Singer Victoria Daineko learned from journalists that her husband had filed for divorce. The young husband wrote a statement secretly from his wife

Technique and Internet 30.08.2019
Technique and Internet

Because of the soloists of the SEREBRO group, the singer began terrible attacks of suffocation

Because of the soloists of the SEREBRO group, the singer began terrible attacks of suffocation

Two significant events at once occurred last year in the life of the ward of producer Igor MATVIENKO - 28-year-old Victoria DAINEKO, who gained fame by participating in the TV show "Star Factory". On April 14, unexpectedly for everyone, she married 21-year-old drummer Dmitry KLEIMAN, and on October 3 she became a mother and gave birth to a daughter from him. Within a couple of weeks after leaving the hospital, the singer boasted that she managed to lose a dozen extra pounds with the help of a diet. And as confirmation, she posted her photos on social networks from almost flat stomach. However, as it turned out, pregnancy and childbirth still did not go unnoticed for Victoria.

Like many of her colleagues on the stage, to create a full-fledged family and have a child with Daineko didn't work for quite some time. After the Star Factory, Vika lived for some time with the dancer Garik ( Igor Rudnik) from the ballet Street Jazz. Then - with the singer and actor Alexey Vorobyov. She also had other men with whom she did not advertise relations. Alas, none of them with Daineko reached the registry office.

Periodically, rumors spread that Victoria was pregnant from someone. But they remained just rumors.

To be honest, I was never interested in either Daineko’s work or life and paid attention to her only when Lesha started dating her, admitted director Vorobyova Leonid Dzyunik. He took her on tour with him. Then he wrote a song for her, which they performed together in the concert hall "Russia". It seemed to me that Lesha was very passionate about her and had very warm and reverent feelings for her. But, as I understand it, they were not very happy with their union in the production center of Igor Matvienko, in which she worked. I remember I called them on some issue, and they talked to me there, as they say, through the lip. In the end, Lesha was forced to part with Daineko.

Vika then could not calm down for a long time. To annoy him, defiantly went to parties with Egor Creed. And how unpleasantly she spoke to Lesha when he had an accident in Los Angeles! Then I even wrote to her on Twitter: “Vika, are you talking about this? Your relationship with Lesha was different."

Then, according to Dzyunik, he learned that Daineko had returned to a wealthy boyfriend, whom she had met before Vorobyov.

According to rumors, the moneybag gave her 100 thousand dollars to record an English-language album in London, Leonid continues. - True, Vika could not keep him either. They say that it was from this person that the singer soon gave birth to her second child. MakSim, and his legal wife was the daughter of some State Duma deputy. The most interesting thing is that Daineko's album, which he financed, included a song written by Lesha. Moreover, Vika was helped to record this song by her current husband, a drummer from her group. They even came together to Vorobyov and discussed the arrangement with him. “I'm so happy that Vicki got this kid,” Lesha told me after that. - He is a talented musician. And she is happy with him.

Carrot swelling

It should be noted that Daineko, even before she became a mother, did not differ too much good health. In particular, in her interviews, she repeatedly said that she was suffering from a severe form of allergies.

According to the singer, once she started having asthma attacks because of the members of the SEREBRO group who smoked in the common dressing room. On another occasion, she was hospitalized with severe swelling face after she ate an ordinary carrot. And the other day, on her Instagram page, Victoria complained of aggravated eye problems.

“About every two years I do a test of my vision, and at least once it showed that I began to see better,” the singer wrote under her photo in ridiculous glasses. - The ophthalmologist scolds that during the test I looked at my iPhone a hundred and five hundred times, and this is clearly one of the reasons why my eyesight worsens every year.

However, many doubted that the point here was an excessive passion for fashionable gadgets. There were suggestions that in this way Daineko was affected by the recent birth of a child.

Indeed, pregnancy and childbirth can lead to a serious deterioration in health, - confirmed the participant of the TV show "Voice", - a singer and part-time gynecologist Pavel Pushkin. - Some women even have postpartum schizophrenia. I remember when I was working in a hospital, my colleague came running and asked to urgently call a psychiatric team. It turned out that one of the mothers went crazy. This, of course, is rare. But problems with the eyes - a fairly common phenomenon.

