Petr Lidov Petrovsky personal life. Mikhail Umarov, General Director of the Comunica agency, answers questions from PR-files

Career and finance 02.07.2019
Career and finance


The future publicist and PR expert received his higher education at the Moscow State Institute international relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO), which he successfully graduated in 1995. Studied at the Faculty of International Economic Relations.

Labor activity

He has extensive and many years of experience in the field of PR, while his knowledge and skills were obtained not only in Russia, but also abroad. Behind him is the implementation of major campaigns and projects of international level.

He began his career while still a student at MGIMO - got a job in one of the capital's PR agencies, where he was involved in the implementation of strategies for large corporate clients. As a fifth-year student, he accepted an offer from Philip Morris International and became a member of the public relations department.

During his work at Philip Morris (and this is 13 years old), he managed to work not only in the Russian representative office, but also abroad. Since 1995, he worked as a corporate relations manager in the European representative office of the company (Switzerland, Lausanne, until 2003) and Asian (Hong Kong, until 2005). From May 2005, he worked for about two years in Indonesia, and from June 2007 to March 2008 - in Pakistan, already in the position of director of corporate relations.

In April 2008 (on his return to Russia) he took up the post of PR director at En + Group (a group of companies " base element”), which was a little over a year.

In June 2009, he moved to a similar position at MegaFon, where he was director of public relations for about eight years. On August 1, 2017, he left his post at MegaFon.

On November 20, 2017, on his Facebook page, he announced the start of work at the Sputnik agency as director of corporate relations. Its tasks are to promote the brand in Russia and abroad. The agency is headquartered in Moscow, and Sputnik also has offices in the US, UK, France, Germany, China and other countries.

Social activity and publications

On December 12, 2016, he headed the jury board of the regional award in the field of public relations development "Silver Archer" - Volga region.

He performs on the radio "Echo of Moscow" - both as a guest and as a presenter. He also maintains his own blog. He is the creator of the project "While you were sleeping", within which he talks, among other things, about living and working abroad, personal experience and outlook on life.

In the third All-Russian rating of directors and departments for corporate communications and corporate relations Top-Comm - 2016, compiled by the Association of Directors for Communications and Corporate Media of Russia, took the sixth position (June 15, 2016). A year earlier, he was in ninth place on the same list.

In the 17th rating "Top-1000 Russian managers”, compiled by the Association of Managers and the Kommersant Publishing House, took first place among the hundred directors for public and corporate relations in the category “Communications and telecommunications” (dated October 3, 2016). In 2010-2012 he was also the leader, in 2013-2015 he was second in the same category.

Multiple laureate of the "Media Manager of Russia" award:

Among the electronic media in the category "Social media" in 2015 ("For original idea, creating and promoting a unique daily news digest for Facebook users”);
"Communications / Public Relations" in the category "Head of the Communications Department of a company, public or government organization" in 2016 ("For the comprehensive support of the image of a leading company in the Russian telecommunications market").

Petr Lidov is a well-known domestic manager and businessman. He achieved the greatest fame as a PR director of the company cellular communication"Megaphone". His name got on the pages of all the media after the recent actions against corruption, in which a large number of underage schoolchildren took part. Lidov spoke sharply in in social networks about it, which caused a flurry of criticism.

Manager's biography

Petr Lidov was born in Moscow. He was born in 1969. After school got higher education at the State Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is based in the capital. He has a diploma from the Faculty of International Economic Relations.

Petr Lidov began his career in one of his last years at the university, when he received a tempting offer - to start working in the public relations department of Philip Morris, which specializes in the sale and production of tobacco products. The hero of our article himself admits that he was always attracted by unfamiliar countries and long-distance business trips, so he immediately agreed to the offer to work in an international company.

Work at Philip Morris

In total, Petr Lidov has worked in various divisions of Philip Morris around the world for 13 years. He started in Russia, then received an invitation to transfer to the headquarters of a tobacco corporation in Switzerland, from there he moved to Hong Kong, worked in Pakistan and Indonesia.

Working in the Asian market played a big role in his development as a professional, taught him to take a different point of view, it came to an understanding that not for everyone some things seem as obvious as for you. For example, he took part in a large-scale advertising project that was directed against children's smoking. He was active in Asian countries on MTV.

Jobs in Indonesia

Peter Lidov especially remembered his work in Indonesia. He himself says that this is a country that has all the necessary resources for a full life and development profitable business. In addition, there is a pleasant climate and sociable people.

He faced a difficult task - to establish the work of a large local company with more than a century of history, which was to be reorganized and merged. At the same time, it was necessary to take into account local specifics and traditions. This work turned out to be especially unique, because it was necessary to rebuild the entire psychology of the employees who poured into international group while maintaining favorable internal climate.

Peter Lidov himself, whose biography is closely connected with work in the field of mass communications, admits that he has gained a wealth of experience. After all, I had to work hard with colleagues from the ten most various countries with rich professional and life experience.

Here he realized the peculiarities of Asian business. Unlike European entrepreneurs, in Asia great importance is given not only to achieving the goal, but also to the ways in which they come to it. AT Russian conditions Lidov is trying to apply the middle path, which takes into account the traditions of both European and Asian business practices.

