The procedure for working with a mine detector. How does an induction mine detector imp work? Set up a metal detector imp

Design and interior 02.09.2019
Design and interior

Induction semiconductor metal detector"IMP" is designed to detect objects made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The metal detector allows you to detect these objects in liquid, loose, semi-liquid media, in soil, wood, snow, etc. The depth of search for objects in liquid media (when the metal detector is immersed) is up to 1 m. In soil or other dense media, large metal objects are detected on depth up to 40 cm from the surface.

The metal detector kit includes:

search element with a shortened rod knee;

a bar consisting of three knees screwed together;

generator-amplifying unit;

head phones;

transport packaging.

The search element of the metal detector consists of two receiving coils located at the ends of a moisture-proof plastic casing, and a generator coil placed between them. It receives alternating current from a generator located in the case of the amplifier unit.

The receiving coils are connected in such a way that the total electromotive force induced in them under the influence of the electromagnetic field of the generator coil is approximately equal to zero. Full balancing of this EMF is carried out by a phase-amplitude compensator using coarse and fine adjustment knobs, which are located on the top panel of the amplifier unit.

The amplifier unit is mounted on a duralumin frame. This frame also contains a generator and a phase-amplitude compensator. The frame itself is in a steel case with a hinged lid. A special compartment of the case is designed for power sources - four elements 373, which ensure continuous operation of the device for 80 hours at an air temperature of minus 30° to plus 50°C. On the housing cover there is a contact spring for serial connection of power supplies and a plate with a diagram of the installation of power supplies.

On the panel of the amplifier block, in addition to the compensator knobs, there are:

power switch;

connector for connecting the cable of the search element;

phone sockets.

The inoperative connector is protected by a special cap. The total weight of the metal detector is 7.2 kg, the weight of the search part is 2.5 kg.

To work with a metal detector, you need to assemble and configure the devices, and then search.

After work, the device is disassembled, wiped and packed.

The metal detector can be assembled to work in two positions: standing and lying down. To work in a standing position, a metal detector is assembled in cases where it is necessary to search on the ground or in large rooms. In these cases, all three knees of the bar are used. When working in difficult conditions (for example, in rooms with very low ceilings, in attics, etc.), the two middle knees of the rod are not used, the rolled elements of the rod are installed parallel to the search element, and the canvas bag with the generator-amplifying unit is fixed on the waist belt. This assembly of the device ensures its use in the prone position.

During assembly, the cable of the search element is connected to the generator-amplifying unit, the phone plug is connected to the socket.

For all types of metal detector assembly and its maintenance it is strictly forbidden to unscrew the union nut on the search element and open the top cover of the amplifier unit.

After assembling the metal detector, the power is turned on and the device is configured.

When a metal object enters the zone of action of one of the receiving coils, the emf induced in them is unbalanced. The resulting differential EMF enters the amplifier and from it the signal enters the telephones. The signal is amplified when the receiving coil approaches a metal object. Taking this into account, the device is tuned when the search element is removed at least 1.5 m from metal objects. The device is tuned by rotating the knobs of the compensator of the amplifying unit until the main tone signal disappears in the phones. If after that, when the search element is brought to a metal object, the main tone signal appears in the phones, then the device is configured for searching. The metal detector works stably for 10-20 minutes, after which the device is adjusted. The sensitivity of a metal detector depends on how carefully it is set up.

1. Before conducting a search, it is advisable to inspect the area under investigation, remove visible foreign metal objects (if necessary, for example, in order to maintain secrecy, these objects return to their original place after the search is completed).

2. For the purpose of consistency and completeness of the search, the surveyed area must be divided into conditional squares or strips in such a way that their boundaries, when examined by a metal detector, completely overlap both in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

3. The search element during operation should be kept at a distance of no more than 5 cm from the surface being examined and parallel to it, moving forward gradually, with each step no more than half the length of the search element, and moving it in one direction or another (to the right, to the left).

4. Having heard a tone, you need to stop and clarify the location of the metal object by moving the search element to the right and left - until the strongest signal appears in the headphones, back and forth - until a slight signal interruption appears. In this case, the metal object will be under the middle part of the search element.

5. During the search, the areas where the presence of metal was recorded should be noted so that after examining the entire area, the issue of finding the desired object can be resolved. When determining the sequence of verification and opening of these areas, it is necessary to take into account such external signs such as subsidence, removed sod, freshly dug hole, soil marks on grass, etc.

6. After removing the object, its location is additionally examined by a metal detector.

7. When using two metal detectors during the search, the distance between them must be at least 6 meters. This is necessary to exclude the mutual influence of the magnetic fields of the devices.

After the end of the search, the metal detector is cleaned of dirt, wiped and placed in a package. When storing the device for a long time, it is necessary to remove the power sources from the amplifier unit.

Portable metal detector Gamma VM-20 N

The portable metal detector Gamma VM-20 N (Fig. 44) is designed to search for objects made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in various caches and hard-to-reach places.

Rice. 44.Search device "Gamma VM-20N"

The Gamma instrument is very sensitive. A metal object the size of a three-kopeck coin is detected by it from a distance of 7 cm. From 15-20 cm, the device detects objects such as a knife, pistol, etc.

The device includes:

eddy current transducer;

a high frequency generator;

amplitude detector;

an amplifier with a threshold device;

oscillator audio frequency with speaker;

· electronic key;

· source of power.

All components of the device are mounted in a plastic case, convenient to hold in your hand. An inductive search element is located under the cylindrical head of the housing. On the side wall is a switch. An audible signaling device is mounted under the rear top cover, next to it is a tuning knob. The power compartment is located under a sliding cover at the bottom of the case.

The power source is an element of the "Krona" type with a voltage of 9 volts. When working in conditions low temperatures(up to -20°C), the power supply is placed in a special case, which in this case is located under the operator's clothing. One battery "Krona VTS" provides 8 hours of continuous operation of the metal detector.

The sound signal of the device about the presence of a metal object in the search area is heard at a distance of 1.5 m.

Before starting work, you need to make sure that the device is working, install the power source and make settings. The instrument is set up in the following order.

Take the device to right hand search element down, and the loudspeaker (hole on the body) - up. Turn on the device by setting the switch to the "ON" position, and the setting knob to the extreme position. After turning on the device, a sound signal should appear, which after 5-10 seconds. disappears.

Turn the tuning knob counterclockwise to achieve a stable sound signal. By smoothly turning the tuning knob in the opposite direction, achieve an intermittent sound signal, and with further rotation, the sound disappears. The position of the tuning knob, when a slight counterclockwise rotation causes an intermittent sound signal, and the reverse disappearance of the sound, indicates the correct setting of the device. The smaller the rotation of the knob when switching from silent mode to intermittent sound signaling mode, the more accurate the device setting, the greater its sensitivity, i.e., the ability to detect the same objects at a greater distance. To check the readiness of the device, you need to bring the search element (search head) to any metal object; a continuous signal that appears indicates the readiness of the metal detector to search.

If an intermittent sound signal occurs when the search element is brought to a non-metallic surface, for example, to the palm of your hand, you need to slightly turn the tuning knob clockwise, that is, reduce the sensitivity of the device.

