What to talk about: universal tips. Conversations with a robot

Helpful Hints 23.09.2019
Helpful Hints

People who have suffered the loss of loved ones feel longing and pain in their souls. One of the unhealthy psychological states is grief for relatives who have gone to another world. But some people know how to talk to a dead person. They can call the souls of the dead and contact them without making any effort to do so. Everything happens involuntarily.

Often people are afraid to be alone, they hear steps, rustles and whispers. Taps with water may turn on by themselves or things fall from the shelves. Many are interested in what happens to the soul after leaving worldly life and whether it is possible to see the deceased.

After leaving the body, the soul wants to return to the Creator. Sometimes she manages to get off the ground quickly, other times it takes time. The soul lingers in the astral plane and cannot leave for various reasons.

It happens that the deceased cannot understand where he is, he does not realize that he has died. His soul is not able to return to the physical shell and soars between the worlds. Everything for her remains the same as before, but with the exception of one thing - she is not seen by living people. These souls become phantoms. And it is not known for how long a ghost can stay next to the living. Sometimes he needs help from relatives.

Feeling of presence

The most receptive people can sense an extraneous presence. They feel as if someone lightly touched them or a breeze blew. Mothers who have lost children feel as if the babies are hugging them or stroking their hair.

Probably, at the moments when an unbearable desire arises in people to look at the deceased relatives, their subtle bodies perceive the energies of the most subtle planes.

reflection in the mirror

According to eyewitnesses, deceased loved ones can appear in mirrors or on TV screens. For example, on the tenth day after the burial of her mother's body, a girl saw her silhouette. The woman seemed to be sitting on a chair. But soon the vision disappeared. The girl realized that it was her soul who came up to say goodbye her beloved mother.

In his creations, Raymond Moody talks about the ancient technique of establishing contact with the deceased. You can see it by looking in the mirror. In ancient times, this practice was used by priests. Instead of mirrors, they took bowls filled with water.

An uninitiated person in the mirror can see the image of the deceased. Sometimes there is an attempt to exit directly. A person feels the presence of the spirit, hears his voice and recognizes the smells characteristic of him. close relative who passed away untimely.

Talking on the phone

There are many cases where Cell phones relatives of the deceased receive signals from unknown numbers, consisting of many numbers. When you try to call back, it turns out that the number does not exist. As a rule, a person picks up the phone and hears loud noises, as if the wind is blowing in the field, and a loud crack. Through it passes contact with the other world.

It's like a curtain opens between dimensions. But such calls occur only in the first few days after a person's death. Then they become less frequent and stop altogether. They are probably calling ghosts who have not realized that they have experienced physical death.

Sometimes the dead cry for help. One woman received a call in the evening from her younger sister, who asked for help. However, the woman was very tired and asked to call back in the morning.

A few minutes later, the sister's husband appeared in touch with the message that his wife was dead, and her body had been in the forensic morgue for two weeks already. The car hit her to death, and the perpetrator of the accident fled. Sometimes the souls warn the living by telephone of the impending danger.

Communication with the dead through photography

The spouses of one Ukrainian family are sure that their late son called them with a non-working doorbell on the 40th day. Relatives stopped sleeping peacefully. The son began to systematically declare his presence. At night, the doors in the house spontaneously opened.

The parents were not sure whether it was possible to talk to the dead son. After sleepless nights, in the morning they repeatedly corrected the lopsided portrait of the deceased, attached to the wall.

The developers of the theory of spiritualism are convinced that spirits communicate through photographs about their presence among the living. Because You need to pay attention to a number of signs:

  • oily or yellow spots on the face;
  • cracked glass in the frame;
  • folded corner in the photo.

All this indicates that the deceased was able to return to the world of the living and asks for help. It is likely that his other messages were ignored or misunderstood by relatives. In these cases, you can try to establish contact with the deceased.

Psychics usually use photographs to communicate with the dead. To try to contact the dead on your own, you can conduct spiritualistic rituals. Of course, skeptics may not believe in the existence of another world, but evidence to the contrary has already appeared more than once.

With the help of magic

You can use magical rites to call the human soul. white magic is the ability to intervene in the present to change the future. Any intentional and thoughtful action is magic. You can impose a strong evil eye or curse on a person with just one careless word or look.

