The most amazing inhabitants of the oceans presentation. Animals and plants in the oceans

Career and finance 09.08.2019
Career and finance

Anastasia Kazantseva
Presentation "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"

slide 1. « Inhabitants of the seas and oceans»

Slide 2. Marine life

Slide 3. Dolphin. Dolphins live in all open seas and sometimes go into the mouth major rivers. Representatives of the family of freshwater, or river, dolphins have a much more limited distribution. For the most part, they inhabit inland fresh waters, although some of them can even penetrate coastal zones. seas.

Slide 4. Sea turtles are excellent swimmers and divers. Clumsy on land, these large reptiles glide gracefully through the water with flipper-like forelimbs and a streamlined carapace. Sea turtles often come to the surface to breathe when they are active. And while resting, some species can remain under water for several hours.

Slide 5. Starfish Its name sea ​​stars received thanks to their original form (rays)

Slide 6. Starfish got their name due to their original form: they have 5 to 40 limbs (rays). These animals are predators. The stars feed on mollusks and various benthic invertebrates.

Slide 7. Whales are the largest among animals. In adulthood, they reach an average body length of 25 m (the largest is 33 m, and the weight is 90-120 tons).

Slide 8. Sea urchin. These representatives of marine fauna live at the bottom. They move with the help of special legs. The legs are long elastic processes. At the ends they have suction cups, so the marine inhabitant can crawl not only on a horizontal, but also on a vertical surface.

Slide 9. Seahorses live in tropical and subtropical seas. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, attaching themselves to plant stems with flexible tails and changing body color, completely merging with the background. This is how they protect themselves from predators and disguise themselves while hunting for food. Skates feed on small crustaceans and shrimps.

Slide 10. Octopuses are the most intelligent of all invertebrates. Octopuses are often colored brown, red, yellowish, but they can change color no worse than chameleons.

Slide 11. Sharks live in the waters of the whole world. ocean, that is, in all seas and oceans. Some species of sharks are able to live in both salty and fresh water swimming in rivers. The depth of the habitat of sharks is on average 2000 meters, in rare cases they go down to 3000 meters.

Slide 12. Crabs inhabit all seas and oceans of the planet. Along with a special body shape, crabs are characterized by the presence of 10 pairs of limbs.

Sly 13. Stingrays live in all seas and oceans and live both in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic, and in the tropics. Stingrays have organs that generate electricity.

Slide 14. Jellyfish. These amazing animals live only in salt water, and therefore they can be found in all our oceans and seas. Among the representatives of this class there are both heat-loving animals and those who prefer cold waters, species that live only near the surface of the water, and those that live only at the bottom. ocean

Slide 15. Thank you for your attention!

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State Educational Institution " secondary school No. 12 in Pinsk

Plants - inhabitants seas and oceans

Mesha Svetlana Leonidovna

teacher primary school

World Ocean

Rich and varied plant and animal world ocean. Currently, about 160 thousand species of animals and more than 10 thousand species of algae have been found in the ocean.

  • Most of the ocean (almost 5%) has a complex relief, and its depth is over 4000 m.

Distribution of living organisms

  • Living organisms are located everywhere, but unevenly
  • The species difference depends on:

- latitude of the place

- from depth

- distance from the coast

- from salinity and density of waters

Deep layers

  • Poor lighting
  • High pressure
  • Low temperatures

Surface layers

  • Good illumination
  • oxygen saturation
  • hotter zone

Conditions for the existence of organisms are very favorable

1. The buoyant force of water acts, therefore organisms of large sizes can live in it.

  • 2. There are no sharp changes in water temperature during the seasons.
  • 3. Oxygen is dissolved in water, marine organisms breathe.

Vegetation in the ocean

  • Aquatic plants are algae. Distributed to a depth of 200-250 m.
  • Divided into attached and free-floating
  • Absorb oxygen throughout the surface


Seaweeds are ancient plants that live primarily in water. Here we meet with unicellular and multicellular, and with large forms of various structures.


  • Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others still have a number of additional pigments that color them in various colors.

Flora of the seas and oceans

  • The flora of the ocean and seas is as rich and varied as vegetable world sushi. Most of the biomass is in the Pacific Ocean (about 50%).

  • These are unicellular and red algae.