When setting up the device, it should be taken into account that a sound signal may also appear when a metal object approaches the “rear” side of the metal detector, if there is a watch or other metal objects on the operator’s hand.

The efficiency of using the device largely depends on some circumstances that must be taken into account when performing a search:

1. Due to the fact that large metal objects affect the magnetic field of the search element, preventing the normal operation of the device, they must, if possible, be removed from the search area.

2. To be sure of the reliability and completeness of the search, it should be carried out sequentially, in accordance with the previously marked areas (squares) of the surface being examined. In this case, the width of the strip checked in one pass by a metal detector should not exceed 7 cm.

3. It is necessary to move the device as close as possible to the surface under study, this ensures the maximum search depth.

4. Max Speed scanning (carrying the device over the surface under study) should not exceed 50 cm/sec. When scanning at a higher speed, the sound signal does not have time to form and is not captured by the operator.

5. In order to avoid a false signal, when working with the device, do not allow sudden movements or impacts of the metal detector on hard objects.

6. In the process of continuous work with a metal detector, it is necessary to periodically (at least once every two hours) check the correct settings of the device. To do this, it is enough to bring the device closer with a search element to any small metal object (watch, ring). If at the same time the distance at which the alarm is triggered is less than 7 cm, the device requires adjustment.

7. If there are hidden metal objects such as reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, pipelines, electrical wiring, metal parts of windows, etc., causing the appearance of a “false” signal, it is necessary to first establish their exact location using the device, and then examine adjacent areas surfaces.

8. Using the device, Special attention you should pay attention to such signs as separate sections of the walls with re-pasted wallpaper, traces of additional or fresh painting, surface irregularities, etc. Before opening these places, it is recommended to check them with punctures or by drilling. Opening of possible caches is carried out with precautions against damage to the items or packaging contained in them.

When conducting a personal search, those areas of the human body are taken into account, which are most likely to be used to cover metal objects.

Before starting a personal examination, they are offered to put their feet shoulder-width apart, spread their arms to the sides. The search is carried out by passing the metal detector over the surface of the body (clothing) at a distance of 2-3 cm at a speed of not more than 50 cm/sec. So the passage from one shoulder to the other is carried out in about 1 second.

When a sound signal occurs, the location of the metal object must be clarified by reducing the scanning speed and narrowing the control zone to the minimum size. You can judge the mass of the detected metal by moving the device away from the surface being inspected. So, if the cause of the signal was a small item of clothing, for example, a button, then a slight distance of the metal detector will lead to the disappearance of the signal. If there is a significant mass of metal in this area (knife, pistol), the signal is preserved.

In some cases, the method of comparing the reaction of a metal detector when examining symmetrical areas of the body helps to establish the cause of the signal. Thus, if an alarm is triggered during scanning near the left leg, but there is no signal near the right leg, it can be assumed that there is a hidden metal object on the left leg.

When conducting a search, it is necessary to visually identify suspicious elements of clothing (for example, thickened seams, items of clothing that are unusual in shape and size) and examine them with particular care.

After removing the metal object from the area under study, it is necessary to re-inspect the fixed place.

When examining various bundles, packages, examining individual items of clothing, it should be borne in mind that the device fixes metal objects placed to a depth not exceeding maximum range detection depending on the total mass of these objects.




Semiconductor induction mine detector for individual use IMP is designed to search for anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, installed in the ground (snow), whose bodies or fuses are made of metal.

The mine detector allows you to detect mines installed in the bush, grass and fords.


1. Depth of detection by a mine detector of mines installed in the ground (snow), cm, not less than:
a) anti-tank mine TM-46 ...... 40
b) anti-tank mine TMD-B ..... 12
c) anti-personnel mine PMD-6 with a metal fuse MUV ........ 8

2. The width of the mine search zone with a mine detector, cm:
a) for mines TM-46, not less ...... 30
b) for TMD-B mines ........ 20 ± 5
c) for mines PMD-6 ........ 20 ± 5

3. The mine detector allows you to search for mines in the water with the immersion of the search element to a depth, m .. up to 1

4. Residual voltage level, mV, no more than .. 80

5. Stable operation of the mine detector without adjustment, min., not less than 10

6. Distance between two working mine detectors, m, not less than ......... 7

7. Current sources - elements 373 GOST 12333-74 with a total voltage of 5.0 to 6.2 V, pcs. ... four

8. Period of continuous operation with one set of current sources, h, not less than....... 100

9. Operating temperature range, K from 243 to 323

10. The total weight of the mine detector, kg, no more ... 6.6

11. Weight of the search engine, kg, no more.... 2.4


The composition of the mine detector includes the following main elements and components:

1. Search element..... ... 1 pc.

2. Amplifying block.... 1 pc.

3. Rod (three knees) 1 pc.

4. Phones head ... 1 pc.

5. Bag..... 1 piece

6. Stacking case......... 1 pc.

7. Belt....... 1 piece

8. Setting equivalent.... . 1 PC.

9. Screwdriver ...... pcs.

10. Grinding skin (10 cm 2). 1 PC.

11. Technical description and instruction manual 1 copy.

12. Form ............... 1 copy.

Elements 373 GOST 12333-74 are not supplied by the factory.

Rice. 1. Composition of the product
1 - search element; 2 - amplifying block; 3 - barbell (three knees); 4 - head phones; 5 - bag; 6 - stowage case; 7 - belt; 8 - setting equivalent; 9 - screwdriver.


In the search element of the mine detector, two receiving and one generator coils are placed. The receiving coils are located in the electromagnetic field of the generator coil so that the total e. d.s. induced in them is approximately equal to zero.

To compensate for the unbalance voltage of the receiving coils due to changes in temperature and nature environment serves as a phase-amplitude compensator.

A change in the connection between the transmitter and receiver coils of the search element when metal objects are introduced into the field of the transmitter coil causes an unbalance signal, which is amplified by the amplifier and heard in telephones.


5.1. search element

The search element is a frame, in the grooves of which the generator and two receiving coils are installed. At one end of the frame there is a generator loop capacitor.

ATTENTION! Protect the search element from shock.

Search element frame fig. 2 is placed in casing 6, which protects it from mechanical damage. The casing consists of two parts, glued in the middle, and is closed with a union nut 3. A seal is installed under the union nut between the casing and the frame.

The threaded part of the union nut is coated with moisture-resistant grease.

The connection of the search element with the amplifying unit is carried out by cable 2 with the insertion of the ShR connector.

The search element is connected to the holder 4 by means of a clamp 5 enclosing the casing.

To eliminate the influence of the rod metal on the search element, the holder is made of textolite.

Rice. 2. Search element
1 - connector insert ШР20; 2 - cable; 3 - nut; 4 - holder; 5 - collar; 6 - casing.

The location of the clamp on the casing is strictly fixed, which corresponds to the least influence of the metal parts of the rod on the operation of the search system.

ATTENTION! Install the frame of the search element into the casing with the mark towards the holder.

ATTENTION! Disassembly of the search element in the field is unacceptable.

5.2. Amplifying block

Reinforcing block fig. 3 consists of two parts: a duralumin base 10 with a top cover 3 and a steel box 11 with a hinged bottom cover 15.

