Sugar possum: features of caring for the marsupial flying squirrel. Amazing animal - sugar marsupial possum Sugar possum how to contain

Tourism and rest 03.03.2020
Tourism and rest

AT recent times at home, they often began to have exotic pets. These include the sugar possum, which looks like a squirrel. In science, the animal is also called the Australian squirrel, sugar marsupial flying squirrel. In the wild, it lives in eucalyptus forests. Found in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea. This little creature attracts with its cute appearance and funny habits. It quickly gets used to a person and new conditions, which led to their mass domestication.

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    Description and characteristics

    Sugar glider - arboreal marsupial mammal with the smallest dimensions of all varieties of possums. The name was due to the ability to fly and excessive love for sweets. The average weight of the animal is only 90–160 grams, which depends on gender. The body is slightly elongated, narrow. An adult individual reaches a length of 42-45 cm, most of which falls on a fluffy tail.

    The coat of flying squirrels is thick, dense, silky. The color is predominantly gray-blue, but yellow and brown are also found. Sometimes there are albinos. Brownish stripes are traced on the back and muzzle. The abdomen is usually white, with a slight creamy sheen. The muzzle is small, pointed, but with large erect ears-locators. At any sound they turn. The eyes are large, black, reach the ears. Animals are able to see well in the dark.

    The limbs are developed, with five long clawed fingers on each. With their help, they manage to easily extract various living creatures from under the bark and firmly fix themselves on tree trunks and flexible branches.

    A characteristic feature of flying squirrels is a thin membrane on the sides of the body, stretching from the wrist to the ankle. When jumping, it stretches and allows you to glide through the air at a distance of up to 50 meters. Through its relaxation and tension, the animals manage to regulate the flight route. An additional "wheel" are the legs and tail. This is how animals fly from one tree to another.

    Males have scent glands located on the chest, back, and forehead. Males can be distinguished from females by their frontal bald patches. The female sex has a bag on the stomach, designed to bear future offspring.

    The main characteristics of the Australian squirrel are presented in the table:

    LifespanIn nature - no more than 6–8 years, which is associated with increased danger environment. In captivity, they live about 12-14 years.
    Possible aggression

    The animal is non-aggressive and does not bite for no reason. This can happen due to a number of factors:

    • The animal was scared. Fear arises in the first time after the appearance in the house, when there was no complete adaptation. Biting from anxiety can be pregnant or just giving birth to females. In the first case, it is recommended not to touch the animal once again, in the second - to try to establish contact: treat it with a treat, speak in an affectionate voice, pick it up and stroke it. For safety, it is better to wrap your hand with a soft cloth.
    • The flying squirrel plays or shows its location. It is recommended to switch the attention of the possum to something else, such as food in the palm of your hand.
    • Does not recognize the owner or dislikes the smell emanating from the hand. Squirrels quickly get used to a specific smell from the owner and may not recognize it when it changes. It is advisable to use one perfume and hygiene products. Can you take a shower before interacting with your pet?
    Ability to trainThis is a rather intelligent creature that quickly responds to voice and intonation. It is possible to teach him to respond to a nickname and follow easy commands.
    Cause of night flightsPossums can fly at night. So they try to attract the attention of a person because of boredom, especially if the pet is alone in the cage. Their natural essence also affects: they are nocturnal inhabitants. With the onset of dusk, proteins are activated. You should talk to the animal and caress it, or better, get a companion
    PriceIn Russia, the price tag varies from 3 to 15 thousand rubles.
    The need for vaccinations and dewormingIt is not necessary to vaccinate the animal, including against rabies. Antihelminthic drugs also do not give
    The need for walkingFlying squirrels are social creatures, they need freedom of movement and communication. An animal locked in captivity becomes depressed, loses appetite and weight, and can show aggression
    CharacterFriendly, sociable and quickly become attached to the household. Easily get along with small pets: hamsters, chinchillas, rabbits. Relationships with cats and dogs are more complicated, but it depends on the temperament of a particular squirrel.

    Difficulties in keeping sugar possums:

    • Not suitable for families with children. May scratch or bite if not handled carefully.
    • At night they do not let them sleep, making loud noises: they fly, jump around the cage, sing.
    • They are not accustomed to relieve themselves in a certain place. This usually happens during the flight.
    • Males mark their territory with urine, the smell of which is difficult to get rid of.
    • They require careful care, especially in the preparation of the diet. Animals in this regard are quite demanding.
    • May not get along with large animals and birds.

    Otherwise, they are cute and harmless creatures that are interesting to watch.

    First of all, you need to decide on the number of pets. If there is no extra time for communication, it is recommended to immediately take two individuals of different sexes. You can take only girls, but preferably from the same litter, otherwise quarrels between them are possible in the future. A couple of males will sooner or later begin to conflict.

    It is important to equip comfortable living conditions. The optimal living space per individual should be at least 150 x 50 x 80 cm. The more space, the better. When choosing a cage, its rods should be at a distance of no more than 1 cm, otherwise the pet will be able to wade free on its own. They thoroughly think over the mechanism of locking the door, as flying squirrels are surprisingly smart and quick-witted and can easily cope with simple latches.

