and celebrated the event. It was so unusual, even a little student-like. All the more original, since by that time they were self-sufficient people, but such an unusual adventure brought a new stream to their relationship.

Julia and her husband Alexey are a wonderful couple

But the Spanish ceremony was incredibly beautiful. But the most important thing is that there is no haste, show-off, everything was thought out, taking into account that it was convenient for everyone - both the newlyweds and the guests present.
Friends and numerous fans of the couple could not believe for a long time that this happened, even taking into account the fact that they lived together for quite a long period of time. civil marriage. But a gold ring with a large diamond on Yulia's ring finger convinced even the most persistent skeptics.

Singer's wedding

If we talk about the husband of Yulia Kovalchuk, then the first thing to note is the wide popularity and popularity of Alexei in his homeland - Uzbekistan. He moved to Russia a little over six years ago and considers himself a native. He began writing his first lyrics at the age of 10. Assessing the talent of the child, the parents sent him to music school. Fame brought him a victory in the Voice contest "Europe +", after which he rapidly soared up the career ladder.

Husband of Yulia Kovalchuk - Alexey

And their four-month-old daughter is vacationing in Spain, where the couple have their own home. The 35-year-old singer willingly shares her vacation impressions with fans and recalls happy moments of her life. During the holidays, Julia practically does not use cosmetics and is not afraid to show on Instagram how she looks without makeup.

A new entry on the singer's blog led subscribers into disarray. Julia published her photo, signing it: “My husband cheated, he says once ... I don’t know whether to believe it or not ...”.

Only after examining the attached picture, the fans were able to guess what was the matter. Julia captured herself against the backdrop of a sprawling tree. The chosen angle gives the impression that the singer has branched horns on her head - this is how she beat the common wording about adultery "to cuckold". The artist supplemented the entry with the hashtags “guys are humor”, “not serious”.

A post shared by Julia Kovalchuk/Yulia Kovalchuk(@juliakovalchuk) on Feb 14, 2017 at 12:12am PST

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov have been together for more than ten years. The couple are quite closed in their personal lives. In October 2013, Julia and Alexei secretly got married. The couple was silent about the singer's pregnancy almost until the birth of their daughter, ignoring the rumors circulating.

Only at the end of September, the couple talked about the imminent replenishment in the family, and on October 13 they became the parents of a long-awaited daughter.

Almost immediately after the birth of his first child, Alexei Chumakov presented to fans his new video for the song "The Sky in Your Eyes", in which pregnant Yulia Kovalchuk took part. The couple brought their daughter from the maternity hospital to a luxurious 500-square-meter mansion. Yulia's mother helps to look after the baby, whom the singer bought an apartment nearby.

Actress Anna Kovalchuk: biography, personal life, photos with her husband and children

Today, the celebrity profile database will not be replenished with information about Anna Leonidovna Kovalchuk. What is remarkable in the biography of this star, you will learn below. Enjoy reading!

Biography of Anna Kovalchuk

From childhood, she traveled frequently, moving with her relatives first to Neustrelitz, then to Yerevan, and then to Moscow. She graduated from school already in Leningrad.

From childhood, young Anya liked the exact sciences, for example, mathematics. This is explained by the fact that in the family both parents were related to the education system. So, the mother was the head of the kindergarten, and the father taught. In addition, her grandfather was the director of the school.

And here practically nothing connected Anna Kovalchuk and her relatives with theatrical art. In general, after graduating from school, our heroine wanted to study cybernetics at the Polytechnic Institute. Perhaps she would have become a computer genius, since she had a predisposition and talent in this direction. Until fate intervened.

The future star managed to apply to the Polytechnic, but her friend practically forced her to try herself in the exams at the Theater. Since the dates of the exams at the Leningrad Theater Institute of Music and Cinematography did not coincide with the exams at the Polytechnic, Anya decided to try her luck. She successfully passed the selection in the first round, and then it turned out that in the theater there was a tough competition - 30 people applied for one place. The girl took it as a Challenge of fate. Note that mother supported her daughter in determining the profession.

Personal life of Anna Kovalchuk

When she was taking exams at the theater, she met Anatoly Ilchenko. He helped her prepare for her cultural interview. The young guys began a relationship, and they began life together in a communal. But, as is often the case with student relationships, the couple broke up after graduation.