A board 16 is installed on the base, on which elements of the generator and amplifier, and potentiometers of the phase-amplitude compensator 9 are mounted, there is a compartment for current sources.

On the top cover 3 are placed:

Connector block ШР 20 for connecting the cable of the search element with the amplifying unit;

Cap 5, which is screwed onto the Shr 20 connector block in the non-working state and serves to protect the connector parts from damage, contamination and moisture ingress;

Telephone jacks 6, into which the telephone plug is inserted during operation;

Toggle switch 7 for turning on and off current sources;

Two knobs 8 of the compensator, which serve to fine-tune the mine detector.

The axes of two coarse-tuning potentiometers of the phase-amplitude compensator 9 are brought out through the cover 3 under the slot.

The base is fixed to the box with the help of two screws 4. Carabiners 12 are installed on the side walls of the box, which serve to fasten the shoulder strap when working with a mine detector without a canvas bag.

The box has a hinged bottom cover 15 connected to it by means of a hinge and a lock 13. The bottom cover is designed for access to the power source compartment and for connecting 14 power sources to each other using a contact spring.

Rice. 3. Amplifying block
1 - compartment of current sources; 2 - sealant; 3 - top cover; 4 - screw; 5 - cap; 6 - nest; 7 - toggle switch; 8 - handle; 9 - phase-amplitude compensator; 10 - base; 11 - box; 12 - carbine; 13 - lock; 14 - spring; 15 - bottom cover; 16 - board.

A rubber seal 2 is installed between the top cover and the base. A seal is also installed on the bottom cover. For ease of use, the amplifying unit is placed in a canvas bag.

5.3. Barbell

For ease of transportation and the ability of the sapper to work in the "lying" or "standing" position, the rod is collapsible and consists of three knees made of duralumin pipes. The articulation of the knees of the rod between themselves and with the holder of the search element is threaded.

Rice. 4. Rod

5.4. Case laying

The stowage case is made of duralumin and is designed to accommodate all mine detector components during transportation and carrying. The lid is hinged to the case and closed with two tension locks. Brackets are installed inside the stacking case to secure the mine detector assemblies.

Rice. 5. Stacking case

The stowage case is adapted for carrying in hands and behind the back.


The IMP mine detector during operation is serviced by one person.


To assemble the mine detector, you must do the following:

Open the lid of the packing case;

Remove from the packing case: phone, canvas bag, search element with a holder, amplifying unit, three rod elbows;

Close the lid of the stacking case;

Assemble the rod knees, screw them to the search element holder;

Loosen the swivel of the search element clamp with the holder, for which turn the nut counterclockwise;

Set the required angle of inclination of the rod relative to the search element and tighten the nut to the full;

Insert the cable into the grooves of the clamps on the rod;

Install current sources;

Put the amplifying unit in a canvas bag;

Put a canvas bag on your right shoulder, while the connecting cable should be behind your back, adjust the length of the belt, connect the cable to the amplifying unit;

Put on phones and connect them with a plug to an amplifying unit;

Set the toggle switch to the "ON" position;

Set up the mine detector and check its performance with the equivalent of the setting.


The procedure for assembling a mine detector for working in the "lying" position is the same as for assembling a mine detector for working in the "standing" position.

Assembly features:

the search element and the holder are fixed parallel to each other, the canvas bag is fixed on the waist belt; a rod elbow with a plug is attached to the holder.

Rice. 6. General form IMP device for work in the "standing" position


After working with a mine detector, you must:

Set the toggle switch to the "OFF" position;

Disconnect the cable connector insert and telephone plug from the amplifying unit;

Remove phones;

Wrap the cap on the connector block;

Disconnect the cable from the rod;

Disassemble the bar;

Loosen the nut and turn the holder to its original position parallel to the search element; remove the amplifying unit from the canvas bag; - extract current sources;

Clean the elements of the mine detector from dust, dirt and moisture and put it in a packing case; - close the cover of the stacking case.

Rice. Fig. 7. General view of the IMP device for working in the "lying" position

ATTENTION! Turning the holder without first loosening the nut leads to breakage of the parts connecting the search element with the holder.


Install current sources in the following sequence:

Open the bottom cover of the amplifying unit;

Install the current sources in the compartment according to the diagram indicated on the bottom cover of the unit.

Close the bottom cover of the unit.

ATTENTION! If the current sources are installed incorrectly, the mine detector will not work.

After completion of work, remove the power sources and store separately.


After installing the current sources and assembling the mine detector, set it up, for which: take the mine detector in your right hand and, holding it above the ground at a height of 10 to 12 cm, slowly rotate the knobs of the amplifying unit compensator with your left hand until the fundamental tone disappears in the telephones.

In this case, only a weak control tone of a higher frequency or noise should be heard in the phones.

Check the operation of the mine detector by approaching the search element of the equivalent setting at a distance of 10 cm. In this case, the sound of the main frequency should appear in the phones.

With temperature differences from 243 to 323 K, compensation may be lost. In this case it is necessary:

set the axes of the fine adjustment potentiometers to the middle position and compensate using the coarse adjustment potentiometers.

ATTENTION! When setting up a mine detector, the search element must be positioned so that there are no metal objects within a radius of one and a half meters from it.


Holding the search element by the bar and continuously moving it in front of you to the right and left, move forward in a given direction. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the search element moves parallel to the ground surface at a distance of 5 to 7 cm from it. When moving along the reconnaissance strip, the sapper must move the search element forward no more than half of its length, while it is necessary to carefully ensure that the entire area of ​​the reconnaissance area is examined by the mine detector.

Having heard a signal on the phones (the appearance of a fundamental tone), the sapper must stop and clarify the location of the mine.

Depending on the task, he must either start extracting the mine, or designate its location.

To determine the location of the mine, the search element must be carefully moved forward, where the appearance of the signal was recorded, until it is received in the phones

minimum sound. If, with a further slight movement of the search element forward or backward, the signal in the phones increases, then the mine is located under the center of the search element. If, when moving the search element forward, the signal in the phones does not increase, then it is necessary, by moving the search element back, to locate the mine using the same method.

The mine is located under the center of the search element only if, when moving it forward or backward, the signal in the phones increases.

As necessary, the mine detector should be adjusted, achieving the minimum volume of the main tone.

It should be remembered that the sensitivity of the mine detector is determined by the thoroughness of its settings.

In all other respects, strictly follow the requirements of the instructions for safety measures when clearing the area.

ATTENTION! Small metal masses (fuzes) can cause a weak signal, so when searching, the sapper must pay special attention to fixing these signals.

Features of the operation of the mine detector when searching

on the fords

When clearing fords, the mine detector is assembled to work in the "standing" position.

The length of the strap of the bag with the reinforcement block must be adjusted so that the bag does not touch the water.

The assembled mine detector is adjusted in the usual manner on land, and then, when the search element is lowered into the water to a depth of 1 m, the mine detector is adjusted.

When setting up a mine detector in water, the search element must be removed from the ground at a distance of 10 to 20 cm.

ATTENTION! Before lowering the search element into the water, it is necessary to completely tighten the cap nut to prevent water from entering.