Each person needs to wear a talisman or amulet that will protect against unintentional harm. The best option would be pectoral cross, especially baptismal. You don't need to show it to anyone, not even your family. With the help of white magic, you can communicate with a deceased relative.

Communication with the deceased in a dream

You can talk to a dead person in a dream. This is not difficult, since souls are nearby and habitually stay with people. If the deceased does not want to get in touch, you can ask him about it. Before going to bed, take a thing belonging to the deceased and ask him to come in a dream. You can also ask him a question or tell him what you want to know. Even if the deceased did not come out for a conversation, you can find the answer in the interpretation of sleep.

During sleep, other souls sometimes appear to a person in the form of the one whom he wanted to see. Such moments are not uncommon and can be confusing. During the ceremony, the door is unlocked, into which the restless souls and those who are called are trying to get, so you need to use exclusively white magic.

Using a mirror

This option is the most dangerous, because magicians use mirrors to perform rituals. This ritual must be properly learned. After sunset, every day you need to talk aloud with the deceased person, ask questions or explain the problem, because of which you have to disturb the deceased.

The procedure is carried out up to forty days. During the ceremony, fear should not be present, even if a reflection of the deceased appears. The ceremony takes place after sunset. The person conducting the ritual should not be reflected in the mirrors.

Place two mirrors opposite each other, and light candles on the sides of each of them. Their reflection should not be visible. A corridor will appear in the mirrors, illuminated by the flame of candles. Behind the mirrors there should be no doors, fire, windows and water. The one who has departed to another world for a conversation should be called calmly. If a person was not familiar with the deceased during his lifetime, you need to take his photograph and thing. The main thing is the absence of fear.

Ouija board

Another way to explain how psychics communicate with the dead is a ouija board. This ritual does not apply to white magic. If there is no ready-made board for communication, you can make it yourself. Required for this:

  • four white thick candles without fragrance;
  • saucer;
  • whatman;
  • marker or pen.

You need to make your own Ouija board. To do this, write letters in a circle. They should be large and far from each other. Light candles on the sides of the paper. Then call the spirit.

Put your fingertips on a saucer, ask questions and wait for an answer. Before the ritual, you need to clear your mind, not giving vent to emotions.

The opinion of priests and psychologists

The clergy are sure that it is impossible to summon the soul of the deceased. After a person leaves for another world, she goes to heaven or hell. And he can't get out of there.

When a person begins to call the souls of dead people to meet with them, it is not they who come to him, but the servants of the devil - demons. They cannot be trusted, since the demons do not speak the truth, they confuse people. The consequences of communicating with the dead can lead to a sad outcome, up to the madness of a person.

Then demons will come not only during divination, but also at other times. They can appear in the guise of close relatives and tell a person how to be. And he will believe, because he will consider that a loved one will not wish bad things. But you shouldn't trust demons.

Psychologists claim that the connection with the dead is the power of human thought. They believe that conversations with grandmothers who have long gone to another world or the spirit of Pushkin are a figment of a person’s imagination. When a person guesses, he is in a state of hallucination and believes that in addition to living people in the room there is someone from the afterlife. But this is nothing more than an element of self-hypnosis.

Almost all of us find it hard enough to say goodbye and let go. loved one after his death. Our brain is hardly able to process and accept the idea that the person who was so close is now forever lost. People often ask questions about where exactly the soul goes after and whether it is possible to restore contact with loved ones after their death.

Someone did not have time to say something important, apologize or confess to something, and this is one of the most important reasons for people to look for an opportunity to contact the dead. There are several ways to talk to a dead person. But we must remember that the afterlife is very dangerous for the living and any ritual can turn into terrible consequences.

How to talk to the dead in a dream?

In most cases, the death of loved ones takes us by surprise, even if it is expected, when a person, for example, is terminally ill. One of the simplest and relatively safe ways to get in touch with the deceased is to see him in a dream. Our dreams are a thin line between the familiar world and its reflection. It is on this periphery that a person can communicate with, provided that he can call them.