    The cage is placed in the dark and away from the bedroom, so that the new resident does not bother the owners with night wakefulness. It is not allowed to put it:

    Sawdust or a special absorbent filler is poured into the cage tray. Inside, several houses are installed with a hole of 8–9 cm. You can fix them on the floor or hang them. A soft bedding is laid at the bottom of such nests: cloth, hay. The material should not contain threads in which the thin claws of the squirrel can get tangled. For animal games, it is recommended to place a snag or several thick branches along which it will be convenient to climb and sharpen claws. Suitable birch, oak, aspen, elm. Change them regularly.

    As entertainment will serve: a wheel (without the presence of wire), large plastic toys, tunnels, stairs, hammocks and other attractions.

    Feeders and drinkers are attached with screws to the walls. The nests must be cleaned every 3 days, the aviary - daily. At the same time, they do not use chemicals. The best option is baking soda. It should be noted that the cleaner the cage, the more intense the animal begins to mark space.


    Most complex issue in the content of flying squirrels - this is food. In the wild, possums are omnivores. The menu is dominated by fruits and insects.

    In home feeding adhere to the following principles:

    • Feeders and drinkers are filled immediately before the animals wake up - approximately at 9-10 o'clock in the morning.
    • Immediately after eating, the leftovers are removed, since round-the-clock access leads to obesity. These funny creatures can periodically wake up during the day and drag something sweet into their mouths half asleep. It happens that they fall asleep without completing the maneuver. Therefore, you can leave a couple of pieces of fruit in reserve in the cage.
    • Water must be present in the drinker at all times. Use filtered or bottled. If a pet ignores water, you should not be afraid: it means that it has enough moisture from the fruits it eats.
    • It is forbidden to feed the animal from the table with fatty and salty foods, sausage. Sometimes it is allowed to give unsalted chicken or turkey meat in small quantities.
    • Sweets are given in small quantities. Fruits and vegetables are cut into large pieces so that it is convenient to take them in the paw.
    • Include foods with great content calcium but no phosphorus. The allowable ratio of proteins and carbohydrates is 70 x 30%.

    Necessary products for the normal growth and development of a dwarf squirrel:

    • Insects: live grasshoppers, crickets, flour worms, zoofobas. The daily norm of worms: for an adult - 4-6 pieces. Many owners breed zoofobas on their own, but they are also on sale.
    • Meat: lean, boiled without salt and spices. Give no more than 30 g per day.
    • Dairy products (2 times a week): fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, sweet curds.
    • Quail eggs (1 time in 7 days): without shell.
    • Baby meat purees.
    • Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge on the water with the addition of honey, fruits, candied fruits.
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables: peaches, oranges, apples, mangoes, kiwi, watermelon and melon, papaya, carrots, bananas, pineapple. Up to 40 grams should be given per day. You can not feed plums, pears and beets.
    • Fruit juices and purees. Freshly squeezed juices are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.
    • Dried fruits: one per day.
    • Suitable treats are: nuts (peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts), honey, drops.

    Regularly feed the squirrel with vitamin and mineral formulations. Previously, the tablets are ground into powder, insects are rolled in it and served in this form for food. You can dissolve top dressing in drinking water or juice. Similar additives are sold in veterinary pharmacies and specialized stores.


    The Australian squirrel is naturally clean and able to take care of its coat on its own.. She licks it with her tongue and removes the stuck particles with her claws. Bathing is contraindicated: although flying squirrels are not afraid of water, they do not know how to swim at all and can choke without supervision. In case of severe contamination, it is enough to wipe the wool with a damp, odorless cloth or a cloth soaked in boiled water. Then the squirrel is wiped dry with a towel. After the procedure, you can not keep the animal in a draft so that it does not catch a cold.

    Animals grind their claws themselves on snags and branches located in their dwelling. In case of emergency, they are cut with a special nail clipper for cats. At the same time, they try not to damage nearby passing vessels. If this happens, the injured finger of the animal is dipped in potassium permanganate powder and treated with a hemostatic pencil, which can be bought at a pet store.

    Shortening of the nails is necessary, otherwise they grow into the skin and cause pain to the animal. It is more convenient to do it together - one distracts with something tasty, the other cuts. The most favorable time is the day when the animal is in a sleepy state.

    For the health and good mood of the pet, it is important to regularly let go for walks. Enough once a day, for an hour. All this time, the possum will fly everywhere, landing on all sorts of interior items, and poke its nose into every crack. It is advisable to remove in advance all fragile things on the path of the intended flight of the flying squirrel. Glass and mirror surfaces are curtained so that there is no collision.

    Possible diseases

    Marsupial flying squirrels are characterized by the following diseases:

    • Aflatoxicosis- a pathology in which the liver is affected. It develops due to dangerous aflatoxins that enter the body with food: insects, corn, flax seeds. Emerging symptoms: diarrhea, apathy, refusal of food, decreased tone. This disease can be cured if it is detected at an early stage.
    • Calcium deficiency. The cause of this condition is an unbalanced diet and the lack of appropriate mineral and vitamin supplements. At the advanced stage, paralysis of the hind limbs is possible. Prevention is regular feeding with calcium-containing preparations. Dosages are prescribed by a doctor.
    • Constipation- occurs against the background of severe stress, lack of fluid and fiber. More prunes and oranges should be added to the menu.
    • Diarrhea- a consequence of the use of a large number of laxative products. Indigestion is possible when the animal is in a restless state or after an infectious disease.
    • Dehydration- a consequence of lack of moisture, when the animal drinks little or urinates often, which is usually a sign of some kind of disease. If emergency measures are not taken within 12 hours, the pet may die. It is recommended to immediately contact the veterinarian, as a support to give the animal honey water.