Item No. Typical malfunction Probable Cause Elimination Methods
1 The phones are listening to rustles and cods. Bad contacts at the junction of current sources.
Bad contact in the plug.
Check connections and clean contacts.
Check or wipe the plug contacts.
2 When the toggle switch is turned on, the mine detector does not work
(no sound on phones).
Current sources are not connected correctly.
The voltage of current sources is less than 5.0 V.
Break in the telephone circuit.
Check that the current sources are switched on correctly.
Change power sources.
Change phones.
Check the telephone circuit with an ohmmeter,
in the place of the break - solder.
3 When tapping on the amplifying unit, the sound in the phones disappears. Bad contacts in places of rations. Check the condition of the rations and troubleshoot.
4 Lack of compensation limits. The axes of the coarse adjustment potentiometers have turned.
A sharp change in climatic conditions.
Set the axes of the fine adjustment potentiometers to the middle position and compensate using the coarse adjustment potentiometers.

Unpainted places, scratches and nicks should be painted or smeared with a thin layer of CIATIM-201 lubricant;

Place the mine detector in the stowage case.

The depreservation of the mine detector should be carried out in the following order:

Remove the mine detector from the stowage case; - remove old grease from the outer lubricated surfaces of the mine detector;

Assemble the mine detector.


Before putting mine detectors into storage, power sources must be removed and stored separately.

Mine detectors in the field should be stored in stowage cases, which should be covered or located indoors to prevent dust, dirt or water from entering the cases.

During long breaks in operation (up to 6 months), mine detectors should be stored in dry rooms

on racks in stacking cases.

The ambient temperature must be at least 283 K, relative humidity no more than 70%.

Storage of a mine detector for more than 6 months must be carried out in accordance with the "Guidelines for the storage of engineering equipment and equipment" edition of 1963.


Transportation of mine detectors during operation can be carried out manually or by any type of vehicles (on ships, aircraft, cars, railway and etc.).

To transport a mine detector using a shoulder strap, you must:

fasten the shoulder strap to the carabiners of the packing case, put the straps on the shoulders.

Transportation of mine detectors vehicles carried out in packing cases.

ATTENTION! Transportation of mine detectors should be carried out only with the current sources removed.


Data table of winding products of the "IMP" device

Transformer number according to the drawing.
Designation on the circuit diagram.
principled circuit diagram Core Winding Pin designation
Electrical parameters Note
iron type Sectional area, mm 2 Winding number Wire brand and diameter, mm Number of turns Winding resistance at 293K, Ohm Winding inductance, mH
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Alloy 79NM
56,7 I
At least 2400
At least 320
Tr2, Tr3
Alloy 79NM
56,7 I
At least 50
Generator coil L2
Steel E-330 PEV-2-0.33
13±10 45±10 Resistance and inductance values ​​measured between terminals 1-6
Receiving coils L1, L3
PEV-2-0.1 3500 N-K 1400±10 400±10

Note. The inductance is measured at a frequency of 1000 Hz at a voltage of 0.5 V.

Schematic diagram of the IMP mine detector

Rice. eight.

1. The gains of transistors T1 and T2 should not differ by more than 10%.

2. Capacitors C7 * and C10 *, cores E1 and E2 are installed if necessary.

3. In positions C5 and C14, it is allowed to use capacitors K53-1-6-22 ± 30% and K53-1-15-15 ± 30%, respectively. OZHO. 464.023TU

4. OMLT resistors according to OZHO.467.107TU.

* Selected during regulation.

Rice. 9.
Search element without casing

Rice. ten.
Amplifying block with the casing removed.

Rice. eleven.
Rear view of the amplifier block.

Name Qty. Note
R1*Resistor OMLT-0.25-82 Ohm±10%1 39; 56 ohm
R3Resistor OMLT-0.25-1kΩ ± 10%1
R4*Resistor OMLT-0.25-39 Ohm±10%1 56;82 ohm
R5Resistor OMLT-0.25-4.7 kOhm ± 10%1
R6Resistor OMLT-0.25-1kOhm±10%1
R7*Resistor OMLT-0.25-82 Ohm±10%1 39; 56 ohm
R8Resistor OMLT-0.25-39kOhm ± 10%1
R9Resistor 11SP-1-1-A-22kΩ ± 20% OS-5-32 OZH0.468.084 TU1
R10Resistor OMLT-0.25-39kΩ±10%1
R11Resistor OMLT-0.5-4.7MOhm±10%1
R12Resistor 11SP-1-1-A-100kΩ ± 20% OS-3-60 OZHO.468.084. THAT1
R13*Resistor OMLT-0.5-4.7MΩ ± 10%1 1.5 MΩ
R14Resistor 11SP-1-1-A-47kΩ±20% OS-5-32 OZHO.463.084 TU1
R15Resistor PSP-1-1-A-47kΩ±20% OS-3-60 OZHO.463.084 TU1
R16Resistor OMLT-0.25-3kΩ ± 5%1
R17Resistor OMLT-0.25-6.2 kOhm ± 5%1
R18Resistor OMLT-0.25-240 Ohm±5%1
R19Resistor OMLT-0.25-5.6 kOhm ± 10%1
R20Resistor OMLT-0.25-2.2 kOhm ± 10%1
R21Resistor OMLT-0.25-4.3 kOhm ± 5%1
R22Resistor OMLT-0.25-10kΩ ± 10%1
R23*Resistor OMLT-0.25-120 Ohm±10%1 270; 390 ohm
R24; R25Resistor OMLT-0.25-8.2 kOhm ± 10%2
R26Resistor OMLT-0.25-4.3 kOhm ± 5%1
R27*Resistor OMLT-0.25-270 Ohm ± 10%1 100; 150; 390; 470 ohm
R28Resistor OMLT-0.25-2.7kΩ ± 10%1
R29Resistor OMLT-0.25-120 Ohm ± 10%1
C1*1 Select. 0.25uF
C2Capacitor KD-1-M75-5.1pF ±10%-3 OZHO.460.154 TU1
C3Capacitor KD-1-M700-27pF ± 10%-3 OZHO.460.154 TU1
C4Capacitor BM-2-200V-0.01 µF ± 10% OZHO.460.154 TU1
C5Capacitor K-53-4-6-22±30% OZHO.464.037 TU1
C6*Capacitor BM-2-200V-4700pF ± 10% OZHO.462.047 TU1 3300;5100pF
C7*1 1000pF
C8Condenser MBM-160-0.25-11 OZHO.462.032 TU1
C9*Capacitor BM-2-200V 4700pF±10% OZHO.462.047 TU1 3300; 5100pF
C10*Capacitor BM-2-300V-680pF ± 10% OZHO.462.047 TU1 1000pF
C11Capacitor MBM-160-0.25-11 OZHO.462.032 TU1
C12Capacitor BM-2-200V-3300pF ± 10% OZHO.462.047 TU1
C13Capacitor MB M-160-0.25-11 OZHO.462.032 TU1
C14Capacitor К53-4-15-15±30% О Zh0.464.037 TU1
L1RB5.764.014 Receiving coil1
L2RB5.689.013Sp Generator coil1
L3RB5.764.014 Receiving coil1
BElement 373 GOST 12333-744
ATToggle switch TV2-1 USO.360.049 TU1
Gn1; Gn2RB7.746.005 Telephone socket2
T1; T2Transistor MP15 SBO.336.007TU12
T3...T5Transistor MP13B SBO.336.007TU13
Tp1RB5.731.097Sp Input transformer1
Tr2; Tr3RB5.731.098SP Matching transformer2
tfHeadphones TA-56M RL3.844.020Sp RLO.384.004 TU1
Ш1Insert ShR 20U5NSh 10 GEO.364.107 TU1
SH2Shoe ShR 20 P5 ESH 10 GEO.364.107 TU1
E1РБ7.773.001 Core1
E2Core MP-20-2 RM9x1.0x19 OZHO.707.115 TU1