In order to talk with the deceased in a dream, you should use a few simple rules:

  • Learn to separate your emotions from thoughts. Going to sleep, you should be in a state of absolute calm. Any extra thought can bring down the necessary mood.
  • At least a week before the scheduled contact, you should start training your mind with long meditations. In this way, you can better feel your mind and body, bring them into complete harmony and interaction. Self-control is what you will need first of all when communicating with the deceased. You need to be sure that you can wake up at any moment if something goes wrong.
  • Start training your memory + imagination. Memory must be excellent so that you do not forget your dream. For at least a week, every morning, say out loud what you dreamed about. This will give your brain the necessary setting. Imagination is also necessary, because yours is the ability of consciousness to process information received all the time in a given key.
  • Learn to turn off your thoughts. During contact with the deceased, your consciousness should be not only open, but also empty. Thinking about work, children, a loved one, or problems can greatly interfere with your mood. Several times a day, try to turn off your own thoughts, not think about anything and not regret.
  • On the day you planned to contact the deceased in a dream, go to bed with a certain attitude. Many scientists believe that when falling asleep, a person sees at night what he has been thinking about for the last 10-15 minutes. Push your brain, give it the necessary installation. Remember your last conversation or meeting with the deceased, mentally call him into your dream.

The most important thing to remember is that seeing a dead person in a dream is not considered a good sign. Be attentive and careful. In most cases, the dead visit us to warn of imminent danger, to warn against the machinations of ill-wishers. After such contact, it is necessary to clean your energy balance- go to church and light a candle for the dead, or visit and put flowers on his grave.

How to talk with a recently deceased person up to 40 days?

There is an opinion that it is best for the dead to make contact if 40 days have not passed since the time of death. According to the Christian teaching from the Bible, the soul of the deceased within 40 days after death remains on the periphery of the world of the living and world of the dead in anticipation of the Last Judgment. After it, the human spirit goes either to heaven or hell, or if you look at other religions, it moves into a new, just born body and starts life anew.

While the soul of the deceased has not yet completely completed its cycle, a person can contact him in several ways:

  • See in a dream. The easiest and safest method. Contact occurs in the subconscious of a person. You are in full control of the communication and can interrupt it at any time.
  • See while in trance. There are several techniques of hypnosis that can, at a certain level, separate the consciousness of a person from the body, allowing him to find contacts with ephemeral entities. At such moments, a person is completely dependent on the hypnotist, since he cannot get out of the trance state on his own.
  • Write a letter. This method is based on the idea that a person is able to convey his own and emotions to paper, to endow written energy. All unexpressed feelings and unspoken desires should have been invested in such a letter. After writing, it should be burned, since the power and information it contains will be transferred to the addressee after the paper has been cleansed by fire.
  • Conduct a séance. For this, it is best to contact a professional psychic. It is very dangerous to act independently here, because you do not know all the rules in communicating with the soul of the deceased. The slightest mistake and the consequences can be the most deplorable.

Is it possible to communicate with paper?

Another way to talk to the dead is this is a common divination using paper and a saucer. You will need Whatman or big leaf A5 white paper. Draw a large circle in the center of the sheet, you can use a compass or do it by eye. On its perimeter, write all the letters of the alphabet.

Inside the circle, draw another one, but smaller. Numbers from 0 to 9 should be written around it. And, finally, in the very center of the sheet, inside the small circle, write the word “Yes” in large letters, draw a straight line under it, turn the sheet over and write the word “No” above it. Your spirit board for communicating with the spirit of the deceased is ready.

Now you can go directly to the call and contact with the deceased. Such sessions can be carried out both at night and during the day. But if you do it during daylight hours - curtain the windows, the room should be dark.

Lay on the floor or on the table, depending on what you will be on, a large piece of black cloth, put a drawn Ouija board on it. Place a lit church candle in each corner of the sheet; red or yellow candles made from natural beeswax are best suited for this divination.

To contact the other world, you will also need a small saucer. It is best to use a new one and in no case eat or drink from it after the ritual. Draw a large arrow on it and place it in the center on a piece of paper. Sit opposite, put your hands on the saucer and mentally focus on who you want to chat with.

Now everything will depend only on how open your consciousness is and how capable it is of perceiving emanations from the world of the dead. Ask interesting questions, you will feel pressure on the saucer. Thus, the deceased will direct the arrow to a specific letter, number, or unambiguous answer.

other methods

You can also talk to a dead person with a simple church candle. Best of all, such rituals succeed on the night before major church holidays, for example, before Christmas, Epiphany, Easter or the Annunciation. Wait until midnight and light one long candle.