    These animals begin to experience stress if they do not have a companion or the owner does not give them proper attention. In this case, apathetic behavior, disruption of sleep and wakefulness, loss of appetite are observed. It is better not to bring the situation to a critical level, but immediately buy a partner or partner for a pet. Personal contact cannot be ruled out.


    Breeding marsupial flying squirrels at home is a rather difficult task. It won't bring in a lot of money. It will take a lot of time and spacious free areas, as the female nurses her cubs up to 4 months. During this period, the animals are no longer so cute and friendly. Many even refuse offspring, in the worst case, they eat the cubs. There may be several reasons:

    • stress;
    • hormonal disbalance;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • early pregnancy.

    Puberty occurs in a different age range: in males - from 4 months, in females - closer to six. Despite this, mating is not resorted to before a year. The mating season falls on June - July. For a year, flying squirrels have no more than two litters. For copulation, individuals who are not closely related are selected.

    The process should not be delayed, since the most successful time for fertilization is the first day of estrus. The female comes into an excited state, makes uterine sounds and refuses to eat. The male behaves rather aggressively: he bites his partner's back until it bleeds. This is a completely natural phenomenon for flying squirrels. A little later, all damage must be disinfected so that the infection does not get into the wounds.

    Pregnancy lasts about 16 weeks. The couple is kept together all this time, and after giving birth, the male helps in caring for the cubs. Shortly before the onset of labor, the female carefully licks the pouch and the path to it from the genitals. The newborn overcomes it independently in 5-7 minutes. There are four teats inside the pouch, but there are usually no more than two babies in a litter. They stay in the bag without getting out for up to 10 weeks, firmly attached to the nipple.

    For a period of breastfeeding the female is transferred to an expanded diet (50% is added to it for each baby). After a certain period of time, the strengthened animals move onto the back of their mother. At 4 months, they can be painlessly weaned.

Sugar possum or pygmy glider (Petaurus breviceps) is a charming animal native to the distant Green Continent. In North America, sugar possums have long taken the place of ordinary pets, but for Russia, these touching creatures are exotic.

Sugar possum portrait

Sugar possums are small animals: their body length varies from 13 to 32 cm; the tail is longer than the body - 15-33 cm, weight on average 85-160 g. On a short, slightly pointed muzzle, large bulging eyes stand out. The tail of the marsupial flying squirrel is so flexible that it can easily twist it into a spiral and even carry small objects in this way.

Outwardly, the possum is a bit like a flying squirrel - between the legs of both those and others are flying membranes. However, unlike squirrels, this is not a rodent, but a marsupial mammal.

The predominant color in the color of the sugar possum is gray, the belly is white. A long brown stripe runs from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. There are also stripes on the sides of the muzzle. The fur of animals is soft and silky, the tail is fluffy. With age, the coat fades somewhat, the abdomen becomes first yellowish, and then yellow-red.

Males differ from females in larger sizes, they have a large spot on their forehead (frontal gland), which appears by the time they reach puberty, and continues to grow throughout their lives. Females have a pouch for carrying offspring (like kangaroos).

Lifestyle in nature

Sugar possum lives in eastern Australia, in New Guinea and Tasmania; found in open deciduous forests, giving particular preference to eucalyptus.

Secretive animals lead a nocturnal lifestyle, during the day they rest in their nests, located, as a rule, in hollows, and sometimes in the grass. They cover the nest with leaves, dry grass, twigs - the animals carry all building materials in the tail, coiling it in a spiral. With the onset of darkness, an active life begins for sugar possums: they move through the trees, overcoming considerable distances during the night.

Animals climb equally well both up and down. And for planning, the animals have a special device - a flying membrane, which stretches from the fifth toe of the forelimb to the ankle joint of the back. Coordinate the "flight" of the tail and paws.

The marsupial flying squirrels feed on fruits, pollen, and some invertebrates.

Sugar gliders are social animals. AT natural environment they live in groups (clans, families) consisting of 7-12 individuals of different ages. Each clan occupies a relatively large territory. The family is dominated by one male - he guards the territory, he also fertilizes most of the females. Marsupial flying squirrels are territorial animals; they do not tolerate strangers with a different smell. Males have scent glands with which they mark not only their territory, but their entire flock.

The breeding season for marsupial flying squirrels is from April to November, the number of litters per year is no more than two, and the number of cubs in a litter is no more than three. Pregnancy in these animals lasts only 16 days, and after birth, the babies migrate to the pouch on their own. In the bag, they are attached to the nipple and hang on it for approximately 5 weeks. The cubs begin to leave the pouch at the age of 70-74 days, but they feed on mother's milk for about a month and a half. Males reach sexual maturity by 8-15 months, females by 12 months.

Marsupial flying squirrels do not like cold. With a decrease in air temperature and during the rainy season, the metabolism of flying squirrels slows down, the body temperature drops to 1-6 ° C, i.e. they fall into a state of stupor. In seasonal torpor (hibernation), the possum can spend several weeks.