Table with ratings of electronic components used in the IMP mine detector circuit

portable induction mine detector IMP-2 is intended to search in soil of different moisture content, in snow and water for anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, other explosive objects with metal or plastic cases and containing metal parts. The mine detector can be used in various environments in peaceful and war time for reconnaissance of minefields, making passages in them and continuous demining of the area. In addition, if necessary, the IMP-2 can be used to search for other metal objects.


The IMP-2 mine detector consists of:

Search element (rectangular shape in the form of a frame with 2 gaps)

Prefabricated three-knee bar

Amplifying block

Head phones

Assembly probe

Signal processing unit with connection cables (on/off toggle switch, sensitivity adjustment knob, male connector, cable connector.)

External power supply (connects to telescopic rods)

Carrying bags, for external power supply, soft case

Depth of detection depending on the size of the search object:

PTM - 50 cm

zone width:

detection area:

standing – 300 m2/h

lying down - 150 m2/h

lane width - up to 2 m (in reality - 1.7 m)

Total weight in working condition - no more than 2 kg.

in the package -8 kg

Power is supplied autonomously from batteries built into the device or accumulators of the R6 type (element 343 - 6 pieces) with a total voltage of 9 V.

The metal detector remains operational at ambient temperatures from -50 C to +50 C.

The order of preparation for work.

Deploy the IMP-2 mine detector. Set the POWER toggle switch to the OFF position, the regulator knob to the left position (minimum sensitivity). Keep the mine detector sensor no closer than 0.5 m from the ground and no closer than 1 m from metal objects.

When the POWER switch is set to ON. there should be a sound signal of two to four tone sequences lasting 3-4 s (auto-compensation process), then short clicks with a frequency of 3 s; if there are no clicks, replace the power supplies.

Check the sensitivity as follows: 3-4 seconds after the auto-compensation process, bring the probe with its pointed end to the center of the sensor at a distance of 20-30 cm (several times) - there should be a detection signal.

Set the maximum sensitivity for a given type of soil in the surveyed area, for which set the regulator knob to the maximum right position, in which the proximity of the sensor to the ground until it touches does not lead to an audible signal.

During operation, the mine detector sensor moves to the right and left at a speed of 0.1-1 m / s parallel to the ground, at a distance of up to 5 cm from it. After each stroke, the sensor moves forward at a distance of up to 20 cm. The fact of detecting a mine is accompanied by an audible signal. The frequency of the signal is proportional to the size and mass of the metal parts of the mine and inversely proportional to the distance from the mine to the sensor of the search element.

To clarify the location of the discovered mine, you must: stop; raise the sensor so that the tone of the sound signal becomes lower; without changing the height, move the sensor and find its position where the signal tone will be maximum (the search object is under the center of the sensor).

TOPIC:Funds engineering intelligence and clearance

TIME: 2 hours



1. To give an understanding of the means of engineering reconnaissance and demining

2. Teach personnel order of deployment and work with engineering reconnaissance means.


4. MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

Lesson progress:


According to estimates, from 5 to 10 million mines are produced annually in the world. To date, approximately 110 million of them have been installed in 64 countries and remain in combat position. Up to 10 million mines have been installed in Afghanistan alone. About 2 million of them are installed on the territory of Bosnia, and taking into account the territory of Croatia and Serbia, this number increases to 3.7 million. According to the International Red Cross, in Mozambique, all major roads pose a danger to movement, since 2 million mines were planted on them during the 18-year civil war.

According to a UN report, 26,000 people are killed by mines worldwide every year and approximately the same number are injured. The victims are mostly civilians, up to half of whom are children.

Demining is a very slow and labor intensive process. The removal of an anti-personnel mine, which costs US$3 to produce, costs US$300-1000. During the year, no more than 200-300 thousand mines are removed all over the world, and more than a million new mines are re-installed. On average, every 5,000 mines are cleared, 1 sapper is killed and 2 are injured. Even assuming that no mines are laid, the cost of complete demining in all countries would be $33 billion and would take 500 years to complete at the current pace of work.

The experience of military operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya shows that the success of the tasks of searching for mines and land mines, as well as weapons depots, fully depends on whether there are specialists in the engineering troops unit who have studied the unmasking signs of search objects to the subtlety and skillfully use reconnaissance equipment. . So, for example, while providing combat operations in the green zone of the province of Parvan in February 1984, the composition of the search group using the IMB finder discovered a warehouse with weapons and ammunition at a depth of 2 m. The warehouse was discovered by junior sergeant R. Kumurzin, who was fluent in this device. On the territory of Chechnya, as of September 05, 1996, the forces of units and subunits of the engineering troops completed the following volumes of tasks:

1. Explored and demined:

- terrain - 54 thousand hectares,

- buildings and structures - 1060 thousand hectares,

including residential buildings - 317,

schools - 47,

hospitals - 32,

kindergartens - 10,

objects - 793,

lines of power lines - 780 km,

roads - 775 km.

2. In total, 470,000 explosive objects were discovered and destroyed. Including:

- engineering mines - 11600,

- artillery shells - 99200,

Mortar mines - 75400,


Pomegranate - 86560,

Air bombs - 195,

Other VOP-195925.

I.MINO DETECTOR IMP. PURPOSE, performance characteristics, COMPOSITION, ORDER OF WORK - 25 min

Mine detector IMP.

Semiconductor induction mine detector (IMP) is used to search for metal objects in the ground.

Principle of operation

The search element contains two receiving coils and one transmitter coil. The generator coil radiates electromagnetic waves received by the receiving coils - the total EMF in them is zero. When metal objects are brought into the field, waves are reflected from them - an unbalance signal appears, which is heard in phones.

Detection depth not less than (cm): - PTM




Search width, zone (cm): - PTM




Power supply (E 373) (pcs)


Time of continuous work (hour)


Search engine weight (kg)


Mine detector weight (kg)


Rice. oneMine detector IMP.1-head phones; 2-amplifying unit; 3-search element; 4-bar.

Operating procedure

1. Assemble a bar from aluminum knees;

2. Connect to the amplifying block of the headphone plug and the connecting cable of the search element;

3. Put on phones, while one of the shells should not cover the ear in order to listen to orders;

4. Move the toggle switch to the "ON" position and check the operability (squeak, setting the tone and sensitivity);

5. Continuously moving right and left in front of you, move forward, holding the element 5 - 7 centimeters from the ground.