The fact is that during childbirth there is a very large stress on the vessels. Their walls are changing. It can even lead to retinal detachment. Therefore, women with visual impairments are advised to avoid the so-called second stage of labor, when attempts begin. They either do a caesarean section, or use anesthesia and forceps. It's hard for me to judge what happened to Daineko's vision. But it is possible that the cause of his deterioration was precisely the birth. But permanent use mobile phone I don't think it has anything to do with it. Fans of gadgets, of course, can also have health problems. But not with the eyes, but with the head.

Each of her appearances on stage causes a lot of positive emotions, because this girl is a very pleasant and endearing person, and anyone can envy her perseverance and determination. Her name is Daineko Victoria. At a young age, she managed to conquer the stage, which once again speaks of her strong character. Numerous fans of the star were worried about rumors that Victoria Daineko gave birth to a sick child. Whether this is true or not is worth looking into.

Knowing how old Victoria Daineko is, one can only shrug, wondering how such a young lady managed to achieve such success and continue to stay on the wave.

The future star was born on May 12, 1987 in the village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan region (former Kazakh SSR). But as soon as the girl was a month old, her parents moved to live in the city of Mirny, in Yakutia.

Vicki's entire childhood was spent in this small town. There she went to school, attended the ballet "Diamonds of Yakutia" until the age of eleven, to which her parents sent her, and also sang in the ensemble "Atas".

The family of Victoria Daineko was small. Vika was only child, and parents - Evgenia and Peter Daineko - gave all their attention and love to the growing child. Mother was a programmer by profession and often took work home, and her father, as they say, was a jack of all trades: he worked as a truck driver, a DJ at a local disco, a television man, and also the head of the automation department at Sberbank. That is, Vika's father is a comprehensively developed personality.

Once a girl, at the invitation of her girlfriend, went with her to an audition in her city. Her excellent vocal abilities, unusual appearance, flexibility and artistry could not go unnoticed. She soon became a local celebrity and performed at many city events and festivals.

However, she never managed to get a musical education. The fact is that in such a small town there were no institutions teaching music. Therefore, Victoria had to comprehend all the subtleties of pop vocals herself, listening to the songs of her favorite performers.

However, her free time was dedicated not only to music. The girl was quite active and, like her father, versatile, so she tried herself as a journalist, leading one of the headings of the lyceum newspaper. Moreover, she was very fond of foreign languages in particular English.

Love to English language and singing became two guiding stars on the way to fame as a singer. As a child, she dreamed of singing in English and conquering the world stage with her singing. Undoubtedly, Vicki had a talent for languages. Therefore, when the question arose of where to enter after school, there was no doubt - to the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

A talented girl without much difficulty enters the institute on the first attempt. After admission, she moves to live in Moscow.

By the will of fate or by coincidence, but the parents rented an apartment for Vika in the Ostankino area. And every day, passing by the television center on the way to the institute, the girl examined the posters and events with interest. And so, one fine day, she saw an announcement about a casting for "Star Factory - 5" and away we go ... Victoria had an irresistible desire to take part in this selection, because she so wanted to fulfill her childhood dream. What if the opportunity never comes again? The idea that you should definitely try yourself in this project is firmly planted in Vika's mind.

And she signed up for auditions. However, she was disappointed: the girl did not pass the selection. Nevertheless, she did not have to be upset and sad for a long time. She decided to make a knight's move, because it is known that luck favors the brave. Vika signed up for an audition for Alla Pugacheva. The prima donna drew attention to the girl and gave a pass to the Star Factory. From that moment on, the heroine's life was divided into "before" and "after".

Despite the fact that in her hometown Victoria was a famous person, she wanted to win the attention of the whole country. And she succeeded. She already understood then: the stage is her way.

In 2004, as a first-year student at the Moscow Aviation Institute, having arrived in the capital from distant Yakutia, the girl saw with her own eyes such stars as Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Fadeev live. Vika did not believe her luck: is it really all happening to her? Nevertheless, the young girl was not at a loss, gathered all her fists and was able to show her talent to the fullest. Her natural charm and artistry also played a role.

Subsequently, Victoria became the winner of the "Factory" and acquired many fans and admirers. At the end of the project, the girl, along with the rest of the participants, went on a tour around the country. Her debut song "Layla" became a hit. Later, a clip will appear on it, the shooting of which will take place in Thailand.