Lidov Petr Alekseevich himself admits that he always sets himself only the most ambitious goals, which he declares at the initial stage.

In "Megaphone"

In the company "Megafon" the hero of our article accepted CEO Sergei Vladimirovich Soldatenkov. Petr Alekseevich Lidov himself, whose biography has been associated with this brand for several years, admits that the leader bribed him at the first meeting. This is the warmth with which he was received, and the enthusiasm with which Soldatenkov spoke about the projects and the specific employees who implement them.

Lidov as a PR director takes care of the image of the company in the public mind.


At the same time, Lidov actively shares the knowledge and experience accumulated during this time. He conducts master classes, is a member of the jury of several competitions of professional skills.

The topics of his master classes are devoted, for example, to the peculiarities of doing business in Asia, training managers to communicate with the media, the ability to respond to the most uncomfortable questions, the secrets that help to attract and interest the media, the correct alignment of communication within the company itself, corporate reputation and marketing.

The performances are very popular, as they are based on personal experience gained during the implementation of major international projects. In addition, Lidov himself is a wonderful storyteller.

Personal life

As Peter Lidov noted, his personal life was not as successful as his career. He for a long time could not find a faithful companion who would become his wife.

Although at one time rumors about his romance with the popular actress Alena Khmelnitskaya were actively circulated in the media. At that time, she had just parted ways with her official husband, director Tigran Keosayan. But as a result, this information was refuted by well-informed sources.

The reason for the appearance of such a version was a joint visit by young people to the premiere of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera". Lidov and Khmelnitskaya behaved very relaxed, fooling around on camera, and Peter showered his companion with compliments. When rumors about their connection reached the mother of a famous businessman, she demanded an explanation from her son. He admitted that they are just friends, there is no closeness between them, and he is not yet ready for marriage at all, since there is simply no time left to build relationships.

Peter Lidov, a biography whose personal life is under close scrutiny, nevertheless found an official wife. But he prefers not to advertise private relationships. It is only known that they had a daughter, the PR director of MegaFon is silent about other details.

Scandal over careless tweet

Lidov was in the center of public attention in the summer of 2017. After the mass protests of opponents of corruption, which were organized by supporters of Alexei Navalny on Russia Day on June 12, Lidov spoke very harshly about their participants. It is known that many schoolchildren took part in the rallies, whom the PR director of MegaFon called "underage degenerates."

These words caused indignation of the Internet community, which began to demand an apology, both from the company itself and from Lidov.

A few days later, he issued an official apology, explaining the harsh words by the fact that at that time he was walking along Tverskaya with his daughter, he just witnessed a protest action that interfered with ordinary vacationers and spoiled the mood for many. Later it became known that he would leave the company. He went on vacation, from which he never returned to his job.

Director of Public Relations at MegaFon. TV and radio presenter. Repeated winner of the award "Media Manager of Russia".

Graduated from MGIMO, worked for 13 years in representative offices of Philip Morris International in Russia, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Pakistan.

He held the position of PR Director of En + Management LLC (Basic Element group of companies).


  • PR director of Megafon company
  • Creator of his own project #WhileSleeping
  • Leading author's programs at RBC, "Echo of Moscow"
  • He heads the jury board of the regional award in the field of public relations development "Silver Archer" - Volga region.


She speaks to professionals and beginners in the field of communications, brand managers, heads of PR directions of companies.

Participates in events as a PR expert, jury member of competitions, conducts master classes.

  • Features of national PR (Asia)
  • corporate reputation. Is control possible?
  • Marketing for people
  • How to train a manager to communicate effectively with the media
  • PR-preparation for IPO. Instructions for use
  • How to learn to answer uncomfortable questions
  • How to get the media interested
  • How to properly build communication within the company



PR practitioner, implemented large international projects in the field of public relations. Excellent storyteller.

Peter Lidov about himself:

“I like to achieve complex ambitious goals and clearly define them already at the initial stage. But I am sure that this should be done consistently, without neglecting traditions and without destroying what has already been built, and, of course, by all means enjoying the process.”

Industry: Information Technology, Telecommunications

Place of work: Megaphone

Job title: Public Relations Director

City: Moscow

Pyotr Alekseevich Lidov was born on July 14, 1969 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Faculty of International Economic Relations. Petr Lidov has worked for 13 years in Philip Morris International representative offices in Russia, Switzerland, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Pakistan. Returning to Russia, Petr Alekseevich worked at En + Management LLC (Basic Element group of companies) as a public relations director. Since the end of June 2009, Mr. Lidov has been the PR Director of OJSC MegaFon.

Petr Lidov's career began in his last year at MGIMO, when, after working in one of the pr-agencies, he received an offer to move to the public relations department of Philip Morris International.

For 13 years he worked in representative offices and operating companies of Philip Morris International: in Russia, then at headquarters in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Pakistan. Work in Asian countries taught Lidov to take a different point of view, because things that are not always obvious to someone are actually such. One of the large-scale projects in which, according to Lidov, he was lucky enough to participate, is a global social advertising campaign against children's smoking on the MTV channel.