Wolffia rootless is the smallest plant in the world.

  • Fucus plants among which there are sea oaks.

The main feature is the many pairs of air bubbles that help the plant to maintain a vertical position in the water.

  • sea ​​grapes

king algae

And the coasts of the Pacific Ocean

  • are famous for their magnificent mangroves that can grow in salt water.

  • kelp


  • In the northern part of the Indian Ocean, closer to the equator, there are amazing dinophytes that can glow at night.

Dinophyte glow of algae

  • About 240 species of phytoplankton and the hardiest algae live there. There are only 18 types of them:

diatoms, dystomea, red algae, kelp, fucus, sea anemones, sea lilies, and others.


The nature of the oceans Grade 7. The history of the study, the topography of the ocean floor, the properties of the waters, the inhabitants and economic activity human in the oceans. The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Indian Ocean



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Arctic Ocean

Arctic Ocean, Arctic Ocean (English), Nordishavet (Norwegian), Ishavet (Danish) - part of the World Ocean in the Arctic, around North Pole between Eurasia, America and Greenland. The northernmost, shallowest (depth up to 5449 m) and the smallest ocean of the Earth. The area, together with the seas, is 14.7 million km².

The Arctic Ocean was once a freshwater lake connected to the Atlantic by a narrow strait. 18 million years ago, the strait between Greenland and Europe began to expand. Gradually salty water The Atlantic began to flow into the Arctic, turning the freshwater lake into an ocean.

GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION OF THE OCEAN Describe geographical location Arctic Ocean Name the seas of the Arctic Ocean

STRUCTURE OF THE OCEANIC DEEP Shelf - ½ of the ocean - the shallowest

LOMONOSOV RIDGE During the second expedition, in which the Rossiya icebreaker took part, scientists found out that the Lomonosov and Mendeleev Ridges in the Arctic Ocean are a continuation of the Russian continental shelf

HISTORY OF THE RESEARCH In the course of an attempt to reach the pole on the Fram ship - reached 86 ° 13 ′ 36 "N on April 8, 1895, it was found that no land at the North Pole exists, and the pole itself is covered with ice. The depths of the ocean were measured , discovered a warm current passing through the North Pole under the ice Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen (1861 - 1930) Norwegian polar explorer, scientist, founder new science- physical oceanography, laureate Nobel Prize world for 1922.

ICE REGIME Ice drift - the movement of ice in the sea or ocean under the influence of wind and currents The ice of the Arctic Ocean is constantly drifting, forming a cyclonic, that is, counterclockwise, cycle. Part of the ice is carried into the Atlantic Ocean

"Chelyuskin" in the ice of the Arctic On August 2, 1933, the steamer under the command of the polar captain V. I. Voronin and the head of the expedition O. Yu. Schmidt left Murmansk for Vladivostok, working out the cargo delivery scheme along the Northern Sea Route for one summer navigation on February 13 1934 the ship was crushed by ice. About three weeks later, on March 5, pilot Anatoly Lyapidevsky on an ANT-4 aircraft made his way to the camp and removed 10 women and 2 children from the ice floe. 104 people, who spent two months in the conditions of the polar winter on an ice floe, were rescued.

Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov 1877 - 1914 - Russian hydrographer, polar explorer, senior lieutenant. The organizer of an unsuccessful expedition to the North Pole, which covered about 200 kilometers of the required 2000 km. On February 2, 1914, sick Sedov, together with sailors G. I. Linnik and A. I. Pustoshny, on three dog teams (having only 20 dogs) left Tikhaya Bay to the Pole. A week later, he could not walk and ordered himself to be tied to the sled. On February 20, 1914, Georgy Yakovlevich died among the ice near Rudolf Island.

The official opening of the world's first drifting station SP-1 took place on June 6, 1937, 20 km from the North Pole. The expedition lasted 9 months (274 days), the ice floe covered more than 2000 km. The icebreakers "Taimyr" and "Murman" removed the four winterers on February 19, 1938 beyond the 70th latitude, a few tens of kilometers from the coast of Greenland. Composition: station manager I.D. Papanin, meteorologist and geophysicist E.K. Fedorov, radio operator E.T. Krenkel, hydrobiologist and oceanographer P.P. Shirshov. Polar station SP -1


ICE TYPES SEA ICE FAST DRIFT (PACK) Attached to the shores and can form continuous fields (several km) Formed from first-year ice Practically impassable for icebreakers Move under the influence of sea currents A mixture of glacial fields of different ages Rarely are continuous: abound in leads and polynyas

hummocks - a heap of ice fragments, up to 10-20 m in height, which are formed as a result of compression of the ice cover.