After participating in the famous factory, Daineko was offered cooperation by one of the most famous producers in Russia - Igor Matvienko.

To date, Vika has more than two dozen clips and hits, including "Leila", "I dreamed", as well as the famous "I'll just leave you right away", "Breathe", "Stop, where am I going" and others .

The year 2007 was the most eventful for the singer. In the fall, she was nominated for an award "Best Performer" according to MTV Russia Music Awards. In the same year, she first appeared in an erotic photo shoot for Playboy magazine, which she later publicly regretted. This was followed by participation in the project " ice Age", where he became her partner. Them celebrity couple successfully reached the very end of the project, but this was not the end of their creative union. Together with Yagudin, they recorded the song "Needle" and shot a video for it.

Released in 2008 first album Victoria for three years of her work. Its name is "The Needle". It contained all the songs performed by Daineko from the very beginning of her creative career. The album includes the following songs:

  • "I will be better".
  • "I will live".
  • "I will survive."

In 2009, Victoria sang a duet with Alexander Oleshko in the TV project "Two Stars", taking 3rd place in the project. All in the same 2009 the singer takes part in " New Year's Eve on the first", where she appeared in an unusual way for her. Together with the famous comedian "Comedy Club" Garik Kharlamov, she played a parody of the popular film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

In 2010, Victoria voiced the main character of the cartoon "Rapunzel: Tangled".

In 2011, Victoria released new songs and video clips for them:

  • "Erase it from memory."
  • "Million Dollar Girl"

Released in 2012 new single "Last Time" and video clips for the songs "Closer than Tango" and "Mirror, mirror", recorded in tandem with DJ T-killah. After that, Daineko records the song "Wings".

In 2013, a video for the song "Dyshi" was released.

2014 marked itself with two musical premieres: a video for the song "Beat Yourself" and a new album with the original title "V".

In 2015, a video for the song "Living Together" was released.

Despite her rather young age, the biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko are full of various events. This beautiful girl never been deprived of the attention of men. Many fans of the singer are interested in questions about who Victoria Daineko met and who her current husband is.

The first love

While still a contestant at the Factory, Victoria began an affair with the lead singer of the Roots group Pavel Artemiev. However, the relationship between Daineko and Artemyev did not last long: the couple soon broke up, followed by the singles “I’ll just leave you right away” (performed by Daineko) and “If you want, I’ll sing to you” (performed by Artemyev). Rumor has it that these songs are autobiographical.

Attempt number two

This was followed by another novel, only with another soloist of the same "Roots" - Dmitry Pakulichev. The couple was often seen together, they spent a lot of time in each other's company. However, this novel was not destined to "live" for a long time.

After breaking up with Dmitry, Victoria meets new love- Alexei Vorobyov - participant of Eurovision 2011. But the windy nature of Alexei played a role. The couple's relationship also ended in a breakup in May 2012. Although shortly before this, the couple in love looked quite happy and cheerful. The reasons for such an incomprehensible decision to end their connection were not commented on by the stars. Nevertheless, it is known that Alexei became the initiator of this gap, and Victoria subsequently worried about what had happened for a long time.

Long-awaited meeting

However, the personal life of the singer Victoria Daineko began to improve in November 2014. The singer began a relationship with DrumCast drummer Dmitry Kleiman, who would later become Daineko's legal husband. That the young man older than the singer as much as 7 years, Victoria will find out a little later. From the very beginning of their relationship, the age difference was not noticeable at all, as Victoria herself admitted. Dmitry behaved seriously and responsibly beyond his years, sometimes it even seemed that the singer was younger than him.

The couple met at a time when Vika was looking for musicians to record a new album, and several young people were recommended to her, including Kleiman.

At the first meetings, Dima did not pay any attention to Victoria, while at first sight she felt sympathy for him and some unusual attraction. Working together, they talked quite often and for a long time, and soon their relationship moved to another level.

family and child

In February 2015, a marriage proposal followed from Dmitry, which Victoria willingly accepted. Having known each other for only six months, in April they officially formalized the relationship. Victoria Daineko and her husband were happy, and it soon became known that the couple would have a baby.

October 3, 2015 Daineko gave birth to a daughter. Nevertheless, Victoria is in no hurry to make public her personal life and everything connected with it. On social networks, she never posts a photo of her daughter. Furthermore, for a long time fans of the star and journalists did not even know the name of the girl (Lydia).

