Divorced Deripaska? The VIP-tribune of the “Kremlin Cup” tennis was shocked by the non-secular behavior of the wife of the oligarch Yumashev and Deripaska - not only a love union.

diets 24.06.2020

famous wife Russian oligarchOleg Deripaska , Polina was spotted by journalists at an opposition procession along the Boulevard Ring. In her hands was White flower, as a sign of the opposition movement. Why the head publishing house Forward Media Group and part-time wife Russian billionaire take part in the opposition procession? Many are inclined to the version that Polina Deripaska is simply bored with life ... Let's try to figure out why.

Version 1. The whole world in your pocket

It's no secret that Polina's husband, Oleg Deripaska, is a busy man. Back in the early 2000s, immediately after the wedding, Oleg Deripaska sent his wife away from his affairs, namely to London. There she gives birth to a billionaire two children. But Polina quickly got bored of sitting at home, not in vain, because, in fact, she graduated from the famous college in Milford and the Graduate School of Business at Moscow State University!

Polina always dreamed of publishing magazines (a genetic predisposition affects, because Polina's mother Irina Vedeneeva worked as a correspondent for Sovetsky Sport and Moskovsky Komsomolets, and her father Valentin Yumashev, before he headed the Administration of President Boris Yeltsin, also worked as a journalist). In 2006, Polina finally got Oleg Deripaska, and he bought her the well-known Ova-press publishing house, in which she became the chairman of the board of directors. After the change of owner, the publishing house changed its name to Forward Media Group. Having got rid of several ballast publications, Polina Deripaska concentrated on the release of magazines about social life and the life of celebrities, the most famous gloss in the publishing house's palette is Hello magazine. According to Polina herself, the annual turnover of her business is about ten million dollars! Her childhood dream has finally come true!

Version 2. Indifferent and "prudent" spouse

And my husband was in trouble! More precisely, it didn’t start, but continued, or rather, it even seemed to get worse. And so, Oleg Deripaska, who did not pay much attention to his wife, completely forgot about her existence. At social gatherings and football matches Polina Deripaska appears either alone or accompanied by her faithful friend (and part-time friend of Roman Abramovich) Daria Zhukova. As the molded friend admitted in one of the interviews: “She (Polina - ed.), said that Oleg was in recent times began to come home every day all later. He made scandals, he was always looking for some money, as I understood, he even took something out of the house to sell.

And soon, they began to notice her in the company of another Russian oligarch Alexander Mamut. Someone even saw them vacationing together in Courchevel. And evil tongues have already begun to spread rumors about a possible romance between Deripaska's wife and Mamut.

One way or another, it was already impossible to hide the rumors about the breakup. Secular society did not understand one thing, why Polina had not yet filed for divorce. After all, she did not conclude a marriage contract with Deripaska, which means she has the right to claim half of his property. And it is measured in billions of dollars.

The picture was clarified by Polina's "adoptive mother", Tatyana Dyachenko, who, in an interview with Le Figaro, stated that she herself forbade her to divorce, fearing that during a divorce, Deripaska would transfer all her debts to her spouse. “This is a very prudent person, what people call a rogue,” the daughter of the first President of Russia shared with French journalists, “he now has debts of several billion dollars and he is ready to do anything to write off at least part of it.”

By the way, according to the information of the Grani.ru online publication, Polina divorced Oleg Deripaska, a “rogue” ...

Version 3. In the still water...

Among the regular party girls and precocious models serving social events, Polina Deripaska is reputed to be "strange". She is characterized at the same time as very modest, contact and as an impregnable, self-confident capricious akin to Sobchak, but unlike Ksenia, she does not know how to freely stay in any society. At the same time, the most malicious ladies agree that she is a good friend, not a gossip at all, knows how to keep family secrets and sincerely rejoice at the successes of our neighbors: Anastasia Chukhrai, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Dasha Zhukova, Marat Safin and her half-brother Boris Yeltsin Jr.

Even in the "Roof of the World" - a club closed "from society" on the upper floors of the Badaevsky brewery, where wealthy offspring famous people they come to have a good time in evening dresses, and in slates - as it suits them, - Polina was not seen drunk. And suddenly, in front of thousands of fans who came to the Kremlin Cup to support their idols, Polina Deripaska was sitting on the podium next to her eminent relatives: the widow of the ex-president of Russia Naina Yeltsina, stepmother Tatyana and father - frankly drunk.