As the signal increases, there is more metal.

Product PR - 507 is designed to search and detect metal and metal-containing objects in the ground, water and snow.

II.MINO DETECTOR IMP-2. PURPOSE, performance characteristics, COMPOSITION, ORDER OF WORK - 25 min

Mine detector IMP - 2

Main performance characteristics

Detection depth in the ground, not more than (cm): type TM - 62M

Type PMN - 2

Minimum distance between two mine detectors (m)...

Power supply (8РЦ83) (pcs)………………………………….

Time of continuous operation (hour)………………………………...

Weight of products in a packing case (kg)……………………..

Rice. 2.Mine detector IMP - 2.1-packing portable box; 2-piece aluminum probe; 3-search element; 4-telescopic rod; 5-power supply; 6-block signal processing; 7-head phones.

The principle of operation of an induction mine detector is based on fixing the secondary field of eddy currents that occur in metal objects under the influence of a primary pulsed electromagnetic field.


MMP mine detector.

Main performance characteristics

Depth of detection of mines (cm): - PTM in a metal case

PTM in non-metal cases……………………………….

PPM in cases of any material……………………………

Up to 50

Up to 15

Up to 7

Continuous operation time (hour)…………………………………..

Multi-channel (radio wave, induction, combined) semiconductor portable mine detector is designed to search for anti-tank and anti-personnel mines in housings made of any metals and materials.

Rice.3. MMP mine detector:1-search element; 2-probe; 3-rod; 4-block signal processing; 5-head phones

The principle of operation of MMP is based on a combination of two methods:

1. Radio wave - sounding signals are emitted by transmitting antennas, reflected from the ground surface, received by receiving antennas and detected.

2. Induction - a reflected electromagnetic wave is captured with characteristics characteristic of Me (amplitude, phase).

Operating procedure

When reconnaissance of the area, the search element of the mine detector is moved with a sweep to the left - to the right parallel to the ground surface at a height of 10 centimeters at a speed of 0.6 - 0.9 m / s (2 - 3 km / h). After each stroke, the search element is moved forward 1/3 of its length. The appearance of a short signal indicates the presence of a foreign object.


Mine detector RVM - 2.

Main performance characteristics

Depth of mine detection (cm): - PTM……………….


to 10

up to 5

Detection zone width (cm): - PTM………………


up to 20

up to 15

Mass of the mine detector (kg)………………………………...

Mass of the search part (kg)……………………………..

Time of continuous operation (hour)……………………….

Temperature Range applications (O C)……………

+50 to -50

Calculation (people)……………………………………………….

The RVM-2 mine detector is designed to search for anti-tank and anti-personnel mines with hulls made of any material.

Rice.4 . Mine detector RVM - 2:1-search element; 2-holder; 3-telescopic rod; 4-collet clamp; 5-block signal processing; 6-head phones.

The principle of operation is based on fixing the difference in the dielectric permittivity of explosives, the material of the mine body and the environment in which the mine is installed. Sounding signals are emitted by transmitting antennas, reflected from the ground surface, received by receiving antennas and detected. When moving the search element over the mine, a sound signal appears in the phones.

Preparation for work

1. Assemble the mine detector;

2. Connect headphones to the signal processing unit;

3. Insert power supplies;

4. Check functionality.

Operating procedure

The search for mines, depending on the state of the soil, is carried out in one of two search modes: I " or "P". Mode " I " is used to search for mines, in the snow, as well as under a layer of water, and the "P" mode in other cases.

Moving in a given direction, move the search element parallel to the ground at a height of 3-7 centimeters with smooth strokes, making sure that there are no unexplored areas left. When a signal appears on the phones, stop and clarify the location of the object


I summarize the lessons, answer the questions posed, give the task for self-preparation.

Synopsis - Means of engineering reconnaissance and demining

Russia, 2000 - 7 p.

Discipline - Engineering training

Mine detector IMP. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

Mine detector IMP-2. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

MMP mine detector. Purpose, performance characteristics, composition, procedure for working with a mine detector.

The main design elements of the mine detector are (Fig. 1): a search element 1 with a shortened rod knee; amplifying block 2; bar 3; phones 4; canvas bag 5; shipping package 6.

The search element (Fig. 2) is a cylindrical plastic case 1, inside which the generator and receiving coils are fixed on a rigid frame and the electric circuit of the low-frequency oscillation generator is mounted.

The search element is connected to the rod with the help of a clamp 2, covering the body of the search element, and a shortened knee of the rod 3 with a fork 4 pivotally rotating in the clamp of the clamp.

Rice. 1. Mine detector IMP:

1 - search element with a shortened rod knee; 2 - amplifying block 3 - rod; 4 - telephones; 5 - canvas bag; 6 - transport package

Rice. 2. Search element of the IMP mine detector:

1 - plastic case; 2 - clamp; 3 - shortened knee of the rod; 4 - articulated fork; 5 clamping screw; 6 - connecting cable; 7 - cable chip

The angle of inclination of the search element relative to the rod can be changed and is fixed with the clamping screw 5.

The connection of the search element to the amplifying unit is carried out using cable 6, ending with a chip 7 of the plug connector; The search element has a transverse stripe applied with white paint.

The amplifying unit (Fig. 3) has a metal case 2 with a hinged bottom cover 1, inside which on a rigid chassis 3 there is a board 4 with the electrical circuit of the amplifier, a compensator 5, and in a separate compartment 6 - power supplies 7 of the mine detector.

Rice. 3. Reinforcing unit of the IMP mine detector:

a - amplifying unit in the case, b - internal device; 1 - hinged cover; 2 - body; 3 - chassis; 4 - amplifier board; 5 - compensator; 6 - compartment for current sources; 7 - power supplies; 8 - toggle switch; 9 - axle box of the plug connector; 10 - axle box plug; 11 - sockets for turning on telephones; 12 - compensator handles; 13 - protective bracket

On the top panel of the amplifying unit are placed:

Toggle switch 8 for turning on the mine detector with the inscriptions "On", "Off";

Box 9 for connecting the cable from the search element; in transport position the box is closed with a screw-on figured plug 10;

Jacks 11 for switching on telephones, marked "T", "+", and "-";

Two knobs 12 for setting the mine detector (knobs of compensators), protected by a bracket 13.

On the side (narrow) walls of the case there are rings for attaching the unit to the shoulder strap.

Four 1.6-FMTs-U-3.2 elements connected in series are used as current sources in the mine detector.

The mine detector rod consists of a shortened knee, placed on the search element, and three separate tubular knees screwed together. There are spring clips on the rod for fastening the cable connecting the search element with the amplifying unit.

In one knee of the rod, which has a knurled plug, there is a screwdriver.

TA-4 telephones with a rigid adjustable headband, rubber plugs and a cable ending with a plug serve as an indicator of a signal about the detection of a mine.

A canvas bag is used for laying and carrying the amplifying unit during the search. The bag is equipped with a shoulder strap and belt loops.

The transport packaging, adapted for carrying in the hands or in the “behind the back” position, is intended for laying and transporting all elements of the mine detector.