Mentally imagine the image of the deceased and call him. You need to invite him to your house, since few of the ephemeral entities manage to get into our world on their own, of their own free will.

You may feel a slight tingle in your fingertips, a chill on your skin, a shiver, a breeze in an enclosed space, or someone's gaze. All this will indicate that the spirit has come into contact with you and is ready to communicate. Ask him questions that interest you. If the flame of a candle sways, then the answer is positive, if it burns evenly, it means negative.

Church opinion

negatively refers to any attempts of a person to contact the other world. The clergy teach us that the soul of a deceased person should be released in time, because otherwise it may be forever stuck in this world. If you disturb the rest of the deceased, grieve for him, cry, call - this will subject his soul to torment, deprive him of the peace that death should give.

Moreover, according to Christian religion, it is not the souls of dead people who most often come into contact with a person from the afterlife, but demonism and other evil spirits. She does this in order to subject a living person to temptation, to seduce and seduce him. Often, the impure may even attempt to take over the body of the séance. Such cases in religion are known as possession.

Be that as it may, it should be remembered that any contact with the dead is a very dangerous and energy-consuming activity. It takes a lot from a person. vitality, after the rituals you may feel very tired, dizzy and nauseous. This is because, having come into this world, the deceased will feed on your aura, which can be extremely fraught for people with poor health.

Is it possible to talk to an ordinary frog?
(fairy tale)

A very long time ago in one small regional town there lived, there were big, green, lake frogs. They did not live in a lake or a river, but in an old city park, where there was a small pond on the outskirts, so they were city frogs.
How important, narcissistic and arrogant they were! Each of them considered herself smart in the pond, and therefore endless spores arose between them every day. When the frogs argued, they never tried to convince each other or even listen. What do you! For what? They are so smart! Any of them are smarter than all! Therefore, they croaked as loudly as possible, so as not to listen to other opinions and that's it. So simple. See how stupid these frogs were! How stupid!
Frog disputes turned into such "concerts" that people could not stand it and left for the other end of the park. No one even thought that this was another frog dispute on a topic that was of great interest to them.
The frogs always argued on the same issue - they had no others. The frogs did not read books or newspapers and did not listen to the radio; And people didn't even have televisions back then. The frogs didn't go to the movies either. But who would let them go there without a ticket? In general, their education was not even primary, but zero, because neither school nor kindergarten they didn't go for a day.
Therefore, the question on which the frogs argued was this, namely - half of the frogs claimed: “K-u-u-u-v-a,” which meant: “Mosquitoes are the most delicious.” And the other half of the frogs stood on a diametrically opposite opinion and argued; “K-u-u-v-a!”, Which meant: “The most delicious are flies!”
Did you notice the difference? One "y" less and already a completely different meaning. The frogs could discuss this burning question for them for so long until they themselves got tired of their croaking.
Their pond was small and overgrown. Around it grew large lilac bushes and the largest burdocks in the park. On one side of the pond there was a bench hidden by bushes, and couples liked to sit on it, naturally, when the frogs were not croaking, that is, they were not having their very loud and lively "scientific discussions".
Then in the same city there lived one boy. He studied in the sixth grade of the school and sometimes came for a walk in the park. Once the boy listened and listened to the frogs, and when they fell silent, he decided to croak to them himself and see what would come of it. He took it and croaked: “K-u-u-u-v-v-a!” - the boy did not know that in frog language it meant: “the most delicious is a dragonfly”!
The frogs were so surprised by this unusual statement that they sat in silence, because they could not remember the last time they had tasted a dragonfly. There were few dragonflies over the pond, and they were much smarter than mosquitoes and flies, and therefore they rarely came across, which meant they remembered the frogs for a long time, so the boy could not stand it and croaked again. This time, he did the same as the frogs without the second “c”, which, as you remember, meant: “Mosquitoes are the most delicious!”. And this was already completely clear to all the frogs of the pond, and they, as always, began their endless argument.
The frogs answered, the boy liked it and he remembered how to croak so that the frogs answered him. From now on, the boy often came or ran to the pond, and if a couple was sitting on the bench, and the frogs were silent, then he hid in the bushes or burdocks on the opposite side of the pond and from there croaked a couple of times so that the frogs would answer him, and after that he watched with pleasure how the couple, unable to withstand the frog "concert" left.
The next year the boy grew up and came to the pond less often and croaked, but he remembered the croaking itself. Then the pond was filled up and the frogs in the park were gone. They left the park and the city.
Many, many years have passed. The boy grew up, became a dad, and then a grandfather. See how many years have passed. And then one day ex-boy, and now grandfather, being at his dacha in the summer, went to a small pond near the forest to draw water to pour tomatoes and saw small frogs in it. These frogs were very beautiful bright green with gray-brown hind legs and black, round spots scattered all over the body and legs. When he appeared, the frogs jumped into the water and only their eyes looked out of the water.
The former boy remembered his childhood and decided to croak, as he used to, and see if he had forgotten his ability to croak.
He croaked once - the nearest frog, which he looked at, stopped swimming away. He croaked two - the frog stuck its head out of the water. He croaked three - the frog crawled out of curiosity onto a floating branch. And it’s not surprising, because they addressed her close, but still “ foreign language”, a frog, not green at all, but with a blue stripe on the body. The frog did not know that these were the most ordinary swimming trunks - she did not wear swimming trunks. This frog turned out to be a very polite and well-mannered rural frog. And so, when the former boy croaked again, the frog decided to answer him. Since it was a pond frog, two white resonator air sacs swelled on the sides of its mouth and it croaked: “K-v-a-a!” - which meant: "Hello! Yes, you are right - it will definitely rain, but not today.
Rural frogs croak only about the weather. They are most interested in the weather, because before the rain, all insects sink closer to the ground, which means they are easier to catch. And the rain itself is so wet and so pleasant. When she croaked, the frog became even more beautiful, these resonator bags suited her so well. The frog has become a real beauty.
The former boy realized that the frog answered him not only out of politeness, but also out of a desire to talk to him, and therefore every time he saw this frog in the pond, he always croaked politely until autumn, and she also politely answered him.
Autumn came and the frogs hid for the winter. They were not visible. But in the spring, the former boy decided to definitely check whether the frog had forgotten politeness over the winter or not. Really interesting? And what do you think? Forgotten or not?
Guys, when spring comes, it’s better not to throw stones at frogs, don’t hit them with stones - they are very useful and necessary, both for nature and for you, frogs destroy mosquitoes that bite you painfully, and flies that spread all sorts of diseases. We should not at all destroy our allies in nature, otherwise we will be left without them.
Better get yourself a familiar frog and she will always politely answer your appeal to her by croaking ...
You just need to practice croaking a little.