Possums are very sociable and make a wide variety of sounds. At the moment of excitement and joy, they crackle, to attract attention they “yelp”, fright or anger is accompanied by a roar. They greet each other with a hiss, which is sometimes accompanied by a kind of "dance".

Keeping sugar gliders at home

Buying sugar possum is not a problem today. But before deciding to take such a crucial step, learn as much as possible about the features of the animal itself, its content, as well as about the difficulties that you will have to face.


First of all, keep in mind that sugar possums, as social animals, are not recommended to be kept alone. Most best option(from the point of view of possums) - a group of animals, or at least a couple. It is not necessary to keep individuals of different sexes, 2 males or 2 females will quite peacefully coexist. If you have one pet, he will have to pay maximum attention, otherwise the animal will be very bored and suffer.

If you want to achieve affection from an exotic animal, it is better to purchase a young animal at the age of about four months, and it is better, of course, from a breeder. So you can choose the animal that you like, as well as get competent advice on maintenance and care.

You can communicate with nocturnal pets in the evening (they begin to show activity around 22:00) and early in the morning. And so that at night you are not bothered by the roar of cage bars, yapping, whistling, chirping and similar sounds, make sure that the cage is away from your bedroom. Do not try to "rebuild" sugar possums for a daily regimen - it is ridiculous to argue with nature.

Animals cannot boast of neatness either: it is impossible to accustom them to the tray. In addition, bedding, as well as leftover food, will lie not only in the cage, but also outside it.

Possums are lovers of marking their territory with an odorous secret, males are especially guilty of this. The smell of the secret is quite sharp and specific. Do not think that frequent washing of the cage will get rid of odors - after cleaning, the animal will mark the cage with a vengeance. You can clean the cage several times a day, but the smell will still be there. The owners of these creatures claim that you quickly get used to the "flavors" of possums. Perhaps this is true, but do you ever get tired of explaining this to your guests?

Next moment. Keeping possums permanently in a cage will not work - they need to jump, walk along the walls and ceiling, ride on the owner's shoulder or sit in the pocket of his bathrobe. You will have to regularly provide a room at their disposal. The animal will immediately be under the ceiling and will gladly glide down, while straightening its membrane. Needless to say, after free walks, you will have to arm yourself with cleaning equipment and “cover up traces” of your pet’s life.

If you do not plan to breed possums, it is better to castrate the male - this way he will smell less, his character will improve. The female, due to the special structure of the intimate organs and the small size of the animal, is undesirable to sterilize.


Although the animal itself fits on the palm of your hand, it will need a spacious cage. The animal is very active, and its native element is trees, and therefore, even with the possibility of regular walks around the apartment, you should not lock it in a small cage. The minimum size of an apartment for a pair of animals is 60x60x80 cm, but more is better, of course. The distance between the bars of the cage should be no more than one and a half centimeters.

Climbing equipment must be provided in the cage - branches (birch, beech, alder, hazel, apple, willow, willow, elm, eucalyptus, maple are safe for a pet), as well as pipes, ladders, ropes. For sleep and solitude, the animals need a house, which is attached to the top of the cage. It can be made from plywood or wood (you need to put soft rags, hay inside), or from something warm and soft (an old hat, mittens, etc.). The floor in the cage can be covered with sawdust, soft hay.

The cage should have a ball drinker and several small ceramic feeders. The running wheel will not be superfluous, but teach - it must be closed (so that the paws do not fall through and their long tail does not inadvertently catch on).

It is better to place all interior items along the walls, without cluttering up the central part of the cage and leaving space for pets to jump.

Make sure that the possums have a variety of toys - the animals love to play. Suitable toys, for example, are cat teasers, bells, etc.

Don't forget, possums don't like the cold! The temperature in the room where the animals are kept must be at least 20 ° C. The animals are not happy with bright lighting either. Protect your pets from drafts!


Possums eat little, but love variety. You can offer your pet:

  • finely chopped fruits (sweet apples and pears, mangoes, seedless grapes, pineapples, persimmons, watermelons, melons);
  • insects (zofobus, flour worms, crickets, grasshoppers);
  • boiled chicken or turkey (without salt);
  • quail eggs;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • quality dog ​​food (dry);
  • corn, cucumber, zucchini, carrots;
  • children food.

You can prepare a nectar mixture for the possum, consisting of warm water, honey, boiled eggs, baby food and vitamins.

Note that the main thing in the possus menu is fruits (they should make up about 60% of the total diet). Insects in the diet are also necessary, and only sometimes they can be replaced with chicken, turkey or dog food.

Nuts and bananas are given in very small quantities, only as a treat.

Of course, you can not give anything from the master's table, fatty, salty, smoked, fried, etc. Chocolate, onions, garlic, legumes are also contraindicated. From dairy products, only low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt are allowed.

Important: the diet should contain as much calcium as possible and less phosphorus. Animals should not get calcium in the form of powders or rodent stones, which are made with the addition of salt. Ordinary human supplements, for example, Calcemin, are suitable for them.

That, in general, is all the basic wisdom of keeping a sugar possum. As you can see, it's not that easy. The main problems are nocturnal, the inability to accustom to the tray and the smell. But if this does not scare you and you are ready to become a loving, caring and patient owner of sweet-toothed animals, then they will give you about 12 years of unforgettable communication - this is how long sugar possums live in captivity.