The singer maintains a verified account on Instagram, in which she posts photos of the children's room, the child's clothes, and more. Lydia herself could not be seen in the photo even a year after her birth. To the curious public, this fact seemed too strange. Rumors began to circulate that Victoria Daineko gave birth to a child who is sick with some rare disease. The singer herself denies such rumors.

Even when Victoria Daineko, her husband and daughter went on a trip, only photos of Vika and Dmitry against the backdrop of natural beauty got into the network. Not a single photo with the presence of the girl was published.

It became known that Victoria and Dmitry broke up in March 2017. The reason for the gap was the constant quarrels, which both spouses did not want to endure.

Singer's discography

For my solo career The singer has released three albums. They included all the hits that were performed by Victoria. These albums have the following titles:

  1. "Needle".
  2. "Dots".

The list of songs performed by the star from 2004 to the present:

  1. I dreamed.
  2. Leila.
  3. I'll just leave you right now.
  4. The film is not about love.
  5. Needle.
  6. I will live.
  7. Stop where am I going.
  8. Eyes to eyes.
  9. My angel.
  10. Erase it from memory.
  11. Breathe.

These songs deservedly became real hits that remain in the memory of listeners to this day.

Being a star is hard work, and Victoria knows this firsthand. But nevertheless, her perseverance and hard work helped to achieve high results and become a pop star, as the heroine herself wanted. It is believed that her talent and natural data will help her to conquer other heights in the future.

Attention, only TODAY!

Rumors that singer Victoria Daineko and her husband Dmitry Kleiman are breaking up have been circulating since spring. Kleiman, who is still seven years younger than his wife, admitted to reporters that he “didn’t want to improve anything” and their relationship with Victoria came to an end. The fact that Dmitry Kleiman filed for divorce became known a few days ago: the Kuntsevsky Court of Moscow will consider this case. However, a juicy detail came to light: Victoria herself was not aware of the plans of the father of their common child. The artist is now with her daughter in France. The indignant singer posted a fakely indifferent post on Instagram, where she stated that "the man was crushing", since "for half a month he could not report that he had filed documents with the court." In the photo, her face was "pierced" by darts with romantic hearts.

Rumor has it that Vika will soon be officially free! Thanks to the journalists for reporting! And now the man was grinding, for half a month he could not report that he had filed documents with the court. So I would not have appeared in court in a wedding dress!


However, it soon became clear that Victoria was pregnant: in October 2015, she gave birth to a daughter, whose name is still hidden from the press. Apparently, immediately after the appearance of the baby, the couple began to have problems in the relationship. Victoria began to complain to reporters that Dmitry was often not at home and that it was possible to communicate only by phone. e-mail: both personal conversation and phone calls, and even the exchange of SMS lead to inevitable quarrels.


All our quarrels ended the same way: Dima packed his things and left. Well, I have nowhere to go, I'm at home with a child, where will I go? Once again, there is no time to go to the shower, I can’t leave the house, because my husband annoys me. So he always left.

Earlier, Daineko hinted that their marriage broke up due to Dmitry's infidelity. According to the artist, her husband was flirting with her close friend. Victoria is surprised that even Kleiman's acquaintances knew about the divorce, but she did not.

  • Victoria Daineko was born on May 12, 1987, Russian singer and an actress. The winner of the "Star Factory-5".
  • She released two studio albums in 2008 and 2014.

- Victoria, recent times you very rarely appeared in the media. What is the reason?

Recorded an album. It became special for me - while working on it, I felt new level ease. The kind of ease that only getting rid of something depressing and negative can give. I have changed a lot lately. And my music demonstrates this: it has become less aggressive and hysterical, more sexual.

- Recently, the series "Flying Crew" with your participation was released on the screens. Is cinema a new experience for you?

Absolutely. I almost never told anyone that I was filming a film. Firstly, my role is far from being the main one (I play ex-wife Main character). And secondly, I was terribly worried. It is insanely difficult to leave your comfort zone and decide to do something that is absolutely unusual for you. I didn’t want to attract the attention of the public - what if I didn’t succeed? I was especially excited to see how my mom and dad would react to my work in the series. They, having looked, said: "Well, that's just the name Natasha does not suit you." Well, I think I'll survive such criticism.

- Who helped you on the set?

