The message of what is morality. Composition-reasoning on the topic: "A moral person for me"

Recipes 21.09.2019

Every person in his life has come across the concept of morality more than once. However, not everyone knows its true meaning. AT modern world the problem of morality is very acute. After all, many people lead a wrong and dishonest way of life. What is human morality? How is it related to such concepts as ethics and morality? What behavior can be considered moral and why?

What does the term "morality" mean?

Very often morality is identified with morality and ethics. However, these concepts are not exactly the same. Morality is a set of norms and values ​​of a particular person. It includes the individual's ideas about good and evil, about how one should and should not behave in various situations.

Each person has their own standards of morality. What seems normal to one person is completely unacceptable to another. So, for example, some people have a positive attitude towards civil marriage and do not see anything wrong with it. Others consider such cohabitation immoral and strongly condemn premarital relationships.

Principles of Moral Conduct

Despite the fact that morality is a purely individual concept, in modern society yet there are common principles. First of all, these include the equality of the rights of all people. This means that in relation to a person there should be no discrimination based on gender, race or any other grounds. All people are equal before the law and the courts, all have the same rights and freedoms.

The second principle of morality is based on the fact that a person is allowed to do everything that does not run counter to the rights of other people and does not infringe on their interests. This includes not only issues regulated by law, but also moral and ethical standards. For example, cheating loved one is not a crime. However, from the point of view of morality, the one who deceives causes suffering to the individual, which means that he infringes on his interests and acts immorally.

The meaning of morality

Some people believe that morality is only a necessary condition in order to go to heaven after death. During life, it absolutely does not affect the success of a person and does not bring any benefits. Thus, the meaning of morality lies in the cleansing of our souls from sin.

In fact, such an opinion is erroneous. Morality is necessary in our life not only for a particular person, but also for society as a whole. Without it, arbitrariness will come in the world, and people will destroy themselves. As soon as the eternal values ​​disappear in society and the usual norms of behavior are forgotten, its gradual degradation begins. Theft, depravity, impunity flourishes. And if immoral people come to power, the situation is aggravated even more.

Thus, the quality of life of mankind directly depends on how moral it is. Only in a society where basic moral principles are respected and observed can people feel secure and happy.

Morality and Morality

Traditionally, the concept of "morality" is identified with morality. In many cases, these words are used interchangeably, and most people do not see a fundamental difference between them.

Morality is certain principles and standards of human behavior in various situations, developed by society. In other words, it is a public point of view. If a person follows the established rules, he can be called moral, if he ignores, his behavior is immoral.

What is morality? The definition of this word differs from morality in that it refers not to society as a whole, but to each individual person. Morality is a rather subjective concept. What is normal for some is unacceptable for others. A person can be called moral or immoral, based only on his personal opinion.

Modern Morality and Religion

Everyone knows that any religion calls a person to virtue and respect for basic moral values. However, modern society puts freedom and human rights at the head of everything. In this regard, some of God's commandments have lost their relevance. So, for example, few people can devote one day a week to serving the Lord because of the busy schedule and fast pace of life. And the commandment “do not commit adultery” for many is a restriction on the freedom to build personal relationships.

Classical moral principles concerning the value of human life and property, help and compassion for others, condemnation of lies and envy remain in force. Moreover, now some of them are regulated by law and can no longer be justified by supposedly good intentions, for example, the fight against non-believers.

Modern society also has its own moral values, which are not indicated in traditional religions. These include the need for constant self-development and self-improvement, purposefulness and energy, the desire to achieve success and live in abundance. Modern people condemn violence in all its manifestations, intolerance and cruelty. They respect the rights of man and his desire to live as he sees fit. Modern morality focuses on the self-improvement of a person, the transformation and development of society as a whole.

The problem of youth morality

Many people say that modern society has already begun to morally decay. Indeed, crime, alcoholism and drug addiction flourish in our country. Young people do not think about what morality is. The definition of this word is completely alien to them.

Very often, modern people put at the head of everything such values ​​as having fun, idle life and fun. At the same time, they completely forget about morality, guided only by their selfish needs.

