Questions to be solved in the study. Forensic analysis of weapons and traces of their action

Technique and Internet 28.07.2019

1. Questions to be solved in the study of food products:

Has lost its power;

Whether the product belongs to children's or diabetic nutrition;

Is the product a food additive?

Does the quality of the product submitted for research comply with the safety certificate;

Whether the product is a natural product or falsified and by what indicators;

2. Issues to be resolved in the study of alcoholic beverages:

3. Issues addressed in the study of tobacco and tobacco products:

Determine whether this product is tobacco waste or smoking tobacco;

Determine the mass fraction of tobacco fractions, impurities and dust;

5. Questions to be solved in the study of chemical compounds:

Has lost its power;

Does the substance contain ethyl alcohol and denaturing additives;

What is the specific radioactivity of the substance;

Is the substance corrosive, flammable, explosive;

Is the substance a narcotic drug, if so, which one;

Whether the substance is psychotropic, potent or poisonous, if so, which ones;

6. Issues to be resolved in the study of alcohol-containing liquids:

Has lost its power;

Does the liquid contain denaturing additives, if so, which ones and in what concentration;

7. Research questions paintwork materials:

Determine the chemical composition and belonging of the goods to paints and varnishes;

Has lost its power;

What is the type and type of paintwork material submitted for research.

8. Issues to be resolved in the study of polymeric materials and products from them:

9. Issues to be resolved in the study of paper and paper products:

Has lost its power;

Identify paper by physical and chemical parameters;

Determine the composition of the coating and the basis of the product;

10. Questions to be solved in the study of textile materials and textile products:

Has lost its power;

Determine breaking load and linear density chemical threads;

Identify the polymer base of chemical threads;

Determine the linear density and cross-sectional size of the monofilament;

Determine the content of textured polyester yarns and artificial complex yarns in fabrics;

11. Issues to be resolved in the study of precious metals, alloys and products from them:

Does the product contain precious metals and which ones;

Is the object under study a currency value;

What is the percentage of the precious metal, to which sample it belongs;

  • 1. Are the traces found traces of clothing?
  • 2. What is the mechanism of interaction between an object and clothing (traces of friction, imprint, etc.)?
  • 3. What was it like mutual arrangement person and object on which traces of his clothes are left?
  • 4. Are traces left by patches of clothing of a particular person?
  • 5. What marks and damage are there on the clothes?
  • 6. What is the mechanism of damage formation on clothes?
  • 7. What type of tool (object) caused damage?
  • 8. Are there marks and damages on the clothes by the items presented?

expertise document instrument hacking


on the appointment of trace evidence forensic examination

(which one)

(place of compilation)

Investigator ORPTO OP-5 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Ensk Art. lieutenant of justice (position of investigator (interrogating officer), class rank or rank, surname, initials)

Ivanitsky I.I.

Having considered the materials of criminal case No. 123456,


  • 11/28/2016 during the daytime, an unknown criminal by breaking the front door
  • (the grounds for the appointment of a forensic examination are stated)

penetrated into the apartment of Mr. Vasin, located on the street. Dekabristov, 145-203 in the city of Ensk, from where he secretly stole the personal property of the victim in the amount of more than 50,000 rubles.

During the inspection of the place on the casing of the front door, two three-dimensional traces of a burglary tool were found, from which casts were made with the help of paste "K". During a search at the suspect Losev P.P. a chisel was found and seized, the dimensions of the canvas of which coincide with the dimensions of the traces seized during the inspection of the scene. In addition, during the inspection, the lock from the front door was seized. To establish the circumstances to be proved, listed in Art. 73 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, special knowledge is required.

Based on the aforesaid and guided by Article. 195 (196) and 199 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation,


  • 1. Assign traceological (which one) forensic examination, the production of which is entrusted to the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Ensk
  • (surname, name, patronymic of the expert or the name of the expert institution)
  • 2. Put questions to the expert:
  • 1. Are the seized traces of hacking tools suitable for identification?
  • 2. If applicable, what is the mechanism and time of breaking?
  • 3. Are there traces of burglary tools found during the inspection of the scene of the incident, a chisel found and seized during a search from the suspect Losev P.P. or another item(s)?
  • 4. If the traces are left by another object (objects), then what are characteristics hacking tools that left traces, as well as height, sex, age, physical strength, professional skills, functional features of the person who hacked?
  • 5. Was the lock unlocked only with keys specially designed for this lock or also with other keys (objects)?
  • 3. Provide the expert with the following materials: this resolution, (what kind of) chisel found during a search at Mr. Losev P.P., two casts from the traces of burglary tools found during the inspection of the scene.
  • 4. To entrust: Head of the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Ensk
  • (to whom exactly)

explain to the expert the rights and obligations under Art. 57 Code of Criminal Procedure, and warn him of criminal liability in accordance with Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for giving a knowingly false conclusion.

Investigator (investigator) Ivanovitsky


Rights and obligations under Art. 57 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, “____” was explained to me ___________ 20___

At the same time, I was warned about criminal liability in accordance with Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for giving a knowingly false conclusion.

Expertise(from lat. - experienced, knowledgeable) - research conducted by a person who is knowledgeable in science, technology, art or craft, attracted on behalf of stakeholders, in order to answer questions that require special knowledge.

Expertise is carried out on issues arising in legal relations between subjects of law, with the aim of resolving disputes, establishing facts of interest. The examination is carried out by a person specially involved for this purpose - an expert with special knowledge that its initiators do not possess.

An expert study is drawn up with a reasoned opinion of the expert, which describes the course of the study and provides answers to the questions posed. The conclusion obtained is evidence indicating the presence / absence of factual data of interest in resolving a particular issue or becomes the basis for a trial.

Questions solved by handwriting expertise:


1. Who, Mr. A or another person, made the handwritten text of the document (name, details)?
2. Who, Mr. A or another person, made the signature in the document under study (name, details, line, column)?
3. Who, Mr. A or another person, signed on behalf of a fictitious (unidentified) person, located in the document under study (name, details, line, column)?
4. Did the texts (signatures) located in the documents submitted for research (or parts of the text, signatures in one document) be executed by one or different persons?
1. Was the text written in unusual conditions (unusual posture) or in an unusual state (sickness, intoxication)?