When I first received a request for a trial, I was absolutely at a loss. They tell me: “Tonight, maximum tomorrow, we should have a record.” And I only heard about such tests from Lesha Vorobyov. Therefore, the first thing I called Katerina Gechmen-Waldeck, Alexei's producer: “Katya, what should I do?” She says: "Don't worry, we'll organize everything." The next day we met with the actor Sergei Romanovich, whom Katya asked to help me. Serega amazingly "decomposed" my heroine, caught her psychological features- I used his work throughout the filming.

With parents. Photo:

Samples, a minute scene, we recorded an hour and a half, and before that we also rehearsed. And I am very grateful to the people who agreed to help in a difficult situation for me.

And already on the set, director Marius Weisberg, actors Lesha Chadov and Natasha Bardo helped me. I must say that on the first day of shooting, my arms and legs were shaking with excitement. I honestly admitted that I don’t know for what my merits I was approved for the role - I, I say, am not an actress at all and I don’t understand what is happening here. They replied: “Don’t worry, everything is fine. Marius will not swear - he generally always lives with a smile, we do not remember him criticizing anyone. It calmed me down. I'm really offended by criticism. I'm upset. I especially do not accept criticism in an area in which I myself am not sure, and at some point I can simply give up. But on my first filming, everything went wonderfully.

- Will you continue experiments in this area?

I would agree. I really like cinema. She immediately told Marius: “If your hero wants to return to his ex-wife next season, you know who to call.” The only thing that upset: a lot of time is wasted. I felt like I was doing nothing but waiting. During the shooting day, I can have an hour or two on the set, the rest of the time I sit in my artistic trailer.

Or shooting in St. Petersburg, and I have to fly back and forth for a few hours of work. I once had a shooting day when I did not leave the airport at all: I flew from Moscow to Pulkovo, filmed right there and, without leaving the city, flew back home. And I was nervous all the time. “Guys,” I say, “I have a flight soon, but we haven’t started filming anything yet, what’s going on at all?” They reassure: "Don't worry, we'll make it in time." It is difficult to exist in such a regime. I really appreciate the time now and I can’t just sit and do nothing. Since the birth of my daughter, I have been trying to use it to the maximum benefit for myself. Either spend it on work, or on it, or, as they say, on yourself.

I don't think I have time for myself at all. I'm right?

When my daughter was 2 years old and appeared in our lives Kindergarten became much easier. I decided a long time ago that being a good mom is important, but it is equally important not to forget about yourself. In a child, you can completely dissolve and lose yourself. Moreover, such dissolution will not benefit your relationship either. And then you look in the mirror and say: “God, what have I become!”

So, my daughter turned 2 on October 3, and on the 4th we went to kindergarten for a trial day. My daughter stayed there immediately until the evening - she did not want to leave. And I, handing her over to the caregivers, immediately ran to the beauty salon. Of course, I was nervous, but then I felt like a girl again, chatted with all the masters, laughed. And then I went to the store and bought groceries. I didn’t order on the Internet, but wandered between the shelves, stopped, chose. It was happiness! (Laughs.)

- I understand that your relationship with the nannies did not work out?

She could not entrust the upbringing of her daughter to strangers. The maximum that she could afford was to go with her daughter to the shooting, take a nanny with her. It is clear that such a regime was very difficult for me - personal life did not exist at all.

- I did not want to give any interviews, to wash dirty linen in public. But it so happened that my former spouse. Photo: Damir Zhukenov

Of course, my parents are always ready to help, but I would not allow myself to hang a child on them. I understand how tired they are at work. They are in-demand specialists: mom is a programmer, dad is engaged in computer security, and it would be wrong to just take them and fire them, turn them into nannies. That's why I was so looking forward to the garden.

- Many mothers are afraid to send their children to kindergarten, because the child begins to get sick more often ...

You know, for the first six months of my daughter's life, I was madly afraid of viruses. She didn’t go anywhere at all - illnesses seemed to be at every turn. Well, what is the result? Viruses came to our home on their own, with each new person - with grandmothers, doctors, girlfriends and friends. And I decided that there was no point in turning the baby into a greenhouse plant. She was still sick, but at the same time we were locked up. And we started leaving the house. And the more they walked, the less the child got sick. In general, I decided that it would be the same with the garden.

What does your daughter like to do in her free time?