"Russian women drink from a lack of love and personal freedom," the ambassador of one of the European countries. And it looks like he's right.

Polina Deripaska has another secret pain that the crowd does not know about. They say that she treats her stepmother very well, but no one has ever seen her with own mother Irina Vedeneeva. The former journalist who worked in the sports department of MK was also known as "strange". The master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, Ira, according to the recollections of her colleagues, was very feminine and plastic, but she seemed to mow down under Inna Churikova, more precisely, under her heroines - girls, as it were, not of this world. The editors always tell the same story about her.

One day, Ira Vedeneeva, no longer quite a novice in journalism, was sent on a business trip to Odintsovo with the task of writing about the competitions taking place there. Irina arrived, handed in a report, and under the note was the address of the scene: Ramenskoye.

They ask her: "What is Ramenskoye? They sent you to Odintsovo!"

She shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment and proudly replied: "I was taken by car and brought by car. How would I know where I was!"

How was the fate of Irina Vedeneeva after her marriage ex-husband Valentina Yumasheva on Yeltsin's daughter, none of her former colleagues know. From the field of view of journalists, she disappeared once and for all a few years ago. After I decided to have a baby at the age of 45. It was rumored that the idea of ​​getting pregnant and bearing a child came to her after Tatyana, the current wife of her beloved Valya Yumashev, gave birth. They say that Irina even did artificial insemination. Polina's brother was born with a weight of 920 grams. It was rumored that Polina paid all the expenses for the birth of the mother and the care of a premature baby in the best Russian clinic. Where her mother and brother are now, even friends do not know. But people who communicated with Irina Vedeneeva back in those years when she and Valentin Yumashev wrote the script and made a film about Boris Grebenshchikov's "Aquarium" and Konstantin Nikolsky ("My friend is an artist and poet"), said that Irina either drank a lot , or quickly got drunk. The film was released in 1988 and was called "Chorus Alone".

Soon Yumashev left Irina for another woman, Svetlana Vavra, a journalist for the then fashionable Ogonyok. After that, they began to see Ira drunk more often, rumors spread around Moscow that she was drinking too much. And now everyone saw in the hop and her daughter.

Version 4. To the evil of the regime

Marching Polina Deripaska next to the opposition caused a storm of questions, the main one of which is WHY? As told Life News surrounded by Oleg Deripaska, his wife was in the winter at a rally of dissent. Those close to Oleg Deripaska emphasize that her husband knows about Polina's actions, but cannot do anything. Because this is the personal position of Polina Valentinovna.

Polina Deripaska also took part in the winter protest rallies along with Svetlana Bondarchuk, Ulyana Khachaturova and other representatives of glamor.

“Polina, as you understand, everything in life is chocolate. She is arranged, loved, children, capital, but she came to express her civic position. This position is sincere - Polina and Sveta (Bondarchuk. - Ed.) I was told a year ago, that they want to come to the March of Dissent,” wrote secular columnist Bozena Rynska in her blog after the December rally on Bolotnaya Street. In her opinion, the main merit in attracting the "oligarch" to the square belongs to Ksenia Sobchak.

Considering that Polina's father, Valentin Yumashev, was the head of the presidential administration under Boris Yeltsin (with whom great democratic hopes were associated in the country), the "personal position" of Oleg Deripaska's wife becomes understandable. Living in London, Polina was able to appreciate all the delights of the European community and the standard of living of ordinary citizens, which cannot be compared with the "survival" of the Russian people.

Polina Deripaska cannot help with all the money, but here she is walking with a white flower in her hand ... why not. It's even beautiful.

(1980-01-11 ) (39 years old) K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Polina Valentinovna Deripaska (maiden name Yumasheva; genus. January 11, 1980, Moscow) - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Forward Media Group publishing house. Daughter of Valentin Yumashev, former adviser to Boris Yeltsin, head of his presidential administration. Wife Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska.


Polina Yumasheva was born on January 11, 1980 in the family of journalists Valentin Yumashev and Irina Vedeneeva (born 1962). Irina Vedeneeva worked as a correspondent for Soviet Sport and Moskovsky Komsomolets. Father worked in Komsomolskaya Pravda, prepared Yeltsin's memoirs for publication, was deputy. editor-in-chief of Ogonyok. Then Valentin Yumashev worked as an adviser to President Boris Yeltsin, was appointed head of the presidential administration, and in 2002 married his daughter, Tatyana Dyachenko.