While still studying at the theater, Anna was called to the troupe of the Lensoviet Theater. There she was noticed by Gennady Trostyanetsky, who at that time was in search of a young artist for his production of “Imaginary Sick”. Note that the premiere of the performance coincided with the date of receipt of the diploma.

At the same time, Anatoly was looking for an opportunity to get a job at Maly Dramatichesky. Without breaking through, in search of recognition, he left for the capital and began working in the theater in the South-West.

Anatoly Ilchenko and Anna Kovalchuk

On the holiday of March 8 in 1999, Anatoly decided to propose to Anya, sending along with greeting card Golden ring. She did not think long and came to Moscow. The meeting after the separation was so long-awaited that the couple decided to get married. And already in the summer, a few months later, Anatoly and Anya got married.

Having become a family man, Anatoly decided to change the field of activity, and try his hand at entrepreneurship, at the suggestion of his father-in-law. Having held out for a certain time in business, Anatoly could not resist and returned to the theater. He exchanged the well-established business in the oil business for a theater without a doubt. comedians ”.

By that time, Anna was already a prima in the Leningrad City Council theater, wonderfully performing a wide variety of roles. The peak of her theatrical fame can be considered the role of Lilith in the production of “ Bed for three ”.

Anna Kovalchuk in the cinema

The debut of our heroine on the screens took place in 1999, when she played a role in the film “Love is Evil”. But really great fame came when she embodied Masha Shvetsova on the screen in the popular TV series “ Secrecy of the investigation ”.

In order to play in this project, Anna Kovalchuk cheated a little. The fact is that the character Masha Shvetsova is over 30 years old, and Anya was only 22 at that time. But the plot of the future film impressed our heroine so much that she lied to the manager about her age, saying that she was 29. She even made a bang on purpose to look older. Although, as Anya herself later admitted, she is sure that she was discovered immediately.

The image of the investigator was not easy for her. Since in real life the actress is not only younger, but more fun than her character. Elena Topilskaya came to the aid of Anna Kovalchuk in preparation, who acted as a kind of prototype for Masha Shvetsova. As a result, Anya performed the role incomparably. Her game was awarded for the embodiment of a good character at the Law and Society festival.

Children of Anna Kovalchuk

After the start of filming the series Secrets of the Investigation, it turned out that she was in a position. It was decided not to try to hide the pregnancy of the main character, but to rewrite the script under new conditions. Even the birth took place almost in front of the cameras! Anna, she is only happy about this, since now in the home archive there is a high-quality video recording of the birth of her daughter Zlata. Note that Anatoly was next to his wife at such an important moment.

The only thing Anya worries about is that she agreed to show her breasts in the cinema while feeding the baby.

In fact, the daughter of Anya and Anatoly practically became an actress from the very first breath. And he continues to play roles, acting in the series. Screenwriters create stories specifically for the baby!

Anya was very worried about her film career, as she was afraid of becoming a hostage to one role. But the demand for it in other paintings was very high. So, in 2003, she embodied on the screen a sensitive nurse in the mini-series “ Rule number two ”.

Acting skills Kovalchuk was noticed by director Vladimir Bortko. At that time, he had almost recruited a team of actors for the film adaptation of the cult book “ Master and Margarita ”, it remained only to find the performers of the main roles. As a result, he invited Alexander Galibin and Anna Kovalchuk to the set.

Divorce of Anna Kovalchuk

After the filming of The Master and Margarita, the relationship between Anna and Anatolia also ended in 2005. Until now, many believe that the reason for filming in such a mystical story, which, even before the start of the film adaptation, was all in rumors about evil rock.

The actress herself claims that there is no interference of mystical forces in the dissolution of marriage. According to her version, the relationship deteriorated much earlier, they just decided to postpone the official confirmation of the divorce until the shooting was over.

Oleg Kapustin - husband of Anna Kovalchuk

After parting with Anatole, Anna began an affair with businessman Oleg Kapustin. After 2 years of relationship, the couple got married in St. Petersburg. It happened on December 1, 2007.

On April 30, 2010, Anya and Oleg replenished their family, they had a son. The couple decided to call him Dobrynya.

That's all. What else would you like to know about the biography and personal life of Anna Kovalchuk?

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