1. Study of document forms:

- Is the submitted form manufactured by an enterprise that manufactures products of this type?
- How was the document or its form made?
- Are the studied forms of documents made in one or different ways?
— Are the submitted documents made from the same printed form?
- have any changes been made to the original content of the printed text (handwritten notes, signatures) available in the document?
2. Examination of prints of seals and stamps:
- how was the printing cliché produced, the imprint of which is available in the submitted document? - Are the prints under investigation applied by one or different clichés? Are the printed prints of the cliché under investigation, samples of the prints of which are presented for comparison?
3. Study of typewritten texts:
- what is the brand and system of the typewriter on which the text of the document under study is executed?
— were the texts of the submitted documents executed on one or different typewriters?
- Is the text of the document executed on the presented typewriter?
- Is the text of the document executed on a typewriter, the text samples of which are presented for comparison?
4. Technical and forensic examination of signatures:
- in what way the signature under study was executed in the submitted document (handwritten or using any technical means)?
- whether there was a technical forgery of the signature (copying in the light, squeezing, execution using pre-training etc.)?
- Is the signature in the examined document copied from any of the signatures presented for comparison?
5. Establishing the fact of changing the original content of the document:
- has the document been subjected to any changes (cleaning, etching, shading, etc.)? If yes, what exactly?
- is any fragment of the records in the submitted document not added (finished)?
- Have any parts of the document been re-glued (photo card, stamp, etc.)?
- Have the sheets in the submitted document been replaced?
6. Establishing the content of the document:
- what is the content of the originally made (modified) entries in the submitted document?
- what is the content of the faded, pressed, flooded records?
- what is the chronological sequence of execution of intersecting details (text, print and signature) in the document under study?
- Did the fragments of documents presented earlier constitute a single whole?
What is the content of a torn or burned document?
What is the content of the text on the carbon paper?
7. Research of money tickets:
- Was the banknote submitted for research manufactured by an enterprise that produces banknotes of this state?
How is the ticket made?
- Are the presented money tickets made from the same printed form (with the printing method of applying images)?
- Have the received money tickets been made from the presented printed form?
- Are the presented money tickets made from the same original (with a non-printing method of applying images)?
- Does the image of banknotes in the files on the presented media correspond to the image on the seized banknotes?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are the paper of the bank note (document) seized and the samples of paper seized ... homogeneous among themselves?
2. Is the paper on which the presented money tickets (documents) are made homogeneous?
3. What kind, brand and grade of paper was used for the production of the presented banknotes (documents)?
4. Are they homogeneous in terms of chemical composition dyes used in images of banknotes (handwritten notes and signatures, prints of seals and stamps, printed text, etc.), with ink in printer cartridges (ballpoint pen paste, stamp ink, printer toner), seized ...?
5. Were the submitted inkjet printers (ballpoint pens, ink pads, laser printers, etc.) used to execute money tickets (specified details in the submitted documents)?
6. Are the dyes used for the presented banknotes (handwritten notes, seals and stamps, printed texts, etc. in these documents) homogeneous in chemical composition?
7. What kind of coloring agent are the details of the received document filled with?
8. What adhesive was used to make the documents?
9. Are the adhesives used in the production of the submitted documents homogeneous in chemical composition?
10. Was this adhesive sample used to make the document under study?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. In what way are the colorful images located:
— on the printed packaging of audio, video, multimedia products?
- on the surface of information carriers (CD, DVD, video, audio cassettes)?
2. Colorful images are made in one or different ways, located:
— on the printed packaging of audio, video, multimedia products and samples?
— on the surface of information carriers (CD, DVD, video, audio cassettes) and samples?
3. Are the printing packages of audio, video, multimedia products of the same name made from the same printed form?
4. Do the printed packaging of audio, video and multimedia products submitted for the study (colorful images on the surface of CDs, DVDs, video, audio cassettes submitted for the study) correspond to the samples submitted for comparison in terms of manufacturing method, design, design, etc. .?
5. Could the samples of packaging, etc., presented be used to make the corresponding printed packaging copies submitted for research?
6. Could the presented printer be used for the production of the presented printed packaging?
7. Could the presented copying equipment be used for the production of the presented printing packaging?
8. Does the audio, video, multimedia products submitted for research contain technical signs of counterfeiting?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are there traces of hands (bare feet) on the presented objects? If so, are they suitable for personal identification?
2. Are there traces of hands (bare feet) left by a specific person (persons)?
3. Were traces of hands (bare feet) seized during the inspection of several scenes of incidents left by the same person?
4. Do the fingerprints of the hands (bare feet) on several fingerprint cards belong to the same person?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are footprints seized during the inspection of the scene suitable for identification?
2. What type of shoes (purpose, type, model, size) formed the traces seized during the inspection of the scene?
3. Did the same or different shoes leave marks at the scene?
4. Were footprints found at the scene left by shoes seized from a specific person?
5. What is the mechanism for the formation of traces (are they formed when walking, running, by a person carrying a significant load, etc.)?
6. What are the anatomical features of a person displayed in the track (if any)?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Is the footprint taken from the scene a trace of clothing?
2. What type, piece of clothing left a mark?
3. Are traces formed by one or more types of clothing?
4. Are marks left by a particular piece of clothing?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are the products or semi-finished products confiscated from a specific person made on a specific machine or using specific parts of it?
2. Are multiple items found at the scene and items recovered from a specific person made on the same device or using the same parts?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are the items of clothing and/or shoes shown damaged? If yes, what is the mechanism of their formation?
2. What object could have formed the existing damage?
3. Are there any damages on clothes and shoes that are typical for education in a traffic accident? If yes, what is the mechanism of their formation?
4. Are there any marks on the presented clothes and shoes? vehicle? If so, for which vehicles (type, type) are they characteristic, and what part of the vehicle could they have been formed?
5. Are there vehicle tire marks on clothes and shoes? If so, what vehicles are they intended for installation on (type, type, brand, model, year of manufacture)?
6. Are these damages formed by a specific object (submitted for research)?
7. What was the position of the victim at the time of the initial contact with the traumatic force in the traffic accident?
Note. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive forensic and trace examination, and if there is a vehicle, a transport and trace examination.