Returning to Russia, she studied at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University and at the Graduate School of Business of Moscow State University with a degree in management. She played tennis, was a member of the youth team of Russia.

publishing business

At the end of 2007, Forward Media Group intended to invest $5 million in Internet projects. Her friend, designer Daria Zhukova took part in the creation of the site, owned by Forward Media Group.

Personal life

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An excerpt characterizing Deripaska, Polina Valentinovna

So the captain told the touching story of his love for a charming thirty-five-year-old marquise and at the same time for a lovely innocent seventeen-year-old child, the daughter of a charming marquise. The struggle of generosity between mother and daughter, which ended in the mother, sacrificing herself, offering her daughter in marriage to her lover, even now, although a long-gone memory, worried the captain. Then he told one episode in which the husband played the role of a lover, and he (the lover) the role of a husband, and several comic episodes from souvenirs d "Allemagne, where asile means Unterkunft, where les maris mangent de la choux croute and where les jeunes filles sont trop blondes [memories of Germany, where husbands eat cabbage soup and where young girls are too blonde.]
Finally, the last episode in Poland, still fresh in the captain’s memory, which he told with quick gestures and a flushed face, consisted in the fact that he saved the life of one Pole (in general, in the stories of the captain, the episode of saving life occurred incessantly) and this Pole entrusted him with his charming wife (Parisienne de c?ur [a Parisian at heart]), while he himself entered the French service. The captain was happy, the charming polka wanted to run away with him; but, moved by generosity, the captain returned his wife to her husband, while saying to him: “Je vous ai sauve la vie et je sauve votre honneur!” [I saved your life and save your honor!] Having repeated these words, the captain rubbed his eyes and shook himself, as if driving away the weakness that seized him at this touching memory.
Listening to the captain's stories, as often happens in the late evening and under the influence of wine, Pierre followed everything that the captain said, understood everything, and at the same time followed a number of personal memories that suddenly for some reason appeared to his imagination. When he listened to these stories of love, his own love for Natasha unexpectedly suddenly came to his mind, and, turning over in his imagination the pictures of this love, he mentally compared them with the stories of Rambal. Following the story of the struggle of duty with love, Pierre saw in front of him all the slightest details of his last meeting with the object of his love at the Sukharev tower. Then this meeting had no effect on him; he never even mentioned her. But now it seemed to him that this meeting had something very significant and poetic.
“Pyotr Kirilych, come here, I have found out,” he now heard these words spoken, saw before him her eyes, her smile, her traveling cap, a strand of hair that had fallen out ... and something touching, touching seemed to him in all this.
Having finished his story about the charming polka, the captain turned to Pierre with a question whether he experienced a similar feeling of self-sacrifice for love and envy for his lawful husband.
Provoked by this question, Pierre raised his head and felt the need to express the thoughts that occupied him; he began to explain how he understands love for a woman somewhat differently. He said that in his whole life he loved and loves only one woman and that this woman can never belong to him.
– Tiens! [Look at you!] – said the captain.
Then Pierre explained that he loved this woman from the very young years; but he did not dare to think of her, because she was too young, and he was an illegitimate son without a name. Then, when he received a name and wealth, he did not dare to think about her, because he loved her too much, placed her too high above the whole world and therefore, even more so, above himself. Having reached this point in his story, Pierre turned to the captain with the question: does he understand this?
The captain made a gesture expressing that if he did not understand, then he still asked to continue.
- L "amour platonique, les nuages ​​... [Platonic love, clouds ...] - he muttered. Is it drunk wine, or the need for frankness, or the thought that this person does not know and will not recognize anyone from actors his stories, or all together, loosened Pierre's tongue. And with a mumbling mouth and oily eyes, looking somewhere into the distance, he told his whole story: both his marriage and the story of Natasha's love for him. to the best friend, and her betrayal, and all their simple relationship with her. Called on by Rambal's questions, he also told what he was hiding at first - his position in the world and even revealed his name to him.