Lidov Tak recalls his years of work in Indonesia: “This is a country that has both business resources and good climate and wonderful people. There, Philip Morris faced a very interesting task: after the takeover, to reorganize the management of a large local company with a unique and pronounced culture and a 100-year history, while not violating the traditions of leadership, because in spirit, in dynamism, in strength, it significantly outperformed its competitors. The example is unique in that the largest international company had to rebuild its psychology from “teach and guide” to “learn and accept”, and as a result, undeniable leadership in the largest market and a unique internal climate in the company.”

He notes that Asian cultures attach great importance not only to the goal, but also to the path leading to it, moreover, the role of the team is extremely important there. On the contrary, the role of the individual is strong in the European business model. When asked which way of doing business is closer, Peter philosophically notes that he has found a unique "middle" way for himself - quite appropriate, from his point of view, in Russian conditions. “I like to achieve complex ambitious goals and clearly define them already at the initial stage. But I am sure that this should be done consistently, without neglecting traditions and without destroying what has already been built, and, of course, by all means enjoying the process.”

Following the name of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, another name invariably comes to mind - the name of the journalist who first wrote about her.

“In the early morning of June 22, 1941, German planes tried to break through to peaceful, not yet awakened Minsk and were driven away Soviet pilots...” This is the first report about the first hour of the war that has just begun, transmitted to Pravda by its Belarusian correspondent Pyotr Lidov.

Lidov came to Pravda from a factory newspaper. And he came to Moscow in the 30s from Ukraine. His articles, sketches, and essays were distinguished by observation and lively language. He was the soul of the company: either he started a community work day, or he led the entire editorial office on a hike, or he organized skiing or volleyball competitions ... Usually kind and smiling, Pyotr Lidov was indignant when faced with negligence, inaccuracy, laxity. He himself was an example of organization.

From the beginning of the war, Petr Lidov became the head of the journalistic corps on the Western Front. No, such a position was not listed in any staff lists. It’s just that when the retreat began and many became discouraged and confused, Peter Lidov became the leader by himself. Designed by him hard rules discipline saved the lives of many correspondents.

Correspondence that Lidov wrote during the days of the defense of Moscow aroused great reader interest. On the pages of Pravda, he kept a kind of diary of the battle for Moscow - regularly, from issue to issue. And if for some reason the newspaper came out without this diary, the editors would hear phone calls: "What's with Lidov, isn't he wounded?".

About the young partisan killed in the village of Petrishchevo, Lidov learned by chance, near Mozhaisk. He was told about this by an elderly partisan, with whom the correspondent of Pravda spent the night in the same hut. The story he heard shocked Lidov. He immediately went to the village of Petrishchevo. To write a documentary about a girl who called herself Tanya, Lidov interviewed dozens of villagers. In their stories, according to him, there was “neither fiction, nor an empty ringing phrase that sometimes saved us if we did not stock up on good facts.” After the essay “Tanya”, saturated with these very “good facts”, appeared in Pravda, letters and telegrams began to come to the editor from different places with the question: “Who was Tanya?” An entry appeared in Lidov's diary: “I want to know the whole truth about Tanya and tell the whole truth about her. I am responsible for the memory of this girl in front of people.” Soon the newspaper published the second essay "Who was Tanya." So the country learned the name of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

The Pravda journalist became “ godfather”of the famous poem by Margarita Aliger. And other works dedicated to the memory Zoe. Reflecting on this, Petr Lidov made an entry in his diary, discovered after his death: “my role is the modest role of a reporter, recorder of events, who, according to eyewitnesses, conscientiously and punctually recorded everything.” As always, extremely demanding of himself, the journalist was modest. Next to Zoe's name is the name of the person who "discovered" her name.

In the summer of 1944, Lidov went to Poltava, where the allies, the American Flying Fortresses, were based. The journalist I. Chernyshov reported about what happened there in the pages of the Izyum regional newspaper “Radyanske Zhittya” - the newspaper in which Petr Lidov began his journalistic career.

“Air Raid! Four "Junkers" make the first call. On the ground below them are poorly protected American bombers. Bombs explode. Three cars are already on fire. But the machine guns of the airfield guards are silent: the Americans hid in dugouts. The first can not stand Lidov. He runs towards the machine gun. Behind him - Strunnikov and Kuznetsov (Pravda photo correspondent and Izvestia correspondent - A.Ya.) A machine-gun burst hits the engine of the lead vehicle. The Junkers, engulfed in flames, falls near the place where the journalists were. A strong blast wave covers all three.

A few minutes later there was an all-clear. The Americans jumped out of the dugouts and immediately rushed to those who courageously met the enemy. Bowing their heads, they silently stood near the three heroes...”

This is how Pravda correspondent Pyotr Lidov died. American soldiers and residents of Poltava saw off the three heroes on their last journey and, as a sign of admiration for their feat, placed a propeller from the “Flying Fortress” on the grave. Major Lidov was posthumously awarded the Order Patriotic War first degree.

Written by me in 1998 for a special issue of the newspaper "Joy", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

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