ICEBERGS "BLACK ICEBERG" - floating black ice Mountains covered with a thick layer of volcanic dust, the Titanic encountered this in 1912

CLIMATE Polar day 0 º - +1-4 º Polar night t -32-40 º summer winter 16 The ocean is located in the arctic illumination zone The polar night lasts 189 days, and the polar day - 178. Snow and ice reflect 90% of solar radiation.




The ice is home to many inhabitants. Which ones?

ECONOMIC USE The Northern Sea Route is the shortest sea route between European part Russia and Far East. Serves the ports of the Arctic and large rivers of Siberia (import of fuel, equipment, food, export of timber, natural resources). What seas does it cross? cross-polar air bridge passes ( shortest way between North America and Asia)

The Arctic contains a colossal amount of undeveloped energy resources - oil and gas. 90 billion barrels. These reserves will last for 3 years. Among the major Russian fields are gas fields - Shtokmanovskoye, Rusanovskoye and Leningradskoye in the western Arctic.

ECONOMIC USE Some of the seas are commercial (cod, halibut, haddock are caught, algae are collected). Mariculture is developing. For example, in Russia, mussels are grown in the White Sea.

THE OCEAN IS IN DANGER The Arctic Ocean during the Cold War was a dumping ground for radioactive waste from the USSR, is turning into a sump for harmful chemical substances from all over the world From September 21, 1955 to October 24, 1990 (the official date of the moratorium on nuclear tests) 135 nuclear explosions: 87 in the atmosphere (of which 84 air, 1 ground, 2 surface), 3 underwater and 42 underground On Novaya Zemlya in 1961 the most powerful in the history of mankind was blown up H-bomb- 58-megaton "Tsar bomb"

Melting permafrost, in addition to raising the water level in the world's oceans, will also lead to a large release of carbon into the atmosphere. Bacteria in the soil, after the ice melts, will actively multiply and produce methane, which is 20 times more dangerous in terms of the greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide. According to scientists, the northern provinces of Canada, Alaska and Russia will suffer the most from the release of gases as a result of the melting of ice.


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The Pacific Ocean is the most turbulent. The Pacific Ring of Fire is a zone of earthquakes and volcanoes. The highest waves are up to 34 meters. The strongest storms

The Pacific Ocean is the most restless Pacific typhoons - hurricane winds. Every year they hit Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, China.


Island record holder Aleutian Islands

Record holder for the Kuril Islands

Island record holder Hawaiian Islands The total height of Manua Kea is 10203 meters

Island record holder New Zealand

ATOLLS The word "atoll" comes from the name used by the peoples of Oceania for reefs that form a chain of small islands. The lake-like waters within the atolls are called lagoons.

The GREAT BARRIER REEF is a range of coral reefs located along the northeast coast of Australia. It stretches along the edge of the continental shelf for 2300 km from the southern coast of New Guinea to Cape Sandy Cape. The width of the reef in the northern part is about 2 km, in the southern part up to 150 km.

Human development Transport routes Districts fishing Mining Water desalination Tourism and recreation

GARBAGE ISLAND 90% plastic, the total mass is six times the mass of natural plankton. The area exceeds the territory of the USA! Every 10 years the area increases by an order of magnitude.

The world's oceans The ocean is not just a body of water, it is full of life, sometimes much more diverse than the land. In total, there are five oceans on earth: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, South Arctic and Indian. Scientists estimate the number of inhabitants of the ocean as more than two hundred thousand diverse organisms. The permanent inhabitants of the ocean waters, in addition to a variety of fish, are crustaceans, cetaceans, turtles, cephalopods (squids, octopuses, etc.), benthos and plankton. The ocean is not just a body of water, it is saturated with life, sometimes much more diverse than the land. In total, there are five oceans on earth: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, South Arctic and Indian. Scientists estimate the number of inhabitants of the ocean as more than two hundred thousand diverse organisms. The permanent inhabitants of the ocean waters, in addition to a variety of fish, are crustaceans, cetaceans, turtles, cephalopods (squids, octopuses, etc.), benthos and plankton.