In contact with

The sugar glider is a fairly popular exotic pet. These are small, cute, with a unique appearance, crumbs. But just as with any exotic pet, a potential flying squirrel owner needs to be aware of the pet's important care requirements and personality traits before purchasing it. Sugar gliders are long-lived, delighting their owners with proper care for up to 14 years. However, they need enough attention and space.

Description, appearance

The sugar possum is a relatively small marsupial. The marsupial flying squirrel is the smallest relative of the opossum family. Its head and body are approximately 120-220 mm long, and its tail is about 150-180 mm long. The weight of a mature animal reaches only 140 grams, with a body measuring 15-20 cm and a tail length of up to 19 cm. A dark stripe is located along the back from the back to the nose. There are similar stripes on the muzzle, in the direction from the eye to the ear. There is a small white mark on the tip of the tail. Like flying squirrels, sugar gliders have a skin membrane that extends from the outside of the front to the ankle of the hind leg, and can be opened by spreading the limbs wide apart. The female sugar possum has a significant difference in body structure - a small bag in the skin fold to accommodate the baby.

It is interesting! The possum has large dark eyes, dark colored ears and a pink nose. During flight - sliding through the air, a "flap" of skin extending from the front legs to the hind legs gives the possum's small body an open square shape.

A flap extending from the fifth toe of the fore foot to the first toe of the hind foot allows this small marsupial to glide up to 50 meters between trees (usually in search of food or new nesting sites). Sugar gliders are sociable animals, they can communicate using a wide variety of sounds.

These are various signals, for example, an alarm signal that sounds like the barking of a small dog. The size of the territory of the possum group is about a hectare. When a sugar flying squirrel emerges from a tree, it spreads its four limbs, opening a membrane that acts like a parachute. The animal can change the curvature of the membrane by moving its legs to regulate the process of gliding through the air, and also uses its tail as a rudder.

Range, habitats

The distribution of the sugar flying squirrel covers New Guinea and some nearby islands, the Bismarck Archipelago, and northern and eastern Australia. Possums can survive in forests of all types, provided they have enough food. They build their nests in the branches of eucalyptus trees, occupying certain territories for each group. Based on the discovery of flying squirrels in South Australia, possums have excellent cold-tolerant mechanisms.

Character, lifestyle

Sugar gliders are extremely active animals. They can glide through the air for long distances. Possums nest in groups, in which there are up to seven adult males and females related by family ties.

Also in the group is their offspring. Sugar flying flocks are considered mutually exclusive and territorial. Each group stubbornly and courageously protects a certain number of eucalyptus trees, which provide their group with a staple food.

Adult males regularly mark territory with their saliva and secretions secreted from glands located in the pelvis, arms, and legs. They also have scent glands located on their foreheads, which are necessary for males to spread marks to other members of the group. Each "family" is usually dominated by a single male who is responsible for much of the territory and group marking.

He is usually larger and heavier than the rest of the group, as his body produces more testosterone. The alpha male often "starts a relationship" with the females of the group. As soon as a possum without a scent mark approaches the flock, the collective considers the guest as a stranger, after which the alpha male immediately and violently attacks him. Within the groups themselves, life-threatening contractions usually do not occur.

Sugar gliders are not rodents, which greatly improves the prospects for their captivity. After all, as you know, most rodents can cause considerable damage to household property. Sugar flying squirrel is a tiny representative of the marsupials, the family to which such popular animals as the koala or kangaroo belong.

It is interesting! It has been scientifically and experimentally proven that these animals have a great advantage over ordinary domestic rodents. With proper care and attention, they can live up to 12-15 years, unlike hamsters, gerbils, ferrets or squirrels, whose family life is much shorter.

At the same time, such a pet as a marsupial possum has a truly canine intelligence, and with proper training, it is able to recognize its name and come when called. A possum can be trained to do some tricks.

Place of residence

A cage with dimensions of 60 * 60 * 90 centimeters is considered the minimum, most suitable for a pair of possums. In the case of this kind of animal, more is always better than less. In the matter of placing flying squirrels where greater value than width or depth, it is the height of the cage, because these are animals whose sliding activity, as you know, is at a height.

When keeping several individuals in one apartment, the distance between their dwellings should be at least 3 centimeters. Inside each cage there should be vertical climbing posts. Providing training equipment is an important part of organizing a healthy and active lifestyle for your pet. There should be many toys inside the cage, a closed exercise wheel. Tunnels, private rooms, ropes and ladders also provide many opportunities for climbing and doing useful exercise.

Since commercial cages most often do not meet the requirements for keeping these crumbs, many owners create their own models from welded wire (available at hardware stores, as well as at farm / feed stores. A good idea for such a structure, the adaptation of a plastic pallet, larger in size than the bottom of the cage itself, to ensure better hygiene in the room. After all, such a design will help to catch all kinds of waste and easily remove them, preventing them from waking up outside the animal apartment. The latch on the cage must be secure, as gliders sometimes manage to learn how to open them.

A layer of shavings (best of all cedar, aspen or fir is best) is placed at the bottom of the cage. This will help you absorb liquid stools better. It needs to be cleaned once or twice a week. Or as needed, if several pets live in one cage. The home of the possum should be placed in an accessible area of ​​the house, but not in direct sunlight, in a draft-free area.