Modern youth has completely lost such personal qualities as patriotism and spirituality. For them, morality is something that can interfere with freedom, limit it. Often people are ready to commit any act in order to achieve their goals, without thinking at all about the consequences for others.

Thus, today in our country the problem of youth morality is very acute. It will take more than one decade and a lot of efforts on the part of the government to solve it.

Usually the words morality and morality are interchangeable, they are often used as synonyms. But what is meant by the concept of morality? The term "morality" is the identification of free will, that is, the internal setting of the individual, the foundation for which is a number of norms, ideas and principles. It is able to determine how a person will behave in a given situation.

The fact is that moral qualities are formed daily and every minute and from the moment a direct decision is made. We can safely say that the level of morality directly depends on which country a person comes from, what his attitude towards himself and people is. Society highlights its own ideals, and offers to be equal to them. But after all, every person is, first of all, a person, and he did not leave the incubator quite recently, therefore he must necessarily have his own opinion.

What are moral values?

Every citizen of the country must have in his head his own template and embodiment of values ​​that can be called unusual. There is no right decision, each person has his own path and awareness of in which direction it is worth moving and where exactly to start your path. The fact. that each person unconsciously tries to repeat the act or even the fate of another person. It's just that this is the psychology of each of us, we tend to make stereotyped decisions that often become disappointments. And in the creative years it is not easy at all, because a person, in fact, is a very vulnerable being and often gets lost in this or that situation, trying to find a way out of it. Loyalty instantly turns into hypocrisy, and kindness becomes deceit.

But what about morality? What is meant by this concept? Is it really the very understanding of life and the assessment of the actions of not only one's own, but also other people? This, in fact, is a special choice, in conscience, which a person makes consciously, on the one hand, but not on the other hand.

Characteristics of morality

Is it possible to characterize the concept of “morality” with one precise formulation? If there is such a term, it is definitely worth highlighting its key qualities that allow you to describe the word. The category of moral qualities includes: honesty, kindness, sincerity, decency, politeness and, most importantly, compassion. Each person can find in this series the qualities that he possesses. Do not forget that there is also love, with respect and mutual understanding. As one says folk wisdom that does not exist true love without mutual respect. Right now, you can consider this term on the example of certain professions, and it can be noted that a judge is justice, a soldier is courage, and for a doctor, the most important quality is compassion. Is it possible, with the help of some kind of leverage, to achieve the manifestation of these qualities in an adult or in a child? Thanks to education, you can do this, but moral education can be called a complex and at the same time an unusually purposeful process in which no pauses are allowed. You either educate a person every day, or you don't educate him at all. This is the close interaction between the pupil and the person who calls himself the educator.

How is a person's morality formed?

The teacher must have the very moral qualities that were listed above. To educate a moral personality will require a colossal amount of time, patience, and not every teacher can do this. You can ask quite a logical question, why not? It's just that everyone is convinced that it is his technique that is the most effective, but in this case it is better not to conduct any experiments. For such people, the new is often inaccessible, but only by combining several techniques can the desired result be achieved. The educator, first of all, must take care of himself and set a personal example in various life situations.

For example, each individual situation should be analyzed, explained and interpreted from the point of view of the methods used. Do not forget that there are a number of age-related characteristics of the individual and there must be a special readiness to perceive this or that information, analyze it, and also understand it. Everyone has morality, in one form or another. Only now, for some, she “sleeps” in a sound sleep, while for others she doesn’t, and anyone can wake her up. There are many ways to do this, you need to try to give Special attention human behavior.

Morality and Morality

Usually morality is put on a par with morality, therefore they are often used as synonyms and most people do not even try to consider any difference in these two concepts. Morality is a set of certain principles, as well as standards of behavior of other people, which in various situations have been developed by society. Morality is a public point of view and if a person tries to follow the established set of rules, he can be characterized as a moral person. On the other hand, if he ignores the rules of morality, then his behavior is characterized as immoral.

It is also worth mentioning that now any religion calls every person to respect a number of basic moral values. But only in society, freedom and human rights are still at the head, so some commandments have gradually lost their relevance. Few people even go to church once a week and give to the service of the Lord. The crazy rhythm of life and a busy schedule sometimes does not allow you to escape from these vices. From this angle, you can safely consider each of the commandments. Classical values ​​for each of us that directly relate to the values ​​of property and human life remain in force.