Many leave us suddenly and very unexpectedly, there are some understatements, maybe you didn’t have time to ask for forgiveness for any act, or maybe you just want to say goodbye for the last time. There is a belief that only the physical body dies, and the soul is immortal, and it will always be with its loved ones. But how to talk to a dead person? We will answer this question in this article.


Before we ask ourselves how to talk to a dead person after death, we will deal with the very concept of "soul" with which you want to contact. From the Orthodox point of view, this is an immortal beginning, which was created by the Lord God himself. As the scriptures say, God created the body from the dust of the ground and breathed life into it. This breath is our soul.

It is believed that it is formless, but has a mind, only our soul, moving into the physical body, which tends to wear out, that is, grow old, gives it the opportunity to grow and develop both mentally and physically.


Based on the fact that ours should be afraid not of those who kill our shell, but of those who can destroy our soul in fiery hell. How to talk to a dead person? What does the church think about this?

First you need to clearly define the purpose of your conversation. No one can forbid you to communicate with the dead, only here, as the church believes, you will not receive an answer in reality. You can talk to them anywhere and in any way, but the most the best place for communication is a temple. Our words in the usual form may not reach the addressee, but in the form of a prayer they will certainly hear us. How to do it better? Come to the temple, put a candle for the repose and talk mentally with this person.


How you can talk with a dead person, given the teachings of the church, was described above, but it is important not to forget some more points. It's about about the tears shed after the death of people close to us. It is important to know that it is very hard for them from our tears, and our task, according to the church, is to make them happy in the new world.

Order a service in the temple, put candles for the repose, be sure to leave alms so that your deceased is mentioned during the service.


So, is it possible to talk to a dead person? The answer to this question is both yes and no. Also, these two answers are both true and false. To answer this question, we need to get acquainted with the concept of "consciousness".