Just the other day, for example, during the hour that we were going to kindergarten with her, she put on makeup twice. I returned late from a party the day before and left a bag with mascara and lipstick in direct access. She was preparing breakfast, turned away for five seconds, I look - she has her whole face and belly in lipstick. She washed the girl, dressed her, and gathered in the garden. And when she went to the bathroom to wash her hands, she reached into the bag again. I also found ink. She tinted her eyebrows. Well, almost got it. Lipstick was more difficult. She smeared lipstick all over her face, jacket, walls and door. And Vika's mom's lipsticks are very persistent. We washed ourselves with difficulty, came to the garden with traces of former beauty on our faces.

After all, girls are born, not made. At 2.5 years old, my child walks in heels better than me: he puts on my shoes and stomps around the apartment.

- I do not trust nannies to raise my daughter. Photo:

- Did your daughter develop relationships with other children in the garden?

It seems to me that at this age, children are barely beginning to understand that it is possible to communicate. We go to the same group with the neighbor's girl, our children grew up together from the first month of life, but only now they began to perceive each other, try to call each other by name, recognize each other. Previously, they simply existed side by side and did not contact in any way.

In general, my daughter feels great in the garden - she is a contact child. There are children for whom kindergarten is a shock. For her, the shock is to stay at home. And in a team, on the contrary, it's great. Maybe she got it from me: during pregnancy, I constantly traveled, toured, there were people around me, I led a very active life. And now the girl feels at ease everywhere - on planes, on trains, and in hotels.

I am grateful to the universe for the fact that I got this particular child. I don't know how I could live and work with someone else. I often take it with me to concerts, on tour, if conditions allow. And I know that she really enjoys it. And at the same time development.

I am not one of those mothers who strive to teach a child to read before walking, to stuff as many different knowledge as possible into her, to learn three languages ​​​​from birth and so on. Even with numbers and letters, I don’t bother much yet - I will learn everything in the garden. I want to show her life: beloved St. Petersburg, Yalta, France, Montenegro. I share with her everything that I sincerely love. And for me, this is probably the most important part of her development and training. And at what point she speaks in sentences or learns colors, it does not matter much.

- Did you consciously decide not to show the public photos of your daughter and not even give her name?

Yes. And I am grateful to the people who accepted this and do not particularly climb into our lives. You see, publicity was not easy for me. I love to sing, but I can't stand the scrutiny of everyone - and it's hard for me to take criticism in my address, especially the one that pours on me from Instagram or comments on the Web. From those people who do not know me, but believe that they have the right to judge.

But one thing is I'm an adult. Other - Small child. And if I decided to post photos of my daughter, she would also be hurt by this wave. I'm not talking about the fact that I want to raise her in rose-colored glasses and pretend that only daisies, balloons and other beauty exist in the world. Just to keep the baby safe. I see how friends post photos of their children and strangers begin to discuss with fervor which of the children is not so, oblique, crooked, ugly, stupid. I don't want to hear something like that about my daughter.

- Do you also avoid talking about divorce with the father of the child?

From the very beginning, I categorically did not want to discuss this topic. But then I started stumbling across comments everywhere. ex-husband telling about our lives. Absolutely wild comments. I decided that it was wrong to remain silent, and I tried to correctly convey to the public my point of view on what happened. And this, as I now understand, was a mistake. I still had to be silent. And I just gave him what he wanted so much - attention and publicity.

It seemed to me that we are all adults and are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for the child. We can swear, but we must take into account that the daughter will grow up and read all this someday. Therefore, I did not want to take dirty linen out of the hut. But it so happened that my ex-husband did it for me. And he did, according to rumors, in a very unpleasant tone. I did not read his interview in which he described our life with him. Only some fragments reached me - they accidentally caught my eye on the Internet. And what I read is so funny that even discussing it is strange.

- My daughter turned 2 on October 3, and on the 4th we went to kindergarten. Photo:

A person, giving such an interview, humiliates himself first of all. Everything is clear with him. I am even grateful to him for the fact that he removed responsibility from me. Many people who do not know us well did not understand why I got divorced. They said: “What are you doing, you have a child, you should be responsible for the family, and you are capricious.” But now, after his speech in the press, everyone understood that I would have broken the fate of my child if I had stayed with him. By leaving my husband, I saved us.