Proper Diet

Sugar gliders are omnivores by nature. Most often, their delicacy is considered to be sweet juice extracted from eucalyptus branches. The diet of the sugar flying squirrel also includes pollen, nectar, insects and their larvae, arachnids, and small vertebrates. in spring and summer months these animals predominantly feed on insects, mainly moths and beetles, and during the autumn and winter months, their menu consists of plant foods such as eucalyptus sap and pollen.

In the wild, sugar flying squirrels eat a variety of foods depending on the season. Due to their omnivorous nature, they are often fed at home with special menus developed by experts taking into account the needs of the animal. Such a menu may include a mixture of baby food, honey, fruits, vitamins and other ingredients. With daily use, it can be supplemented with fresh vegetables, fruits and insects.

Also in pet stores you can buy ready-made industrial formulations. But leading zoologists recommend supplementing such nutrition with useful substances, since it is not considered balanced and fully meets the needs of the animal. Yes, and the needs of the sugar possum have recently changed somewhat, since much more has become known about the animals themselves.

There are some very interesting data about his taste preferences. As it turns out, possums are crazy about "Christmas" beetles (Anoplognathusabnormis). On average, one colony of eight individuals can eat more than 200 kilograms of these insects per year, which makes them an important participant in maintaining the health of trees, because this particular insect species is the main cause of the death of eucalyptus trees.

Care, hygiene

Sugar flying squirrels remain spotlessly clean almost all the time and do not require regular bathing. This is very important, because the possession of any rodent involves the frequent repetition of this procedure due to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. In the wild, sugar flying squirrels usually live in colonies of 10-15 individuals. Therefore, when the baby possum first crawls out of the bag (at the age of 9-12 weeks), he begins life under artificial conditions with the formation of "family" ties.

It is interesting! Even if he is surrounded by members of the human family, their pets and relatives, the animal will consider them as representatives of his own family-group.

In other words, the possum is not a solitary animal, but a creature that needs family conditions in which they can live comfortably all their lives. Despite the close connection with all members of the family and their environment, the possum also chooses the closest loved one, connecting with him spiritually with a primary level connection. Usually they are the person who spends the most time with the animal.

One of the most common "false truths" about the sugar possum is that this animal must have the largest possible cage in order to be completely happy. Since they definitely love to jump and play, a large cage is great for adults. However, for young animals and babies, such dimensions are less suitable.

Diseases and treatment

reproduction, offspring

Sugar gliders kept in captivity have been found to live up to 14 years of age. Sexual maturity of the animal occurs at the end of the first year of life in females, and at the beginning of the second year in males. The estrous cycle of the sugar flying squirrel is about 29 days. In Arnhem Land in Australia's Northern Territory, there does not appear to be a specific breeding season for these animals. However, in southeastern Australia, babies are only born between June and November. A flying squirrel's pregnancy usually lasts about 16 days. In one litter of a female, from 1 to 2 babies are born, each of which weighs approximately 0.19 grams.

It is interesting! if in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence of a sugar possum climatic conditions somewhat worse and the lack of food only worsens the situation of the animal, it can fall into a short hibernation until more favorable conditions for an active existence.

The offspring after childbirth sits out for some time in the mother's skin sac, but after 70 days they slowly crawl out. After 111 days, the babies become completely adults and independent in order to leave the nest. Most often, by this time, the female has not yet had time to become pregnant again. However, it happens that the expectant mother is again in the position, and this makes her more hostile to previous babies. In such a situation, the offspring is forced to leave the nest as quickly as possible.

The body length of the marsupial flying squirrel (possum) ranges from 15 to 21 cm, the tail length is similar. The fur is soft and not long. The color is most often ashen, on the back there is a dark stripe, the belly is light.

Outwardly, the sugar possum resembles a squirrel, but it is impossible to confuse them, because this animal has a number of characteristic features:

  • the membrane that allows it to fly (more precisely, to plan over fairly long distances) is located on the sides between the front and rear legs;
  • rounded, rather large and very mobile ears;
  • big dark eyes.

The sugar squirrel or marsupial flying squirrel lives in the northern and eastern regions of Australia, in New Guinea, in Tasmania, on the islands of the Bismarck archipelago.

It is an arboreal marsupial, the smallest and most common type of possum. He got his names because of the ability to soar through the air and because of the love of sweets. The weight of the possum depends on the sex and ranges from ninety to one hundred and sixty grams. It has a thin, slightly elongated body. The length of an adult animal can reach forty-two centimeters, of which about half falls on a fluffy tail. The hair of possums is usually gray-blue, but there are animals with yellow or yellow-brown hair. It is very rare to find albino possums.

Its fur is thick and soft. Brown stripes are located on the back and muzzle of the animal. The belly is white, with a cream shade. Possums have a small, slightly pointed muzzle. He has rather large ears, they are able to turn like locators in the direction of outgoing sound. Large black eyes are bordered with black rims stretching to the ears. They help you see perfectly in the dark.

The limbs of sugar possums are very well developed. On each paw they have five long thin fingers with sharp claws. Such "aristocratic" fingers allow you to get larvae and small insects from under the bark, and sharp claws - to keep well on flexible branches.

The possum can bend its tail and even hold small objects with it. And due to the opposing fingers and sharp claws, he handles food very deftly.