In August, rumors intensified about a possible divorce between the oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Polina Deripaska, who, after her father Valentin Yumashev married the daughter of the first Russian president Boris Yeltsin Tatiana, became known as Yeltsin's "adopted granddaughter". Deripaska has decent marital experience - the businessman married Polina Yumasheva in 2001. True, the couple began to talk about the upcoming divorce in 2009.

Polina Deripaska and Dasha Zhukova

Immediately after the wedding, insiders say, Deripaska sent his wife to London to take care of the children. There Polina Deripaska gave birth to both the first child and the second. Here are just a few were sure that the "British" life of the billionaire's wife quickly turned into almost imprisonment.

The husband himself was in London extremely rarely. Mrs. Deripaska's patience lasted for five long years. And then, according to rumors, Polina Valentinovna, in fact, against the wishes of her husband, returned to Russia and started her own business. And in 2006, with the money of her husband, Mrs. Deripaska started her own business: the Rainko company, which manages a number of Oleg Deripaska's assets, bought out the Ova-press publishing house, later renamed by Polina into Forward Media Group, known for the magazines Hello !, "My baby and I ", as well as "Interior + design". At first, Polina headed the board of directors, and at the end of 2015, the Adindex resource wrote that the FAS granted the petition of Mrs. Deripaska's company Gloss Media to buy 100% of Forward Media Group, management company publishing house of the same name. However, according to gossip, Polina Deripaska's business career is warm. hearth did not add. Moreover, according to rumors, he sometimes cooled down so much that his wife was seen in an "interesting" company. It's about about another "business shark" - Alexander Mamut. And the corridors of the Moscow beau monde were filled with rumors about the affair of Mrs. Deripaska. According to unconfirmed information, the couple could light up at an elite resort in Courchevel. At the same time, dirty gossip appeared in relation to Oleg Deripaska himself. His ill-wishers believed that the irritation of a businessman had an extremely negative effect on his subordinates, scandals allegedly thundered at the businessman's house. And later, unconfirmed, however, information began to appear in the press that Mr. Deripaska could have become addicted to alcohol, so much so that the help of professionals was required. Whether this is true or not - one can only guess, as well as about what could have been the reason - business or family life. But in 2009, when things seemed to go as far as divorce, the marriage did not break up. At the same time, Tatyana Yumasheva meaningfully commented on the divorce, who in 2010, in an interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro, stated that she allegedly simply forbade Polina Deripaska to divorce. And it was not about lofty matters, but extremely pragmatic ones - the lady was afraid that Oleg Deripaska, during a divorce, would "hang" all his debts on the daughter of Yumasheva's wife. In 2009, we recall, the debts of a businessman, as they said, were comparable in volume to his fortune. Polina herself refuses to comment on rumors about a more than cool relationship with her husband, although she seems to be happy to talk about children. At least, this is what her interview from 2013 looked like, in which the oligarch’s wife said: “I have amazing children. Petya is eleven, Marusya will be ten soon, such adults, it’s very interesting with them. They have a wonderful grandmother, Oleg’s mother, Valentina Petrovna: I am grateful to Oleg for this and much more, but I don’t want to speak publicly about my relationship with him.” But for last years Oleg Deripaska's fortune is growing, and the businessman himself is rising in various ratings of businessmen, his fortune, according to some estimates, has already exceeded $ 8 billion. And now Polina can get not debts during a divorce, but more than a decent "compensation". Rumors, meanwhile, are in a hurry to name Oleg Deripaska's "successor" - perhaps Polina's next husband will be the man who introduced her to Deripaska at one time - Roman Abramovich, at whose party the couple met for the first time in 2000.

Oleg Deripaska and Roman Abramovich

Polina Yumasheva marries Deripaska. year 2001. To the right of Polina - her mother and father, Valya Yumagev and Irina, and behind - the entire Yeltsin family.

But Abramovich and Deripaska have joint business, and Polina Deripaska and Daria Zhukova, who recently announced her separation from her husband Roman Abramovich, are considered friends.