On the body of the package there is a handle and locks for attaching shoulder straps. Inside the metal case are holders designed to fix the position individual elements mine detector.

The electrical circuit of the mine detector IMP

The basis of the electrical circuit of the mine detector (Fig. 4) is: a low-frequency voltage generator; compensator; low frequency resonant amplifier.

The low-frequency voltage generator is made according to a push-pull circuit on two P13B semiconductor triodes (3 and 5). The oscillatory circuit of the generator is made up of the inductance of the generator coil 6 of the search device and the constant capacitor 7. Resistances 1 and 4 determine the mode of operation of the generator in direct current.

The compensator, designed to adjust the mine detector, is assembled according to the double bridge circuit, consisting of two variable resistances 14 and 15, a constant resistance 12 and a constant capacitor 13. Compensation for the voltage supplied to the input of the amplifier from the receiving coils is carried out due to the voltage removed through the compensator from a low frequency voltage generator. This voltage can be adjusted by changing the value of variable resistances 14 and 15 included in the bridge arms.

The resonant amplifier is assembled on three P13B semiconductor triodes (31, 32 and 33).

Rice. 4. Schematic diagram of the IMP mine detector:

1 - resistance ULM-0.120-5.7 com; 2, 8 - receiving coils; 3, 5, 31, 32, 33 - planar germanium triodes P13B; 4 - resistance ULM-0.120 - 680 ohm; 6 - generator coil; 7 - capacitor MBM-150-1 microfarad: 9, 10 - capacitors EM-10-15 microfarad; 11 - resistance VS-0.25-30 ohm; 12 - resistance MLT-0.5-4.7 Mohm; 13 - capacitor KDM-27 pf; 14 - resistance SP-47 com; 15 - resistance SP-22 com; 16 - toggle switch; 17, 18, 39, 42, 44, 47, 49 - capacitors EM-25 microfarad; 19, 20 - resistance MLT-0.5-1.5 com; 21 - resistance MLT-0.5-200 ohm; 22, 38, 48 - resistance MLT-0.5-1.8 com; 23, 25 - matching transformers; 24, 40, 45, 50 - MLT-0.5-3.3 com; 26 - resistance MLT-0.5-4.7 com; 27, 28, 29 - capacitors 6M2-4700 pf; 30 - telephone sockets; 34 - input transformer; 35 - capacitor MBM-150-0.5 microfarad; 36, 51 capacitors BM-2-3300 pf; 37 - capacitor BM-2-0.01 microfarad; 41 - capacitor BM-2-1000 pf; 43 - resistance MLT-0.5-820 ohm; 46 - capacitor BM-2-680 pf; T - phone; B - batteries; ШР - plug connector

The voltage from the receiving coils of the search device is supplied to the first stage of the amplifier through the input transformer 34. The resonant circuit of the first stage, tuned to the frequency of the generator, consists of the inductance of the matching transformer 23 and a constant capacitor 27.

The second stage of the amplifier is assembled according to a scheme similar to that of the first stage. The resonant circuit of the second stage consists of the inductance of the matching transformer 25 and the constant capacitor 28.

Constant resistances 22, 38 and 40 of the first stage, 24, 43 and 45 of the second and 26, 48 and 50 of the third stages stabilize the operation of the amplifier with possible fluctuations in ambient temperature. Electrolytic capacitors 39 and 44 serve to decouple AC and DC circuits. Capacitors 41 and 46 block triodes 31 and 32 at high frequency.

The voltage from the receiving coils, amplified by the first and second stages, is fed to the third, output stage, the load in which is the resonant circuit, consisting of the inductance of the coils of TL-4 telephones and a capacitor of constant capacitance 29.

Capacitors 17, 18, 42 and 47, as well as resistances 19 and 20, are used to isolate AC circuits and reduce the gain of the amplifier in order to prevent its self-excitation. Resistances 11, 21 and capacitors 9 and 10 serve to eliminate the connection between the generator and the amplifier through current sources.

When the current sources are turned on, the low-frequency voltage generated by the generator is supplied to the generator coil 6 of the search device. Alternating current, flowing through the winding, creates an electromagnetic field around the generator coil, due to which an alternating electromotive force (EMF) is induced in the receiving coils. The windings of the receiving coils are connected to each other so that the EMF induced in them is directed towards. Since the electrical characteristics of the receiving coils cannot be practically the same, additional equalization of the EMF induced in them is carried out using a compensator.

In the absence of metal (mines) under the search device, the magnitude of the differential EMF of the receiving coils is close to zero and no signal is received at the amplifier input.

When a metal (mine) gets under the search element, the electromagnetic field of the generator coil is distorted, and therefore its inductive connection with the receiving coils changes. This leads to the fact that the magnitude of the differential EMF of the receiving coils increases significantly. The differential EMF from the receiving coils is fed to the input of the amplifier, amplified by it and listened to by the operator in the phones in the form of a noticeable increase in sound volume at a constant frequency.

Preparing the mine detector for work

Installation of power sources

To install power sources, you must:

Open the cover of the transport package and remove the amplifying unit from the package;

Check the elements 1.6-FMTs-U-3.2 in terms of shelf life and compliance with the season of work; for installation in a mine detector, elements are suitable, from the date of release of which no more than 10 months have passed;

With a knife, clean their contacts and bottom part to a metallic sheen;

Open the bottom hinged cover of the block body and install the prepared elements into the power compartment in accordance with the diagram shown on the bottom wall of the block chassis: two elements are sequentially placed in the right half of the power compartment with the cap down, in the left half - with the cap up;

Close the lid of the amplifying unit, place the unit in the transport package and close the lid of the package.

Assembling a mine detector for working in a standing position

Remove the phones from the packaging and put them on your ears;

Take out the canvas bag and amplifying block, place the block in the bag and put the bag on the shoulder;

Remove the rod knees from the package and screw them together;

Remove the search element, close the cover of the transport package, articulate the rod with a shortened elbow on the search element;

Choose the angle between the search element and the rod so that when searching, the search element moves parallel to the ground surface; fix the position of the search element with a clamping screw;

Lay the cable from the search element into the spring clips on the rod;

Unscrew the figured plug of the axle box on the amplifying block, align the slot on the chip with the protrusion on the axle box and attach the chip to the axle box; fully tighten the cap nut of the connector;

Connect the phone plug to the sockets on the panel of the amplifying unit;

Turn the mine detector on toggle switch to the “On” position.

At the same time, the sound of a constant top should appear in the phones.

A view of the mine detector, assembled for work in the "standing" position, is shown in fig. 5.