I learned a lesson from everything that happened. I once believed in miracles. She believed people at their word, not noticing that sometimes they talk much more than they actually do. She believed that people are capable of changing, growing up, growing. It seemed to me that if I give a person a chance, he can change. It turned out not. I am grateful to my husband for this lesson. Well, for my daughter, of course. And in general, I do not regret anything. And to argue about what is true in his words and what is not is not for publication. This is for lawyers in court, if you really need it.

I am well aware that one person cannot be to blame for everything, and in any conflict there is a fault of both. It does not happen that one monster and the other is God's dandelion. But I also know that any person can be brought to white heat. And I am the person who will not give offense to either himself or the child. I will protect and defend. Though I hope I don't need it.

I drew many conclusions from this situation, I got out of it a long time ago, I have a different life, not connected with this person. And I am grateful to him for the good that we had. Children like our daughter are not born in bad and insincere relationships, I know this for sure. If there was sincerity of feelings, why not capture it in memory and forget all the bad things. And I really want my daughter not to have any negativity.

- Do they see dad?

We see each other, but, unfortunately, not as often as I would like. And now she needs her father more and more. And it makes me cry because I think a daughter deserves a better dad. And not the one who comes to her for two hours, takes a selfie with her and then disappears for a month and a half, accusing me of not letting him see the child.

With Alexei Chadov on the set of the series

I'm sure we'll be fine with her. If dad does not consider it necessary to communicate with his daughter, we will think of something. Let's find a way out. She has a wonderful grandfather who is always there. I think the most important thing is to be around good man, which will show what the relationship between a man and a woman should be, will show that there is love and care.

- Recently on your blog, you asked readers what, in their opinion, is the age difference between the older and youngest child optimal…

I am very interested in this question. I want to have a second child so that my daughter has a brother or sister. I love to sing, I love the stage - this is definitely my vocation. But, having given birth to a daughter, I realized that now I want to be a mother and mistress of the house more. I like to practice pleasant chores related to the household, spend time with children. Work is important, it's fun, and it helps pay the bills. There is no one else to pay for them but me. Therefore, for now I will wait to go on maternity leave for the second time, but this thought does not let me go, and I hope that in the foreseeable future the dream will come true.

Daineko Victoria Petrovna - a graduate of the TV project "Star Factory" (season 5), protégé of Alla Pugacheva. The media quite often talk about her with the prefix "one of many", however, the star of Victoria Daineko in the sky of our stage shines quite brightly. Not everyone knows, but Victoria today is a fairly successful film actress, and she also voiced one of the many beloved children, a cartoon character. In addition, Victoria boasts an impressive collection of awards of various levels, including honorary awards in our country from the MTV Russia Music Awards, Golden Gramophone, Muz TV, Song of the Year, etc.

Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Daineko

Fans of Victoria are often interested in questions: Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Daineko. This can be judged by the statistics of these queries in the Yandex and Google search engines. We are happy to answer these questions for those who have not yet reached the computer. Victoria Daineko's height is 161 cm, and her weight is 47 kg. Last year, the singer celebrated her 30th birthday, while she does not look 30, and today, like 14 years ago, when she first appeared on the big stage, she continues to win men's, and not only, hearts with her charisma and creative endeavors . No matter what anyone says, Victoria is one of the brightest representatives of the “star factory assembly line”.

Biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko

Victoria Daineko was born in the Kazakh SSR on May 12, 1987 in a family of programmers. From childhood, Vika dreamed of the stage and dreamed of singing, but her parents did not take this passion of her daughter seriously, however, they decided to educate the creative nature in her, but by other methods - Vika was engaged in dancing for a long time, which later was very useful to her in her creative life. Nevertheless, the craving for singing won, already in school years Vika acts as an amateur activist, performs at open city venues at holidays with covers of famous songs. The girl's efforts were noticed and soon she was invited to the pop group "Reflection", and then to a group called "Phaeton" - groups that are quite popular in the city. Vika never managed to get a musical education, dancing and English are the hobbies of the young Daineko, which did not allow her to give up during difficult periods of her life. In 2004, she entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, which she did not finish, spinning in a whirlwind of fame after the Star Factory project, which happened in her life in the same 2004. In the project, Victoria became the ward of Alla Pugacheva, performed several solo compositions and a duet with Alexander Marshal. The public appreciated the young beauty and actively voted for her. The result is the unconditional victory of Victoria in the 5th season of the Star Factory.