MORAL, moral, moral; moral, moral, moral (book). 1. adj. to morality in 1 meaning. moral criterion. Moral Philosophy. 2. Complying with the requirements of morality; ant. immoral. Moral… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Highly moral, well-behaved, good-natured, chaste, honest, moral. Wed . Cm … Synonym dictionary

MORAL, oh, oh; vein, vein. 1. see morality. 2. Corresponding to the requirements of high morality. N. deed. N. man. 3. full Pertaining to consciousness, the inner life of man. Moral satisfaction. Dictionary… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

moral- moral, briefly. f. moral and moral, moral, moral, moral... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

moral- highly moral deeply moral ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

I adj. 1. ratio with noun. morality I, associated with it 2. Relating to the inner, spiritual life of a person. Ant: physical 3. Distinguished by high morality [morality I], corresponding to the norms and rules of human behavior in ... ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, moral, ... ... Forms of words

Immoral vicious… Antonym Dictionary

moral- nr avstvenny; briefly the shape of veins and veins, veins ... Russian spelling dictionary


  • The Moral Image of Pushkin, A.F. Koni. The speech dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pushkin, read on May 26, 1899 at the solemn meeting of the Academy of Sciences, was first published in the Vestnik Evropy` (1899, 10) with a dedication to P. N. ...
  • The Moral Image of Pushkin, A.F. Koni. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Speech dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pushkin, read on May 26, 1899 at the solemn ...

Morality and corresponding moral norms are the basis of civilization and humanity of any society. When morality and moral foundations collapse, society collapses and a person degrades, which we can observe in our modern civilization, which is increasingly drowning in vices. Morality is following certain Spiritual (moral) Principles: the principles of Honor, Conscience, Duty, Justice, Love and Kindness. Morality is the essence of the true Dignity of Man.

A moral person is one who implements these spiritual principles in his life and they are embodied in him in the form of relevant beliefs and personal qualities, such as responsibility, honor, honesty, dignity, respect for others, benevolence, devotion, etc.
To paraphrase, morality can be defined as follows. Morality is the correspondence of ideas, beliefs, values, actions and all manifestations of a person to moral norms, universal values ​​(kindness, non-violence, honesty, respect, etc.), and ideally to all Spiritual Laws.
It is Morality that is an indicator of the degree of spirituality of Man and Society.
Morality and the morality (rules of conduct, etc.) it gives birth to were previously formed by Religion, commandments (Spiritual Laws in a religious interpretation), and are now largely destroyed. Of course, it must be revived and formed purposefully.

What is the basis of morality? What creates morality and what destroys it
The basis of morality is the distinction between Good and Evil, and the choice of the path of Good. About whether there is Good and Evil - read here. It is the understanding of what is Good, what is considered Worthy, and what is Bad, what is unworthy, shameful, unacceptable for a Human and determines moral standards.
It is precisely because of the lack of adequate ideas about Good and Evil in modern society that morality is in decline, people are afflicted with vices and ignorance, and society as a whole is rapidly decomposing.
There is also a misconception that Morality is a set of restrictions that encroach on a person's freedom, restrain and block the manifestation of his individuality. This is a huge nonsense! Morality provides a vector, path and conditions for upward movement, under which the Soul of a person can grow, develop at the highest speed, be protected from vices, possible moral decay and degradation, and be invulnerable to evil.
Exactly at highest periods the heyday of spirituality, when the moral standard was realized to the maximum extent in society, in the education of personnel, citizens, in culture, education, in the traditions of society, the great empires and states reached their highest level of development, civilization, culture, to which even many modern states still go and go.
Therefore, knowledge about good and evil, about what makes a person Worthy, Strong, Successful, and what makes him insignificant, fallen, stupid and helpless, are the most in demand in society!
Ideally, the upbringing of the Moral and Decent Man should be handled by the state. And you need to do this from childhood. From childhood, it is necessary to form a worthy personality, a moral person, a citizen and a patriot, as has been done at all times in the great Empires and Spiritual and knightly orders.
What I sincerely wish you and your children!