Rice. 5. Mine detector IMP, prepared for work in the "standing" position

Assembling a mine detector for work in the "lying" position

To assemble a mine detector you need:

Open the cover of the transport package;

Take out of the package and put the phones on your ears;

Remove the canvas bag and amplifying unit, put the amplifying unit into the bag;

Fasten the canvas bag on the right side with the waist and shoulder straps so that it does not restrict movement when crawling;

Remove the search element from the package;

Expand (by approximately 180°) the shortened rod elbow so that its longitudinal axis is parallel to the axis of the search element; fix the position of the shortened knee with a clamping screw;

Articulate with the shortened knee the upper knee of the rod (the knee with a plug and knurling at the end);

Fix the cable from the search device in the spring clip on the rod;

Connect the cable chip from the search element to the bushing on the amplifying block, for which unscrew the curly plug, align the slot on the chip with the protrusion on the bushing, insert the chip into the bushing and tighten the union nut of the connector until it stops;

Connect the phone plug to the sockets on the top panel of the amplifying unit so that the wire from the plug to the phones runs behind your back;

Turn the mine detector on toggle switch to the “On” position. In this case, the phones should have a sound of a constant tone;

A view of the mine detector, assembled for work in the "lying" position, is shown in fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Mine detector IMP, prepared for work in the "lying" position

Setting up the mine detector

When setting up, the search element of the mine detector is located at a distance of 10-20 cm from the ground surface so that there are no foreign metal objects in the zone with a radius of 1-1.5 m from it, and adjacent working mine detectors are located no closer than 6 m.

By rotating both knobs of the compensator in turn (in any sequence), they achieve a gradual decrease in the volume of the control tone heard in the phones, and then its complete disappearance. At the same time, only a weak sound of a higher frequency than the main control tone should be heard in the phones.

Checking the correctness of the setting is carried out by approaching the search element to a metal object (screwdriver, knife). If at the same time the phone produces the sound of the main tone with an increased volume, the mine detector is set up correctly.

If, when the search element is brought to a small metal object, the sound in the phones first weakens, and then its volume begins to increase, the mine detector is set incorrectly. In this case, you need to reconfigure the mine detector.

In the event that by rotating both knobs of the compensator in turn it is not possible to achieve the disappearance of the main tone heard in the phones, it is necessary:

Loosen the screws securing the compensator handles on the axles with a screwdriver;

Rotate the axis of the compensator handles alternately with a screwdriver until the main tone disappears in the phones;

Fix the compensator handles on the axles with screws;

Further adjustment of the mine detector is carried out by alternate rotation of the compensator.

Having finished setting the mine detector, it is necessary to re-check and make sure it is correct.

When setting up a mine detector, it must be remembered that its sensitivity is determined by the thoroughness of the setting. Therefore, when setting up, you should achieve the lowest volume of the control tone in phones.

The use of a mine detector

When searching for mines, the sapper, moving in a given direction, continuously moves the search part of the mine detector in front of him to the right and left above the ground so that the search element is located parallel to the ground surface at a height of 5-7 cm (Fig. 7 and 8).

The width of the terrain strip, checked during one run, is:

when working in a standing position 1.7 m;
when working in the "lying" position up to 1 m.

Rice. 7. Search for mines using the IMP mine detector in the "standing" position

Rice. 8. Search for mines using the IMP mine detector in the "lying" position

After several movements of the search element to the right to the left over the surveyed area, the sapper moves forward at a distance of no more than 30 cm.

Having fixed a change in the control tone in the phones, the sapper must stop and clarify the location and nature of the detected object.

To clarify the location of the object, it is necessary to move the search element over the area where the greatest change in the volume of the control tone was recorded, forward (in the direction of movement during the search). If, with such a movement, the sound volume in the phones will first gradually decrease, and then, after passing through a minimum, it will begin to increase again, then at the moment of the lowest sound volume in the phones, the desired object will be in the ground exactly under the white strip applied to the body of the search element.

If, when moving forward, the transition of the signal through the minimum is not detected, it is necessary to move the search element in the same place back and, as mentioned above, find the exact position of the desired object in the ground.

Having specified the location of the detected object, it is necessary to determine which object was detected using a probe. If the detected object turns out to be a mine, then, depending on the task, the sapper either neutralizes and removes it, or marks it with a special sign.

If it is determined that the signal was caused by a non-explosive metal object, the sapper continues the search, moving in the given direction.

During the search, the sapper must periodically check the setting and adjust the mine detector.

Upon completion of work on the search for mines, it is necessary:

Disconnect the cable chip of the search element from the axle box on the amplifying block, screw the curly plug onto the axle box;

Remove dust (dirt) and wipe dry the rod and search element;

Open the cover of the transport package;

Unscrew the rod elbows one by one, while releasing the cable from the clamps, and place them in the transport package;

Loosen the clamping screw and turn the shortened rod knee so that it rests against the body of the search element; put the search element in the package;

Remove the canvas bag from the shoulder, remove the amplifying unit from it and place it in the package;

Put a canvas bag in the package;

Remove the headphones, wrap the cable around the headband and place the phones in the package over the canvas bag;

Close the lid of the transport package.

It is necessary to lay all the elements of the mine detector only in the places provided for them.

Possible malfunctions mine detector and ways to eliminate them, see table. one.

In the presence of other malfunctions, mine detectors should be sent for repair to the workshop.

Mine detector kit, see table. 2.

Table 1. Possible malfunctions of the mine detector and ways to eliminate them

Typical symptoms of a malfunction Cause of malfunction Troubleshooting
1. Rustles and cods are heard in phones 1a. Bad contacts at the connection points of current sources
1b. Bad contact in the plug
1a. Check the connection points of the elements and clean the contacts
1b. Check and clean the plug contacts
2. When the toggle switch is turned on, the mine detector does not work (there is no sound in phones) 2a. Power supplies not turned on correctly
2b. Exhausted power supplies
2c. Break in the wire or coils of telephones
2y. Break in the windings of the amplifier transformers
2a. Check that the power supplies are turned on correctly
Turn them on according to the scheme
2b. Replace power supplies with fresh ones
2c. Replace phones with working ones
2y. Open the amplifier. Check the integrity of the transformer windings with an ohmmeter.
If the windings are broken, replace the transformer. If a break occurred at the place where the wires were soldered, solder
3. When tapping on the amplifying unit, the sound in the phones is interrupted 3. Bad contacts at the soldering points of the amplifier circuit and axle box 3. Check the condition of the rations of the amplifier and axle box. Solder faulty solder joints
4. When turning the knobs of the amplifying unit, it is not possible to achieve a decrease in the volume of the fundamental tone in phones 4a. Open in the chain of receiving coils of the search device
4b. Contact failure in the plug
4c. Violation of the contact of variable resistances with the elements of the circuit of the amplifying unit
4a. Remove the casing of the search element and check the soldering points of the receiving coils to the cable wires
4b. Disassemble the plug connector, check and eliminate the fault in the contacts
4c. Remove the casing of the amplifying unit and check the condition of the contacts. In case of contact failure, carefully solder the connection points with the elements of the amplifier circuit

Table 2. Mine detector kit

no. Name of items unit of measurement Quantity
1 Search element with a shortened rod knee PCS. 1
2 Amplifying block PCS. 1
3 Collapsible bar of three knees PCS. 1
4 Headphones TA-4 with a rigid headband and rubber plugs PCS. 1
5 Canvas bag with shoulder strap PCS. 1
6 Metal transport packaging with two shoulder straps PCS. 1
Spare parts and accessories
7 Screwdriver PCS. 1
8 Elements 1,6-FMTs-U-3,2 PCS. 4
9 Operation manual for the IMP mine detector PCS. 1
10 Form PCS. 1

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