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Has the vehicle identification number been destroyed or altered (total or partial)?
2. If so, what are the original designations?
3. Are the numbers of the same name marked on different parts of the car with one or different stamps?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. What type are these nodes (loops)? Are they professional, and if so, for what profession are they most typical?
2. What is the nature of the termination or braiding of the ends of the investigated rope, rope or cord? Do not the features of the termination (braiding) of the ends indicate the habitual or professional skills of a particular person?
3. Do not several knots (loops) presented to the expert belong to the same type?
4. Were several knots submitted for examination tied in one way (for example, knots seized from the scene and knots made by the suspect during the investigative experiment)?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are there marks on the objects due to the impact of the teeth?
2. Are traces formed by the teeth of an animal or a person?
3. What are the features of the structure of the teeth of a person who left traces?
4. What teeth (molars, incisors, canines) left traces?
5. Are teeth marks left by the teeth of a particular person (animal)?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are there imprints of hallmarks on the presented product, if so, which ones?
2. Do they correspond in form and content to the hallmarks of the Republic of Belarus and the hallmarks of the USSR?
3. Are the prints on the presented products made with the same hallmark?
4. Are the imprints of the brand on the product with the brand submitted for research?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are the traces taken during the inspection of the scene of the incident suitable for identifying the gun that left them?
2. Were traces found at the scene left by an object (tool) seized from the suspect?
3. What is the mechanism of trace formation?
4. What object formed the traces?
5. From which side (internal or external) was the burglary made?
6. What was the position of the tool, tool relative to the trace-receiving surface?
7. What is the type (kind), design features, technical condition, completeness of the used metal-cutting apparatus?
8. What is the method (factory, handicraft) of manufacturing a metal-cutting machine?
9. What are the skills and qualifications of the cutter of the person(s) who cut?
10. Where is the starting point for cutting, and what is the direction of the cut?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Are there traces of vehicles on the presented object, if so, are they suitable for identification?
2. Are there traces left by a specific vehicle?
3. What is the type, model of the vehicle (car, tractor, motorcycle, bicycle, etc.) that left a mark (track, tire tread) at the scene?
4. What is the direction in which the vehicle was moving?
5. What is the nature of the movement of the vehicle, judging by the tracks of the tires (rolling, braking)?
6. Are the fragments seized during the inspection of the scene of the accident parts (details) of vehicles? If so, what vehicle are they for?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. How are the presented objects corked?
2. Are they sealed on the same machine?
3. Are the objects sealed on the presented equipment or the equipment on which the experimental objects were obtained?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. What damage is there on the clothes, their nature and mechanism of formation?
2. Are there any traces of parts and parts of the vehicle on the clothes, and if so, what parts, parts left them and what kind of vehicle (car, truck)?
3. Are there traces of car wheel treads on the clothes, and if so, what tire model left them and on which vehicles are these tires installed?
4. Are the wheel treads of a particular car left marks on clothing?
5. In what position was the victim at the time of initial contact with the vehicle?
6. How was the victim positioned in relation to the vehicle?
7. Do the traces on the clothing and body (corpse) of the victim correspond in their localization and mechanism of formation?
Note. To resolve issues 5-7, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive forensic medical and trace examination.

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. How were the coins provided for research made (casting, stamping)?
2. Are they manufactured by an enterprise that produces this type of product?

Expertise issue:

1. Have registration marks been made at the enterprise producing this type of product?
2. If not, how are they made?


1. To resolve the examination of the establishment of the whole in parts, one question is usually posed: did the objects under study make up a single whole before?
2. In addition, questions can be raised:
— what object (tool, tool, mechanism, etc.) is this object a part of?
- what is the mechanism (rupture, fracture, cut, etc.) for separating a part from an object?
3. If homogeneous objects are sent for examination, then the following questions are put before the expert:
- Are the glass fragments found at the scene of an accident part of the headlight lens of a certain car?
- Is the chip found at the scene of the incident peeled off from the side of the body of a certain car?
- Are not the cut and the presented piece of leather confiscated from the accused part of one whole?
- Is the piece of tissue left at the scene of the incident part of a piece of tissue seized from the accused?
- Did the piece of newspaper seized at the scene of the incident and the piece of newspaper seized from K. previously constitute one whole?
4. When sending objects related to composite objects for examination, the following questions are asked:
- whether they were previously one whole trigger, found at the scene, and a Makarov pistol seized from the suspect? Did the car door lock seized from the suspect and the door of a certain car previously constitute one whole?
5. Questions to be solved by an expert in the study of objects related to complete integers are formulated as follows:
- Were the scabbard found at the scene and the knife seized from the suspect previously made up one whole?
- Were the low shoes seized from the suspect worn with galoshes found at the scene?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Is the lock submitted for examination in good condition, and if not, what faults does it have?
2. Is it possible to unlock the lock with selected keys or a master key?
3. Was the lock unlocked with selected keys or a master key?
4. Has the lock been hacked in the locked or unlocked position?
5. Is it possible to unlock the control lock without breaking the control paper?

Research questions firearms:

1. Does the item submitted for examination belong to the category of firearms (pneumatic, gas, signal) weapons?
2. What type and model (model) does this firearm belong to?
3. Is the weapon in good working order and is it suitable for shooting? If not correct, what is the problem?
4. Part of the firearm of what type and sample (model) is this part, does it belong to constituent parts firearms?
5. Is the part presented for research a part of this weapon (for example, the TT pistol No. 8446)?
6. In what way (factory or home-made) was this weapon made?
7. Could this weapon be fired without pulling the trigger under certain circumstances (for example, as a result of the weapon falling to the floor)?
8. Is it possible to shoot from this weapon with cartridges of a certain caliber?
9. Have markings on certain parts of the weapon been destroyed? If yes, which ones? What are the original markings? (the issue is resolved during the trace study)
10. Has this weapon been fired since the last cleaning? (the issue is resolved with the involvement of an expert chemist)

Questions to be solved in the study of ammunition, bullets, shot, buckshot, wads and shells:

1. What sample does the cartridge belong to (or the sample of cartridges does this bullet, cartridge case) belong to and in what weapon can it be used for firing?
2. Is the cartridge submitted for research an ammunition and is it suitable for use for its intended purpose?
3. Is this cartridge or shell (bullet, shot, buckshot) made by a factory or artisanal method?
4. What is the caliber and sample of a bullet, cartridge case (or number of shot, buckshot) fired from a gun?
5. Do the cartridges to be compared (as well as their parts in the form of bullets, cartridge cases, shot, buckshot) belong to the products of one factory (year of manufacture)?
6. Did the parts of the cartridge previously form a single whole with parts of the cartridges seized from a particular person?
7. Has a cartridge (wad, gasket) been loaded using this tool?
8. Was a shot fired from a weapon that has any features (converted to a different cartridge, with a worn bore, equipped with a device for silent shooting)?
9. What kind of weapon, system, sample (model) was this bullet (sleeve) fired from?
10. Has a bullet (sleeve) been fired from this weapon?
11. Was a bullet (sleeve) fired from a weapon of an inappropriate (bigger, smaller) caliber?
12. Could the cartridge, of which the bullet submitted for examination is a part, be used to fire this weapon?
13. Is the metal fragment part of the bullet?
14. If so, what cartridge is the bullet an element of?
15. Did the bullet submitted for examination not ricochet?
16. What are the causes of deformation on the bullet and case?
17. Was there a misfire when shooting, judging by the sleeve of this cartridge?
18. Are the bullet and case submitted for examination part of the same cartridge?
19. Did the object to be examined serve as a homemade wad?
20. What is the caliber of the gun from which the wad, gasket was fired?

Questions to be solved in the study of traces of a shot:

1. Is this damage gunshot?
2. Is the damage caused by a bullet (shot, buckshot)?
3. How many shots resulted in damage to the barrier?
4. What kind of weapon and sample (model) was fired at this object?
6. From what distance was the shot fired?
7. Are there traces of a close shot on the victim's clothing?
8. What is the direction of the bullet channel in the object under study?
9. In what direction (at what angle to the affected obstacle) was the shot fired?
10. Were damages formed on these objects with one shot?
11. Where was the shot fired from?
11. What is the sequence of shots, judging by the bullet damage?
12. What caliber bullet caused this damage?
13. What is this damage - input or output?
14. What was the relative position of the weapon and the damaged object when fired?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Is the knife (object, product) submitted for examination a cold weapon?
2. If so, what kind of edged weapons does it belong to?
3. How was the knife (object, product) presented for research made?