The animals are small in size, the body length of the female reaches 27–28 cm, the male - up to 40 cm. Possums usually weigh from 90 to 160 grams, depending on gender. The body of the marsupial flying squirrel is covered with soft and dense gray-blue fur. Individuals with yellow and brown-yellow color can also be found, occasionally even albinos can come across. In appearance, the animal resembles a small squirrel, which is why it is often called a sugar squirrel.

Marsupial flying squirrels have a small and elongated muzzle, on which dark stripes are located. The back of the animal is covered with the same stripes. The belly of the possum is white, with a creamy tint. In females, a bag is located on it. Ears have large size, which can turn towards the sound source. The eyes are large and black with dark rims reaching to the ears. Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals and can see perfectly in the dark.

The fore and hind limbs of flying squirrels are well developed. On each paw there are five long and rather thin fingers, at the ends of which there are sharp claws. In nature, with the help of such fingers, animals can feed, for this they get various insects and larvae from under the bark of trees, and sharp claws help to keep well on the branches of plants.

A distinctive feature of sugar possums is the presence of a thin membrane, which is a layer of skin covered with fur and located on the sides of the body - from the forelimbs to the hind limbs. During the jump, this unusual part of the body is stretched and allows the animal to fly a certain distance.

The sugar possum is a relatively small marsupial. The marsupial flying squirrel is the smallest relative of the opossum family. Its head and body are approximately 120-220 mm long, and its tail is about 150-180 mm long. The weight of a mature animal reaches only 140 grams, with a body size of 15-20 cm and a tail length of up to 19 cm.

There is a dark stripe along the back from the back to the nose. There are similar stripes on the muzzle, in the direction from the eye to the ear. There is a small white mark on the tip of the tail. Like flying squirrels, sugar gliders have a skin membrane that extends from the outside of the front to the ankle of the hind leg, and can be opened by spreading the limbs wide apart. The female sugar possum has a significant difference in body structure - a small bag in the skin fold to accommodate the baby.

Exotic animals in the conditions of apartments in our time are not uncommon. Many people, for various reasons, do not want to be content with a cat or a dog, but give birth to iguanas, tarantulas, snakes, ferrets and many others.

There is a lover for everyone, and at the sight of such a cutie as a sugar marsupial flying squirrel, a rare heart will not falter in tenderness.

However, before you run headlong to a pet store or breeders, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the animal, think through all the nuances and correlate them with your own habits and daily routine.

Sugar possum at home: keeping, feeding

For a long time, no one is surprised at a cat in the house, lying in the master's chair or a dog running out into the hallway with a joyful bark.

But in last years in the homes of our compatriots, exotic pets began to appear, which came to us from different parts of the world. It can be an iguana or Achatina, a ferret or a chinchilla, a tarantula or an opossum.

The little squirrel or sugar opossum has won the hearts of the inhabitants of almost the whole world.

Pets Questions Reviews Jokes

The marsupial flying squirrel is a small creature that has many nicknames: flying squirrel, sugar glider, flying sugar glider.

The exotic animal comes from Australia, and today we will talk about keeping the flying squirrel at home.

A charming creature only 40 cm long, weighing 200 grams, its eyes are round and large, ears with a tail are movable.

Since the animals are active at night, vision at night is much better. Females have a bag on their abdomen for future cubs. The color of the flying squirrel is ash-yellow with soft and thick fur.

Life expectancy is 12 years on average.

Marsupial flying squirrels are energetic and active animals that sleep during the day and stay awake at night. In addition, they need quite a lot of free space for their amazing and high jumps. But the animal is unpretentious in content.

For these animals, loneliness is fatal! Yes, and they are used to living in a herd, therefore, it is recommended to buy them in quantities of 3 to 5 pieces, which will complicate care.

External signs

The opossum, or pygmy flying squirrel, is a very tiny animal. The length of his body is from 7 to 23 cm, weight - from 95 to 160 grams. The muzzle of the animal is elongated and slightly pointed. The tail can be very short (6 cm) or very long (50 cm). At its base there are thickenings that are formed due to fat deposits.

When getting a pet, it should be borne in mind that at home, flying squirrels live even longer than in nature. Although how many years the animal will be with you depends on nutrition and care, it is worth bearing in mind that this is more likely 9-12 years, and not three years, like a rat or a hamster.

Possums have a number undeniable advantages, which are serious incentives to get just such a pet:

  1. They are unusually cute and funny, especially if there are several of them.
  2. Pleasant to the touch.
  3. Friendly, trainable (can learn a couple of simple commands and funny tricks).
  4. They tolerate captivity well.
  5. Attached to the owner.
  6. Cleanliness.


There are several characteristics that can become a serious obstacle to the establishment of this cute animal:

  1. They are nocturnal and at the same time quite noisy (they move loudly, they can make barking sounds).
  2. They have a specific musky smell.
  3. They can bite.
  4. They require strict adherence to the diet.


If you decide to get yourself an exotic and unusual animal, then you should definitely pay attention to such a wonderful animal as a sugar possum, which is able to win over any person in a few moments. Anyone will like his funny and friendly character, charming appearance, interesting habits.

Today, sugar possums are gaining more and more popularity as pets. Having decided to acquire such an unusual animal, you should learn in great detail about caring for it, feeding, and character traits. Keeping flying squirrels at home, of course, is not easy, but it is quite possible. To do this, it will be necessary to adapt to their habits, lifestyle and diet.