After the factory, the well-known producer Igor Matvienko took up the promotion of Victoria Daineko. Through the efforts of him and Victoria herself, the country quickly remembered the name of this aspiring artist. In addition, she again and again stirred up interest in herself, as soon as the public began to cool down, manifesting herself in different genres (recorded soundtracks for films, danced on ice in the Ice Age project, participated in the Two Stars TV project, played in the movie , voiced cartoon characters and even starred for Playboy, which she later regretted for a long time). By the way, among Daineko's film works there are films and projects: “Happy Together”, “All Inclusive”, Cinderella. Children are familiar with the voice of Daineko from the cartoons: "Noah's Ark", "Rapunzel - a tangled story" and "Trolls"
The biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko is very rich and saturated with different colors. We have already met the biography and creative history of the singer, but what about the personal? Here, too, everything is very bright, like a flash in the sun. AT different time she met, lived, and simply she was credited with novels with the following famous men: Pavel Artemyev, Dmitry Pakulichev (Roots group), Alexey Vorobyov and others. But Daineko was married only once. In 2015, Dmitry Kleiman (DrumCast drummer) became her legal husband. In the same year, Daineko gave birth to his daughter. Their marriage broke up after 2 years, the reason for the divorce is still unknown.

Family and children of Victoria Daineko

The family and children of Victoria Daineko is a question that is of great interest to the singer's fans, since she lets them into her personal life with a little willingness. All information on this subject is limited by the fact that her parents were programmers. Daineko's parents worked hard, so she was given up for dancing, communication with her parents was reduced to a minimum. Today, Victoria has not created her family, although there have been many attempts. In 2015, she even married musician Dmitry Kleiman, but after 2 years she broke up with him. Today, the heart of Victoria Daineko is free, but she puts forward the most stringent requirements for a candidate for the role of a spouse.

Daughter of Victoria Daineko

Despite her popularity, Daineko does not consider herself public figure, does not like excessive media attention and fans. From this she tries to protect her daughter. The press does not know either the name of the girl or how the child of Victoria is brought up. Daineko's daughter's hobbies also remain a mystery. There is not a single photo with her daughter on the singer's instagram, moreover, she tries not to visit with her child public events and crowded places, so as not to be caught off guard by annoying paparazzi. Daughter of Victoria Daineko - still remains open topic for the press.

Husband of Victoria Daineko - Dmitry Kleiman

Victoria Daineko's husband, Dmitry Kleiman, is the drummer of the little-known DrumCast group. He made a marriage proposal to Victoria in 2015, a couple of months later the couple signed, it was rumored that the reason for creating a family was Victoria's pregnancy. And indeed, a few months later, on October 3, 2015, Daineko gave birth to a daughter. The birth of the baby could not save the marriage of Victoria and Dmitry, which was already bursting at the seams, already at the end of 2016, the couple began to live separately, and in 2017 they officially divorced. Dmitry takes part in the upbringing of his daughter, but Victoria tightly controls this process, apparently not very trusting of her ex-husband.

Victoria Daineko latest news: gave birth to a sick child

Immediately after the birth of Daineko's daughter, "viral news" spread on the network: Victoria Daineko last news: gave birth to a sick child. Why did the fans suddenly decide that Victoria Daineko gave birth to a sick child? Journalists saw at least two reasons: the first is special custody of her daughter, complete isolation from the press, and the second is the singer’s post on Instagram that her daughter was sick. Not having read it to the end and having completed it with three boxes, gossips attributed the most terrible diseases to the child of Daineko, although it was a banal cold. This was later told by more attentive fans of the singer, who managed to communicate in social networks with her personally.

Instagram and Wikipedia Victoria Daineko

Victoria Daineko is an active user social networks. She also has a Wikipedia page. Instagram and Wikipedia Victoria Daineko provide comprehensive information about the beginning of the artist's career and her activities today. Photos on Instagram will tell you about all the hobbies of Victoria Daineko, and the most persistent and lucky ones will be able to communicate with her personally, the artist often gets feedback from fans, the only topic forbidden for communication is a child, the singer does not tell anyone about her daughter, even cute ones parental photos are limited to selfies in front of the crib or in the nursery.

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