Issues to be resolved by expertise:

1. Is the image of a person in the submitted photographs (video recordings) suitable for personal identification?
2. Is the same person depicted in the submitted photographs (video recordings)?
3. Are the same or different faces depicted in photographs of a living person and a corpse?

Typical issues resolved during the production of autotechnical expertise:

1. At what speed was the vehicle moving at the scene of the accident, based on the length of the braking tracks, length ...?
2. With what permissible speed, according to the conditions of visibility of the road in the direction of travel, was the driver supposed to move in the conditions of the scene?
3. If the speed of movement was exceeded, then is the speeding not in a causal relationship with the fact of an accident (collision, collision, etc.)?
4. At what distance from the place of collision (collision) was the vehicle at the time of the danger to traffic?
5. What is the stopping distance of the car in the conditions of the scene?
6. Did the driver of the car have the technical ability to prevent a collision (collision) with the car ... (on a pedestrian ...) by braking from the moment the danger to traffic arose?
7. How should the driver have acted in this situation in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of the Road?
8. Did the driver's actions comply with the requirements of the Rules of the Road?
9. Is the steering, chassis and braking system of the vehicle in good condition? If it is faulty, then what is it, when did it arise, and could the driver detect it before starting and during the movement?
10. Where is the vehicle collision site located?
11. At what angle were the longitudinal axes of the vehicles at the time of the collision?
12. How were the vehicles located relative to the boundaries of the carriageway at the time of the collision?
13. How was the vehicle located relative to the boundaries of the carriageway at the time of activation of its brake system (if there were signs of braking-skidding)?
14. Was the vehicle in motion at the time of the accident?
15. Was there any contact between the vehicles submitted for examination?

Issues to be solved by computer-technical expertise:

1. Does the configuration of the system units submitted for examination correspond to the configuration specified in the warranty cards for them?
2. Are there files on the hard drive of the personal computer system unit submitted for examination, including deleted ones, containing information about "..." (indicate specific keywords For search)?
3. Does the hard drive of the system unit submitted for examination have information about the logins and passwords used to access the global Internet?
4. What were the last sites visited by the user of this computer? And etc.



Questions to resolve the examination of the species under consideration can be formulated as follows:
1. What is the nature of the substance submitted for research and is it a narcotic drug, a psychotropic substance or a precursor?
2. If the substance submitted for research is classified as a narcotic drug, psychotropic substance or precursor, then to which group of drugs does it belong?
3. Are there traces of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors on the objects submitted for examination; if so, which ones?
4. Do tobacco products submitted for examination (cigarettes, cigarettes, tobacco crumbs, etc.) contain narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances; if so, which ones?
5. Are there narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in the remains of smoked cigarettes (cigarettes); if so, which ones?
6. Can the plant mass (plant) submitted for research be used as a raw material for the handicraft production of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances?
7. Is the plant mass submitted for research waste from home-made production of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances?

Questions to be solved in the study of ethyl alcohols:

1. Whether the liquid submitted for examination contains alcohol; if so, what is its strength?
2. Does the liquid submitted for examination comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation (GOST, STB, TU, etc.)?
3. Does the liquid submitted for examination contain a denaturing additive (according to the list of STB 645); if so, which one and how much?
4. Does the liquid submitted for analysis correspond to the data indicated on the label in terms of physicochemical parameters?
5. Is the liquid presented for examination denatured ethyl alcohol or denatured alcohol-containing products?

The following questions may be asked to resolve the examination of paints and varnishes and coatings in accordance with the tasks:

1. Are there any particles of paints and varnishes or coatings (in general or only of a certain kind) on the carrier object (subjects submitted for research)?
2. Does the substance seized belong to the category of paints and varnishes or coatings (in general or only a certain kind)?
3. Are the samples of paintwork materials or coatings submitted for examination suitable for identifying a particular item, if so, did they belong to a particular item?
4. What is the mechanism for the formation of traces of a substance of a paintwork material or coating, were specific objects in contact interaction (issues bordering on other types forensic examination- traceological, fibrous materials and products from them, etc.)?
5. What is the type of this paintwork and its purpose (in particular, is the particle submitted for examination a fragment of an automotive paintwork)?
6. How many times and what kind of paint was the object covered before repainting; what is its original color?

When studying special chemical substances the following questions can be asked:

1. Are there layers of special chemicals on the carrier object (washings from clothes, hands, shoes, etc.)?
2. Is the dye found on the carrier object (hair, skin, clothing of the suspect, crime weapon, other objects belonging to the suspect) homogeneous in chemical composition with the substance seized at the crime scene and presented as a sample for a comparative study?

In accordance with this, the questions proposed for resolution of this type of examination are also formed:

1. Are there metal particles (copper, lead, etc.) on the presented item?
2. Is the presented product made of gold (silver), if so, what sample?
3. What is the weight of the product shown?
4. Does the presented product have the state stamp of the Republic of Belarus or the hallmarks of the state inspections of the assay supervision of the former USSR?
5. Has the weapon been fired since the last cleaning?

In accordance with this, the questions proposed for the resolution of this type of examination are also formed:

1. Are there glass particles on the item shown? If so, are they suitable for comparative studies (provided reference sample(s) are provided)?
2. Do the glasses being compared have a common generic (group) affiliation?

Issues resolved by the expertise:

1. Are there microparticles of textile fibers on the adhesive film submitted for the study? What is their nature?
2. Are the objects presented for research (microparticles) textile fibers?
3. Are there textile fibers on the carrier object (knife, axe, etc.)? If yes, what is their nature and localization?
4. Are there fibers of a common generic (group) affiliation with fibers in the clothing of the victim or the suspect (accused) on the object-carrier (knife, ax, cuts of nails)?
5. Do the clothes of the victim have fibers of a common generic (group) affiliation with fibers in the clothes of the suspect (accused) and vice versa?
6. Whether the items of clothing of specific individuals were in contact interaction; clothes of a certain person with a murder weapon, a vehicle?
7. What is the type, group (subgroup) and purpose (in the presence of reference samples and NTD) of fabric, knitwear, carpet, artificial fur, non-woven material, twisted and wicker products?
8. Are there remains of charred textiles in the ash, if so, what is their generic (group) affiliation and purpose?
9. Did the compared objects of fibrous nature previously constitute a single whole (it is solved in a complex way using knowledge in the field of traceology)?
10. Do specific objects come from a specific (in the presence of reference samples and NTD) or one (common) source of origin?

Issues resolved by biological expertise:

1. Is the seized substance blood?
2. If it is blood, does it come from a person or an animal? (If from an animal, then could it come from ...? Indicate the animal species of interest.)
3. If this is human blood, then what is its group affiliation?
4. Does the group affiliation of the blood seized from the scene match with the group affiliation of the gr...?