  1. Children cannot be trusted with the maintenance of these animals, since possums can bite or scratch the child if he grabs or crushes the animal strongly.
  2. Sugar squirrels are nocturnal, so they can make a lot of noise at night in their cage.
  3. Marsupial flying squirrels relieve their need anywhere, it happens that on the fly, and it is impossible to teach them to do this in one place.
  4. Males will mark their territory, and it will be almost impossible to get rid of the smell. And if you let your pet out of the cage, then be prepared for this.
  5. Feeding the animal is quite difficult, for example, for full development, young animals need to be given live insects.
  6. If cats or large birds live in the house, they will always be dangerous for the animal.

Flying squirrels are quite active and keep them either in a spacious cage or in an aviary. The minimum dimensions for a pair of animals are 80x80x60 cm, however, the higher the cage, the better. The walls and ceiling must have bars not exceeding 1.5 cm, otherwise the cubs will be able to squeeze between them or even fall out.

The door must be equipped with a lock or a carabiner. These animals are very resourceful and easily learn to open an unfixed passage on their own. The floor is covered with a specialized filler for rodents in the form of compressed sawdust.

Branches are a must when keeping sugar possums. In their natural habitat, they live in trees, these animals have an instinct for climbing wood.

Bowls are best placed on shelves and in different parts cages or aviary. This will help keep the water unpolluted longer.

The house is an invariable attribute of the possum's habitat. The ideal option would be a suspended structure, fixed as high as possible. As a nest, you can use: plywood or wooden boxes, something soft and at the same time reliable, for example, a knitted pocket. Flying squirrels love cozy soft nests, therefore, if the frame of the house is hard, you should put rags or hay in it.

It is acceptable to use several nests at once, however, at the time of feeding the brood, it is worth limiting yourself to one.

Toys should choose those that are constructed from hard plastic. Flying squirrels are great for: tunnels, stairs, running wheels, bells, mirrors and small balls. Toys require periodic updates to maintain the interest of animals in them.

Where to buy and how much is the animal

You can buy a sugar possum in pet stores specializing in exotics, or from the hands of breeders (since they breed quite actively in captivity, this is quite possible). The price varies from 100 to 250 dollars.

Remember that an animal is not a toy. Before purchasing, carefully consider your expectations, wishes and possibilities, consult with the owners. If you still decide, then good luck! Sugar squirrel will give you many bright and unforgettable impressions.

Sugar possum or sugar marsupial flying squirrel (lat. Petaurus breviceps) live in the forests of Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, living mainly in thickets of eucalyptus. These amazing animals can live quite well at home, so many people take them to themselves, making flying squirrels one of the family members.

Alessandro Di Grazia

The weight of flying squirrels averages up to 160g. Moreover, males, the hallmark of which is a huge spot located on the forehead, as a rule, are heavier than females. The body length of the animals is 12-32 cm, and the tail length is 15-48 centimeters. The coloration contains predominantly gray color, only the belly is white. A black stripe connects the tip of the nose with the tip of the tail.

The usual body temperature of a sugar possum - 35-36 degrees Celsius tends to decrease by 8-24 degrees during the sleep period of the animals. Flying squirrels feed on fruits, pollen, and invertebrates at night, occupying any most convenient position for them at the moment when eating.

Sugar gliders nest in a special area, the total area of ​​​​which is at least half a hectare. Most often, hollows of trees are used as nests, sometimes their roots. For bedding, dried leaves, grass, as well as small branches are used, which they drag into the dwelling, hooking them with a tail that successfully twists into a loop. If the tail is busy, teeth can also be used to carry bedding materials.

One of the main concerns of the animals under consideration is the protection of the territory. Every day, the dominant male leaves marks on all other members of the group (therefore, all animals have a smell characteristic of this family group) and its borders. If the territory is suddenly attacked, the attack on the group always starts with the male.

Sugar possums are especially active at night. These are very mobile animals that can climb trees, turning their heads both up and down and without experiencing the slightest inconvenience! They also like to hang on tree branches, firmly clinging to them with their hind legs.

in number special ways the movement of flying squirrels, of course, includes gliding flight. Through the flight membrane, which runs from the forelimb to the ankle joint of the hind leg, the animals are able to fly over a length of more than 60 meters!

The distinctive characteristics of the life of these extraordinary animals include a large set of sound signals of very different intensities (yelping, crackling, roaring, hissing, crying, etc.), used by them to attract attention, indicate fear, anger, friendly intentions, joys, greetings, etc.

Pygmy marsupial flying squirrels are social animals, groups of which contain no more than 7-12 animals of different ages. The father of the young flying squirrels that leave the territory upon reaching sexual maturity (at the age of 10-12 months) is the dominant male.

The reproductive function in the group is performed, as a rule, by the dominant male, and its assignment to another member leads to conflicts in each family. The gestation period of the female is 16 days, and the total sexual cycle is 29. A female brings a maximum of 3 litters per year, and each cannot contain more than 3 cubs that are born immature and stay in the female’s bag for 40 days, not coming off the nipple not for a second!

Sugar possum cubs are selected from the mother's pouch when they reach 70 days of age or several days later, but up to 110-120 days they continue to feed on milk. Sexual maturity in males occurs at 8-15 months, in females - at 12.

The average age of life of pygmy marsupial flying squirrels is from 4 to 6 years. The record is the case when the male managed to live up to 14 years.

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