There is an opinion that our world consists of endless threads of consciousness. When a separate personality is created, these threads are intertwined and create a knot. This lump is the consciousness of an individual person with its own characteristics and characteristics. We need the brain to hold this knot and separate us from the general flow. What happens after our death? These lines straighten out, transferring all the accumulated experience and knowledge, and we return to where we came from, that is, to God.

If you believe Christianity, then this is the final death, a person no longer exists, but Buddhists believe in reincarnation, that is, rebirth in another body. What to believe? It's up to you to decide. However, if we adhere to the idea that our world is an interweaving of threads of consciousness, then we can confidently assert that we have experienced the lives of all the people around us. The threads store the experience and knowledge of all living beings, therefore, straightening up, they do not change their consistency. Thus, it turns out that our soul is immortal and is stored in those same knots.

In addition, some argue that if you train your brain, you can remember all your past lives.

Reincarnation of humans and pets

Asking how to talk with the soul of a deceased person, we are trying to return the soul to the body, but this is only possible in the near future (within forty days). Our body limits our consciousness, and when the physical body dies, the consciousness wanders and slowly disperses into its original particles.

Much stronger than the consciousness of animals, so by its power we can completely revive our pet in a new body. The pet will be outwardly different, but its consciousness remains the same.

If you try to do the same with a person, then you can get not what you would like. A part of consciousness, some skills will remain, but a part of the soul already lives somewhere and accumulates new experience.

Communication with the deceased

So, how to talk to a dead person? Our consciousness disintegrates after some time, while it has not yet completely disintegrated, then the connection is possible. It is worth remembering that in this way we do not let a person leave, his soul does not develop, does not gain experience.

Many have wondered about it. They say that if you think badly about death, you can invite trouble on yourself, when we die, then we will see. This is an erroneous opinion, if you do not think about death and later life, then nothing will happen. Consciousness almost instantly disintegrates into particles. If you want to walk around other worlds, see what is beyond our planet, get this unforgettable experience, then think about it, dream about it.

In the near future, about forty weeks, the souls of our loved ones are next to us, behaving in exactly the same way as they did in life. We do not see them, but we feel the dead come to us in a dream to answer our questions. When you talk to in the next forty weeks after death, you really communicate with the soul. We do not see them, since they are not in our dimension, but in the nearest layers.


Many people who have the ability to magic try to tie their bundle of consciousness so strongly that after death it remains the same, does not change its characteristics. The person in whom the soul of the magician will move will be exactly the same as he was, only the appearance changes.

How to talk to a dead person, if during his lifetime he put such a powerful defense on his consciousness? This is impossible, since not a single particle remains in the world lines, this is already a full-fledged other person. Why is it bad?

Each person accumulates experience and knowledge, sharing them along the same lines after death. So, a person who during his lifetime did not differ in a special mind, in another body can become a real genius. If there is protection, then the soul does not develop, does not adopt the experience of others and does not share its own. Each new generation is superior in some way to the past, and these people remain the same.


How to talk to a dead person? Light magic offers some rites of challenge Before we go directly to the rites, let's deal with the very concept of "magic", possible dangers, consequences, amulets and other terms that are necessary if you decide to take up this art.

White magic is the ability to intervene in the present in order to change the future. It is believed that any deliberate and deliberate action is magic. We are able to cast a strong spell or evil eye on a person with one of our sloppy words, actions, envy or glances.

Any person, without exception, needs to have their own amulet or talisman with them, which protects against unintentional harm. How to pick it up? The best option would be your pectoral cross, preferably a baptismal one. Do not show it, in any case, do not let other people wear it, even relatives. So, how to talk to a dead person at home using white magic?

Use the good method described in the next chapter.


What is it and can it be prophetic and carry meaning? Of course, it can, because this is our subconscious, walking through other dimensions. How to talk to a dead person in a dream? It's very simple, because the souls of dead people are still very close, out of habit they remain next to us. In a dream, we can have a real productive conversation with a dead person. If the deceased himself does not want to get in touch, then you can ask him.

How to talk with a dead person in a dream, what is needed for this? If you don’t want to disturb the person too much, then before going to bed, take a thing that belongs to him and ask him to come to you in a dream and tell you what you want to know, or ask your own question. Even if the deceased himself did not come to talk to you, in most cases the answer lies in the interpretation of what he saw.