The latter even helped Polina create a website about show business Spletnik.ru. Apparently, so far rumors do not prevent businessmen from "doing business" together. In July, information appeared that through Norilsk Nickel, Deripaska and Abramovich could become co-owners of the Sochi ski resort"Rosa Khutor". But what kind of redistribution of forces in the business arena can result from "Santa Barbara"? Abramovich has been waiting for two years In early August, Abramovich and Zhukova officially announced their separation after a decade life together. "The two of us have made the difficult decision to part ways, but we remain close friends, parents and partners in the projects we are working on together," the couple said in a statement. The word "divorce" was never mentioned in the statement. According to experts, this may be due to the fact that the oligarch and his wife will have to get divorced under British law, which implies that divorce by mutual agreement can be made only after the spouses have lived separately for at least two years. In the meantime, those who are interested are scouring in search of details about a possible romance between Zhukova and the Greek billionaire Stavros Niarchos, Abramovich's chosen one, whoever she may be, most likely, you will have to wait ... at the same events. Some of the businessman visited not only in the company of the "foster granddaughter" of the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin, but also the stepmother of Polina Deripaska - Tatyana Yumasheva, Yeltsin's daughter. The first "almost family" publication? In May of this year, Roman Abramovich flew to Perm on a private plane, which was nicknamed "Bandit" for the characteristic black stripe near the cockpit, for the closing of the Diaghilev Festival. According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, the oligarch brought with him Polina Deripaska and her adoptive mother Tatyana Yumasheva, as well as the former head of the cultural department of Moscow, Sergei Kapkov. In March, at the opening of the new season at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, they also saw both Abramovich and Deripaska's wife. True, the wife of the oligarch Daria Zhukova was also present there, but she could not help but appear, because she is the founder of the cultural space. A little earlier, in February, Roman Abramovich and Polina Deripaska "lit up" at the celebration of the birthday of the Gogol Center. Photographers captured them together. But the spouses of both could not be found at the celebration. The wife of Oleg Deripaska and Roman Abramovich had the opportunity to exchange a few words at the Kinotavr party in June this year. In August, the authoritative agency Bloomberg ranked the richest people peace. And on the 177th line, stepping from the 205th position, Mr. Deripaska comfortably settled down, whose fortune is estimated at 8.28 billion dollars. And it is possible that if Polina Deripaska really divorces her husband, the lady may appear before the next chosen one not only as a wife, but also as an investor with considerable assets. After all, the marriage contract between Oleg and Polina Deripaska was not concluded. Accordingly, she can claim half of her husband's property in the event of a divorce. In this case, the difficulties of doing big business may remain with the oligarch - and a significant part of his fortune - with Polina Deripaska.

Seems like a fight for safety own business, finally undermined the nerves of Oleg Deripaska. They say that the oligarch has become extremely irritable, and his subordinates can hardly bear their boss, just as his wife Polina could not bear him. Knowledgeable people they say that they began to see her more often in the company of another businessman, Alexander Mamut. Evil tongues have already begun to spread rumors about their possible romance.

The happy marriage lasted eight years. The couple was introduced in 2000 by none other than Roman Abramovich.

Recall that Polina Deripaska was called none other than Yeltsin's "adopted granddaughter". She is the daughter of Valentin Yumashev former head administration of the President of Russia, who married the daughter of the first president, Tatyana Dyachenko.

Shortly after his marriage, Deripaska sent his wife to give birth in London. As it turned out, he sent it for a long time, only occasionally appearing in his English house. They say that life in the UK for Polina turned into imprisonment. The husband was extremely against her return to Russia, and believed that the spouse should deal exclusively with children.

For several years, the "London slave" managed to give birth to Deripaska another child. However, it could not last so long, and in 2006 Polina insisted on returning to Russia.

In order to keep his wife busy, Deripaska bought for her the FMG publishing house, which publishes such popular magazines as Hello, Icons, Story, Medved, and many others.

However, the married couple failed to establish life on Rublyovka. As an acquaintance of Polina Deripaska, Roman Abramovich's girlfriend, Daria Zhukova, recalled, “She (Polina. ed.), said that Oleg had recently begun to come home every day later. He made scandals, he was always looking for some money, as I understood, he even took something out of the house to sell.

Unable to bear such a life, Polina Deripaska packed her things and went back to London. And soon, they began to notice her in the company of another Russian oligarch Alexander Mamut. Someone even saw them vacationing together in Courchevel. And evil tongues have already begun to spread rumors about a possible romance between Deripaska's wife and Mamut.

Maybe this explains why Deripaska decided to sell Polina's business after a while? It is probably not for nothing that Deripaska's spiteful critics claim that he is a vindictive person.