1. Is there… traces of semen?

3. Does the group affiliation of sperm coincide with the group affiliation of a citizen...?

1. Is there… saliva?
2. If so, what is its group affiliation?
3. Does the group affiliation of saliva coincide with the group affiliation of a citizen ...?

1. Is there a … sweat?
2. If so, what is its group affiliation?
3. Does the group affiliation of sweat coincide with the group affiliation of a citizen ...?
The question of group affiliation is not raised if it is necessary to conduct a genotyposcopic examination in order to preserve the material (objects).

Depending on the circumstances that the initiator needs to find out, the list of questions presented above can be expanded.

Tel. , 268-87-99, 268-83-91, 268-80-85

Trace examination is carried out in order to identify various objects according to their characteristics. external structure, displayed in the traces at the scene, as well as for diagnosing various circumstances related to the investigation: the direction of movement (criminal, transport), the time of origin of the traces, the method and sequence of the criminal’s actions, etc.

Depending on the objects of study and the nature of the tasks to be solved, the following main traceological examinations are distinguished:

Footprints of shoes;

Traces of teeth;

Footprints (hoofs) of animals;

Traces of hacking tools and tools;

Traces of vehicles;

Locks and locking devices;

Locking and sealing devices (ZPU) and seals;

Whole in parts;

Traces of production mechanisms;

Knots and loops.

The production of trace examinations is organized in all forensic divisions of the internal affairs bodies.

Questions to be solved in the study of footprints:

1. What kind of shoes left marks (boots, boots, sneakers, etc.)?

2. Which model of shoes left a mark; her size?

3. What is the height of the person wearing this shoe?

4. What is the mechanism of the appearance of traces (are traces left when walking, running, kicking, etc.)?

5. What are the human anatomical features reflected in the footprints?

6. Were the footprints (shoes) found at several accident sites by the same person (or the same shoes)?

7. Are there any footprints left by the shoes seized from a particular person?

8. Was the shoes found at the scene worn by a specific person?

9. Did the footprints show signs of the external structure of stockings or socks seized from a particular person?

10. What are the dimensional characteristics of the shoe track elements?

11. Do the elements of the footprint found at the scene match the elements of the experimental footprint left by this person?

Questions to be solved in the study of traces of human teeth:

1. Did the teeth of a person, animal or anything else leave marks on this object?

2. What are the anatomical, technical features dental apparatus of a person who left traces?

3. What is the mechanism (bite, bite) of the formation of teeth marks?

4. Did this person leave teeth marks on the presented object?

Questions to be solved in the study of footprints (hoofs) of animals:

1. What animals left traces?

2. What are the zoological features of the animal displayed in the tracks?

3. Have any traces been left by these animals?

4. What are the type, number and features of the horseshoes, traces of which were found at the scene?

5. Are the footprints (horseshoes, hooves) left by the same or different animals?

Questions to be solved in the study of traces of hacking tools and tools:

1. Are there any traces of exposure to a foreign object on the surface of the object?

2. From which side, in which direction was damage (drilling, sawing, tearing, breaking, wringing) of this object (door, window, ceiling, floor, board, paper, cardboard, etc.)?

3. What is the mechanism of trace formation?

4. What kind or type is the tool (tool, mechanism) that left traces? What are the properties and characteristics of this tool (shape, dimensions, etc.)?

5. Are these traces formed by one or several tools?

6. Were the tracks on two or more objects formed by the same tool?

7. Were these traces formed by the tool submitted for examination?

Questions to be solved in the study of traces of vehicles:

1. What type and model of the vehicle, what parts of it left traces?

2. Are there tracks left by one or more vehicles?

3. In what direction was the vehicle moving?

4. What is the mechanism of formation of existing traces?

5. Are there any tracks left by this vehicle?

6. Is the discovered object a part of this vehicle and has it previously been a single whole with it?

7. What was the relative position of the vehicles (vehicle and other objects) at the time of the collision?

Questions to be solved in the study of locks and locking devices:

1. Is the lock mechanism working? If not, what is the cause of its failure? How does this malfunction affect the security properties of the lock?

2. Are there traces left by a foreign object on the parts of the lock mechanism? Are these marks the result of exposure to a fake key or master key?

3. Has the lock been unlocked and can it be unlocked with this key (master key, object)?

4. At what position of the locking mechanism (locked, unlocked) did damage occur on the lock?

5. As a result of what actions was the lock damaged? How is the lock unlocked?

6. What kind of tool (type) left traces on the lock or broke the lock?

7. Are several locks unlocked (hacked) in one way, with one tool?

8. Did this tool (tool, object) leave traces on the lock?

9. What is the security level of the lock mechanism?

Issues to be resolved in the study of locking and sealing devices (LPU) and seals:

1. Was the seal (ZPU) opened and in what way?

2. Was the seal (ZPU) reattached?

4. Was the seal crimped with the provided sealing vise?

5. Were the presented tools used to open the seal (ZPU) and its subsequent compression?

Issues to be resolved when establishing the whole in parts:

1. What subject is this object a part of?

2. Did these objects previously form one whole?

3. How are the parts of the subject divided?

4. Was the object divided into parts by a specific object?

Questions to be solved in the study of mass-produced products:

1. On what equipment is this product manufactured, with the use of what machines, mechanisms?

2. Were the products or semi-finished products confiscated from a specific person made on a specific machine or using specific parts of it (molds, dies, punches, dies, etc.)?

3. Are multiple items found at the scene and multiple items seized from the individual manufactured on the same device or using the same parts?

Questions to be solved in the study of clothing:

1. Are the traces found traces of clothing?

2. What is the mechanism of interaction between an object and clothing (traces of friction, imprint, etc.)?

3. What was the relative position of the person and the object on which traces of his clothes were left?

4. Are traces left by patches of clothing of a particular person?

5. What marks and damage are there on the clothes?

6. What is the mechanism of damage formation on clothes?

7. What type of tool (object) caused damage?

8. Are there marks and damages on the clothes by the items presented?

Questions to be solved in the study of knots and loops:

1. What type are knots and loops?

2. Are they professional? If so, what profession are they typical for?

Requirements for materials sent for examination:

When appointing a trace examination, the following shall be submitted:

Direct objects of study; if it is impossible to fulfill this requirement, you can send models obtained from these objects (photographs, casts, fingerprint films);

Inspection protocols, diagrams, photographs of the scene of the incident (materials of the criminal case);

Samples for comparative research; in each specific case, they can be clarified by an expert.

Items (objects) must be packed, sealed and provided with appropriate accompanying inscriptions.

Due to the wide aspect of traceological tasks and the range of objects of study, the list of diagnostic and identification issues addressed by this examination includes only the main ones that are most often encountered in practice. First of all, these are questions related to the study of traces of shoes, vehicles, production mechanisms, various tools, tools, etc.

The production of trace examinations is organized in all forensic divisions of the internal affairs bodies at the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs.