Seaweeds Seaweeds are ancient, stratified spore plants containing chlorophyll in their cells and living mainly in water. Such a definition, however, does not give an idea of ​​the enormous diversity in body structure that is characteristic of seaweeds. Here we meet with unicellular and multicellular, and with large forms of various structures. Great variety reach here methods of reproduction. Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others still have a number of additional pigments that color them in different colors. Seaweeds are ancient, stratified spore plants containing chlorophyll in their cells and living mainly in water. Such a definition, however, does not give an idea of ​​the enormous diversity in body structure that is characteristic of seaweeds. Here we meet with unicellular and multicellular, and with large forms of various structures. There is great diversity in the methods of reproduction. Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others still have a number of additional pigments that color them in different colors.

Corals Coral is the skeletal material of the colony coral polyps("bioherm"). Large accumulations of coral form coral reefs and coral islands. The color of corals depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds: there are not only pink, but also red, blue, white and even black corals. Red corals are called "blood foam", "flower of blood", black - "royal corals". Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable. Coral is the skeletal material of a colony of coral polyps (“bioherms”). Large accumulations of coral form coral reefs and coral islands. The color of corals depends on the composition and amount of organic compounds: there are not only pink, but also red, blue, white and even black corals. Red corals are called "blood foam", "flower of blood", black - "royal corals". Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable.

Whales Whales are marine mammals from the order of cetaceans, not related to either dolphins or porpoises. Orcas ("killer whales") and pilot whales have the word "whale" in their informal names, although they are strictly classified as dolphins. Whales switched to an aquatic lifestyle about 50 million years ago. Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Whales are marine mammals from the order of cetaceans that do not belong to either dolphins or porpoises. Orcas ("killer whales") and pilot whales have the word "whale" in their informal names, although they are strictly classified as dolphins. Whales switched to an aquatic lifestyle about 50 million years ago. Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Baleen whales, distinguished by their whiskers, a filter-like structure located on the upper jaw, consisting mainly of keratin. The mustache is used to filter plankton from the water. Baleen whales are the largest suborder of whales. Baleen whales, distinguished by their baleen, a filter-like structure located on the upper jaw, composed mainly of keratin. The mustache is used to filter plankton from the water. Baleen whales are the largest suborder of whales. Toothed whales have teeth and prey on fish and squid. The remarkable ability of this group is the ability to sense their environment through echolocation. Toothed whales have teeth and prey on fish and squid. The remarkable ability of this group is the ability to sense their environment through echolocation.

Dolphins Dolphins are characterized by the presence of relatively small muzzles; body small muzzle; the body is elongated; has a dorsal fin. elongated; has a dorsal fin. Very agile and agile, Very agile and dexterous, voracious predators, living mostly socially; found in all seas. voracious predators, living mostly socially; found in all seas. Feeds mainly Feeds mainly on fish, mollusks, fish, mollusks, crustaceans; sometimes crustaceans; sometimes they attack their relatives. They are also distinguished by curiosity and traditionally a good attitude towards a person.

Crabs The head of the crabs is small, the short abdomen is symmetrical and bent under the jaw and chest. They live in the seas, fresh waters and on land. Sometimes photos reach huge sizes. The giant crab, caught off the coast of Japan, had a distance between the ends of the claws of 3.69 m. There are over 6780 species in the world. The head of the crabs is small, the short abdomen is symmetrical and bent under the jaw-thorax. They live in the seas, fresh waters and on land. Sometimes photos reach huge sizes. The giant crab, caught off the coast of Japan, had a distance between the ends of the claws of 3.69 m. There are over 6780 species in the world.

sharks superorder sharks cartilaginous fish, including eight orders, twenty families and Sharks superorder of cartilaginous fish, including eight orders, twenty families and about 350 species. Representatives of the superorder are widespread in all seas and about 350 species. Representatives of the superorder are widespread in all seas and oceans; freshwater sharks are also found. In most oceans, freshwater sharks are also found. Most species belong to the so-called true predators, species belong to the so-called true predators, certain types, in particular the whale, giant and individual species, in particular the whale, giant and largemouth sharks, feed on plankton. Largemouth sharks feed on plankton.