Morality is the desire of a person to evaluate conscious actions, the state of a person on the basis of a set of conscious norms of behavior inherent in a particular individual. The conscience is the spokesman for the ideas of a morally developed person. These are the deep laws of a decent human life. Morality is an individual's idea of ​​evil and good, the ability to correctly assess the situation and determine the typical style of behavior in it. Each individual has his own standards of morality. It forms a certain code of relations with a person and the environment as a whole, based on mutual understanding and humanism.

What is morality

Morality is an integral characteristic of a person, which is the cognitive basis for the formation of a morally healthy person: socially oriented, adequately assessing the situation, having an established set of values. In today's society, in general use, there is a definition of morality as a synonym for the concept of morality. Etymological features this concept show the origin from the word "temper" - character. For the first time, the semantic definition of the concept of morality was published in 1789 - "The Dictionary of the Russian Academy".

The concept of morality combines a certain set of qualities of the personality of the subject. Primarily it is honesty, kindness, compassion, decency, diligence, generosity, reliability. Analyzing morality as a personal property, it should be mentioned that everyone is able to bring their own qualities to this concept. In people who have different types professions, morality also forms a different set of qualities. A soldier must necessarily be brave, a fair judge, a teacher. Based on the formed moral qualities, the directions of the subject's behavior in society are formed. The subjective attitude of the individual plays a significant role in assessing the situation in a moral way. Someone perceives civil marriage absolutely natural, for others it appears as a sin. Based on religious studies, it should be recognized that the concept of morality has retained very little of its true meaning. The ideas of modern man about morality are distorted and emasculated.

Morality is a purely individual quality that allows a person to consciously control his own mental and emotional condition, personifying a spiritually and socially formed personality. A moral person is able to determine the golden measure between the self-centered part of his self and sacrifice. Such a subject is able to form a socially oriented, value-defined civil and worldview.

A moral person, choosing the direction of his actions, acts solely according to his own conscience, relying on the formed personal values ​​and concepts. For some, the concept of morality is the equivalent of a “ticket to heaven” after death, but in life it is something that does not really affect the success of the subject and does not bring any benefit. For this type of people, moral behavior is a way to cleanse the soul of sins, as if to cover up their own wrong deeds. Man is a being unhindered in his choice, has his own course of life. At the same time, society has its own influence, is able to set its own ideals and values.

In fact, morality, as a property necessary for the subject, is extremely important for society as well. This is, as it were, a guarantee of the preservation of humanity as a species, otherwise, without the norms and principles of moral behavior, humanity will eradicate itself. Arbitrariness and gradual - the consequences of the disappearance of morality as a set of trailers and values ​​of society as such. Most likely, the death of a certain nation or ethnic group, if it is headed by an immoral government. Accordingly, the level of life comfort of people depends on the developed morality. Protected and prosperous is that society, observance of values ​​and moral principles, in which respect and altruism, above all.

So, morality is internalized principles and values, based on which a person directs his behavior, performs actions. Morality, being a form of social knowledge and relations, regulates human actions through principles and norms. Directly, these norms are based on the point of view about the impeccable, about the categories of good, justice and evil. Based on humanistic values, morality allows the subject to be human.

Rules of morality

In everyday use of expressions, morality and have the same meaning and common origins. At the same time, everyone should determine the existence of certain rules that easily outline the essence of each of the concepts. So moral rules, in turn, allow the individual to develop his own mental and moral state. To some extent, these are the "Laws of the Absolute" that exist in absolutely all religions, worldviews and societies. Consequently, moral rules are universal, and their non-fulfillment entails consequences for the subject who does not comply with them.

There are, for example, 10 commandments received as a result of direct communication between Moses and God. This is part of the rules of morality, the observance of which is argued by religion. In fact, scientists do not deny the presence of a hundred times more rules, they come down to one denominator: the harmonious existence of mankind.