When appointing a traceological examination, the following are presented: directly the objects of study, if it is impossible to fulfill this requirement, it is possible to send qualitative models obtained from these objects;

Inspection protocols, diagrams, photographs from the scene (materials of the criminal case);

Samples for comparative research; in each specific case, they can be clarified by an expert.

Physical evidence must be well packaged and provided with appropriate accompanying inscriptions.

Questions to be solved in the study of traces of shoes, legs of a person and an animal.

  1. What shoe model formed the footprint, its size?
  1. How tall is the person wearing these shoes?
  1. Did the shoes, stockings, etc., represent these marks?
  1. Was the shoe shown worn by a specific person?
  1. What are the anatomical features of a person, an animal reflected in the traces?
  1. Have these animals (horseshoes) left footprints?
  1. What is the type, number and features of horseshoes?
  1. In what direction was the movement?
  1. How many objects were involved in the movement?
  1. What is the mechanism for the appearance of traces (are traces left when walking, running, etc.)?
  1. Do the elements of the footprint found at the scene of the incident match the elements of the experimental footprint left by the individual?

Questions to be solved in the study of traces of human teeth.

  1. Did the teeth of a person, animal or something else leave marks on this object?
  1. What are the anatomical, technical features of the dental apparatus of a person who left traces?
  1. What is the mechanism (bite, bite) of the formation of teeth marks?
  1. Did this person leave teeth marks on the presented object?

Issues to be resolved in the study of traces of hacking tools, tools and mechanisms.

  1. Are there traces of foreign object impact on the surface of the object?
  1. From which side, in which direction was the damage (drilling, sawing, tearing, cutting, breaking, pressing) of this object (door, window, ceiling, floor, board, paper, cardboard, etc.)?
  1. What is the mechanism of trace formation?
  1. To what type or type does the tool (tool, mechanism) belong to which traces were left? What are the properties and characteristics of this tool (shape, dimensions, etc.)?
  1. Are these traces formed by one or several tools?
  1. Were marks formed on two or more objects by the same tool?
  1. Were these traces formed by the tool submitted for examination?
  1. Are these products made on the same machine or with the same tool?

Issues to be resolved in the study of traces of vehicles.

  1. What type and model of the vehicle, what parts of it left traces?
  1. Are there tracks left by one or more vehicles?
  1. In which direction was the vehicle moving?
  1. What is the mechanism of formation of existing traces?
  1. Are there any tracks left by this vehicle?
  1. Is the discovered object a part of this vehicle and did it not previously form a single whole with it?
  1. What was the relative position of the vehicles (vehicle and other objects) at the time of the collision?
  1. How are state registration plates made?

Issues to be resolved in the study of locks and locking devices.

  1. Is the lock mechanism correct? If not, what is the cause of its failure? How does this malfunction affect the security properties of the lock?
  1. Are there marks left by a foreign object on the parts of the lock mechanism? Are these marks the result of exposure to a fake key or master key?
  1. Has it been unlocked and is it possible to unlock the lock with this key (master key, object)?
  1. At what position of the locking mechanism (locked, unlocked) are damages formed on the lock?
  1. As a result of what actions the lock was damaged? How is the lock unlocked?
  1. What kind of tool (type) left traces on the lock, or was the lock broken?
  1. Are several locks unlocked (broken down) by one method, by one tool?
  1. Did this tool (tool, object) leave traces on the lock?

Issues to be resolved in the study of control seals and twists.

  1. Was the seal opened and in what way?
  1. Was the filling re-attached?
  1. Is it possible to remove the wire from the body of the seal without leaving marks?
  1. What is the content of digital and letter imprints on the seal?
  1. Has the seal been crimped with the provided sealing vise?
  1. Were the presented tools used to open the filling?
  1. Has the twist been uncoiled and re-twisted?
  1. Is the twist wire made with the same tool?

Issues to be resolved in establishing the whole in parts.

  1. What item is this object a part of?
  1. Did these objects previously form a single entity?
  1. How are the parts divided?
  1. Were the parts separated by a particular object?

Issues addressed in the study of clothing.

  1. Are the traces found traces of clothing?
  1. What is the mechanism of interaction between an object and clothing (traces of friction, imprint, etc.)?
  1. What was the relative position of the person and the object on which traces of his clothes were left?
  1. Are traces left by patches of clothing of a particular person?
  1. What marks and damage are there on the clothes?
  1. What is the mechanism of damage formation on clothes?
  1. What type of damage was caused by the tool (objects)?
  1. Are there any marks and damages on the clothes by the objects presented?

Questions to be solved in the study of knots and loops.

  1. What are knots and loops?
  1. Are they professional? If yes, what profession are they typical for?

Portrait examination.


Forensic portrait examination consists in the study of photographs and other objective displays appearance person in order to identify the identity of the persons depicted on them.

Expert identification based on subjective portraits, as well as skull reconstructions, is not performed, since they are based on a mental image of a person's appearance. An objective assessment of the imprinted signs of appearance in the memory of an eyewitness, as a rule, is impossible. Therefore, this type of portrait image is used only in conditions of operational identification.

Expert identification is not carried out using portrait images of a person made by an artist (painter, graphic artist, sculptor). When creating them, the artist usually does not take into account the small features of the structure of a person’s face, which are not essential for the formation of the image of the person being portrayed, but are used as individualizing ones in expert identification (for example, signs of the structure of the elements of the auricle, etc.).


For expert identification it is necessary to send photographs (negatives) - originals. In their absence, copies of these mappings are sent. It is desirable to send images of people of approximately the same age to be compared for the study. The production time of the photographs to be compared must be known. The photographs of the compared faces must be taken in the same or close angle, in approximately the same lighting conditions.

It is desirable that the photographs be normal in contrast, displaying all the small features of the face - wrinkles, folds, birthmarks etc., devoid of defects that make it difficult to perceive and analyze the signs of appearance. If traces of retouching are visible on the photograph (or this is known from the circumstances of production), it is advisable to obtain the negative from which this photograph was printed and send it to the expert along with the photograph.

Photos on reverse side inscribed, certified by the signature of the investigator and the seal of the institution. Photographic films, casts and other objects are packed in boxes, bundles, packages and are certified by the inscription on the package.

Questions solved by portrait examination.

  1. Are the same or different faces in the photographs?
  1. One or different people belong to the parts of the head, face, body depicted in the presented photographs?
  1. Are the same or different faces depicted on film or video frames?
  1. Are the same or different faces depicted in photographs of a living person and a corpse?

Physical and chemical examination (examination of materials, substances and products).


Physical and chemical examination is carried out in order to determine the chemical composition, physical parameters, morphological features of the materials, substances and products under study, to establish their commonality in terms of characteristic impurities, manufacturing, storage and use features.

Not all of the listed tasks can be solved by the methods available in the arsenal of each expert of the physicochemical laboratory of the internal affairs bodies. These possibilities are limited, firstly, by the specialization of a particular employee (does he know the methods that ensure a successful study of the object submitted for examination and allow answering questions of interest to the investigation), and secondly, they are related to the availability of the necessary equipment in the laboratory.