Diversity of the Organic World The Pacific Ocean is characterized by exceptional diversity of the organic world. This is explained by the size of the ocean, the variety of living conditions in its waters. It is believed that this ocean is the oldest on our planet. The Pacific Ocean is characterized by an exceptional diversity of the organic world. This is explained by the size of the ocean, the variety of living conditions in its waters. It is believed that this ocean is the oldest on our planet.

sea ​​turtle Sea turtle swims and dives beautifully (her lungs are distinguished by branched bronchi). Turtles usually stay in coastal waters, where, at a relatively shallow depth, there are thickets of sea grasses that serve as their main food.

Lots of fish Coral reefs are inhabited by many colorful coral fish. Most coral fish live closer to the seabed and feed on algae. Coral fish eat fungi that grow on the shell of a sea turtle. The sea turtle tries to stay close to these fish, waiting for the moment when the fish can perform the cleaning procedure. Coral reefs are inhabited by many colorful coral fish. Most coral fish live closer to the seabed and feed on algae. Coral fish eat fungi that grow on the shell of a sea turtle. The sea turtle tries to stay close to these fish, waiting for the moment when the fish can perform the cleaning procedure.

Humpback Whale (Humpback Whale) The humpback whale (humpback whale) is one of the most energetic of the large whales, and is well known for its spectacular leaping out of the water, sticking out its tail and flapping its fins. The dorsal fin is in the form of a hump. The humpback whale (humpback whale) is one of the most energetic of the large whales and is well known for its spectacular jumping out of the water, exposing its tail and flapping its fins. The dorsal fin is in the form of a hump.

Beluga White whale - marine mammal dolphin family. Length - up to 6 m, weighs up to 2 tons. It lives in the northern seas. The beluga whale emits sound signals: whistling, screeching, roaring. It has a developed echolocation apparatus and, by means of sent and reflected ultrasounds, orients itself in environment. Beluga is a marine mammal of the dolphin family. Length - up to 6 m, weighs up to 2 tons. It lives in the northern seas. The beluga whale emits sound signals: whistling, screeching, roaring. It has a developed echolocation apparatus and, by means of sent and reflected ultrasounds, orients itself in the environment.

Shark White shark- "white death", as sailors and coastal residents call it .. In a second, it swims 15 meters. Its length reaches seven to eight meters. This shark has a huge mouth. big shark without effort can bite a person in half. But sharks rarely attack people. Favorite food - octopus, squid and fish. If the water is cool or cold in the sea, sharks do not eat anything at all. The white shark - "white death", as sailors and coastal residents call it .. In a second, it swims 15 meters. Its length reaches seven to eight meters. This shark has a huge mouth. A large shark can effortlessly bite a person in half. But sharks rarely attack people. Favorite food - octopus, squid and fish. If the water is cool or cold in the sea, sharks do not eat anything at all.

Killer Whale The killer whale is a marine mammal of the dolphin subfamily. They are very agile creatures, the largest of the carnivorous dolphins. Length up to 10 m, weight up to 8 tons. Widely distributed. Predator, attacks whales, pinnipeds, penguins. The killer whale is a marine mammal of the dolphin subfamily. They are very agile creatures, the largest of the carnivorous dolphins. Length up to 10 m, weight up to 8 tons. Widely distributed. Predator, attacks whales, pinnipeds, penguins.

Walruses A walrus is a marine mammal of the order of pinnipeds. Length up to 4 m, weighs up to 2 tons. The fangs of the upper jaw protrude from the mouth (up to 80 cm in the male). Distributed almost circumpolar. At depths of 30 to 50 m, walruses feed on molluscs, crustaceans, less often they eat worms, echinoderms, and fish.

emperor penguin Penguins are a group of swimming birds. The wings are like flippers. Length - from 40 cm weigh from 3 to 42 kg. There are 17 types. They live on sea coasts. They swim and dive well. They nest in colonies. The penguin is listed in the Red Book. Penguins are a group of swimming birds. The wings are like flippers. Length - from 40 cm weigh from 3 to 42 kg. There are 17 types. They live on sea coasts. They swim and dive well. They nest in colonies. The penguin is listed in the Red Book.

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