One way or another, it was already impossible to hide the rumors about the breakup. Secular society did not understand one thing, why Polina had not yet filed for divorce. After all, she did not conclude a marriage contract with Deripaska, which means she has the right to claim half of his property. And it is measured in billions of dollars.

The picture was clarified by Polina's "adoptive mother", Tatyana Dyachenko, who, in an interview with Le Figaro, stated that she herself forbade her to divorce, fearing that during the divorce, Deripaska would transfer all her debts to her spouse. “He is a very prudent person, what people call a rogue,” the daughter of the first President of Russia shared with French journalists, “he now has debts of several billion dollars and he is ready to do anything to write off at least part.”

Polina Deripaska is known not only as the wife of an aluminum magnate, but also as the daughter of Yeltsin's son-in-law.

Polina Yumasheva studied at the same college with the children of famous Russian politicians

She was born in Moscow in 1980. Since childhood, the girl was surrounded by money, because her parents were successful journalists. When there was a coup in the country and Yeltsin came to power, Polina's father gradually moved away from the routine affairs of the Komsomolskaya Pravda publishing house and plunged into work on the memoirs of the first president of Russia, and also became deputy editor-in-chief of Ogonyok. Later, Valentin Yumashev (the father of Deripaska's wife) served as an adviser to Yeltsin, became quite close to him and eventually married the daughter of Boris Nikolaevich Tatyana. Polina spent her childhood like most Soviet schoolchildren: she studied at an ordinary Moscow school, attended circles. Over time, her parents transferred her to a private college in Milford (UK). Her classmate was the son of Chubais Alexei. Then the girl returned to Russia and entered the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University (Moscow). She successfully completed the course in the specialty "Management", but apparently the genes took their toll, because. All her life Polina dreamed of journalism. I must say that Deripaska's wife led an active lifestyle before marriage. She was even a member of the Russian youth tennis team.

Polina Yumasheva became for Deripaska a ticket to the Yeltsin family

She met her future husband at the dacha of Roman Abramovich. Deripaska at that time was a business partner of the oligarch, and Polina was one of the golden youth girls. At that time, her father already held the position of presidential adviser, so the family members of such a person were held in high esteem. Yumasheva and Deripaska got married in 2001, and a little later, Valentin Yumashev himself divorced his first wife and married Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana. So, Polina unexpectedly became the granddaughter of the president, and her husband Oleg Deripaska became related to an eminent family. For the aluminum tycoon, this turn of events was only at hand, because now it was easier for him to run his business.

Yumasheva and Deripaska are not only a love union

After Polina married Oleg Deripaska, her affairs went uphill. First of all, she had the opportunity to do what she loves. In 2006, the RAINKO company bought the Ova-press publishing house, within which the magazines Hello!, My Baby and Me, and Interior + Design were published. This was done thanks to Deripaska's money, because RAINKO owned part of the oligarch's assets. Soon the publishing house changed its name and the Forward Media Group (FMG) holding was reorganized, headed by Yumasheva. Polina is very jealous of the fact that journalists call FMG a gift from her husband. She says that she herself was engaged in the purchase, she put a lot of effort into it, but her husband only sponsored part of the project. By the way, for him it was a good investment. Firstly, he provided the beloved woman with the business she had dreamed of all her life. Secondly, a year later the holding began to receive income. In 2007, it was decided to go beyond printed publications and master the Internet. This is how the Spletnik.ru project appeared, the design of which was developed by Polina's friend Dasha Zhukova. When Deripaska's wife is openly reproached for self-interest and commercialism, saying that she clings to her husband only because of money, Polina is very offended. Despite the fashion to enter into marriage contracts, the Deripaska couple do not have one. And this characterizes spouses only with positive side, because for them feelings surpass the financial part of existence.

Independent Polina Yumasheva

This woman always achieves her goals. Perhaps a reliable rear behind her helps her in this. If it were not for the famous pope, the husband of the oligarch, then who knows how her fate would have been. Nevertheless, Polina Yumasheva is one of the women feminists who, by their example, prove that the concept of the weaker sex is a thing of the past, that today the stereotypes of women accountants or women teachers have practically disappeared. Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity successfully occupy leadership positions, ranging from the director of a small business to the ministerial chair.

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