Since ancient times, many peoples have had the concept of a certain "Golden Rule", which carries the basis of morality. Its interpretation has dozens of formulations, while the essence remains unchanged. Following this “golden rule”, an individual should behave towards others in the same way as he relates to himself. This rule forms the concept of a person that all people are equal in terms of their freedom of action, as well as the desire to develop. Following this rule, the subject reveals its deep philosophical interpretation, which says that the individual must learn in advance to realize the consequences of his own actions in relation to the “other individual”, projecting these consequences onto himself. That is, the subject, who mentally tries on the consequences of his own act, will think about whether it is worth acting in this direction. Golden Rule teaches a person to develop his inner instinct, teaches compassion, empathy and helps to develop mentally.

Although this moral rule was formulated in antiquity by famous teachers and thinkers, it has not lost its relevance in the modern world. “What you do not want for yourself, do not do to another” - this is the rule in the original interpretation. The emergence of such an interpretation is attributed to the origins of the first millennium BC. It was then that the humanist revolution took place in ancient world. But as a moral rule, it received its status of "golden" in the eighteenth century. This prescription emphasizes the global moral principle according to the relationship to another person within various interaction situations. Since its presence in any existing religion has been proven, it can be noted as the foundation of human morality. This is the most important truth humanistic behavior moral person.

The problem of morality

Considering modern society, it is easy to notice that moral development is characterized by decline. In the twentieth century, there was a sudden fall in the world of all the laws and values ​​of the morality of society. Moral problems began to appear in society, which negatively influenced the formation and development of humane humanity. This fall has reached even greater development in the twenty-first century. Throughout the existence of man, many problems of morality have been noted, which in one way or another had a negative impact on the individual. Guided by spiritual guidelines various eras, people invested something of their own in the concept of morality. They were able to do things that in modern society terrify absolutely every sane person. For example, the Egyptian pharaohs, who, fearing to lose their kingdom, committed unthinkable crimes, killing all newborn boys. Moral norms are rooted in religious laws, following which shows the essence of the human personality. Honor, dignity, faith, love for the motherland, for a person, fidelity - the qualities that served as a direction in human life, to which some of the laws of God reached at least to some extent. Consequently, throughout its development, it was common for society to deviate from religious precepts, which instilled in the emergence of moral problems.

The development of moral problems in the twentieth century is a consequence of the world wars. The era of the decline of morals has been stretching since the First World War, during this crazy time, a person's life has depreciated. The conditions in which people had to survive erased all moral restrictions, personal relationships depreciated exactly as human life at the front. The involvement of mankind in inhuman bloodshed dealt a crushing blow to morality.

One of the periods when moral problems appeared was the communist period. During this period, it was planned to destroy all religions, respectively, and the moral standards laid down in it. Even if in the Soviet Union the development of the rules of morality was much higher, this position could not be held for a long time. Along with destruction Soviet world there was also a decline in the morality of society.

For the current period, one of the main problems of morality is the fall of the institution of the family. Which entails a demographic catastrophe, an increase in divorces, the birth of countless children in unmarried. Views on the family, motherhood and fatherhood, on education healthy child are regressive. Of certain importance is the development of corruption in all areas, theft, deceit. Now everything is bought, exactly as it is sold: diplomas, victories in sports, even human honor. This is just the consequences of the decline of morality.

moral education

The education of morality is a process of purposeful influence on a personality, which implies an impact on the consciousness of the behavior and feelings of the subject. During the period of such education, the moral qualities of the subject are formed, allowing the individual to act within the framework of public morality.

The education of morality is a process that does not involve interruptions, but only close interaction between the student and the educator. It is necessary to educate the child's moral qualities on own example. Forming a moral personality is quite difficult, it is a painstaking process in which not only teachers and parents take part, but also the public institution as a whole. At the same time, the age characteristics of the individual, his readiness for analysis, and information processing are always provided. The result of the education of morality is the development of a holistic moral personality which will develop together with her feelings, conscience, habits and values. Such education is considered a difficult and multifaceted process that generalizes pedagogical education and the influence of society. Moral education involves the formation of feelings of morality, a conscious connection with society, a culture of behavior, consideration of moral ideals and concepts, principles and behavioral norms.

Moral education takes place during the period of study, during the period of upbringing in the family, in public organizations, and directly includes individuals. The continuous process of educating morality begins with the birth of the subject and lasts throughout his life.

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