The production of expertise for the entire range of the objects and tasks listed below is organized at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and in the basic physical and chemical laboratories of the internal affairs bodies.

A wide variety of objects of the material world can serve as material evidence - everything that is commonly called substances, materials, products. For convenience, it is necessary to classify the main objects into typical groups and already, regarding each of such groups, to fer-mulate questions that can be resolved as a result of a physicochemical study. The following groups of objects can be distinguished:

1. Shot products.

2. Glass, ceramics and products from them.

3. Narcotic drugs and strong pharmaceutical preparations.

4. Paints and coatings.

5. Metals and alloys.

6. Polymeric materials and products from them.

7. Oil products.

8. Poisons, unknown substances.

9. Specialty chemicals.

10. Textile fibers and fibers from fur and sheepskin coats.

Issues to be resolved in the study of shot products.

  1. Is the damage to the object firearms?
  1. What kind of projectile caused damage?
  1. Which hole is the inlet and which is the outlet?
  1. Has the weapon been fired since the last cleaning?
  1. What is the shot distance?
  1. How is the projectile made (factory, handicraft, self-made)?
  1. Do the materials used in different cartridges have a single source of origin?
  1. Is the object found at the scene of the incident a wad (pad); Is it not the same in elemental composition, other characteristics, manufacturing method with wads (pads) and their semi-finished products seized from the suspect?

Issues to be resolved in the study of glass, ceramics and products from them.

  1. Is this object glass (ceramic)?
  1. What type of glass is ceramic?
  1. Do the glass fragments found at the scene and the glass fragments seized from the vehicle (the suspect's clothes, etc.) have a single source of origin?
  1. Are there layers (overlays) of foreign substances on the surface of glass (ceramics, glazes)? If so, what is their nature?

Research questions narcotic substances and powerful pharmaceuticals.

  1. Is the substance submitted for research a narcotic drug? If yes, what exactly?
  1. Is the substance submitted for research a potent pharmaceutical drug? If yes, what exactly?
  1. Is the substance submitted for examination a barbiturate? If yes, what exactly?
  1. Are there traces of narcotic drugs or strong pharmaceutical preparations on the objects seized from the suspect?
  1. Do drugs have a common source of origin?
  1. Are the narcotic drugs (hard pharmaceuticals) seized from the suspect manufactured at a particular plant?
  1. In what way (industrial or artisanal) is this drug made?

Issues to be resolved in the study of paints and varnishes and coatings.

  1. Is this object varnish (paint, enamel)?
  1. Are there paint particles on the corpse's clothing?
  1. What is the type of this paintwork and what is its intended purpose, in particular, is the particle submitted for examination an automotive paintwork?
  1. What kind of paint (lacquer, enamel) was the object covered before repainting?
  1. Was the paint (lacquer, enamel) seized from the suspect used to paint this or that object?
  2. Do the building paint particles seized from the window opening and the paint particles found on the suspect's clothing have a single source of origin, or do they belong to a specific single object?

Questions to be solved in the study of metals and alloys.

  1. What metal (alloy) is the item submitted for examination made of?
  1. Are there traces of metal (alloy) on this item?
  1. What is the grade of this metal (alloy)?
  1. Do metal particles on a number of objects have a common generic (group) affiliation?
  1. Do metal (alloy) products have a single source of origin?
  1. Do metal particles belong to a particular product?
  1. Is the metal (alloy) presented for research noble?
  1. Did the projectiles previously form a single mass?
  1. Were the materials presented used for the manufacture of the product?
  1. Are there traces of foreign metal on the details of the lock mechanism, formed by a foreign object (master key, fake key)?
  1. How is the metal object made (casting, stamping, forging, cutting, welding, etc.)?
  1. Is there a metal coating on the presented object? If so, what is its chemical composition, purpose?
  1. What influences was the metal product subjected to (overheating, treatment with aggressive substances, etc.)?
  1. Did the object previously have any relief images (brand, number, etc.)? If yes, which ones?
  1. Has the number on the item been changed?
  1. Is the coin submitted for examination counterfeit? If so, what metal (alloy) is it made of?
  1. If the coin is genuine, then what are the reasons for the change in its external features that cast doubt on its authenticity (etching, overheating, electrochemical dissolution, etc.)?
  1. What is the chemical composition of the coating on the coin?
  1. What material is the mold used to cast counterfeit coins made of?
  1. Are there any traces of metallization on the presented item? If so, what is their nature, origin?

Issues to be solved in the study of polymeric materials and products from them.

  1. Is this substance a polymer?
  1. What type, brand is the polymer?
  1. What is the special purpose of this type, type of polymer?
  1. Do the material from which this polymer product is made and the material of the samples submitted for a comparative study have a common generic (group) affiliation?
  1. Has the polymer product been exposed to overheating, aggressive substances, organic solvents, etc.?
  1. Do samples of polymer products have a single source of origin?
  1. Do they belong polymer materials or particles on the subject-carrier to a specific product?
  1. Is the mark on the asphalt (victim's clothing, etc.) formed by rubber particles? If so, what type, brand of this rubber?
  1. Was one, two or more adhesives used to bond the object?
  1. Was this glue used when gluing the object under study?
  1. Which of the seized adhesives was used to glue the object?
  1. Has the photo been re-glued on the document (on the product - labels, etc.)?

Issues to be resolved in the study of petroleum products.

  1. Is the substance presented a petroleum product?
  1. Is a petroleum product a fuel and lubricant? If so, what is its type, type, group, brand, purpose?
  1. Has the lubricant been used? If yes, what time?
  1. Are there traces (stains) of oil products on the seized object? If so, what is their type, type, group, brand, purpose?
  1. Is the sample provided part of the petroleum product contained in the specific container?
  1. Was this combustible substance used for arson?
  1. Are traces left on the carrier object by an oil product from a specific volume?
  1. Does the sample of gasoline submitted for examination correspond to a specific brand according to GOST?
  1. Whether AI-93 (AI-95) gasoline submitted for examination is a mixture with gasoline of other brands (low-grade). If so, what is the percentage of low-grade gasoline?
  1. Does the gasoline submitted for research contain impurities of other petroleum products (kerosene, diesel fuel)?

Questions to be solved in the study of poisons, unknown substances.

  1. What is the nature of the unknown substance?
  1. Is the substance potent or corrosive or poisonous?
  1. What substance destroyed the victim's clothes?
  1. Is there arsenic (thallium, antimony) in the hair, secretions of the victim and what is its concentration?
  1. Are there traces of a poison, an aggressive or potent substance on the walls of an empty bottle (other containers)?
  1. Do the substances submitted for research have a single source of origin?

Issues addressed in the study of special chemicals.

  1. Are they homogeneous morphological features, chemical composition of the dye found on the suspect's hair, skin, clothing, crime weapon, other objects belonging to the suspect, with the substance seized at the scene and presented as a sample for a comparative study?