Note that during sleep, other souls may come to you in the guise of the one you were waiting to see, such situations are common and can confuse you. When the ceremony is performed, you open the door where all the restless souls and those whom you call seek. That is why it is worth using only white magic.


Unlike the previous option, this one is more dangerous. Why? Mirrors are used to perform rites of dark magic.

This ritual requires some preparation. It is necessary every day after sunset to communicate aloud with this person, ask your questions or explain the problem in connection with which you want to disturb the deceased. This procedure must be carried out from three to forty days. How much should you do? It all depends on the problem, as a rule, during this time everything is solved by itself, the deceased helps without making direct contact, which is very dangerous for you. You yourself will feel that you are ready for the ceremony.

If you decide to conduct a ritual, then you must be ready for the radiation of the soul. During the ceremony, fear should be completely absent, even if you see the reflection of the deceased. Everything should take place after sunset. Your reflection should not be present in mirrors. You need to speak out loud and confidently. Even if there was no contact, ask for forgiveness and say goodbye to complete the ritual.

Technique: place two mirrors opposite each other, place candles on the sides of each, their reflections should not be visible. A corridor is formed in the mirrors, illuminated by the flame of candles. Behind the mirrors there should be no windows, doors, fire, water.

Call the deceased for a conversation persistently and confidently, if the person was not familiar to you during his lifetime, then take his thing and a photograph. The main thing is the absence of fear, confidence, safety of the ritual.


Another way to communicate is the Ouija board. This ritual belongs to dark magic, like the previous one. If you do not have a ready-made board for communication, then you can make it yourself.

How to talk to a dead person on paper? For this we need:

  • at least four thick unflavoured;
  • whatman;
  • saucer;
  • felt-tip pen, marker or pen (pencil cannot be used).

Make a ouija board, write the letters in a circle, they should be large and located quite far from each other. Place candles on the sides of the drawing paper, the more of them, the stronger the connection.

When you are ready, call on the spirit you need, be persistent and confident, only in this way will you achieve results. Place your fingertips on the saucer. Ask your questions and wait for an answer.

It may not work the first time, you need to train yourself. Try to completely clear your mind before the ritual, do not give vent to emotions. Thinking about nothing seems easy, but try it! This takes time.

  • Be relaxed. It's hard to start a conversation when you're shaking with fear.
  • Compliments - The best way melt the ice.
  • Speak clearly and appropriately. If you mumble something under your breath, it will be much more difficult to talk to you.
  • Remember that no matter who you talk to, you will always have something in common. We all deal with the weather, love delicious food and enjoy good mood and laughter. When in doubt, just talk to the person about why they are here. For example, if you meet at a bus stop, ask where he or she is going. If your interlocutor is not from this city, ask about his or her life at home.
  • Be bold. Communication with people has become so necessary in our time that you can not afford to be shy. If there is a reason to communicate, find a way to start a conversation. If you like someone's work, tell them about it.
  • It helps a lot if you are interested in what you do. If your life is not interesting to you, it will definitely not be interesting to anyone else.
  • When talking to another person, use body language. This will make the conversation more exciting and last longer.
  • If you are a shy person, then come up with a topic or two for a conversation in advance.
  • Expand your field of interest. It's always easier to start interesting conversations when you put in the effort to develop your own interests. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the topic that interests you so that you can clearly and clearly talk about all the nuances that it (the topic) concerns. Expand and deepen your interests, cultivate an interest in everything. Another way to achieve this is to ask questions about the interests of others. If your friend loves football, ask them which teams and players did well this year, or ask them all about league structure.
  • Don't be afraid that the conversation will take a different direction. If you have an idea in your head during a conversation, it is probably related to it.
  • Half of success in communication depends on non-verbal cues, not necessarily what you say. Hone your non-verbal communication skills to appear more friendly and confident.
  • If you consistently fail to build a conversation, you may just not be very good at expressing your interests (sharing too little or too much), or you are hiding these interests out of fear that people will reject them (or reject you). At some point, you will realize that you need to learn how to interest people if you want to be interesting.
  • Note in your mind the interesting and funny things you saw or heard during the day. For example, someone said something funny or you did something interesting with your friends, whatever. Thus, you will have more topics for conversation in stock.

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