Questions to be solved in the study of textile fibers and fibers from fur and sheepskin coats.

  1. Are the objects of study textile fibers or fibers from fur and sheepskin coats?
  1. What is the mechanism for separating textile fibers?
  1. What is the nature and species affiliation fibers?
  1. From what type of products (textile fabrics, knitwear, fur or sheepskin coats) do the fibers come from?
  1. What outward signs Can the product from which the fibers originate be characterized?
  1. Do single fibers come from one product?
  1. Do these fibers come from a particular product?

Soil expertise.


Soil science expertise is carried out in order to establish factual data indicating the presence of a person, animal or the presence of objects in a particular area. The tasks that make up the subject of the examination are to establish the presence and nature of layers on the carrier object, the mechanism and time of their formation, the belonging of soil layers on the carrier object to the soil of a particular area, the fact of contact interaction of objects under certain circumstances, the possible source of soil origin.

The production of soil science expertise is fully organized at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as in the forensic subdivisions of the internal affairs bodies.


When solving the main issue of soil science expertise about the belonging of soil layers on the carrier object to a specific area of ​​the terrain, comparative soil samples weighing 50-200 g are taken from the scene of the incident and at least 3-4 control soil samples from areas adjacent to the scene of the incident. Control samples can be taken at a distance of 25-200 m from the scene on the cardinal points - east, west, south, north. The selection of soil objects is carried out only from that depth on the soil surface (usually 0.5-3 cm), which is typical for traces left at the scene. Soil samples should be placed in paper bags. It is not recommended to store soil in glass jars, plastic bags, as well as withdrawal on adhesive tape.


  1. Are there soil layers on the carrier object (clothes, shoes, objects, etc.)?
  1. What is the localization of soil layers on the carrier object?
  1. What is the mechanism for the formation of soil layers on the carrier object?
  1. What is the origin of soil?
  1. Do the soil layers on the carrier object have a common generic (group) affiliation with the soil taken from the scene?
  1. Do the soil layers on the carrier object belong to a specific place (a specific area of ​​the terrain is indicated)?
  1. Do the soil layers on the carrier object (the clothes of the victim, etc.) and the soils taken from different parts this car, one source of origin?
  1. What is the age of formation of soil layers on the carrier object (the issue is resolved in rare cases)?

Mineralogical (gemological) expertise.


Gemological examination is carried out in order to establish the nature precious stones and categories of quality, the presence of traces of precious stones on carrier objects, the presence of traces of metallization and other signs on precious stones, the establishment of the source of origin and the value of stones.

The objects of expertise are natural faceted and uncut gems, semiprecious stones, their synthetic analogues and imitations, ornamental stones, rocks, as well as products made from them.


The following questions may also be asked for the expert's permission.

Was stone processing carried out in artisanal or factory conditions?

What deposit do the raw stones submitted for research come from?

What is the degree of skill of the person who processed these stones?

However, the solution of these issues requires the involvement of specialists from relevant research institutes, mineralogical museums and points for the repair and manufacture of jewelry.

Packing of each object is carried out separately and must exclude the possibility of damage to precious stones and their contact with metals.


  1. What is the name of the stones submitted for research?
  1. Are the stones presented for examination natural, synthetic or imitations?
  1. Are the stones submitted for examination precious, semi-precious or ornamental?
  1. What is the cost of the stones submitted for research?
  1. Are there any traces of plating or other traces on the surface of the stones, indicating their previous presence in jewelry?
  1. Are there any traces of jewelry stones on the carrier objects (tools, objects, etc.)?
  1. Could the parts of the piece of jewelry have previously formed a single whole - individual beads seized from the suspect, and a bead found at the scene?
  1. Do the stones submitted for examination have a common source of origin?

Botanical expertise.


Botanical examination is carried out in order to establish the nature of plant objects, their generic (group) affiliation, the source of origin of plant particles.

The objects of botanical examination are plants and their parts (roots, rhizomes, seeds, fruits, etc.), wood, bark, shavings, sawdust, parts of wooden objects, hay and straw, tobacco and tobacco products, other objects. plant origin.


Plant objects are placed in paper bags, except when. This is a possible contact between the vegetation seized from the carrier object and from the scene.


  1. Are there plant particles on the carrier objects? What is the nature of the objects submitted for research?
  1. Do plant particles removed from the carrier object and plant particles (or whole plants) removed from the scene have a common generic (group) affiliation?
  1. Are the plant particles removed from the carrier object part of a specific plant, product or mixture of plant origin?

Biological expertise.


The tasks of forensic biological examination are the production of diagnostic and identification studies of tissues and secretions of humans and animals.

The main objectives of this examination are:

In the study of human tissues and secretions - determining the nature of the object, the mechanism of its formation, establishing belonging to a person, their group and gender specificity, as well as the possibility of origin from a particular person;

When studying objects of animal origin (for example, hair, blood, etc.) - determining their species specificity, that is, assigning them to one or another taxonomic group of mammals, the mechanism of formation, and in some cases - origin from a particular individual.

Biological studies of blood, hair, secretions and tissue fragments of humans and animals can be performed in the biological laboratories of the following forensic departments of the internal affairs bodies.


When researching:

An object with traces similar to blood, and blood samples (in dried or liquid form without a preservative in an amount of at least 5 ml) of the victims and other persons involved in the case, are submitted for examination for blood,

Discharge presents objects with traces similar to discharge, and samples of blood and saliva (in liquid or dried form);

Sweat traces must provide blood samples of persons passing on the case;

Hair for examination are sent to the objects of study, hair samples from five sections of the head (frontal, right and left temporal, parietal, occipital), at least 20 hairs from each section, and blood samples (in liquid or dried form) of the victim and persons passing through case;

Fragments of bones and tissues are objects subject to examination, and a blood sample of the victim in liquid or dried form;

Animal hair sent hair seized as material evidence, and hair samples of the coat or animal skin taken from 10 parts of the body (back, sacrum, belly, front and hind limbs, upper and lower neck, head), at least 20 hairs from each area.

Problems solved by biological expertise in the study of human tissues and secretions.


  1. Are there traces of blood on the presented items?
  1. Does this blood belong to a human or an animal?
  1. If the blood belongs to a person, then what is the group of this blood (according to the ABO system and other isoserological, polymorphic protein and enzyme systems)?
  1. What is the mechanism for the formation of traces of blood?
  1. What is the gender of the blood?
  1. Did this blood come from a specific person?

(saliva, semen, sweat, urine, etc.)

  1. Are there traces of saliva, semen, or urine on the objects submitted for examination?
  1. What is the group affiliation of objects (saliva, sperm, etc.)?
  1. Does saliva belong to a man or a woman?
  1. Did the discharge come from a specific person?

hand marks and lip marks

  1. What is the group affiliation of these traces (according to the ABO system)?
  1. Were they left by a specific person (by group affiliation)?
  1. Who left traces of lips, a man or a woman?

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